Addicted to saving money! Sun, 03 Oct 2021 19:40:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chicken Paprika Recipe Sun, 03 Oct 2021 19:39:58 +0000 I originally posted this recipe back in 2013. It is still one of my favorite chicken recipes to make! I love to make it when the weather starts cooling a little. It’s a nice warm comfort meal. I made this last week and for the first time did not bread the chicken. I simply sauteed […]

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Chicken Paprika Recipe

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I originally posted this recipe back in 2013. It is still one of my favorite chicken recipes to make! I love to make it when the weather starts cooling a little. It’s a nice warm comfort meal. I made this last week and for the first time did not bread the chicken. I simply sauteed the chiken in olive oil with salt, pepper and paprika. Once the chicken was cooked through, I removed it, added onions to the pan and cooked them through. Then I added the milk mixture with extra paprika and some flour to thicken the sauce. I baked the dish as normal and it turned out so good. It’s a fun switch if you prefer not to bread and fry the chicken!

Chicken Paprika is a comfort meal my mom prepared for our family growing up. My brother loved the chicken so much that sometimes my mom would make this recipe without the sauce. She would give him the browned chicken and he would eat them like chicken nuggets. (So if you have picky kiddos, you might want to make this recipe without the sauce!) About four years ago, I started craving this meal and my mom gave me the recipe. I was shocked at how easy it is to make and at the same time how tasty it is. I always plate this dish with a fresh veggie (usually broccoli, asparagus or green beans) and brown rice.

Frugal Tips:
To make this recipe affordable, purchase boneless, skinless chicken breasts in bulk when on sale for $1.99/lb or less. Freeze your chicken and thaw when needed versus paying full price when needed. Zaycon Foods is a way to save on meat & seafood.

Healthy Tips:
I make this recipe using whole wheat flour (in lieu of white flour) and skim milk (in lieu of whole milk). The sauce thickens nicely with skim. Also – my mom’s recipe includes canned mushrooms and shredded cheese. I don’t use either when I make it.

Recipe: Chicken Paprika


  • 3/4 cup Flour
  • 3 t Paprika
  • 2 t Salt
  • Dash Pepper
  • 2 lbs Boneless, Skinless, Chicken Breast cut in pieces
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Large Onion (use more if you prefer)
  • 2 cups Milk
  • 1 can Sliced Mushrooms 3 oz (drained) (optional)
  • 2 T Lemon Juice
  • 2 oz shredded Swiss or Cheddar Cheese (optional)


1) Preheat oven to 350
2) In plastic bag combine flour, paprika, salt and pepper.
3) Add a few pieces of chicken to the bag at a time. Coat the chicken.
4) Brown chicken on both sides in a large skillet with EVOO. Only use enough EVOO to coat pan and prevent sticking.
5) Transfer browned chicken to plate with paper towel on it to drain excess oil. Reserve drippings in pan.
6) Add onion to drippings in pan and cook until tender.
7) Stir in 4 T flour mixture to pan.
8) Add milk. Cook and stir until sauce bubbles and thickens.
9) Add lemon juice and mushrooms (if desired).
10) Spray PAM in a casserole dish.  Pour sauce over chicken. Top with cheese (if desired)
11) Cover with Foil.
12) Bake 30 minutes.
13) Serve with a fresh veggies and rice


  • To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

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Thoughts from a New Homeschool Mom Wed, 26 May 2021 18:48:04 +0000 I wanted to repost this blog post that I originally published last fall when I was just beginning homeschooling. I’m going to write a new post shortly giving an update on how this past year really went. Let’s just say that homeschooling is hard!  But for now, below are all of my thoughts when we […]

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I wanted to repost this blog post that I originally published last fall when I was just beginning homeschooling. I’m going to write a new post shortly giving an update on how this past year really went. Let’s just say that homeschooling is hard!  But for now, below are all of my thoughts when we just began our school year.

Covid. Masks. Changes at School. E-learning. Quarantine. Pandemic.

These are all words that have become commonplace in our household. It’s so interesting. I was talking to my almost 8 year old son and trying to explain to him how all of the things the world is going through right now are incredibly foreign and new to me. It’s been hard for me to learn to accept all of the changes, deal with the fear, try to weed out the truth from the media and make appropriate changes to our lifestyle – and yet I/we have. My son wisely said “this is normal to me – if another pandemic happens in the future, it won’t be so strange – it will be normal.”

I always swore I would never homeschool. I really feel like I should write that I always swore I would never never never homeschool because I felt that strongly about it. However, the past few years we’ve felt more and more compelled to find a private school that thought outside the box. This past spring we thought we found one. Then the pandemic hit.

In March, while still at his A rated wonderful public school (I say this in all seriousness, I loved his school and its faculty), like all students, he had to stay home and do e-learning on the computer. Since my kiddo is still young, I had to do everything with him and basically home school him as he did public school on the computer. The school district did their best to provide quality emergency e-learning but it just didn’t work for us. It was crazy easy, lots of busywork and honestly, most of it was a waste of time. It was then, in the spring, when I realized that I was already hand holding him through all of the lessons. And while I always swore I wouldn’t homeschool, I basically was doing that. I realized I was alive and surviving.

I didn’t think school would return to normal this fall so in the early spring I decided to homeschool my kiddos. My daughter has congenital heart disease so I take this pandemic extremely seriously. I know the stats and that my daughter will probably be fine if she gets covid… but I also know that with her weaker heart and lungs, she could be very very ill. SO, this past spring I stopped looking at private schools for fall. Instead, I looked at homeschool curriculum and tried to find curriculums that matched the likes and needs of both of my children. I spent hours researching curriculum.. maybe 80 hours? (I have OCD. Seriously.) I read comments in Facebook groups, I polled all of my friends and family who homeschool. I was basically an expert in the topic of homeschooling and yet had never done it before.

During my research I found a literature rich History/Bible/Literature curriculum called Sonlight that made me very excited. (They also have a non-faith based literature rich program called Bookshark) Both of my kiddos are advanced readers and we have always loved reading together as a family. With Sonlight I loved the books that they would be reading on their own. I also loved all of the readers that I would be reading to my kids. It’s a literature rich curriculum so a lot of time is spent with me reading – but I’ve done a ton of research (remember? 80 hours.. OCD..) and learned so much about the importance of reading out loud to children. We’ve read to our kiddos since the first day we adopted them but with this curriculum, my reading has really increased. Surprisingly, my children have LOVED learning history (so far we’ve studied Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece). They have also loved the three books I’ve read them (in addition to a few books of poetry). We have giggled together at the antics of Mrs Piggle Wiggle (awesome book! I’m planning on getting the next book in the series at the library). We’ve sat in suspense reading the first in the series of The Boxcar Children (I have book two on reserve at the library). Just today we finished reading My Father’s Dragon and started Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary. The only book out of these four that I’ve read before is Beezus and Ramona so it has been awesome to be introduced to new books and to watch my children ask me to keep reading everyday. It’s been awesome.

I purchased a Language Arts program through Sonlight and then extra supplemental curriculum like Explode the Code and Wordly Wise. I purchased a fun Science Zoology curriculum from Apologia (I can’t wait for the weather to cool a bit more so we can go to the zoo to see all of the animals we study in person). I purchased Singapore Math for both of my kiddos because it mimics the math learning style they would have at school. I also purchased Beast Academy but have since learned that that curriculum doesn’t work well for my 2nd grader at this point.

Homeschooling has been an adventure. We are officially one month in. I’m not one of the homeschool moms you will meet who will say everything is perfect, everyone should homeschool and that I am doing awesome. In fact, I’ll tell you the opposite of all of those thoughts. It’s been a bit difficult getting into a rhythm. Fortunately, I started slow and each week added more and more things to our plate. The kids have gotten used to the routine. I’ve realized that I can get a lot more schoolwork done one on one with my child than my child would get done in a day in a classroom with 20+ classmates. So it’s fun to know we’ve done all of our schoolwork by lunchtime. (If my children were in higher grades, I fully expect they would have longer days. But for now my Kindergartner and 2nd grader are done by the time they eat lunch.) After breakfast we do the “hardest” school work at Table Time. We do all of our spelling, Language Arts and Math. Then we take our rambunctious puppy out to the park where the kids ride bikes or scooters and we all get sweaty. We come home, they play, I shower and then we do Couch Time where we read Science, History and our Literature books. Couch time is admittedly all of our favorite time.

The biggest challenge for me has been learning to be more go with the flow. I have one child who shuts down when they get frustrated or confused. I’ve had to learn that it’s okay to shut the book and move on to playtime or another subject. (The first time said child’s shutdown occurred I was in tears thinking I was a failure. I quickly learned tears weren’t going to solve any of these issues and I had to just be more go with the flow.) For challenging days we will either revisit the subject later in the day (when daddy’s home 😉 ) or we will work on it the next day and get caught up then. I’ve also learned to use white-out in my day planner which is both maddening and freeing. I’m type A so feel like the hours I spend lesson planning should go perfectly according to plan. But it is also freeing to know that it’s okay to readjust our schedule. Some days my daughter flies ahead in her grammar and math books. She does a great job of screwing up my pre-planned week on Mondays. I’ve also learned that some things take more time to work on and that it’s okay if we spread it out and work on it more than one day. Or days like today where we had a Forest School field trip with our local SALT homeschool group, I basically said, “no school today” once we got home. We can get caught up either tonight a bit or tomorrow. No big deal.

I’m not sure if I’ll be a homeschooler for life but I can say so far, it hasn’t been that bad. It’s opened my eyes to the areas of weakness my kiddos have and also to their many strengths. Seeing everything day in and day out with my own eyes is much different than a parent teacher conference. I’m able to really magnify their weaknesses and slow down so that we can tackle them together. It’s hard for me – I’ve never been a teacher – so I find myself googling a lot of tips and tricks on certain areas of academics. But in the end, it’s working well.

I would love to hear what option your family chose for schooling. Are your kiddos back to school? Staying home and doing e-learning? Are you trying homeschooling like me? There truly is no right answer for what families should be doing. Every family’s situation is unique so I would love to hear what you chose and how it is working. I’ll do my best to update you in a month or so and report back with the honest truth on how we are doing.

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Happy Mother’s Day Sun, 09 May 2021 20:27:32 +0000 Happy Mother’s Day! To all of you who are moms, expecting moms, some day moms, moms to pets, grandmas, great grandmas, etc etc. Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for all you do! Now that I am a mom, I have an entirely new perspective. Thanks to all who have been with me these past eight years […]

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Happy Mother’s Day! To all of you who are moms, expecting moms, some day moms, moms to pets, grandmas, great grandmas, etc etc. Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for all you do! Now that I am a mom, I have an entirely new perspective. Thanks to all who have been with me these past eight years as I’ve journeyed into motherhood and learned how to be a mom. Your thoughts, prayers, and kind words have meant so much. And to my mom, I love you and Happy Mother’s Day! You are the best mom and the best Grandma to my kiddos.

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Sadness, Joy and Infertility Wed, 05 May 2021 22:14:17 +0000 I originally published this blog post almost exactly two years ago. With Mother’s Day coming up, I know that so many of us have mixed feelings regarding the day – especially if we have experienced loss or infertility. Please know that I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers this week and always. While […]

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I originally published this blog post almost exactly two years ago. With Mother’s Day coming up, I know that so many of us have mixed feelings regarding the day – especially if we have experienced loss or infertility. Please know that I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers this week and always. While this week isn’t National Infertility Awareness Week, I think the thoughts I held so true two years ago are still just as true now even though it isn’t a National Awareness week.

In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, I wanted to type my thoughts on Sadness, Joy and Infertility. I originally posted this on my personal Facebook page and Instagram. I received so many PMs that I wanted to write this as a blog post. ~Liza

My sadness doesn’t take away from your joy. I heard this quote on the Today Show when Jenna Bush announced she was pregnant with her 3rd child. Just two hours prior Dylan Dreyer (another newscaster on The Today Show) announced she and her husband were experiencing secondary infertility. When Jenna told Dylan that after learning of her infertility she was hesitant announcing her pregnancy, Dylan so eloquently responded, My sadness doesn’t take away from your joy.

For some reason infertility is a taboo subject. 1 in 8 couples experience infertility. That means most of you know someone who is either openly or quietly struggling with infertility. We’ve been blessed to have so many wonderful people around us who are thoughtful. Everyone (except one or two couples) that we’ve known who struggled with infertility now have biological children of their own. We are one of the last openly infertile couples standing. I’ve had friends call me crying to tell me they are pregnant because while they were so happy, they felt so bad for us. I’ve had friends send thoughtful and well worded texts and messages. For the most part, we have been surrounded with sensitivity and empathy. Through it all, I have truly felt “my sadness doesn’t take away from your joy.”

One of the interesting things is that some people assume that because I can’t have kiddos, I am upset when they are pregnant. That’s never been the case. Because this topic is so taboo, people make assumptions. The initial moment of learning their pregnancy news may be bittersweet but I have always been excited when our friends have kiddos. I have also been truly thankful to our close friends who have shown incredible sensitivity towards us when sharing their great news as they gave us a minute to pause, regroup and then celebrate.

I’ve had some people pointedly tell us that we’ve adopted two wonderful kiddos and thus, our infertility and past pains should be a nonissue. I tend to shut down when I hear that for two reasons 1) adoption should not be the remedy to the sadness of infertility. That’s a heavy burden to put on children who have experienced greater trauma and greater loss than I ever have. My kids are blessings and I am so incredibly thankful for them. But they do not soothe the sadness nor should they. I am thankful for my kids. They have allowed me the opportunity to be a mother. I don’t take that for granted. But they are not a cure. 2) People who diminish our loss by pointing out how blessed we (and thus we should be “fine” that we are infertile) are doing this because they simply can not handle our pain. And that’s fine- that shows us how close they truly are to us.

1 in 8 experience the bittersweetness of experiencing personal disappointment while also rejoicing in the good news and excitement of friends.

1 in 8 go to bed deeply hurt by insensitive comments from well meaning but greatly misinformed people. Let’s be honest, sometimes people are not well meaning and instead are just self absorbed. But even then, their joy does not and should not take away from our sadness.

1 in 8 keep the faith that someday they will have a family of their own.

1 in 8 spend tens of thousands of dollars on testing, treatment and specialists that are not covered by insurance.

1 in 8 suffer the horrible side effects of hormones and fertility meds while working with specialists. They are poked and prodded countless times a month as their doctors prepare their bodies for another attempt at pregnancy.

1 in 8 experience the high of a pregnancy only to then experience the low of a miscarriage.

1 in 8 open their eyes to their disappointing normal. Once they come to grips with their normal, they explore other options such as fostering, adoption, remaining childless, having fur babies.

1 in 8 live this day in and day out. Some of us are deep in the trenches of shock and grief. Some of us have accepted our situations and are learning and taking advantage of our options. Some of us have moved on and stopped trying for a pregnancy. All of us have felt loss and while our lives will move on, that loss will be there.

1 in 8 mean what they say on April 1st when they ask you to not post April Fools jokes about being pregnant. We’ve learned pregnancy is sacred and it hurts when we watch others diminish its sacredness.

During National Infertility Awareness Week, maybe take a minute out of your day to be thankful for your fertility. Also take a minute to be more aware and more sensitive of the couples around you who are in the trenches of infertility. There is always hope and sometimes, the 1 in 8 need to be reminded of that.

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Keto Taco Bake Recipe (Low Carb) Sun, 10 Jan 2021 19:55:07 +0000 Update! I first published this recipe back in 2017 and since then I’ve made it quite a few times! It’s hearty, tasty and so good! Even if you aren’t eating low carb, this recipe makes for an awesome dinner. You could stuff tortillas with the taco back or top tortilla chips with it. Sooo good! […]

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Keto Taco Bake Recipe (Low Carb)

Update! I first published this recipe back in 2017 and since then I’ve made it quite a few times! It’s hearty, tasty and so good! Even if you aren’t eating low carb, this recipe makes for an awesome dinner. You could stuff tortillas with the taco back or top tortilla chips with it. Sooo good!

I’ve been loosely following the Keto diet since last winter. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s really interesting. It focuses on consuming high fat, moderate protein and low carb each day. Many people who follow the Keto diet track their macros keeping track of the exact amount of protein, fat, calories and carbs they consume each day. They usually have great success. I’ve found that I don’t have the time to track the numbers so I’ve just focused on what I’m eating.

One of the Keto groups I’m in posted this awesome Keto Taco Bake recipe. I made it last night and my entire family loved it – even my picky son who eats dinner about 50% of the time. I doctored my meal up with tons of arugula, a dollop of sour cream (remember – with Keto fat is good) and a little salsa. I didn’t add much salsa because of the carb and sugar content in it.

This recipe is really easy to make. And it satisfied my desire to have a meal with a crust. This is the first meal I made with a crust. There are many recipes for Keto Bread, Keto Pancakes, Keto desserts, etc etc. I haven’t made any of them until this meal. The bottom, crust-like layer is simply Cream Cheese, Eggs, Heavy Cream, Seasoning and Cheddar cheese! You bake this layer for 25 minutes and then top it with the meat mixture.

The top, meat layer is just as simple to make as the bottom layer. This layer has ground beef, salsa (or taco seasoning) – I opted for salsa although you do have to pay attention to the carb & sugar content in your salsa, green chilis and cheddar cheese. You bake this layer for 20 minutes and the finished product will look like my picture above.

If you make this recipe, I would love to hear your thoughts!

Recipe adapted from

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Cyber Monday: Hasbro Games up to 50% off Mon, 30 Nov 2020 20:42:52 +0000 Get great Hasbro Games deals this Cyber Monday! These games are marked down as much as 50%! Head HERE to see all of the games marked down.

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Get great Hasbro Games deals this Cyber Monday! These games are marked down as much as 50%! Head HERE to see all of the games marked down.

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LIVE! P&G Cyber Monday Deals Mon, 30 Nov 2020 17:00:49 +0000 This is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own Cyber Monday is here!! And P&G’s Cyber Monday deals are LIVE right now! I am loving the Braun Series 9 deal and the Oral-B iO Series deal! (We love our Oral-B electric toothbrushes and my husband is always looking for the […]

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This is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own

Cyber Monday is here!! And P&G’s Cyber Monday deals are LIVE right now! I am loving the Braun Series 9 deal and the Oral-B iO Series deal! (We love our Oral-B electric toothbrushes and my husband is always looking for the best electric shaver that he can use on his face AND bald head!) Head HERE to see all of the great P&G deals going on right now! *prices are subject to change and the Amazon Cyber Monday deals often sell out.

Oral-B iO Series 7g Electric Toothbrush With 1 Brush Head, Black Onyx on sale $149.99 (Reg price $199.99

Braun Electric Razor for Men, Series 9 9330s Electric Shaver, Pop-Up Precision Trimmer, Rechargeable, Wet & Dry Foil Shaver with Travel Case on sale $179.94 (reg price $239.94)

Venus Blade Refills on sale $12.56 (reg price $20.49)

Pampers Swaddlers Disposable Diapers Size 3, 168 Count AND Baby Wipes Sensitive 6X Pop-Top Packs, 336 Count marked down to $47.10 (reg price $58.88) Additional sizes are also on sale!

Act fast and go HERE to see all of the P&G deals right now!

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Up to 80% off STEM Sets from Thames & Kosmos, LEGO, and more Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:40:26 +0000 These are my absolute favorite types of toys and kits to give as presents. STEM toys and kits are marked down to over 80% right now on Amazon! Head HERE to see all of the kits available!

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These are my absolute favorite types of toys and kits to give as presents. STEM toys and kits are marked down to over 80% right now on Amazon! Head HERE to see all of the kits available!

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Hulu Black Friday Sale! 12 Month Subscription $1.99 per month Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:29:51 +0000 If you have thought about trying Hulu out (and potentially cancelling cable ?) do not miss this! Hulu has a Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale going on. You can sign up for a 12 month Limited Commercials plan only for only $1.99/month! Once the 12 months end, your price will go up to $5.99/month. […]

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If you have thought about trying Hulu out (and potentially cancelling cable ?) do not miss this! Hulu has a Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale going on. You can sign up for a 12 month Limited Commercials plan only for only $1.99/month! Once the 12 months end, your price will go up to $5.99/month. You can cancel at any time. This is an awesome way to try Hulu out (we LOVE it). This is for new subscriptions and eligible renewal subscribers (who have not been Hulu subscribers in the past 3 months). Head HERE.

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Up to 59% off Sharpie, Elmer’s, Papermate and more Fri, 27 Nov 2020 15:36:55 +0000 If you want to add to your office and school supplies, don’t miss this! Save up to 59% off Sharpie, Elmer’s, Papermate and more! Head HERE to see all of the sets marked down!

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If you want to add to your office and school supplies, don’t miss this! Save up to 59% off Sharpie, Elmer’s, Papermate and more! Head HERE to see all of the sets marked down!

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AncestryDNA Kit under $48 (Reg $99) Fri, 27 Nov 2020 15:11:02 +0000 Every time I post AncestryDNA kit deals, they are big hits! This is the lowest price I’ve seen it! The Black Friday price of  AncestryDNA kit is just $47.00! It’s regularly priced at $99! With AncestryDNA, more than 70 million close cousin matches have already been made! Go HERE to grab this deal. **Prices are subject to […]

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Every time I post AncestryDNA kit deals, they are big hits! This is the lowest price I’ve seen it! The Black Friday price of  AncestryDNA kit is just $47.00! It’s regularly priced at $99! With AncestryDNA, more than 70 million close cousin matches have already been made! Go HERE to grab this deal. **Prices are subject to change.

About AncestryDNA Kit:

  • The #1 selling consumer DNA test is also the leading DNA test with over 1 billion family connections.
  • Uncover your ethnic mix across 165 regions worldwide, including 9 unique regions of Africa.
  • Ancestry has the world’s largest consumer DNA network—over 6 million people and counting.
  • The only consumer DNA test with six million chances to find new relatives.
  • AncestryDNA helps you discover the people and places that made you who you are.

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Garmin Vivoactive 3 under $130 Fri, 27 Nov 2020 15:07:59 +0000 I have this exact watch and love it! It is perfect for tracking steps, mileage for runs/bikes/swims, it can stop and start music on my phone, shows texts and calls that I get and so much more. Amazon dropped the price on the Garmin Vivoactive 3! It’s marked down to $129.99! Head HERE. *prices are […]

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I have this exact watch and love it! It is perfect for tracking steps, mileage for runs/bikes/swims, it can stop and start music on my phone, shows texts and calls that I get and so much more. Amazon dropped the price on the Garmin Vivoactive 3! It’s marked down to $129.99! Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

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Shark IQ Robot under $320 Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:08:17 +0000 If you want a robot vacuum, this is an awesome one! The Shark IQ Robot is marked down to $319.99! This deal will sell out so act fast if interested! Head HERE.

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If you want a robot vacuum, this is an awesome one! The Shark IQ Robot is marked down to $319.99! This deal will sell out so act fast if interested! Head HERE.

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Apple AirPods Pro under $170 Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:01:37 +0000 This awesome deal is back! Apple AirPods Pro are marked down to $169.99! They are regularly priced at $249.99. They are temporarily out of stock but you can place an order and Amazon will email you once they have an estimated delivery date. You won’t be charged until the item ships. Head HERE.

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This awesome deal is back! Apple AirPods Pro are marked down to $169.99! They are regularly priced at $249.99. They are temporarily out of stock but you can place an order and Amazon will email you once they have an estimated delivery date. You won’t be charged until the item ships. Head HERE.

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Up to 48% off Preschool Toys: Melissa & Doug, Paw Patrol & More Fri, 27 Nov 2020 13:34:20 +0000 Amazon has marked down countless preschool toys! Melissa & Doug Toys, Paw Patrol Toys, Little Tikes and more are marked down as much as 48%! Head HERE to view all of the toys.

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Amazon has marked down countless preschool toys! Melissa & Doug Toys, Paw Patrol Toys, Little Tikes and more are marked down as much as 48%! Head HERE to view all of the toys.

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P&G Black Friday Deals are LIVE: Gillette, Pampers, Crest, Head & Shoulders and more! Fri, 27 Nov 2020 12:37:23 +0000 This is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own Black Friday is here and there are amazing P&G deals on Amazon right now! Head HERE to see the deals on Amazon *remember, prices are subject to change and these deals may sell out fast! Below are some of the deals I’m […]

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This is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own

Black Friday is here and there are amazing P&G deals on Amazon right now! Head HERE to see the deals on Amazon *remember, prices are subject to change and these deals may sell out fast!

Below are some of the deals I’m seeing right now. My favorite deals are the practical and essential Pampers Diapers & Wipes deal below and a holiday gift idea of the Gillette Heated Razor Starter Kit – a great gift idea! My husband has been needing a new electric razor and this one is looking awesome!

Gillette Heated Razor Starter Kit is marked down to $139.94 (reg price $199.99)
Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitening Whitestrips is marked down to $27.96 (reg price $44.99)
Head & Shoulders Twin Pack – is marked down to $16.49 (reg price $21.99)
Pampers Swaddlers Disposable Diapers Size 3, 168 Count AND Baby Wipes Sensitive 6X Pop-Top Packs, 336 Count marked down to $47.10 (reg price $58.88) Sale applies to additional diaper sizes as well!

Head HERE. Remember that prices are subject to change on Amazon so act fast if interested!

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Ring Video Doorbell 2020 Release under $70 Thu, 26 Nov 2020 14:20:35 +0000 The All-new Ring Video Doorbell – 1080p HD video, improved motion detection, easy installation – Satin Nickel (2020 release) is marked down to $69.99 from $99.99. We have an older version of the Ring Doorbell and love it! Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

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The All-new Ring Video Doorbell – 1080p HD video, improved motion detection, easy installation – Satin Nickel (2020 release) is marked down to $69.99 from $99.99. We have an older version of the Ring Doorbell and love it! Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

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Black Friday: Up to 55% off CATAN, Days of Wonder and more! Thu, 26 Nov 2020 14:12:14 +0000 Happy Thanksgiving! This is an amazing deal on the games Catan, Days of Wonder and more! Head HERE to save up to 55% on the games pictured above! **games will sell out.

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Happy Thanksgiving! This is an amazing deal on the games Catan, Days of Wonder and more! Head HERE to save up to 55% on the games pictured above! **games will sell out.

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Black Friday: Fire TV Stick Lite under $18 Tue, 24 Nov 2020 14:29:11 +0000 Amazon created the Fire TV Stick Lite and it comes with Alexa Voice. The Fire TV Stick Lite comes with all the essentials you need to get set up and start watching with ease. And with 50% more power than Fire TV Stick (2019 release), Fire TV Stick Lite delivers quick app starts and fast […]

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Amazon created the Fire TV Stick Lite and it comes with Alexa Voice. The Fire TV Stick Lite comes with all the essentials you need to get set up and start watching with ease. And with 50% more power than Fire TV Stick (2019 release), Fire TV Stick Lite delivers quick app starts and fast streaming in Full HD. For Black Friday, it is marked down to $17.99 from $29.99! Head HERE.

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2020 Pet Gift Guide Fri, 13 Nov 2020 19:33:10 +0000 To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own. […]

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To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own.

2020 Pet Gift Guide

    • Pupcycle Dog Toy Box

      VOILA! BEHOLD THE MAJESTIC PUPCYCLE DOG TOY BOX. No, your eyes aren’t tricking you. It is, in fact, not a box, but an eco-friendly dog toy box filled with goodies. Pupcycle wraps their goods up in a 100% compostable mailer made from corn, and NOT a big ugly box. Inside you will find three innovative, cool-looking eco-dog toys!

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    • Snuggle Puppy

      I started fostering puppies early in year 2020. After fostering 6 puppies, I realized quickly that the first week or so, they miss their littermates greatly. They cry at night while they are in their crates and their only source of comfort is if I talk gently and let them smell and lick my fingers. The Snuggle Puppy is a godsend for new puppy owners! The Snuggle Puppy celebrated its 22nd birthday in November, and since being created has helped hundreds of thousands of dogs with anxiety. The Snuggle Puppy is an all-natural solution for pet anxiety, whether that be transitioning to a new home, crate training, separation anxiety, thunderstorms, and more. It soothes pets by mimicking maternal intimacy through a “real-feel” pulsing heartbeat and physical warmth. Beyond helping animals, the Snuggle Puppy adds the value of a good night’s sleep for many new puppy owners. All of this makes it a perfect gift, especially for new pet owners!

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    96 TICONDEROGA Pencils under $5 Fri, 13 Nov 2020 15:26:28 +0000 Amazon has an awesome price on TICONDEROGA Pencils! Right now we can get 96 TICONDEROGA Pencils for $4.97. Head HERE. Prices are subject to change.

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    Amazon has an awesome price on TICONDEROGA Pencils! Right now we can get 96 TICONDEROGA Pencils for $4.97. Head HERE. Prices are subject to change.

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    2020 Subscription Gift Guide for Kids, Teens & Adults Tue, 03 Nov 2020 20:41:55 +0000 To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own. […]

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    To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own.

    2020 Subscription Gift Guide for Kids, Teens & Adults

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        2020 STEM, STEAM, Art & Craft Gift Guide Tue, 03 Nov 2020 20:32:44 +0000 To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own. […]

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        To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own.

        2020 STEM, STEAM, Art & Craft Gift Guide

        • Origami City

          Fold it. Design it. Play with it. This amazing Origami City, with 75 fold-by-number origami models, is yours! Do you want an ice-cream shop right next to school? Or a limo waiting outside your driveway, ready to take you anywhere? Go for it! Created by certified origami genius, Taro Yaguchi––who has not only mastered the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, but now introduces his own innovation called Fold-by-Number––Origami City will have you building every part of a paper-folded city: an eleven-story apartment building, a town airport complete with a plane, cars, a train, an ice cream truck, trees, cats, dogs, a rabbit, and even little chipmunks that play in the park. And you’re in charge. It’s like being an architect, an engineer, a builder, an urban planner, and a mayor all in one. The kit includes 75 models to fold (with step-by-step instructions), 104 sheets of specially printed origami paper with numbers and lines for folding, and a full-color foldout play mat with roads and more.

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        Our Day at Discovery Cove in Orlando Mon, 02 Nov 2020 17:19:50 +0000 This is sponsored by Discovery Cove. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Ever since the pandemic hit this past winter, we have been doing our best to quarantine, social distance and be safe. This August when I started homeschooling, I felt it was very important to spend time socializing and playing with […]

        The post Our Day at Discovery Cove in Orlando appeared first on

        This is sponsored by Discovery Cove. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

        Ever since the pandemic hit this past winter, we have been doing our best to quarantine, social distance and be safe. This August when I started homeschooling, I felt it was very important to spend time socializing and playing with other children so we have been going on weekly outside field trips and my kids have made lots of friends doing this. Despite the fact that we have been going on field trips, to necessary doctor and dentist appointments and to the library, I’m still hesitant about doing most things. Part of it is my natural tendency to overthink and overworry. The other part is my concern for my daughter who has severe heart disease. This year since we have a more flexible schoolweek schedule homeschooling, we have thought about going to some theme parks on our non-homeschooling days. Even that concerned me a bit. Until we started thinking about Discovery Cove. The last time we went to Discovery Cove was six years ago and I remembered that one of the many things I loved about Discovery Cove is they greatly limit the amount of patrons to their park each day. When we were there in 2014, we never had to stand in lines, never felt we were crowded in with a lot of people and always felt like we had tons of space. Discovery Cove was seeming more and more enticing especially during these strange pandemic times and we decided we really wanted to go to celebrate our daughter as well as publish a Discovery Cove review on our blog.

        This is one of the first views when you enter Discovery Cove. Truly peaceful.

        Fast forward to this past week. On Sunday, October 25th, our daughter turned 6 years old. To celebrate, we collaborated with Discovery Cove and were able to bring our family of four to the park. Because of the constant changes with the Covid virus and CDC regulations, I know that everything is always subject to change at the park. But for us, we learned that they have decreased the number of patrons they allow each day. When you enter the park, you will immediately have your temperature checked, everyone needs to wear masks and proper social distancing is adhered to while you wait in line to enter the park. (Even with social distancing, we waited no more than 5 minutes. They were very smooth with the entry process and there were no hold ups or complications.) Once you check-in, you are given a bag with a mask as well as hand sanitizer. If you are doing the Dolphin swim, you are given a special mask to wear just for that swim. The only two animal encounters that required a mask are the dolphin swim and the aviary. You also need a mask while walking through the restaurant to select your food. Throughout the park there are countless hand sanitizer stations, all employees wear masks, maybe 50% of the patrons wore masks while walking around and of course everything is outside (except for the restaurant and gift shop). We felt very safe. While floating through the two lazy rivers we never had other families on top of us, while participating in the Dolphin Swim we were with one other family and they kept us properly distanced the whole time. For a worrier like me, I felt as secure as possible considering all of the complexities and unknowns of this year’s pandemic.

        We were truly spoiled at Discovery Cove. We stayed in a cabana and were able to “hunker down” there during all of our down time (not that we had much)! In our cabana was a ceiling fan, a locked cabinet for our possessions, a refrigerator stocked with water, soda, beer and wine, lounge chairs, clean beach towels and then our wonderful personal cabana attendant Tyler. Tyler attended to our every need whether it was giving us clean towels, chatting with our very talkative and inquisitive children, ordering us fun fruity drinks from the bar and walking us to and from the Dolphin Swim area. He took such wonderful care of us and truly made the day extra special. If you have the opportunity to reserve a cabana, I recommend it. Our cabana overlooked one of the lazy rivers. It was an area of the lazy river where the water was still and there was almost a rock like ledge you could sit and swim on. Because my children are older, were wearing life vests and are responsible, we let them swim on the ledge because we could see them the whole time and also see the lifeguard the whole time. It made our time relaxing and gave our kiddos an extra sense of independence. **don’t worry, I had my eagle eyes on them all.the.time.

        The Dolphin Swim was a truly wonderful experience as well. It is well worth the opportunity. You learn so much about dolphins, can ask the trainers any questions you have about dolphins as well as your specific dolphin and then of course there are so many hands on opportunities whether it is feeling your dolphin’s skin, holding all 300 lbs of him/her while posing for a picture, giving them a kiss or just holding and caressing them like I did (they would make such wonderful emotional support dolphins)! We also learned that the dolphin we met in 2014 has now graduated to performing at Sea World. He is healthy, happy and has risen the ranks to performing. The one thing I love to see as an animal lover is that these trainers truly care about the well being of these dolphins. They told me a story about a 50 year old dolphin that is at Discovery Cove who is toothless. Because he is toothless, in the wild he wouldn’t last but days. But at Discovery Cove they are able to feed him a special diet and he is thriving. Stories like this make me so happy. **It is important to note that because of covid, we are currently unable to swim with the dolphins like in prior years. You are however able to be up close and personal with the dolphins as you can see from our photos. Because everything is constantly changing with Covid the restriction may be lifted at any point.

        One of the encounters we didn’t try (we will have to next time) is the Shark Swim. I’m kind of a baby when it comes to sharks but this experience sounds amazing. During your scheduled time for your shark swim you will talk and learn from the expert Aquarists at Discovery Cove. With more than 20 sharks in the habitat at Discovery Cove – there is a lot to learn about! Your next step will be to put on your sterilized snorkel and mask to enjoy a deep-water, free swim alongside blacktip reef, nurse, zebra, bonnethead sharks, not to mention the thousands of tropical fish who also reside in The Grand Reef. This experience will give you better understanding of the uniqueness of each species of the care they receive at Discovery Cove and leave with the memory of an unforgettable experience.

        One of the included activities with every Discovery Cove pass is going snorkeling with the fish and rays in The Grand Reef. Every one is given a mask and a brand new snorkel and you can swim through beautiful schools of fish, ginormous rays and you can also swim up to the glass separating the reef with the sharks. When you go underwater, looking through the glass almost makes you feel like you are swimming with the sharks. One of my favorite memories was touching the huge rays that swam right up to us. I was a mixture of afraid and enamored by them. They are beautiful, swim effortlessly and seemed to love to be touched as they kept swimming back to us for more pets.

        We also loved the lazy river. One of the riveres is the Fresh Water Oasis. It is a very slow and relaxing ride that will bring you face-to-face with playful otters and curious marmosets. The marmosets are well hidden on their island so the kids had a lot of fun seeing who could spy the marmosets first!

        The Wind-Away River is a more active lazy river ride. You will ride the soothing currents of a tropical river as it winds past sandy beaches, through a dense rain forest, beneath the rocky terrain of cascading waterfalls, and through an underwater cave. Our kids loved going through the water falls (and watching me go through them as I tried not to lose my sunglasses). It’s a really fun ride and we went through it quite a few times.

        And then of course the food. Discovery Cove is all inclusive so breakfast, lunch, snacks, sodas, select alcoholic beverages, and much more are included with your admission. As you can see, we stocked up on a full breakfast before we started our day’s adventure (the trays are including food for 4 people in our defense). 🙂 You will not go hungry or thirsty during your time here. Another small but meaningful inclusion with your admission is FREE parking. For my husband this is a huge bonus as paying for parking always makes him lose his mind.

        When you go, I recommend that you get there early. The earlier you arrive (7:30 and on) you will have a better selection of Dolphin Swim times to choose from. The park closes at 5:00 so you will also want to spend as much time there as possible before getting cleaned up, changed and heading home.

        For us, being able to go to Discovery Cove on my daughter’s 6th birthday was such a wonderful memory maker. Getting spoiled with our cabana and being able to spend time talking with dolphin trainers and then being hands on with the dolphins made the day so special. My brother who lives on the east coast of Florida also came to surprise my kiddos. They haven’t seen their favorite Uncle since before Covid so I have to admit, being surprised by their Uncle may have been a close rivalry to swimming with the dolphins. My brother dotes on them and they’ve missed him so much.

        This day was a day to remember. If you are planning on going and have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I’m not an expert but I can get the answers for you! Also, there are Florida resident savings packages so make sure you check them out. You also do not have to add on the Dolphin Swim package to your ticket. You will still have an amazing time watching the dolphins from shore and participating in all of the other rides. My kids are already asking when we can go back. Maybe next year!

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        2020 Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide Sun, 01 Nov 2020 20:38:06 +0000 To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own. […]

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        To see all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide categories and get hundreds of gift ideas, go HERE. All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own.

        2020 Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide

          • Brain Quest Decks

            We use our Brain Quest Deck at dinnertime to inspire conversation! Brain Quest is beloved by kids, trusted by parents, used and recommended by teachers. It’s the curriculum-based, fast-paced, question-and-answer game that challenges kids on the stuff they need to know, when they need to know it. It’s the brand that says “It’s fun to be smart!” And it delivers. For the fourth edition every deck is thoroughly revised and includes 20 percent new material. The content aligns with national and state standards and is overseen by the Brain Quest Advisory Board, a panel of award-winning educators, each a recent state teacher-of-the-year award winner or a recipient of the prestigious Milken Educator Award. The covers and cards have a refreshed design, giving Brain Quest a cooler, updated look.

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          • Kids Rheos Gear Floating Sunglasses

            This is the perfect stocking stuffer for any child who spends a lot of time in the water or who just wants to look trendy in their sunglasses! Rheos Gear Floating Sunglasses are comparable to top brands in both style and quality, but have the added advantage of floating in water! Their lightweight frames have premium polarized lenses that include an anti-scratch, anti-fog coating so that you will always have a clear, 100% UV protected view. These shades are designed to meet performance needs without the designer price tag.

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          Save More Money at Target with The Inner Circle Tue, 13 Oct 2020 19:11:43 +0000 This post is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. I am so excited about this! Do you shop at Target? Have you heard of The Inner Circle? The Inner Circle is a brand new resource for customers to stay current on special offers, secure early access to new product […]

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          This post is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          I am so excited about this! Do you shop at Target? Have you heard of The Inner Circle? The Inner Circle is a brand new resource for customers to stay current on special offers, secure early access to new product arrivals, and receive fresh tips & trends from P&G brands at Target! The Inner Circle will also bring exclusive offers and news to customers who sign up! Head HERE to sign up! Once you sign up you will be entered to begin receiving emails and offers from P&G shortly!

          I am still shopping online and using Target’s Drive Up service. I love it so much. I especially love that if Target has online coupons, often I can use the coupons on the purchases I am making and then picking up in my car. (For example, I earned a $5 Target Gift Card from making today’s purchase!) If you haven’t tried Drive Up, all you need to use is your Target app to make your purchase. Once you select “Drive Up Pickup”, you can know that you won’t have to worry about going into the store to get your order

          This is my purchase from today. I love stocking up on P&G necessities and I can’t wait to start saving even more money using The Inner Circle. Head HERE to sign up! Once you sign up you will be entered to begin receiving emails and offers from P&G shortly!


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          Apple AirPods with Charging Case under $115 Tue, 13 Oct 2020 19:03:15 +0000 To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE. For Prime Day Amazon has Apple AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $114.99! Head HERE to view this Prime Day deal. *prices subject to change.

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          To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE.

          For Prime Day Amazon has Apple AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $114.99! Head HERE to view this Prime Day deal. *prices subject to change.

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          Fire TV Stick 4K w/ Alexa Voice Remote, Under $29 Tue, 13 Oct 2020 18:00:42 +0000 To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE. This Fire Stick is by far one of my favorite electronic gadgets in my house. We use our Fire Stick daily – multiple times a day! Amazon has an awesome Prime Deal price on the Fire TV Stick 4K w/ Alexa Voice Remote! It is […]

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          To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE.

          This Fire Stick is by far one of my favorite electronic gadgets in my house. We use our Fire Stick daily – multiple times a day! Amazon has an awesome Prime Deal price on the Fire TV Stick 4K w/ Alexa Voice Remote! It is marked down to $29.99 from $49.99! Go HERE to view this stick. **Prices subject to change.

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          All-New Toshiba 32-inch Smart HD Fire TV Edition under $120 Tue, 13 Oct 2020 16:02:28 +0000 To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE. If you are looking for a 32-inch Fire TV, this Prime Day deal is for you! This All-New Toshiba 32LF221U21 32-inch Smart HD 720p TV – Fire TV Edition is marked down to $119.99 from $179! Head HERE.. *prices are subject to change.

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          To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE.

          If you are looking for a 32-inch Fire TV, this Prime Day deal is for you! This All-New Toshiba 32LF221U21 32-inch Smart HD 720p TV – Fire TV Edition is marked down to $119.99 from $179! Head HERE.. *prices are subject to change.

          The post All-New Toshiba 32-inch Smart HD Fire TV Edition under $120 appeared first on

          Save $60 on Ring Video Doorbell 3 Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:50:39 +0000   To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE. For Prime Day they’ve marked down the Ring Video Doorbell 3 nicely! It’s marked down $60.00 to $139.99! We have the Ring Doorbell and I love it. I told my husband I now want their outdoor video cameras to put all around our […]

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          To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE.

          For Prime Day they’ve marked down the Ring Video Doorbell 3 nicely! It’s marked down $60.00 to $139.99! We have the Ring Doorbell and I love it. I told my husband I now want their outdoor video cameras to put all around our house because the video is so clear and crisp! Head HERE to view this Ring Video Doorbell 3. *prices may change or sell out.

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          Osmo Games Markdown for Prime Day Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:42:18 +0000   We don’t use tablets much while home. We mainly use them for long doctors appointments or long car rides. However, a few years ago we started using Osmo on our tablet and this is one thing I will eagerly let my children play on their tablets while home. Osmo has all different types of […]

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          We don’t use tablets much while home. We mainly use them for long doctors appointments or long car rides. However, a few years ago we started using Osmo on our tablet and this is one thing I will eagerly let my children play on their tablets while home. Osmo has all different types of learning games for all different levels. Your child will have fun playing AS THEY LEARN. So awesome. Today for Prime Day, Amazon has lots of Osmo games marked down. Prices start at $20.99. Head HERE. To find the Osmo games quickly, on the left hand column sort by Osmo.

          To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE.


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          STEM and STEAM Toys up to 64% off Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:30:17 +0000 I am loving so many of these STEM and STEAM toys that Amazon has marked down for Prime Day! Head HERE to see all of the awesome kits marked down! We love National Geographic Kits and I’m thrilled to see so many are marked down! *prices are subject to change. To see all of the […]

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          I am loving so many of these STEM and STEAM toys that Amazon has marked down for Prime Day! Head HERE to see all of the awesome kits marked down! We love National Geographic Kits and I’m thrilled to see so many are marked down! *prices are subject to change.

          To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE.

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          Echo Dot Bundle with Amazon Smart Plug under $18 (reg $74) Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:14:17 +0000 There are awesome Prime Day Deals going on! To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE. This Echo Dot (3rd Gen) bundle with a Free Smart Bulb is marked down to $18.99! (For Prime Members) If you prefer to get the Echo Dot (3rd Gen) bundle with Amazon Smart Plug, it is […]

          The post Echo Dot Bundle with Amazon Smart Plug under $18 (reg $74) appeared first on


          There are awesome Prime Day Deals going on! To see all of the Amazon Prime Day Deals, head HERE. This Echo Dot (3rd Gen) bundle with a Free Smart Bulb is marked down to $18.99! (For Prime Members) If you prefer to get the Echo Dot (3rd Gen) bundle with Amazon Smart Plug, it is marked down to $23.99! Head HERE to view this Echo Dot.

          The post Echo Dot Bundle with Amazon Smart Plug under $18 (reg $74) appeared first on

          2020 LEGO Advent Calendars Sun, 27 Sep 2020 13:28:26 +0000 It’s that time of the year! 2020 Advent Calendars are here! I am loving these four new LEGO Advent Calendars! Some are marked down a bit as well. Remember, prices are subject to change! LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41420 on sale $27.99 (reg. price $29.99) LEGO City Advent Calendar 60268 on sale $19.97 (reg price […]

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          It’s that time of the year! 2020 Advent Calendars are here! I am loving these four new LEGO Advent Calendars! Some are marked down a bit as well. Remember, prices are subject to change!

          LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41420 on sale $27.99 (reg. price $29.99)
          LEGO City Advent Calendar 60268 on sale $19.97 (reg price $29.99)
          LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75279 on sale $29.97 (reg price $39.99)
          LEGO Harry Potter Advent Calendar 75981 on sale $29.97 (reg price $39.99)

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          Print Your Publix Family Celebrations Coupons Wed, 16 Sep 2020 19:01:05 +0000 This post is sponsored by Sivan Social. All comments and opinions are my own. While shopping at Publix, be on the lookout for this Publix Family Celebrations coupon booklet! It has $44 worth of coupons that can either be found in-store in the booklet or printed out online HERE! The coupons are valid from 8/29 […]

          The post Print Your Publix Family Celebrations Coupons appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Sivan Social. All comments and opinions are my own.

          While shopping at Publix, be on the lookout for this Publix Family Celebrations coupon booklet! It has $44 worth of coupons that can either be found in-store in the booklet or printed out online HERE! The coupons are valid from 8/29 to 9/26/2020.

          We used the $1.25 off Any One (1) Lantana™ Hummus Item 10 oz. coupon on a container of Spicy Yellow Lentil Hummus. We also used the $1.00 off Garden Fresh Gourmet® Salsa 16 oz. coupon on a container of Organic Restaurant Style Salsa.

          We are homeschooling this year and we split our day into half. First thing in the morning we have Table Time where we do Math and Language arts. After taking our puppy to the park and tiring her out, we come home, the kiddos play and then we normally do “Couch Time.” Couch time is when we do our reading which consists of history, science and literature. Couch time is admittedly all of our favorite time of homeschooling. We are done by lunchtime so today I wanted to switch things up a bit. I surprised the kiddos with chips and Garden Fresh Organic Salsa and Lantana Yellow Lentil Hummus. They LOVED being able to chomp away on yummy chips and dip while we read about Ancient Greece, some poetry, about Canines in the Canidea family and the book Beezus and Ramona. The time flew by.

          Head HERE to print up to $44.00 worth of coupons to use at Publix!


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          Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 8/27/20 – 9/2/20 Fri, 28 Aug 2020 13:17:40 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 27th or Wednesday, August 26th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

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          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 27th or Wednesday, August 26th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors. Check: Publix Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Annie's Organic Bars, 3.9 - 5.34 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Arm & Hammer Fabric Softener or Dryer Sheets, 144 - 200 ct ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Beyond Meat Italian Hot Sausage or Bratwurst, 14 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $3.62
          • Black Mission Figs, 8 oz ($4.99) - $2.99
          • Blue Buffalo Cat Food, 5 lb ($19.19) - $9.59
          • Boston Market Home Style Meals, 10 - 15 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta, 9 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Bull's-Eye or Kraft Barbecue Sauce, 17.5 - 18 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Cascadian Farm Bars or Squares, 6.2 - 8.85 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Cascadian Farm Cereak, 9.2 - 13.5 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Cascadian Farm Organic Granola, 13 - 16 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Celentano Meatballs, 12 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
          • Chobani Coffee Creamer, 23 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Chobani Oat Milk, 52 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Chung's Gourmet Quality Egg Rolls, 4 ct, or Spring Rolls, 5 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Creative Roots Coconut Water Beverage, 4 pk ($4.25) - $2.12
          • Dr. Praeger's Purely Sensible Foods, 8 - 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food or Yogurt Smoothies, 3.5 - 4.2 oz ($1.69) - $0.84
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $0.51 each wyb 3
          • Essentia Purified Drinking Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Febreze Home Collection Candle, 12 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Field Roast Entrees, 10 - 11 oz ($6.49) - $3.24
          • Frank's RedHot Sauce, 12 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 9.7 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 9.7 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 9.7 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Kix Cereal, 9.7 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 9.7 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 9.7 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 9.7 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Gold Peak Iced Tea, 64 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Gold Peak Tea, 18.5 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz, or Yellow Mustard, 20 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Hope Cashew & Almond Dip, 8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Hormel Chili, 14 - 5 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Hot Shot Flying Insect or Wasp & Hornet Killer. 14 - 17.5 oz, or Ant & Roach Bait, 4 - 12 ct ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Kar's Sweet 'n Salty Mix, 44 oz or 20 ct ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 22.5 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 14.7 - 19.2 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 14.7 - 19.2 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Mini Wheats Cereal, 22.5 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Breakfast Bars, 10.4 oz ($3.78) - $1.89
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 20.3 oz - B1G1
            $1/2 Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [6-ct.+]
          • Kellogg's Raisins Bran Cereal, 22.5 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.3 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals or Bars, exp. 9/13/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #2) [10.5-oz.+; 5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $2.32 each ywb 2
          • Kite Hill Cream Cheese Alternative, 8 oz ($6.17) - $3.07
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies, 15.9 - 19.2 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • M&M's Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches, 24 oz, or Fun Cups, 10 ct - B1G1
          • My Three Sons Gourmet Pimento Cheese, 10 oz ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips or Crisp & Thins, 7.1 - 8.1 oz, or Ritz Cheese Crispers, 7 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nabisco Snak-Saks Cookies or Cookies Thin Bites, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Product, exp. 9/19/20 (SS 08/09/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 9/19/20 (SS 08/23/20) [3.5-oz.+]
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt, 4 pk, or Lil' Tub, 4.5 oz - B1G1
          • Northland 100% Juice Blend, 64 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks or Cheese Wieners, 14 - 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Pedigree Food for Dogs, 3.5 lb ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Bread, 22 - 24 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz ($2.65) - $1.32
          • Publix Bakery Cheese Coffee Cake Ring, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Publix Chicken Thighs, per lb ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Publix Peanut Butter or Milk Chocolate Covered Pretzels, 11.99 - 16 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz - ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Pure Farmland Plant-Based Meatballs, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Purina Beggin' Strips or Collisions Sog Snacks, 23.5 - 25 oz ($14.39) - $7.19
            Save $1.50 on TWO (2) 5 oz or larger pouches of ALPO, Beggin', DentaLife, Busy (excludes Rollhide), Prime Bones? or The Pioneer Woman
            Final Price: $6.44 each wyb 2
          • Purina Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats, 20 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Red's Burrito or Breakfast Burrito, 4.5 - 5 oz ($2.35) - $1.17
          • Right Guard Xtreme Deodorant, 2.6 - 4 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Sabra Dark Chocolate Dessert Dip and Spread, 8 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Sara Lee Butter Bread, 20 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Seattle's Best Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - B1G1
          • Smartwater, 23.7 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Softsoap Body Wash or Scrub, 20 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
            Save 75? off ONE Softsoap brand Body Wash (15oz or larger)
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Splenda Sweetener, select ($13.29) - $6.64
            Save $1.00 off any Splenda Sweetener Product
            Save $1.00 off any Splenda? ESSENTIALS? No Calorie Sweetener
            Final Price: $5.64
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Talento Gelato, Gelato Layers, or Sorbetto, 10.8 - 16 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct - B1G1
          • Valley Fresh Chicken Breast, 10 oz ($3.51) - $1.75
          • Vermont Creamery Cultured Butter, 8 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Waterloo Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Welch's Fruit Snacks or PB&J Bite Size, 4.5 - 9 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
            Save $1.00 On any TWO (2) Welch's Fruit Snacks, Fruit ?n Yogurt? Snacks or Fruit Rolls (8oz or larger bag or 6ct or larger box)
            $1/2 Welch's Fruit Snacks, Fruit 'n Yogurt Snacks or Fruit Rolls, exp. 10/3/20 (SS 08/23/20) [Bags or boxes]
            Final Price: $0.89 each wyb 2
          • Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on any variety of Whole Fruit Bars
            $1/1 Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, exp. 9/20/20 (SS 07/12/20) [Any box]
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt or Simply Go-Gurt, 8 pk - B1G1
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large Red Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Fillet, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $4.99
          • Chuck Flanken Style Ribs, per lb - $6.99
          • Chuck Short Ribs, per lb - $6.49
          • Fresh Express Salad Kit or Blend, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • GreenWise 20/40 ct Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Tenderloins, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chicken, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.19
            Final Price: $4.12 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Keta Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Ground Round Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Kiolbassa Smoked Sausage, 13 oz - B2G1
          • Lifelight Meatless Veggie Burger, 8 oz - B2G1 - $5.99
            Final Price: $3.99 each wyb 3
          • Medium Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $9.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Breast Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Bacon Sirloin Burger, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Chicken Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Keta Salmon Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $10.99
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Boneless Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Pork Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Thinly-Sliced Boneless Chops, per lb - $4.19
          • Reser's Classic Sides, 20 - 24 oz - $3.00
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Carambolas, ea - $1.67
          • Cauliflower, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Extra Large Mangos, ea - $1.67
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice or Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 89 oz - $5.49
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Carrot Chips, 16 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Whole White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Hampton Farms Honey Cashews, 8 oz - $4.99
          • Hass Mini Avocados, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Minneola Tangelos, per lb - $1.29
          • Organic Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Organic Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.99
          • Organic Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic Watermelon, ea - $4.99
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Sweetened Dried Banana Chips, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomato, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.49
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $0.79
          • Wonderful No-Shell Pistachios, 5.5 - 6 oz - $5.00
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Apple Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Baguette, 7 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Variety Creme Cake, 44 oz - $7.49
          • Publix Bakery White Sandwich Loaf, 16 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Butterfly Breaded Shrimp Meal, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Cuban Sandwich, ea - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Hoop Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.39
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.99
            Final Price: $2.99 each wyb 4
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers (offer details & value may vary)
            Save $0.75 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks (offer details & value may vary)
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Bubble Fruit, exp. 9/19/20 (SS 07/19/20 R) [4-ct.]
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia, or Fruit Refreshers, exp. 9/19/20 (SS 07/19/20 R) [2-ct.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup, exp. 9/19/20 (SS 07/19/20 R) [4-ct.]
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Diamond Shelled Walnuts, 14 oz, Pecan Halves, 8 oz, or Whole Almonds, 10 oz - $5.99
          • Doritos, 6.5 - 11.25 oz - $3.00
          • Dunkin' Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $0.88
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Honey, 8 - 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Applesauce, 4 pk 4 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic BBQ Sauce, 18 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 10 oz or 12 ct - $5.99
          • Huy Fong Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce, 17 oz - $2.50
          • Keebler Cookies, 6 - 15 oz - $2.50
          • Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner, 5.5 - 7.3 oz - $0.99
          • Larabar, 1.6 - 1.8 oz - $1.00
          • Lay's Potto Chips, 6.5 - 11.25 oz - $3.00
          • Monster Energy Drink, 15.5 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies, Oreo Thins or Nutter Butter, 7 - 15.35 oz - $3.00
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Product, exp. 9/19/20 (SS 08/09/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 9/19/20 (SS 08/23/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.62 each wyb 2
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - $2.25 - B2G2
            Final Price: $1.12 each wyb 4
          • Publix Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Welch's 100% Grape Juice or Drink, 64 oz or 6 pk - $3.00
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Daisy Sour Cream, 16 oz - $1.67
          • Happy Egg Co. Free Range Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.50
          • Publix Premium Blended Greek or Indulgent Yogurt, 4.7 - 5.3 oz - $0.90
          • Ripple Milk, 48 oz - $3.50
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.00
          • Sargento Balanced Breaks or Sweet Balance Breaks, 4.08 - 4.5 oz - $3.33
            $1/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks Snack (SS 08/23/20)
            Final Price: $2.33
          • Sargento String Cheese, Cheese Sticks, or Snack Bites, 6 - 12 oz - $3.33
            $1/1 Sargento Snack Bites Cheese Snack, exp. 10/2/20 (SS 08/02/20)
            $1/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese Snack, exp. 10/2/20 (SS 08/02/20)
            Final Price: $2.33
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal - $4.99
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.50
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Fruit, 48 oz - $12.99
          • Marie Callender's Pie or Peach Cobbler, 24.5 - 42 oz - $5.00
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Entree, 20 - 32 oz - $5.99
          • Morey's Fish Fillets, 2 ct - $7.99
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Entree or Bowls, 9.5 - 22 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Garlic Bread, Texas Toast, or 3 Cheese Toast, 11.25 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Tyson Any'tizers Popcorn Chicken, Chicken Wyngs, or Chicken Bites, 24 oz - $6.99
          • Always Discreet Pads, 16 - 30 ct, or Liners, 44 - 53 ct - $4.89
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Product, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes other always products and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.89
          • Boost Nutritional Energy Drink, 4 - 24 pk - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
            $4/2 Boost Drink, exp. 8/29/20 (RMN 07/05/20) [Multipacks or Canisters]
          • Cetaphil Skin Care - $3.00 OFF
          • Colgate Mouthwash, 16 - 17.47 oz or 1 L - 25% OFF
            Save $0.75 on any Colgate? Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse
            $0.50/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse (SS 08/16/20) [250-ml.+; DND]
          • Colgate Toothpaste, 4 oz - $1.00
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste (SS 08/16/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus or trial/travel size dnd]
            Final Price: $0.50
          • Crest Pro-Health Rinse, 500 ml - $3.99
          • Crest Pro-Health, 3D White, or Complete Plus Scope Toothpaste, 4.1 - 8 oz - $3.99
          • Crest Scope Mouthwash, 1 L - $3.99
          • Differin Skin Care - $3.00 OFF
            $1/1 Differin Cleanser or Moisturizer printable
          • GreenWise Dietary Supplement or Gummy Multivitamins, 45 - 250 ct - 20% OFF
          • L'Oreal Ever Hair Care, 8.5 - 11.05 oz - $5.99
          • Lubriderm Lotion, 13.5 - 16 oz - $5.00
          • Muscle Milk Shakes, 4 pk - B2G1
          • So Good So You Organic Probiotic Shot, 1.7 oz - $2.50
          • Suave Professionals Hair Care, 12.6 oz - $3.00
          • Suave Professionals Hair Care, 28 - 32 oz - $4.00
          • Zzzquil Nighttime Sleep Aid, select - $1.50 OFF
          • Nature's Recipe Natural Dog Food, 12 pk - $9.99

          The post Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 8/27/20 – 9/2/20 appeared first on

          Wonder Forge Matching Games under $6 Sat, 22 Aug 2020 14:47:18 +0000 It’s never too early to think about Christmas presents! Right now we can choose from quite a few Wonder Forge matching games that are marked down to just $5.92 each! Head HERE to see these games. *prices are subject to change. Check: ALDI Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.

          The post Wonder Forge Matching Games under $6 appeared first on


          It’s never too early to think about Christmas presents! Right now we can choose from quite a few Wonder Forge matching games that are marked down to just $5.92 each! Head HERE to see these games. *prices are subject to change.

          Check: ALDI Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.

          The post Wonder Forge Matching Games under $6 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 8/20/20 – 8/26/20 Thu, 20 Aug 2020 20:48:52 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 20th or Wednesday, August 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 8/20/20 – 8/26/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 20th or Wednesday, August 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $11.99
          • 31/40 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Beef Cubed Steaks, per lb - $5.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Fully Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck Burgers, per lb - $5.49
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1
          • GreenWise Keta Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise New York Angus Roast, per lb - $12.49
          • GreenWise New York Boneless Angus Strip Steak, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Kevin's Cilantro Lime Chicken Entree, 16 oz - $7.99
          • Lean Pork Cube Steak, per lb - $4.29
          • Maverick Ranch 85% Lean Organic Ground Beef, 16 oz - $7.69
          • Oscar Mayer Lunch Meats, 14 - 16 oz - $5.50
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Breast Cordon Bleu Fillets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Keta Salmon Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $10.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast Fillets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Extra Lean Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $5.9
          • Publix Premium Inside Skirt Steaks, per lb - $6.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $3.49
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Black Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Carambolas, ea - $1.67
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Coral Reef Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.50
          • Extra Large Mangos, ea - $1.67
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice or Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Fresh Parfaits, ea - $2.00
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.29
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Granny Smith Apples, 2 lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Spring Mix, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Organic Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Organic Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.99
          • Organic Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.49
          • Organic Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Pero Family Farms Vegetable Tray or Pesto Kit, 9.5 - 13 oz - $3.33
          • Publix Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.69
          • Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49
          • White or Yellow Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • BelGioioso Snacking Cheese, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Boar's Head Classic Italian Sandwich, ea - $4.59
          • Boar's Head Smokemaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $3.79
          • GreenWise Bakery Brookies, 4 ct - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Cheese Crumbles, 4 oz - $3.50
          • Pubix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Loaf, 14 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake, 19 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Chicago Hard Rolls, 6 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Chicago Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Frosted Sugar Cookies, 10 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Blood Orange Jalapeno Brewed Iced Tea, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Mojo Pork Meal, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Salsa, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Soup, 16 oz - $4.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • Summertime Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.49
          • Barilla Fully Cooked Ready Pasta, 8.5 oz - $1.29
          • Barilla Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $1.29
          • Bumble Bee Premium Light Tuna, 2.5 oz - $1.00
          • Bumble Bee Premium Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99
          • Bumble Bee Snack on the Run!, 3.5 oz - $1.00Colle
          • Bush's Best Black Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $0.79
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G2
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz - $2.00
          • Dole Fridge Pack, 15 oz - $2.00
          • Dole Fruit, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $6.49
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 10 oz - $6.00
          • GreenWise Oil Spray, 5 oz - $2.99
          • Kinder Joy Egg, 0.7 - 1.9 oz - $1.50
          • Kraft 100% Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Lay's Potato Chip or Poppables, 5 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Old Wisconsin Snack Bites, 5 - 6 oz - B2G1 - $4.59
            Final Price: $3.06 each wyb 3
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers, Goldfish Tortilla, Graham Snacks, or Veggie Crackers, 4 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Avocado Oil, 16.9 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Croutons, 5 oz - $1.25
          • Publix Pearl Barley, 16 oz - $0.79
          • Starbucks Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.99
          • Tostitos Salsa, 15.5 oz - $3.00
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice or V8+Energy, 6 pk - $3.50
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz - $2.00
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Amondmilk, Coconutmilk, or Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz, or Almondmilk Creamer, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.33
          • Dannon Two Good Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • Doughlish Ready to Eat Cookie Dough, 14 oz - $3.50
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Organic Valley Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.99
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.50
          • Publix Shredded, Sliced, or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce, exp. 9/28/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Silk Soy Milk or Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • So Delicious Coconut Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
            Save $1.00 off any So Delicious Product (link sent by email)
            Final Price: $0.25
          • Gardein Meat Free Entree or Meals, 8.1 - 20 oz - $3.50
          • Marie Callenders Pot Pie, 4 pk - $5.99
          • Publix Breaded Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, 24 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Chicken Nuggets, Tenders, or Patties, 25 - 29 oz - $4.99
          • Publix French Fried Potatoes, Hash Browns, Sweet Potato Fries, or Onion Rings, 16 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.3 - 21.6 oz - $4.00
          • Cascade ActionPacs, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $6.49
          • Downy or Dreft In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $6.49
          • Febreze Air or Fabric Refresher - $4.99
          • Gain Flings, 73 - 96 ct - $3.00 OFF
          • Gain Liquid, 165 oz - $3.00 OFF
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • Publix Long Lasting Alkaline Batteries, select - $3.33
          • Tide Pods, 73 - 96 ct - $3.00 OFF
          • Tide Simple Pods, 43 ct - $8.99
          • Tide Simply Liquid, 128 oz - $8.99
          • Always Infinity or Radiant Pads, 18 - 36 ct, or Ultra Think or Maxi Pads, 27 - 46 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $2/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Pure Cotton, Ultra or Maxi Pads, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [10-ct.+; Excludes always liners and always discreet; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Axe Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Axe Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Axe Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Bare Republic Mineral Sun Care, 1.7 - 6 oz - $5.00 OFF
          • Burt's Bees Toothpaste, 4.7 oz - $1.00 OFF
          • Clif Energy Bar, 2.4 oz - $1.00
          • Crest 3D White Mouthwash or Rinse, 946 ml or 1 L - $1.00 OFFF
          • Crest 3D White, Gum Detoxify, or Gum & Enamel Repair Toothpaste, 4.1 oz or 2 pk - $1.00 OFF
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00
          • Dial Body Wash, 14 - 16 oz, or Tone Body Wash, 18 oz - $3.00
            B1G1 Dial, Dial for Men, or Tone Body Wash, exp. 8/23/20 (RMN 08/09/20) [12-oz.+; Up to $5.99]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Dove Beauty Bar, 6 ct - $6.49
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Dove Men+Care Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Dove Men+Care Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Dove Men+Care Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Edge Advanced or Skintimate Shave Gel, 7 oz - $2.50
          • Garnier Nutrisse or Olia Hair Color - $1.00 OFF
            Save $2.00 ANY ONE (1) Garnier Nutrisse or Color Reviver haircolor product
          • Head & Shoulders, 5 - 32.1 oz, Pantene, 1.5 - 30.4 oz, or Aussie or Herbal Essences Hair Care, 4.9 - 26.2 oz - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Nexxus Hair Care, 6.7 - 33.8 oz - 20% OFF
          • Olay Products, select - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Olay Skin Care Product, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $2/1 Olay Regenerist Facial Moisturizer, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $2/1 Olay Eyes or Serums, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Old Spice Products, select - $1.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1/2 Old Spice Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, Body Wash or Bar Soap, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes high endurance and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Oral-B Glide Floss, 35 - 54.6 yd - $1.00 OFF
          • Schick Razors or Cartridges, 1 - 12 ct - $3.00 OFF
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $2/1 Tampax Pearl, Pocket Pearl, Radiant, Pocket Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [14-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Hair Care, 22 oz, or Styling, 9 - 10.5 oz - $5.00
            Free $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Enfamil Ready to Use Infant Formula, 6 pk or 32 oz - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Happy Tot Bay Food or Happy Baby, 4 - 4.22 oz - $1.00
          • Johnson's or Aveeno Baby Products, select - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
            $2/1 Johnson's Product, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 08/16/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Johnson's Product, exp. 9/12/20 (SS 08/16/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 32 ct, or Easy Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Blue Wilderness Adult Dog Food, 11 lb - $10.00 OFF
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 12 ct - $5.00
          • Purina Tidy Cats Litter, 14 lb - $6.50

          The post Publix Matchups 8/20/20 – 8/26/20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 8/13/20 – 8/19/20 Wed, 12 Aug 2020 12:58:32 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 13th or Wednesday, August 12th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 8/13/20 – 8/19/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 13th or Wednesday, August 12th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 9Lives Cat Food, 3.15 lb ($4.09) - $2.04
          • AHA Sparkling Water, 8 pk 12 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Alexia Potatoes or Onion Rings, 13.5 - 32 oz ($4.08) - $2.04
          • All Laundry Detergent, 88 - 100 oz or 39 ct ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Arizona Tea, gal - B1G1
          • Bai Antioxidant Beverage, 18 oz - B1G1
          • Blue Buffalo Bursts Treats for Cats, 5 oz ($3.50) - $1.75
          • Blue Diamond Almonds, 14 - 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
            $1.50/1 Blue Diamond Almonds, exp. 8/27/20 (SS 06/28/20) [12-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.12
          • Cafe Bustelo Ground Espresso Coffee, 10 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Cheez-It Snack Crackers, 10.4 - 14.4 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna in Water, 4 pk ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Chloe's Soft Serve Fruit Pops, 4 ct - B1G1
          • Cole's Bread, 10.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 22 - 24 oz ($11.99) - $5.99
          • Eternal Spring Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Famous Amos Snack Packs, 10.4 - 14.4 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Fiber One Bars, 5.34 - 7 oz - B1G1
            $0.50/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product Boxes, exp. 10/3/20 (SS 08/09/20)
          • Folgers Ground Coffee or Folgers Noir, 10.3 - 11.3 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • French's Yellow Mustard, 14 oz ($2.23) - $1.11
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend, Kit, or Chopped Kit, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.49) - $2.47
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 19.3 oz ($5.49) - $2.47
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 2
          • Gevalia Kaffee Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct, or Cafe at Home, 5 - 8 ct ($9.55) - $4.77
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb ($7.89) - $3.94
          • GreenWise Chicken Drumsticks or Bone-In Thighs, per lb - B1G1
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 15 - 20 oz - B1G1
          • Humm Kombucha, 14 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Keebler Snack Packs, 10.4 - 14.4 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Kellogg's, Disney, or Monster Buddies Fruit Flavored Snacks, 10 ct ($2.75) - $1.37
          • Ken's Steak House Dressing or Simply Vinaigrette, 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Kitu Super Coffee, 12 oz, Super Espresso, 6 oz, or Cold Brew Black Coffee, 11 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Maille Mustard, 7.3 - 8.11 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Mayfield Ice Cream, 1.5 qt, or Bars or Sandwiches, 6 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Mighty Spark Ground Chicken, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Mighty Spark Turkey Patties, 9 oz - B1G1
          • Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, 60 - 64 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Mother's Circus Animal Cookies, 10.4 - 14.4 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Mrs. T's Pierogies, 12.84 - 16 oz ($2.89) - $1.44
          • Mueller's Pasta, 12 - 16 oz ($2.34) - $1.17
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Nature Valley Bars, 6.5 - 8.94 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 4 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley? Granola Bars, ...
            $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Cups, Wafers, Snack Mix, Soft-Baked Squares or Packed Sustained Energy Bars, exp. 10/3/20 (SS 08/09/20) [4-ct.+ boxes]
          • Nature's Own Honey Wheat Bread, 20 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Not Your Mother's Hair Care, 4 - 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Ocean Spray 100% Juice or Juice Cocktail, 6 pk ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Ocean Spray Sparkling Water & Fruit Juice or Sparkling Cranberry, 4 pk ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Once Upon a Farm Organic & Cold-Pressed Baby Food, 3.2 - 4 oz or 2 pk - B1G1
            Save 50? off ONE (1) Once Upon a Farm Product
          • Ore-Ida Just Crack an Egg Scramble, 3 oz - B1G1
          • Peace Tea, 4 pk ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, 6.75 - 15.75 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Planters Cashews, 8 - 10.3 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($9.21) - $4.60
          • Publix Bakery Danish Pecan Ring, 15 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Honeydew Chunks, per lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Quaker Instant Oatmeal or Grits, 8.2 - 15.1 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • San Pellegrino Sparkling Mineral Water, 12 pk ($12.29) - $6.14
          • So Delicious Frozen Dessert, Mousse, or Oatmilk Ice Cream, pt, or Sandwiches or Bars, 9.2 - 18.4 oz ($6.89) - $3.44
            Save $1.00 off any So Delicious Product (link sent by email)
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Stonyfield Kids Organic Yogurt, 4 - 8 pk ($4.95) - $2.47
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz ($4.49) - $2.42
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 20 - 44.5 ox - B1G1
          • Toufayan Tandoori Flatbread, 18 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • V8 Splash Beverage, 64 oz ($2.72) - $1.36
          • Van's Waffles, 8 - 9 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Vlasic Pickles or Relish, 10 - 46 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Welch's Concord Grape Jelly or Jam or Strawberry Spread, 17 - 20 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Yummy Dino Buddies Chicken Breast Nuggets or Patties, 21 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Biltmore Cold Smoked Salmon, 4 oz - $5.99
          • Boneless NY Strip Steak, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise 10/15 ct Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $6.59
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Keta Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise Meatballs, 12 - 14 oz - $4.99
          • Ground Sirloin Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.79
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $4.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hebrew National Beef Franks or Beef Knockwurst, 9.43 - 12 oz - $3.50
          • Jimmy Dean Bacon, 16 oz - $5.00
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Breakfast Products, exp. 8/30/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #2)
            Final Price: $4.50 each wyb 2
          • Kiolbassa Authentic Dry Cured Sliced Bacon, 20 oz - $8.99
          • Margaritaville Appetizers, 8 - 10 oz - $6.99
            Save $1.00 off ONE box of Margaritaville? Shrimp or Calamari
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Nashville Style Hot Chicken Salad Meal Kit, 31.7 oz - $16.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Aprons Ginger-Miso Pork Meal Kit, 33 oz - $16.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Keta Salmon Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $10.99
          • Publix Bone-In Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Meatballs, 32 oz - $7.49
          • Publix Mild or Hot Italian Pork Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Pork Center Cut Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Premium Alaska Panko Pollock Fillets, 12 oz - $5.00
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Bartlett or Bosc Pears, per lb - $1.69
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.50
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.00
          • Driscoll's Blackberries, 6 oz - $0.99
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice or Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt - $2.00
          • Green Beans, per lb - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Rainbow Carrots, 12 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Sliced Portabella Mushrooms, 6 oz - $3.49
          • Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $1.49
          • Limes, ea - $0.40
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic Cilantro, ea - $0.99
          • Organic Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.99
          • Organic Mint, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Organic Nectarines, per lb - $2.49
          • Organic Peaches, per lb - $2.49
          • Organic Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Peaches, per lb - $1.99
          • Pitted Medjool Dates, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $0.99
          • Publix Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $1.99
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.69
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 14 - 16 oz - $8.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • BelGioioso Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Delicatessen Style or Lower Sodium Yellow Mustard, 9 - 9.5 oz - $2.50
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Brooklyn BRED Pizza Crust, 10.8 oz - $3.00
          • Chocolate Boston Donuts, 9 ct - $4.49
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $2.59
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $5.49
          • GreenWise Oven-Roasted Chicken, ea - $7.99
          • Healthy Oatmeal Bites, 5 - 6 oz - $3.33
          • King's Hawaiian Rolls, 12 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Cookie Bites, 14 ct - $3.59
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery Rolled Italian Pizza Dough, 15 oz - $2.59
          • Publix Deli Chef Salad, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Pot Pie, 22 oz - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tenders Meal for Four - $20.99
          • Publix Deli Greek Salad Platter, 72 oz - $21.99
          • Publix Deli Jalapeno Popper Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, per lb - $19.99
          • Publix Deli Salsa, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B2G1 - $3.97
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 10 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G2 - $5.15
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 4
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on any 1 (ONE) 4-pack Del Monte? Bubble Fruit Fruit Cup Snack
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Doritos, 9.25 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 ox - $3.33
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Flora Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $0.88
          • GreenWise Organic Croutons, 4.5 oz - $1.50
          • GreenWise Organic Multigrain Squares or Bars, 4.4 - 6.35 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $3.00
          • Imagine Soup, 32 oz - $3.49
          • Kellogg's Mini-Wheats or Raisin Bran Cereal, 14.3 - 18 oz - $2.05
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Kettle & Fire Broth, 16.2 - 16.9 oz - $5.00
          • Little Debbie Snacks, 8 - 16.2 oz - $1.67
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies, 13 - 20 oz - $3.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $6.15
            Final Price: $4.10 each wyb 3
          • Post Grape Nuts, 18 - 20.5 oz - $2.50
          • Post Great Grains Cereal, 13.5 - 16.5 oz - $2.50
          • Post Raisin Bran, 20 oz - $2.50
          • Post Shredded Wheat, 15 - 18 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Flour, 5 lb - $1.99
          • Rao's Homemade or Homestyle Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - $6.99
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 8.4 oz - B2G1
          • Ruffles or Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 9 oz - $3.00
          • Smartfood Popcorn, 4.5 - 7.5 oz - $2.50
          • Uncle Ben's Converted Enriched Rice, 5 lb - $6.99
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Bailey's Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Chobani Complete Advanced Nutrition Yogurt or Greek Yogurt, 4.3 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $2/10 Chobani Greek Yogurt Products or Chobani Non-Dairy Single-Serve Products, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/26/20)
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 10
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz, or Light & Fit Yogurt Drink, 7 oz - $1.00
          • Dunkin' DOnuts Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Eggland's Best Eggs, 12 ct - $2.00
          • Eggland's Best Omelet, 7.8 oz - $3.00
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • International Delight Iced Coffee, 64 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Land O Lakes Cheese Sticks, 7.5 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 32 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Yogurt, 24 oz - $1.50
          • Silk Milk, 64 oz - $3.00
            Save $1.00 on any one Silk half gallon
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Iced Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Amy's Burrito or Wrap, 5 - 6 oz - $2.00
          • Amy's Entrees, 8 - 10.3 oz - $3.33
          • Celentano Pasta, 12.5 - 24 oz - $3.00
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.50
          • Jones Dairy Farm Golden Brown Patties or Links, 5 - 7 oz - $2.00
          • Lean Cuisine Entree or Lean Cuisine or Life Cuisine Bowls - 20% OFF
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Entree or Stouffer's Bowl-Fulls - 20% OFF
          • White Castle Cheeseburgers, Hamburgers, or Chicken Breast Sandwcihes, 9.5 - 11 oz - $3.50
          • Air Wick Aerosol Spray Kit, 1 ct - $9.99
            Save $1.50 off any ONE (1) Air Wick? Freshmatic? Starter Kit (offer values may vary)
            Final Price: $8.49
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 3 ct - $6.99
          • Bounce or Downy Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
          • Brillo Estracell Sponges, 3 ct - $2.00
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct or 75 oz - $6.99
          • Downy In-Wash Scent Booster 20.1 oz - $11.99
          • Energizer Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) pack of Energizer Batteries
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 44 - 51 oz - $4.99
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Gain In-Wash Scent Booster, 20.1 oz - $11.99
          • Gain Scent Booster, 7.2 oz - $4.99
          • Gain Sheets 120 ct - $4.99
          • Glad Trash Bags, select - $11.99
          • Mr Clean Magic Eraser Products, 2 - 8 ct - $3.00
          • NaturalAire Air Cleaning Filter, ea - $4.00
          • NaturalAire MicroParticle Air Cleaning Filter, ea - $7.99
          • Suavitel Fabric Conditioner, 44 - 50 oz - $3.00
          • Tide Detergent, 69 - 92 oz - $11.99
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Alka-Seltzer Medicine, select - 20% OFF
            Save $1.00 on any Alka-Seltzer Plus? Product
            Save $1.00 off any Alka-Seltzer? Product
          • Aveeno Products, 0.5 - 33 oz or 5 - 25 ct - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Clairol Nice 'n Easy or Natural Instincts Hair Color - 25% OFF
            $5/2 Clairol Nice'n Easy, Root Touch-Up Permanent or Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 8/22/20 (SS 08/09/20) [Any box; Excludes natural instincts crema keratina hair color]
            $2/1 Clairol Nice'n Easy, Root Touch-Up Permanent or Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 8/22/20 (SS 08/09/20) [Any box; Excludes natural instincts crema keratina hair color]
          • Crest Complete Plus Scope, ProHealth, or 3D White Toothpaste, 3 - 5.4 oz - $3.00
          • Crest ProHealth or Scope Advanced Mouthwash, 1 L - $5.00
          • Flintstones Kids Multivitamins Gummies, 60 ct - $10.99
            $1/1 Flintstone Multivitamin Product printable
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Gatorade Ready to Drink Super Shake, 4 pk - $6.99
          • L'Oreal Elvive Hair Care, 12.6 oz, or Advanced Hair Style or Studio Products, 1.7 - 8.5 oz - $3.50
            $3/2 L'Oreal Paris Elvive Haircare or Advanced Hairstyle Products, exp. 8/15/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #3) [Excludes 1-oz. product, shampoo & conditioner 3-oz., twin packs or value packs]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Lenny & Larry's Keto Cookies, 1.6 oz - $1.50
          • Miralax, select - 20% OFF
            Save $1.00 off any MiraLAX? product 14 dose or larger
          • Nature's Bounty Vitamins or Supplements, select - 25% OFF
            $3/1 Nature's Bounty Stress Comfort Gummy or Sleep3, exp. 8/30/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #3) [Excludes 15-ct.]
            $1/1 Nature's Bounty Vitamin or Supplement, exp. 8/30/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #3)
            $2/1 Nature's Bounty Optimal Solutions Vitamin or Supplement, exp. 8/30/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #3)
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            SAVE $3.00 off any ONE (1) 28 ct. or 42 ct. Nexium? 24HR Product
            Save $3.00 on any ONE (1) Nexium? 24HR 28ct or 42ct
          • One Bar Protein Bar, 4 pk - $6.99
          • One a Day Multivitamins, select - $10.99
            Save $1.00 off ONE A Day? product
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Osteo Bi-Felx, 28 - 120 ct - 25% OFF
            $5/1 Osteo Bi-Flex, exp. 8/30/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #3) [70-ct.+ Tablets]
          • Phillips' Medicine, select - 20% OFF
            Save $8.00 on any ONE (1) Phillips' Pro Regularity Probiotic
            $2/1 Phillips Colon Health Probiotic printable
          • Pond's Skin Care Products, select - 20% OFF
            $3/2 St. Ives, Simple, Noxzema or Pond's Face Care Products, exp. 8/15/20 (RMN 08/02/20) [ETS]
          • Prilosec OTC, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
          • Simple Skin Care Products, select - 20% OFF
            $3/2 St. Ives, Simple, Noxzema or Pond's Face Care Products, exp. 8/15/20 (RMN 08/02/20) [ETS]
          • Sundown Naturals, select - 25% OFF
            SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Sundown? Kids Clean Nutrition multivitamin product
            Save $1.00 off any Sundown Naturals Vitamin
            $2/1 Sundown Organics Product, exp. 9/19/20 (RMN 07/19/20)
            $2/1 Sundown Non-GMO Product, exp. 8/30/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #3) [Includes sundown organics]
          • U by Kotex Click, Sleek, or Fitness Tampons, 31 - 36 ct, Security Tampons, 45 ct, or Pads, 24 - 36 ct, or Security Pads, 40 - 56 ct - Prices Vary
            Buy (1), Get (1) U by Kotex Tampons, 15 - 18 ct, Pantiliners, 36 - 64 ct, or Pads, 13 - 24 ct, FREE.
          • Vaseline Products, select - 20% OFF
            $2/1 Vaseline Lotion, exp. 8/15/20 (RMN 08/02/20) [6.8-oz.+; ETS]
          • Zegerid, select - 20% OFF
            Save $3.00 off any Zegerid OTC? Product (14ct or larger)
          • Milk-Bone Gnaw Bones Dog Treats, 7.2 - 9.6 oz - $5.00
          • Pedigree Dog FOod, 15 - 20.4 lb - $11.99

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          Back to School Gift Guide Tue, 11 Aug 2020 18:37:47 +0000 All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own. It has been such a strange summer! This year’s back to school season is even stranger. I know […]

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          All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own.

          It has been such a strange summer! This year’s back to school season is even stranger. I know so many families that are sending their kiddos back to school, opting to do online learning and starting their own homeschooling curriculums (I’m starting homeschooling with curriculums I’ve pieced together – pray for us!). I also know that about 99% of my friends (including myself) are second guessing their choices. It’s just a weird season of life. I’m a mixture of very excited and very nervous about starting to homeschool my kiddos. I’m hopeful that once they see that the curriculums I chose match their personalities and that they have lots of fun!

          The purpose of our Back to School Gift Guide for Kids is to highlight some practical school related items that your child may need whether they are going back to a brick and mortar school or having school in your home. It’s a short list but full of great ideas. Many of these gift ideas we have personally owned for years and years. Some gifts I have been given the opportunity to try out and review. All of the gift ideas are wonderful!

          Calling all companies! Do you have a product that you think would be a perfect fit for our Back to School Gift Guide for Kids? Send me an email to and give me your details!

          Gift Ideas

          • 2020-2021 Blue Sky 8.5″ x 11″ Teacher Planner

            Since I’m homeschooling this year I really needed a teacher planner to keep myself on task and make sure we are doing all of our necessary schoolwork each day. This planner is perfect because there is plenty of space for more than one student and there are 9 categories for different subjects. It has a monthly calendar and also weekly calendars. I love that this planner is tabbed so it’s easy to get to each month in the planner.

            Organize in style with this Blue Sky Teacher Lesson planner dated from July 2020 to June 2021. UThis 8.5″ x 11″ weekly and monthly planner will help schedule your 2020-2021 details, vacations and each day in-between. Spruce up any office or home space and mix or match with other planning products from Blue Sky to organize your year. The planner is a July 2020-June 2021 ruled weekly and monthly planner. It features one month per two pages spreads, weekly lesson planning, holidays and special dates, class birthdays, weekly activity schedule, and yearly overview calendars

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          • Crayola Back to School Supplies

            Crayola is the go-to place to find back to school supplies like markers, crayons, colored pencils, construction paper and so much more. I am loving their new Colors of the World crayons that match the skin colors of people from all over the world. Check our Crayola’s Back to School Guide for supply and activity ideas!

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          • Crayola Project Supplies

            Whether it’s for a science fair project, homework assignment, or DIY craft, these Crayola Project Supplies offer color and coverage for a variety of creative ideas. Crayola Project Poster Markers, Poster Crayons, Premium Construction Paper, and more put pop on poster board and help create a finished presentation you can be proud of! Use the art supplies on multiple surfaces—they’re versatile enough to complete a number of school projects in the classroom and at home.

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          • Crazy Drinks Science Lab

            With Crazy Drinks Science Lab get ready to turn your kitchen into a science lab with the components of this kit: a UV light, 2 beakers, a graduated cylinder, a mixing cup, 2-piece ice ball mold, a pipette, 2 crazy drinking straws, and a 24-page illustrated book. With this kit and items from your kitchen, you’ll explore the light spectrum, untwist polymers, experiment with carbonate reactions, and more! Even better, these experiments are designed to be a feast for your eyes and a treat for your taste buds. So clear off the counter and get ready for some crazy delicious chemistry!

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          • Five Star Standard 2″ 3-Ring Zipper Binder

            Make sure you have what you need for class with this durable Five Star Standard 2″ 3-Ring Zipper Binder that stands up to the rough wear and tear of your busy schedule. It includes a zipper closure, multiple pockets and two separate expanding features for extra storage both inside and outside the binder.

            -Equipped with three round rings for easy page turning
            -Holds up to 380 sheets
            -Wide design accommodates letter-size papers
            -Interior five-tab expanding file provides convenient and organized storage for up to 200 loose papers
            -Expansion panel on the outside of the binder allows you to store and access textbooks, notebooks, and more without unzipping the binder
            -Includes an interior gusseted pocket with a hook-and-loop closure and a puncture-resistant, micro-mesh pocket with a zipper closure
            -Three exterior pen loops and exterior zipper pocket keep small items accessible
            -1-year manufacturer limited warranty

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          • High Sierra Outburst Backpack

            The High Sierra Outburst Backpack is for grade schoolers and is available in Aqua, Tie Dye and Black. This backpack holds everything. It has 360° reflectivity which is so helpful if your child walks or rides their bike to school. It fits most 15.6″ laptops. It has a main compartment and a large organization pocket. It has a stash pocket for quick storage. It has dedicated storage for tech and trinkets. It even has a padded laptop/tablet sleeve. It has dual water bottle pockets so your child will be able to stock up on water! My daughter loves her backpack!

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          • High Sierra Swerve Pro 18″ Backpack

            This backpack has superior storage which can carry what moves you. The High Sierra Swerve Pro 18″ Backpack has a large main compartment plus a full-length organization pocket to keep everything you need at hand. It features a dedicated, padded laptop pocket (fits laptops up to 15.6”) and tablet sleeve, plus a fleece-lined pocket for your sunglasses or phone. An adjustable sternum strap and padded airmesh straps & back panel make for comfortable carrying. This is the perfect backpack for school, travel and even homeschooling trips to the library or park for open air learning.

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          • Mead Five Star Flex 1 Subject Hybrid Notebook Binder

            I love these binders because when you open it, it lies flat like a notebook! I use it to keep all of our curriculum schedules in it so that I can easily flip the pages around and lie the notebook flat like a binder. The rings open easily so you can organize by adding paper and dividers. Holds up to 200 sheets of paper.

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          • Microsoft – Surface Pro 7

            I did a lot of research on laptops and tablets that work like laptops since I know my kiddos will be taking some online classes and also taking typing classes online. I asked lots of moms who homeschool and the Microsoft Surface Pro 7 got wonderful reviews. The Surface Pro 7 adapts to the way you work with laptop-to-tablet versatility. It now delivers more power than ever, with a laptop-class Intel® Core™ processor, all-day battery, Instant On, improved graphics, and longer standby time – plus more multitasking connections, now including both USB Type-C™ and USB Type-A ports. Includes Surface Pro Type Cover.

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          • Osmo Coding Starter Kit

            We do not use a lot of technology with our kiddos but I LOVE it when they ask to play Osmo. There are so many different kits that will teach your child everything from math to reading to creating shapes and to coding! They have a new Coding Starter Kit that is perfect for getting your child interested in coding! This Osmo Coding Starter Kit will transform your child’s tablet into a hands-on coding adventure. Designed for ages 5–10, Coding Starter Kit builds coding skills in progression with 3 hands-on learning games. Watch your child learn to code as they connect colorful blocks of code in the physical world to chart the adventure on their screen. This kit comes with the games Coding Awbie, Coding Jam and Coding Duo! It works on iPad and Fire tablets.

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          • Pep Rally Ballpoint Pens

            These Pep Rally retractable ballpoint pens are perfect for everyday writing and note taking. These pens have black ink, a medium 1.0 mm point, and come in assorted pastel colors.

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          • Pep Rally Wooden Pencils

            Write down notes or stories with these stylish assorted Pep Rally Wooden pastel color pencils. These pencils have #2 lead and come with an eraser on the end. These pencils are designed for those striving, following dreams, and expressing themselves! The pencils come unsharpened in assorted pastel colors: lilac, coral, and mint. Each pencil comes with an eraser end for correcting errors

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          • Pilot Frixion ColorSticks and Precise Pens

            FriXion ColorSticks are the Pilot FriXion line of writing instruments that offer unlimited do-overs you can write, erase and re-write until you get it right. These ColorSticks have thermo-sensitive ink that becomes clear from the heat generated via erasing friction. There’s no wear and tear to the paper or messy eraser crumbs!

            Pilot Precise Marklighter2 are NEW premium highlighters that feature a broad tip and an extra fine tip. They are designed to deliver an ultra-smooth, vibrant, precision highlighting experience. Ideal for marking, journaling, and all your hand lettering needs. Premium double ended features bullet and chisel tips, and is available in 10 vivid colors. They are smear resistant, vibrant and have a quick drying ink that won’t bleed through your paper and is the perfect way to make your mark! Pilot Precise V5 rolling ball pens have a patented extra fine precision tip to deliver smooth, skip-free writing every time. Pilot’s unique ink formula maintains even, flowing strokes for precise writing. You’ll love the clean lines & even ink delivery of this rolling ball pen. Available in black, blue, red, turquoise, purple, & green ink. Visible ink supply means you’ll never run dry!

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          • Pilot G2 Neons and Pastels Pens

            Pilot G2 Neons and Pilot G2 Pastels are long lasting, smooth writing gel ink pens. With G2 Neons, experience ultra-pigmented neon ink that writes vibrantly on light or dark paper. Perfect for adding a little extra color to every day writing tasks or splashing personality across your writing pages. G2 Neons brings colorful expression to your overachieving ways. G2 Pastels are perfectly poised to embrace that latest color trends of 2020 and beyond.

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          • Experiment with Outdoor Science

            Science isn’t limited to the classroom—it can be found out in the garden! This photographic book of experiments and projects covers covers chemical reactions, states of matter, microbiology, and much more—all with materials and equipment that can be found at home.

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          • Nature Play Workshop For Families

            This insightful guide balances nature play experiences with hands-on projects using natural materials and is an ideal jumping off point for immersive nature play. Nature Play Workshop for Families includes examples of nature-based child experiences outlined in the book include:

            – Wildlife observation and tracking
            – Nature sounds, songs, and poetry
            – Gardening and cooking with wild edibles
            – Printmaking, charcoal drawing, dyeing, and shadow play
            – Journaling inspired by nature

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          • Stanley Jr. Woodworking is Awesome!

            Jump right in with an introduction to building with wood! A complete basics section on tools and skills teaches kids the ground rules. (They’ll also learn when parents will need to lend a helping hand in the wood shop.) The rest of the book is all about the projects, including easy builds and more challenging ideas. Chapters and projects include: Fun and hobby-related projects like a birdhouse, toss across game, and catapult! Handy projects like a tool carrier and workbench. Gifts, including a picture frame and jewelry box.

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          • Super Science Experiments: Outdoor Fun

            This fact- and fun-filled book includes tons of simple, kid-tested science experiments, many of which can be done with items from around the house, and require little-to-no supervision! That’s right—no adult help needed. That means no grownups doing all the fun stuff while you watch. You can do lots of messy, cool, mind-blowing experiments all by yourself! All the supplies you need are probably already in your home. No fancy gadgets or doohickeys needed!

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          • The Unplugged Family Activity Book

            Get ready for kid-approved ideas that celebrate the great outdoors year round! Whether you’re building forts or making fresh cider, there’s something for every kid and every season. Host a springtime tea party, where you’ll nibble shortbread cookies and make a mossy teacup fairy garden. Or gather with family for a summer potluck party. Blow giant bubbles, race leaf-and-bark boats, or camp out in your own backyard.

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          50 Disposable 3-Layer Face Masks under $17 Thu, 06 Aug 2020 17:10:21 +0000 I found an awesome mask deal today. I’m not a mask expert but the reviews are 4.3 stars out of 5 which is pretty good. Prices are subject to change so keep that in mind. This 50 pack of Disposable Face 3 Layer Anti-Dust Protective MAsks is marked down to $19.99. Head HERE. Check: ALDI […]

          The post 50 Disposable 3-Layer Face Masks under $17 appeared first on


          I found an awesome mask deal today. I’m not a mask expert but the reviews are 4.3 stars out of 5 which is pretty good. Prices are subject to change so keep that in mind. This 50 pack of Disposable Face 3 Layer Anti-Dust Protective MAsks is marked down to $19.99. Head HERE. Check: ALDI Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad. **make sure the order continues to be “Fulfilled by Amazon” (that’s what it is as of 1:09 pm EST). That way if there is an issue with your order, Amazon will handle all customer service and returns.

          The post 50 Disposable 3-Layer Face Masks under $17 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 8/6/20 – 8/12/20 Thu, 06 Aug 2020 13:21:34 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 6th or Wednesday, August 5th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 8/6/20 – 8/12/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 6th or Wednesday, August 5th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Get a $10.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $50.00
          • Always Infinity, Radiant, Ultra Thin, or Maxi Pads, 18 - 46 ct - $6.99
            $2/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Pure Cotton, Ultra or Maxi Pads, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [10-ct.+; Excludes always liners and always discreet; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Capri Sun, 10 pk ($2.96) - $1.48
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Downy or Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $6.49
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • Maxwell House Ground Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz, or K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies or Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - $3.50
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Snacks, 20 pk - $5.99
          • Pantene Pro-V, Head & Shoulders, Aussie, or Old Spice Hair Care, select - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $5/3 Pantene Products, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Includes gold series collection excludes intense rescue shots, nutrient blends collection, non-wash collection, pro-v ingredients, one step nourishing mask and trial/travels size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $3/2 Head & Shoulders Products, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes men's styling and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Propel Water, 6 pk - $3.00
          • Quaker Quick 1-Minute or Old Fashioned Oats, 42 oz ($5.59) - 2.79
          • Starbucks Frappuccino or Doubleshot, 4 pk - B2G1 - $6.99
            Final Price: $4.66 each wyb 3
          • Tampas Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $6.99
            $2/1 Tampax Pearl, Pocket Pearl, Radiant, Pocket Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [14-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Tide Laundry Detergent, 138 oz - $17.99
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 4Rivers BBQ Sauce, 16 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • American Flatbread Pizza, 15.5 - 17.1 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Annie's Macaroni & Cheese or Shells & Cheese, 2.01 - 11.3 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Arm & Hammer Toothpaste, 4.3 - 6.3 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER? Toothpaste, 4.3 oz. or larger
            Final Price: $0.99
          • Arnold Organic Bread, 18 - 27 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Babyganics Baby Products, 3 - 20 oz or 100 - 400 ct - B1G1
          • Barilla Sauce, 24 oz ($2.85) - $1.42
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, 4.5 - 8 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker? Fruit Shapes, Fruit Roll-Ups? Fruit Flavored Snacks OR Sunkist ...
            Final Price: $1.24 each wyb 2
          • Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad, 6.2 - 8.3 oz ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Blue Buffalo Dog Food, 6 lb ($21.99) - $10.99
          • Blue Plate Mayonnaise, 30 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner, 22 - 24 oz ($13.99) - $6.99
          • Breyers Ice Cream, 1.5 qt, or Ice Cream Cups, 30 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Cholula Hot Sauce, 5 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Citrus Magic Air Freshener, 3 - 7 oz or 1 ct ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Coca-Cola Energy Drink, 12 oz ($2.60) - $1.30
          • Devour Entree, 9 - 12 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Diana's Bananas Banana Babies Frozen Banana Halves, 10.5 oz - B1G1
          • Dole Fruit, 4 pk, or Fridge Pack, 15 oz ($2.91) - $1.45
          • Driscoll's Organic Blackberries, 6 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 4 oz ($1.35) - $0.67
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $0.34 each wyb 3
          • Entenmann's Loaf Cake, 11.5 - 14.5 oz ($4.89) - $2.44
          • Filippo Berio Olive Oil, 25.3 oz ($9.25)
            $1/1 Filippo Berio Olive Oils printable
            Final Price: $3.62 each wyb 2
          • Friskies Cat Food, 3.15 lb ($5.15) - $2.57
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Kix Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Kix Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Toast Crunch Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Trix Cereal, 10.4 - 12.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • GreenWise Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Halo Top Ice Cream, 16 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans, 1 - 2 ct ($2.19) - $1.09
          • Heinz BBQ Sauce, 21.4 oz ($2.65) - $1.32
          • Heinz Real Mayo, 19 - 19.25 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            $1/2 Club Crackers, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [5.7-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Breakfast Bars, 10.4 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treat Bars, 5.64 - 6.2 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.3 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals or Bars, exp. 9/13/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #2) [10.5-oz.+; 5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Kelloggs Special K Pastry Crisps, 5.28 oz, or Protein Snack Bars, 7.38 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals or Bars, exp. 9/13/20 (RMN 08/02/20 #2) [10.5-oz.+; 5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter or Irish Butter with Canola Oil, 7.5 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • King's Hawaiian Mini Sub Rolls, 12 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 22 oz or 4 - 6 pk ($3.49) - $1.74
          • La Colombe Draft Ltte, 9 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 9.1 - 14 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Lantana Hummus, 10 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Log Cabin Syrup, 24 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Luigi's Real Italian Ice, 24 - 36 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            Save 75? off one Luigi's Italian Ice
            $1/1 Luigi's Real Italian Ice, exp. 9/5/20 (SS 07/26/20) [Any box]
            Final Price: $1.20
          • Luzianna Tea, 22 - 48 ct ($7.55) - $3.77
          • Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce, 15 - 16 oz ($1.46) - $0.73
          • Marie Callender's Pie, 6 - 10 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Melissa' Baby Dutch Yellow Potatoes, 24 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Mentos, Eclipse, Orbit, or Ice Breakers Ice Cubes Gum, 40 - 60 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Milo's Kitchen Home-Style Dog Treats, 15 - 18 oz ($14.99) - $7.49
          • Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup, 24 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Nabisco Rtiz Toasted Chips or Crisp & Thins, 7.1 - 8.1 oz - ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz ($3.98) - $1.99
          • New England Ground Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.79) - $4.39
          • Oberto Beef Jerky, 3.25 oz ($6.49) - $3.24
          • Olive Garden Seasoned Croutons, 5 oz ($1.89) - $0.94
          • Orchard Valley Harvest Nuts, 8 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
          • Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread or Buns, 16 - 24 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies, Melts, or Slices, 4.75 - 7.5 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk 12 oz, or Seltzer'ade, 8 pk 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct ($5.35) - $2.67
          • Publix Bakery Meyer Lemon Flavored Cookies, 13 ct ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Publix Cantaloupe Chunks, per lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Publix Deli Tuna Salad, 8 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Publix Microwave Popcorn, 6 pk ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Publix Premium Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Reser's Classic Sides, 20 - 24 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Rice a Roni or Pasta Roni, 1.9 - 7.2 oz ($1.65) - $0.82
          • Sandra's Stuffed Chicken, 12 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Simply Almond Milk, 46 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 4.9 - 10.5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            Save $1.50 off any FOUR (4) SMART ONES Products
            Final Price: $1.61 each wyb 4
          • Springer Mountain Farms Boneless Chicken Breasts or Thighs, per lb ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Thomas' English Muffins, Bagels, or Swirl Bread, 10.5 - 20 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Tillmook Cheddar Snack Portions, 7.5 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt or Simply Go-Gurt, 8 pk ($3.79) - $1.89
            Save $1.50 when you buy TWO PACKS any variety Yoplait Yogurt Multipack (Includes 8-Pack Fridge Pack, Beverage, Go-GURT...
            Final Price: $1.14 each wyb 2
          • Yoplait Yogurt, 32 oz - B1G1
            Meat & Seafood
          • 40/80 ct Faroe Island Sea Scallops, per lb - $11.99
          • 41/50 ct Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless Shoulder Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $4.99
          • Brisket Flat-Cut, per lb - $6.99
          • Cajun-Seasoned Catfish Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Applewood or Hickory Smoked Bacon, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chicken, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.19
            Final Price: $4.12 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Keta Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • Greenfield Lunch Kit, 2.9 - 4.1 oz - $2.50
          • Hillshire Farm Lunch Meats, 11 - 16 oz - $5.00
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $4.99
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $6.39
          • Publix Aprons Lemon Dill Seasoned Salmon Burgers, ea - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Boneless Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Pork Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Strauss Grass Fed Ground Beef Patties, 1.33 lb - $9.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloins, per lb - $9.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.00
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.99
          • Del Monte Fruit Naturals Snacks, 6.5 - 7 oz - $1.00
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $0.99
          • King O' The West Honeydew, ea - $2.99
          • King O' The West Orangedew Melons, ea - $2.99
          • Lemons, ea - $0.63
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Marie's Dressing, 11.5 - 12 oz - $3.00
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.69
          • Organic Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.00
          • Peaches, per lb - $1.69
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Green Beans, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Plumcots, per lb - $2.49
          • Plums, per lb - $1.69
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $0.99
          • Publix Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.89
          • Russet Potatoes, per lb - $0.99
          • Sweet Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99
          • Verry Cherry Plums, per lb - $3.49
          • White or Red Organic Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Blueberry Mini Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Seeded Whole Wheat Bread, 24 oz - $3.49
          • PopCorners Flex Protein Crisps, 5 oz - B2G1 - $4.59
            Final Price: $3.06 each wyb 3
          • Publix Bakery Angel Food Cake, 15 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Cuban Bread, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Fruit Crisps, 7 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $3.29
          • Publix Bakery Homestyle Cornbread, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Meringue Pie, 6" - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Scones, 8 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Deli Cheddar Cheese, 7 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Family Size Lasagna or Eggplant Parmesan, 30 - 38 oz - $4.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Pita Thins, or Bagel Chip, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • Bush's Best or Savory Beans 15.1 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 6.5 - 9.25 oz - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Mini Cans, 10 pk - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.99
            Final Price: $3.99 each wyb 3
          • Fever-Tree Products, 4 pk - $3.99
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 9.75 - 18 oz - $4.00
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - $6.00
          • GreenWise Granola, 8 - 12 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Coconut Oil, 29 oz - $11.99
          • GreenWise Organic Juice Drink, 10 pk - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Peanut Butter, 16 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Preserves, 12 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Tomato Ketchup, 20 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Tortilla Chips, 7.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Hormel Real Bacon Bits or Pieces or Crumbled Bacon, 2.8 - 3 oz - $2.00
          • Kelloggs Pop-Tarts, 13.5 oz - $1.67
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins or Good Thins Crackers, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.6 oz - $2.00
          • Prego Pasta Sauce, 23.5 - 24 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Chocolate Covered Almonds Candy, 8 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Macaroni & Cheese Dinner, 7.25 oz - $0.69
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz - $1.50
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - $1.29
          • Starbucks Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.99
          • Swanson Broth, 14.5 oz - $0.99
          • Wonderful No Shell Pistachios, 5.5 - 6 oz - $5.99
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shells Product, exp. 8/9/20 (SS 05/10/20) [5.5-oz. to 7-oz.]
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Cabo Fresh Organic Guacamole, 12 oz - $5.49
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt Drink, 7 oz, or Non-Dairy Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $2/10 Chobani Greek Yogurt Products or Chobani Non-Dairy Single-Serve Products, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/26/20)
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 10
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $2/10 Chobani Greek Yogurt Products or Chobani Non-Dairy Single-Serve Products, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/26/20)
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 10
          • Eggland's Best Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWise Organic Liquid Egg Whites, 16 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Orange Juice, 52 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic String Cheese, 6 oz - $3.79
          • GreenWise Organic String Cheese, 6 oz - $3.79
          • KeVita Organic Kombucha or Sparkling Probiotic Drink, 15.2 oz - $2.50
          • Maple Hill Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.99
          • Pillsbury Crescents, Cinnamon Roll, Sweet Biscuits, Orange Danish Rolls, or Flaky Cinnamon Rolls - $2.00
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Mozzarella Chunk Cheese, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $1.67
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce, exp. 9/28/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Ripple Milk, 48 oz - $3.50
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.84 - 8 oz - $3.00
            $1/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 8/22/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            $0.75/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 8/22/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Air Wick Aerosol Spray Kit, Essential Mist, or Freshmatic - $9.99
            Save $1.50 off any ONE (1) Air Wick? Freshmatic? Starter Kit (offer values may vary)
            Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Air Wick? Essential Mist? Starter Kit (offer values may vary)
            $3/1 Air Wick Essential Mist Starter Kit, exp. 8/30/20 (SS 08/02/20)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
            $0.50/1 Cascade Dishwasher Detergent or Dishwasher Cleaner, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 48 - 56 oz - $2.50
          • Gain 42 - 100 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Gain or Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Gain or Downy Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Gain or Downy Scent Booster, 14.8 oz - $9.99
          • GreenWise Dish Detergent, 25 oz - $2.50
          • Libman Sponges, 3 ct - $2.50
          • Libman Tornado or Wonder Mop Refills, ea - $4.79
          • Libman Tornado or Wonder Mop, ea - $8.99
          • Publix Long Lasting Alkaline Batteries, select - $3.33
          • Rubbermaid TakeAlongs Containers, 2 - 6 ct - 40% OFF
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser or Cleaner, 7.04 - 28.6 oz or 2 pk - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Product printable [20-oz.+]
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Toilet Care Product printable
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Solo Plastic Cups, 30 - 50 ct - $2.50
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Earth's Best Organic Homestyle Meal or Protein Puree, 4.5 oz - $1.69
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $1.36 each wyb 3
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Any box; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Pampers Wipes Refills, 112 - 216 ct - $5.99
            $0.50/2 Pampers Wipes, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [56-ct.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.74 each wyb 2
          • Blue Buffalo Divine Delights Dog Food, 3.5 oz - $1.00
          • Cat's Pride Cat Litter, 10 - 15 lb - $6.99
          • Publix Premium Dog Food, 16 lb - $15,99

          The post Publix Matchups 8/6/20 – 8/12/20 appeared first on

          Receive a $15 Target Gift Card With Fabric Care Purchase Wed, 05 Aug 2020 15:08:19 +0000 This post is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Now is the time to stock up on laundry detergent and fabric softener at Target! When you purchase $50 worth of products you will receive a $15 Target Gift Card! This promotion ends on August 8th so take advantage of […]

          The post Receive a $15 Target Gift Card With Fabric Care Purchase appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Now is the time to stock up on laundry detergent and fabric softener at Target! When you
          purchase $50 worth of products you will receive a $15 Target Gift Card! This promotion ends on August 8th so take advantage of it now! The P&G brands included in this gift card deal will cover all of your fabric care and laundry needs (brands like Tide, Downy, Bounce, Gain and NBD Detergents)! Head HERE. Also, make sure you check back at the Target Gift Card page
          throughout August to watch for upcoming gift card deals!

          Three of the included products that I like to use are Tide Pods Laundry Detergent Pacs (these are SO convenient for days when I’m doing multiple – aka endless – loads of laundry), Tide Original High Efficiency Liquid Laundry Detergent and NBD Lavender & Rosewood Liquid Laundry Detergent.

          If you haven’t used NBD Liquid Laundry Detergent before, NBD Detergent is Dye-Free and Phosphate-Free! Designed to work in both High Efficiency (HE) and regular washers, NBD Liquid Laundry Detergent is a 75% USDA Certified Biobased Product. Even better – NBD is gentle on sensitive skin because it has no dyes, phosphates, chlorine, or brighteners. If you are looking for a plant based detergent, this is one to try!

          Because of Covid, I’m still trying to avoid shopping in-stores as much as possible. Because of this, I utilize Target’s Drive Up Pickup. I use my Target app to make my purchase and when I select “Drive Up Pickup”, I know that I won’t have to worry about going into the store to get my order.

          The way that Drive Up works is once you have placed your order with Drive Up, Target will email you a “ready for pickup” email. Once you receive the email and are ready to head to Target, use your Target app and click “I’m on my way.” Once you arrive at Target, park in the labeled Drive Up parking space and your purchase will be brought to your car. We’ve done this multiple times now and it’s so easy and quick.

          This $15 Target Gift Card deal ends August 8th so take advantage of it now! Head HERE. Also,
          follow Target’s Gift Card page to watch for future gift card deals.

          The post Receive a $15 Target Gift Card With Fabric Care Purchase appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 7/30/20 – 8/5/20 Wed, 29 Jul 2020 19:58:10 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 30th or Wednesday, July 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 7/30/20 – 8/5/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 30th or Wednesday, July 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Betty Crocker Brownie Mix, 16 - 19.1 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Betty Crocker Cookie Bites, 12.2 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Betty Crocker Cookie Mix, 14 - 17.9 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Betty Crocker Frosting, 12 - 16 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Betty Crocker, Sunkist, Ocean Spray, or Mott's Medley's Fruit Snacks, 9 - 19.2 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker? Fruit Shapes, Fruit Roll-Ups? Fruit Flavored Snacks ...
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 2
          • Biscotti, 7 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Botticelli Premium Pasta Sauce, 24 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • BuddyFruits Pure Blended Fruit, 3.2 oz ($1.00) - $0.50
          • Capri Sun 100% Juice Blend or 100% Real Apple Juice, 10 ct ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Celentano Meatballs, 12 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Chobani Coffee Creamer, 24 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Chobani Greek, Regular, Flip, or Less Sugar Yogurt, 4 pk or 24 - 32 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Chobani Oat Milk, 52 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Dannon Danimals Smoothies, 6 pk, or Squeezables, 4 pk ($5.21) - $2.60
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Emerald Cashews, Mixed Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, or Virginia Peanuts, 5 - 10 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Fiber One Bars, 5.34 - 14.1 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
          • General Mills Breakfast Pack Cereal, 1.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 1.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 7.5 - 8.75 oz ($2.91) - $1.45
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BAGS any 3.7 OZ. OR LARGER Chex Mix?...
            Final Price: $1.20 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 1.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Golden Grahams Cereal, 1.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 1.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Toast Crunch Cereal, 1.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Treat Bars, 6.8 - 8.48 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 1.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams or Kix, exp. 8/29/20 (SS 07/19/20)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Gold Peak Tea, 18.5 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz ($2.50) - $1.25
          • Hot Pockets Stuffed Sandwiches or Breakfast Pockets, 8.5 - 9 oz ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Jimmy Dean Delights Sandwiches, Breakfast Wrap, Frittatas, or Egg'wich, 12 - 20.4 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Keebler Chips Deluxe, Fudge Stripes, Sandies, Vienna Fingers, Fudge Shoppe, Coconut Dreams, Elfin Mix, EL Fudge, or Simply Made Cookies, 6 - 15 oz ($4.15) - $2.07
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes or Rice Krispies Cereal, 24 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            Save $0.50 on any ONE Kellogg's? Rice Krispies? Cereal
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/20/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz ($2.91) - $1.45
          • Laughing Cow Wedge or Dippers, 6 - 6.17 oz
          • Maxwell House Ground Coffee, 10.5 - 11.5 oz ($6.29) - $3.14
          • Mott's Apple Juice, Juice Blend, or Beverage, or Mott's for Tot's, 64 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk ($2.89) - $1.44
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.32 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Variety Pack or Single Serve Tray Cookies or Crackers, 9 - 25.2 oz ($6.89) - $3.44
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley Bars or Squares, 6.5 - 17.8 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Bars, exp. 8/1/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            Final Price: $3.59 each wyb 2
          • Nature's Own Butterbread, 20 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
          • Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 24 pk ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, 4 - 8 oz ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 40 oz ($7.30) - $3.64
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, 6 ct, or Scrambles, 4 ct ($2.62) - $1.31
          • Planet Oat Oatmilk, 52 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            Save $1.00 off any ONE (1) Planet Oat Oatmilk
            Final Price: $0.99
          • Protein One Protein Bars, 4.8 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
            $1/2 Purex Liquid Laundry Detergents, exp. 8/9/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [43.5-oz. to 50-oz.]
            $1/1 Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent Pacs, exp. 8/9/20 (RMN 07/26/20) [65-oz.+ or 4-in-1]
            Final Price: $2.07
          • Quaker Cap'n Crunch, 15.4 - 20 oz ($4.86) - $2.43
          • Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, 6.1 - 7.4 oz, or Baked or Breakfast Squares, 10.5 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Quaker Life Cereal, 18 oz ($4.86) - $2.43
          • Quaker Oatmeal Squares, 14.5 oz ($4.86) - $2.43
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Chew Bones for Dogs, 6.3 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
            Save $1.00 off Rachael Ray Nutrish? Dog Treats
            FREE Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Treats wyb Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Dog Food, exp. 8/8/20 (SS 06/14/20) [6.3-oz. or less]
            Final Price: $0.64
          • Sabra Hummus Singles, 6 pk ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Sargento Balanced Breaks, 4.08 - 4.5 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
            $1/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks Snack, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/07/20)
            Final Price: $1.09
          • Scripto Aim 'n Flame II Lighter, 1 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Smartwater, 23.7 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Smucker's Preserves, Marmalade, Jam, Jelly, or Fruit Sprea, 17.25 - 18 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 9 - 25.2 oz ($6.89) - $3.44
            $1/1 Snack Well's Cookies printable
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Truly Grass-Fed Natural Creamy Butter, 8 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz
          • Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars, 12 - 14 oz ($5.25) - $2.62
          • 20/40 ct GreenWise Sea Scallops, per lb - $13.99
          • Bob Evans Side Dishes, 12 - 24 oz - $3.50
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99
          • Boneless Shoulder, Bottom Round, Eye Round, or Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steak, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Applewood or Hickory Smoked Bacon, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Lunchmeats, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Round Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hilshire Farm Lunchmeat, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33
          • Just BARE Chicken Breast Fillets, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.99
            Final Price: $4.66 each wyb 3
          • Medium Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $9.99
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Chicken or Turkey Breast, 16 oz - $5.50
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G# - $2.59
            Final Price: $1.29 each wyb 6
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Breast Kabobs, per lb - $7.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Buter, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Top Sirloin Beef Kabobs, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops Center Cut, per lb - $3.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Shrimp Skewers, 2 oz - $1.00
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99
          • Blackberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Green Avocado, ea - $1.66
          • GreenWise Organic Salads, 4 - 5 oz - $3.49
          • Honeydew or Orangedrew Melon, ea - $3.99
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Organic Fuji or Gala Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.99
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Honeydew Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.69
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Whole Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.69
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.49
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $4.99
          • Sweet Baby Bell Peppers, 12 oz - $2.00
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99
          • Tsamma Watermelon Juice, 12 oz - $2.00
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Wonderful Pistachios No Shells, 5.5 - 6 oz - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shells Product, exp. 8/9/20 (SS 05/10/20) [5.5-oz. to 7-oz.]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Double Play, 16 oz - $9.49
          • Flatout Bread, 6.8 - 11.2 oz - $3.00
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) Flatout Wrap or Foldit Sandwich Flatbread
            Final Price: $2.00
          • GreenWise Bakery English Muffins, 5 ct - $1.19
          • GreenWise Ravioli or Tortellini, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Lover's Delight Cake, 66 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Lover's Delight, 2 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Cinnamon Fry Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Cookie Bites, 14 ct - $3.59
          • Publix Bakery Croissant Loaf, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Creme Cake Slices, 8 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Half Chicken Meal, ea - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Imported French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Meat Variety Pack, 6 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal, ea - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Spinach Dip, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Traditional Greek Salad, 17 oz - $5.99
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1 - $6.13
            Final Price: $4.08 each wyb 3
          • Arizona Tea, gal - $2.50
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $1.99
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 6.5 - 9.25 oz - $2.50
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.99
            Final Price: $3.99 each wyb 3
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on any 1 (ONE) 4-pack Del Monte? Bubble Fruit Fruit Cup Snack
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Donut Shop K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $6.49
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $0.88
          • Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic BBQ SAuce, 18 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Sprouted Multi-Grain Bread, 24 oz - $3.49
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Kellogg's Foot Loops, Special K, Frosted Flakes, or Rice Krispies Cups, 1.25 - 2.1 oz - $1.00
          • Kind Dark Chcolate Bark, 3.6 oz - $3.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Bread, 22 - 24 oz - $2.50
          • Powerade or Powerade Ultra, 20 - 28 oz - $1.00
          • Quaker Rice Crisps, Popped Rice, or Sweet Oat Crisps, 3 - 3.52 oz - $1.00
          • Ralston Family Farms Rice, 26 - 24 oz - $2.50
          • Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • Tostitos Salsa, 15.5 oz - $3.00
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Cabot Cheese Bar, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • NestFresh Free Range Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 4 oz, Cinnamon Rolls, 7.3 oz, Grands! Biscuits, 10.2 oz, or Jr. Flaky Biscuits, 12 oz - $1.00
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.00
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $3.33
          • Silk Cashew, Almond, Coconut, Soy, Almond Cashew, Almond Cashew Oatmilk, Flax Milk, or Oat Yeah Oatmilk, 64 oz - $2.50
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, 3.6 oz - $1.00
          • Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 o - $2.50
          • Life Cuisine, 4.5 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Michael Angelo's Entree, 10 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Morey's Fish Fillets, 2 ct - $7.99
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Screamin' Sicilian Pizza Co. Pizza, 20.8 - 25 oz - $6.99
            Save $1.00 off any (1) Screamin Sicilian Premium Frozen Product
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Stouffer's Bowl-Fulls or Classics Large Size, 14 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct - $3.33
          • Tyson Chicken Nuggets, Patties, or Tenders, 25.5 - 32 oz - $5.00
          • Brillo Sno Bol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.00
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $1.50 OFF
          • Downy or Dreft In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $1.50 OFF
          • Duracell Batteries, select - $4.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Scotch-Brite Scrub Sponges or Dobie Souring Sponges, 3 pk - $2.50
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Tide, 69 - 92 oz - $11.99
          • Always Infinity or Radiant Pads, 13 - 18 ct - $4.00
            $2/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Pure Cotton, Ultra or Maxi Pads, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [10-ct.+; Excludes always liners and always discreet; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Axe Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Axe Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
          • Axe Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Boost Nutritional Energy Drink, 4 - 24 pk - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
            $4/2 Boost Drink, exp. 8/29/20 (RMN 07/05/20) [Multipacks or Canisters]
          • Citracal Calcium Supplement, 70 - 200 ct - 20% OFF
          • Clif Energy or Nutrition Bars, 6 pk - $5.50
          • Colgate MaxFresh or MaxClean Toothpaste, 6 oz - $2.50
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 8/1/20 (SS 07/19/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size dnd]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Dove Men+Care Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Flintstone's Children's Vitamins, 60 - 180 ct - 20% OFF
            $1/1 Flintstone Multivitamin Product printable
          • Flonase, Sensimist, or Children's, 60 sprays - $8.00 OFF wyb 2
            Save $2.50 on ONE (1) FLONASE or CHILDREN'S FLONASE Brand Product 60 count
          • Garnier SkinActive Facial Products, select - 20% OFF
          • Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion or Cream, 8 - 14.5 oz - $6.99
          • Irish Spring Bar Soap, 8 ct - $4.00
          • Irish Spring Body Wash, 18 oz - $4.00
            SAVE $0.75 On any Irish Spring? Body Wash (excluding 2.5 oz trial size)
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Maui Moisture Hair Care, 4.2 - 13 oz - $6.99
            Save $2.00 ONE (1) Maui Moisture Vegan Hair Care or Body Care product (excludes 3.3oz trial sizes and Bonus sizes)
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Old Spice Products, select - $1.00 OFF wyb 2
            B1G1 Old Spice Body Wash, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size buy one, get one old spice dry spray free up to-$5.49; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/2 Old Spice Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, Body Wash or Bar Soap, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes high endurance and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • One a Day Vitamins and Supplements, 26 - 200 ct - 20% OFF
            Save $1.00 off ONE A Day? product
            Save $1.00 off ONE A Day? Pre-Natal multivitamin product
          • Premier Protein Ready to Drink Protein Shake, 4 pk - $6.99
          • Softsoap Body Wash or Scrub, 20 oz - $4.00
            Save 75? off ONE Softsoap brand Body Wash (15oz or larger)
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 114 - 18 ct - $4.00
            $2/1 Tampax Pearl, Pocket Pearl, Radiant, Pocket Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 8/29/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [14-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Treseme Hair Care, 11 or 28 oz - $4.00
            $4/2 TRESemme Shampoo or Conditioner Products, exp. 8/1/20 (RMN 07/19/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Enfamil Infant Powder Formula, Next Step, or Enfagrow Toddler Transitions, 19.5 - 31.4 oz - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Food, 4 oz - $1.00
          • Luvs Diapers, 74 - 104 ct - $15.99
            $1.50/1 Luvs Diapers, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $14.49
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 104 ct, or Easy Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Any box; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $2/1 Pampers Easy Ups Training Underwear or Splashers Swim Diapers, exp. 8/8/20 (P&G 07/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Similac Infant Powder Formula, 19.8 - 30.8 oz or 1.86 - 1.93 lb - $10.00 OFF wyb 2
          • 9Lives Cat Food, 4 pk - $1.50
          • Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, 9 - 26.3 lb - $10.99
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER? Cat Litter
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Blue Buffalo Adult Dog Food, 15 lb - $10.00 OFF
          • Cesar Canine Cuisine or Home Delights Dog Food, 3.5 oz - $0.70
          • Milk-Bone Dog Biscuits, Treats, or Snacks, 5 - 24 oz - $3.33
            Back to School
          • Bic Medium Point Pen, 10 ct ($1.99) - $0.99
          • Crayola Colored Pencils, 12 ct ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Crayola Crayons, 24 ct - $0.50
          • Crayola Markers, 8 - 10 ct ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Dixon #2 Pencils, 8 ct - $0.50
          • Elmer's School Glue Sticks, 3 pk ($1.99) - $0.99
          • Poly 2-Pocket 3-Tang Folder, ea ($0.95) - $0.47
          • Sharpie Highlighters, 4 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Sharpie Permanent Marker, 8 ct ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Top FLight Filler Paper, 150 ct ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Top Flight Wide Rule Composition Book, 100 sheets ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Westcoff Kids 5" Scissors, 1 ct ($1.49) - $0.74

          The post Publix Matchups 7/30/20 – 8/5/20 appeared first on

          Ends Saturday: Save $4.00 on Always & Tampax at Meijer Fri, 24 Jul 2020 16:33:40 +0000 This post is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Right now we can save big on Tampax and Always at Meijer! Between now and July 25th when we purchase two Always and/or Tampax products at Meijer, we will save $4.00! Head HERE to purchase your Tampax and HERE to […]

          The post Ends Saturday: Save $4.00 on Always & Tampax at Meijer appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by P&G. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Right now we can save big on Tampax and Always at Meijer! Between now and July 25th when we purchase two Always and/or Tampax products at Meijer, we will save $4.00! Head HERE to purchase your Tampax and HERE to purchase your Always!

          Always Infinity FlexFoam Pads promise that Zero Feel and Zero Leak Protection is possible! I love how thin these pads are and yet how durable and protective they are! Head HERE to Always Infinity. *This offer is good across all Always Pads (not just FlexFoam)!

          Tampax Pearl Tampons were always my go-to Tampons. They are the #1 US Gynecologist Recommended Tampon brand – based on a 2020 survey! Head HERE to Tampax Pearl.

          Check: CVS Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.

          Take advantage of these coupon savings now before they expire on July 25th! *You can also find your $4.00 off 2 coupon in the BrandSaver weekly paper which is found in stores!

          The post Ends Saturday: Save $4.00 on Always & Tampax at Meijer appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 7/23/20 – 7/29/20 Tue, 21 Jul 2020 14:42:06 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 23rd or Wednesday, July 22nd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 7/23/20 – 7/29/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 23rd or Wednesday, July 22nd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $12.99
          • Bob Evans Sides, 28 - 32 oz - $4.50
          • Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Free Graze American Style Kobe Ground Beef, 16 oz - $8.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Tenderloins ,per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Fully-Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Halibut Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $9.99
          • Hillshire Snacking Small Plates, 2.4 - 2.76 oz - $2.50
          • Hormel Pepperoni, 5 - 6 oz - $3.33
          • Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Sausage, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Chicken or Turkey Breast, 8 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3 - $2.59
            Final Price: $1.29 each wyb 6
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Boneless Chops, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz - $5.00
          • Red Grouper Fillets, per lb - $19.99
          • Sockeye Salmon Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $12.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.00
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Green Avocados, ea - $1.67
          • GreenWise Organic Granny Smith Apples, 2 lb - $3.99
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Honeydew, ea - $3.99
          • Jumbo Red Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Organic Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.49
          • Plumcots, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Honeydew Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Orange Juice, gal - $3.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.29
          • Strawberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Verry Cherry Plum, per lb - $2.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • White-Flesh Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • Black Creek Cheddar Cheese, 7 oz - $3.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Protein Bowl, 12 oz - $6.49
          • Boar's Head Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Vermont Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $2.29
          • King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls, 4 pk - $1.00
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake, 19 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Meringue Pies, 6" - $3.00
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Artichoke and Spinach Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $11.49
          • Publix Deli Citrus Blossom Tea, 57 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Fresh Fruit Platter, 60 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Meat Variety Pack, 6 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pork Smokehouse Meal for Four - $22.49
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2
          • Dasani Water, 24 pm - B2G1 - $6.13
            Final Price: $4.08 each wyb 3
          • Doritos, 9.25 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Mustard, 12 oz - $2.50
          • International Delight Coffee Creamer Singles, 24 ct - $2.50
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Mt Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Mueller's Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $1.29
          • Nabisco Belvita, 7.04 - 8.81 oz - $3.00
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.62 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins or Good Thins Crackers, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $6.15
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 4
          • Smartwater, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Starbucks Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.99
          • SunChips or Sun Puffs Snacks, 6 - 6 oz - $2.50
          • Welch's 100% Grape Juice or Juice Beverage, 64 oz - $3.00
          • A2 Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.50
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $3.50
            $1/1 Half Gallon A2 Milk printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer, 24.5 - 32 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk or Coconutmilk, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.33
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz, or Yogurt Drink, 7 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic String Cheese, 6 oz - $3.79
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin Snacks, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Noosa Finest Lil Tub Yoghurt, 4.5 oz - $1.00
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) noosa yoghurts
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 o - $2.50
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Quinoa & Kale, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Healthy Choice or Marie Callender's Entrees, Healthy Choice Wraps, 6 - 14 oz, Simply Steamers, or Power Bowls, 9 - 10 oz - 15% OFF
          • Kodiak Waffles, 13.75 oz - $4.69
          • Mrs Paul's Fish Stick or Fillets, 19 - 24.6 oz - $4.50
          • Publix Pizza Rolls, 44.5 oz - $5.00
          • Red Baron Pizza, 14.87 - 23.45 oz - $4.00
          • Tyson Chicken Nuggets, Patties, or Tenders, 25.5 - 32 oz - $5.00
          • Wyman's of Maine Wild Blueberries, 48 oz - $9.99
          • Bounce or Downy Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
          • Downy Wrinkleguard, 60 ct - $4.99
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 44 - 51 oz or 120 ct - $4.99
          • Gain Flings, 73 - 96 ct - $3.00 OFF
          • Gain Scent Booster, 7.2 oz - $4.99
          • Gain, 165 oz - $3.00 OFF
          • Glad Drawstring Bags, 50 - 90 ct - $11.99
          • Glad Flex 'n Seal Zipper Bags, 28 - 100 ct - $3.00
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz or 38 ct - $10.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Publix Long Lasting Alkaline Batteries, select - $3.33
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 31.7 - 64 oz or 70 - 80 ct, or Scent or Freshness Booster, 9 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 Snuggle Product, exp. 8/2/20 (RMN 07/12/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Tide Pods, 73 - 96 ct - $3.00 OFF
          • Axe Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Axe Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
          • Axe Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Biofreeze Pain Relief Medicine, 2.5 - 8 oz or 5 - 16 ct - Prices Vary
            Get a $5.00 Publix Gift Card with the Purchase of $20.00
          • CeraVe Skincare Products, 0.5 - 16 oz or 25 ct - 25% OFF
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) CeraVe? product, except trial sizes, including baby products, lotion and facial cleanser
          • Citracal Calcium Supplement, 70 - 200 ct - 20% OFF
          • Clif Energy, Nutrition, or Protein Bars, 6 pk - $5.50
          • Colgate Cavity Protection, Triple Actions, or Baking Siade Toothpaste, 4 oz - $1.00
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 7/25/20 (SS 07/12/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size dnd]
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 8/1/20 (SS 07/19/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size dnd]
            Final Price: $0.50
          • Colgate Fluoride Kids Toothpaste, 4.6 oz - vb
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 7/25/20 (SS 07/12/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size dnd]
          • Colgate Kids Minions Toothbrushes, 1 - 2 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $0.50/1 Colgate Adult or Kids Manual Toothbrush, exp. 8/1/20 (SS 07/19/20) [Excludes colgate plus, colgate extra clean or colgate classic clean dnd]
            $0.50/1 Colgate Kids Manual or Battery Powered Toothbrush, exp. 8/1/20 (SS 07/19/20) [DND]
          • Crest Complete Plus Scope, Pro-Health, or 3D White Toothpaste, 3 - 5.4 oz - $3.00
          • Crest ProHealth or Scope Advanced Mouthwash, 1 L - $5.00
          • Dove Men+Care Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Flintstone Children's Multivitamin Supplements, 60 - 180 ct - 20% OFF
            $1/1 Flintstone Multivitamin Product printable
          • Nature Made Dietary Supplements or Vitamins, 25 - 400 ct - $2.00 OFF
          • Nexxus Hair Care Products, 6.6 - 33.8 oz - 25% OFF
            Save $5.00 on any ONE (1) Nexxus W&C or Styling product (Excludes Nexxus Trial & Travel, Masque Sachets, and 5.1oz)
          • One a Day Multivitamins, 26 - 200 ct - 20% OFF
            Save $1.00 off ONE A Day? product
          • QuestBar Protein Bar, 4 pk, or Protein Shake, 4 pk - 20% OFF
          • U by Kotex Click, Sleek, or Fitness Tampons, 31 - 36 ct
            Buy (1), Get (1) U by Kotex Tampons, 15 - 18 ct, Pantiliners, 40 - 64 ct, or Pads, 13 - 24 ct, FREE.
            Save $3.00 off TWO (2) U by Kotex? Products (offer value may vary)
            Save 50? off ONE (1) U by Kotex? Products (offer value may vary)
            $3/2 U by Kotex Tampons, exp. 7/25/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            $3/2 U by Kotex Pads or Liners, exp. 7/25/20 (SS 06/28/20)
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 32 ct, or East Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pedialyte Oral Electrolyte Solution, 33.8 oz or 1 L or 6 - 8 ct - 25% OFF
            School Supplies
          • Bic Mechanical Pencils, 10 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Crayola Crayons, 24 ct - $0.50
          • Crayola Markers, 8 - 10 ct ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Dixon #2 HB Pencils, 8 ct - $0.50
          • Elmer's Washable School Glue, 4 oz ($1.95) - $0.97
          • Master Lock Combination Lock, ea ($5.89) - $2.94
          • Pilot G2 Premium Gel Roller Pens, 2 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Poly 2-Pocket 3-Tang Folder, ea ($0.95) - $0.47
          • Sharpie Highlighters, 4 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Top Flight Composition Book, 100 sheets ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Top Flight Filler Paper, 150 ct ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Top Flight Standard 1-Subject Notebook, 70 sheets ($0.99) - $0.49

          The post Publix Matchups 7/23/20 – 7/29/20 appeared first on

          Online Back to School Deals at Staples Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:27:50 +0000 I know I may be the minority here but I’m still not doing a lot of shopping in stores. Having a daughter with health issues, I’m extra cautious and prefer to shop online. So I’m loving that Staples has a lot of their Back to School Deals available online! They even have free next day […]

          The post Online Back to School Deals at Staples appeared first on


          I know I may be the minority here but I’m still not doing a lot of shopping in stores. Having a daughter with health issues, I’m extra cautious and prefer to shop online. So I’m loving that Staples has a lot of their Back to School Deals available online! They even have free next day delivery and a lot of items are free one hour store pick up! Head HERE to see all of their deals! Below are some of the deals standing out to me!

          TRU RED™ 1-Subject Notebook, 8″ x 10.5″, Wide Ruled, 70 Sheets, Assorted Colors (TR54893) on sale $0.25

          Staples 1 Subject Notebook, 8.5″ x 11″, College Ruled, 100 Sheets, Assorted, 3/Pack (11671M) on sale $0.75 (makes each notebook $0.25)

          TRU RED™ Composition Notebook, 7.5″ x 9.75″, Wide Ruled, 80 Sheets on sale $0.50

          TRU RED™ Composition Notebook, 7.5″ x 9.75″, College Ruled, 80 Sheets, Assorted Colors on sale $0.50

          Staples Report Cover with 2 Pockets, Plastic, Green, 26383, Each (26383) on sale $0.50

          4 pack of Staples Permanent Glue Sticks, .28 oz., on sale $0.50

          Crayola® Crayons, 24/Box, on sale $0.50

          Crayola Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors, 12/Pack (68-6012) on sale $0.97

          Crayola Kid’s Markers, Broad Line, Assorted Colors, 10/Pack (58-7722) on sale $0.97

          Crayola Classic Kid’s Markers, Fine Point, Assorted, 10/Pack (58-7726) on sale $0.97

          Fiskars 5″ Kid’s Scissors, Blunt Tip, Assorted Colors (94167797) on sale $3.21

          Fiskars 6″ Metal Kid’s Scissors, Pointed Tip, Assorted Colors (194640) on sale $3.92

          Ticonderoga The World’s Best Pencil Wooden Pencils, No. 2 Soft Lead, Dozen (13882) on sale $1.49


          TRU RED™ 3″ x 5″ Index Cards, Legal Ruled, White, 100/Pack (TR50993) on sale $0.50



          Staples Standard 1″ 3-Ring View Binder on sale $1.88



          *we love these erasers!* Pentel Hi-Polymer Latex Free Block Eraser, White, 3/Pack on sale $0.97



          TRU RED™ College Ruled Filler Paper, 8″ x 10.5″, White, 120 Sheets/Pack on sale $0.75

          TRU RED™ Wide Ruled Filler Paper, 8″ x 10.5″, White, 120 Sheets/Pack (TR37426) on sale $0.75

          The post Online Back to School Deals at Staples appeared first on

          Melissa & Doug See & Spell under $12 Thu, 16 Jul 2020 19:40:36 +0000 This is an awesome way to get your little one on the path of reading and spelling! This Melissa & Doug See & Spell is marked down to $11.77! This kit comes with eight 2 sided cutout boards to spell 3 and 4 letter words Prices are subject to change. Head HERE.

          The post Melissa & Doug See & Spell under $12 appeared first on


          This is an awesome way to get your little one on the path of reading and spelling! This Melissa & Doug See & Spell is marked down to $11.77! This kit comes with eight 2 sided cutout boards to spell 3 and 4 letter words Prices are subject to change. Head HERE.

          The post Melissa & Doug See & Spell under $12 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 7/15/20 – 7/21/20 Wed, 15 Jul 2020 17:43:07 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 16th or Wednesday, July 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 7/15/20 – 7/21/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 16th or Wednesday, July 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Annie's Homegrown Macaroni & Cheese or One Pot Pasta, 2.01 - 11.3 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Arm & Hammer Essentials or Ultramax Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Arnold Whole Grains or Country Bread, 24 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Arrid XX Gel or Solid Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz, or Dry Spray, 4 oz ($3.09_ - $2.04
          • Back to Nature Granola, 11 - 12.5 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Bertolli Olive Oil, 16.9 oz ($11.29) - $5.64
          • Celsius On-The-Go Drink Packets, 14 ct ($14.99) - $7.49
          • Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 10.5 - 15 oz ($3.85) - $1.92
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BAGS any 3.7 OZ. OR LARGER Chex Mix?...
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 4 pk ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Dial Body Wash, 14 - 16 oz ($4.70) - $2.35
            $2.00/1 RMN 07/12
            Final Price: $0.35
          • Edy's Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt ($6.45) - $3.22
          • Entenmann's Pop'ems Donuts, Pop'ettes, or Mini Donuts, 11 - 16 oz ($4.69) - $2.34
          • Equal Sweetener, select ($7.99) - $3.99
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            $1/2 Cheerios Cereal Boxes, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 19.3 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 19.3 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 20.7 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Toast Crunch Cereal, 19.3 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?TWO BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 7/18/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct ($9.65) - $4.82
          • Gold Peak Iced Tea, 64 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Gulden's Mustard, 12 oz ($1.74) - $0.87
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, 14 oz, or Ice Cream Bars, 9 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
            $1.00/1 Printable
            Final Price: $1.57
          • Handi-Foil Pans, 1 - 4 ct ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Hillshire Snacking Small Plates, 2.4 - 2.76 ox ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Juicy Juice Organic, 48 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.3 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 7/26/20 (RMN 06/14/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.71 each wyb 3
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 9.1 - 14 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Lifeway Kefir Cultured Milk or Smoothie, 1 qt - B1G1
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Nestle Outshine Bars, 9.9 - 18 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • No Nonsense Socks, 3 ct ($5.99) - $2.99
          • ParmCrisps Minis, 1.75 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Pedigree Dentastix Dog Treats, 13.97 - 15.56 oz ($9.85) - $4.92
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Milano, Chessman, or Mini Bite Size Cookies, 6.75 - 15.75 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel or Scrambles, 4 - 6 ct ($2.62) - $1.31
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Post Golden Crisp Cereal, 14.75 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 13 - 18 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honeycomb Cereal, 12.5 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Pebbles Cereal, 11 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Sour Patch Kids Cereal, 11 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Propel Water, 6 pk ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Publix Bakery Assorted Donut Holes, 7.8 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Premium Alaskan Panko Pollock Fillets, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Purina Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats, 2.1 oz ($1.75) - $0.88
          • Quaker Old Fashioned or Quick 1-Minute Oats, 18 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Quaker Rice Crisps, 6.06 - 7.04 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog FOod Tub, 8 oz ($2.15) - $1.07
          • Schwarzkopf got2b Hair Care, 6.1 - 9.1 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 24 oz or 4 pk ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars, Sandwiches, or Cones, 4 - 24 oz - B1G1
          • SoftPretzel Super Pretzela, 9 - 21.78 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
            Save 50? off ONE (1) SUPERPRETZEL? Soft Pretzel Product
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 14 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Tone Body Wash, 18 oz ($4.70) - $2.35
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Fillet, per lb - $6.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $5.99
          • Bottom Round Roast, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise 10/15 ct Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise Angus Tenderloin Steaks, per lb - $17.99
          • GreenWise Applewood or Hickory Smoked Bacon, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per b - $9.99
          • Ground sSirloin, per lb - $5.69
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - $3.00
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $4.99
          • Maverick Ranch Organic 85% Ground Beef, 16 oz - $7.69
          • Perdue Boneless Chicken Breasts, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Sockeye Salmon Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Boneless Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Mahi Fillets, 12 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Sweet Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Black or Red Plums, per lb - $1.99
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.00
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Dragon Fruit, ea - $2.50
          • Eat Smart Vegetables, 10 - 12 oz - $2.00
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.29
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt - $2.00
          • Green Avocados, ea - $1.67
          • Honey Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Honeydew or Orangedew Melon, ea - $3.99
          • Hot House Cucumber, ea - $1.67
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.50
          • Organic Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Peeled and Cored Pineapple, ea - $2.99
          • Rapini, ea - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Russet Potatoes, per lb - $0.99
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches, per lb - $1.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Salsalito Sandwich, ea - $3.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $5.49
          • Nabisco Nilla Wafers, 11 oz - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Dinner Rolls, 8 ct - $3.39
          • Publix Bakery Brownies, 8 ct - $3.89
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Bakery Multigrain Bread, 16 oz - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Round Bread, 16 oz - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Bowtie Feta Pasta Salad, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tenders Meal for Four - $20.99
          • Publix Deli Domestic Brie Cheese, per lb - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Hummus, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Mixed Berry Salad, 11 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B2G1 - $3.79
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • Cafe Bustelo K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Chicken of the Sea Infusions Tuna, 2.8 oz - $1.50
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Folgers Ground Coffee, 24.2 - 31.1 oz or 12 ct - $6.99
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $0.88
          • Ghirardelli Premium Caramel, Caramel Sea Salt, or Chocolate Sauce, 16 - 17 oz - $3.99
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 20.3 oz - $2.50
            Save $1.00 off THREE Pop-Tarts? toaster pastries
            $1/3 Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries, exp. 7/26/20 (RMN 06/14/20) [6-ct.+]
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 3
          • LaCroix Sparkling Water, 12 pk - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lays Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Little Debbie Snacks, 8 - 16.2 oz - $1.67
          • Mid's Pasta Sauce, 32 oz - $2.99
          • Nabisco Family Size Oreo, Chips Ahoy!, or Nutter Butter, 13 - 20 oz - $3.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.12 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk - B2G1 - $6.15
            Final Price: $4.10 each wyb 3
          • Perky Jerky Jerky, 2.2 oz - B2G1 - $5.45
            Final Price: $3.63 each wyb 3
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Polaner All Fruit Spreadable Fruit, 15.25 oz - $2.50
          • Super Snack Pack Pudding or Juicy Gels, 6 pk - $2.00
          • Wish-Bone Dreing, 15 oz - $2.00
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Cracker Barrel Chunk Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.50
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Planet Oat Oatmeal, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1 - $3.49
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 3
          • Publix Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $1.67
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6.5 oz - $2.50
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Espresso Classics, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00
          • The Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheese, 3.6 - 4.5 oz - $2.50
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 20 - 22 oz - $5.49
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.50
          • Gardein Meat-Free Products or Meals, 8 - 10 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWise Puff Pastry Sheets, 17.3 oz - $3.50
          • Jones Dairy Farm Golden Brown Sausage Links or Patties, 5 - 7 oz - $2.00
          • Lean Cuisine Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Frozen Potatoes or Onion, 16 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Sundae Cones, 36.8 oz - $4.99
          • Stouffer's Bowl-Fulls or Classic Large Size, 14 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Tai Pei Entree, 9 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Air Wick Scented Oil, 2 ct, or Freshmatic Spray Refill, 5.89 - 6.17 oz - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            Save $1.25 off any ONE (1) Air Wick? Scented Oil Starter Kit (offer values may vary)
            Save $1.50 off any ONE (1) Air Wick? Freshmatic? Ultra Refill (offer values may vary)
          • Arm & Hammer Freshness Booster, 37.8 oz - $7.00
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 122.5 - 150 oz - $7.00
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct or 75 oz - $6.99
            $1/1 Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [30-ct.+ Tub; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $1.50 OFF
          • Downy In-Wash Scent Booster, 20.1 oz - $11.99
          • Energizer Max, Lithium, or Rechargeable Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            $0.75/1 Energizer Batteries or Flashlight, exp. 8/1/20 (SS 06/21/20)
          • Gain Fireworks, 20.1 oz - $11.99
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $12.49
          • Resolve Carpet Cleaner or Stain Remover, 22 oz - $4.99
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $12.49
          • Tide, 69 - 92 oz - $12.49
          • Ziploc Freezer or Storage Bags, 10 - 48 ct - $4.50
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Ziploc? brand products
            Final Price: $4.00 each wyb 2
          • Enfamil Infant Formula - $10.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 104 ct, or Luvs Diapers, 74 - 104 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [Boxes; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1.50/1 Luvs Diapers, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Pampers Wipes, 56 - 72 ct - $1.99
            $0.50/2 Pampers Wipes, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [56-ct.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Plum Organics Baby Food Pouch, 3.5 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $1.79
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 3
          • Blue Wilderness Adult Dog Food, 11 lb - $15.00 OFF
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 13.5 - 16 lb - $9.99
            Back to School Deals
          • Bic Medium Point Pen, 10 ct ($1.99) - $0.99
          • Crayola Colored Pencils, 12 ct ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Crayola Crayons, 24 ct - $0.50
          • Crayola Markers, 8 - 10 ct ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Dixon #2 Pencils, 8 ct - $0.50
          • Elmer's School Glue Sticks, 3 ct ($1.99) - $0.99
          • Poly 2-Pocket 3-Tang Folder, ea ($0.95) - $0.47
          • Sharpie Highlighters, 4 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Sharpie Permanent Markers, 8 ct ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Top Flight Composition Book, 100 sheets ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Top Flight Filler Paper, 150 ct ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Westcott Kids' Scissors, 5" ($1.49) - $0.74

          The post Publix Matchups 7/15/20 – 7/21/20 appeared first on

          Paint by Sticker Kids: Unicorns & Magic Activity Book under $4 Mon, 13 Jul 2020 19:48:42 +0000 We LOVE these sticker books so much that we’ve featured many of the Paint by Sticker Kids books in our gift guides! This is a amazing steal available on Amazon right now! Paint by Sticker Kids: Unicorns & Magic is marked down to $3.99! Prices are of course subject to change. Head HERE. Below is […]

          The post Paint by Sticker Kids: Unicorns & Magic Activity Book under $4 appeared first on


          We LOVE these sticker books so much that we’ve featured many of the Paint by Sticker Kids books in our gift guides! This is a amazing steal available on Amazon right now! Paint by Sticker Kids: Unicorns & Magic is marked down to $3.99! Prices are of course subject to change. Head HERE. Below is a picture of my daughter working on her Paint by Sticker Kids: Halloween book 🙂

          The post Paint by Sticker Kids: Unicorns & Magic Activity Book under $4 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 7/9/20 – 7/15/20 Thu, 09 Jul 2020 18:33:14 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 9th or Wednesday, July 8th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 7/9/20 – 7/15/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 9th or Wednesday, July 8th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 31/40 ct Peeled and Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Beyond Meat Beyond Burger, 16 oz - $8.99
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Biltmore Cold Smoked Salmon, 4 oz - $5.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Cedar Bay Cedar Plank Salmon, 9.7 oz - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steak, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Chuck Roast, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Tenderloins, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWse Chilean Seabass Fillets, 12 oz - $19.99
          • Ground Round, per lb - $4.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Kiolbassa Organic Beef Sausage, 11.4 oz - $7.99
          • Medium Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $10.99
          • New York Boneless Strip Steak, per lb - $9.99
          • Oscar Mayer Chicken or Turkey Breast, 8 - 9 oz - B2G1 - $5.19
            Final Price: $3.46 each wyb 3
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Aprons Ginger-Miso Pork Meal Kit, 33 oz - $16.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breasts, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Italian Salad, 20 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $4.49
          • Simply Potatoes Mashed Potatoes, 24 oz - $3.00
          • Sockeye Salmon Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99
          • Southern Belle Crab Cakes, 12 oz - $7.99
          • Strauss Grass Fed Ground Beef, 1 lb - $7.99
          • Stuffed Crab Rolls, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • California Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • California Peaches, per lb - $1.99
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Raw Walnuts, 3.9 oz - $4.99
          • Hot House Cucumbers, ea - $1.67
          • Organic Blueberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Organic Cotton Candy Grapes, per lb - $3.99
          • Organic Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Raspberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.00
          • Organic Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Strawberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Rapini, ea - $2.50
          • Red Raspberries, 11 oz - $2.50
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Russet Potatoes, per lb - $0.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $2.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $3.99
          • Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Lower Sodium Turkey Breast, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Muenster Cheese, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Teriyaki Chicken Breast, per lb - $4.99
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $2.29
          • GreenWise Bakery Blueberry Mini Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Blueberry Muffins, 18 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Chips Brownies or Brookies, 4 ct - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Cooies, 16 ct - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette, 8.5 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Bakery Flourless Truffle Torte, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Oven Roasted Turkey, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Tea, 57 oz - $2.50
          • Lantana Hummus, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Panara Soups, 16 oz - B2G1 - $5.49
            Final Price: $3.66 each wyb 3
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Coconut Macaroons, 14 ct - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Handmade Oblong Fruit Tart, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Homemade Oblong Fruit Tart, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Sundried Tomato Baguette, 8 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Deli Chef Salad, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Cuban Sandwich, 9 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Hoop Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Oven Roasted or Lower Sodium Turkey Breast, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad or Coleslaw, 32 oz - $3.33
          • Publix Deli White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $4.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, 18 oz - $5.00
          • Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake, 28 oz - $6.99
          • 7Up Products, 2 L - $1.00
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 8 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Energy Drink, 12 oz - $2.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G2 - $5.15
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 4
          • Fisher Chef's Naturals Baking Nuts, 10 oz - $7.99
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00
          • Gold Peak Tea, 18.5 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Chocolate Syrup, 15.8 oz - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 10 oz or 12 ct - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic Lemonade, 64 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Tortilla Chips, 7.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Kraft 100% Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Juice Blend, or Mott's for Tots, 64 oz - $2.00
          • Nabisco Oreo or Nutter Butter Cookies, 7 - 15.35 oz - $3.00
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.62 each wyb 2
          • Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Bread, 22 - 24 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $6.15
            Final Price: $4.10 each wyb 3
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Prego Italian Sauce, 23.5 - 24 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Chocolate Syrup, 24 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Coconut Oil, 14 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Ice Cream Cones or Bowls, 10 - 12 ct - 25% OFF
          • Publix Maraschino Cherries, 10 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Quaker Kids Organic Whole Grain Bars or Bites, 5.2 oz - $3.00
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Smartfood Delight Popcorn, 4.5 - 7.75 oz - $2.50
          • Smartwater, 23.7 oz - $1.00
          • Starbucks Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.99
          • Swanson Broth or Stock, 32 oz - $2.00
          • Tostitos Salsa, 15.5 oz - $3.33
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz - $1.00
          • Breakstone's Butter or Plugra European Style Butter, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Breakstone's Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream, 16 zo - $2.00
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
          • Dannon Yogurt, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Fairlife Ultra-Filtered Milk, 52 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, gal - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, gal - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • Happy Egg Co. Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Perfect bar Refrigerated Protein Bar or Cup, 1.4 - 2.5 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Premium Blended Greek Yogurt, 4.7 - 5.3 oz - $0.90
          • Publix String Cheese Twists, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Whipped Cream, 14 oz - $3.50
          • Rana Sauce or Pasta, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce, exp. 9/28/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Boston Market Home Style Meals, 10 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Skillet Meal, 20 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Fruit, 48 oz - $12.99
          • Palermo's Primo Thin Pizza, 13.35 - 16.55 oz - $5.00
            Save $1.00 off Palermo's Frozen Pizzas
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Publix Breaded Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, 24 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Ice Cream, 4 qt - $5.99
          • Publix Ravioli, 44 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Sundae Cones, 36.8 oz - $4.99
          • Febreze Products, select - $3.00 OFF wyb 3
            B1G1 Febreze or Febreze Light Product, exp. 7/25/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [Up to $3; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 37 - 62 ct - $9.99
            Save $0.75 on any one (1) FINISH? Powerball? MAX-In-1?
            Save $0.75 on any one (1) FINISH? QUANTUM? Dishwashing Detergent
            Final Price: $9.24
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Gain or Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Gain or Downy Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Gain or Downy Scent Booster, 14.8 oz - $9.99
          • Gain, 41 - 100 oz - $9.99
          • Palmolive Dish Soap, 20 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Long Lasting AA/AAA Alkaline Batteries, 20 - 36 ct - $1.50 OFF
          • Scotch-Brite Scrub Sponges or Dobie Scouring Sponges, 3 ct - $2.50
          • Spray 'n Wash Laundry Stain Remover, 16 - 22 oz - $2.50
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Align Supplements - $3.00 OFF
            $2/1 Align Probiotic Supplement Product, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Atkins Bars or Shakes - $6.00
          • Aveeno Products, select - $1.00 OFF
            Save $2.00 any ONE (1) AVEENO Facial Moisturizer, cream or serum (excludes 1oz Positively Radiant Moisturizer and trial sizes)
            Save $1.00 any ONE (1) AVEENO Facial Cleanser or Face Mask (excludes cleansers 2oz. or smaller, single use masks & Moisturizing Cleansing
            Save $3.00 any ONE (1) AVEENO Suncare product (excludes trial sizes)
            $1/1 Aveeno Sun Product, exp. 7/24/20 (RMN 05/31/20) [ETS]
          • Boost Nutritional Energy Drink, 4 - 24 pk - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
            $4/2 Boost Drink, exp. 8/29/20 (RMN 07/05/20) [Multipacks or Canisters]
          • Cetaphil Sin Care Products - $3.00 OFF
          • Crest ProHealth, 3D White, or Complete Plus Scope Mouthwash, 4.1 - 6.3 oz - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Crest Scope, 1 L, or ProHealth Mouthwash, 500 ml - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest or Oral-B Mouthwash, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [473-ml./16-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Differin Products - $3.00 OFF
          • Dove Body Wash, Shower Foam, Shower Moue or Exfoliating Body Polish, 10.3 - 22 oz - $6.29
          • Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Aussie, or Herbal Essences Hair Care, select - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/2 Head & Shoulders Products, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [Excludes men's styling and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $5/3 Pantene Products, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [Includes gold series collection excludes intense rescue shots, nutrient blends collection, non-wash collection, pro-v ingredients, one step nourishing mask and trial/travels size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Pantene Product, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [Includes gold series collection excludes intense rescue shots, nutrient blends collection, non-wash collection, one step nourishing mask and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $4/2 Herbal Essences Bio:Renew Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [Excludes masks, 100-ml. shampoo and conditioners, color, body wash and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Metamucil Fiber Supplement - $3.00 OFF
            $1/1 Metamucil Fiber Supplement Product, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            SAVE $3.00 off any ONE (1) 28 ct. or 42 ct. Nexium? 24HR Product
            $5/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 7/12/20 (RMN 06/28/20) [42-ct.]
          • Prilosec OTC, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $2/1 Prilosec OTC Product, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Publix Disposable Razors, select - 20% OFF
          • Publix Moisturizing Beauty Bar or Deodorant Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk - 10% OFF
          • Sun Bum Sunscreen Product - 15% OFF
          • ZonePerfect Nutrition Bars, 5 pk - $3.33
          • Gerber Baby Food, 2.5 - 5.6 oz or 2 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 12
          • Gerber Graduates Snacks, 1 - 1.48 oz, or Meals, 4.5 - 6.68 oz - $2.00 OFF wyb 4
          • Happy Baby Baby Food Pouch, 3.5 - 4.22 oz - 25% OFF
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 32 ct, or Easy Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $2.00 OFF
            $2/1 Pampers Easy Ups Training Underwear or Splashers Swim Diapers, exp. 7/18/20 (P&G 07/05/20) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Publix Training Pants, 19 - 23 ct - $5.99
          • Publix Cat Litter, 20 lb - $5.99

          The post Publix Matchups 7/9/20 – 7/15/20 appeared first on

          BIC Deals: Pens, Highlighters, Wite-Out and more Tue, 07 Jul 2020 13:01:23 +0000 Start shopping for back to school supplies with today’s Amazon Deal of the Day. They have BIC supplies marked down as much as 75% off. The 60 pack of BIC Round Stic Xtra Life Ballpoint Pens is marked down to $3.23. The 4 pack of BIC Clean Wite-Out Brand EZ Correct Correction Tape is marked […]

          The post BIC Deals: Pens, Highlighters, Wite-Out and more appeared first on


          Start shopping for back to school supplies with today’s Amazon Deal of the Day. They have BIC supplies marked down as much as 75% off. The 60 pack of BIC Round Stic Xtra Life Ballpoint Pens is marked down to $3.23. The 4 pack of BIC Clean Wite-Out Brand EZ Correct Correction Tape is marked down to $3.56, the 5 pack of BIC Brite Liner Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors is marked down to $2.10 and the 40 pack of BIC Xtra-Smooth Mechanical Pencil, Medium Point (0.7 mm) is marked down to $3.88! There are many more deals as well. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

          The post BIC Deals: Pens, Highlighters, Wite-Out and more appeared first on

          PDQ: Buy 25, Get 25 Tenders Free Fri, 03 Jul 2020 19:38:46 +0000 We LOVE PDQ! This deal was available a couple of months ago and we took advantage of it a couple of times. These tenders freeze perfectly and you can reheat them at 425 to have perfectly fresh tasting tenders! Right now through July 5th when you buy 25 Chicken Tenders at PDQ you will get […]

          The post PDQ: Buy 25, Get 25 Tenders Free appeared first on


          We LOVE PDQ! This deal was available a couple of months ago and we took advantage of it a couple of times. These tenders freeze perfectly and you can reheat them at 425 to have perfectly fresh tasting tenders! Right now through July 5th when you buy 25 Chicken Tenders at PDQ you will get 25 free! Please note that you need to call ahead to insure they have your order ready when you arrive. Head HERE for more info!

          The post PDQ: Buy 25, Get 25 Tenders Free appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 7/1/20 – 7/7/20 Mon, 29 Jun 2020 22:36:04 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 2nd or Wednesday, July 1st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 7/1/20 – 7/7/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 2nd or Wednesday, July 1st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1
          • Beyond Meat Beyond Burger Vegan Burger, 8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $2.07
          • Black Creek Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, 7 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Blue Wilderness Adult Dog Food, 4.5 lb ($22.99) - $11.49
            $3.00/1 SS 06/07
            Final Price: $8.49
          • Boca Veggie Protein Burgers, Veggie Patties, or Chick'n Nuggets, 1o oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Brookwood Farms Pulled Pork, 15 - 16 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Capri Sun, 10 pk ($2.96) - $1.48
          • Cheez-It Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz ($3.20) - $1.55
          • Chinet Classic White Plates, Bowls, or Platters, 24 - 70 ct, or Cut Crystal Plates, 16 - 24 ct ($6.62) - $3.31
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            Final Price: $2.31
          • Cole's Bread, 10.5 - 16 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Dawn Sponges, 3 ct - B1G1
          • Doughlish Ready to Eat Cookie Dough, 14 oz ($4.79) - $2.39
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Fiber One Bara, 8.2 - 14.1 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
          • French's Classic Yellow Mustard, 14 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Genera Mills Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 7.5 - 8.75 oz ($2.91) - $1.45
          • GreenWise 20/40 ct Large Sea Scallops, 24 oz ($32.99) - $16.49
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans with Lids, 1 - 3 ct ($5.59) - $2.79
          • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 24 - 30 oz ($5.4)9 - $2.74
            $1/1 Hellmann's Product, exp. 7/12/20 (RMN 06/28/20) [9-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Keebler Fudge Stripes, Vienna Fingers, Coconut Dream, Fudge Shoppe, or EL Fudge Cookies, 6.5 - 14.2 oz ($3.45) - $1.72
          • King's Hawaiian Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns or Sliders, 10 - 12.8 oz ($4.19) - $2.04
          • Lay's Potato Chips, Poppables, or Kettle Cooked Chips, 5 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie, 4 oz, or Keto Cookie, 1.6 oz ($2.10) - $1.05
          • Lipton Tea Bags, 75 - 100 ct ($4.69) - $2.34
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, 9 - 25.2 oz ($6.89) - $3.44
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/2/20 (SS 06/28/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley Granola Bars, 14.2 - 17.8 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Bars, exp. 8/1/20 (SS 06/04/20 R)
            SAVE 50? ON TWO when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 4 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley? Granola Bars, Biscuits, Cups, Wafers, Snack Mix, Soft-Baked Squares OR Packed? Sustained Energy Bars. (SavingStar Offer)
            Final Price: $3.58 each wyb 2
          • Nature's Own Buns or Rolls, 13 - 18 oz ($3.78) - $1.89
          • Ocean Spray Craisins, 5 - 6 oz - B1G1
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail, Blend, or Beverage, 64 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $1/2 Ocean Spray Juice or Blends, exp. 7/31/20 (SS 06/28/20) [60-oz. to 64-oz.]
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Planters Cashews Halves & Pieces or Mixed Nuts, 8 - 10.3 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 8 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Publix Bakery Apple Coffee Cake, 14 - 15 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Publix Small Shrimp Platter, 10 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Purex Laundry Detergent 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 ct ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food, 3 lb ($7.19) - $3.59
            Save $1.00 off Rachael Ray Nutrish? Super Premium Dry Cat Food
            $2/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food or Wet Cat Food Variety Pack, exp. 8/8/20 (SS 06/14/20)
            Final Price: $1.59
          • Renuzit Snuggle Automatic Spray Refill, Fabric Refresher, or Air Freshener, 6.17 - 18 oz ($7.49) - $3.74
          • Renuzit Snuggle Oil Refill, 2 - 3 ct ($7.49) - $3.74
            $3/1 Renuzit Snuggle Oil Refill or Oil Diffuser, exp. 7/5/20 (RMN 06/21/20)
            Final Price: $0.74
          • Reynolds Pans, 1 - 3 ct ($5.59) - $2.79
          • Sabra Hummus or Veggie Dips, 8 - 10 oz - B1G12
          • Sahlen's Hot Dogs, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Sara Lee Classic White Bread, 20 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Smartwater, 1.5 L ($2.89) - $1.44
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 9 - 25.2 oz ($6.89) - $3.44
            $1/1 Snack Well's Cookies printable
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 100 oz or 120 ct - B1G1
            $1/2 Snuggle Products, exp. 7/12/20 (RMN 06/21/20) [ETS]
          • Stacy's Bagel or Pita Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Talenti Gelato, Layers, or Sorbetto, 10.6 - 16 oz ($6.13) - $3.06
          • Tazo Tea, 32 oz or 15 - 20 ct - B1G1
          • The Original Bomb Pop, 21 oz - B1G1
          • Tyson Breaded Chicken or Steak, 20.5 - 32 oz ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Watermelon Chunks, per lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Bob Evans Side Dishes, 12 - 24 oz - $3.33
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Cajun-Seasoned Catfish Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Colossal White Shrimp, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $12.99
          • Ground Chuck, per bl - $3.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $3.99
          • Margaritaville Appetizers, 8 - 10 zo - $6.99
            Save $1.00 off ONE box of Margaritaville? Shrimp or Calamari
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Petite Tender Beef Shoulder, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Bone-In Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $3.49
          • Publix Italian Sausge, 20 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Boneless Chops, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Pork St Louis Style Spareribs, per lb - $2.49
          • Publix Split Chicken Breast Bone-In, per lb - $1.99
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $2.99
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice or Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Kiwi Fruit, ea - $0.66
          • Large Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $5.99
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Rainier Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $2.99
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $2.99
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.99
          • Boar's Head Domestic Provolone Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 34 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Frosted Sugar Cookies, 10 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger or Hot Dog Bun, 8 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29
          • Publix Deli Mixed or Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad or Coleslaw, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Turkey and Swiss Sandwich, 9 oz - $3.99
          • Sabra Hummus, 4.65 oz - $1.50
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $3.00
          • Daisy Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.19
          • Daisy Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.19
          • Dannon Two Good Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • Noosa Finest Lil Tub Yoghurt, 4.5 oz - $1.00
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) noosa yoghurts
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.67 - 8 zo - $2.50
            $1/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 8/22/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            $0.75/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 8/22/20 (SS 06/28/20)
            $0.75/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 7/19/20 (SS 05/17/20)
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Silk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • So Delicious Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
            Save $1.00 off any So Delicious Product (link sent by email)
            Stack With $0.50/5 Ibotta Rebate
            Final Price: $0.95 each wyb 5
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct or 60 oz - $4.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Downy In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Dreft In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Kingsford Wood Pellets, 20 lb - $10.99
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Tide, 69 -92 oz - $11.99
          • Milk-Bone Dog Biscuits, Snacks, or Treats, 5 - 24 oz - $3.33

          The post Publix Matchups 7/1/20 – 7/7/20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 6/25/20 – 7/1/20 Sat, 27 Jun 2020 16:03:58 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 25th or Wednesday, June 24th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 6/25/20 – 7/1/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 25th or Wednesday, June 24th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 21/25 ct Large Red Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Armour Lunchmakers, 2.44 - 2.67 oz - $1.00
          • Beyond Meat Sausage, 14 oz - $7.99
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Center-Cut Beef Back Ribs, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steak, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $6.49
          • GreenWise King Crab Clusters, per lb - $21.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - $3.00
          • Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Sausage, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak, per lb - $9.99
          • Premium Crab Cake, ea - $2.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Bacon Sirloin Burger, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Chicken Leg Quarters, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast Bone-In, per lb - $3.49
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops Center Cut, per lb - $4.79
          • Salmon Select Cuts Bourbon Marinated, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $6.49
          • Top Sirloin Boneless Steak, per lb - $6.49
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 8 oz - $9.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Baby Seedless Cucumbers, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • GT's Synergy Organic Kombucha - $5.99
          • Jumbo Red Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Mangos or Honey Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic Cotton Candy Grapes, per lb - $3.99
          • Organic Jelly Berries Grapes, per lb - $3.99
          • Organic Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Red Raspberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Red or Rainier Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $2.99
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99
          • Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $2.99
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Jerky Turkey and Gouda Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • Brooklyn Bred Traditional Pizza Crust, 10.8 oz - $3.00
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Crackers or Snacks, exp. 7/12/20 (SS 05/17/20 R) [Bag]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Cinnamon Buns, 6 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $3.29
          • Publix Bakery Onion Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Dinner, 2 pc - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Mojo Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Turkey Cobb Salad, ea - $5.99
          • 7Up Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.95
            Final Price: $2.97 each wyb 4
          • 7Up Products, 2 L - $1.00
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Arizona Tea, gal - $2.50
          • Botticelli Premium Pasta Sauce, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Bush's Best Baked Beans, 28 oz - $1.99
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.89
          • Doritos Tortilla Chips, 4.5 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $6.49
          • Gold Peak Tea, 18.5 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft or Bull's Eye BBQ Sauce, 17.5 - 18 oz - $1.00
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 9.1 - 14 oz - $2.33
          • Mio Liquid Water Enhancer, 1.62 oz - $2.50
          • Mott's 100% Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz or 6 - 8 pk - $2.00
          • Mott's Apple Sauce, 23 - 24 oz - $1.67
          • Mott's Apple Sauce, 4 - 6 pk - $2.00
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Nabisco Family Size Nutter Butters, Oreo, or Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 13 - 20 oz - $3.50
          • Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams, Original Grahams, or Grahamfuls, 7.04 - 14.4 oz - $3.00
          • New York Texas Toast Croutons, 5 oz - $1.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • PopCorners Popped-Corn Snacks or Crisps, 4 - 7 oz - $3.00
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 4 pk - B2G1
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - $1.29
          • Starbucks Coffee, 10 ct or 12 oz - $6.99
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz - $1.00
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Cottage Cheese or Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
          • Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt Drink, 7 oz - $1.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal - $4.99
          • GreenWise Veggie Burgers, 10 oz - $3.50
          • Innovasian Cuisine Entree Kit, Side Dish, or Skillet Meal, 8.7 - 36 oz - 25% OFF
          • Michael Angelo's Entree, 10 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudels or Scrambles, 4 - 6 ct - $2.00
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.3 - 21.6 oz - $4.00
          • Blue Buffalo Adult Dog Food, 15 lb - $10.00 OFF
            $3.00/1 SS 06/07
          • Cesar Canine Cuisine or Home Delights, 12 pk - $8.99

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          Join P&G Good Everyday: Help Your Favorite Cause & Earn Rewards Tue, 23 Jun 2020 19:55:38 +0000 This post is sponsored by P&G Good Everyday. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. One of the things I love about P&G Good Everyday is that as I purchase P&G products, I not only get outstanding products to use in my household but I also help do good by helping others in […]

          The post Join P&G Good Everyday: Help Your Favorite Cause & Earn Rewards appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by P&G Good Everyday. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          One of the things I love about P&G Good Everyday is that as I purchase P&G products, I not only get outstanding products to use in my household but I also help do good by helping others in the world. P&G has been doing good for more than 180 years. The Dawn Saves Wildlife program, #EndPeriodPoverty and Tide Loads of Hope disaster relief program are just a few of the many ways P&G has helped make a positive impact on the world. With all of the craziness that is going on around us right now, I love knowing that doing something as simple as purchasing necessities will help others in the world around me.

          Did you know that P&G Good Everyday has a rewards program where with every purchase you make, they will donate to your favorite cause while also rewarding you with points? It’s a win-win! Have you joined yet? If not, head HERE!

          The cause I signed up for is COVID-19: P&G + Feeding America. With this organization, P&G is helping provide everyday essentials and food to people in need during the pandemic.

          Once I signed up for my P&G Good Everyday account and chose COVID-10: P&G + Feeding America as the cause I was interested in, I received an immediate message that just for signing up P&G has provided 1 meal for a person in need AND I earned 25 points!

          HOW IT WORKS Getting involved, earning rewards and making a difference is quick and easy:

          1) Sign up. Go HERE to to sign up and select your preferred cause.
          2) Take action. By scanning a shopping receipt that includes your recent P&G brand purchases or taking an online survey, you earn points AND P&G will make a donation to a cause of your choice.
          3) Redeem your points. Use your points for gift cards, sweepstakes entries, experiences, or to personally make a larger donation to a cause you care about.
          4) Do good. No matter what action you take on P&G Good Everyday, P&G will donate to your favorite cause — so you can do good for the world, while earning rewards for yourself.
          5) Discover more. Explore the other features on the new P&G Good Everyday website including coupon offers and Good News articles.

          Once you join, I would love to know what cause you selected! With everything going on in the world right now, it feels good to know that purchases I make can help bless others!

          The post Join P&G Good Everyday: Help Your Favorite Cause & Earn Rewards appeared first on

          Save $2.00 on Gain Ultra Flings Tue, 23 Jun 2020 19:30:44 +0000 This post is sponsored by Gain. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Laundry. I dread it. I dread having to sort dirty clothes and towels and sheets. I dread having to pull everything out of the dryer. I dread folding everything. I dread putting everything away. BUT, there is something wonderful about […]

          The post Save $2.00 on Gain Ultra Flings appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Gain. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Laundry. I dread it. I dread having to sort dirty clothes and towels and sheets. I dread having to pull everything out of the dryer. I dread folding everything. I dread putting everything away. BUT, there is something wonderful about knowing I have empty clothes baskets and that I’ve completed cleaning all my laundry. There is also something especially wonderful when my clean laundry smells amazing! Gain Ultra Flings smell amazing! Right now we can save $2.00 on Gain Ultra Flings 18 ct+ at Walmart. Head HERE to get your coupon and use it the next time you shop at Walmart!

          Gain Ultra Flings can help with your biggest, smelliest laundry loads! It only takes one Ultra Flings pac to transform a large load of linens into the fresh smelling linens. Gain Ultra Flings contain double the Oxi Boost and Febreze, and triple the freshness power! They give you a better cleaning and scent experience for your biggest laundry loads, and they’re even better than our own liquid laundry detergent.

          Check: CVS Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.

          The first time I used Gain Ultra Flings, while the load of laundry was washing, my son commented on how good it smelled in the house! Gain Ultra Flings have 3X the scent power (vs. Gain Flings Original). They are designed for large loads so you just need one Fling! I love this because each container of Gain Ultra Flings last longer knowing that I only have to use one tablet with most loads of laundry! Gain Ultra Flings dissolve completely in all (cold and hot) water conditions and work in all (HE and non-HE) washing machines.

          Head HERE to get your $2.00 off coupon.

          The post Save $2.00 on Gain Ultra Flings appeared first on

          Father’s Day Gift Idea! Save $60 on the Braun Electric Razor for Men Sat, 20 Jun 2020 14:40:21 +0000 This post is sponsored by Braun. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. This Father’s Day, give dad a razor that will take care of all of his shaving needs! The Braun Electric Razor for Men, Series 9 9291cc Electric Shaver with Precision Trimmer, Rechargeable, Wet & Dry Foil Shaver, Clean & Charge […]

          The post Father’s Day Gift Idea! Save $60 on the Braun Electric Razor for Men appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Braun. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          This Father’s Day, give dad a razor that will take care of all of his shaving needs! The Braun Electric Razor for Men, Series 9 9291cc Electric Shaver with Precision Trimmer, Rechargeable, Wet & Dry Foil Shaver, Clean & Charge Station and Leather Travel Case is a perfect gift idea and it’s currently $60.00 off on Amazon! Head HERE. It’s regularly priced at $309.99! *prices are subject to change.

          The Braun Series 9 is the world’s most efficient electric shaver, designed for a flawless shave. It has built-in intelligence that will automatically adapt to the features of your face! It has a specialized head that shaves more hair in the first stroke than any other electric razor. It even has a slide-out trimmer that helps you reach difficult areas like under your nose or sideburns! This razor is made in Germany and is 100% waterproof working when both wet and dry! It is designed to last up to 7 years!

          Head HERE!

          The post Father’s Day Gift Idea! Save $60 on the Braun Electric Razor for Men appeared first on

          $3 Cash Back wyb LALA® Yogurt Smoothies at Walmart Wed, 17 Jun 2020 20:30:39 +0000 This post is sponsored by LALA Foods. All comments and opinions are my own Have you tried LALA® Yogurt Smoothies yet? LALA® Yogurt Smoothies have a new look and are made with real fruit and probiotics! Each smoothie has 5 grams of protein! They come in 4 packs and 10 packs. Pictured below is a […]

          The post $3 Cash Back wyb LALA® Yogurt Smoothies at Walmart appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by LALA Foods. All comments and opinions are my own

          Have you tried LALA® Yogurt Smoothies yet? LALA® Yogurt Smoothies have a new look and are made with real fruit and probiotics! Each smoothie has 5 grams of protein! They come in 4 packs and 10 packs. Pictured below is a 10 pack that has the new look!

          The 10 packs have Strawberry and Mango flavors to choose from. The 4 packs have Strawberry, Pina Colada, Mango, Strawberry Banana and Mixed Berry to choose from. We LOVE the mixed berry LALA® Yogurt Smoothies.

          As soon as we got back from picking up our order at Walmart, we all had a smoothie and I love it because now I can work on a few projects before my kiddos ask for lunch! The smoothie is the perfect snack that fills you up enough to not crave more food!

          Ibotta is giving us $3.00 cash back if we purchase select LALA® Yogurt Smoothies at Walmart! When you purchase a 10pk at Walmart, you will get $1.50 cash back. When you purchase a 4 pack, you will get $1.00 cash back AND, there is a bonus if you purchase both variety packs! You will get an extra 50 cents! That brings your total cash back to $3.00! Not bad! Head HERE to Ibotta to set up an account if you haven’t already! **Ibotta offer must be added prior to completing purchase.

          Also check your mail! In your Valpak envelope you will find more information about LALA® Yogurt Smoothies.

          Check: CVS Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.


          We used Walmart Grocery Pickup to pick up our groceries. As long as you purchase $35 worth of items, you can take advantage of this awesome service and select everything you want to purchase on Walmart’s app, pay via the app and then use the app to let Walmart know you are in the parking lot to pick up your groceries (per your designated date and time). It’s an awesome way to shop without going into the store – especially now when a lot of us are still a bit cautious about shopping in stores.

          Head HERE to get started with Walmart Grocery Pickup and purchase your LALA® Yogurt Smoothies!

          The post $3 Cash Back wyb LALA® Yogurt Smoothies at Walmart appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 6/18/20 – 6/24/20 Wed, 17 Jun 2020 13:21:59 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 18th or Wednesday, June 17th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 6/18/20 – 6/24/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 18th or Wednesday, June 17th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Applegate Breakfast Sausage, 7 oz - $3.99
            Save $1.00 on any Applegate item including deli meat, hot dogs, frozen, sausage, cheese, nuggets
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steak, per lb - $9.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $6.49
          • Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.49
          • GreenWise 10/15 ct Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey 16 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Round, per lb - $5.19
            Sold in 3 lb pkg
          • Kiolbassa Smoked Sausage, 13 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Bacon Sirloin Burger, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Chicken Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Jumbo Beef Franks, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Sausage with Bacon and Cheddar Cheese, 20 oz - $5.49
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Apricots, per lb - $2.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Eat Smart Vegetables, 10 - 12 oz - $3.00
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Fresh Parfaits, ea - $1.99
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Hot House Cucumber, ea - $1.66
          • Mango, ea - $1.00
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Organic Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Petite Red Potatoes, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.49
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette, 8.5 oz - $1.49
          • GreenWise Brewed Black Tea, 57 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Original Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $7.99
          • Publix Baker Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hot Dog Buns, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Pecan Cinnamon Buns, 4 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Seasonal Cake, 16 - 26 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Cheesecake, 32 oz - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Blue Cheese, 4.4 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Butterfly Breaded Shrimp Meal - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Publix Premium Dessert Shells, 6 ct - $2.00
          • Bailey's Coffee Creaer, 23 oz - $3.00
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter or European Style Extra Creamy Sticks, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Silk Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Gardein Meat Free Entrees or Skillet Meals, 8 - 20 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWise Organic Strawberry Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.33
          • Nature's Path Organic Waffles, 7.4 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Garlic Bread, Toast, or 3 Cheese Toast, 11.25 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1.2 gal - $3.50
          • Publix Premium Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Red Baron Pizza, 14.87 - 23.35 oz - $4.00
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Downy Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Energize Max, Lithium, or Rechargeable Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) pack of Energizer Batteries
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $1.00/1 RMN 06/14
            Final Price: $10.99
          • OxiClean Detergent, 60 oz or 27 ct - $6.00
          • Scotch-Brite Scrub or Dobie Sponges, 3 ct - $2.50
          • Seventh Generation Fabric Softener, 32 oz or 80 ct - $4.00
          • Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent, 95 - 100 oz or 45 ct - $10.99
          • Tide Pods Free+Downy, 26 - 54 ct - $1.00 OFF
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Tide, 69 - 92 oz - $11.99
          • Ziploc Containers, 2 - 4 ct - $2.50
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Ziploc? brand products
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Product, exp. 7/4/20 (P&G 05/31/20) [Excludes other always products, always discreet boutique and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Axe Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Axe Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
          • Axe Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Colgate MaxFresh or MaxClean Toothpaste, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Dove Men+Care Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Deodorant, 3 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Garnier Nutrisse or Olia Hair Color - $1.00 OFF
          • Olly Gummy Vitamins, 30 - 100 ct - $3.00 OFF
          • Premier Protein Ready to Drink Protein Shakes, 4 pk - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Beech-Nut Organics Baby Food Jar, 4 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Food Pouch, 4 oz - $1.00
          • Luvs Diapers, 74 - 104 ct - $15.99
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 32 ct, or Easy Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Similac Infant Formula Powder, 19.8 - 30.8 oz or 1.41 - 1.93 lb - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 13.5 - 16 lb - $9.99
          • Pedigree Food for Dogs, 30 lb - $18.99

          The post Publix Matchups 6/18/20 – 6/24/20 appeared first on

          Father’s Day Gift Idea! Oral-B GENIUS 8000 on Sale Now Mon, 15 Jun 2020 20:28:38 +0000 This is a sponsored post from Oral-B. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Father’s Day is around the corner and upgrading his oral care and health routine would be the perfect gift! A perfect gift idea is the  GENIUS 8000 Electric Toothbrush from Oral-B, the #1 dentist-recommended brand worldwide. The Oral-B GENIUS […]

          The post Father’s Day Gift Idea! Oral-B GENIUS 8000 on Sale Now appeared first on

          This is a sponsored post from Oral-B. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Father’s Day is around the corner and upgrading his oral care and health routine would be the perfect gift! A perfect gift idea is the  GENIUS 8000 Electric Toothbrush from Oral-B, the #1 dentist-recommended brand worldwide. The Oral-B GENIUS 8000 removes up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush. Just in time for Father’s Day, the GENIUS 8000 brush will be available for a discounted price at Walmart!

          The Oral-B GENIUS 8000 will be on sale from June 14th through June 20th! The deal price will be $99.99 at Walmart! It is regularly priced at $179.94. Head HERE.

          One of the things I’ve noticed through the years as I’ve been a busy and distracted mom is that I haven’t spent as much time brushing my teeth as I should. So I love that when you brush your teeth with the GENIUS 8000, it has a two minute timer. You should brush each quadrant in your mouth for approximately 30 seconds each. I love that the GENIUS 8000 connects with the Oral-B smartphone app to provide you with customized real-time feedback about your brushing habits, including Position Detection technology that ensures you never miss a zone! With the app, it is almost like I’m learning how to really brush my teeth well again! The brush also makes sure you are applying just the right amount of pressure to clean your teeth without harming your gums. It does this with a pressure sensor that alerts you when you are brushing too hard! At-home oral care is so important–head HERE to purchase your Oral-B GENIUS 8000!

          The post Father’s Day Gift Idea! Oral-B GENIUS 8000 on Sale Now appeared first on

          Fire 7 Tablet Under $40 Sun, 14 Jun 2020 23:56:46 +0000 Father’s Day gift idea! This is the tablet I own and love. I’ve had it for at least a few years now and use it everyday either watching Netflix or Hulu or reading books. 🙂  If you have been waiting for a price drop on the Fire Tablet, here it is! The price dropped from […]

          The post Fire 7 Tablet Under $40 appeared first on


          Father’s Day gift idea! This is the tablet I own and love. I’ve had it for at least a few years now and use it everyday either watching Netflix or Hulu or reading books. 🙂  If you have been waiting for a price drop on the Fire Tablet, here it is! The price dropped from $49.99 to $39.99 on the Fire Tablet, 7″ Display, Wi-Fi, 16 GB! Head HERE to view this tablet. **Prices are subject to change.

          Fire Tablet 7 Details:

          • The next generation of our best-selling Fire tablet ever – now thinner, lighter, and with longer battery life and an improved display. More durable than the latest iPad.
          • Beautiful 7″ IPS display with higher contrast and sharper text, a 1.3 GHz quad-core processor, and up to 8 hours of battery life. 8 or 16 GB of internal storage and a microSD slot for up to 256 GB of expandable storage.
          • Now with Alexa, for quick access to the information and entertainment you want. Ask questions, play music, check your calendar, get the news, weather, and more – just press the home button and ask.
          • Enjoy millions of movies, TV shows, songs, Kindle eBooks, apps and games – including Netflix, Facebook, HBO, Spotify, and more
          • Prime members get unlimited access to over a thousand books and magazines, millions of songs, and thousands of movies and TV episodes – at no additional cost
          • Watch downloaded videos anywhere with a Prime membership, Netflix plan, or Showtime subscription
          • Enhance your entertainment experience with features you only get from Amazon, including ASAP, X-Ray, On Deck, Blue Shade, and FreeTime Parental Controls

          The post Fire 7 Tablet Under $40 appeared first on

          48 Double Rolls of Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Toilet Paper Wed, 10 Jun 2020 13:43:07 +0000 This is an awesome price!! We can get 48 Double Rolls of Quilted Northern Ultra Soft and Strong Toilet Paper for $23.32 shipped on Amazon. The seller and shipper is Amazon. Prices are subject to change. *Please pay attention to the seller – if it changes from Amazon, I can not promise the legitimacy. Head […]

          The post 48 Double Rolls of Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Toilet Paper appeared first on


          This is an awesome price!! We can get 48 Double Rolls of Quilted Northern Ultra Soft and Strong Toilet Paper for $23.32 shipped on Amazon. The seller and shipper is Amazon. Prices are subject to change. *Please pay attention to the seller – if it changes from Amazon, I can not promise the legitimacy. Head HERE. (As a price reference, I ordered this exact 48 pack of toilet paper in April for $42 a pack!)

          If you prefer Scott Bath Tissue right now Scott 1000 Sheets Per Roll Toilet Paper, 4 Packs of 8 Rolls (32 Rolls Total) is priced at $22.81. Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

          The post 48 Double Rolls of Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Toilet Paper appeared first on

          Crayola Twistables Tue, 09 Jun 2020 18:18:51 +0000 We love Crayola Twistable Colored Pencils and Crayons! Staples has an excellent price on this Crayola Twistable® Colored Pencils Assorted 18/Pack! It is marked down to $3.29 and shipping is free! Regular price is $5.29. Head HERE. Have you tried these colored pencils? If not, you must! I love them as much as my kids! […]

          The post Crayola Twistables appeared first on


          We love Crayola Twistable Colored Pencils and Crayons! Staples has an excellent price on this Crayola Twistable® Colored Pencils Assorted 18/Pack! It is marked down to $3.29 and shipping is free! Regular price is $5.29. Head HERE. Have you tried these colored pencils? If not, you must! I love them as much as my kids! If you prefer Amazon, they have it priced at $4.99 HERE.

          The post Crayola Twistables appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 6/11/20 – 6/17/20 Sun, 07 Jun 2020 15:48:37 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 4th or Wednesday, June 3rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 6/11/20 – 6/17/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 4th or Wednesday, June 3rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 7Up Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • Arm & Hammer Fabric Softener or Dryer Sheets, 144 - 200 ct ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz ($6.65_ - $3.32
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct (6.65) - $3.32
          • Bear Naked Granola, 11 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • Bitten Salad Dressing, 12 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Blue Wilderness Adult Cat Food, 9.5 lb ($32.99) - $16.49
            Save $3.00 on ONE (1) BLUE? Dog Food or Cat Food, 5-lbs. or larger
            Final Price: $13.49
          • Celentano Meatballs, 12 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Core Power High Protein Milk Shake, 11.5 - 14 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Dial Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk - B1G1
          • Dial Body Wash, 14 - 16 oz ($4.70) - $2.35
            $1/1 Dial or Dial for Men Body Wash, exp. 6/21/20 (RMN 06/07/20) [12-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.35
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food Pouch, 3.5 - 4.2 oz ($1.69) - $0.84
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $0.51 each wyb 3
          • Emerald Cashews, Mixed Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, or Virginia Peanuts, 5 - 10 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Entenmann's Loaf Cake, 11.5 - 14.5 oz ($4.89) - $2.44
          • Essentia Purified Drinking Water, 6 pk ($13.29) - $6.64
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 19.5 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch??
          • Gracious Grits, 18 - 20 oz - B1G1
          • GreenWise 20/40 ct Large Sea Scallops, 24 oz ($32.99) - $16.49
          • GreenWise Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Heinz Yellow Mustard, 20 oz ($5.35) - $2.67
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 15 - 20 oz ($5.35) - $2.67
          • Hidden Valley Dressing, 12 - 16 oz ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Juicy Juice 100% Apple Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk ($4.09) - $2.04
            $0.75/1 Juicy Juice 100% Juice Product, exp. 6/29/20 (SS 05/17/20) [ Excluding 4 pk Juice boxes]
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Juicy Juice Organics, 48 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $0.75/1 Juicy Juice 100% Juice Product, exp. 6/29/20 (SS 05/17/20) [ Excluding 4 pk Juice boxes]
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Kashi Bars, 6.7 - 7.4 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Kashi Cereal, 12.2 - 16.3 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Kashi Super Food Bites, 5.6 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 8.8 -13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Corn Pops Cereal, 8.8 -13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's? Krave?, Froot Loops?, Apple Jacks?, Corn Pops?, Honey Smacks?, Frosted Mini-Wheats Little BItes
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Crispix Cereal, 8.8 -13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Eggo Cereal, 8.8 -13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $0.70 off ONE (1) Kellogg's? Eggo? Cereal
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $1.54
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 8.8 -13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 8.8 -13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's? Rice Krispies? Cereals
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Mentos, Ice Breakers, Eclipse, Orbit, or Dentyne Gum, 40 - 60 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Nabisco Snak-Saks Cookies or Cookies Thin Bites, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Nature's Own Perfectly Crafted Bread, 22 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1
          • Old El Paso Taco Shells, Tortillas, or Tortilla Bowls, 8 - 18 ct ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Organic Raspberries, 6 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Pace Queso Blanco or Salsa Con Queso Dip, 15 oz (3.59) - $1.79
          • Pace Salsa, Picante, or Medium Verde Sauce, 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($9.21) - $4.60
          • Powerade or Powerade Ultra, 20 - 28 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Publix Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Pure Leaf Tea, 6 pk ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Purely Elizabeth Granola, 8 - 12 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Purina Beggin' Strips or Beggin' Collisions, 23.5 - 25 oz - B1G1
            Save $2.00 on THREE (3) pouches of Beggin', DentaLife, Prime Bones?, Busy (excludes Rollhide), The Pioneer Woman or Beneful Dog
            $1.50/2 Purina Beggin' Dog Treats, exp. 6/30/20 (RMN 05/03/20)
          • Rubbermaid Containers, Mixer Mate Bottle, or Carafe, 1 - 6 ct ($17.99) - $8.99
          • Simply Almond Milk, 46 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Simply Potatoes Mashed Potatoes, 24 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Spindrift Sparkling Water, 8 pk - B1G1
          • Splenda No Calorie Sweetener, 100 ct, Liquid, 1.68 oz, or Naturals, 9.8 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
            Save $1.00 off any Splenda Sweetener Product
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Sticky Fingers Smokehouse or Sugar Free BBQ Sauce, 18 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
            $1/1 Sticky Fingers Sugar Free Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/28/20 (SS 05/17/20 R)
            $1/2 Sticky Fingers Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/28/20 (SS 05/17/20 R)
            Final Price: $0.64
          • The Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges or Dippers, 6 - 6.17 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Thomas' Bagels, 10.5 - 20 oz - B1G1
          • Tillamook Oregon Strawberry Ice Cream, 1.75 qt ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Tone Body Wash, 18 oz ($4.70) - $2.35
          • True Lemon Lemonade Drink Mix, 6 - 10 ct ($2.99) - $1.49
          • True Lime Drink Mix, 6 - 10 ct ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Vita Cold Smoked Nova Salmon, 8 oz ($10.29_ - $5.14
          • White House Apple Juice, 64 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • White House Apple Sauce, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            $1/1 Whole Fruit Fruit Bars Product, exp. 7/26/20 (SS 05/17/20 R)
            Final Price: $0.99
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 31/40 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $7.49
          • Brisket Flat Cut, per lb - $8.49
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $7.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.39
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 8.9 - 10.7 oz - B2G1
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Chicken Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Premium Turkey Breast, per lb - $1.49
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Stuffed Clams or Scallops, 4 - 5 oz - $1.00
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice or Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.00
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Honeydew, ea - $3.99
          • Hot House Cucumbers, ea - $1.67
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Blackberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Organic Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Four Berry Smoothie Mix, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $3.49
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Domestic Provolone Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Lower Sodium Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Blueberry Mini Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Tea, 57 oz - $2.50
          • Healthy Oatmeal Bites, Vegan Bites, or Chocobites, 5 - 6 oz - $3.33
          • Lantana Hummus, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Loaf, 14 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Brownies, 8 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Small Blueberry Pie, 12 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Strawberry Shortcake, 28 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Bowtie Feta Pasta Salad, per lb - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Cheddar and Gouda Mac & Cheese, per lb - $2.29
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings Meal, 5 pc - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Cuban Sandwich, ea - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Mixed Berry Salad, 11 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Raspberry Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Stacy's Chips or Thins, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • Vermont Farmstead Fat Tire Cheddar, 7 oz - $6.99
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - $5.00
          • Bonne Maman Preserves, Jelly, Marmalade, or Intense Fruit Spread, 8.2 - 13 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) 8.2oz jars of Bonne Maman INTENSE Fruit Spreads or two 13 oz. jars of Preserves, Jellies or Curds
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk cans or 8 pk btls - B2G1 - $5.99
            Final Price: $3.99 each wyb 3
          • Donut Shop K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk - $6.00
          • Green Mountain K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • LaCroix Sparkling Water, 12 pk - B2G1
          • Little Debbie Snacks, 8 - 16.2 oz - $1.67
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Nutter Butters, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99
          • Nabisco Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - $2.50
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz - $2.50
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Publix Croutons, 5 oz - $1.25
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • The Silver Palate Pasta Sauce, 25 oz - $2.99
          • Tostitos Salsa, 15.5 oz - $3.00
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Breakastone's Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Galbani Ricotta Cheese, 15 oz - $2.50
            Save $1.00 off Galbani? product
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Kraft Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt Lil Tubs, 4.5 oz - $1.00
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) noosa yoghurts
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6.5 - 7 oz - $2.50
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 20 - 22 oz - $5.49
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Fruit, 10 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Quinoa & Kale, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Healthy Choice Entree, 6 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entrees or Power Bowls, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Healthy Choice Wraps, 6 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Marie Callender's Entrees, 6 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Appetizers, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meal for 2, 22 - 24 oz - $5.99
          • P.F. Changs Dumplings, Vegetable Lo Mein, or Rice, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • P.F. Changs Egg Rolls, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Realgood Pizza, Stuffed Chicken Breast, or Breakfast Sandwiches, 8.7 - 20 oz - $5.00
          • Rebel Ice Cream, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts, Chunks, Strips, or Wings, 24 oz - $6.99
          • Cat's Pride Cat Litter, 10 - 15 lb - $6.99
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Food, 12 - 14 lb - $14.99
            $2/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Dog Food, exp. 6/20/20 (SS 04/26/20) [3-lb.+ bag]
            Final Price: $12.99

          The post Publix Matchups 6/11/20 – 6/17/20 appeared first on

          Little Caesars Large Classic Pizza, $3.99 Fri, 05 Jun 2020 19:41:33 +0000 Are we the only family that has pizza and movie nights on Fridays? This is where we will be getting tonight’s pizza! Right now when you order a Large Classic Pizza either online or via the app it will cost just $3.99! This awesome deal is available through June 7th! Limit of 3 per person […]

          The post Little Caesars Large Classic Pizza, $3.99 appeared first on


          Are we the only family that has pizza and movie nights on Fridays? This is where we will be getting tonight’s pizza! Right now when you order a Large Classic Pizza either online or via the app it will cost just $3.99! This awesome deal is available through June 7th! Limit of 3 per person per day. Head HERE.

          **Available with online and app orders of a Classic Pepperoni or Cheese pizza. Limit three per person, per day. Plus tax where applicable. Only valid at participating Little Caesars locations from 6/1 to 6/7. Delivery fees apply. Small order fee for delivery orders less than $10.

          The post Little Caesars Large Classic Pizza, $3.99 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 6/4/20 – 6/10/20 Wed, 03 Jun 2020 17:05:10 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 4th or Wednesday, June 3rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 6/4/20 – 6/10/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 4th or Wednesday, June 3rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 16/20 ct Argentine Red Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Filet, per lb - $7.49
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $6.49
          • Chuck Flaken Style Ribs, per lb - $6.99
          • Chuck Short Ribs, per lb - $6.49
          • GreenWise Angus Boneless New York Strip Steak, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Fully Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.49
          • Ground Chuck Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.19
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - $3.00
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - $1.67
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Boneless Chops, per lb - $5.49
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Thinly Sliced Boneless Chops, per lb - $5.79
          • Red Grouper Fillets, per lb - $19.99
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Tenderloin Steaks, per lb - $18.99
          • Thin-Sliced Top Round Steaks, per lb - $7.19
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $6.49
          • Arden's Garden Juice Shoots, 2 oz - $2.50
          • Artichokes, ea - $2.50
          • Asparagus, per lb - $3.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Hot House Cucumbers, ea - $1.67
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Blueberries, 11 - 16 oz - $3.99
          • Organic Strawberries, 11 - 16 oz - $3.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Pineapple, ea - $2.50
          • Publix Four Berry Smoothie Mix, per lb - $6.99
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sunset Sugar Bomb Tomatoes, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Sweet Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Cordon Bleu Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $6.19
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake, 2 ct - $2.29
          • Publix Bakery Ciabatta Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $3.29
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Creme Cake Slices, 8 ct - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Pretzel Sandwich Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Dinner, ea - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tenders - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Goat Cheese Log, 4 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Hummus, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Mixed Berry Salad, 11 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Mojo Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.39
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk cans or 8 pk btls - B2G1 - $5.99
            Final Price: $3.99 each wyb 3
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 9.78 - 18 oz - $4.00
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $6.99
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.25
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $1.25
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.50
          • Krusteaz Bars, 19 - 19.35 oz - $2.00
          • Krusteaz Muffin Mix, 15.4 - 20 oz - $2.00
          • Krusteaz Pound Cake, 16.5 oz - $2.00
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables Potato Snacks, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk - $5.00
          • Mid's Pasta Sauce or Marinara, 32 oz - $2.99
          • Mt. Olive Pickles or Relish, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies or Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - $3.50
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Snacks, 20 pk - $5.99
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Sauce, 13.5 - 14.4 oz - $3.00
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Polaner All Fruit Spreadable Fruit, Marmalade, or Preserves with Fiber, Sugar Free, 13.5 - 15.25 oz - $2.50
          • Propel Water Beverage, 6 pk - $3.00
          • Publix Premium Maple Syrup, 12.5 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Yellow Mustard, 14 oz - $1.19
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 8.4 oz - $1.67
          • Smartfood Popcorn or Smartfood Delight, 4.5 - 7.75 oz - $3.00
          • Starbucks Frappuccino or Doubleshot Coffee Drink, 4 pk - B2G1
          • American Flatbread Pizza, 15.5 - 17.1 oz - $6.99
          • Bob Evans Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches, 14.6 - 18 oz - $4.39
          • Cooked Perfect Meatball, 18 - 32 oz - $7.99
          • Hot Pockets Stuffed Sandwiches or Breakfast Pockets, 8.5 - 9 oz - $1.67
          • Jones Dairy Farm Golden Brown Sausage Patties or Links, 5 - 7 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Belgian Waffles, 13.75 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1.50/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin Refill printable [twin]
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct or 75 oz - $6.99
            $1/1 Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, exp. 6/13/20 (P&G 05/31/20) [30-ct.+; ETS]
            $0.50/1 Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, Rinse Aid or Dishwasher Cleaner, exp. 6/13/20 (P&G 05/31/20) [ETS]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Downy In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Dreft In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Duracell Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            $1.50/1 Duracell Optimum, exp. 6/13/20 (SS 05/17/20) [Limit 2]
            Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Duracell Optimum; 6ct or Larger ( Publix Digital Coupon)
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 6/13/20 (RMN 05/10/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Gain Laundry Detergent, 165 oz - $14.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, exp. 6/13/20 (RMN 05/10/20) [12-ct. to 26-ct.; Includes gain botanicals and gain essential oils or gain powder laundry detergent excludes gain ultra flings, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $13.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • Glade Candle, 3.4 oz - $2.79
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Glade? 3.4oz jar candles, PlugIns? Scented Oil warmer plus refill, PlugIns? Scented Oil 1 ct. or 2 ct. warmer only products (excludes Glade? 8oz Room Spray and Solids)
            $1/2 Glade Products, exp. 6/27/20 (SS 05/31/20) [Excludes spray 8-oz., solids, carpet & room refresher or plugins scented oil warmer only packs]
            Final Price: $2.29 each wyb 2
          • Scrub Daddy or Scour Daddy Sponges, 1 - 3 ct - $3.00
          • Solo Plastic Cups, 30 - 50 ct - $2.50
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 cr - $11.99
          • Tide, 69 - 92 oz - $11.99
          • Aleve Pain Reliever Medicine, 100 ct - $8.99
            Save $1.00 off any Aleve? 40ct or larger or Aleve? PM 20ct or larger
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Atkins Shakes or Snacks, 4 - 5 pk - $6.00
          • Bayer Aspirin, 200 ct - $8.99
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Bayer Aspirin 50ct or larger
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Boost Nutritional Energy Drink, 4 pk - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
            Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) BOOST Nutritional Drink or Drink Mix
            $5/2 Boost Drinks, exp. 6/27/20 (RMN 05/03/20) [Multipacks or Canisters]
          • Colgate Total or Total Advanced Toothpaste, 3.4 - 4.8 oz - $3.00
            Save 75? off any Colgate Total? Advanced Toothpaste
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 6/13/20 (SS 05/31/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size dnd]
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Crest ProHealth, 3D White, or Complete Plus Scope Toothpaste, 4.1 - 8 oz - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 6/13/20 (P&G 05/31/20) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Crest Scope, 1 L, or ProHeath Rinse, 500 ml - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 6/13/20 (P&G 05/31/20) [473-ml./16-oz.+; ETS]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Dove Shampoo or Conditioner, 12 oz - $3.50
          • Happy Baby Baby Food Pouch, 3.5 - 4.22 oz - 25% OFF
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3 off Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 6/13/20 (P&G 05/31/20) [2 Bags or 1 Box]

          The post Publix Matchups 6/4/20 – 6/10/20 appeared first on

          iRobot Roomba 891 Robot Vacuum Mon, 01 Jun 2020 14:54:54 +0000 If you have been looking for a Roomba, here is a markdown! Amazon has this iRobot Roomba 891 Robot Vacuum marked down to $299.99 (prices subject to change). It is Wi-Fi Connected, Works with Alexa, Ideal for Pet Hair, Carpets, Hard Floors. Head HERE.

          The post iRobot Roomba 891 Robot Vacuum appeared first on


          If you have been looking for a Roomba, here is a markdown! Amazon has this iRobot Roomba 891 Robot Vacuum marked down to $299.99 (prices subject to change). It is Wi-Fi Connected, Works with Alexa, Ideal for Pet Hair, Carpets, Hard Floors. Head HERE.

          The post iRobot Roomba 891 Robot Vacuum appeared first on

          Available Now! 48 Double Rolls of Angel Soft Toilet Paper Mon, 01 Jun 2020 14:27:29 +0000 Bath tissue is back in stock! Head HERE. This time Angel Soft Toilet Paper with Fresh Lavender Scent is available! Angel Soft Toilet Paper, Linen Scent, 48 Double Rolls, 48 = 96 Regular Rolls is priced at $31.38 and is being sold by Amazon and shipping is free with Amazon Prime. Head HERE. *prices subject […]

          The post Available Now! 48 Double Rolls of Angel Soft Toilet Paper appeared first on


          Bath tissue is back in stock! Head HERE. This time Angel Soft Toilet Paper with Fresh Lavender Scent is available! Angel Soft Toilet Paper, Linen Scent, 48 Double Rolls, 48 = 96 Regular Rolls is priced at $31.38 and is being sold by Amazon and shipping is free with Amazon Prime. Head HERE. *prices subject to change. Pay attention to the seller – if the seller changes, I can’t vouch for their legitimacy.

          The post Available Now! 48 Double Rolls of Angel Soft Toilet Paper appeared first on

          Echo Dot (3rd Gen) – Smart speaker with clock and Alexa under $45 Fri, 29 May 2020 16:00:10 +0000 The Echo Dot (3rd Gen) – Smart speaker with clock and Alexa – Sandstone has been marked down to $44.99 from $59.99. I love that the Echo Dot has a clock feature now! Head HERE. If you prefer an Echo Dot without a clock, it is marked down to $39.99 from $49.99. Head HERE. *prices […]

          The post Echo Dot (3rd Gen) – Smart speaker with clock and Alexa under $45 appeared first on


          The Echo Dot (3rd Gen) – Smart speaker with clock and Alexa – Sandstone has been marked down to $44.99 from $59.99. I love that the Echo Dot has a clock feature now! Head HERE. If you prefer an Echo Dot without a clock, it is marked down to $39.99 from $49.99. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

          The post Echo Dot (3rd Gen) – Smart speaker with clock and Alexa under $45 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 5/28/20 – 6/3/20 Wed, 27 May 2020 16:05:56 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 28th or Wednesday, May 2\th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 5/28/20 – 6/3/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 28th or Wednesday, May 2\th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 7Up Products, 2 L ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Arm & Hammer Essentials or Ultra Max Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 25 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Arrid XX Gel or Solid Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Carbona Washing Machine Cleaner, 8.4 oz, or In-Wash Color Grabber Sheets, 30 ct - B1G1
          • Dannon Greek or Blended Greek Yogurt, 4 - 8 pk ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Duke's Mayonnaise, 32 oz ($4.67) - $2.33
            $0.75/1 Dukes Product, exp. 6/14/20 (SS 05/17/20) [DND; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $1.58
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Entenmann's Little Bites Muffins, Fudge Brownies, Crumb Cake, or Chocolate Chip Cookies, 6.85 - 8.75 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Fiji Artesian Water, 6 pk ($13.29) - $6.64
          • Folgers Ground Coffee, 10.3 - 11.3 oz, or Folgers Noir, 10.3 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Hershey's Nuggets Chocolate, 10 - 10.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Hungry Man Dinners, 13.1 - 16 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Iams Premium Cat Food, 3 - 3.5 lb ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Juicy Juice 100% Apple Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk, or Organics, 48 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $0.75/1 Juicy Juice 100% Juice Product, exp. 6/29/20 (SS 05/17/20) [ Excluding 4 pk Juice boxes]
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
          • Kite Hill Artisan Almond Milk Yogurt, 16 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Klondike Bar or Sandwiches, 11 - 27 oz ($6.25) - $3.12
          • Kraft or Bulls-Eye Barbecue Sauce, 17.5 - 18 oz ($2.35) - $1.17
          • Luigi's Real Italian Ice, 24 - 36 oz - B1G1
            Save 75? off one Luigi's Italian Ice
            Save 75? off one Luigi's Italian Ice
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.5 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
          • Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams, Origina Grahams, or Grahamfuls, 7.04 - 14.4 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips, Wheat Thins or Ritz Crisp & Thins, or Toasted Corn Chips, or Wheat Thins Toasted Pita, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nature Valley or Fiber One Bars, 10.6 - 17.8 oz - B1G1
          • Pace Chunky Salsa, 16 oz, or Con Queso or Queso Blanco Dip, 15 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
            Save $0.50 off ONE (1) jar of Pace Salsa or Picante Sauce
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Pedigree Dog or Puppy Food, 3.5 lb ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Pillsbury Cake, Brownie, or Cookie Mix, 15.25 - 18.4 oz, or Frosting, 15.6 - 16 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($9.21) - $4.60
          • Publix Bakery Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Publix Bakery Muffins, 4 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Publix Premium Alaskan Panko Pollock Fillets, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Spice Island Spices, select - B1G1
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice, V-Fusion, V-Fusion+Energy, or V8+Energy, 6 pk ($4.95) - $2.47
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Ziploc Storage or Freezer, 14 - 24 ct, or Sandwich or Snack Bags, 66 - 90 ct ($4.52) - $2.26
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Ziploc? brand products
            Final Price: $1.76 each wyb 2
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $12.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium Pink Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • Cajun-Seasoned Catfish Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $4.99
          • Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.49
          • GreenWise 10/15 ct Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $15.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Salmon Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $9.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.89
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $4.79
          • Publix Premium Turkey Breast with Ribs, per lb - $1.49
          • Publix Sausage with Bacon and Cheddar Cheese, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Southern Belle Lobster Mac & Cheese, 18 oz - $18.99
          • Thin-Sliced Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $9.29
          • Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken, 19 - 22 oz - $6.99
          • Blackberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Eat Smart Broccoli Florets, 12 oz - $3.33
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.29
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.50
          • Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced Pre-Washed White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99
          • Southern-Grove Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Strawberries, 6 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sweet Vidalia Onions, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Had Domestic Provolone Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Salsalito Sandwich, ea - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Chip Brookies, 4 ct - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Organic New York Style Cheesecake, 16 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery Cookie Bites, 14 ct - $3.59
          • Publix Bakery Cookies and Cream Mousse Cake, 48 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Hot Dogs, 8 ct - $2.50
          • Publix Bakery Multigrain Baton, 12 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Dutch Aged Gouda Cheese, per lb - $12.99
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $4.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips or Thins, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk or Coconutmilk, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices, 7 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt Lil Tub, 4.5 oz - $1.00
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) noosa yoghurts
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Almond Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 20 - 22 oz - $5.49
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal - $4.99
          • Devour Entree, 9 - 12 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Fully-Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.49
          • Palermo's Primo Thin Pizza, 13.35 - 16.55 oz - $5.00
            Save $1.00 off Palermo's Frozen Pizzas
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Pillsbury Toasted Strudels or Scrambles, 4 - 6 ct - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 4.9 - 10.5 oz - $2.00
          • Talenti Gelato, Gelato Layers, or Sorbetto, 10.8 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Totinos Pizza Rolls, 20 - 44.5 oz - $5.99
          • All Laundry Detergent, 32 - 40 oz or 19 - 24 ct - $5.00
            $1/1 all Laundry Detergent, exp. 6/7/20 (RMN 05/17/20) [ETS; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Energizer Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) pack of Energizer Batteries
          • Gain Flings, 96 ct - $21.49
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 6/13/20 (RMN 05/10/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $19.49
          • Kingsford Wood Pellets, 20 lb - $9.99
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz, or Discs, 38 ct - $11.99
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 31.7 - 64 oz, Sheets, 70 - 80 ct, or In-Wash Booster, 9 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 Snuggle Products, exp. 6/7/20 (RMN 05/17/20) [ETS; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Tide Pods, 73 - 96 ct - $21.49
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 12 pk - $5.00
          • Milk-Bone Dog Biscuits, Snacks, or Treats, 5 - 24 oz - $3.33

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          Read eBooks with Overdrive for No Cost Wed, 27 May 2020 15:52:22 +0000 **Right now we can save $30 on the All-new Kindle with built in front-light! It’s normally priced at $89.99 but right now is $59.99. Head HERE. *prices subject to change.   I love to read. I don’t read as often as I would like and it takes me forever to finish a book, but I […]

          The post Read eBooks with Overdrive for No Cost appeared first on


          **Right now we can save $30 on the All-new Kindle with built in front-light! It’s normally priced at $89.99 but right now is $59.99. Head HERE. *prices subject to change.


          I love to read. I don’t read as often as I would like and it takes me forever to finish a book, but I love to read. I also feel it’s important to state that I prefer reading actual books that I can hold, smell and feel. However, at this stage of my life, I’ve learned that reading on my Kindle reader is as lot more convenient. A few years ago I discovered Overdrive. Since then, I’ve thought that everyone knows about Overdrive but I find that I’m frequently sharing how awesome it is with friends and family who have never heard of it! Overdrive is an online library that is connected with your library card. If you have a library card and a tablet to read on (I have a Kindle), you can use Overdrive for free and read hundreds of thousands of books for free! The books available to read and audiobooks available on Overdrive are the latest books that are released, top sellers as well as countless of older popular books. To get started and connect your library card to Overdrive, head HERE and follow the steps listed.

          Once you have created an Overdrive account and connect it to your Kindle, Nook, apple device, etc, you will want to start borrowing books. Each book you can borrow for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks, if there is not a wait list waiting for your book, you will have the option to extend your borrow period for another 2 weeks. Keep reading below though because I’ve found a workaround for people like me who need more than 2 weeks to finish a book!

          I use a Kindle Reader much like this one. My Kindle is a few years old so I don’t have the backlight (I wish it did) but it works perfectly for Overdrive and I use it all the time. It also holds its battery life for very long so I don’t have to constantly charge it. I think I currently have 30 books downloaded on it and I could probably download another 100+ books on it. The memory is awesome.

          If there is a book that you want to read that already has a wait list, you can put it “On Hold”. Overdrive will keep you updated as to how long you should have to wait to be able to borrow the book. You are able to Hold (reserve) 7 ebooks/audiobooks at a time. You are able to borrow 10 eBooks/audiobooks at a time. If you are looking for book ideas, below are some books I’ve read during the past year. Some of the books are heavy while others are lighter.

          All You Can Ever Know: A Memoir by Nicole Chung
          Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman
          The Other Woman by Sandie Jones
          Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingale
          An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
          Into the Water by Paula Hawkins
          The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah
          Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
          Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
          Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue
          The Way Life Should Be by Christina Baker Kline
          Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
          We Were Liars by e. Lockhart
          Into the Water by Paula Hawkins
          Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell

          Here’s how I recommend you use your tablet. If you have a tablet that you use only for reading eBooks like me, borrow 10 books on your Overdrive account. Once you have downloaded the 10 books (if you have a Kindle, you will download them through your Amazon account – it’s entirely free but you will need Amazon to get the book onto your Kindle), put your tablet on airplane mode. This will make it so that your tablet does not check for updates EVER until you take your tablet off airplane mode. This will also allow you to TAKE AS LONG AS YOU NEED to read your books. If your tablet is on regular mode, after two weeks, the book will disappear so you have to be very diligent to make sure you finish it in time (especially if there is a wait list on the book since you won’t be able to renew it). What I love is that there are no late fees. Once your two weeks are over, the book just disappears. **unless you keep your tablet on airplane mode!

          So, I like to borrow 10 books, download them on my Kindle, put my tablet on airplane mode and then read all of the books before downloading more. Meanwhile, I will use my Overdrive account to put popular books on Hold. The most popular books on Overdrive have wait lists of 6+ months. So I will make sure that my account has all of my holds filled while I’m reading the previously downloaded books that I have on my tablet. If I find that I need more time to read my books before borrowing the books on hold, I can extend the hold up to 180 days. I find that by the time I’m ready to download more books, all of my holds are available and I can download all of them within a couple weeks. I then start the process again. I download all of the new books, put more books on hold and start reading new books.

          If you are looking for a way to read popular books for free, you need to get a library card and begin using Overdrive. It’s user friendly and an awesome way to read as many books as you want throughout the year without worrying about purchasing the book OR having to deal with late fees if you take longer than 2 weeks to read!

          The post Read eBooks with Overdrive for No Cost appeared first on

          Crayola Multicultural Markers and Crayons Wed, 27 May 2020 15:46:52 +0000 I am really excited about these crayons and markers. Having a multicultural family, I’ve realized the importance of having markers and crayons that match all of our unique skin colors. I’ve also realized multicultural markers, band-aids, BOOKS, MOVIES, etc etc etc are hard to find. So I’m SO excited Crayola released these crayons and markers! […]

          The post Crayola Multicultural Markers and Crayons appeared first on


          I am really excited about these crayons and markers. Having a multicultural family, I’ve realized the importance of having markers and crayons that match all of our unique skin colors. I’ve also realized multicultural markers, band-aids, BOOKS, MOVIES, etc etc etc are hard to find. So I’m SO excited Crayola released these crayons and markers! This Crayola Ultra Clean Washable Multicultural Markers, Broad Line, 10 Count is priced at $5.39 on Staples. Head HERE. The 8 count box of Crayola Multicultural Crayons is $1.71! Head HERE. Shipping is free!

          The post Crayola Multicultural Markers and Crayons appeared first on

          Free One Year Subscription to People Magazine Tue, 26 May 2020 13:58:20 +0000 I love when freebies like this come along! Right now you can request a free one year People Magazine subscription via Mercury Magazines. Once you have entered your information, you will be asked if you want to purchase more magazines and sign up for additional offers. Check: Publix BOGO and Kroger Weekly Ad. You do not have […]

          The post Free One Year Subscription to People Magazine appeared first on


          I love when freebies like this come along! Right now you can request a free one year People Magazine subscription via Mercury Magazines. Once you have entered your information, you will be asked if you want to purchase more magazines and sign up for additional offers. Check: Publix BOGO and Kroger Weekly Ad. You do not have to sign up for anything else in order to get your magazine 🙂 Head HERE.

          The post Free One Year Subscription to People Magazine appeared first on

          3 Layer Cotton Mask with Pocket, $7.99 Tue, 26 May 2020 13:25:10 +0000 If you need to get more masks, Jane has a great price on these 3 Layer Cotton Masks with pockets. They are $7.99 each! Head HERE to view all of the designs available. To see all of the masks available, head HERE. $3.85 for the first item and $0.49 for each additional item. US only. […]

          The post 3 Layer Cotton Mask with Pocket, $7.99 appeared first on


          If you need to get more masks, Jane has a great price on these 3 Layer Cotton Masks with pockets. They are $7.99 each! Head HERE to view all of the designs available. To see all of the masks available, head HERE.

          $3.85 for the first item and $0.49 for each additional item. US only. Seller usually ships within 3 business days. Ships no later than Thu, Jun 4.

          The post 3 Layer Cotton Mask with Pocket, $7.99 appeared first on

          Still Available! Free Medium Pizza at Pizza Hut! Tue, 26 May 2020 13:07:12 +0000 This is still available if you missed it Friday! In honor of  all of this year’s graduates, Pizza Hut is giving away 500,000 free Medium One Topping Pizzas! Act fast and head HERE to Pizza Hut! Then log into your account and the Free Medium Pizza offer will be added to your account! The free […]

          The post Still Available! Free Medium Pizza at Pizza Hut! appeared first on


          This is still available if you missed it Friday! In honor of  all of this year’s graduates, Pizza Hut is giving away 500,000 free Medium One Topping Pizzas! Act fast and head HERE to Pizza Hut! Then log into your account and the Free Medium Pizza offer will be added to your account! The free pizza offer ends 6/4/20 and is valid on a Medium 1 Topping Pizza Hut Tossed, Thin ‘n Crispy or Original Pizza!

          *This offer ends after 500,000 people have snagged it in their accounts.

          The post Still Available! Free Medium Pizza at Pizza Hut! appeared first on

          Art and Craft Kit for Kids under $15 Tue, 19 May 2020 15:04:05 +0000 My daughter would LOVE this kit. She loves art and craft supplies and loves to make fun and strange creations out of any and anything! This Caydo Art and Craft Kit Supplies is currently priced at $14.99 (prices subject to change). This would be a fun kit to pull out on rainy summer days or […]

          The post Art and Craft Kit for Kids under $15 appeared first on


          My daughter would LOVE this kit. She loves art and craft supplies and loves to make fun and strange creations out of any and anything! This Caydo Art and Craft Kit Supplies is currently priced at $14.99 (prices subject to change). This would be a fun kit to pull out on rainy summer days or days when it’s too hot to play outside! Below is a list of everything the kit includes. Head HERE to see this kit!

          Package including:
          About 15g Pom Poms
          30 x Pipe Cleaners
          20 x Glitter Pipe Cleaners
          25 x Turkey Hairs
          12 x Goose Feathers
          50 x Color Felt
          20 x Wood Clips
          40 x Wiggle Eyes
          50 x 6mm Diamond
          2 x A4 Felt Cloth
          3 x Foam Balls
          1 x Foam Glue
          1 x Safety Scissor

          The post Art and Craft Kit for Kids under $15 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 5/21/20 – 5/27/20 Tue, 19 May 2020 14:25:10 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 21st or Wednesday, May 20th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 5/21/20 – 5/27/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 21st or Wednesday, May 20th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz ($5.95) - $2.97
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refill, 3 ct, or Freshmatic Spray, 5.89 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
            Save $1.50 off any ONE (1) Air Wick? Freshmatic? Ultra Refill
            Save $1.00 off any ONE (1) Air Wick? Scented Oils Refill
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Arizona Tea, gal ($3.26) - $1.63
          • Atkins Entree, 6.5 - 9 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Ball Park Beef Franks or Fat Free Turkey Franks, 14 - 15 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Blue Wilderness Trail Treats for Dogs, 4 oz - B1G1
          • Breakstone's Cottage Cheese or Sour Cream, 16 oz ($2.89) - $1.44
          • Breyers Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt, or Ice Cream Cups, 30 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 8 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B1G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Community Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.27) - $4.13
          • Crystal Hot Sauce, 12 oz ($1.55) - $0.77
          • Cutter Insect Repellent, 4 - 6 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food Pouch, 3.5 - 4.2 oz ($1.69) - $0.84
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $0.51 each wyb 3
          • Emerald Cashews or Mixed Nuts or Walnuts, Pecans, or Virginia Peanuts, 5 - 10 oz - B1G1
          • Eternal Spring Water, 6 pk 1 L ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit or Chopped Kit, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Fresh Gourmet Salad Topping, 3.5 - 4 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • General Mills Cinnamon or Chocolate Toast Crunch Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • General Mills Hershey's Kisses Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Godiva Instant Pudding Mix, 3.6 - 4.51 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream or Gelato, 14 oz, or Ice Cream Bars or Squares, 9 oz ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce, 10 oz ($5.95) - $2.97
          • Heinz Yellow Mustard, 20 oz ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 24 - 30 oz ($5.84) - $2.92
          • Hero Gala Apples, 2 lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Hershey's Candy Bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Big Cup, or Kit Kat Wafers, 6 ct ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Hunt's Tomato Ketchup, 20 oz ($1.74) - $0.87
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin Mix ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 14.7 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 14.7 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 19.2 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats Cereal, 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's? Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 3 - 3.15 lb ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Mighty Spark Ground Chicken, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Mighty Spark Turkey Patties, 9 oz - B1G1
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Nature Valley Bars, 6.5 - 8.94 oz - B1G1
          • Nature's Own Honey Wheat Bread, 20 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Nestle Drumstick Cones, 36.8 oz - B1G1
          • Nestle Outshine Bars, 9.9 - 18 oz - B1G1
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz ($4.37) - $2.18
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Powerade or Powerade Zero, 8 pk ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Publix Bakery Cheese Danish Ring, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Publix Medium Shrimp Platter, 18 oz ($16.99) - $8.49
          • Pure Wesson Oil, 48 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Food for Dogs, 5.5 - 6 lb ($8.97) - $4.48
            $2/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Dog Food, exp. 6/20/20 (SS 04/26/20) [3-lb.+ bag]
            Final Price: $2.48
          • Rothbury Farms Croutons, 5 oz ($1.89) - $0.94
          • Sabra Hummus or Veggie Dips, 8 - 10 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Smithfield Bacon, 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Snack Factory Pretzels Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B1G1
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces, 14 - 18 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
            $1/3 Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/28/20 (SS 05/17/20 R)
            $1/4 Sweet Baby Rays Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/28/20 (SS 05/17/20) [Limit 2]
            Final Price: $0.91 each wyb 3
          • Thomas' English Muffins, Bagels, or Swirl Bread, 10.5 - 20 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Watermelon Chunks, per lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Weber Seasoning, 2.5 - 3.9 oz ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Biltmore Cold Smoked Salmon, 4 oz - $5.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steak, per lb - $9.99
          • Brooklyn Burger Premium Steakhouse Burgers, 32 oz - $7.99
          • Colossal White Shrimp, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise 20/40 ct Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - $4.99
          • Ground Chuck Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $4.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $4.99
          • Jones Sliced Bacon, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Nathan's Famous Beef Franks, 11 - 12 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Shrimp Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $4.79
          • Publix Pork St Louis Style Spareribs, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Sausage with Bacon and Cheddar Cheese, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Sockeye Salmon Fillets, 12 oz - $11.99
          • Reese's Main St Bistro Baked Sides, 17 - 20 oz - $4.00
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Athena Cantaloupes, ea - $2.00
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99
          • Fresh Express Angel Hair Cole Slaw, 10 oz - $1.67
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Large Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $5.99
          • Mango, ea - $1.00
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Russet Potatoes, per lb - $0.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonades, Limeades, or Punches, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99
          • Strawberries or Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.25
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 5 lb - $2.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Muenster Cheese, per lb - $8.99
          • Meringue Pies, 6" - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hot Dog Buns, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Gouda Cheese, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, 13 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Volpi Genoa Salami, 4 oz - $4.49
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - $5.00
          • Bush's Best Baked Beans, 28 oz - $1.99
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves Cracker Chips, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on any 1 (ONE) 4-pack Del Monte? Bubble Fruit Fruit Cup Snack
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Doritos Tortilla Chips, 5 - 11.25 oz - $3.00
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 9.75 - 18 oz - $4.00
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $1.00
          • Ken's Steakhouse or Simply Vinaigrette Dressing, 16 oz - $2.50
            $1/1 Ken's Simply Vinaigrette, exp. 6/15/20 (SS 05/10/20)
            $1/2 Ken's Dressings, exp. 6/15/20 (SS 05/10/20) [16-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • La Famiglia DelGrosso Pasta Sauce, 16 - 26 oz - $3.99
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables, 5 - 11.25 oz - $3.00
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk - $5.00
          • Mt Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail or Juice Blend, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - $3.66
          • Swanson Broth or Stock, 32 oz - $2.00
          • Welch's 100% Grape Juice or Juice Beverage, 64 oz - $3.00
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Chobani Coffee Creamer, 24 oz - $3.00
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4 pk - $3.00
          • Chobani Oat Milk, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Oui by Yoplait French Style Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33
          • Publix Yogurt, 24 oz - $1.50
          • Green Giant Frozen Vegetables, 7 - 10 oz - $1.50
          • Healthy Choice Entrees or Wraps, 6 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamer Entrees or Power Bowls, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz - $2.50
          • Marie Callender's Entrees, 6 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct - $3.33
          • Arm & Hammer Dryer Sheets, 40 ct - $6.00
          • Arm & Hammer Freshness Booster, 37.8 oz - $6.00
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 122.5 - 150 oz - $6.00
          • Cowboy Brand Hardwood Lump Charcoal, 18 lb - $9.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Downy Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Febreze Air Refresher, 8.8 oz, or Small Spaces, 5.5 - 7.5 ml - $3.00
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 22 - 38 ct - $5.99
          • Finish Dishwasher Cleaner, 3 ct - $5.99
          • Finish Jet-Dry Rinse, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Full Circle Bags, 40 - 70 ct - $4.00
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 6/13/20 (RMN 05/10/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Handi-Foil Pans, Cookie Sheets, or Storage Containers, 1 - 5 ct - 50% OFF
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 16 lb, or Match Light, 12 lb - $7.99
          • Oxi Clean Stain Remover, 3 - 3.15 lb - $6.00
            $1/1 OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover or 2in1 Stain Fighter printable [3-lb.+ stain remover]
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 35 - 75 sq ft - $3.49
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Tide, 69 - 92 oz - $11.99
          • Aleve Pain Medicine, 24 ct - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off any Aleve? 40ct or larger or Aleve? PM 20ct or larger
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Banana Boat Sun Care Products, 3 - 8 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $2/1 Banana Boat Sun Care Product, exp. 6/13/20 (SS 05/17/20) [Excludes 1-oz., 1.8-oz., 2-oz., lip balm & trial sizes; Limit 2]
          • Colgate Triple Action, Cavity Protection, Baking Soda & Peroxide Whitening, or Baking Soda Sparkling White Toothpaste, 6 oz - $1.50
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 5/30/20 (SS 05/17/20 R) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Neutrogena Sun, 0.47 - 16 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $2/1 Neutrogena Suncare Product, exp. 6/13/20 (RMN 05/17/20) [Excludes trial sizes and clearance products; Limit 1]
          • OGX Products, 3.3 - 19.5 oz - $2.00 OFF
          • QuestBar Protein Bar or Cookie, 2.04 - 2.12 oz or 4 pk - 25% OFF
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $24.99

          The post Publix Matchups 5/21/20 – 5/27/20 appeared first on

          Save on Starbucks® Beverages at Publix Mon, 18 May 2020 15:47:05 +0000 This post has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringHomeTheTasteYouLove During these crazy times, did you know you can still bring home the taste of your favorite ready to drink Starbucks® beverages from Publix anytime? Inspired by the coffee culture at Starbucks®, Starbucks® coffee, ready to drink at […]

          The post Save on Starbucks® Beverages at Publix appeared first on

          This post has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringHomeTheTasteYouLove

          During these crazy times, did you know you can still bring home the taste of your favorite ready to drink Starbucks® beverages from Publix anytime? Inspired by the coffee culture at Starbucks®, Starbucks® coffee, ready to drink at Publix, is crafted to have wherever and however you crave it. It’s always ready to grab and go when you need the inspiration that great coffee provides. Bring home the taste you love from Publix! Now that’s convenient, isn’t it?
          Starting May 18th, until supplies last, you can save $1.00 on 2 of any Starbucks® Single-Serve coffee items. Click HERE for a link to the offer!

          The post Save on Starbucks® Beverages at Publix appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 5/14/20 – 5/20/20 Mon, 11 May 2020 18:24:31 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 14th or Wednesday, March 13th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 5/14/20 – 5/20/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 14th or Wednesday, March 13th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 9Lives Cat Food, 3.15 lb ($4.09) - $2.04
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Ball Park Beef Franks or Fat Free Turkey Franks, 14 - 15 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Beemster Smoked Gouda Wedge, 8 oz, or Goat Gouda, 5.3 oz ($9.21) - $4.60
          • Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks or Half Baked Brownie Dough, 6 - 8 oz ($5.95) - $2.97
          • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, pt ($5.95) - $2.97
          • Biz Stain & Odor Eliminator, 50 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Blue Buffalo Dog Food, Homestyle Recipe, 12.5 oz - B1G1
          • Botticelli Premium Pasta Sauce, 24 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Donut Shop K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Eckrich Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 14 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Entenmann's Pop'ems Donuts, Pop'ettes, or Mini Donuts, 11 - 16 oz ($4.69) - $2.34
          • Eternal Spring Water, 1.5 L ($2.05) - $1.02
          • FatBoy Ice Cream Sandwiches or Bars, 4 - 9 ct - B1G1
          • Gatorade, 8 pk ($7.19) - $3.59
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 19.3 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 19.3 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 20.7 oz ($5.75_ - $2.87
          • General Mills Toast Crunch Cereal, 19.3 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct ($9.55) - $4.77
          • Glad ClingWrap, 200 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Freezer Wrap, 150 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Press'n Seal Wrap, 70 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Storage or Freezer Bags, 30 - 50 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Green Mountain K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce, 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 24 - 30 oz ($5.84) - $2.92
          • Libman Sponges, 3 ct - B1G1
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Mezzetta Peppers, 16 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Monk Fruit in the Raw, 40 ct ($10.99) - $5.49
          • Nabisco Family Size Wheat Thins, Triscuit, Ritz, Flavor Originals, or Honey Maid Grahams, 6.5 - 25.6 oz ($4.85) - $2.42
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Publix 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, 24 oz ($16.49) - $8.24
          • Publix Bakery Small Fruit Pies, 12 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad or Coleslaw, 32 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 25 oz ($13.29) - $6.64
          • Quaker Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 15.4 - 20 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal, 14.5 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Simply Granola Oats, 26 - 28 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Renuzit Air Freshener or Snuggle Fabric Refresher, 18 oz ($7.49) - $3.74
          • Renuzit Snuggle Oil Refill, 2 - 3 ct, or Automatic Spray, 6.17 oz ($7.49) - $3.74
          • Sabra Hummus Singles, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Sara Lee Artesano Bread ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Stevia in the Raw Zero Calorie Sweetener, 50 - 250 ct, or Extract Granulated Sweetener, 9.7 oz ($10.99) - $5.49
            Save $1.00 off one 9.7oz Stevia In The Raw? bakers bag.
            Save 55? off Stevia In The Raw? 50 count or 100 count packet
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces, 14 - 18 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 4 oz ($8.19) - $4.09
          • White House Apple Juice, 64 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • White House Apple Sauce, 6 pk - B1G1
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steak, per lb - $12.99
          • Ground Chuck Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $4.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - $1.67
          • Publix 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Aprons Meatloaf, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, Ready-to-Cook, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Tilapia Cook-in-Bag Meal, Ready-to-Cook, ea - $7.99
          • Publix Mahi Fillets, 12 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Premium Turkey Breasts, per lb - $1.49
          • Publix Whole Boneless Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Thin-Sliced Top Round Steaks, per lb - $6.69
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $5.99
          • Top Sirloin Boneless Steak, per lb - $5.99
          • Top Sirloin Fillet, per lb - $6.99
          • Ambrosia or Red Delicious Apples, per lb - $1.29
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $1.25
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Cauliflower, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt - $2.00
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.29
          • Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $4.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Vidalia Onions, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Vidalia Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $6.19
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $3.79
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - $2.50
            Save $1.00 off ONE Crunchmaster products
            Final Price: $1.50
          • DeLallo Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives, 7 oz - $4.00
          • Firehook Crackers, 5.5 oz - $5.49
          • GreenWIse Bakery Blueberry Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Bagels, 4 ct - $1.99
          • Panera Soup or Chowder, 16 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake, 16 oz - $5.59
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Dinner - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $11.49
          • Publix Deli Colby Jack Cheese, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Meat Variety Pack, 6 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Gourmet Pecan Cinnamon Buns, 4 ct - $4.99
          • Bush's Best Baked Beans, 28 oz - $1.99
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - $4.00
          • Coca-Cola Specialty Soda, 355 ml - $1.25
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz - $2.00
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk 0.5 L - $4.99
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz - $2.50
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 20.3 oz - $2.50
            Save $1.00 off THREE Pop-Tarts? toaster pastries
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 3
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables Potato Snacks, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk 16.9 oz - $5.00
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies Sharing Size, 8.3 - 10.7 oz - $3.00
          • Mio Liquid Water Enhancer, 1.62 oz - $2.50
          • Morton Sea Salt, 17.6 oz - $2.00
          • Mt Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - $1.50
          • Planters NUT-rition Mix, 5.5 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Avocado Oil, 16.9 oz - $8.99
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - $1.29
          • Tabasco Pepper Sauce or Cayenne Garlic Hot Sauce, 5 oz - $2.50
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice or Splash, 64 oz or 6 pk - $2.50
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz - $3.00
          • Cracker Barrel Chunk Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Daisy Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Daisy Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Dannon Greek or Blended Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz, or Yogurt Drink, 7 oz - $1.00
          • Dannon Two Good Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Feta Chunk Cheese, 8 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.67 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Silk Almondmilk or Oat Yeah Oatmilk, 64 oz - $3.00
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Silk Almondmilk or Soy Milk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • So Delicious Coconutmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
            Save $1.00 off any So Delicious Product (link sent by email)
            Final Price: $0.25
          • Beyond Meat Sausage, 14 oz - $7.99
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz - $4.99
          • Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 19 - 24.6 oz - $4.00
          • Path of Life Quinoa or Cauliflower, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudels or Scrambles, 4 - 6 ct - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 48 oz - $3.50
          • Savannah Classics Original Hushpuppies, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 20 - 44.5 oz - $5.99
          • Tyson Breaded Chicken or Steak, 20.5 - 32 oz - $5.99
          • Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct, or Complete, 60 oz - $4.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
          • Downy WrinkleGuard Sheets, 60 ct - $4.99
          • Gain Flings, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 6/13/20 (RMN 05/10/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $15.99
          • Glade Candle, 3.4 oz - $2.79
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Glade? 3.4oz jar candles, PlugIns? Scented Oil warmer plus refill, PlugIns? Scented Oil 1 ct. or 2 ct. warmer only products (excludes Glade? 8oz Room Spray and Solids)
            Final Price: $2.29 each wyb 2
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans with Lids, 1 - 3 ct - $2.99
          • Purex Crystals, 15.5 oz - $3.00
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 ct - $4.00
          • Resolve Carpet Cleaner, 22 - 32 oz - 20% OFF
          • Reynolds Pans with Covers, 1 - 3 ct - $2.99
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
          • Tide, 138 oz - $17.99

          The post Publix Matchups 5/14/20 – 5/20/20 appeared first on

          50% off Re Collagen and Protein Products Fri, 08 May 2020 20:00:43 +0000 If you use or have been thinking of using Collagen and Protein, this is an amazing opportunity to stock up on high quality products! Re, pronounced “REE” is a line of nutritional supplements created by doctors to support your body’s natural ability to heal by ReMoving bad stuff, ReBuilding with good stuff and ReStoring health. […]

          The post 50% off Re Collagen and Protein Products appeared first on


          If you use or have been thinking of using Collagen and Protein, this is an amazing opportunity to stock up on high quality products! Re, pronounced “REE” is a line of nutritional supplements created by doctors to support your body’s natural ability to heal by ReMoving bad stuff, ReBuilding with good stuff and ReStoring health. The line of Re products use the highest quality ingredients to maximize results without waste, fillers or toxins. Shipping is free on orders of $49+. Right now Re has a pre-sale and all products are 50% off! Head Here to view the products.

          The post 50% off Re Collagen and Protein Products appeared first on

          In Stock: 24 Family Mega Rolls Cottonelle Ultra ComfortCare Toilet Paper Tue, 05 May 2020 13:44:03 +0000 **Update – I’m seeing the Cottonelle is sold out now. However, 48 rolls of Seventh Generation is currently in stock for under $33. Head HERE. *Please note this is currently in stock and being sold by Amazon. If a second seller sells this bath tissue, the price may increase and the seller may not be […]

          The post In Stock: 24 Family Mega Rolls Cottonelle Ultra ComfortCare Toilet Paper appeared first on


          **Update – I’m seeing the Cottonelle is sold out now. However, 48 rolls of Seventh Generation is currently in stock for under $33. Head HERE. *Please note this is currently in stock and being sold by Amazon. If a second seller sells this bath tissue, the price may increase and the seller may not be reputable.

          If you need toilet paper, Amazon has Cottonelle Ultra ComfortCare Soft Toilet Paper with Cushiony CleaningRipples, 24 Family Mega Rolls in stock right now for under $26. Head HERE to get your pack of bath tissue.

          The post In Stock: 24 Family Mega Rolls Cottonelle Ultra ComfortCare Toilet Paper appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 5/7/20 – 5/13/20 Mon, 04 May 2020 16:32:00 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 7th or Wednesday, March 6th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 5/7/20 – 5/13/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 7th or Wednesday, March 6th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 25 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Banquet Brown 'n Serve Links or Patties, 6.4 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Blue Buffalo Adult Cat or Kitten Food, 5 lb ($18.99) - $9.49
          • Blue Plate Mayo, 30 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Cesar Canine Cuisine Dog Food or Home Delights, 3.5 oz ($0.87) - $0.43
            B3G3 Cesar Minis Trays, exp. 5/10/20 (RMN 03/15/20) [Up to $3.27]
            Final Price: $0.21 each wyb 6
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 oz ($4.79) - $2.39
          • Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, Cake Mix, or Mug Cakes ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Duncan Hines Frosting, 16 oz ($1.99) - $0.99
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 12 - 14 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
          • Healthy Hide Good 'n Fun Gourmet Dog Treats - B1G1
          • Hot Shot Ant, Roach, or Spider Killer, 17.5 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.3 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $1/2 Kellogg's All-Bran Frosted Mini-Wheats, Crispix, Mueslix, Rice Krispies, Special K, Smart Start, Kellogg's Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran Cereals, exp. 5/17/20 (RMN 04/05/20 #2) [10.3-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Lantana Hummus, 10 oz - B1G1
          • Magnum Ice Cream Bars, 9.12 - 11.1 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Magnum Ice Cream, 14.8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Milo's Kitchen Homestyle Dog Treats, 15 - 18 oz ($14.99) - $7.49
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Nabisco Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Ocean Spray 100% Juice Blend, 60 oz, or Organic, 33.8 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread or Buns, 16 - 24 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Planters Cashews Halves & Pieces or Mixed Nuts, 8 - 10.3 oz ($7.16) - $3.58
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 32 oz ($16.38) - $8.19
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Quaker Instant Oatmeal or Instant Grits, 8.4 - 15.1 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Russell Stover Chocolates, 8.1 - 11 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
            $1/2 Russell Stover, exp. 5/29/20 (SS 04/26/20) [4-oz.+ boxes; DND]
            Final Price: $4.49 each wyb 2
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Tide Washing Machine Cleaner, 3 ct - B1G1
          • Tillamook Ice Cream Sandwiches, 12 pk ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Tillamook Ice Cream, 1.75 qt ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Vlasic Pickles or Relish, 10 - 46 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • WholeFruit Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz - B1G1
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Boneless NY Strip Steak, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Shoulder Roast, per lb - $6.49
          • Boneless Shoulder Steaks Thin-Sliced, per lb - $7.19
          • Catfish Fillets Cajun-Seasoned, per lb - $7.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $4.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • Eye Round Steaks, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Sirloin Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $6.29
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $5.79
          • Hillshire Farm Lunchmeat, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $4.99
          • Parmesan Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets, per lb - $6.49
          • Perdue Breaded Chicken, 12 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Aprons Lobster Cook-in-Bag Meal - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Boneless Chops Thick Cut or Butterflied, per lb - $4.49
          • Publix Mild Italian Turkey Sausage, 16 oz - $4.19
          • Publix Mild Italian Turkey Sausage, 20 oz - $5.29
          • Publix Pork Loin Cubed Steaks, per lb - $3.79
          • Publix Pork Loin Sirloin Cutlets, per lb - $3.79
          • Publix Thin-Sliced Boneless Pork Chops, per lb - $4.79
          • Reser's Classic Sides, 20 - 24 oz - $3.00
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Blackberries, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Del Monte Golden Pineapple, ea - $1.50
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Indian River 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Mango, ea - $1.25
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon, Quarter, per lb - $0.69
          • Red Raspberries, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Strawberries, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Vidalia Onions, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Chantilly Cake, 44 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Hazelnut Indulgence Cake, 60 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Hazelnut Indulgence Cake, 60 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Heart Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie, 15 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Creme Cake Slices, 8 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Molten Lava Cake, 7.25 - 7.4 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough French Bread, 12 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Bakery Strawberry and Peach Sensation Cake, 51 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Deli Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $7.59
          • Publix Deli Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Dutch Aged Gouda Cheese, per lb - $12.49
          • Publix Deli Homestyle Meatball Whole Sub, ea - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Pre-Sliced Salami or Pepperoni, 10 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Tavern Smoked Ham, per lb - $6.99
          • Stacy's Bagel or Pita Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $3.00
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk - $4.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 10 pk 7.5 oz - $3.33
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk cans or 8 pk btls - $4.00
          • Del Monte Fruit, 4 pk, or Fruit Refreshers, 2 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on any 1 (ONE) 4-pack Del Monte? Bubble Fruit Fruit Cup Snack
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Doritos, 4.5 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Flora Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $1.25
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.50
          • Gold Peak Tea, 6 pk - $4.50
          • Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bars, 10.4 oz - $2.50
          • Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce, 15 - 16 oz - $0.99
          • Mott's 100% Juice, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Mott's Applesauce, 6 pk - $2.50
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - $1.50
          • Propel, 6 pk - $3.50
          • Publix Chocolate Candies, 8 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Ragu Pasta Sauce, 45 oz - $2.99
          • Reign Total Body Fuel, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Smartfood or Smartfood Delight Popcorn, 4.5 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Welch's Concord Grape Jelly or Jam, Strawberry Spread, or Farmers Pick Spread, 17 - 20 oz - $2.00
          • Bailey's Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee, 32 oz - $6.99
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
            $1 off International Delight Creamers, exp. 5/16/20 (SS 04/05/20) [(2) 16-oz. or 32-oz.; (1) 48-oz. or 64-oz.]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.67
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Reddi-Wip Whipped Topping, 6.5 - 7 oz - $2.50
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • American Flatbread Pizza, 15.5 - 17.1 oz - $6.99
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 20 - 22 oz - $5.49
          • Gardein Meat-Free Entrees or Skillet Meals, 8 - 20 oz - $3.50
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Entree, 20 - 32 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Breaded Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, 24 oz - $5.00
          • Van's Waffles, 8 - 9 oz - $2.00
          • All Laundry Detergent, 141 oz or 60 ct - $11.99
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 5/10/20 (RMN 04/19/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Arm & Hammer Clean Scentsations In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz - $4.99
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct - $4.99
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct, or Complete, 75 oz - $6.99
            $1/1 Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, exp. 5/9/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [30-ct.+; Excludes trial/travel size]
            $0.50/1 Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, Rinse Aid or Dishwasher Cleaner, exp. 5/9/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Downy Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Duracell Batteries, select - 25% OFF
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 5/9/20 (RMN 04/05/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz or 38 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 5/17/20 (RMN 05/03/20) [Excludes 6 loads or less trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Raid Insect Control Products, select - 20% OFF
            Save $0.55 on any ONE (1) Raid Product?(Excludes Raid Club Packs and Twin Packs) - Available at Walmart
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Tide, 69 - 92 ct - $11.99
          • Boost Nutritional Energy Drink, 4 - 24 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) BOOST? Nutritional Drinks or Drink Mix
            $5/2 Boost Drinks, exp. 6/27/20 (RMN 05/03/20) [Multipacks or Canisters]
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00
          • Muscle Milk Protein Powder, 30.9 - 32 oz, or Shakes, 4 pk - 30% OFF
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            SAVE $3.00 off any ONE (1) 28 ct. or 42 ct. Nexium? 24HR Product
            Save $3.00 on any ONE (1) Nexium? 24HR 28ct or 42ct
            Save $3.00 off Nexium 24HR Tablets (28 or 42 ct.)
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 5/10/20 (RMN 04/26/20)
          • Olay Products, select - $1.00 OFF
            $2/1 Olay Facial Cleanser, exp. 5/30/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Olay Bar Soap Body Wash, Hand & Body Lotion or Rinse Off Body Conditioner, exp. 5/9/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [4-ct.+; Excludes bar 1-ct. and trial/travel size]
            $4/1 Olay Serums, exp. 5/30/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            $4/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer, exp. 5/30/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [Excludes complete, active hydrating and trial/travel size]
          • Prilosec OTC, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $1/1 Prilosec OTC Product, exp. 5/30/20 (P&G 04/26/20)
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 32 ct - $8.99
            $3 off Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 5/9/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [(2) bags or (1) box; Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $7.49 each wyb 2
          • Pampers Easy Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $8.99
            $3 off Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 5/9/20 (P&G 04/26/20) [(2) bags or (1) box; Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $7.49 each wyb 2
          • Sprout Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz - $1.00
          • Sprout Snacks, Crispy Chews, Wafflez, Curlz, or Crinklez, 1.48 - 3.15 oz - $2.50
          • Pedigree Food for Dogs or Puppies, 15 - 20.4 lb - $11.99

          The post Publix Matchups 5/7/20 – 5/13/20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 4/30/20 – 5/6/20 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:55:34 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 30th or Wednesday, April 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 4/30/20 – 5/6/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 30th or Wednesday, April 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • All Laundry Detergent, 88 - 100 oz or 39 ct ($10.29) - $5.14
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 5/10/20 (RMN 04/19/20) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $4.14
          • Blue Wilderness Adult Dog Food, 4.5 lb ($22.99) - $11.49
          • Canine Carry Outs Dog Snacks, 50 oz ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Crave Premium Dog Food, 12.5 oz ($1.95) - $0.97
          • Doughlish Ready to Eat Cookie Dough, 14 oz ($4.79) - $2.39
          • Fiber One Bars or Protein Chewy Bars, 8.2 - 17.8 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            $1/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product, exp. 5/9/20 (SS 03/15/20 R) [Any Box]
            $1/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product, exp. 5/9/20 (SS 03/15/20 R) [Any Box]
            $0.50/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product Boxes, exp. 5/9/20 (SS 03/15/20)
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • Flipz Chocolate Covered Pretzels, 7.5 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Garden Fresh Gourmet Salsa, 16 oz ($5.11) - $2.55
          • Good Humor Ice Cream Bars or Sandwiches, 6 ct - B1G1
          • Heinz BBQ Sauce, 18.6 - 21.4 oz ($2.65) - $1.32
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Juicy Juice Organic, 48 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Juicy Juice, 64 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 19.4 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 24 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
          • Kellogg's Honey Smacks Cereal, 23 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
          • Kellogg's Krave Cereal, 17.3 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tart Bites or Crisps, 5.9 - 7 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Ccereal, 24 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            $1/2 Kellogg's Rice Krispies or Cocoa Krispies Cereals, exp. 5/10/20 (RMN 03/29/20) [10.3-oz.+]
            $1/2 Kellogg's All-Bran Frosted Mini-Wheats, Crispix, Mueslix, Rice Krispies, Special K, Smart Start, Kellogg's Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran Cereals, exp. 5/17/20 (RMN 04/05/20 #2) [10.3-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats Poppers, 5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            $1/2 Kellogg's All-Bran Frosted Mini-Wheats, Crispix, Mueslix, Rice Krispies, Special K, Smart Start, Kellogg's Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran Cereals, exp. 5/17/20 (RMN 04/05/20 #2) [10.3-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Luigi's Real Italian Ice, 24 - 36 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Mayfield Ice Cream, 1.5 qt, or Ice Cream Bars or Sandwiches, 6 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Mid's Pasta Sauce, 32 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Mission Flour Tortillas, 10 ct ($2.72) - $1.36
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips or Wheat Thins, or Ritz Crisp & Thins or Toasted Corn Chips, or Wheat Thins Toasted Pita, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, Single Serve Tray, or Handi-Snacks, 10 - 18 ct ($6.89) - $3.44
          • Nature Valley Granola Bars, 14.2 - 17.8 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley? Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups,...
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites or Wafer Bars Boxes, exp. 5/16/20 (SS 03/22/20) [5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $3.59 each wyb 2
          • Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat or Whole Grain Bread, or Whole Wheat Hot Dog Buns or Sandwich Rolls, 13 - 20 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.79) - $4.39
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 14 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Ole Cheese Dip, 16 oz ($5.69) - $2.84
          • Pace Salsa, Dip, or Sauce, 15 - 24 oz ($2.08) - $1.04
            Save $0.50 off ONE (1) jar of Pace Salsa or Picante Sauce
            Stack With $0.25/2 Ibotta Rebate
            Final Price: $0.41 each wyb 2
          • Pam Cooking Spray or Oil Spray, 5 - 8 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Perdue Short Cuts, 6 - 9 oz - B1G1
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 13 - 16.3 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
          • Post Grape Nuts Cereal, 18 - 20.5 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Great Grains Cereal, 13.5 - 16.5 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Raisin Bran Cereal, 20 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Shredded Wheat, 15 - 18 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct ($5.35) - $2.67
          • Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, 6.1 - 7.4 oz, or Baked or Breakfast Squares, 10.5 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Rubbermaid TakeAlongs or Brilliance Containers, 1 - 6 ct - B1G1
          • Sabra Guacamole, 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Creme Sandwich Cookies, 12 pk ($6.89) - $3.44
          • Sweet 'n Low Sweetener, 100 - 250 ct ($4.69) - $2.34
            $0.50/1 Sweet 'N Low printable [100-ct.+]
            Final Price: $1.84
          • The Great American Turkey Co. Turkey Sausages, 12 oz - B1G1
          • The Great American Turkey Co. Turkey Strips, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - B1G1
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $11.99
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $12.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled and Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99
          • Greenfield Lunch Kit, 2.9 - 4.1 oz - $2.50
          • Ground Round Beef Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49
          • Ground Round, per lb - $4.99
            Less than 3 lb pkg
          • Large Spiny Lobster Tails, ea - $12.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - $1.67
          • Pork Loin Chops Center Cut, per lb - $3.89
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast Fillets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast Bone-In, per lb - $2.49
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast Boneless, per lb - $2.79
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.79
          • Publix premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz - $5.00
          • Red Grouper Fillets, per lb - $19.99
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Shrimp Skewers, 2 oz - $1.00
          • Tenderloin Steak, per lb - $17.99
          • Thin-Sliced Top Round Steaks, per lb - $6.19
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $5.49
          • Top Sirloin Boneless Steak, per lb - $5.99
          • Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $9.99
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Cilantro, ea - $0.99
          • Cucumbers, ea - $0.50
          • Del Monte Golden Ripe Pineapple, ea - $1.50
          • Driscoll's Blackberries, 6 oz - $1.50
          • Driscoll's Raspberries, 6 oz - $1.50
          • Eggplant, per lb - $1.69
          • Florida's Natural Orange Juice or Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $1.50
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Green Bell Pepper, per lb - $1.69
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.25
          • Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $1.99
          • Oranges, 4 lb - $2.99
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, per lb - $0.99
          • Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, 16 oz - $7.49
          • Boar's Head Maple Honey Double Play, 16 oz - $9.49
          • Boar's Head Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $7.49
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Blueberry Mini Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Original Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery Decadent Dessert Cakes, 36 - 66 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Everything Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $3.29
          • Publix Bakery Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Mini Mango Key Lime Pie, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Hot Side Dish, ea - $3.29
          • Publix Deli Jalapeno Popper Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Manchego Cheese, per lb - $15.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal, ea - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Street Corn Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Turkey & Cheddar Sliders, 7 - 8.25 oz - $4.49
          • 7Up Products, 2 L - $1.00
          • AHA Sparkling Water, 8 pk 12 oz - $2.66
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks, 8 - 24 ct - $4.00
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - $4.00
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves Cracker Chips, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - $1.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - $3.33
          • Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer Single Serve, 24 ct - $2.50
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk - $4.99
          • Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee + Milk Beverage, 13.7 oz - $1.67
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 9.75 - 18 oz - $4.00
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $6.99
          • Gatorade, 8 pk - $6.00
          • General Mills Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 7.5 - 8.75 oz - $2.00
          • Gold Peak Tea, 18.5 oz - $1.00
          • Keebler Chips Deluxe, Country Style, Soft Batch, Simply Made, or Sandies Cookies, 6 - 15 oz - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Keebler Cookie Products, exp. 5/2/20 (SS 03/08/20)
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Lay's Party Size Potato Chips, 12.5 - 13 oz - $4.00
          • Milano, Chessman, or Mini Bite Size Cookies On The Go!, 6.75 - 15.75 oz - $4.00
          • Mio Liquid Water Enhancer, 1.62 oz - $2.50
          • Moon Cheese, 2 oz - $3.00
          • Oberto Beef Jerky, 3.25 oz - $3.99
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz - $4.00
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers On The Go!, 6.75 - 15.75 oz - $4.00
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - $4.00
          • Planer All Fruit Spreadable Fruit, Sugar Free Preserves, or Marmalade with Fiber, 13.5 - 15.25 oz - $2.50
          • Popcorners Popped-Corn Snacks, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Powerade, 28 oz - $1.00
          • Publix Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Smartwater, 23.7 oz - $1.00
          • Starbucks Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.99
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz - $1.00
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Dannon Greek, Blended Greek, or Greek Yogurt and Toppings, 5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
          • Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt Drink, 7 oz - $1.00
          • Organic Valley Ultra-Filtered Milk, 56 oz - $4.00
          • Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls, 7.3 oz - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, 4 oz - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 10.2 oz - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Jr Flaky Golden Layers Butter Tastin' Biscuits, 12 oz - $1.00
          • Publix Yogurt, 24 oz - $1.50
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $3.99
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Iced Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00
          • Tillamook Cheddar Snack Portions, 7.5 oz - $3.50
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt or Simply Go-Gurt, 8 pk - $2.00
          • Amy's Burrito or Wrap, 5 - 6 oz - $2.33
          • Cooked Perfect Meatballs, 18 - 32 oz - $7.99
          • Morey's Fish Fillets, 10 oz - $7.99
          • Palermo's Primo Thin Pizza, 13.35 - 16.55 oz - $5.00
            Save $1.00 off Palermo's Frozen Pizzas
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Perdue Chicken Nuggets, Patties, or Tenders, 27 - 29 oz - $5.49
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Products printable
            Final Price: $4.74 each wyb 2
          • Sara Lee Cheesecake Slice, 2.75 oz - 33% OFF
          • Sara Lee Cheesecake, Pound Cake, or Coffee Cake, 10.75 - 30 oz - 33% OFF
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 4.9 - 10.5 oz - $2.00

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          Save $2 on Oral-B Special Care Rinse Collection Thu, 02 Apr 2020 19:39:10 +0000 This post is sponsored by Oral-B. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. If you’ve been watching The Dr. Oz Show, you saw that Oral-B Special Care rinses were recently featured on the show.. The Oral-B Special Care Rinse Collection is crafted to meet your unique oral care needs. Each rinse (three in […]

          The post Save $2 on Oral-B Special Care Rinse Collection appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Oral-B. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          If you’ve been watching The Dr. Oz Show, you saw that Oral-B Special Care rinses were recently featured on the show.. The Oral-B Special Care Rinse Collection is crafted to meet your unique oral care needs. Each rinse (three in the collection) has no added alcohol, no artificial dyes, no parabens, no gluten and no sodium lauryl sulfate! The rinse that I use diligently is Cavity Protection. Right now, you can save $2.00 on all rinses using the coupon found in your Sunday (3/29) paper. You can purchase Oral-B Special Care Oral Rinses right now at Walmart and

          Because I’m not going out much right now, I want to try to avoid going to the dentist for as long as possible. So the Cavity Protection rinse is a very important part of my daily routine. It is formulated with fortifying fluoride to help protect against enamel loss to fight cavities. It not only protects against enamel loss, but it strengthens enamel helping protect against cavities! I’m not always the most diligent about using mouthwashes or rinses, but now that I want to avoid going to the dentist, this is a vital part of my oral care routine.

          In addition to Cavity Protection, there is a Breath Therapy rinse that is scientifically formulated to neutralize bad breath. The rinse freshens your breath by reducing oral malodor!
          The third rinse is the Mouth Sore Special Care Rinse. This rinse is formulated to fight mouth sores including canker sores, cheek bites, braces & denture irritations and oral & gum irritations. It cleanses minor oral wounds, helping prevent them from getting worse. My daughter has a very bad habit of biting her cheek while eating. Her dentist says this is a normal part of her mouth’s development, but she definitely does it more frequently than my son (or I) ever did. This rinse helps soothe her sores and prevents them from getting worse!

          Now is the time to try this! Grab the $2.00 coupon in the 3/29 newspaper and head to Walmart to grab the rinse(s) that best suit your needs!

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          ALEX Toys Spa 5 Metallic Hair Chalk Pens under $8! Tue, 31 Mar 2020 22:49:02 +0000 This is such a fun way for kids to color their hair on their own while they’re stuck at home. Get this set of Alex Spa 5 Metallic Hair Chalk Pens for just $7.89 + FREE shipping with Amazon Prime! These would be super fun to put in your kids’ Easter baskets! And, at less […]

          The post ALEX Toys Spa 5 Metallic Hair Chalk Pens under $8! appeared first on


          This is such a fun way for kids to color their hair on their own while they’re stuck at home. Get this set of Alex Spa 5 Metallic Hair Chalk Pens for just $7.89 + FREE shipping with Amazon Prime!

          These would be super fun to put in your kids’ Easter baskets! And, at less than $10, it’s totally budget-friendly.

          About the Alex Spa 5 Metallic Hair Chalk Pens:

          • Make your hair as vibrant as you are
          • Hair chalk can be applied to dry hair of any color
          • Washes out easily with shampoo
          • Includes 5 washable metallic hair chalk pens and instructions
          • Recommended for children 8 years of age and older

          Go HERE to grab this deal while it’s available! Remember, Amazon prices can change at any time, so hurry if you want it!

          Check out other AMAZON DEALS while you’re on Addicted to Saving!

          The post ALEX Toys Spa 5 Metallic Hair Chalk Pens under $8! appeared first on

          Moms. Take a Breath. Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:48:37 +0000 Find fun free activities we’ve posted in our Corona Stay at Home Activities Facebook group that are fun and that your child will enjoy. These are crazy times. In just a little over a week’s times the world has turned upside down. Grocery stores are empty, schools are closed, churches are online now, many of […]

          The post Moms. Take a Breath. appeared first on


          Find fun free activities we’ve posted in our Corona Stay at Home Activities Facebook group that are fun and that your child will enjoy.

          These are crazy times. In just a little over a week’s times the world has turned upside down. Grocery stores are empty, schools are closed, churches are online now, many of us are working from home now instead of the office, some of us are getting laid off, we are washing our hands even more diligently than before, some of us have spouses that are self quarantining after being out of the country (ahem, that’s me).. I could go on and on. Having my VPK aged daughter and first grade son home has been both wonderful and overwhelming. This week was supposed to be spring break so even without Coronavirus my kids would have been home this week. The difference is now I know my kids will be home not just this week but at least a few weeks longer and I predict that they will end up being home the rest of the school year. It’s overwhelming for me to think about the future and how to keep them on track academically while also letting them be kids and really have fun during this time. I’m wondering if it’s overwhelming to you too.

          Giving ourselves grace is so huge right now. As parents (especially us moms who multitask things in our brains) we already have so many things running through our brains. I’m having a hard enough time not stressing, not predicting the future, not burying my head and not overthinking things.

          It’s hard to figure out how to get my kids (especially my 1st grader) back on track academically so I’ve stopped thinking about it for a while reminding myself that even if Corona wasn’t here, this would be a vacation week and I don’t worry about schooling during vacations.

          If you are like me and trying to figure out how to start teaching your child, I’ve followed homeschooling groups for years and one popular word that they use a lot of times is “unschooling”. Many families unschool their kids for weeks, months, etc before starting a home school curriculum. The unschool time is a time that lets their child be a child, play and get out of their regular public/private school routine of being in the classroom all day. Instead of putting so much pressure on yourselves to keep your child academically where you think they should be, perhaps look at this time as a period of unschooling. Once you get used to our “new normal”, you can start thinking about how you are going to homeschool your child or use your child’s online schooling through your school district (if your school has that as an option).

          We just need to take a breath to be able to destress. If we aren’t centered there is no way our kids will be centered. Besides, they already do WAY too much schoolwork while in school. Now they can actually be kids and learn through play and activities which will help them destress. So give yourselves lots of grace. Find some fun free activities we’ve posted in our Corona Stay at Home Activities Facebook group that are fun and that your child will enjoy. Don’t worry about your child learning or forgetting things from school. They learn every day doing simple things like playing. When it’s time to start worrying about academics, you will know. It will be when your brain is destressed and when your child is emotionally ready. Hang in there moms. Take a breath.

          The post Moms. Take a Breath. appeared first on

          Over 30 Free Educational Online Activities for Kids During Corona Virus Tue, 17 Mar 2020 16:33:01 +0000 *make sure you bookmark this page! As a parent with two little kiddos, I know the Corona Virus is drastically changing our daily life! Hopefully this list of over 30 Free Educational Online Activities for Kids will help you find fun learning activities to do individually or as a family during time off due to […]

          The post Over 30 Free Educational Online Activities for Kids During Corona Virus appeared first on


          *make sure you bookmark this page! As a parent with two little kiddos, I know the Corona Virus is drastically changing our daily life! Hopefully this list of over 30 Free Educational Online Activities for Kids will help you find fun learning activities to do individually or as a family during time off due to corona virus! We are updating it daily with new activities for your kiddos! Please leave a comment with additional Educational Online Activities for Kids During Corona Virus we should add to our list or if any links do not work. Thank you and please be safe!

          Live Facebook, Youtube & Twitter Videos for Kids

          Florida Aquarium Facebook Live Weekdays 10 am EST

          Miss Megan’s Camp Kindergarten Weekdays 10 am EST

          Meteorology Lessons on Facebook Live Weekdays 10 am EST

          Artist at Heart Live Art Classes 12 pm EST

          Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems on Youtube Weekdays 1pm EST

          Make Online Art Classes Weekdays 2 pm EST

          Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari Facebook Live Weekdays at 3pm EST

          Metropolitan Ballet Classes Facebook Live (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs and Sat) Times Vary

          Metropolitan Opera Nightly Met Opera Streams 7:30 pm EST

          The Voice of Olaf (Josh Gad) Reading Nightly Stories to Children on Twitter 7:30 pm EST

          Planet Fitness At Home Facebook Live Classes Daily 7 pm EST

          Zoo Atlanta Live Panda Cam on Youtube

          FREE Homeschooling Resources

 Free access to Premium Resources (printables, weekly study packets, etc)

          Free Reading Educational Websites for Kids

 (preschool through 2nd grade) Use code SCHOOL7771

          ABCya! (reading & math for preschool through 6th grade+)

 (3rd through 8th grade) Use code SCHOOL7771

          Funbrain Free Online Educational Programs Reading & Math games for preschool through 8th grade

          Highlights Kids Learning activities, Games and more

          Into the Book PBS Wisconsin reading comprehension resource for elementary students

          P.E. for kids with Joe Wicks weekdays at 9 am EST

          ReadingIQ (for preschool through 6th grade) Use code SCHOOL7771

          Scholastic Learn at Home Program Stories will be read to your child, there are books for your child to read, and activities

          Seussville Dr Seuss Stories & Activities

          Storyline Online Books are read by celebrities

          Free Math Websites for Kids

          Funbrain Free Online Educational Programs Reading & Math games for preschool through 8th grade

          Prodigy Games (math games)

          Free Science & History Activity Websites for Kids

          History for Kids Free online history network

          Mystery Doug (science lessons)

          National Geographic for Kids

          Nasa Space Center Science! NASA made their entire media library publicly accessible and copyright free!

          San Diego Zoo for Kids Videos, Stories & Activities *their Facebook page also has occasional live videos

          Free PE/Physical Activity Websites for Kids

          Cosmic Kids Yoga (yoga on Youtube)

          Florida Power Yoga has Live Streaming for members AND non-members. They have classes for kiddos and adults

          Neighborhood Bear Hunt

          FREE STEM/STEAM Activity Websites for Kids

          Khan Academy for Kids (ages 2-7) **make sure you check out Imagineering Academy which is a curriculum based on creating a theme park at Disney

          Typing Club Learn to type

          Other Free Online Educational Resources

          25 Educational Films & Documentaries on Disney+

          30 Free Printable Scavenger Hunts

          150 Educational Shows on Netflix

          Virtual Tours at 12 National Parks

          20 Virtual Field Trips

          30 Virtual Field Trips

          30 Day LEGO Challenge

          Virtual Tours at 12 Museums 

          Physical Activities to Do While Using a Fidget Spinner

          The post Over 30 Free Educational Online Activities for Kids During Corona Virus appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 3/19/20 – 3/25/20 Tue, 17 Mar 2020 15:11:40 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 19th or Wednesday, March 18th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 3/19/20 – 3/25/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 19th or Wednesday, March 18th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • All Laundry Detergent, 32 - 40 oz or 19 - 24 ct ($5.32) - $2.66
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/15/20) [ETS]
            Final Price: $1.66
          • Banquet Brown 'n Serve Sausage Links or Patties, 6.4 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Barilla Collezione Pasta, 8.8 - 16 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
            $1/1 Barilla Collezione Pasta, exp. 4/26/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [Includes tortellini products dnd]
            Final Price: $0.49
          • Barilla Gluten Free or Protein+ Pasta, 8.8 - 16 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Barilla Ready Pasta, 8.5 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
            $1/1 Barilla Ready Pasta Pouch, exp. 4/5/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [DND]
            Final Price: FREE
          • Barilla Sauce, 20 - 24 oz, or Pesto, 6 - 6.3 oz - B1G1
          • Campbell's Soup, 15.25 - 18.8 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Capri Sun 100% Juice, 10 ct ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Cheez-It Snack Crackers, Keebler or Famous Amos Single Serve Tray Pack, or Mother's Cookies Animal Cookies, 10.4 - 14.4 oz ($6.35) - $3.17
          • Cherub Tomatoes, 10 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Chobani Coffee Creamer, 24 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Chobani Greek, Regular, or Flip Yogurt, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Chobani Oat Milk, 52 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • College Inn Simple Starter Sauce, 24 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Community Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.27) - $4.13
          • Country Crock Spread or Butter Sticks, 2 pk or 15 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Crisco Oil, 48 oz - B1G1
          • Dawn Sponges, 6 ct - B1G1
          • Devour Frozen Entrees, 9 - 12 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Diamond Shelled Walnuts, 16 oz, or Pecan Halves, 8 oz ($8.59) - $4.29
          • Earth Balance Peanut Butter, 16 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4.2 oz pouch or 4 oz jar ($1.69) - $0.84
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $0.51 each wyb 3
          • Fiji Natural Artesian Water, 6 pk ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 22 - 38 ct ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Finish Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz or 3 ct - B1G1
          • Fire & Flavor Hardwood Charcoal, 8 lb ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Freschetta Pizza, 16.77 - 30.88 oz ($10.79) - $5.39
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/25/20 (SS 03/15/20)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Hershey's Kisses Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/25/20 (SS 03/15/20)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/25/20 (SS 03/15/20)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/25/20 (SS 03/15/20)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Toast Crunch Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/25/20 (SS 03/15/20)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 9.7 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/25/20 (SS 03/15/20)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • Green Giant Veggies, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Jet-Dry Rinse Aid, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Keebler Fudge Stripes, Vienna Fingers, Fudge Shoppe, Coconut Dreams, Elfin Mix, or E.L. Fudge Cookies, 6.5 - 14.2 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
            $0.75/1 Keebler Cookie Products, exp. 5/2/20 (SS 03/08/20)
            Final Price: $1.04
          • Kellogg's Mini Wheats Cereal, 14.3 - 18 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [8-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20 R) [8-oz.+; mix or match]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bars, 10.4 oz - B1G1
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal, 15.9 - 16.6 oz ($4.39) - $2.14
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [8-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20 R) [8-oz.+; mix or match]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.4 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [8-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20 R) [8-oz.+; mix or match]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 9.1 - 14 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Le Sueur Sweet Peas, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes or Simply Wipes, 75 - 80 ct ($5.15) - $2.57
            Save $0.75 OFF TWO (2) Lysol? Disinfecting Wipes (35 ct. or Larger)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Wipes, exp. 4/7/20 (SS 03/08/20)
            Final Price: $2.07
          • Lysol Laundry Sanitizer, 41 oz - B1G1
            $1.50/1 Lysol Laundry Sanitizer, exp. 4/7/20 (SS 03/08/20)
          • MagnumIce Cream Bars, 9.12 - 11.1 oz, or Ice Cream, 14.8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 3 - 3.15 lb ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Mott's Apple Sauce, 46 - 48 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Nabisco Family Size Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz ($4.85) - $2.42
          • Nabisco Oreo Thins Sandwich Cookies, 10.1 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Naked Juice or Smoothie, 15.2 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Nestle Outshine Fruit Bars, 14.7 - 18 oz - B1G1
          • New York Style Bagel Chips, Thins, or Pita Chips, 6 - 8 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • North Coast Organic Apple Sauce, 24 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Orbit, Mentos, Eclipse, Dentyne Ice, or Ice Breakers Gum, 40 - 60 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Pam Cooking Spray, 5 - 8 oz, or Non-Aerosol Oil Spray, 7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepperidge Farm Layer Cake, 19 - 19.6 oz, or Puff Pastry Turnovers, 4 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Pillsbury Cake Mix, 15.25 oz, or Brownie Mix, 18.4 oz ($1.75) - $0.87
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($9.21) - $4.60
          • Publix Bakery Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Publix Lean Pork Loin Boneless Chops, per lb ($5.29) - $2.64
          • Ricola Throat Drops, 19 - 24 ct ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids Containers, 1 - 2 ct ($17.99) - $8.99
          • Sabra Guacamole, 4 pk 2 oz ($5.63) - $2.81
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 6.49 - 10.5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Smithfield Boneless Ham Steak, 8 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 31.7 - 64 oz or 70 - 80 ct, or Scent Booster, 9 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Snuggle Product, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/15/20) [ETS]
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser or Cleaner, 7.04 - 28.6 oz or 2 pk ($3.69) - $1.84
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Product printable [20-oz.+]
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Toilet Care Product printable
            Final Price: $1.09
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Fillet Portions, 32 oz ($12.49) - $6.24
          • Tostitos Dip or Dip-Etizers, 10 - 15.75 oz - B1G1
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct - B1G1
          • Toufayan Pita Bread, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Valley Fresh Organic Chicken Breast, 5 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Vigo Yellow Rice, 10 oz ($1.39) - $0.69
          • Visine Eye Drops, 15 ml ($6.99) - $3.49
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) VISINE? product (1/2 FL OZ or larger)
            Final Price: $1.99
          • White Castle Cheeseburgers, Chicken Breast Sandwiches, or Hamburgers, 9.5 - 11 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
            Save $0.50 any ONE (1) White Castle Sliders (4ct or 6ct)
            Final Price: $2.24
          • Woolite Laundry Detergent, 50 - 100 oz ($17.29) - $8.64
          • Zatarain's Rice or Jambalaya Mix, 6.2 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • 16/20 ct Argentine Red Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Beef Cubed Steaks, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Angus Chuck Roast, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Chuck Steaks, per lb - $7.49
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Tenderloins, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Dover Sole Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise Ground Turkey Breast, 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.69
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hillshire Farm Lunchmeats, 7- 9 oz - $3.33
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1 - $7.99
            Final Price: $5.32 each wyb 3
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 8.9 - 10.7 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Aprons Meatloaf, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Orange Roughy Fillets, 12 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz - $5.00
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99
          • Top Sirloin Boneless Steak, per lb - $4.99
          • Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Beets, bunch - $2.50
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Celery, ea - $1.29
          • Evercrisp Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.99
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - $2.00
          • Hot House Cucumber, ea - $1.67
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic Herbs or Cilantro, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Plums, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Premium Dessert Shells, 6 ct - $2.00
          • Publix Produce Snacks, Nuts, or Dried Fruit, 3.9 - 10.27 oz - 15% OFF
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red Onions, per lb - $1.69
          • Red Radishes, 1 lb - $1.29
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head American Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Honey Double Play, 16 oz - $9.49
          • Boar's Head Smoky Rotisserie Chicken Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake or Chocolate Overload, 16 - 19 oz - $5.59
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Pecan Cinnamon Buns, 4 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Baguette, 8 oz - $1.59
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Mediterranean Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Strawberry & Glazed Pecan Salad, 11 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Sweet Ham, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Deli White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Blue Diamond Nut-Thins, 4.25 oz - $2.50
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 8 pk 12 oz - $5.99
          • Canyon Bakehouse Gluten Free Bread or Bagels, 14 - 15 oz - $5.49
          • Coca-Cola Prodcuts, 12 pk 12 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on any 1 (ONE) 4-pack Del Monte? Bubble Fruit Fruit Cup Snack
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz - $3.00
          • Frito-Lay Variety Pack Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $1.00
          • Hampton Farms Honey Cashews, 8 oz - $4.99
          • Hampton Farms Peanuts, 9 oz - $2.50
          • Kellogg's Eggo Cereal, 8.8 oz - $2.50
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [8-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20 R) [8-oz.+; mix or match]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Kona Coffee Macadamias, 4.5 oz - $5.00
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan or Parmesan & Romano Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Mott's 100% Apple Juice, 6 - 8 pk - $2.33
          • Ocean Spray Pure Unsweetened Juices, 32 oz - $4.50
          • One Bar Protein Bar, 2.12 oz - $2.00
          • Peet's Coffee, 10.5 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers, Tortilla Snacks, Veggie Crackers, or Graham Sticks, 4 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Pukka Tea, 20 ct - $3.50
          • Reign Total Body Fuel, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk - B2G2
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices or Chunk Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Fairlife Ultra Filtered Milk, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Kraft Singles, 12 oz - $3.00
          • NestFresh Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
            $1/1 NestFresh Eggs printable
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Pillsbury Cinnamon, Danish Rolls, or weet Biscuits, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Ready-to-Bake Cookies or Place & Bake Brownies, 11 - 16.5 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Cream Cheese or Neufchatel Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Sour Cream, 16 oz - $1.67
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 18 oz, or Non-Dairy Whipped, 6 oz - $3.50
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 4 - 5.3 oz, or Whole-Milk Drinkable Yogurt, 8 oz - $1.25
            Save $1.00 SIGGIS Any TWO Siggis Yogurt 5.3 oz
            Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2
          • Amy's Bowls or Entrees, 8 - 10.3 oz - $3.33
          • Amy's Burrito or Wrap, 5 - 6 oz - $2.00
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz - $2.50
          • Ore-Ida Potatoes, 20 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50
          • Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $5.00
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) package of Angel Soft? Mega Bath Tissue, 12 Roll or larger or 6 Mega or larger
            $1/1 Angel Soft Toilet Paper, exp. 4/1/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [12-ct.+ rolls; 6-ct.+ mega rolls]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Arm & Hammer Freshness Booster, 37.8 oz - $6.00
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 122.5 - 150 oz or 40 ct - $6.00
          • Bounce Sheets, 60 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent or Tide Simply Pods or Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 40 Loads or Bounce/Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/08/20) [40-ct.; 60-ct.; 4.3-oz.; Includes downy unstopables and fresh protect excludes downy libre enjuage, bounce/downy wrinkle guard, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 dbl or 8 single plus rolls - $9.99
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.50
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 large rolls - $5.99
            Save $0.75 off any ONE (1) package of Brawny? Paper Towels, 2 Roll or larger
            Final Price: $5.24
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct, or Complete, 60 oz - $4.99
          • Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega rolls - $9.99
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00
          • Clorox Bleach, 77 - 121 oz, or Bleach Packs, 12 ct - $3.50
            Save $0.50 on any one (1) Clorox? Bleach Crystals or Packs
            $1/2 Clorox Laundry Products, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 03/01/20) [Excludes trial size and bleach pens]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Clorox Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00
            $1/2 Clorox Spray or Bathroom Products, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 03/01/20) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Clorox Fabric Sanitizer, 14 - 42 oz - $4.00
            $1/2 Clorox Laundry Products, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 03/01/20) [Excludes trial size and bleach pens]
            Final Price: $3.50 each wyb 2
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner or Cleaning Gel, 24 oz - $1.67
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) Clorox Toilet product (excludes trial sizes)
            Final Price: $1.17
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 34 - 40 oz, or Powerwash, 16 oz - $4.99
            $2.50/1 Dawn Platinum Powerwash Spray Starter Kit or Bundle, exp. 3/28/20 (P&G 02/23/20) [Excludes refills, liquid, foam and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz, or In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent or Tide Simply Pods or Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 40 Loads or Bounce/Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/08/20) [40-ct.; 60-ct.; 4.3-oz.; Includes downy unstopables and fresh protect excludes downy libre enjuage, bounce/downy wrinkle guard, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Downy Odor Shield or Protect, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Downy Sheets, 60 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent or Tide Simply Pods or Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 40 Loads or Bounce/Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/08/20) [40-ct.; 60-ct.; 4.3-oz.; Includes downy unstopables and fresh protect excludes downy libre enjuage, bounce/downy wrinkle guard, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Dreft In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 48 - 56 oz - $2.50
          • Gain Flings!, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/08/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Gain Scent Booster, 7.2 oz - $4.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Softener, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/08/20) [48 Loads or Larger; Includes botanicals or gain fireworks in-wash scent boosters 5.7-oz.+ or gain dryer sheets 105-ct.+ excludes gain flings, gain detergent and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Gain Sheets, 60 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Softener, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/08/20) [48 Loads or Larger; Includes botanicals or gain fireworks in-wash scent boosters 5.7-oz.+ or gain dryer sheets 105-ct.+ excludes gain flings, gain detergent and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Gain Softener, 44 - 51 oz - $4.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Softener, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/08/20) [48 Loads or Larger; Includes botanicals or gain fireworks in-wash scent boosters 5.7-oz.+ or gain dryer sheets 105-ct.+ excludes gain flings, gain detergent and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $5.99
          • Glade Candle, 3.4 oz - B2G1 - $3.59
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) GLADE 3.4oz Jar Candles, PLUGINS Scented Oil Warmer+ Refill, or PLUGINS Warmer Only Packs.
            $1/2 Glade Products, exp. 3/28/20 (SS 03/01/20 #2) [Excludes spray 8-oz., solids or plugins scented oil warmer packs]
            Final Price: $2.06 each wyb 3
          • Glade PlugIns Scented Oil Refills, 2 pk, or Automatic Spray Refills, 6.2 oz - B2G1 - $5.49
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) GLADE PLUGINS Scented Oil Refill, Large Auto Refill, or 3-Wick Candle
            $1/2 Glade Products, exp. 3/28/20 (SS 03/01/20 #2) [Excludes spray 8-oz., solids or plugins scented oil warmer packs]
            Final Price: $2.66 each wyb 3
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50
          • Libman Tornado or Wonder Mop, Nitty-Gritty Roller Mop, or Libman Indoor/Outdoor or Precision Angle Broom, ea - $8.99
          • Method All Purpose Cleaner, 28 oz - $2.66
          • Method Dish Soap, 18 oz - $2.66
          • Method Disinfecting Wipes, 30 ct - $2.66
          • Microban Sanitizing Spray, 5 oz - $5.99
          • OxiClean Stain Remover, 3 lb or 48 - 50 oz or 24 ct - $6.00
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Long Lsating Alkaline Batteries, select - $3.33
          • Seventh Generation All Purpose Cleaner or Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner, 22 - 26 oz - $3.00
          • Seventh Generation Dish Liquid, 22 - 26 oz - $3.00
          • Shout Laundry Stain Remover, 8.7 - 22 oz - $2.99
          • Solo Heavy Duty Paper Plates, 44 - 48 ct, or Clear Plastic Cups, 24 ct - $2.50
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $5.00
            Save $1.00 on one (1) Sparkle? Package (6 Roll or Larger)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Swiffer Dusters, 3 - 5 ct - $4.00
          • Swiffer Sweeper Cloth Refills, 10 - 16 ct - $4.00
          • Tide Detergent, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Weiman Cleaners, 12 - 32 oz, or Wipes, 20 - 30 ct - $3.33
          • Windex Cleaner, 19.7 - 23 oz, or Wipes, 38 ct - B2G1 - $3.99
            Save $0.75 on any ONE (1) Windex Product
            $1/2 Windex Products, exp. 4/11/20 (SS 03/01/20 #2)
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, 14 - 20 lb - $7.99
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER? Cat Litter
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Dreambone Dog Chews, 9.7 - 11 oz - $6.00
          • Milk-Bone Dog or Puppy Biscuits, Snacks, Treats, or Puffs, 5 - 24 oz - $3.33
          • Rachael Ray Super Premium, Little Bites, Just 6, or Large Breed Nutrish Dog Food, 12 - 14 lb - $14.99
            $4/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Dog Food, exp. 3/31/20 (SS 02/02/20) [Bag]
            Final Price: $10.99

          The post Publix Matchups 3/19/20 – 3/25/20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 3/12/20 – 3/18/20 Tue, 10 Mar 2020 19:24:53 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 12th or Wednesday, March 11th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 3/12/20 – 3/18/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 12th or Wednesday, March 11th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • All Detergent, 32 - 40 oz or 19 - 24 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
          • American Flatbread Pizza, 15.5 - 17.1 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Arnold Whole Grains or Country Bread, 24 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 8 - 10 oz ($5.69) - $2.84
          • Bare Apple, Banana, or Coconut Chips, 2.7 - 3.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • BeBOLD Refrigerated Energy Bar, 2 oz - B1G1
          • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, pt ($5.95) - $2.97
          • Ben & Jerry;s Cookie Dough Chunks or Half Baked Brownie Dough, 6 - 8 oz ($5.95) - $2.97
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks
            Final Price: $1.47
          • Beyond Meat Beyond Burger, 16 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz, or Cob Corn, 12 ct ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz ($6.32) - $3.16
          • Blue Buffalo Dog Food, 12.5 oz ($2.45) - $1.22
          • Blue Buffalo Sizzlers Bacon Style Dog Treats, 15 oz - B1G1
          • Blue Plate Real Mayo, 30 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Blue Wilderness Cat Food, 5.5 oz ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta, 9 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • CapriSun Juice Drink Blend, 10 pk ($2.96) - $1.48
          • Cheez-It Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz ($4.28) - $2.14
          • Chung's Gourmet Quality Egg Rolls or Spring Rolls, 10 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • Cracker Barrel, Kraft Deluxe, or Velveeta Shells & Cheese, 9.4 - 14 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Dannon Activia Yogurt, 3 pk, Dailies or Danactive Probiotic Dairy Drink, 8 pk ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Edy's Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt ($6.45) - $3.22
          • Essentia Purified Drinking Water, 1 L - B1G1
          • Eternal Spring Water, 6 pk 1 L ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 22 - 38 ct, Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz or 3 ct, or Jet Dry, 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 9.75 - 18 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
          • Garden Meat-Free Entrees or Skillet Meals, 8 - 20 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Gatorade, 64 oz - B1G1
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            $1/2 Cheerios Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/23/20)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Gorton's Fish Fillets, Sticks, Shrimp Scampi, or Crab Cakes, 6 - 11.4 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
            Save $1.00 on two (2) Gorton's? Products
            Final Price: $3.89 each wyb 2
          • Green Giant Steamers Vegetables, 9 - 10 oz - B1G1
          • Handi-Foil Pans, 1 - 4 ct ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Hershey's Nuggets Chocolates, 10 - 10.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Hormel Chili, 14 - 15 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Hot Pockets Stuffed Sandwiches or Breakfast Pockets, 9 oz ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Hot Shot Ant, Roach, & Spider Killer, 17.5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Kerrygold Cheddar Cheese, 7 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter or With Canola Oil, 7.5 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 9.1 - 14 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie, 4 oz, or Keto Cookie, 1.6 oz ($2.10) - $1.05
          • Luigi's Real Italian Ice, 24 - 36 oz - B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 75 - 80 ct ($5.15) - $2.57
            Save $0.75 off any 2 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes (35 ct. or larger size)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Wipes, exp. 4/7/20 (SS 03/08/20)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • Lysol Laundry Sanitizer, 41 oz - B1G1
            $1.50/1 Lysol Laundry Sanitizer, exp. 4/7/20 (SS 03/08/20)
          • Lysol Spray Cleaner, 22 - 32 oz - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Lysol all Purpose Cleaner or Lysol Kitchen Pro Antibacterial Cleaner, exp. 4/7/20 (SS 03/08/20)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Power Bathroom Cleaner, exp. 4/7/20 (SS 03/08/20)
          • Marie Callender's Family Size Entree or Meal for Two, 24 - 31 oz - B1G1
          • Marie Callender's Pie or Peach Cobbler, 24.5 - 42 oz ($8.25) - $4.12
          • Marie Callender's Pie, 6 - 10 oz ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Marie Callender's Pot Pie, 10 oz ($2.16) - $1.08
          • Marie Callender's Pot Pie, 40 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Meow Mix Irresistibles Treats or Brushing Bites, 2.25 - 3 oz ($1.79) - $0.89
          • Mrs. Cubbison's Restaurant Style Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies, 13 - 20 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips, Corn Chips, or Wheat Thins Toasted Chips or Pita Snacks, or Ritz Crips & Thins, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nature's Own Honey Wheat Bread, 20 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 11 oz or 12 ct ($8.79) - $4.39
          • New York Texas Toast, Bread Sticks, Cheese Sticks, Garlic Knots, Garlic Loaves, or Ciabatta Rolls, 7.3 - 13.5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Not Your Mother's Hair Care, 4 - 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • O-Cedar Scrunge Scrubber Sponge, 4 ct - B1G1
          • Ocean Spray 100% Juice Blend or Grapefruit Juice, 60 oz, or Organic, 33.8 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Odom's Tennessee Pride Biscuits or Croissant Sandwiches, 16.3 - 19.5 oz ($5.95) - $2.97
          • Ore-Ida Bagel Bites, 7 - 14 oz, or Bagel Bites Bagel Dogs, 7.75 oz - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies, Milano Melts, Milano Slices, or Distinctive Cookies, 4.75 - 7.5 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Perdue Chicken Nuggets, Patties, or Tenders, 27 - 29 oz ($6.69) - $3.34
            Save $1.50 off TWO (2) PERDUE? Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Products
            Final Price: $2.59 each wyb 2
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Post Golden Crisp Cereal, 14.75 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 13 - 18 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honey-Comb Cereal, 12.5 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Pebbles or Sour Patch Kids Cereal, 11 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Prego Sauce, 14 - 67 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Publix Bakery Muffins, 4 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal ($2.00) - $1.00
          • Publix Tilapia Fillets, 24 oz ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Quaker Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 15.4 - 20 oz, Oatmeal Squares, 14.5 oz, Simply Granola, 26 - 28 oz, or Life Cereal, 18 oz ($5.85( - $2.92
          • Quaker Instant Oatmeal or Grits, 8.4 - 15.1 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Ready Pac Bistro Salad, 4.5 - 8 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Red's Bowl, Burrito, or Entree, 4.5 - 8.5 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Sabra Family Size Hummus, 17 oz ($5.63) - $2.81
          • Sargento Balanced Breaks or Sweet Balanced Breaks, 4.08 - 4.5 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
            $0.50/1 Sargento Balanced Break Snack, exp. 3/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            Final Price: $1.59
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $0.50/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 3/29/20 (SS 01/26/20)
            Final Price: $2.04 each wyb 2
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products
            $1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products, exp. 4/11/20 (SS 03/01/20 #2)
          • Skinny Cow Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Cones, or Bars, 4 - 24 oz - B1G1
          • Smithfield Bacon, 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Smithfield Smoked Ham, 8 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Softscrub Cleanser or Cleaner, 7.04 - 28.6 oz or 2pk ($3.69) - $1.84
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Toilet Care Product printable
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Product printable [20-oz.+]
            $0.75/1 Softscrub Toilet Bowl Cleaning Products, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 02/09/20)
            $0.75/1 Softscrub Abrasives Products, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 02/09/20)
            Final Price: $1.09
          • Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick Deodorant, 2.3 - 3 oz ($3.28) - $1.64
            Save $0.50 on any Speed Stick? or Lady Speed Stick? Antiperspirant/Deodorant (excluding trial/travel size)
            Final Price: $1.14
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts or Thighs, per lb ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Thomas' Bagels, 10.5 - 20 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.3 - 21.6 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Vlasic Pickles or Relish, 10 - 46 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Woolite Laundry Detergent, 50 - 100 oz ($17.29) - $8.64
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • 26/30 ct Extra Large Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $9.99
          • Boneless NY Strip Steak, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Thin-Sliced NY Strip Steak, per lb - $9.19
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Boneless Steaks, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chicken, 16 oz - B2G1
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Murphy & David's or Grobbel's Corned Beef Brisket, per lb - $3.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Publix Aprons Beef and Bacon Sirloin Burger, Sliders, or Meatballs, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Center Cut Chops, per lb - $3.59
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.49
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Sirloin Tip Steaks, per lb - $4.49
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 3 oz - B2G1
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries or Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, bunch - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Del Monte Whole Pineapple, ea - $2.99
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Green Cabbage, per lb - $0.29
          • GreenWise Organic Carrot Chips, 16 oz - $2.49
          • GreenWise Organic Orange Juice, 52 oz - $4.49
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mini Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $0.99
          • Organic Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.99
          • Organic Lady Alice Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Peeled and Cored Pineapple, ea - $2.99
          • Publix Petite Red Potatoes, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99
          • Publix White Whole Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Radishes, 1 lb - $1.29
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $2.99
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Tri-Color Peppers, 3 ct - $3.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Protein Bowl, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Smokemaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.04 - 4.5 oz - B2G1
            Save $1.00 off ONE Crunchmaster products
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $4.49
          • GreenWise Tea or Lemonade, 57 oz - $2.50
          • Kerrygold Imported Swiss Cheese, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Bakary Brioche Hot Dog Buns, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Load, 14 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Deli Style Rye Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Key Lime Pie, 12 oz - $3.14
          • Publix Bakery Small Apple Pie, 12 oz - $3.14
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Round or Multigrain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Artichoke and Spinach Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $11.49
          • Publix Deli Panino Fingers, 5 - 6 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Sweet Potato Wedges, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $7.99
          • 7Up Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.95
            Final Price: $2.97 each wyb 4
          • Arizona Tea, gal - $2.50
          • BodyArmor SuperDrink, 16 oz, or Electrolyte Sportwater, 1 L - $1.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.99
            Final Price: $3.99 each wyb 3
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz - $1.00
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables printable [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $.88 each wyb 4
          • Dole Fridge Pack, 15 oz - $2.33
          • Dole Fruit, 4 pk - $2.33
            Save $0.50 off any TWO (2) Dole Fruit Bowls?
            Final Price: $2.08 each wyb 2
          • Donut Shop K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • Fiber One Bars, 5.34 - 7 oz - $2.50
            $0.50/2 Fiber One Boxes or Protein Snack Product, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/09/20)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Frito-Lay Baked Snack, 6.25 - 7.62 oz - $2.50
          • Gatorade, 8 pk - $5.00
          • GoGo Squeez Applesauce, 4 pk - $2.50
          • Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $5.99
          • Idahoan Scalloped Potatoes, 4 oz - $1.00
          • LaCroix Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Mancini Sweet Roasted Peppers, 12 oz - $1.79
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuit Crackers, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Nature Valley Bars, 4.8 - 8.94 oz - $2.50
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley? Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups,...
            $1/2 Nature Valley Boxes Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites or Wafer Bars, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/09/20 R) [5-ct.+]
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites or Wafer Bars Boxes, exp. 4/4/20 (SS 02/09/20) [5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, 15.2 - 15.3 oz - $3.50
            $1/2 Quaker Chewy Packages, exp. 4/19/20 (SS 03/08/20)
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 2
          • StarKist Chunk Light Tuna, 4 pk - $2.50
          • Starkist Chunk Light Tuna or Tuna Creations, 2.6 - 3 oz - $1.00
          • SunChips or Sun Puffs, 6 - 7 oz - $2.50
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk or Coconutmilk, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $2/10 Chobani Greek Single-Serve Yogurt Products, exp. 3/27/20 (SS 03/01/20 R) [Void in LA; DND]
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 10
          • Happy Egg Co. Free Range Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
          • Jello-O Temptations Lemon Meringue Pie Snacks, 4 ct - $2.00
          • Nescafe Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cream Cheese or Neufchatel Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Orange Juice, gal - $3.99
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $4.00
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Expresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.50
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt Portable Yogurt, 8 pk - $2.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 15 oz - $2.50
          • Michael Angelo's Entree, 10 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Appetizer for Two, or Rice, Dumplings, Egg Rolls, or Vegetable Lo Mein, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meal for Two, 22 oz - $5.99
          • Beech-Nut Organic Baby Food, 4 oz - $1.14
          • Enfamil Infant Formul Powder, 30.4 - 31.4 oz - Prices Vary
            Buy (1), Get (1) Enfamil Ready to Use Infant Formula, 32 oz, FREE.
          • Happy Baby Clearly Crafted or Organic baby Food, or Happy Tot Fiber & Protein or Stage 4 Superfoods, 4 - 4.22 oz - $1.00
          • Pampers Boxed Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $24.99
          • Pampers Wipes, 56 - 72 ct - $1.99

          The post Publix Matchups 3/12/20 – 3/18/20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 3/5/20 – 3/11/20 Tue, 03 Mar 2020 20:20:04 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 5th or Wednesday, March 4th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 3/5/20 – 3/11/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 5th or Wednesday, March 4th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • AHA Sparkling Water, 8 pk 12 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 3 ct, or Freshmatic Spray, 5.89 zo ($7.99) - $3.99
            Save $2.00 off any TWO (2) Air Wick? Freshmatic? Refills
            Final Price: $2.99 each wyb 2
          • Annie's Mac & Cheese, 2 pk or 5.5 - 6 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) packages of Annie's Mac & Cheese products
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Annie's Organic Bars or Toaster Pastries, select - B1G1
          • Arden's Garden Juice Shooters, 2 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • BellaFina Peppers, 32 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Benihana Entree Bowl, 10 oz ($4.79) - $2.39
          • Blue Buffalo Healthy Gourmet Cat Food, 5.5 oz ($1.25) - $0.62
          • Breyers Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt ($5.78) - $2.89
          • Campbell's Well Yes! or Well Yes! Sipping Soup, 11 - 16.6 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            $1/2 bags of Cape cod Waves chips 7.5oz or larger exp. 3/30/20 (SS 01/26/20 R)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • CapriSun Organic Juice Drink Blend, 10 pk ($4.79) - $2.39
          • Cascadian Farm Organic Cereal, Granola, or Bars, 6.2 - 16 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Celentano Pasta or Eggplant Parmigiana, 12.5 - 24 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - B1G1
          • Classico Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Cole's Cheese Sticks, Bread, Bread Sticks, Pretzel Sticks, or Toast Sticks, 10.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Dave's Killer Bread Organic English Muffins, Bagels, or Raisin the Roof Bread, 13.2 - 18 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Duncan Hines Brownie or Cake Mix, 6.1 - 18.3 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Duncan Hines Mug Cakes, 9.1 - 13.3 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Emerald Cashews, Mixed Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, or Virginia Peanuts, 5 - 10 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Evian Spring Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Farm Rich Snacks or Time Outs, 6 - 24 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
            Save $1.00 on any Farm Rich snack 14 oz or larger including meatballs, skins, sticks, bites, wings, poppers
            $1.25/1 Farm Rich Snack, exp. 4/25/20 (SS 01/19/20) [15.2-oz.+; Valid from 1/31 thru 4/25]
            $1/1 Farm Rich Snack, exp. 4/12/20 (SS 01/19/20) [15.2-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.24
          • Fresh Express Organic Salad Kit, 9.8 - 11.6 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Frontera Skillet Sauce or Enchilada Sauce, 8 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Gold Peak Sweet, Unsweetened, or Green Tea, 6 pk 16.9 oz ($6.29) - $3.14
          • Goya Rice Desserts, 4 pk ($3.45) - $1.72
          • GreenWise Organic Fuji Apples, 2 lb ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, Gelato, or Sorbet, 14 oz, or Bars, 9 oz ($5.10) - $2.55
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps - B1G1
          • Heinz Mayo, Mayochup, Mayocue, or Mayomust, 19 - 30 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Hidden Valley Dressing, 12 - 16 oz ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Jif Peanut Butter, 28 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Juice Blends, 64 oz, or Organics, 48 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • KA-ME Stir-Fry Noodles, 14.2 oz - $2.50
            $1.25/2 Ka-Me Products, exp. 3/31/20 (SS 01/19/20 R)
            Final Price: $1.87 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Cereal, 1.25 - 24 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Corn Pops, Apple Jacks and/or Kellogg's Krave? Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [8-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 4/12/20 (RMN 03/01/20 R) [8-oz.+; mix or match]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Kettle Brand Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides, 3.5 - 8.8 oz ($1.99) - $0.99
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 22 oz or 4 - 6 pk, or Caramel Flan, 4 pk ($3.45) - $1.72
          • Land O Lakes Premium Cream Cheese Bar, 8 oz, or Cream Cheese Cup, 8 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Lantana Hummus, 10 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • LavAzza Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct ($10.99) - $5.49
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables, 5 - 8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 - 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Margaritaville Appetizers, 8 - 10 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
            Save $1.00 off ONE box of Margaritaville? Shrimp or Calamari
            Final Price: $3.49
          • Mid's Pasta Sauce, 32 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, 60 - 64 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 19 - 24.6 oz ($6.39) - $3.19
          • Mrs. T's Pierogies, 16 oz ($2.89) - $1.44
            $1/3 Mrs. T's Pierogies, exp. 4/4/20 (RMN 03/01/20) [Any box]
            Final Price: $1.11 each wyb 3
          • Mt Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Nabisco Newtons Cookies, 10 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz ($4.04) - $2.02
          • Nabisco Ritz or Wheat Thins Chips, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Nestle Fun Size Candy, 10 - 10.5 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • New York Texas Toast Croutons, 5 oz ($1.89) - $0.94
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit or Refried Beans, 8.8 - 16 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Pace Chunky Salsa or Picante Sauce, 24 oz, Salsa Con Queso Dip or Queso Blanco Dip, 15 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers or Chocolate Chunk Minis Bite Size, Milano, Chessman, or On The Go! Cookies, 6.75 - 15.75 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Pepsi Products, 10 pk 7.5 oz - B1G1
          • Perfect Bar, 2.2 - 2.5 oz ($2.50) - $1.25
            $1.00/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $0.25
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudels, 6 ct, or Scrambles, 4 ct ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Pioneer Woman Pasta Sauce, 24 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz ($2.88) - $1.44
          • Powerade or Powerade Zero, 8 pk 20 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Pringles Potato Crisps, 4.5 - 5.96 oz ($1.79) - $0.89
            $1/4 Pringles Full Size Cans, exp. 3/8/20 (RMN 01/26/20) [130-g.+]
            Final Price: $0.64 each wyb 4
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Propel, 6 pk ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Publix Allergy Relief Medicines, select ($17.99) - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Cheese Danish Ring, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Cantaloupe Chunks, per lb ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Chicken Fillets, per lb ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Chicken Fillets, per lb ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Laundry Detergent, 100 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Publix Premium Alaskan Panko Pollock Fillets, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Publix Premium Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Quaker Old Fashioned or Quick 1-Minute Oats, 18 oz ($3.17) - $1.58
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Food, 5.5 - 6 lb ($9.69) - $4.84
            $4/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Dog Food, exp. 3/31/20 (SS 02/02/20) [Bag]
            Final Price: $0.84
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food, 3 lb ($6.99) - $3.49
            Save $2.00 off Rachael Ray Nutrish Premium Dry Cat Food
            $3/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food Bag, exp. 3/31/20 (SS 02/02/20)
            Final Price: $0.49
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 75 sq ft ($6.74) - $3.37
          • Rold Gold Pretzels or Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 8.75 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • San Pellegrino Sparkling Mineral Water, 12 pk ($11.99) - $5.99
          • Sir Kensington's Classic Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo, or Salad Dressing, 9 - 20 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Smart Balance Buttery Spread, 7.5 - 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Snyder's of Hanover Family Size Pretzels or Nibblers, 16 oz, or Itty Bitty Minis, 12 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
            $1/1 Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels, exp. 3/30/20 (SS 01/26/20) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.84
          • Starbucks Drinks, 4 pk ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces, 14 - 18 oz ($2.39) - $1.19
          • Thomas' English Muffins, Bagels, or Swirl Bread, 10.5 - 20 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • VeeTee Rice, 9.9 - 10.6 oz ($2.19) - $1.09
          • Village Candle, 16 - 18 oz ($14.99) - $7.49
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz ($1.72) - $0.86
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz ($3.17) - $1.58
          • Yoo-Hoo Chocolate Drink, 12 pk - B1G1
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large Red Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Beyond Meat Sausage, 14 oz - $6.99
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Boneless Shoulder Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Thin-Sliced Shoulder Steaks, per lb - $5.69
          • Catfish Fillets Cajun-Seasoned, per lb - $7.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.49
          • GreenWise 41/51 ct Medium Cooked Shrimp, 24 oz - $14.99
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Tenderloins, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Fully Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Thighs, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic Chicken Drumsticks, per lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $4.99
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Maverick Ranch 85% Lean Organic Ground Beef, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Murphy & David's or Grobbel's Corned Beef Brisket, per lb - $3.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 8.9 - 10.7 oz - B2G1
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchmeats, 14 - 16 oz - $5.50
          • Publix 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Aprons Bacon Cheddar Potato Skins, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast Fillets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Mild Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Thin-Sliced Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.29
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • White Oak Pastures Grass-Fed Ground Beef, 1 lb - $7.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Brocoli, bunch - $2.50
          • Celery, ea - $0.99
          • Cucumber, ea - $1.67
          • Fresh Express Salads, 5 - 11 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Salad, 4 - 5 oz - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded Carrots, 10 oz - $2.00
          • Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $0.99
          • Kiwi, 2 lb - $5.99
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mangos or Honey Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Minneola Tangelos, 3 lb - $3.99
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Hearts or Romaine, Spring Mix, American, Italian, or Ceasar Salad, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Whole Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $2.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Sumo Citrus, per lb - $2.99
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Boar's Head Classic Italian Sandwich, ea - $4.49
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Panera Soup, 16 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Frosted Sugar Cookies, 10 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $3.29
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Creme Cake Slices, 8 ct - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Molten Lava Cake, 7.25 - 7.4 oz - $3.79
          • Publix Deli Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $4.49
          • Publix Deli Chicken Breast Salad, 8 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $11.49
          • Publix Deli Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal, ea - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork, per lb - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.19
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B2G1 - $3.69
            Final Price: $2.46 each wyb 3
          • The Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheese, 7 - 7.5 oz - $5.00
          • Campbell's Soup, 10.5 - 11.5 oz - $1.00
          • Cheez-It Snack Crackers, Keebler, or Famous Amos Single Serve Tray Snack Pack, or Mother's Circus Animal Crackers, 10.4 - 14.4 oz - $4.00
          • Chicken of the Sea Solid White Albacore Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk - B2G1 - $5.89
            Final Price: $3.92 each wyb 3
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G2 - $4.99
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1 - $3.29
            Final Price: $2.19 each wyb 3
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk - B2G1 - $5.75
            Final Price: $2.87 each wyb 3
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks or Smartfood Popcorn, 4.5 - 9 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $1.00
          • GoGo Squeez Applesauce, 20 pk - $9.99
          • GreenWise Honey, 8 - 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Coconut Oil, 14 oz - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic Pasta, 16 oz - $1.49
          • GreenWise Organic Preserves, 12 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Salad Dressing, 12 oz - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Tortilla Chips, 7.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $2.99
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk - B2G1 - $6.71
            Final Price: $4.47 each wyb 3
          • Monster Energy Drink, 4 pk - B2G1 - $8.49
            Final Price: $5.66 each wyb 3
          • Nabisco Belvita, 7.04 - 8.81 oz - $3.00
          • Nabisco Nutter Butter, 7 - 15.35 oz - $3.00
          • Nabisco Oreo or Oreo Thins Cookies, 7 - 15.35 oz - $3.00
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon Bits or Pieces, 2.8 - 3 oz - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Publix Candies, 6 - 20 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Diced Tomatoes, 10 oz - $0.69
          • Publix Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Publix Peanuts, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Pretzels, 12 - 16 oz - $1.50
          • Publix Salsa Con Queso Dip, 15 oz - $2.50
          • Rotel Tomatoes, 10 oz - $1.00
          • Sara Lee Artesano Bread, 20 oz, or Buns or Rolls, 18 - 19.5 oz - $2.50
          • Smartwater, 6 pk 1 L - B2G1 - $9.99
            Final Price: $6.67 each wyb 3
          • Smucker's Preserves, Jam, Jelly, Marmalade, or Fruit Spread, 17.25 - 18 oz - $2.50
          • Sparkling Ice, 17 oz - $0.90
          • Dannon Greek or Blended Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz, or Yogurt Drink, 7 oz - $1.00
            $1 off Dannon Oikos Blue Single Serve Cups or Nut Butter or Oikos Greek, exp. 3/21/20 (SS 02/09/20) [(3) single serve 5.3-oz. cups; (2) 4-pk. or (1) quart]
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Dannon Two Good Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • GreenWise Organic Cheese Crumbles, 4 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.50
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.50
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Oui by Yoplait French Style Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33
          • Pete and Gerry's Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) Pete and Gerry's Organic Eggs Item
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Pillsbury Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls, 4 - 7.3 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Grands! or Grands! Jr., 10.2 - 12 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Rolled Pie Crust, 15 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 32 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Sour Cream, 16 oz - $1.67
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6.5 - 7 oz - $2.50
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.67 - 8 oz - $3.00
            $0.50/2 Sargento Natural Cheese Slices, exp. 3/29/20 (SS 01/26/20)
            Final Price: $2.75 each wyb 2
          • Silk Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • Silk Almondmilk, Cashewmilk, Soymilk, or Oatmilk, 64 oz - $3.00
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $2.00
          • So Delicious Coconutmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
            Save $1.00 off any So Delicious Product (link sent by email)
            Final Price: $0.25
          • 4C Grated Cheese, 6 oz - $3.50
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Meatballs, 12 - 14 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Puff Pastry Sheets, 17.3 oz - $3.50
          • Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Nestle Drumstick Sunday Cones, Ice Cream Bars, or Sandwiches, 13.56 - 36.8 oz - $5.99
          • Perdue Organic Chicken, 22 - 29 oz - $7.99
            Save $1.50 off TWO (2) PERDUE? Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Products
            $1/1 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Product (Perdue, Perdue chicken plus, or Perdue Simply smart organics brands) exp. 3/8/20 (RMN 01/26/20 R)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Publix Frozen Potatoes or Onion Rings, 16 - 32 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Stouffer's Bowl-Fulls, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Classics Large Size, 15 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • All Laundry Detergent, 88 oz or 39 ct, or Purex Dirt Lift Action Detergent, 128 - 150 oz - $6.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1/1 Purex Laundry Detergent, exp. 3/15/20 (RMN 03/01/20)
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 large rolls - $5.99
            Save $0.75 off any ONE (1) package of Brawny? Paper Towels, 2 Roll or larger
            Final Price: $5.24
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
            $0.50/1 Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, Rinse Aid or Dishwasher Cleaner, exp. 3/7/20 (P&G 02/23/20) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 8 super mega or 12 mega rolls - $12.99
            $1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product, exp. 3/7/20 (P&G 02/23/20) [Excludes single rolls; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $11.99
          • Dawn Powerwash, 16 oz, or Dish Soap, 34 - 40 oz - $4.99
          • Downy, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Energizer AA/AAA Max Alkaline Batteries, 16 ct - $9.99
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 3/7/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Gain Flings, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 3/7/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [30-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $15.99
          • Gain Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Softener, exp. 3/7/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [48 Loads or Larger; Includes gain botanicals or gain fireworks in-wash scent boosters 5.7-oz.+ or gain dryer sheets 105-ct.+ excludes gain flings, gain detergent and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain, 75 - 100 oz - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 3/7/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [12-ct. to 26-ct.; Excludes gain ultra flings, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • GreenWise All Purpose Spray Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Multi-Purpose Wipes, 70 ct - $4.99
          • Kleenex Facial Tissue, 3 - 4 pk - $4.99
            Save 50? off THREE Boxes or One Bundle Pack of Kleenex? Facial Tissue (share for 75? off)
            Save 50? off THREE (3) boxes/packs or ONE (1) Bundle Pack of KLEENEX? Facial Tissue
            $1/1 Kleenex Facial Tissue, exp. 3/22/20 (SS 02/23/20) [3-ct. Bundle Pack Boxes; ETS]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • OxiClean 2-in-1 Stain Fighter, 45 oz - $4.99
          • OxiClean Detergent, 60 oz or 27 ct - $5.99
          • Publix Dish Soap Pacs, 36 - 43 ct - $6.59
          • Scrub Daddy Sponges, 1 - 3 ct - $3.00
          • Solo Plastic Cups, 30 - 50 ct - $2.50
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 8 rolls - $7.99
            Save $1.00 on one (1) Sparkle? Package (6 Roll or Larger)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Tide Detergent, 138 - 150 oz - $17.99
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
          • Ziploc Slider Bags, 10 - 40 ct - $2.00
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Ziploc? brand products
          • Cat's Pride Lightweight Cat Litter, 10 lb - $5.99

          The post Publix Matchups 3/5/20 – 3/11/20 appeared first on

          Save on Organic Products with Wholesome Savings Fri, 21 Feb 2020 17:20:27 +0000 This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Have you checked out yet? provides great, printable coupons for natural & organic products from healthy brands. These coupons are redeemable at Whole Foods stores! Head HERE to view all of the printable coupons or check out the […]

          The post Save on Organic Products with Wholesome Savings appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Have you checked out yet? provides great, printable coupons for natural & organic products from healthy brands. These coupons are redeemable at Whole Foods stores! Head HERE to view all of the printable coupons or check out the coupons below! I love the Back to Nature coupons – my kiddos love this brand and I love knowing they are eating organic food! Also, check your mail! Wholesome Savings envelopes are being mailed in select areas!

          The post Save on Organic Products with Wholesome Savings appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 2/20/20 – 2/26/20 Wed, 19 Feb 2020 17:23:29 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, February 20th or Wednesday, February 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 2/20/20 – 2/26/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, February 20th or Wednesday, February 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz, or Sheets, 144 - 200 ct - B1G1
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 25 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Arnold Premium Italian Bread, 20 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Banquet Brown'n Serve Sausage Links or Patties, 6.4 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Barilla Pasta, 8.5 - 16 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
            $1/4 Barilla Blue Boxes Pasta, exp. 4/5/20 (RMN 02/09/20 R) [DND]
            Final Price: $1.24 each wyb 4
          • Bertolli Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Biscotti, 7 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Blue Buffalo Adult Cat Food, 2 lb ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Blue Wilderness Wet Dog Food, 12.5 oz ($2.89) - $1.44
          • Campbell's Well Yes! Soup, 16.1 - 16.6 oz, or Sipping Soup, 11 - 11.2 oz ($2.89) - $1.44
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, 7.5 - 12.4 oz ($4.28) - $2.14
          • Community Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.27) - $4.13
          • Cracker Barrel Mac & Cheese, Kraft Deluxe Mac & Cheese, or Velveeta Shells & Cheese, 9.4 - 14 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            Save $1.00 off ONE Crunchmaster products
            Final Price: $1.04
          • Dannon Oikos Blended Greek or Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, 32 oz - B1G1
            $1 off Dannon Oikos Blue Single Serve Cups or Nut Butter or Oikos Greek, exp. 3/21/20 (SS 02/09/20) [(3) single serve 5.3-oz. cups; (2) 4-pk. or (1) quart]
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz ($1.48) - $0.74
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables printable [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.61 each wyb 4
          • Dove Bar Ice Cream Bars, 3 - 14 ct - B1G1
          • El Monterey Burritos, Taquitos, or Quesadillas, 20 - 32 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Entenmann's Little Bites, 6.85 - 8.75 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 36 - 62 ct, or Jet Dry, 16 oz ($13.59) - $6.79
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • General Mills Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 7.5 - 8.75 oz ($2.91) - $1.45
          • Ghirardelli Cookie Mix or Cake or Mug Mix, 9.2 - 16.75 oz ($3.25) - $1.62
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 14.6 - 24.5 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
            Save $1.00 on two (2) Gorton's? Products
            Final Price: $3.89 each wyb 2
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb ($7.89) - $3.94
          • GreenWise Organic Granny Smith Apples, 2 lb ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Heinz BBQ Sauce, 18.6 - 21.4 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Heinz Yellow Mustard, 20 oz ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Home Run Inn Pizza, 21.5 - 32 oz ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Hormel Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Hunt's Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, or Puree, 28 - 29 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Innovasian Cuisine Entrees, 18 oz ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Keebler Fudge Stripe, Vienna Fingers, Coconut Dreams, Fudge Shoppe, Elfin Mix, or E.L. Fudge Cookies, 6.5 - 14.2 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops or Apple Jacks Cereal, 14.7 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 19.2 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran Cereal, 10.4 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Ken's Steakhouse Dressing or Simply Vinaigrette, 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides, 3.5 - 8.8 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Kodiak Waffles or Pancakes, 10.72 - 15.37 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Lenders Pre-Sliced Bagels, 6 ct - B1G1
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies, 15.4 - 19.2 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
            $1/2 Snickers or M&M's, exp. 2/17/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [7.2-oz. to 35.9-oz. Snickers or 9.9-oz. to 42-oz. M&M's]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Marie Callender's Pot Pie, 4 pk, or Pub Style Pie, 20 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
          • Milk-Bone MaroSnacks Dog Snacks, 40 oz ($12.29) - $6.14
          • Mueller's Oven-Ready Lasagna, 12 - 16 oz ($2.44) - $1.22
          • Nabisco Family Size Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz ($4.85) - $2.42
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.05 each wyb 2
          • Nature's Own Butterbread, 20 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
          • No Yolks Noodles, 12 oz ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Nonni's Biscotti or THINaddictives, 4.04 - 6.88 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Ocean Spray 100% Juice or Sparkling Juice, 6 pk ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepperidge Farm Layer Cake, 19 - 19.6 oz, or Turnovers, 2 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepperidge Farm Texas Toast, 9.5 - 11.75 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Breads, 22 - 24 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 13 - 16.3 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
          • Planters NUT-rition Mix, 5.5 oz - B1G1
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 32 oz ($16.38) - $8.19
          • Post Golden Crisp Cereal, 14.75 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 13 - 18 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honey-Comb Cereal, 12.5 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Pebbles or Sour Patch Kids Cereal, 11 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Progresso Bread Crumbs, 15 oz, or Panko Crumbs, 8 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Ragu Pasta Sauce, 45 - 66 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Right Guard Xtreme Deodorant, 2.6 - 4 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 9 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5- 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $0.50/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 3/29/20 (SS 01/26/20)
            Final Price: $2.04 each wyb 2
          • Savannah Classics Original Hushpuppies, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Slammers Supefood Snack, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Smithfield Bacon, 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • St Ives Body Wash, 16 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Starburst Fruit Chews, Lifesavers, or Skittles Bite Size Candies, 12.5 - 15.6 oz - B1G1
          • Stonyfield Organic Kids or YoBaby Yogurt, 4 - 6 pk ($4.95) - $2.47
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) Stonyfield Organic Kids Yogurt Pouch, Cup or Tube Multipack (4CT, 6CT, 8CT) (Excludes Smoothies)
            Final Price: $1.47
          • Swanson Broth or Stock, 32 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Sweet Baby Bell Peppers, 12 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Toufayan Smart Pocket, 9 oz ($2.09) - $1.04
          • Valley Fresh Chicken Breast, 4 pk ($6.99) - $3.49
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Boneless New York Strip Steak, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus Eye Round Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • GreenWise Angus Eye Round Steaks, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Atlantic Salmon Fillets, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - B2G1 - $5.19
            Final Price: $3.46 each wyb 3
          • Perdue Whole Chicken, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.59
          • Publix Mahi Fillets, 12 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Mild Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Center Cut Rib Chops, per lb - $3.49
          • Publix Premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Sliced Pepperoni, 6 - 8 oz - $2.99
          • Select Salmon Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Broccoli or Artichoke, ea - $2.00
          • Dragon Fruit, ea - $2.99
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 11 oz - $3.99
          • Gala Apples, per lb - $1.29
          • Garlic, per lb - $2.99
          • Green Anjou Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Rainbow Baby Carrots, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Kona Coffee Dark Chocolate or Coconut Macaroon Macadamias, 4.5 oz - $5.00
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.90
          • Mangos, ea - $1.67
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $0.99
          • Organic Basil, 2 oz - $2.50
          • Organic Herbs or Cilantro, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Organic Rapini, bunch - $2.50
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Plum Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49
          • Publix Peppers and Onions, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Red or Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or White Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $3.49
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 5.5 - 6 oz - $5.99
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios Product, exp. 4/19/20 (SS 01/19/20) [4.5-oz. to 8-oz.]
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Classic Italian Sandwich, ea - $4.59
          • Boar's Head SmokeMaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $3.79
          • Italian Cookies, 16 oz - $5.49
          • Piave Cheese, 5 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery All Butter Sliced Brioche Loaf, 14 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake or Chocolate Overload, 16 - 19 oz - $5.59
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Italian Pizza Dough, 16 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Deli Chef Salad, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Pecorino Romano Cheese, per lb - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, per lb - $19.99
          • Publix Deli Pepperoni Pizza Sliders - $14.99
          • Publix Deli Provolone Cheese, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Salami, per lb - $5.99
          • Sartori Cheese, 5.3 oz - $4.99
          • Tiramisu, 10 oz - $4.99
          • 7Up Products, 12 pk - B2G2
          • Bodyarmor Super Drink, 8 pk - $5.50
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Capri Sun Juice Drink Blend, Roarin' Waters, or Sport, 10 pk - $2.33
          • Coca-Cola Energy Drinks, 12 oz - $1.66
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $1.00
          • Ghirardelli Chocolate Baking Chips, 10 - 12 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft 100% Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Nabisco Fudge Covered Oreo Cookies, 7.9 - 9.9 oz, Oreo or Oreo Thins, 8 - 15.35 oz, or Nutter Butter Cookies, 7.9 oz - $3.00
            $0.75/2 Oreo Cookies, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [10.1-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.62 each wyb 2
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, 4 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk - B2G1 - $6.15
            Final Price: $4.10 each wyb 3
          • Publix Croutons, 5 oz - $1.25
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.33
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Pure Leaf Tea, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Spice Island Spices, 0.1 - 5 oz or 1 ct - 25% OFF
          • Starbucks Frappuccino Chilled Coffee Drink, 4 pk, or Doubleshot, 4 pk - B2G1 - $6.99
            Final Price: $4.66 each wyb 3
          • Starbucks K-Cups Coffee or Hot Cocoa, 10 ct, or Whole Been or Ground COffee, 12 oz - $6.99
            $2/2 Starbucks Coffee, exp. 3/31/20 (RMN 02/16/20)
            Final Price: $5.99 each wyb 2
          • Starkist Solid White Albacore Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • 4Grain Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $2.00
          • Bailey's Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Fage Greek Strained, Regular, or Trueblend Yogurt, 5.3 - 7 oz - $1.00
          • Galbani Ricotta, 32 oz, or Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $3.99
            $1/1 Galbani Cheese Product printable
            Final Price: $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Almond Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Parmesan or Italian Blend Cheese, 6 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 32 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Silk Soy Milk Yogurt Alternative or Dannon Two Good, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for Two, 22 - 22 oz - B2G1 - $7.49
            Final Price: $4.99 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Fruit, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Breaded Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, 24 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50
          • Stouffer's Bowl-Fuls or Lean Cuisine Entrees, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Classics Large Size, 15 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Talenti Gelato, Layers, or Sorbetto, 10.8 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Tyson Chicken Strips, Fillets, Tenderloins, Tenders, or Nuggets, 20 - 25 oz - $6.99
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.50
          • Cottonelle Flushable Wipes, 168 ct - $6.00
            Save 55? off ONE (1) package of Cottonelle? Flushable Wipes
            Final Price: $5.45
          • Cottonelle Toilet Paper, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.00
            Save 55? off ONE (1) Cottonelle? Toilet Paper
            Final Price: $5.45
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 ct, or Downy or Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
            $1/1 Downy Liquid Fabric conditioner 48 ld or larger (includes Odor Protect 32 oz or larger or Downy Nature blends 44oz or larger) OR Bounce downy sheets 70ct+ or in-wash scent boosters 5.7oz+ (includes unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect and infusions) excludes Downy Wrinkle Guard liquid fabric condioner, bounce/downy wrinkleguard sheets, Gain Fireworks and trial/travel size), exp. 2/22/20 (P&G 01/26/20) Limit of 1 coupon per household per day
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Glad Flex'n Seal Zipper Bags, 28 - 38 ct - $3.00
          • Hefty Plates, 28 - 50 ct, or Bowls, 30 ct - $2.00
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Products, exp. 2/29/20 (RMN 01/26/20)
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50
          • Hefty Tall Kitchen or Strong Trash Bags, 18 - 45 ct - $5.99
          • Lime-a-Way Advanced Formula Cleaner, 22 oz - $4.00
          • Lysol Disinfectant Wipes, 75 - 80 ct - $4.00
            Save $0.75 off any 2 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes (35 ct. or larger size)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 3/2/20 (SS 02/02/20)
            Final Price: $3.50
          • Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 2 pk - $4.00
            Save $0.75 OFF TWO (2) Lysol? Toilet Bowl Cleaner Products (24 fl. oz. or Larger)
            Final Price: $3.62 each wyb 2
          • Mr Clean Multi-Surface Cleaner, 45 oz, Magic Eraser, 2 - 3 ct, or Clean Freak Refill, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Dish Soap or Multi-Surface Cleaner, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Olay Body Wash, 10.3 - 30 oz, or Bar Soap, 6 pk - $1.00 OFF
          • Persil ProClean or All Laundry Detergent, 100 - 141 oz or 38 - 60 ct - $10.00 OFF wyb 2
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 2/23/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [Excludes 6 loads or less and trial/travel size]
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 3/1/20 (RMN 02/02/20) [Excludes trial size]
          • Publix Long Lasting Alkaline Batteries, select - $3.33
          • Puffs Facial Tissue, 3 - 4 pk - $4.79
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz, or Toilet Cleaning Gel, 1 ct - $3.50
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product
            $0.75/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner Product, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20)
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 roll - $5.00
            Save $1.00 on one (1) Sparkle? Package (6 Roll or Larger)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Fresh Step Cat Litter, 22.5 - 25 lb, or Lightweight, 15.4 lb - $11.99
          • Iams Dog Food, 15 lb - $2.00 OFF

          The post Publix Matchups 2/20/20 – 2/26/20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 2/13/20 – 2/19/20 Thu, 13 Feb 2020 20:23:00 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, February 13th or Wednesday, February 12th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 2/13/20 – 2/19/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, February 13th or Wednesday, February 12th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Annie's Homegrown Macaroni & Cheese, 2 pk or 5.5 - 6 oz, or Creamy Deluxe Cheddar Cheese, 11 oz ($4.65) - $2.34
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) packages of Annie's Mac & Cheese products
            Final Price: $2.01 each wyb 3
          • Arm & Hammer Toothpaste, 4.3 - 6.3 oz, or Spinbrush, 1 ct ($9.75) - $4.87
          • Arnold Whole Grains or Country Bread, 24 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Bertolli Olive Oil, 16.9 oz ($11.29) - $5.64
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz, or Cob Corn, 12 ct - B1G1
          • Blue Wilderness Soft Moist Cat Treats, 2 oz ($2.39) - $1.19
            $1/1 Blue Dog or Cat Treats, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            Final Price: $0.19
          • Blue Wilderness Trail Treats for Dogs, 4 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/1 Blue Dog or Cat Treats, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            Final Price: $1.64
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Boston Market Home Style Meals, 13 - 15 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • CLR Bath & Kitchen Cleaner, 26 - 32 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Campbell's Chunky Soup, 15.25 - 18.8 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Cat's Pride Cat Litter, 10 - 15 lb - B1G1
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Keebler Single Serve Trays, Famous Amos, or Mother's Cookies, 10.4 - 14.4 oz ($6.35) - $3.17
          • Chinet Comfort Cups, 18 ct ($5.45) - $2.72
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            Final Price: $1.72
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4 pk, or Gimmies Yogurt Shake, 6 pk ($4.69) - $2.34
            $1/2 Chobani Yogurt Greek Yogurt, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 02/02/20) [24-oz. to 32-oz. Multi Pack or Tub or Squeezable ]
            Final Price: $1.84 each wyb 2
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz, or Simple Starter Sauce, 24 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            $1/1 College Inn Hearty Beef, Savory Chicken or Mexican Sauce or College Inn Simple Starter or Culinary Stock, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 R)
            Final Price: $0.89
          • Dole Fruit & Veggies Blend, 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            $1/1 Dole Frozen Product printable
            Final Price: $0.99
          • Donut Shop Coffee K-Cups, 12 ct ($9.85) - $4.92
          • Doritos Tortilla Chips, 9.25 - 11.25 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Dr. Praeger's Purely Sensible Foods, 8 - 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 18.4 - 20 oz ($13.19) - $6.59
          • Entenmann's Donuts, 11 - 20.5 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Eternal Spring Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Gatorade, 64 oz - B1G1
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 11.3 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $1/2 Cheerios, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 11.2 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 11.2 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 11.2 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Golden Grahams Cereal, 11.2 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 11.2 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 11.2 - 19.6 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks, Fillets, Shrimp, Simply Bake, or Crab Cakes, 6 - 11.4 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
            Save $1.00 on two (2) Gorton's? Products
            Final Price: $3.89 each wyb 2
          • Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups, 12 ct ($9.85) - $4.92
          • GreenWise Organic Fuji Apples, 2 lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Halo Top Ice Cream, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans with Lids, 1 - 4 ct ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Honest Organic Tea, 16.9 oz ($1.95) - $0.97
          • Idahoan Potatoes, 1.5 - 4.1 oz ($1.44) - $0.72
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Corn Pops Cereal, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Crispix Cereal, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Eggo Cereal, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $1.91 each wyb 3
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • La Pasta Organic Ravioli, 8 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Lime-a-Way, 24 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Lindsay Spanish Olives, 5.75 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Lindsay? Olives (sent by email)
            Final Price: $0.52 each wyb 2
          • Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
            Save $0.75 OFF TWO (2) Lysol? Toilet Bowl Cleaner Products (24 fl. oz. or Larger)
            Final Price: $1.12 each wyb 2
          • Mahatma Rice, 5 oz ($0.91) - $0.45
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 6 - 6.3 lb ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Juice Blend or Mott's for Tots, 64 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
            $0.50/1 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $1/3 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            Final Price: $1.14
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $1/3 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.32 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail, 101.4 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • Olive Garden Seasoned Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudels, 6 ct, or Scrambles, 4 ct ($2.69) - $1.34
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz ($2.98) - $1.49
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Potato Inspirations Organic Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Publix Bakery Muffins, 4 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Pure Farmland Plant-Based Meatballs, 16 oz, or Breakfast Patties, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Purina ONE Smartblend Adult Dog Food, 3 - 4 lb ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Quaker Chewy Bars, 6.1 - 6.7 oz - B1G1
          • Quaker Oats, 18 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
            $1/2 Quaker Old Fashioned, Quick, Instant Oats or Oatmeal Squares Cereal, exp. 2/23/20 (SS 01/12/20 R)
            Final Price: $1.10 each wyb 2
          • Red Baron Pizza, 14.87 - 23.45 oz ($5.61) - $2.80
          • Renuzit Snuggle Air or Fabric Refresher, 18 oz, Automatic Spray or Oil Refill, 6.17 oz or 3 ct, or Snuggle Fabric Softener, 120 ct, or In-Wash Scent Booster, 9 oz ($7.49) - $3.74
            $1/2 Snuggle Products, exp. 2/23/20 (RMN 02/02/20) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $3.24 each wyb2
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 8 - 16 oz ($2.25) - $1.12
          • Russell Stover Chocolates, 8.1 - 11 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Sabra Dark Chocolate Dessert Dip & Spread, 8 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Sargento Balanced Breaks or Sweet Balanced Breaks, 4.08 - 4.5 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
            $0.50/1 Sargento Balanced Break Snack, exp. 3/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            Final Price: $1.59
          • Screamin' Sicilian Pizza, 20.8 - 25 oz, or Stromboli, 9.25 oz ($9.55) - $4.77
            $1/1 Screamin' Sicilian Premium Frozen Product printable [Sign Up]
            Final Price: $3.77
          • Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches, Bars, Cones, or Light Ice Cream, 4 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Slimfast Shakes, 4 pk ($7.19) - $3.59
            Save $3.00 when you Buy ANY TWO (2) SlimFast Original 8 pk
            Final Price: $2.09 each wyb 2
          • Smuckers Preserves, Jam, Jelly, Marmalade, or Fruit Spread, 14 - 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Snickers, Twix, or Mars Minis Mix Candy, 8.9 - 9.7 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts or Thighs, per lb ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Sweet Earth Bowl or Burrito, 6 - 9 oz ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct - B1G1
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 4 oz ($8.19) - $4.09
          • 20/40 ct GreenWise Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Angus Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Angus Tenderloin Steaks, per lb - $19.99
          • GreenWise Atlantic Salmon Fillets, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Tenderloins, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1 - $8.79
            Final Price: $5.86 each wyb 3
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Aprons Cook-in-Bag Lobster Meal, ea - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Slow Cooker Meal, 33.4 - 60 oz - $16.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Thinly Sliced Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.29
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Stuffed Scallops or Clams, 4 - 5 oz - $1.00
          • Tenderloin Roast, per lb - $17.49
          • Tenderloin Steak, per lb - $17.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, bunch - $2.50
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Florida's Natural Orange Juice, 89 oz - $4.90
          • Green Beans, 1 lb - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded Carrots, 10 oz - $2.49
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mangos, ea - $1.67
          • Maradol Papaya, per lb - $1.69
          • Nasayo Toss'ables Seasoned Baked Tofu Cups, 7 oz - $3.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Pink Lady Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Fresh Parfait, ea - $2.00
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Orange Juice, gal - $3.99
          • Publix Premium Salad Kits, 7 - 8.75 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Publix Prepared Strawberries, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, per lb - $1.29
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash Tray, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Honey Double Play, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • Creminelli Artisan Charcuterie, 2 - 2.2 oz - $5.00
          • Lantana Hummus, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Bakery Baguette, 8 oz - $1.89
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Covered Fresh Strawberries, 6 ct - $4.59
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Ganache Supreme Cake, 36 - 66 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Cheesecake, 32 oz - $10.99
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Imported French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Jalapeno Popper Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Panino Fingers, 5 - 6 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Sartori BellaVitano Cheese Cubes, 7 oz - $4.00
          • Stacy's Pita Chips or Thins, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $3.00
          • Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake, 28 oz - $6.99
          • Bumble Bee Light Tuna or Seasoned Tuna Pouch, 2.5 oz - $1.00
          • Bumble Bee Premium Tuna, 4 pk - $2.50
          • Bush's Best Chili Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk cans or 8 pk btls - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit Cups or Refreshers, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit and Oats, Fruit and Chia or Fruit Refreshers, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [4-pk.]
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 oz - $3.33
            $1/2 M&M's, Dove Chocolate, Snickers, Twix, Celebrations, Minis Mix Variety, Valentine's Exchange Bags, M&M's Fun Size & Minis Chocolate Candies Exchange Bags, Fun Size Chocolate Variety Valentine Exchange Bags, Fun Size Chocolate & Sugar Variety Valentine Exchange Bags, Chocolate & Sugar Variety Valentine Exchange Stand-Up Pouches, exp. 2/14/20 (RMN 02/02/20) [3.7-oz.+; DND]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 2
          • Gatorade, 8 pk - $5.00
          • Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, 4.1 - 5.32 oz - $3.33
          • Godiva Masterpiece Chocolates, 4.9 - 5.1 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Cane Sugar, 32 oz - $2.49
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 10 oz or 12 ct - $5.99
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lindt Lindor Chocolate Truffles, 5.1 oz - $3.33
          • Mott's Apple Sauce, 23 - 24 oz - $1.66
            $0.50/1 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $1/3 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            Final Price: $1.16
          • Nabisco Premium Saltines or Soup & Oyster Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $1.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Triscuits Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.99
          • Pepperidge Farm, Farmhouse, or Soft Baked Cookies, 5.9 - 8.6 oz - $3.00
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Propel Water Beverage, 6 pk - $3.00
          • Russell Stover Fine Chocolates Heart, 13.2 - 14 oz - $8.99
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk, Coconutmilk, or Cold Brew, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Dannon Greek, Blended Greek, or Greek Yogurt and Toppings, 5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $1 off Dannon Oikos, Light & Fit, Activia Dailies, or Greek, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20) [(8) Oikos or Light & Fit Single Serve Cups; 4-pk. Oikos; 4-pk. Light & Fit; (2) Activia Dailies or Oikos or Light & Fit; Regular or Greek Quart; 8-pk. Activia Dailies]
            Final Price: $0.88 each wyb 8
          • Dannon or Activia Yogurt, 4 pk - $2.50
          • Eggland's Best Large Eggs, 12 ct - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Eggland's Best Eggs, exp. 4/5/20 (SS 01/05/20)
            $0.50/1 EggLand's Best Eggs, exp. 2/17/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            $1/2 Eggland's Best Eggs, exp. 4/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 R)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Maple Hill Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.99
          • Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls, 7.3 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls, 4 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 10.2 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Jr. Flaky Biscuits, 12 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Polly-O Cheese Twists or String Cheese, 9 - 12 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Starbucks Coffee Creamer, 28 oz - $4.00
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Espresso Classics, 40 - 48 oz - $4.50
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entrees or Bowls, 7.2 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Jones Dairy Farm Golden Brown Sausage Patties or Links, 5 - 7 oz - $2.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entrees, 9.25 - 15 oz - $2.00
          • Bounce or Downy Sheets, 60 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $1/1 Downy Liquid Fabric conditioner 48 ld or larger (includes Odor Protect 32 oz or larger or Downy Nature blends 44oz or larger) OR Bounce downy sheets 70ct+ or in-wash scent boosters 5.7oz+ (includes unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect and infusions) excludes Downy Wrinkle Guard liquid fabric condioner, bounce/downy wrinkleguard sheets, Gain Fireworks and trial/travel size), exp. 2/22/20 (P&G 01/26/20) Limit of 1 coupon per household per day
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 8 dbl plus or 12 single plus rolls - $15.99
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 8 super mega or 12 mega rolls - $13.49
          • Clorox Cleaners, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00
            Save $0.50 on any one (1) Clorox Clean Up Spray
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, 70 - 75 ct - $3.50
            Save $0.50 off Clorox? Disinfecting Wipes, 32ct. or larger
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Dawn Powerwash, 16 oz - $4.99
          • Duracell Batteries, select - 25% OFF
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 3/7/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [12-ct. to 26-ct.; Excludes gain ultra flings, gain fireworks, gain flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • GreenWise All Purpose Spray Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.50
          • Method All Purpose Cleaner, 28 oz - $4.00
          • Method Dish Soap, 18 oz - $4.00
          • Method Disinfecting Wipes, 30 ct - $2.66
          • NaturalAire Air Cleaning Filter, ea - $4.00
          • Puffs Facial Tissue, 124 ct - $1.66
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Pods or Tide Power Pods, exp. 2/22/20 (RMN 02/09/20) [Excludes tide liquid/powder laundry detergent, tide simply, tide simply pods, tide pods 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Laundry detergent or Tide purclean or Tide Antibacterial spray exp 2/22 P&G 01/26/20 Limit 1 coupon per household per day
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Weiman Cleaners, 12 - 16 oz, or Wipes, 20 - 30 ct - $3.33
          • Ziploc Slider Storage or Freezer, 10 - 20 ct, or Sandwich or Snack Bags, 30 - 40 ct - $2.19
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Ziploc? brand products
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2

          The post Publix Matchups 2/13/20 – 2/19/20 appeared first on

          40 Smartfood Popcorn Bags, under 29¢ per bag Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:32:28 +0000 I’m not going to lie – Smartfood popcorn is my weakness! This is an awesome Smartfood popcorn deal! Act fast if interested because the price is subject to change! Right now on Amazon we can get a Smartfood Popcorn Variety Pack of 40 0.5 oz bags for $11.23! The 40 count package is priced at […]

          The post 40 Smartfood Popcorn Bags, under 29¢ per bag appeared first on


          I’m not going to lie – Smartfood popcorn is my weakness! This is an awesome Smartfood popcorn deal! Act fast if interested because the price is subject to change! Right now on Amazon we can get a Smartfood Popcorn Variety Pack of 40 0.5 oz bags for $11.23! The 40 count package is priced at $14.98. Click the $3 off coupon AND sign up for Subscribe & Save and the price will drop to $11.23 making each bag $0.28! Head HERE to get this deal.

          The post 40 Smartfood Popcorn Bags, under 29¢ per bag appeared first on

          Save up to $60 on Prescriptions Using ValpakRx™ Tue, 04 Feb 2020 18:43:56 +0000 This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. We recently changed our insurance and I was discouraged to find out that the prescriptions I take are not covered at all. Last year I had a great insurance plan and only paid about $15 a month on my two prescriptions. […]

          The post Save up to $60 on Prescriptions Using ValpakRx™ appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Save on prescription costs with ValpakRx!

          We recently changed our insurance and I was discouraged to find out that the prescriptions I take are not covered at all. Last year I had a great insurance plan and only paid about $15 a month on my two prescriptions. This year, however, the amount I would be paying per month is over $70. I was so excited when I realized that my out of pocket spending will drop by over 50% when I use ValpakRx™!

          ValpakRx™ is a free mobile app and prescription discount card that helps users nationwide save every month by finding them the lowest price on prescriptions at their local pharmacies. ValpakRx™ has negotiated a discount rate with a national network of drugstores and retail outlets.

          The way it ValpakRx™ works is you will go HERE and enter the prescription name, dosage and quantity that you need to pick up. You will then give your zipcode so that the nearest drugstores can be listed. ValpakRx will then list the pharmacies near you and the discounted cost of your prescription at each of the pharmacies. The average savings is $61 per prescription! Once you select the pharmacy you will get your prescription at, you will be shown a prescription card that has the prescription name/dosage/quantity on it as well as the pharmacy you have selected. You will have a personalized BIN, PCN, Member ID and Group # on the card. Show the card to your pharmacist and they will plug it into their computer to give you the discounted rate. Below is a picture of what the card looks like (I removed all of the personal info that pertains to my prescription, location and ID#s.)


          It’s really that simple – it’s almost too good to be true! Best part – this is a FREE service. Anyone can use it! If you have medical insurance, I recommend you compare the cost of your prescription using your medical insurance with the cost using ValpakRx. You may find that you will spend less using ValpakRx!

          Head HERE for more info!

          **The actual amount you will save varies depending on which pharmacy you use and which medication you buy. Use the prescription price lookup feature to get an idea of what your medicine will cost at different pharmacies in your area.

          The post Save up to $60 on Prescriptions Using ValpakRx™ appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 2/6/20 – 2/12/20 Tue, 04 Feb 2020 16:26:06 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, February 6th 30th or Wednesday, February 5th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 2/6/20 – 2/12/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, February 6th 30th or Wednesday, February 5th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Alexia Frozen Vegetables, 10 - 12 oz ($3.99) - $1.90
          • Arnold Select Rolls, Sandwich Thins, Crustini Sandwich, or Sub Rolls, 12 - 18 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Barber Farms Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 8 - 10 oz ($5.69) - $2.84
          • Bear Naked Granola, 11 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • Blue Bunny Mini Swirls Ice Cream Cones or Snacks, 6 - 8 pk - B1G1
          • Blue Wilderness Adult Cat Food, 4 lb ($18.49) - $9.24
            $5/1 Blue Dry Cat or Dog Food, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [5-lb.+ bag]
            Final Price: $4.24
          • Blue Wilderness Adult Dog Food, 4.5 lb ($19.99) - $9.99
            $5/1 Blue Dry Cat or Dog Food, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [5-lb.+ bag]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Bolthouse Farms Smoothies or Protein Beverages, 15.2 oz - B1G1
          • Breyers Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt ($5.84) - $2.92
          • Bumble Bee Premium Albacore Tuna in Water, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Bumble Bee Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
          • Celentano Pasta or Eggplant Parmigiana, 12.5 - 24 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
            $1.25/1 Celentano Pasta, Meatball or Entree Product, exp. 3/1/20 (RMN 12/01/19) [DND]
            Final Price: $0.69
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz ($2.79) - $1.29
          • Del Monte Fruit, 14.5 - 15.25 oz - B1G1
          • Del Monte Tomatoes, 14.5 oz - B1G1
          • Duke's Mayo, 32 oz ($4.67) - $2.33
          • Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, Cake Mix, or Mug Cakes ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4.2 oz ($1.69) - $0.84
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $0.51 each wyb 3
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Febreze Home Collection Candle, 12 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Fritos or Frito-Lay Dip, 8.5 - 9 oz - B1G1
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            $1/2 Cheerios, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $2/4 General Mills Cereal, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 01/26/20) [any box]
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Glade Plug-Ins Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Automatic Spray Refill, 6.2 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
            Save $2.00 on TWO (2) Glade? 3-wick 6.8 oz. Candles, PlugIns? Scented Oil Multi-Pack Refills or Large Automatic Spray Refills
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • GreenWise Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, Gelato, or Sorbet, 14 oz, or Ice Cream Bars or Squares, 9 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Jimmy Dean Bacon, 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Kashi Cereal, 12.2 - 16.3 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Kashi Granola Bars, , 6.7 - 7.4 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Kashi Kids Organic Super Food Bites, 5.6 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Kellogg's Eggo Pancakes or French Toast Sticks, 12.6 - 16.4 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
            $1/1 Eggo Waffles French Toast or Pancakes 10.7 to 29.6 oz Publix Coupon in the Publix Green Grocery Flyer valid 2/1 to 2/14/20
            $1/2 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes or French Toast Frozen Products, exp. 2/14/20 (RMN 01/05/20 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes or French Toast Frozen Products, exp. 2/14/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.94
          • Ken's Steakhouse Dressing or Simply Vinaigrette, 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Mezzetta Peppers, 16 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Mueller's Pasta, 8 - 16 oz ($2.44) - $1.22
          • Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams, Original Grahams, or Grahamfuls, 7.04 - 14.4 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.87 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Toasted Chips or Crisp & Thins, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, Single Serve Tray, or Handi-Snacks, 10 - 18 ct ($6.89) - $3.44
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 2
          • Nando's Peri-Peri Sauce or Perinaise, 8.6 - 9.1 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Nature Valley, Protein One, General Mills Treat Bars, or Fiber One Bars, 5.34 - 7 oz - B1G1
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley? Granola Bars...
            $1/2 Nature Valley Products, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Products, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $1/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            $0.50/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Entree, 10.25 - 11 oz - B1G1
          • Panera Soup, 16 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Pepsi Products, 6 - 8 pk - B1G1
          • Perdue Chicken Breasts, per lb ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Post Grape Nuts Cereal, 20.5 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Great Grains Cereal, 13.5 - 16.5 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Raisin Bran Cereal, 20 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Shredded Wheat, 15 - 18 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Publix Bakery Small Pies, 12 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Premium Coffee, 12 ct or 12 oz - B1G1
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 10 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Ragu Pasta Sauce, 14 - 24 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Red's Bowl, Burrito, or Entree, 4.5 - 8.5 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Rothbury Farms Croutons, 5 oz ($1.89) - $0.94
          • Russell Stover Chocolates, 8.1 - 11 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Sara Lee Pound Cake, Cheesecake, or Coffee Cake, 2.75 - 30 oz ($8.59) - $4.29
          • Second Nature Trail Mix, 10 - 14 oz - B1G1
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 4 - 5.3 oz, or Drinkable Yogurt, 8 oz - $1.25
            Save $1.00 SIGGIS Any TWO Siggis Yogurt 5.3 oz
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 2
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts, Breast Chunks, Strips, Slices, or Wings Fully Cooked, 24 oz ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Sudafed PE, 8 oz or 24 ct ($7.19) - $3.59
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) SUDAFED? product
            $1/1 Sudafed Product or Sudafed Children's Product, exp. 2/15/20 (RMN 01/19/20)
            Final Price: $2.59
          • Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa Mix, 6 - 8 ct ($2.69) - $1.34
          • The Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheese, 4.5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - B1G1
          • Tillamook Cheddar Snack Portions, 7.5 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.3 - 21.6 oz ($5.35) - $2.67
          • Toufayan Wrap, 11 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Tylenol Cold, 8 oz or 24 ct ($7.19) - $3.59
            Save $2.00 off any ONE (1) Adult TYLENOL Cold & Sinus or Children's TYLENOL Cold product
            $1/1 Tylenol Cold or Tylenol Sinus or Tylenol Children's Cold Product, exp. 2/15/20 (RMN 01/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.59
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice of V-Fusion, 46 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • White Oak Pastures Grass-Fed Ground Beef, 1 lb ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Zatarain's Rice, 6.2 - 12 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • 16/20 ct Argentine Red Shrimp, per lb - $8.99
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $12.99
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • 31/40 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Applegate Bacon, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Beef Shoulder Petite Tender, per lb - $6.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Bourbon Marinated Salmon Fillets, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • GreenWIse King Crab Clusters, per lb - $20.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Boneless Steak, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Fully-Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.50
          • GreenWise Ground Turkey Breast, 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Hillshire Farm Lunchmeat, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Petite Tender Medallion, per lb - $7.49
          • Pork Loin Center Cut Chops, per lb - $3.59
          • Publix Aprons Bacon-Wrapped Meatloaf, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast Fillets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Bacon, 2.1 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Center-Cut Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.49
          • Publix Premium Alaskan Panko Pollock Fillets, 12 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Sockeye Salmon Fillets, 12 oz - $11.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Top Sirloin Boneless Steak, per lb - $4.99
          • Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blueberries or Blackberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Envy or Pink Lady Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.00
          • Green Avocados, ea - $1.67
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00
          • Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Fresh Parfaits, ea - $2.00
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Petite Red Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.99
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix White Whole Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 11.5 oz - $1.00
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade, Limeade, or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sumo Citrus, per lb - $3.49
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Mediterranean Chicken Salad, 14 oz - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Smoky Rotisserie Chicken Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Salsalito Sandwich, 9 oz - $4.59
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $1.99
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Breakfast Blend, 20 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Covered Fresh Strawberries, 6 ct - $4.59
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Ganache Supreme Cake, 36 - 66 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Croissants, 2 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $3.29
          • Publix Bakery Mini Holiday Specialty Cake, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Molten Lava Cake, 7.25 - 7.4 oz - $3.79
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tenders Meal for Four - $20.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Mediterranean Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Muenster Cheese, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, per lb - $19.99
          • Publix Deli Peach Raspberry Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Tavern Ham, per lb - $5.99
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B2G1 - $3.79
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • Arizona Tea, gal - $2.00
          • BodyArmor, 8 pk - $5.99
          • Bumble Bee Premium Turkey, 4 pk - $4.99
          • Canada Dry, 7Up, A&W, or Diet Rite, 2 L - $1.00
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 7 - 9.25 oz - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk cans or 8 pk btls - B2G1 - $6.03
            Final Price: $4.02 each wyb 3
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Del Monte Harvest Selects Vegetables, 14.5 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 oz - $3.33
            $1/2 M&M's, Dove Chocolate, Snickers, Twix, Celebrations, Minis Mix Variety, Valentine's Exchange Bags, M&M's Fun Size & Minis Chocolate Candies Exchange Bags, Fun Size Chocolate Variety Valentine Exchange Bags, Fun Size Chocolate & Sugar Variety Valentine Exchange Bags, Chocolate & Sugar Variety Valentine Exchange Stand-Up Pouches, exp. 2/14/20 (RMN 02/02/20) [3.7-oz.+; DND]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 2
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz, or Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00
          • Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, 4.1 - 5.32 oz - $3.33
          • GoGo Squeez Applesauce, 12 pk - $5.99
          • Godiva Masterpieces Chocolates, 4.9 - 5.1 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - $2.00
          • Keebler Cookies, 6 - 15 oz - $2.50
          • Keebler Town House, Club, or Toasteds Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • LaCroix Sparkling Water, 12 pk - B2G1
          • Lindt Lindor Chocolate Truffles, 5.1 oz - $3.33
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan or Parmesan & Romana Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce, 15 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Quaker Rice Crisps, Popped Rice, or Sweet Oat Crisps, 3 - 3.52 oz - $1.00
          • Russell Stover Fine Chocolate Hearts, 14 oz - $8.99
          • Whitman's Sampler Fine Chocolate Heart, 13.2 oz - $8.99
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) HALF GALLON OF A2 MILK?
            Final Price: $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter or European Style Extra Creamy Butter Sticks, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Nellie's Free Range Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) Nellie's Free Range Eggs
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.66
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $1.33 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Cookies or Place & Bake Brownies, 11 - 16.5 oz - $2.50
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cheddar Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Chunk Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Silk Almondmilk, Cashewmilk, Soymilk, Coconutmilk, or Oatmilk, 64 oz - $2.50
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $1.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meal for Two, 22 oz - $5.99
          • Publix 3 Cheese Toast, Garlic Texas Toast, or Garlic Bread, 11.25 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99
          • Boost Nutritional Drinks, 4 - 24 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) BOOST? Nutritional Drinks or Drink Mix
          • CeraVe Skincare Products, 0.5 - 16 oz or 25 ct - 25% OFF
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) CeraVe? product, except trial sizes, including baby products, lotion and facial cleanser
          • Colgate Optic White Renewal or Platinum Toothpaste, 3 oz - $6.99
            Save $1.00 On any Colgate TotalSF, Colgate Optic White, Colgate Enamel Health, Colgate Essentials or Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste (3.0
            $1/1 Colgate Total, Colgate Optic White, Colgate Enamel Health, Colgate Essentials or Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 02/02/20) [3-oz.+]
            Stack With $3/3 Mix or Match: Colgate Toothpaste 3 to 6 oz, Colgate 360 or Gum Health Toothbrush, 1-4 pk. or Colgate Total Advanced or Gum Health Mouthwash, 500-mL to 1 Liter (Excludes 4 oz Toothpaste, Extra Clean Toothbrush & Travel Sizes) Publix Coupon in the Publix Purple Health & Beauty Flyer valid 2/8/20 to 2/21/20
            Final Price: $4.99 each wyb 3
          • Dial Hand Soap, 7.5 oz - $1.00
          • Dove Bar Soap, 2 ct - $2.50
          • Method Hand Wash, Body Wash, or 2-in-1 Shampoo/Conditioner, 10 - 34 oz - 25% OFF
          • Nature Made Vitamins, 25 - 400 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Nature Made Adult Gummies Product, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $2/1 Nature Made Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
          • Tena Pads, 14 - 45 ct - $2.00 OFF
            $5/2 Tena Products, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 02/02/20)
            $1.50/1 Tena Incotinence Pads, 14 to 48 ct, Publix Coupon in the Be The Best You Booklet valid 1/25 to 2/22/20 Limit one Coupon per household
            $5/2 Mix or Match: Tena Pads or Cloths 28 to 48 ct. or Tena Men's Guards 20 ct. (Excludes Tena Ultra Thin Pads 30 ct.) Publix Coupon in the Publix Purple Health & Beauty Flyer valid 2/8/20 to 2/21/20 limit one coupon per household per day
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00
            $4/2 TRESemme Shampoo or Conditioner Products, exp. 2/16/20 (RMN 02/02/20) [Excludes pro pure, 40-oz., twin packs and trial and travel size]
            Stack with $2/2 TRESemme Shampoo, Conditioner, Styling or Root Touch Up Products, 2.5 to 28 oz, Mix or Match Publix Coupon in the Publix Purple Health&Beauty Flyer valid 1/25/20 to 2/7/20
            Final Price: $1.00 each wyb 2
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Hair Care, 22 oz, or Styling, 9 - 10.5 oz - $5.00
            $4/2 TRESemme Shampoo or Conditioner Products, exp. 2/16/20 (RMN 02/02/20) [Excludes pro pure, 40-oz., twin packs and trial and travel size]
            Stack with $2/2 TRESemme Shampoo, Conditioner, Styling or Root Touch Up Products, 2.5 to 28 oz, Mix or Match Publix Coupon in the Publix Purple Health&Beauty Flyer valid 1/25/20 to 2/7/20
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • U by Kotex Security Tampons, 18 ct, Pantiliners, 40 - 64 ct, or Security Pads, 14 - 24 ct - $3.00
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) U by Kotex? Product
            Save 50? off ONE (1) U by Kotex? Products (offer value may vary)
            $3/2 U by Kotex Pads or Liners, exp. 2/8/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Excludes liners 14-ct. to 22-ct. or pads and liners and trial/travel size]
            $3/2 U by Kotex Tampons, exp. 2/8/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Stack With $2/2 U by Kotex Tampons, 18 to 50 ct, U by Kotex Pads, 14 to 56 ct, or U by Kotex Liners, 40 to 96 ct (Excluding Liners 14 to 18 ct) Publix Coupon in the Publix Purple Health&Beauty Flyer valid 1/25/20 to 2/7/20
            Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2

          The post Publix Matchups 2/6/20 – 2/12/20 appeared first on

          Save on Tide Power PODS at Publix, Amazon & Meijer Sun, 02 Feb 2020 19:35:42 +0000 This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. We can save big on Tide PODS and Tide Power PODS at Publix, Amazon and Meijer right now! Head HERE to print this $3.00 off ONE Tide PODS 32 ct or larger (includes Tide PODS 26 ct) OR Tide Power […]

          The post Save on Tide Power PODS at Publix, Amazon & Meijer appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          We can save big on Tide PODS and Tide Power PODS at Publix, Amazon and Meijer right now! Head HERE to print this $3.00 off ONE Tide PODS 32 ct or larger (includes Tide PODS 26 ct) OR Tide Power PODS 21 ct or larger (excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, Tide PODS 9 ct and below, and trial/travel size) coupon. **tip** please note that once you print your coupon, you only have a couple days to use it before it expires!

          I love using Tide PODS. The convenience of simply adding one or two PODS to my wash makes the seemingly endless loads of laundry go smoother and quicker! And now with the launch of Tide Power PODS, their cleaning power is 50% more than Tide Original Liquid! Tide Power PODS give consumers the ultimate clean one large laundry load at a time. Tide Power PODS dissolve completely and work in any machine, temperature, and water condition. There are two variants available: Heavy Duty 10X which is designed for impossible stains like grease, oil, wine, blood and smoke and Spring Meadow which has two times the freshness power giving a long lasting fresh scent that consumers love.

          Head HERE to print your coupon to use at Publix and Meijer or head to Amazon to save!

          The post Save on Tide Power PODS at Publix, Amazon & Meijer appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 1/30/20 – 2/5/20 Sun, 02 Feb 2020 19:19:22 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 30th or Wednesday, January 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 1/30/20 – 2/5/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 30th or Wednesday, January 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Dial Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk - $2.00
          • Dial Body Wash, 14 - 16 oz - $3.50
          • Dial Complete Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz - $2.00
          • Dial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, 52 oz - $4.00
          • Tone Body Wash, 18 oz - $3.50
          • 41/50 ct GreenWise Medium Cooked Shrimp, 24 oz - $14.99
          • Cajon-Seasoned Ready-to-Cook Catfish Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Claussen Pickles, 20 - 32 oz - $3.66
          • Colossal White Shrimp, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Veggie Burgers, 10 oz - $3.50
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Bone-In Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $2.29
          • Publix Chicken Wings, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Mahi Fillets, 12 oz - $10.99
          • Publix Medium Shrimp Platter, 10 oz - $10.99
          • Publix Pork St. Louis Style Spareribs, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Small Shrimp Platter, 10 oz - $6.99
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Thin-Sliced Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $7.29
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.50
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Cilantro, bunch - $0.99
          • Duda Celery Sticks, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.49
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Granny Smith Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Salad, 4 - 5 oz - $3.49
          • Hass Avacodos, ea - $1.00
          • Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $1.99
          • Limes, ea - $0.33
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mangos, ea - $1.25
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Oranges, 4 lb - $2.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99
          • Potato Inspiration Potatoes, 24 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $2.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99
          • Snack Sensations Vegetable Party Dip Tray, 17 - 40 oz - $9.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Boar's Head Domestic Provolone Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Brooklyn BRED Pizza Crust, 10.8 oz - $3.00
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $2.49
          • Good Foods Tableside Chunky Guacamole, 13 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette, 8.4 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Bakery Sprouted Multi-Grain or Whole Wheat Bread, 24 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Brownies, 8 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Football Cake, 24 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery Game Day Brownie Bite Platter, 15 ct - $10.99
          • Publix Bakery Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough French Bread, 12 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast or Jalapeno Popper Dip, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $12.49
          • Publix Deli Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Slab Ribs, ea - $8.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork, per lb - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Deli White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Hamburger Buns, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Bagel or Pita Thins, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • 7Up Products, 2 L - $1.00
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1 - $6.13
            Final Price: $4.08 each wyb 3
          • Bonne Maman Preserves, Jelly, or Marmalade, 12.7 - 13 oz - $3.50
            $0.40/1 Bonne Maman Preserves and Jellies printable [13-oz.]
            $0.50/2 Bonne Maman Preserves, Jellies or Curds or Intense Fruit Spreads printable [13-oz. preserve, jelly or curds; 8.2-oz. intense spread]
            Final Price: $3.10
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Bush's Best, Chili, Butter, Great Northern, Navy, White, Pinto, Kidney, Cannellini, or Savory Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Cheez-it Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - B2G2 - $5.15
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 4
          • Del Monte Fruit Cups or Refreshers, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on any 1 (ONE) 4-pack Del Monte? Bubble Fruit Fruit Cup Snack
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit and Oats, Fruit and Chia or Fruit Refreshers, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [4-pk.]
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk - $5.00
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Cookies, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Crushed Tomatoes, 28 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Mustard, 12 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Popcorn, 4 - 5 oz - $2.69
          • GreenWise Powdered Water Enhancer, 8 ct - $2.00
          • GreenWise Protein Blends Quinoa, 10 oz - $3.00
          • GrenWise Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Drink, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 19.4 oz - $3.33
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 24 oz - $3.33
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Krave Cereal, 17.3 oz - $3.33
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies cereal, 24 oz - $3.33
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz - $3.33
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals, exp. 2/16/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [10.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 2
          • Lay's Potato Chips, Poppables, or Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk - B2G1 - $6.13
            Final Price: $4.08 each wyb 3
          • Monster Energy Drink, 15 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Mott's Apple Sauce, 46 - 48 oz - $2.50
            $0.50/1 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $1/3 Mott's Juice or Applesauce Products, exp. 3/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies or Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - $3.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.12 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Premium Saltine or Soup & Oyster Crackers, 9 - 16 oz - $2.00
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.62 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Snacks, 20 pk - $5.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $5.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, 6.75 - 15.75 oz - $3.33
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk - B2G2 - $6.15
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 4
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1 - $3.39
            Final Price: $2.26 each wyb 3
          • Propel, 6 pk - $3.00
          • Publix Almonds, 10.25 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Candy, 8 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Coffee Filters, 200 ct - $0.99
          • Publix Croutons, 5 oz - $1.25
          • Publix Syrup, 24 oz - $2.00
          • Quaker Instant Oatmeal, 1.51 - 1.69 oz - $1.00
            $1/2 Quaker Old Fashioned, Quick, Instant Oats or Oatmeal Squares Cereal, exp. 2/23/20 (SS 01/12/20 R)
            Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2
          • Smartfood Popcorn, 4.5 - 10 oz - $2.50
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
          • Starbucks Frappuccino or Doubleshot Chilled Coffee Drink, 4 pk - B2G1 - $6.99
            Final Price: $4.66 each wyb 3
          • Tostitos Salsa, Dip, or Dip-Etizers, 10 - 15.75 oz - $3.00
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, Gold Peak Tea, or Smartwater, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt Drink, 7 oz, or Non-Dairy or Greek Nut Butter or Oatmeal on the Bottom Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.25
            $2/10 Chobani Greek Yogurt Single Serve Products, exp. 2/1/20 (SS 01/12/20) [Excludes nut butter and oatmeal]
            Final Price: $1.05 each wyb 10
          • Eggland's Best Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
            $0.50/1 EggLand's Best Eggs, exp. 2/17/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            $0.50/1 Eggland's Best Eggs, exp. 4/5/20 (SS 01/05/20)
            Final Price: $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic or Lactose Free Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin Snacks or Pie Snacks, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Maple Hill Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.99
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 8 oz, Cinnamon or Danish Rolls, or Sweet Biscuits, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix French Onion Sour Cream Dip, 16 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.67 - 8 oz - $2.50
            $0.50/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 3/29/20 (SS 01/26/20)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Amy's Bowls or Entrees, 8 - 10.3 oz - $3.33
          • Amy's Burrito or Wrap, 5 - 6 oz - $2.00
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
            $1.50/1 DiGiorno Large Pizza, exp. 1/31/20 ( RMN 12/08/19) [10.6-oz.+]
            $2/2 DiGiorno Pizza, exp. 2/29/20 (RMN 01/26/20) [10.6-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.50
          • Friendly's Ice Cream Sundae, 6 oz - $1.00
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - B2G1
          • Lean Cuisine Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Publix Chopped Spinach, 10 oz - $1.39
          • Stouffer's Bowl-Fulls, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Classics Large Size, 15 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffers Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Enfamil Infant Formula, Enfagrow, or Next Step Milk Drink, 19.5 - 31.4 oz - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Huggies Diapers, 40 - 88 ct, Goodnites, 24 - 32 ct, or Pull-Ups, 56 - 74 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            Save $1.00 off any ONE (1) package of Huggies? Diapers
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) package of PULL-UPS? Training Pants
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) GOODNITES? Bedtime Pants
            $3/2 Huggies Diapers, exp. 2/2/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Excludes 9-ct. or less]
            $3/2 Pull-Ups Training Pants, exp. 2/2/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Excludes 6-ct. or less]
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 104 ct, or Easy-Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 2/8/20 (P&G 01/26/20) [Excludes trial/travel sizeLimit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Similac Infant Powder Formula, 22.5 - 30.8 oz or 1.41 - 1.93 lb - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Cat's Pride Lightweight Cat Litter, 10 lb - $5.99
          • Publix Premium Dog Food, 16 lb - $15.99

          The post Publix Matchups 1/30/20 – 2/5/20 appeared first on

          Get a $15 VISA Gift Card wyb P&G Products Wed, 29 Jan 2020 15:46:21 +0000 This post is sponsored by Proctor and Gamble. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. This is an awesome offer! Between now and February 9, 2020 we can get a $15 VISA Gift Card when we purchase $50 worth of Proctor and Gamble products! These are the brands included in the offer: Febreze, […]

          The post Get a $15 VISA Gift Card wyb P&G Products appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Proctor and Gamble. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          This is an awesome offer! Between now and February 9, 2020 we can get a $15 VISA Gift Card when we purchase $50 worth of Proctor and Gamble products! These are the brands included in the offer: Febreze, Old Spice, Olay, Mr. Clean, Bounty, Charmin, Head & Shoulders, Secret, and Tide. Head HERE for more info and to submit your rebate!

          *This excludes trial and travel sizes and the rebate applies to the price paid after any coupon or discount has been applied.

          The post Get a $15 VISA Gift Card wyb P&G Products appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 1/23/20 – 1/29/20 Tue, 21 Jan 2020 13:58:01 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 16th or Wednesday, January 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 1/23/20 – 1/29/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 16th or Wednesday, January 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Ball Park Franks, 14 - 15 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Barilla Fully Cooked Ready Pasta, 8.5 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
          • Barilla Pasta, 12 - 16 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
          • Barilla Sauce, 20 - 24 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Betty Crocker Brownie Mix, 16 - 19.1 oz, Cookie Mix, 17.5 oz, or Frosting, 12 - 16 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz ($6.32) - $3.16
          • Blue Buffalo Divine Delights Dog Food, 3.5 lb - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) cans of BLUE? dog or cat wet food
            $1/2 Blue Wet Dog or Cat Food, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Cans]
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - B1G1
          • Campbell's Chunky Soup, 15.25 - 18.8 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Campbell's Homestyle Soup, 18.6 - 18.8 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Cheez-It Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - B1G1
          • Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 10.5 - 15 oz ($3.85) - $1.92
          • Chi-Chi's Salsa, 16 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Chung's Gourmet Quality Egg Rolls or Spring Rolls, 10 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • Cleveland Kraut Sauerkraut, 16 oz - B1G1
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • College Inn Simple Starter Sauce, 24 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            $1/1 College Inn Hearty Beef, Savory Chicken or Mexican Sauce or College Inn Simple Starter or Culinary Stock, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 R)
            Final Price: $0.89
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 50 ct ($3.59) - $1.79
            Save 75? off ONE (1) package of Dixie Plates
            $1/2 Dixie Ultra or Dixie Everyday Plates and Bowls, exp. 2/19/20 (RMN 01/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.04
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 4 oz ($1.39) - $0.69
            Save $1.00 off THREE (3) Earth?s Best Organic? jars or pouches
            Final Price: $0.36 each wyb 3
          • Freschetta Pizza, 16.77 - 30.88 oz ($10.49) - $5.24
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 6 - 12 ct or 10 - 12 oz ($9.55) - $4.77
          • GoGo Squeez Applesauce on the Go, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans with Lids, 1 - 4 ct ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Heinz Organic Yellow Mustard, 8 oz ($2.05) - $1.04
          • Hidden Valley Dressing, 12 - 16 oz ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Hungry-Man Dinners, 13.1 - 16 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Ithaca Craft Hummus, 10 oz ($5.11) - $2.55
          • Joseph's Pita Bread, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk, or Organics, 48 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Keebler Fudge Stripes Cookies, 6.5 - 14.2 oz - B1G1
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 10.1 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks and/or Frosted Flakes Cereals
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 10.1 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Kellogg's Crispix Cereal, 10.1 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 10.1 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks and/or Frosted Flakes Cereals
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 10.1 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks and/or Frosted Flakes Cereals
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 20.3 oz- B1G1
            Save $3.00 off FIVE Pop-Tarts? toaster pastries
          • La Colombe Cold Brew, 42 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
            $2.00/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 2
            Final Price: $0.99
          • La Colombe Draft Latte Cold-Pressed Espresso or Pure Black Cold-Pressed Coffee, 9 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Lavazza Coffee, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Lavazza Espressso Capsules or K-Cups, 10 ct - B1G1
          • Lemi Shine Cleaning Products, 7.5 - 28 oz ($8.49) - $4.24
          • Lysol Bathroom Cleaner, 19 - 32 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            Save $0.50 any any (1) Lysol Brand Products
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Lysol Disinfectant Spray, 19 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
            Save $0.50 any any (1) Lysol Brand Products
            $1/1 Lysol Disinfecting Spray, exp. 1/29/20 (SS 01/05/20)
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies, 8 - 10.7 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
            $1/2 Snickers or M&M's, exp. 2/17/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [7.2-oz. to 35.9-oz. Snickers or 9.9-oz. to 42-oz. M&M's]
            Final Price: $1.44 each wyb 2
          • Marie Callender's Pot Pie, 4 pk ($8.79) - $4.39
          • McCormick Chili Seasoning Mix, Seasoning, Marinade, or Gravy Mix, 0.75 - 2.64 oz ($2.85) - $1.44
          • MorningStar Farms Veggie Entrees, 5.25 - 12 oz ($4.60) - $2.30
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nabisco Snak-Saks or Oreo Thins Bites Cookies, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
          • Odom's Tennessee Pride Biscuits or Croissant Sandwiches, 16.3 - 19.5 oz ($5.95) - $2.97
          • Ore-Ida Bagel Bites Mini Bagel Dogs, 7.75 oz - B1G1
          • Ore-Ida Bagel Bites, 7 - 14 oz - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies, Milano Melts, or Distinctive, 4.75 - 7.5 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Pillsbury Ready-to-Bake! Cookies or Place & Bake Brownies, 11 - 16.5 oz - B1G1
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
          • Playtex Living Gloves, 1 pair ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($9.21) - $4.60
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 ct ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Publix Bakery Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Purex Crystals, 15.5 oz - B1G1
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 ct ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Purina Beggin' Strips or Beggin' Littles, 6 oz ($4.15) - $2.07
            Save $2.00 on any TWO (2) Purina Busy, Beggin, or DentaLife Dog Treats or Chews
            Final Price: $1.07 each wyb 2
          • Purina Cat Chow or Kitten Chow, 3.15 lb ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Reddi-Wip Non-Dairy Whipped Topping, 6 oz - B1G1
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 4.5 - 10 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Sara Lee Artesano Bread, 20 oz, Buns, 8 pk, or Rolls, 12 pk ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Scotties Facial Tissue, 54 - 110 ct ($1.55) - $0.77
            Save $1.00 on any FOUR (4) boxes or ONE (1) multipack of Scotties? Facial Tissues
            $0.75 off Scotties Tissues, exp. 2/9/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [(2) single boxes or (1) multipack]
            Final Price: $0.40 each wyb 2
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 24 oz or 4 pk ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Simply Heinz Ketchup, 31 oz, or No Sugar Added Ketchup, 29.5 oz ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Smartfood Delight Popcorn or Smartfood Popcorn, 4.5 - 10 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B1G1
          • Snuggle Sheets, 120 ct - B1G1
            $1/1 any Snuggle Product (excludes trial size) Exp 1/26/20 (RMN 01/05/20)
          • So Delicious Frozen Dessert Ice Cream, pt, or Bars, 9.2 oz ($6.89) - $3.44
            Save $1.00 off any So Delicious Product (link sent by email)
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts or Thighs, per lb ($6.79) - $3.39
          • State Fair Corn Dogs, 13.35 - 16 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • SuperPretzel Soft Pretzels, 9 - 21.78 oz ($5.59) - $2.79
            Save 50? off ONE (1) SUPERPRETZEL? Soft Pretzel Product
            $1/1 SuperPretzel Soft Pretzel Product, exp. 3/20/20 (SS 01/19/20)
            Final Price: $1.79
          • Sweet Baby Bell Peppers, 32 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Taco Bell Hot or Mild Sauce, 7.5 oz - B1G1
          • Taco Bell Refried Beans, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Taco Bell Taco Dinner Kit, 8.85 - 16.8 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Taco Bell Taco Seasoning Mix, 1 oz - B1G1
          • The Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges or Cheese Dippers, 6 - 6.17 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Tyson Chicken Strips, Breast Fillets, Tenderloins, Tenders, or Nuggets, 20 - 25 oz ($9.49) - $4.74
            $1.25/1 Tyson Chicken Strips or Anytizers Snack Products, exp. 2/7/20 (RMN 01/19/20)
            $3 Off When You Spend $15 on Participating Tyson Products: Tyson Any'tizers Snacks, Nuggets, Strips, Tenders or Fully Cooked Chicken or State Fair Corn Dogs (frozen) Publix Coupon in the Publix Green Grocery Flyer valid 1/18 to 1/31/20
            Final Price: $2.74 ech wyb 4
          • V8 Original 100% Vegetable Juice, V8+ Energy, or V-Fusion, 4 - 6 pk ($4.95) - $2.47
          • Vlasic Pickles or Relish, 10 - 46 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Bottom Round Roast Thin-Sliced, per lb - $5.69
          • Bottom Round Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Chuck Flanken Style Ribs, per lb - $6.49
          • Chuck Short Ribs, per lb - $5.99
          • Florida Raised Grass-Fed Ground Beef, 16 oz - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Tenderloins, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Fully Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.50
          • GreenWise Meatballs, 12 - 14 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Pork Loin Back Ribs, per lb - $4.99
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb pkg or more
          • Hillshire Snacking Small Plates, 2.4 - 2.76 oz - $2.50
          • Mahi Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $6.99
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Aprons Bacon Wrapped BBQ Meatloaf, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Meal Kit, 23.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Meatloaf, per lb - $5.49
          • Publix Aprons Salmon Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $9.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Lobster Bisque, 10 oz - $3.69
          • Publix Orange Roughy Fillets, 12 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Thinly-Sliced Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.29
          • Rock Crab Claws, per lb - $9.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.90
          • Spiny Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $9.99
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.00
          • Green Cabbage, per lb - $0.69
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Sweet Fuji Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • IncredibleFresh Diced Tomatoes, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $1.69
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mangos, ea - $1.25
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $0.99
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Organic Mangos, ea - $1.67
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Pero Family Farms Sliced Peppers and Onions, 14 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.69
          • Publix Premium Salad Kit, 7 - 8.75 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Red Onions, per lb - $1.49
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade, Limeade, or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $1.19
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 14 - 16 oz - $8.99
            $1/1 Wonderful Pistachios Product, exp. 4/19/20 (SS 01/19/20) [14-oz.+]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Boar's Head Mediterranean Chicken Salad, 14 oz - $6.99
          • Boar's Head SmokeMaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $2.99
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $3.59
            Save $1.00 off ONE Crunchmaster products
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Product (SS 11/10/19) Exp 2/2/20
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Bakery Sprouted Multi-Grain Bread, 24 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake, 16 oz - $8.99
          • GreenWise Lunchmeats, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Sliced or Shredded Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Chicago Hard Rolls, 6 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Molten Lava Cake, 7.25 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Everything Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Salted Caramel Molten Lave Cake, 7.4 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Bowtie Feta Pasta Salad, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Corn Nuggets, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Prosciutto, 4 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49
          • Tiramisu, 10 oz - $5.49
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Cafe Bustelo K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Canada Dry, 7Up, A&W, or Diet Rite, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.95
            Final Price: $2.97 each wyb 4
          • CapriSun Juice Drink Blend or Roarin' Waters or Sport, 10 pk - $2.33
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Doritos Tortilla Chips, 9.25 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee + Milk Beverage, 13.7 oz - $2.00
          • Folgers Coffee, 24.2 - 31.1 oz - $6.99
          • Folgers K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Gatorade or G2, 32 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Pickles, 16 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $2.99
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Nabisco Oreo, Chips Ahoy!, or Nutter Butter Cookies, 13 - 20 oz - $3.50
            $0.75/2 Oreo Cookies, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [10.1-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.12 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Oreo, Oreo Thins, or Nutter Butter Cookies, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99
            $0.75/2 Oreo Cookies, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [10.1-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 2
          • Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Mountains, 12 pk - B2G1 - $6.15
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Planters Cashews Halves & Pieces or Mixed Nuts, 8 - 10.3 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Avocado Oil, 16.9 oz - $8.99
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 8.4 oz - B2G1
          • Ronzoni Gluten Free Pasta with Cauliflower, 10 oz - $1.99
          • Rotel Tomatoes, 10 oz - $1.00
          • Tabasco Pepper Sauceor Buffalo Style Hot Sauce, 5 oz - $2.50
            $1/1 Tabasco Family of Flavors, exp. 4/12/20 (SS 01/12/20) [5-oz.+]
            $0.85/1 Tabasco Family of Flavors, exp. 4/12/20 (SS 01/12/20 R) [5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 6 pk, Gold Peak Tea, 6 pk, or Smartwater, 6 pk - B2G1 - $6.45
            Final Price: $4.30 each wyb 3
          • Califia Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk or Coconutmilk, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $2/10 Chobani Greek Yogurt Single Serve Products, exp. 2/1/20 (SS 01/12/20) [Excludes nut butter and oatmeal]
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 10
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices or Chunk Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Fairlife Ultra Filtered Milk or Superkids DHA Omega, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Happy Eggo Co. Free Range Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
          • Liberte Organic Whole Milk Yogurt, 5.5 oz - $1.25
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls, 7.3 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 4 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits or Jr. Flaky Biscuits, 10.2 - 12 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Frozen Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Dinner, 20 - 32 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $5.00
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) package of Angel Soft? Mega Bath Tissue, 12 Roll or larger or 6 Mega or larger
            $1/1 Angel Soft Toilet Paper, exp. 2/5/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [12-pk. rolls; 6-pk. mega rolls]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 8 dbl plus or 12 single plus rolls - $15.99
          • Cascade Dishwasher ActionPacs, 20 - 37 ct - $6.99
          • Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $7.49
          • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, 70 - 75 ct - $3.50
            Save $0.50 off Clorox? Disinfecting Wipes, 32ct. or larger
            $1/2 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 2/2/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Includes multi-packs 35-ct.+]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 16.2 - 19.4 oz - $2.69
          • Downy or Gain Booster, 14.8 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Flings - $11.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 1/25/20 (RMN 01/12/20) [12-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 8-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Gain Flings, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 1/25/20 (RMN 01/12/20) [12-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 8-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $16.99
          • Gain or Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Gain or Downy, 129 oz - $9.99
          • GreenWise All Purpose Spray Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise MultiPurpose Wipes, 70 ct - $4.99
          • Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Dish Soap or Multi-Surface Cleaner, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Long Lasting Alkaline Batteries, select - $3.33
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 35 - 75 sq ft - $3.49
          • Tide Pods - $11.99
            $3/1 Tide Pods 32 ct+ (includes Tide Pods 26 ct) or Tide Power Pods 21ct+, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19 R) [Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply Pods, Tide Pods 9 ct and below) ets]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
            $3/1 Tide Pods 32 ct+ (includes Tide Pods 26 ct) or Tide Power Pods 21ct+, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19 R) [Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply Pods, Tide Pods 9 ct and below) ets]
            Final Price: $14.99
          • Tide, 128 - 150 oz - $17.99
            $3/1 Tide Laundry Detergent 92 oz+ or Tide Heavy Duty Laundry Detergent 69 oz+ or Tide Purclean Laundry Detergent 75 oz + , exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19 R) [Excludes Studio by Tide, Tide Pods, Tide Rescue, Tide Simply, Tide SImply Pods, Tide Detergent 10 oz and ets]
            Final Price: $14.99
          • Ziploc Freezer or Storage Bags, 10 - 48 ct - $4.50
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Ziploc? brand products
            Final Price: $4.00 each wyb 2

          The post Publix Matchups 1/23/20 – 1/29/20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 1/16/20 – 1/22/20 Sun, 19 Jan 2020 17:30:10 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 16th or Wednesday, January 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 1/16/20 – 1/22/20 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 16th or Wednesday, January 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 3 ct ($7.99) - $3.99
            Save $2.00 off any TWO (2) Air Wick? Scented Oil Twin Refills
            $1.25/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin or Triple Refill, exp. 2/2/20 (SS 01/05/20)
            Save $2.00 on AIR WICK Scented Oil Triple Refill (Ibotta Deposit)
            Final Price: $1.99
          • All Liquid Laundry Detergent, 32 - 40 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 1/26/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $1.29
          • All Mighty Pacs, 19 - 24 ct ($5.99) - $2.99
            $2/1 all Mighty Pacs Unit Dose Product, exp. 1/26/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [Excludes trial size]
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 1/26/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $0.99
          • BHU Refrigerated Protein Bar, 1.6 oz - B1G1
          • Back to Nature Trail Mix, Cashews, or California Almonds, 9 - 10 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Banquet Brown'n Serve Sausage Links or Patties, 6.4 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Blue Buffalo Cat Food or Kitten Food, 5 lb ($17.99) - $8.99
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) cans of BLUE? dog or cat wet food
            $5/1 Blue Dry Cat or Dog Food, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [5-lb.+ bag]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Blue Buffalo Healthy Gourmet Cat Food, 3 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) cans of BLUE? dog or cat wet food
            $1/2 Blue Wet Dog or Cat Food, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Cans]
          • Blue Diamond Almonds, 6 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            $1.50/2 Blue Diamond Almonds, exp. 1/26/20 (SS 11/24/19) [6-oz. can]
            Final Price: $1.24 each wyb 2
          • Blue Plate Mayonnaise, 30 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Blue Wilderness Crunchy Dog Treats, 10 oz ($6.29) - $3.14
            $1/1 Blue Dog or Cat Treats, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            Final Price: $2.14
          • Blue Wilderness Food For Dogs, 12.5 oz ($2.89) - $1.44
            Save $1.00 on any THREE (3) cans of BLUE? dog or cat wet food
            $1/2 Blue Wet Dog or Cat Food, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Cans]
            Final Price: $0.94 each wyb 2
          • California Pizza Kitchen Pizza, 10.7 - 15.5 oz ($9.85) - $4.92
          • Celestial Seasonings Tea, 18 - 40 oz ($5.95) - $2.97
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) boxes of Celestial Seasonings Tea
            $1/2 Celestial Seasonings Tea (SS 11/10/19) Exp 2/9/20
            Final Price: $2.47 each wyb 2
          • Celsius Dietary Supplement Beverage, 4 pk ($7.39) - $3.69
          • Colgate MaxFresh, MaxWhite, or MaxClean Toothpaste, 6 pk ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Complete Multi-Purpose Solution, 12 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Crystal Louisiana's Pure Hot Sauce, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Dole Frozen Fruit, 6 - 16 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Dole Frozen Product printable
          • Dr. Praeger's Purely Sensible Foods Veggie Burgers, Pollock Burgers, or Chick' n Tenders, 8 - 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Eternal Naturally Alkaline Spring Water, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Farm Rich Appetizers, 6 - 24 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on any Farm Rich snack 14 oz or larger including meatballs, skins, sticks, bites, wings, poppers
            $1/1 Farm Rich Meatballs, exp. 1/25/20 (SS 11/17/19) [26-oz.+]
          • Florajen3 Probiotic Dietary Supplement, 30 ct ($8.47) - $4.23
          • Fresh Cravings Organic Dip, 8 oz ($4.69) - $2.34
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 12 - 14 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ?...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [any box]
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 1/25/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt ($3.19) - $1.09
          • GreenWise Bone-In Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb ($3.49) - $1.74
          • GreenWise Chicken Fillets, per lb ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Grown in Idaho Fries, Hash Browns, or Potato Puffs, 28 oz - B1G1
          • Halls Cough Drops, 20 - 30 ct ($2.35) - $1.17
          • Hope Cashews & Almond Dip, 8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Hormel Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Hunt's Tomatoes, Sauce, or Puree, 28 - 29 oz ($2.25) - $1.12
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, 8 - 16 oz or 2 pk - B1G1
          • Jimmy Dean Bacon, 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
            $0.55/1 Jimmy Dean Item, exp. 2/2/20 (RMN 01/05/20)
            Final Price: $4.04
          • Keebler Chips Deluxe, Country Style, Soft Batch, Simply Made, Cinnamon Roll, or Sandies Shortbread Cookies, 6 - 15 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 14.7 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks and/or Frosted Flakes Cereals
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz, or Off The Grid Waffles, 10.7 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
            $1/2 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes or French Toast Frozen Products, exp. 2/14/20 (RMN 01/05/20 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes or French Toast Frozen Products, exp. 2/14/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.09 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 14.7 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks and/or Frosted Flakes Cereals
            Final Price: $3.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 19.2 - 24 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks and/or Frosted Flakes Cereals
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal, 19.2 - 24 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            Save $1.00 on TWO Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats, Raisin Bran and/or All Bran Cereals
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 22 oz or 4 - 6 pk ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Lantana Hummus, 10 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables Snacks, 5 - 8 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie, 4 oz, or Keto Cookie, 1.6 oz - B1G1
          • LightLife Meatless Veggie Burger or Plant-Based Ground, 8 - 12 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Litehouse Dressing & Dip or Coleslaw Dressing, 13 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • McCormick Gourmet Spices, 0.18 - 2.62 oz or 2 ct - B1G1
          • Mentos Gum, 45 - 50 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Miyoko's Creamery Vegan Cream Cheese, 8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 18 - 24.6 oz ($6.39) - $3.19
          • Nabisco Family Size Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.70 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Oreo Thins Sandwich Cookies, 10.1 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [3.5-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Oreo Cookies, exp. 2/22/20 (SS 01/12/20) [10.1-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley or Fiber One Bars, 10.6 - 17.8 oz - B1G1
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley? Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups,...
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety Fiber One? OR Protein One snack product
            $1/2 Nature Valley Products, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Products, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            $1/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            $0.50/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
          • Nature's Own Perfectly Crafted Bread, 22 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Ocean Spray Organic 100% Juice, 33.8 oz, 100% Juice Blend or Grapefruit Juice, 60 oz, or Growning Goodness Juice Drink, 8 pk ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread or Buns, 16 - 24 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, 4 - 8 oz ($2.41) - $1.20
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, 6 ct, or Scrambles, 4 ct ($2.69) - $1.34
          • Planters NUT-rition Mix 5.5 oz - B1G1
          • Publix Bakery Apple Coffee Cake, 14 - 15 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Publix Cantaloupe Chunks, per lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Publix Deli Soup, 16 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Publix Disinfecting Wipes, 75 ct ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Publix Makeup Remover Wipes or Cleansing Towelettes, 25 - 30 ct ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Spinach, 9 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Publix White Whole Mushrooms, 8 oz ($2.19) - $1.09
          • Quaker Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 15.4 - 20 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Life Cereal, 18 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal, 14.5 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Simply Granola Cereal, 28 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue, 6 roll ($5.55) - $2.77
            Save 50? off ONE (1) Quilted Northern Bath Tissue
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue Double Rolls, exp. 2/5/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [6-pk.+]
            $1/2 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue Double Rolls, exp. 2/5/20 (RMN 01/05/20 R) [6-pk.+]
            Final Price: $2.27
          • Red's Bowls, Entrees, or Burritos, 4.5 - 8.5 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Rid-X Septic System Treatment ($15.99) - $7.99
          • Sartori MontAmore Cheese, 7 oz - B1G1
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 6.49 - 10.5 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
            Save $2.00 when you buy FIVE (5) Smart Ones Frozen Meals
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 5
          • Solo Cups, 38 - 50 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Solo Plates, 30 - 94 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Stubb's Bar-B-Q Sauce, 18 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Sweet Earth Bowl or Burrito, 6 - 9 oz ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Tillamook Sliced Cheese, 7 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Tyson Chicken Nuggets, Tenders, Patties, Country Fried Steak, or Steak Fingers, 20.5 - 32 oz ($6.79) - $3.39
          • VeeTee Rice, 9.9 - 10.6 oz - B1G1
          • 10/15 ct GreenWise Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $16.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $4.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Beef Cubed Steaks, per lb - $4.99
          • Beyond Meat The Beyond Burger, 8 oz - B2G1 - $6.19
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $3.12 each wyb 3
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Angus Eye Round Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • GreenWise Angus Eye Round Steaks, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Applewood Bacon, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Tenderloins, per l - $5.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise King Crab Clusters, per lb - $21.99
          • Ground Sirloin Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more
          • Mahi Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $6.99
          • Medium Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $10.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Perdue Harvestland Organic Grilled Chicken Breast Strips, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Perdue Short Cuts Carved Chicken Breasts, 8 - 9 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Aprons Bacon Cheddar Potato Skins, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Pork Tenderloin Meal Kit, 29 oz - $13.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Bone-In Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $2.29
          • Publix Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.59
          • Publix Center Cut Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.49
          • Pure Farmland Plant Based Meatballs, 12 oz - $5.00
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99
          • Top Round for Stir-Fry, per lb - $4.69
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Cilantro, ea - $0.99
          • Crunch Pak Organic Sweet Apple Slices, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.69
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Rainbow Carrots, 12 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Honeycrisp or Pink Lady Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29
          • Organic Bosc or Red Pears, 2 lb - $3.99
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Whole Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade, Limeade, or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Sol-ti SuperShot Beverage, 2 oz - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.69
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Flatout Foldit Artisan Flatbreads, 8.5 - 9 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Cake, 9.2 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Strawberry Shortcake, 10.6 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Tea or Lemonade, 57 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Bear Claw Pastry, 2 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Dinner, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Domestic Brie Cheese, per lb - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Publix deli Mediterranean-Style Chicken, ea - $6.59
          • Stacy's Bagel, Pita Chips, or Pita Thins, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - B2G1 - $3.59
            Final Price: $2.39 each wyb 3
          • Aquafina Pure water, 24 pk 16.9 oz - B2G1
          • BodyArmor SuperDrink, 16 oz - $1.00
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Bush's Best Chili, Butter, Great Northern, Navy, White, Pinto, Kidney, Cannellini, or Savory Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 7 - 9.25 oz - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit and Oats, Fruit and Chia or Fruit Refreshers, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks, exp. 3/5/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [4-pk.]
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 16 oz - $1.00
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables printable [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.88 each wyb 4
          • Donut Shop Coffee K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00
          • Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 17 oz - $7.99
          • GreenWise Organic Multigrain Squares or Bars, 4.4 - 6.35 oz - $2.50
          • Jif Peanut Butter, 15 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $6.13
            Final Price: $4.08 each wyb 3
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Polaner All Fruit Spreadable Fruit, Preserves, or Marmalade, 13.5 - 15.25 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Choco Espresso Bits, 6.8 oz - $2.99
          • Starbucks Coffee, 10 ct or 9 - 12 oz - $6.49
          • Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49
          • Werther's Original Caramel Coffee Hard Candies, 2.75 oz - $2.00
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $2/10 Chobani Greek Yogurt Single Serve Products, exp. 2/1/20 (SS 01/12/20) [Excludes nut butter and oatmeal]
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 10
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Eggland's Best Eggs, 12 ct - $2.00
            $0.50/1 EggLand's Best Cage Free Eggs, exp. 2/17/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            $0.50/1 EggLand's Best Eggs, exp. 2/17/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWuse Organic or Lactose Free Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6- 8 oz - $3.00
          • Nutpods Unsweetened Dairy-Free Creamer, 11.2 oz - $2.00
          • Oui by Yoplait French Style Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33
            $1/4 Yoplait Oui French Style Yogurt, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            Final Price: $1.08 each wyb 4
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.67
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            Final Price: $1.34 each wyb 3
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 13.7 - 15 oz - $2.50
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $4.00
            $1/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese Snack, exp. 3/2/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2 R)
            $0.75/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese Snack, exp. 3/2/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2)
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Silk Cashewmilk, Soymilk, Coconutmilk, Almondmilk, or Oat Yeah! Oatmilk, 64 oz - $3.00
            Save $1.00 any ONE (1) Silk Oat Yeah? Oatmilk half-gallon
            Save $0.65 any ONE (1) Silk Soymilk half-gallon
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Sweet Loren's Place & Bake Cookie Dough, 12 - 16 oz - $3.50
          • YQ by Yoplait Ultra Filtered Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.33
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt or Simply Go-Gurt Portable Yogurt, 8 pk - $2.00
          • Yoplait Yogurt, 4 - 6 oz - $0.50
            Save $0.50 when you buy FIVE CUPS any variety Yoplait Yogurt (Includes Original, Light, Smooth,?Whips!,?Lactose Free,?OR?FruitSide)
            $1/5 Yoplait Cups, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 R) [Includes original, light, smooth, whips, lactose free or fruitslide]
            $1/10 Yoplait Cups, exp. 2/29/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Includes original, light, smooth, whips, lactose free or fruitslide]
            Final Price: $0.30 each wyb 5
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal, or Ice Cream Cups, 12 ct - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.33
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Cup, 1 ct - $1.00
          • Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entree, 9 - 10 oz, or Power Bowls, 7.2 - 9.75 oz - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Path of Life Quinoa or Cauliflower, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Rebel Ice Cream, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Sandra's Stuffed Chicken Breast, 10 oz - $3.99
            Save $1.00 off any Sandra?s All Natural Chicken Entree products of any size
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.69
          • Clorox Fabric Odor Remover or Sanitizer, 14 - 42 oz - $3.50
            $1/2 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 2/2/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Includes multi-packs 35-ct.+]
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 2
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner or Cleaning Gel, 24 oz - $2.00
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner + Bleach spray, Disinfecting Wipes 35 ct+,Liquid Bleach 55 oz+ or Manual Toilet Bowl
            $1/2 Clorox, Liquid-Plumr, or Pine-Sol Products, exp. 2/2/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Downy Fabric Conditioner, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Duracell Coppertop or Optimum AA/AAA or Hearing Aid Batteries, 6 - 16 ct - 25% OFF
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Softener, exp. 2/8/20 (RMN 01/12/20) [48 Loads or Larger; Excludes gain botanicals or gain fireworks in-wash scent boosters 5.7-oz.+ or gain dryer sheets 105-ct.+ excludes gain flings, gain detergent, gain scent blast liquid fabric softener, gain scent blast in-wash scent boosters and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Ultra Flings, exp. 1/25/20 (RMN 01/12/20) [12-ct.+; 18-ct.+; Excludes gain liquid/powder laundry detergent, gain fabric enhancers, gain fireworks, gain flings 8-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Liquid Detergent, 75 - 100 oz - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 2/8/20 (RMN 01/12/20) [Excludes gain flings 9-ct., gain scent blast liquid laundry detergent, gain scent blast in-wash scent boosters and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • GreenWise Bath Tissue, 12 roll - $5.00
          • Hefty Tall Kitchen or Strong Trash Bags, 18 - 45 ct - $5.99
          • Palmolive Dish Soap, 20 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Glass Cleaner with Ammonia Refill, 67.6 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Wet or Dry Mop Wipes, 12 - 16 ct - $3.00
          • Puffs Facial Tissues, 48 - 64 ct - $1.25
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 200 sq ft - $8.39
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 8 rolls - $7.99
            Save $1.00 on one (1) Sparkle? Package (6 Roll or Larger)
            $1/1 Sparkle Paper Towels, exp. 2/5/20 (RMN 01/05/20 #2) [6-pk.+ rolls]
            Save $1.00 off any ONE (1) package of Sparkle? Paper Towels, 6 roll or larger ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
            $3/1 Tide Pods 32 ct+ (includes Tide Pods 26 ct) or Tide Power Pods 21ct+, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19 R) [Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply Pods, Tide Pods 9 ct and below) ets]
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Viva Paper Towels, 6 roll - $5.99
            Save $1.00 ONE (1) six-pack or larger of Viva? Vantage? Paper Towels or Viva? Paper Towels
            Save 50? off ONE (1) six-pack or larger of Viva? Paper Towels
            $0.75/1 Viva Paper Towels, exp. 2/1/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [6-pk.+]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Boost Nutritional Drink, 4 - 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) BOOST? Nutritional Drinks or Drink Mix
            $5/2 Boost Drink, exp. 1/19/20 (RMN 01/05/20 #2) [Multipack or Canisters]
          • Cetaphil Skin Care Products, select - $3.00 OFF
          • Colgate Mouthwash, 16 oz - 1 L - 25% OFF
            Save $0.75 on any Colgate? Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse
            $1/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Rinse, exp. 1/18/20 (SS 01/05/20 R) [200-ml.+]
          • Differin, select - $3.00 OFF
            Save $2.50 off ONE (1) Differin Gel
          • Dove Bath Bars, 6 pk - $6.49
          • Dove Body Wash, Body Polish, Shower Foam, or Shower Mousse, 10.3 - 22 oz - $6.29
          • Dove Men+Care Body and Face Bars, 6 pk - $6.49
          • Ensure Plant Protein Nutritional Drink, 4 pk - $5.00 OFF
            NEW SIGNUPS: Save $3.00 off ONE (1) Ensure? Multi-Pack
            $7/2 Ensure, exp. 2/16/20 (SS 01/05/20 #2) [Multipack]
          • L'Oreal Paris Excellence Creme or Superior Preference Hair Color - $7.99
          • Lactaid or Imodium, 24 - 60 ct or 8 oz - $6.00 OFF wyb 2
            SAVE $1.00 on any LACTAID? Dietary Supplements (32 ct or larger)
          • Softsoap Hand Soap Refill, 50 oz - $3.99
            $0.50/1 Softsoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap printable [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.49
          • Softsoap Hand Soap, 11.25 oz, or Antibacterial Liquid or Foam Hand Soap, 8.75 o - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Softsoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap printable [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $3.50
            $4/2 TRESemme Shampoo and Conditioner Products, exp. 1/19/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Hair Care, 22 oz, or Styling, 9 - 10.5 oz - $4.50
            $4/2 TRESemme Pro Pure Products, exp. 1/19/20 (RMN 01/05/20) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Vicks Dayquil or Nyquil Severe Cold & Flu Medicine, 12 oz or 24 ct - $9.99
            $1/1 Vicks Dayquil or Nyquil Product, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes dayquil and nyquil 8-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99

          The post Publix Matchups 1/16/20 – 1/22/20 appeared first on

          A Personal Decade in Review Fri, 03 Jan 2020 14:57:42 +0000 This past decade has been in some ways the hardest decade of my life (and I’ve had some doozies – ahem 2000 stunk). I knew I was mentally strong going into 2010 from my marathoning but nothing prepared me for the challenges of starting a family. Life wasn’t fair to us. Fertility treatments were unfairly […]

          The post A Personal Decade in Review appeared first on


          This past decade has been in some ways the hardest decade of my life (and I’ve had some doozies – ahem 2000 stunk). I knew I was mentally strong going into 2010 from my marathoning but nothing prepared me for the challenges of starting a family. Life wasn’t fair to us. Fertility treatments were unfairly expensive and unsuccessful. My body was in constant pain and I spent years unknowingly severely anemic. We lost a baby in Ethiopia to an upper respiratory infection, we lost a baby locally when the birth mom changed her mind last minute (after getting our $) and we made so many changes to what countries we were adopting from, it would have been hard for anyone to keep track. Through the trials, there was hope and light. We made two trips to Ethiopia and met our son. The second trip I made by myself with a one way airline ticket intent on staying in Ethiopia with Asher until we had all of the necessary paperwork to come home. I just needed him out of that orphanage. I don’t think I would have the strength to do that trip again. But at the time, God took care of me and my boy. Once bringing our boy home, we were met with a baby who grieved and cried 50 minutes out of every hour. It was hard. But look now. I have a smiling, outgoing, friendly and loving boy. We then started the China special needs adoption process. We headed to China for 3 weeks and met our heart baby Jolie. We learned quickly she’s tough as nails, adorable and has an amazing devotion to Jeff. Our first year with her she was by my side 24 hours a day. It was trying. But now she’s thriving, loves her brother, loves to giggle and is a hard worker.

          Marriage has been hard. It’s always hard though. Working with our kiddos has brought a team mentality as we’ve tackled connected parenting, special needs, doctor appointments and my freak out anxieties together. Jeff gets frustrated that I go to bed so early every night. But maybe once my iron levels improve even more I will have more energy once the kids finally pass out!?! Let’s be honest though, I love sleep ?

          My career went from flourishing to slowly chugging around. It’s hard to work as one should when you have little kids at home and are unknowingly anemic. Ive also struggled with watching fellow bloggers grow while I feel stuck. I used to be the blogger others came to for advice. Now I’m humbled. I’m praying for guidance on how to resurrect my career in the next decade.

          My health is improving. I had a disappointing and emotionally challenging surgery and I can’t say I’ve grieved it yet. But it is helping my health improve and for that I’m grateful. Jolie’s has had two heart surgeries since we’ve brought her home. She’s flourishing and you can’t tell she has severe heart disease. I’m praying by the time her pulmonary valve needs to be replaced that they can do it via catheter instead of open heart. Either way she’s a tough cookie and I know she will fight like the fighter she is.

          We moved to our house five years ago. While it needs some expensive work done – which we can’t afford right now (new roof, new screen on birdcage, resurfacing of pool, and a house painting besides minor cosmetic jobs) it’s been a wonderful place to live and we are blessed. The pool has proved to be an amazing way for my kids to burn energy. And during rare quiet moments I love to destress and read sitting by it.

          We lost our sweet cat Rosie who was 17. We also lost my best dog friend Pacey one week after we brought Asher home. Pacey waited for me to get home before passing. We added to our family our dog Louie 8 years ago. My love for animals hasn’t declined and I’m excited to start fostering puppies this upcoming year.

          My hubby’s non-profit organization is thriving and while I think he works too much, I’m impressed with his hard work and the amazing results to his efforts.

          This past decade has been hard, disappointing and challenging. It has also rewarded me greater than I could have imagined. My motto for this next decade is Choose Hope. That might be my next tattoo ?

          Cheers to everyone in the New Year and I pray that this upcoming decade is your best decade yet.

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          Publix Matchups 1/2/2020 – 1/8/2020 Fri, 03 Jan 2020 14:46:18 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 2nd or Wednesday, January 1st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 1/2/2020 – 1/8/2020 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, January 2nd or Wednesday, January 1st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 7Up Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz or 8 pk 12 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Freshmatic Refill Spray, 5.89 - 6.17 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
            Save $1.00 off any ONE (1) Air Wick? Scented Oil Twin Refill
            Final Price: $1.24
          • Alexia Potatoes or Onion Rings, 13.5 - 32 oz ($4.08) - $2.04
          • Annie's Homegrown Ready to Bake Rolls or Biscuits, 8 - 17.5 oz - B1G1
          • Annie's Organic Crispy Snack or Chewy Granola Bars, or Toaster Pastries, 3.9 - 11 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) packages of select Annie's Snacks
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Arnold Organic Bread, 20 - 27 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Atkins Entrees, 6.5 - 10 oz ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Atkins Meal Bar, 5 pk ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Bai Antioxidant Infusion Beverage or Cocofusion Supertea, 18 oz, or Bai Bubbles or Black Sparkling, 11.5 oz - B1G1
          • Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 8 - 1 oz ($5.69) - $2.84
          • Bare Apple, Coconut, or Banana Chips, 2.7 - 3.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Bertolli Olive Oil, 16.9 oz ($11.29) - $5.64
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, 4.5 - 8 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
            $1/3 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks Boxes, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/10/19 R)
            $0.50/3 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks Boxes, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $1.15 each wyb 3
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz, or Cob Corn, 12 ct - B1G1
          • Blue Buffalo Biscuits for Dogs, 16 oz ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Blue Buffalo Dog Food, 12.5 oz - B1G1
          • Blue Buffalo Healthy Gourmet Cat Food, 5.5 oz ($1.45) - $0.72
          • Boca Veggie Protein Burgers, Patties, or Meatless Chick'n Nuggets, 10 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta, 9 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • CapriSun Organic Juice Drink Blend, 10 pk ($4.95) - $2.47
          • Cascadian Farm Cereal, Granola, or Bars, 6.2 - 16 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Caulipower Select PotaTOASTS, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Chatham Village Croutons, 5 oz ($1.89) - $0.94
          • Cheez-It Snack Crackers, Keebler Single Serve Trays, Famous Amos Snack Pack, or Mother's Circus Animal Crackers, 10.4 - 14.4 oz ($6.35) - $3.17
          • Crystal Light Drink Mix, 10 - 12 qt or 7 - 10 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Dannon Activia Yogurt, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee + Milk Beverage, 4 pk ($6.49) - $3.24
          • EatingWell Entree, 6.5 - 10 oz ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Enlightened Ice Cream Bars or Light Ice Cream, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1
            $1/2 Enlightened Ice Cream printable
          • Flatout Bread, 6.8 - 11.2 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
          • GE Reveal Halogen Bulbs, 4 ct ($11.99) - $5.99
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Kix Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Reeses Puffs Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz ($4.34) - $2.17
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • Gorton's Fish Fillets, Sticks, or Crab Cakes, 6 - 11.4 oz ($7.49) - $3.74
          • Hershey's Chocolates, 15.92 - 20.1 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Hope Hummus, 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Hot Pockets Stuffed Sandwiches or Breakfast Pockets, 9 oz ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Infusium Shampoo, Conditioner, or Leave-In Spray, 13 - 13.5 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Jif Power Ups Creamy Clusters, Soft Baked, Snacks, or Chewy Granola Bars, 6.5 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Kellogg's Mini Wheats, 14.3 - 18 oz, or Raisin Bran, 14 - 16.6 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats and/or Raisin Bran Cereals
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.3 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Special K Cereals
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Lawry's 30 Minute Marinade, 12 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Lender's Pre-Sliced Bagels, 6 ct - B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfectant Spray, 12.5 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
            Save $0.75 OFF ONE (1) Lysol? Disinfectant Spray or Max Cover Mist (12.5 oz or Larger)
            Final Price: $2.34
          • Mrs. Dash Salt-Free Seasoning or Grilling Blend, 2 - 2.5 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, Single Serve Trays or Handi-Snacks, 10 - 18 ct ($6.89) - $3.44
          • Nature Valley Bars, Granola Cups, Protein Chewy Bars, Oatmeal Squares, or Snack Mix, 12 - 17.8 oz - B1G1
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/10/19) [5-ct.+ box]
          • Nature's Own Bread or Hot Dog or Sandwich Rolls, 13 - 20 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.79) - $4.39
            $1.50/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 1/20/20 (SS 11/24/19 R)
            $1/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 1/20/20 (SS 11/24/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.89
          • Organic Valley Shredded Cheese, 6 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct ($5.75) - $2.87
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Perky Jerky, 2.2 oz ($5.39) - $2.69
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 40 oz ($7.30) - $3.65
          • Planters Cashews Halves & Pieces or Mixed Nuts, 8 - 10.3 oz ($6.75) - $3.37
          • Post Fruity or Cocoa Pebbles Cereal, 11 - 14.875 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Golden Crisp Cereal, 11 - 14.875 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 11 - 14.875 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Honeycomb Cereal, 11 - 14.875 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Oreo O's Cereal, 11 - 14.875 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Post Sour Patch Kids Cereal, 11 - 14.875 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Publix Bakery Muffins, 4 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Publix Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - B1G1
          • Publix Microwave Popcorn, 6 pk ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Publix Premium Alaskan Panko Pollock Fillets, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Purex Crystals In-Wash Fragrance Booster, 15.5 oz - B1G1
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Quaker Kids Organic Whole Grain Bars or Bites, 5.2 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            Save $1.00 on two (2) boxes of Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Quorn Meatless Chik'n Nuggets, Tenders, Patties, Fillets, Dippers, or Cutlets, 7.05 - 12 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
            $1/1 Quorn Product printable
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Food, 3.75 - 6 lb ($12.29) - $6.14
            $4/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Dog Food, exp. 2/20/20 (SS 12/08/19)
            Final Price: $2.14
          • Ragu Pasta Sauce, 14 - 66 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
            $1/2 Ragu Pasta Sauce, exp. 1/2/20 (SS 12/08/19 R)
            $0.60/2 Ragu Pasta Sauce, exp. 1/2/20 (SS 12/08/19)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 75 sq ft ($6.81) - $3.40
            $0.50/1 Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil printable
            Final Price: $2.90
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Sartori Bellavitano Cheese Cubes, 7 oz ($7.17) - $3.58
          • Smart Balance Buttery Spread, 2 pk or 13 - 16 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 12 pk ($6.89) - $3.44
            $1/1 Snack Well's Cookies printable
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts, Chunks, Strips, Slices, or Wings, 24 oz ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Tazo Tea, 15 - 20 ct or 32 oz ($4.85) - $2.42
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 20 - 44.5 oz - B1G1
          • Tuttorosso Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, or Puree, 28 oz ($2.10) - $1.05
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice, Juice Blend, or V-Fusion, 46 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Van's Waffles, 8 - 9 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Vigo Organic Tri-Colo Quinoa, 12 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars, 12 - 14 oz ($5.25) - $2.62
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $13.99
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Boneless Shoulder Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • Boneless Shoulder Steaks, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.99
          • Bottom Round Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Angus Chuck Steaks, per lb - $7.49
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Chunk Roast, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Lunchmeats, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Tenders, per lb - $7.49
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Hillshire Farm Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - $3.00
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $5.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Aprons Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 32 oz - $12.90
          • Publix Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets or Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $1.67
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Cauliflower, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Florida Navel Oranges, 4 lb - $3.99
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Fuji Apples, 2 lb - $2.49
          • Gala Apples, per lb - $0.99
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.69
          • GreenWise Organic Carrot Chips, 16 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Dried Cranberries, 5.2 oz - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Granny Smith Apples 2 lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Spinach, 10 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Sunflower Seeds, 6.9 oz - $2.99
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Honey Mango, ea - $1.25
          • Hot House Cucumbers, ea - $1.67
          • Jumbo Red Onions, per lb - $1.99
          • Mangos, ea - $1.25
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $0.99
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Broccoli Florets, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Vegetable Slaw, 10 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 2 lb - $2.99
          • Publix Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Yogurt Parfait, ea - $1.67
          • Raspberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Tomato Medley, pt - $2.50
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.69
          • Boar's Head Deluxe Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $2.99
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $2.49
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Truffle Torte, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake, 16 oz - $8.99
          • GreenWise Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.99
          • GreenWise Tea or Lemonade, 57 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Bakery Baguette, 8 oz - $1.89
          • Publix Bakery Brownies, 8 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake, 2 ct - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 16 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough French Bread, 12 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Deli Panino Fingers, 5 - 6 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal, ea - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Muenster Cheese, per lb - $4.99
          • Bumble Bee Premium Tuna, 4 pk - $2.50
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50
          • CapriSun Juice Drink, 10 pk - $2.33
          • Dole Fruit, 4 pk, or Fridge Pack, 15 oz - $2.00
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            Final Price: $1.75 each wyb 2
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk - $5.00
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct - $6.49
          • GreenWise Granola, 8 - 12 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Honey, 8 oz, or Organic, 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Applesauce, 4 pk - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 10 oz or 12 ct - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Dried Fruit, 3 - 5 oz - 25% OFF
          • GreenWise Organic Pure Juice, 33.8 oz - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic Spices, select - $2.50
          • Justin's Almond Butter, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Kettle & Fire Broth, 16.2 - 16.9 oz - $5.99
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Maxwell House Ground Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz or 12 ct - $6.99
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz - $2.00
          • Mott's Applesauce, 23 - 24 oz - $1.67
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - $2.00
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits or Bites, 5 ct - $2.99
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Avocado Oil, 16.9 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bacon Bits, 3 oz, or Pieces, 2.8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Candies, 6 - 20 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Chicken or Beef Broth, 32 oz - $1.50
          • Publix Coconut Oil, 14 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk, or Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.33
          • Quaker Rice Crisps, Popped Rice, or Sweet Oat Crisps, 3 - 3.52 oz - $1.00
          • Smartwater, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk - B2G2
          • Welch's Jam, Jelly, Spread, or Farmer's Pick, 17 - 30 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Dannon Greek , Blended, or Two Good Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Sliced or Shredded Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic String Cheese, 6 oz - $3.79
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.00
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 International Delight Creamer printable [sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Jell-O or Gelatin Snacks, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Singles, 10.7 - 12 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Pete and Gerry's Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct, Organic Liquid Egg Whites, 16 oz, or Hard Boiled Eggs, 6 ct - $3.99
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) Pete and Gerry's Organic Eggs Item
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.00
          • Silk Cashewmilk, Soymilk, Coconutmilk, or Almondmilk, 64 oz - $2.50
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $1.50
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • Friendly's Ice Cream Sundae, 6 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Frozen Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Skillet Meal, 20 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Fruit, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Garlic Texas Toast or 3 Cheese Toast or Garlic Bread, 11.25 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50
          • Stouffer's Classic Large Size, 15 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.00
          • Stouffers Bowl-Fuls or Lean Cuisine Originals, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Bounty paper Towels, 6 dbl or 8 single plus rolls - $10.49
            $1/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [4-ct.+; Includes double plus rolls]
            Final Price: $9.49
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 large rolls - $5.99
            $0.55/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [2, 3 or 6 roll]
            Final Price: $5.44
          • Brillo Sno Bol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.00
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct, or Complete, 75 oz - $6.99
            $1/1 Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [30-ct.+; Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega rolls - $10.49
            $1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product Mega Rolls, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [4-pk.+; Includes mega plus & super mega excludes single rolls]
            Final Price: $9.49
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 44 - 90 ct - $4.00
            Save 75? off ONE (1) package of Dixie Plates
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Downy Scent Booster, 20.1 oz - $11.99
          • Energizer Max Alkaline, Lithium, or Rechargeable Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) pack of Energizer Batteries
            $1.25/1 Energizer Batteries or Energizer Flashlight, exp. 1/25/20 (SS 12/15/19)
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • GreenWise Paper Towels, 8 roll - $5.00
          • Mr. Clean, 45 oz, Magic Eraser, 2 - 3 ct, or Clean Freak Refill, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Mrs. Meyer's Fabric Softener or Dryer Sheets, 32 oz or 80 ct, or Scent Booster, 18 oz - 20% OFF
          • Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Laundry Detergent, 64 oz or 45 ct - $13.99
          • Persil ProClean, 38 ct or 100 oz, or All Laundry Detergent, 141 oz or 60 ct - $10.00 OFF wyb 2
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Power-Liquid or Power-Caps Laundry Detergent printable [sign up]
          • Publix Disinfecting Wipes, 75 ct - $3.00
          • Publix Disposable Latex Gloves, 100 ct - $6.99
          • Puffs Facial Tissues, 48 - 64 ct - $1.25
            $1/4 Puffs Single Packs Product, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes puffs to go singles and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $1.00 each wyb 4
          • Scotch-Brite Sponges, 3 ct - $2.50
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser or Cleaner, 7.04 - 28.6 oz or 2 pk - $2.50
            Save $0.75 off 1 (ONE) Soft Scrub? Toilet Care Product
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) Soft Scrub? Cream or Gel Product, 20oz or larger
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $5.00
            Save $1.00 on one (1) Sparkle? Package (6 Roll or Larger)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Swiffer Dusters, 3 - 5 ct, or Sweeper Cloths Refills, 10 - 16 ct - $4.00
            $1/1 Swiffer Product, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes heavy duty dusters 1-ct. and 2-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Tide Liquid, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
            $3/1 Tide Laundry Detergent 92 oz+ or Tide Heavy Duty Laundry Detergent 69 oz+ or Tide Purclean Laundry Detergent 75 oz + , exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19 R) [Excludes Studio by Tide, Tide Pods, Tide Rescue, Tide Simply, Tide SImply Pods, Tide Detergent 10 oz and ets]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $3/1 Tide Pods 32 ct+ (includes Tide Pods 26 ct) or Tide Power Pods 21ct+, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19 R) [Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply Pods, Tide Pods 9 ct and below) ets]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Product, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes other always products and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Always Infinity, Radiant, Ultra Thin, or Maxi Pads, 18 - 45 ct - $6.99
            $3/2 Always Radiant or Infinity Pads or Pure Pads, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [10-ct.+; Excludes always discreet]
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Always Ultra Thin or Maxi Pads, 20 - 44 ct, or Liners, 68 - 120 ct - $5.49
          • Atkins Shakes, 4 pk - $6.00
          • Atkins Snacks, 5 - 6 oz or 5 pk - $6.00
          • Clairol Nice 'n Easy or Naturals Instincts Hair Color - $6.99
          • Crest ProHealth or Scope Advanced Mouthwash or Rinse, 1 L - $5.00
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [473-ml./16-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Crest ProHealth, 3D White, or Complete Scope Toothpaste, 5.1 - 6.3 oz - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [3-oz.; Excludes 4.8-oz. cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Crest Scope, 1 L, or ProHealth Rinse, 500 ml - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [473-ml./16-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00
          • Depend Underwear, 10 - 19 ct - $11.99
            Save $5.00 on any TWO (2) packages of Depend products (8 ct. or larger)
            $3/1 Depend Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 12/08/19) [8-ct.+]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion or Cream, 8 - 14.5 oz - $5.99
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) GOLD BOND? product (excluding 1 oz)
            $1.50/1 Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 12/08/19) [13-oz.+]
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Mrs. Meyer's Hand Soap Refill, 33 oz - $5.99
          • Mrs. Meyer's Liquid Hand Soap, 12.5 oz, or Foaming Hand Soap, 10 oz, or Bar Soap, 5.3 oz - $3.33
          • Olay Body Wash, 10.3 - 30 oz, or Ultra Moisture Shea Butter Bar Soap, 6 pk - $1.00 OFf
            $1/2 Olay Bar Soap Body Wash, In-Shower Body Lotion or Hand & Body Lotion, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [4-ct.+; Excludes bar 1-ct. and trial/travel size]
          • Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences, or Aussie Hair Care, 3.2 - 32.1 oz, or Pantene Rescue Shots, 1.5 oz - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $5/3 Pantene Products, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Includes gold series collection excludes single-ct. intense rescue shot, one step nourishing mask and trial/travels size]
            $1/1 Pantene Product, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Includes gold series collection excludes single-ct. intense rescue shot, one step nourishing mask and trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Head & Shoulders Product or Royal Oils, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [10-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size]
            $3/2 Herbal Essences Bio: Renew Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes masks, 100-ml. shampoo and conditioners, color, body wash and trial/travel size]
          • Poise Pads, 24 - 66 ct - $11.99
            Save $5.00 on any TWO (2) packages of Poise Products (Pads, Liners). Not valid on 14 - 26 ct. Liners or 10 ct. Pads
            $2/1 Poise Product Pads, Liners or Poise Impressa Bladder Supports, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 12/08/19) [Excludes 14-ct. to 26-ct. liners and 10-ct. pads]
            Final Price: $9.49 each wyb 2
          • Publix Antacid Tablets, 72 - 150 ct - $1.98
          • QuestBar Protein Bar, 4 pk - $2.00 OFF
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $6.99
            $3/2 Tampax Pearl, Radiant Tampons or Pure Tampons, exp. 1/25/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [14-ct.+]
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Gerber Snacks, Puffs, Crunchies, Melts, or Bars, 1 - 2.64 oz or 5 ct - $2.00 OFF wyb 4
          • Gerber or Nature's Heart Baby Food, 2.5 - 6.8 oz or 2 - 4 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 10
          • Pampers Diapers, 16 - 32 ct - $8.99
            $3/2 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $7.49 each wyb 2
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $6.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/2 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
          • Pampers Easy Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $8.99
            $3/2 Pampers Easy Ups Training Underwear or UnderJams Absorbent Night Wear Bags Box, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $7.49 each wyb 2
          • Pampers Wipes Refills, 112 - 216 ct - $5.99
            $0.50/2 Pampers or Luvs Wipes, exp. 1/11/20 (P&G 12/29/19) [56-ct.+; Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $5.74 each wyb 2
          • Plum Organics Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $1.79
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 3
          • Similac Infant Formula Power, 29.8 - 30.8 oz or 1.86 - 1.93 lb - $10.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 13.5 - 16 lb - $9.99

          The post Publix Matchups 1/2/2020 – 1/8/2020 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 12/19/19 – 12/24/19 Fri, 20 Dec 2019 18:40:51 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, December 19th or Wednesday, December 18th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 12/19/19 – 12/24/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, December 19th or Wednesday, December 18th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 7Up Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • Athenos Crumbled Feta Cheese, 3.5 - 4 oz - B1G1
          • Banquet Brown 'n Serve Sausage Links or Patties, 6.4 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Barnie's Coffee, 12 ct or 10 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Birds Eye Voila! Family Size Meal, 42 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Boursin Gournay Cheese, 5 - 6.5 oz - B1G1
          • Breyers Ice Cream, 1.5 qt ($5.84) - $2.92
          • Campbell's Cream of Chicken or Mushroom Soup, 10.5 oz ($1.79) - $0.89
            $0.40/4 Campbell's Condensed Soup, exp. 1/3/20 (SS 11/03/19)
            Final Price: $0.79 each wyb 4
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Carnation Evaporated Milk, 12 - 17 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 6.5 - 9.25 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Chinet Classic White Plates, Bowls, or Platters, 24 - 70 ct, or Cut Crystal Plates, 16 - 24 ct ($6.78) - $3.39
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            Final Price: $2.39
          • Chinet Napkins, 40 - 90 ct - B1G1
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1
          • Chung's Gourmet Quality Egg Rolls, 12 oz, or Spring Rolls, 10 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Classico Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1
          • Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 8 oz ($2.13) - $1.06
          • Crisco Oil, 48 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Del Monte Tomatoes, 14.5 oz ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz ($1.48) - $0.74
            SAVE $0.50 on any FOUR (4) Del Monte? Canned Vegetables
            $0.40/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables, exp. 1/3/20 (SS 11/03/19) [10-oz. to 18-oz. single cans]
            Final Price: $0.61 each wyb 4
          • Dial Body Wash, 16 oz ($4.13) - $2.06
          • Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, Cake Mix, or Mug Cakes ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Duncan Hines Frosting, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Edwards Pies, 23.5 - 37 oz ($7.79) - $3.89
            $1/2 Edwards Desserts, exp. 1/15/20 (SS 11/10/19) [23.5-oz.+]
            Stack With $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $2.89 each wyb 2
          • Fiji Artesian Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 36 - 54 ct, Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz, or Jet-Dry Rinse, 16 oz ($12.29) - $6.14
            $1/1 Finish Quantum or Finish Max in 1 Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, exp. 1/5/20 (SS 12/08/19)
            $1/1 Finish Jet Dry Rinse Aid or Finish Machine Cleaner, exp. 1/5/20 (SS 12/08/19)
            Final Price: $5.14
          • Fisher Chef's Naturals Baking Nuts, 10 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
            $0.55/1 Fisher Recipe Nut Item, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 12/08/19) [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $4.44
          • General Mills Cheerios or Chex Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.50 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any Chex? cereals: Rice Chex? ? Corn Chex? ? Wheat Chex?? Honey Nut Chex? ...
            Save $1.00 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crips, Golden Grahams, Kix or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            $1/2 Cheerios Cereal, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19) [Any box]
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 1/25/20 (SS 12/15/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Chex, Fiber One, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total or Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea ($2.59) - $1.29
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb ($7.69) - $3.84
          • GreenWise Chicken Drumsticks or Bone-In Thighs, per lb - B1G1
          • Hefty EZ Foil Roaster Pan, 1 ct ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Heinz Yellow Mustard, 20 oz - B1G1
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 24 - 30 oz ($5.84) - $1.42
          • Hershey's Nuggets Chocolates, 10 - 10.8 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz ($4.89) - $2.44
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Hunt's Tomatoes, Sauce, or Puree, 28 - 29 oz ($2.25) - $1.12
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, 2 pk or 8 - 16 oz ($3.67) - $1.83
          • Idahoan Potatoes, 1.5 - 4.1 oz ($1.44) - $0.72
          • Johnsonville Breakfast Links or Patties, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
            $1/2 Keebler Crackers, exp. 12/22/19 (RMN 11/10/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.44 each wyb 2
          • King Arthur Flour, 5 lb ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Klondike Ice Cream, 11 - 27 oz ($6.25) - $3.12
          • Kraft Jet-Puffed Miniature Marshmallows, 10 oz ($1.79) - $0.89
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked, 6.5 - 9.25 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Lindsay California Ripe Pitted Olives, 6 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Lindsay? Olives (sent by email)
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 - 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Mentos Gum, 45 - 50 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Mrs. Smith's Pies, 23.5 - 37 oz ($7.79) - $3.89
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • My Three Sons Pimento Cheese, 10 oz - B1G1
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz ($3.00) - $1.50
          • Nabisco Nilla Wafers, 11 oz ($4.28) - $2.14
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers or Ritz Bits, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - B1G1
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) NESTL? COFFEE MATE Liquid, 32 oz. or larger
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) NESTL? COFFEE MATE Liquid, 32 oz. or larger
            $1/1 Coffee Mate Liquid Creamer, exp. 12/31/19 ( RMN 12/08/19) [32-oz.+; Excludes coffee mate natural bliss]
          • Nestle Toll House Morsels, 10 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • New England Coffee, 12 ct or 9 - 12 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
            $1.50/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 1/20/20 (SS 11/24/19 R)
            $1/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 1/20/20 (SS 11/24/19 R)
            Final Price: $3.12
          • No Yolks or Light 'n Fluffy Noodles, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Nonni's Biscotti, 5.52 - 6.88 oz - B1G1
            $1/2 Nonni's Biscotti, exp. 12/29/19 (SS 10/20/19)
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail or Juice Drink, 101.4 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • Ore-Ida Potatoes, 20 - 32 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Orville Redenbachers Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • PAM Cooking Spray, 5 - 8 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepperidge Farm Sweet & Simple Cookies, 5 - 7.25 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Pepperidge Farm Texas Toast, 9.5 - 11.75 oz - B1G1
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 40 oz ($7.30) - $3.65
          • Pioneer Woman Pasta Sauce, 24 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Planters Cashews, 8 - 10.3 oz ($7.33) - $3.66
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 32 oz ($16.38) - $8.19
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb ($1.73) - $0.86
          • Publix Deli Pulled Pork Sandwich ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Publix Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 ct ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Purex Crystals, 15.5 oz - B1G1
          • Quaker Oatmeal Squares or Life, 14.5 - 18 oz, or Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 15.4 - 20 oz ($4.86) - $2.43
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping or Barista Series, 6 - 13 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Russell Stover Chocolates, 8.1 - 11 oz ($10.99) - $5.49
            $1/2 Russell Stover, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19) [4-oz.+ box]
            Final Price: $4.99 each wyb 2
          • Sabra Hummus, 10 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Sara Lee Cheesecake or Pound Cake, 10.75 - 30 oz ($8.59) - $4.29
            $0.55/1 Sara Lee Sweet Goods Product, exp. 1/6/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $3.74
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $1/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 1/5/20 (SS 11/10/19 R)
            $0.60/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 1/5/20 (SS 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Screamin' Sicilian Pizza Co. Pizza, 20.8 - 25 oz, or Stromboli, 9.25 oz ($9.55) - $4.77
            $1/1 Screamin' Sicilian Premium Frozen Product printable [Sign Up]
            Final Price: $3.77
          • Snickers, Twix or Mars Minis Mix Chocolates, 8.4 - 9.7 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Splenda No Calorie Sweetener, 80 - 100 ct - B1G1
            $1.50/1 Splenda Sweetener Product, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
          • Starbucks Frappuccino Chilled Coffee Drink, 4 pk ($6.49) - $3.24
          • Swanson Broth or Stock, 32 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $0.75/2 Swanson Broths or Stocks 32oz or larger Exp 1/10/20 (SS 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Tillamook Chunk Cheese, 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Tone Body Wash, 18 oz ($4.13) - $2.06
          • Whitman's Sampler, 7 - 12 oz ($10.99) - $5.49
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 31/40 ct Peeled and Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Aprons BBQ Meatloaf, per lb - $5.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $6.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise Angus Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Angus Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Fresh Turkey, per lb - $1.69
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Sausage, 16 oz - $3.00
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Items, exp. 1/5/20 ( RMN 12/08/19)
            $0.75/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items, exp. 1/5/20 ( RMN 12/08/19)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Jimmy Dean Sausage, 9.6 - 12 oz - $3.00
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Items, exp. 1/5/20 ( RMN 12/08/19)
            $0.75/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items, exp. 1/5/20 ( RMN 12/08/19)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Nathan's Famous Beef Franks, 11 - 12 oz - $4.00
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Publix Chicken Tenderloins, per lb - $4.49
          • Publix Ground Sausage, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Half Pork Picnic, per lb - $1.49
          • Publix Mild or Hot Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Center Cut Rib Chops, per lv - $3.49
          • Publix Premium Boneless Spiral-Sliced Ham, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Semi-Boneless Half or Whole Ham, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Half Ham, per lb - $2.49
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Ham, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Whole Pork Picnic, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Young Turkey, per lb - $0.79
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $6.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $11.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.49
          • Bartlett, Red, or Bosc Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $1.99
          • Celery, ea - $0.99
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Collards, Kale, Mustard, or Turnips, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Cranberries, 12 oz - $2.00
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.50
          • Granny Smith Apples, per lb - $0.99
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.49
          • GreenWise Organic Salad, 4 oz - $3.49
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $0.99
          • Organic Fresh Herbs, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Peeled and Cored Pineapple, ea - $1.99
          • Publix Red or Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $1.99
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 - 11 oz - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Snack Sensations Vegetable Party Dip Tray, 17 - 40 oz - $9.99
          • South Georgia Pecan Co. Shelled Pecans, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $0.59
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.49
          • Boar's Head Charcuterie Sampler, 12 oz - $14.99
          • Boar's Head Sweet Slice Uncured Ham, per lb - $6.99
          • Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese, 7 oz - $5.29
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Ganache Supreme Cake, 42 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Crumb Cake, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Round or Multigrain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Water Rolls, 12 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Blueberry Vanilla Goat Cheese, 4.4 oz - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Hot Soup, 16 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Turkey Cranberry Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Thins, or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • Tiramisu, 10 oz - $3.99
          • Arizona Tea, gal - $2.50
          • Bonne Maman Preserves, Jelly, Marmalade, or Intense Fruit Spread, 8.2 - 13 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) 8.2oz jars of Bonne Maman INTENSE Fruit Spreads or two Preserves, Jellies or Curds
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Brianna's Dressing or Vinaigrette, 12 oz - $2.99
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $6.03
            Final Price: $3.01 each wyb 4
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Dole Pineapple, 20 oz - $1.00
            $0.75/2 Dole Canned Fruit printable
            $0.75/3 Dole Canned Fruit, exp. 3/8/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            $0.75/3 Dole Canned Fruit, exp. 1/12/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $0.62 each wyb 2
          • Domino Premium Granulated Sugar, 4 lb - $1.99
          • Duncan Hines Comstock Pie Filling & Topping, 20 - 21 oz - B2G1
          • French's Crispy Fried Onions, 6 oz - $3.49
            $0.40/1 French's Crispy Fried Onions, Original or Crispy Fried Veggies, exp. 1/1/20 (SS 11/03/19) [6-oz.; 5-oz.]
            $1/3 , exp. 1/1/20 (SS 11/03/19 R) [6-oz.; 5-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.09
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks or Smartfood Popcorn, 4.5 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Heinz Homestyle Gravy, 12 oz - $1.50
          • Kraft 100% Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Mott's 100% Apple Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz - $2.00
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - $2.00
          • Nabisco Premium Saltine or Soup & Oyster Crackers, 8 - 17 oz - $1.99
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Nature Valley Bars - $2.50
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/10/19) [5-ct.+ box]
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Pepperidge Farm Stuffing, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G2 - $2.25
            Final Price: $1.12 eacch wyb 4
          • Publix Worchestershire Sauce, 10 oz - $2.99
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
            $1/1 Starbucks Coffee, exp. 12/31/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R)
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Swanson Broth, 14.5 oz - $0.99
          • Welch's Sparkling Juice Cocktail, 25.4 oz - $2.50
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt or Blended Greek, 5 - 7 oz - $1.00
          • Galbani Ricotta Cheese, 32 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off Galbani? product
            Final Price: $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter or With Canola, 7.5 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Nellie's Free Range Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) Nellie's Free Range Eggs
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 8 oz, Orange Danish, Cinnamon Rolls, or Sweet Biscuits, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 3/7/20 (SS 12/15/19)
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Chunk Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Silk Almondmilk, Cashewmilk, Soymilk, or Coconutmilk, 64 oz - $3.00
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Friendly's Ice Cream Sundae, 6 oz - $1.00
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Dinners, 20 - 32 oz - $5.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Ready-to-Bake & Fill Puff Pastry Shells, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets, 17.3 oz - $3.00
          • Sister Schubert's Yeast Dinner Rolls, 11 - 15 oz, or Clover Leaf Soft Dinner Rolls, 15.8 oz - $3.00
            Save $0.75 any TWO (2) Sister Schubert's Items
            Final Price: $2.62 each wyb 2
          • Stouffer's Bowlfuls or Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Classic Large Size, 15 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Talenti Gelato, Layers, or Sorbetto, 10.8 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • All Laundry Detergent, 141 oz or 60 ct - $9.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 dbl plus rolls - $13.49
          • Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 8 super mega, 12 mega, or 24 dbl rolls - $13.49
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 80 ct - $3.00
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Downy or Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Duracell Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            $1/1 Duracell Battery Product, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 12/08/19)
          • Gain Flings, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
          • Hefty Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 18 - 45 ct - $5.99
          • Kleenex Tissues, 30 - 144 ct - $1.25
            Save 50? off THREE Boxes or One Bundle Pack of Kleenex? Facial Tissue (share for 75? off)
          • Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Cleaner, 45 oz, Magic Eraser, 2 - 3 ct, or Clean Freak Refill, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz or 38 ct - $9.99
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Power-Liquid or Power-Caps Laundry Detergent printable [sign up]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 35 - 75 sq ft - $3.49
            $0.50/1 Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil printable
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.00
          • Tide Pods, 21 - 42 ct - $11.99
            $1/1 Tide Pods, exp. 12/28/19 (SS 12/15/19) [Excludes Tide liquid/powder detergent, Tide Simply, Simply Pods or Tide Pods 9-ct. or less]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Tide, 90 - 100 oz - $11.99
            $1/1 Tide Detergent, Tide Purclean or Tide Antibacterial Spray, exp. 12/28/19 (SS 12/15/19) [Excludes Tide Pods, Tide rescue, Tide Simply, Tide Simply Pods, Tide detergent 10-oz. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Always Infinity or Radiant Pads, 13 - 18 ct - $4.00
            $3/2 Always Radiant, Infinity or Pure Pads, exp. 12/28/19 (P&G 11/24/19) [10-ct.+; Excludes always discreet; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Crest Complete Plus Scope, ProHealth, 3D White, or Cavity Protection or Baking Soda & Peroxide Toothpaste, 3 - 5.7 oz - $3.00
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 14 - 18 ct - $4.00
            $3/2 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure & Clean Tampons, exp. 12/28/19 (P&G 11/24/19) [14-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2

          The post Publix Matchups 12/19/19 – 12/24/19 appeared first on

          2019 Holiday Gift Guide Thu, 12 Dec 2019 15:30:13 +0000 Have you checked out our 2019 Holiday Gift Guide yet? With the holidays right around the corner, we have been working feverishly behind the scenes putting together this year’s 2019 Holiday Gift Guide! This year we have split our guide up into categories to make it easier to find the gift ideas that you need. […]

          The post 2019 Holiday Gift Guide appeared first on


          Have you checked out our 2019 Holiday Gift Guide yet? With the holidays right around the corner, we have been working feverishly behind the scenes putting together this year’s 2019 Holiday Gift Guide! This year we have split our guide up into categories to make it easier to find the gift ideas that you need. We are very excited about the two gift idea categories we added this year: 2019 Subscription Gift Guide for Kids, Teens & Adults and 2019 STEM, STEAM, Art & Craft Gift Guide. No matter what age you are shopping for, we have gift ideas for you! We will be adding new gift ideas daily up through mid-December so keep checking back for updates!

          Click the links below to be taken directly to the categories you are interested in.

          Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide

          2019 Toy & Game Gift Guide

          2019 Subscription Gift Guide for Kids, Teens & Adults

          2019 STEM, STEAM, Art & Craft Gift Guide

          2019 Holiday Entertaining Gift Guide

          2019 Gift Guide for Women

          2019 Gift Guide for Men

          2019 Book & Activity Book Gift Ideas


          Calling all companies! Do you have a product that you think would be a perfect fit for our 2019 Holiday Gift Guide? Send me an email to addictedtosaving (at) and give me your details!

          The post 2019 Holiday Gift Guide appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 12/12/19 – 12/18/19 Tue, 10 Dec 2019 19:45:26 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, December 12th or Wednesday, December 11th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so […]

          The post Publix Matchups 12/12/19 – 12/18/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, December 12th or Wednesday, December 11th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Alouette Spreadable Cheese, 6 - 6.5 oz - B1G1
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 25 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Bagel Mini Bagel Dogs, 12 ct - B1G1
          • Bertolli Sauce, 15 - 24 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Betty Crocker Cake, Brownie, or Cookie Mix ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Betty Crocker Frosting, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz, or Cob Corn, 12 ct ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet or Veggie Made Meal, 21 oz ($6.32) - $3.16
          • Breyers Ice Cream, 1.5 qt ($6.25) - $3.12
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Campbell's Chunky Soup, 15.25 - 18.8 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • CapriSun 100% Juice Blend or 100% Real Apple Juice, 10 ct ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Chatham Village Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Cherubs Tomatoes, 10 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • College Inn Broth or Stock or Simple Starter Kit, 24 - 32 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $0.50/1 College Inn Broth or Stock, exp. 1/3/20 (SS 11/03/19) [32-oz.]
            $1/3 , exp. 1/3/20 (SS 11/03/19 R) [32-oz.]
            Final Price: $1.54
          • Cracker Barrel, Kraft, or Velveeta Shells & Cheese, 9.4 - 14 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Dare Crackers, 4.76 - 8.8 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz ($1.48) - $0.74
            SAVE $0.50 on any FOUR (4) Del Monte? Canned Vegetables
            $0.40/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables, exp. 1/3/20 (SS 11/03/19) [10-oz. to 18-oz. single cans]
            Final Price: $0.61 each wyb 4
          • Diamond of California Shelled Walnuts, 16 oz, or Pecan Halves, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Edwards Pie, 23.5 - 37 oz ($7.79) - $3.89
            $1/2 Edwards Desserts, exp. 1/15/20 (SS 11/10/19) [23.5-oz.+]
            Stack With $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $2.89 each wyb2
          • Emerald Cashews, Mixed Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, or Virginia Peanuts, 5 - 10 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Eternal Spring Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 32 ct, Dishwasher Cleaner, 3 ct or 8.45 oz, or Jet-Dry Rinse Aid, 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
            $1/1 Finish Quantum, exp. 12/15/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            $1/1 Finish Max in 1, exp. 12/15/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            $1/1 Finish Quantum or Finish Max in 1 Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, exp. 1/5/20 (SS 12/08/19)
            $1/1 Finish Jet Dry Rinse Aid or Finish Machine Cleaner, exp. 1/5/20 (SS 12/08/19)
            Buy (1) Finish Quantum 36ct +, get (1) 8.45 oz Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Aid Limit 2 like coupons in same shopping trip Exp 12/15/19 (SS 11/17/19 R)
            $1/1 Finish Jet Dry Rinse Aid, exp. 12/15/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $3.62
          • Flatout Bread, 6.8 - 11.2 oz - B1G1
          • Fresh Express Salad Blends, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Fresh Gourmet Salad Toppings, 3.5 - 4 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • General Mills Cheerios, 10.6 - 15.2 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 Cheerios Cereal, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19) [Any box]
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios?, Cinnamon Toast Crunch?, Lucky Charms?, Reese's Puffs, Chex?, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
            Save $1.50 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any Chex? cereals: Rice Chex? ? Corn Chex? ? Wheat Chex?? Honey Nut Chex? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Chex, Fiber One, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total or Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/24/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios?, Cinnamon Toast Crunch?, Lucky Charms?, Reese's Puffs, Chex?, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 3
          • Glad ClingWrap, 200 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
            Save $0.75 on any ONE (1) Glad Press'nSeal or Cling Wrap
            Final Price: $1.14
          • Glad Containers with Lids, 3 - 8 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Press'n Seal Wrap, 70 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
            Save $0.75 on any ONE (1) Glad Press'nSeal or Cling Wrap
            Final Price: $1.14
          • Glad Storage or Freezer Bags, 30 - 50 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Godiva Instant Pudding or Pudding Mix, 3.6 - 4.51 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Good Foods Tableside Chunky Guacamole, 13 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
          • Hefty EZ Foil Roaster Pan, 1 ct ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Heinz Ketchup, 32 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 15 - 20 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz ($4.89) - $2.44
          • Hunt's or Rotel Tomatoes or Sauce, 10 - 15 oz - B1G1
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, 2 pk or 8 - 16 oz ($3.67) - $1.83
          • Ice Breakers Ice Cubes Gum, 40 ct ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 3.6 - 4.51 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Kashi Kids Organic Super Food Bites, 5.6 oz - B1G1
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            $1/2 Keebler Crackers, exp. 12/22/19 (RMN 11/10/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Mini Wheats, 14.3 - 18 oz, or Raisin Bran Cereal, 14 - 16.6 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats and/or Raisin Bran Cereals
            Save $2.00 on any FOUR Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/22/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R) [8-oz.+]
            SAVE $2.00 on any FOUR Kellogg's? Cereals (8.4 oz. or Larger, Any Flavor, Mix or Match) ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Klondike Ice Cream Bars, 11 - 27 oz - B1G1
          • Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides, 3.5 - 8.8 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 22 oz or 4 - 6 pk ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Krusteaz Pancake Mix, 25.2 - 32 oz, or Belgian Waffle Mix, 28 oz ($3.45) - $1.72
            Save 50? off ONE Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix
            Final Price: $1.22
          • La Panzanella Mini Croccantini Crackers, 6 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables, 5 - 8 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Lysol Disinfecting Spray, 12.5 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
            Save $0.75 OFF ONE (1) Lysol? Disinfectant Spray or Max Cover Mist (12.5 oz or Larger)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Spray, exp. 12/14/19 (SS 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $2.34
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 75 - 80 ct ($6.19) - $3.09
            Save $0.75 OFF TWO (2) Lysol? Disinfecting Wipes (35 ct. or Larger)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 12/14/19 (SS 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $2.59
          • Mazola Oil, 40 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup, 24 oz - B1G1
          • Mrs. Smith's Pie, 23.5 - 37 oz ($7.79) - $3.89
          • Muellers Pasta, 8 - 16 oz ($2.44) - $1.22
            $1/2 Muellers Pasta Exp 12/18/19 (SS 11/3/19)
            Final Price: $0.72 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers or Ritz Bits, 8.8 - 13.7 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.79) - $4.39
            $1.50/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 1/20/20 (SS 11/24/19 R)
            $1/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 1/20/20 (SS 11/24/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.89
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Northland 100% Juice Blend, 64 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $1/2 Northland Juice printable
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Ocean Spray Craisins, 8 - 12 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Ore-Ida Bagel Bites, 7 - 14 oz - B1G1
          • Orville Redenbachers Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct ($5.75) - $2.87
          • Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread or Buns, 16 - 24 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Perdue Short Cuts, 8 - 9 oz ($5.59) - $2.79
            Save $1.50 off THREE (3) PERDUE? Refrigerated Fully Cooked Chicken Products
            Final Price: $2.29 each wyb 2
          • Pillsbury Pie Crusts, 14 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $2.26 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Ready-to-Bake! Cookies, 11 - 16.5 oz, or Place & Bake Brownies, 16 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
          • Potato Inspirations Organic Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Publix Bakery Assorte Donut Holes, 7.8 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Cantaloupe Chunks, per lb ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Publix Peanut Butter Pretzels, 11.99 - 16 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
          • Publix Premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Publix Premium Shrimp Platter, 18 oz ($16.99) - $8.49
          • Pure Leaf Tea, 6 pk ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 13 oz, or Non-Dairy Whipped, 6 oz - B1G1
          • Rondele or President Cheese Spread, 8 oz ($4.89) - $2.44
          • Ronzoni Penne or Elbow 3-Minute Pasta, 12 oz ($1.69) - $0.84
          • Russell Stover Chocolates, 8.1 - 11 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
            $1/2 Russell Stover, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19) [4-oz.+ box]
            Final Price: $4.49 each wyb 2
          • Sara Lee Cheesecake or Pound Cake, 10.75 - 30 oz ($8.59) - $4.29
            $0.55/1 Sara Lee Sweet Goods Product, exp. 1/6/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $3.74
          • SeaPak Shrimp & Seafood Co Seafood, 8 - 23 oz ($8.39) - $4.19
            Save 75? off ONE (1) one SeaPak? product 8oz or larger
            Final Price: $3.44
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 24 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Snickers, Twix, or Mars Minis Mix Chocolate, 8.4 - 9.7 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Spice Island Spice, 0.1 - 5 oz or 1 ct ($14.39) - $7.19
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts or Thighs, per lb ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Stevia in the Raw Sweetener ($10.99) - $5.49
            Save $1.00 off one 9.7oz Stevia In The Raw? bakers bag.
            Save 55? off Stevia In The Raw? 50 count or 100 count packet
            Save 55? off Organic Stevia In The Raw? 40 count Packets
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Suja Organic Functional Shot, 2 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Swanson White Premium Chunk Chicken Breast ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Thomas' Swirl Toasting Bread or Bagel Thins, 13 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Tyson Any'tizers Chicken, 22 - 28.05 oz ($9.49) - $4.74
          • Vigo Rice, 8 - 10 oz ($2.69) - $1.34
          • White House Apple Juice, 64 oz, or Apple Sauce, 6 pk ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Whitman's Sampler Chocolates, 7 - 12 oz ($10.99) - $5.49
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 16 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Applegate Naturals Turkey Bacon, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Beyond Meat Beyond Beef, 16 oz - $8.99
            $2/1 Beyond Beef or Beyond Sausage, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise Angus Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lb or more
          • Hormel Pepperoni, 5 - 6 oz - $3.33
          • Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Sausage, 16 oz - $3.00
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Items, exp. 1/5/20 ( RMN 12/08/19)
            $0.75/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items, exp. 1/5/20 ( RMN 12/08/19)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1 - $8.79
            Final Price: $5.86 each wyb 3
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast Fillets, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Mild Pork Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Mild or Hot Ground Italian Pork Sausage, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Chops Center Cut, per lb - $3.79
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops Center Cut, per lb - $3.49
          • Publix Premium Boneless Spiral-Sliced Ham, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Semi Boneless Half Ham, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Half Ham, per lb - $2.49
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Ham, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Whole Pork Picnic, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Young Turkey, per lb - $0.79
          • Reser's Classic Sides, 20 - 24 oz - $3.00
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $6.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $12.99
          • Ambrosia Apples, per lb - $0.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.29
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50
          • Cauliflower, ea - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Mangos, ea - $1.25
          • Mini Sweet Potatoes, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29
          • Pomegranates, ea - $2.50
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $1.99
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $0.59
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
            $1/1 Tropicana Pure Premium, exp. 1/12/20 (SS 11/17/19) [52-oz. Bottle]
            Final Price: $2.33
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.69
          • Applegate Prosciutto, 3 oz - $3.99
            Save 75? off any Applegate item including deli meat, hot dogs, frozen, sausage, cheese, nuggets
            Final Price: $3.24
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Classic Slider Trio - $29.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Double Play, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Chip Brookies, 4 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Ganache Supreme Cake, 36 - 66 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Danish Pecan Ring, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Homemade Oblong Fruit Tart, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Potato Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Rolled Italian Pizza Dough, 15 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Southern Style Red Velvet Cake, 50 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Cranberry Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Garden Fresh Vegetable Platter - $21.99
          • Publix Deli Medium Fresh Fruit & Cheese Platter - $41.99
          • Publix Deli Small Deviled Egg Platter, 16 oz - $16.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Sweet & Spicy Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99
          • Publix Everything Seasoning, 5 oz - $2.49
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B2G1 - $3.79
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps products (7.2 oz. or larger)
            Final Price: $2.19 each wyb 3
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2 - $2.24
            Final Price: $1.12 each wyb 4
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $1.00
          • Gold Medal All Purpose Flour, 5 lb - $1.99
          • Jif Peanut Butter, 15 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Keebler Cookies, 6 - 15 oz - $2.50
          • Kraft Stove Top Stuffing Mix, 6 oz - $1.50
          • LaCroix Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.15
            Final Price: $3.43 each wyb 3
          • Lindt Chocolate, 2.8 - 4.4 oz - $2.50
          • Mahatma Jasmine Long Grain Rice, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Mike's Hot Honey, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Oreo Thins, 7 - 15.25 oz - $2.99
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Nature Valley Bars, 6.2 - 8.94 oz - $2.50
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 11/10/19) [5-ct.+ box]
            $0.50/3 boxes any flavor 5 count or larger Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, layered Granola Bars, Soft Baked Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, Peanut or Almond Butter Granola bites, or Wafer Bars Exp 1/4/19 (SS 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93
            Final Price: $3.95 each wyb 3
          • Publix Candy, 8 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
            $1/1 Starbucks Coffee, exp. 12/31/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R)
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Welch's 100% Grape Juice, 64 oz or 6 pk - $3.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Cracker Barrel Chunk Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Cracker Barrel Cracker Cuts Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Eggland's Best Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
            $0.50/1 EggLand's Best Organic Eggs, exp. 2/17/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.50
          • Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, 7.5 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Land O Lakes Butter, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Pillsbury Crescents, Orange Danish, Cinnamon Rolls, or Sweet Biscuits, 8 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Almond Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Vital Farms Alfreso Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99
          • Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 30 oz - $9.99
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • Green Giant Cauliflower Gnocchi, 10 oz - $3.49
          • Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Pure Farmland Plant Based Meatballs or Breakfast Patties, 12 - 16 oz - $5.99
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 6.49 - 10.5 oz - $1.67
          • Talenti Gelato, Sorbetto, or Gelato Layers, 10.8 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 dbl or 8 single plus rolls - $10.49
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.50
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct or 75 oz - $6.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega rolls - $10.49
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00
          • Clorox Fabric Odor Remover or Sanitizer, 14 - 42 oz - $3.50
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 50 ct - $2.00
            Save 75? off ONE (1) package of Dixie Plates
            $1/2 Dixie Everyday and Dixie Ultra Plates, exp. 12/17/19 (RMN 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Downy Fabric Conditioner, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Gain or Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Gain, 75 - 100 oz - $9.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 12 - 16 lb - $9.99
          • Mr. Clean Clean Freak Starter Kit, 16 oz - $4.99
          • Mrs. Meyers Hand Soap Refill, 33 oz - $5.99
          • Mrs. Meyers Liquid Hand Soap, 12.5 oz, Foaming Hand Wash, 10 oz, or Bar Soap, 5.3 oz - $3.33
          • Palmolive Dish Soap, 20 oz - $2.00
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Aveeno Products, select - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
            $2/1 Aveeno Body Lotion, Body Wash or Anti-Itch Product, exp. 12/15/19 (SS 11/10/19) [Excludes 2.5-oz., 1-oz. and after shave]
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00
          • Ensure Plant Protein Nutritional Drink, 4 ct - $5.00 OFF
            NEW SIGNUPS: Save $3.00 off ONE (1) Ensure? Multi-Pack
            $5/2 Ensure Multipacks, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 12/08/19)
          • OGX Products, 3.3 - 19.5 oz - $5.00 OFF wyb 2

          The post Publix Matchups 12/12/19 – 12/18/19 appeared first on

          Kindle Tablet Deals (under $60!) Mon, 02 Dec 2019 19:20:29 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. I’m loving these Kindle Tablet Deals! I use Overdrive (it’s basically an online library where all you need is your library card to login) to read lots of books! I have both a Fire 7 Tablet and a Kindle E-reader. I find that the Kindle E-reader is […]

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          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          I’m loving these Kindle Tablet Deals! I use Overdrive (it’s basically an online library where all you need is your library card to login) to read lots of books! I have both a Fire 7 Tablet and a Kindle E-reader. I find that the Kindle E-reader is perfect for reading outside. The glare of the sun doesn’t affect the screen and I can easily read without squinting or trying to adjust the screen!  Below are the Cyber Monday deals going on!

          Kindle – Now with a Built-in Front Light – Black – Includes Special Offers, $59.99 (reg price $89.99) Go HERE. *plus receive a $5 e-book credit

          All-new Kindle Kids Edition (comes with a cover) – Includes access to thousands of books, $79.99 (Reg price $109.99) Go HERE. **2-year warranty: If it breaks, return it and we’ll replace it for free.

          Kindle Paperwhite with 8GB Storage, $84.99 (reg price $124.99) Go HERE.

          Kindle Paperwhite with 32GB Storage, $84.99 (reg price $124.99) Go HERE.

          Kindle Paperwhite Essentials Bundle including Kindle Paperwhite – Wifi with Special Offers, Amazon Leather Cover, and Power Adapter, $124.99 (reg price $189.97) Go HERE.

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          LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader’s Castle Kit (1,060 Pieces), under $78 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 19:02:34 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. This is a large LEGO kit that will make LEGO Star Wars fans really happy! This LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader’s Castle 75251 Building Kit includes TIE Fighter, Darth Vader Minifigures, Bacta Tank and more (1,060 Pieces) is marked down to $79.99 from $129.99! There were a […]

          The post LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader’s Castle Kit (1,060 Pieces), under $78 appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          This is a large LEGO kit that will make LEGO Star Wars fans really happy! This LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader’s Castle 75251 Building Kit includes TIE Fighter, Darth Vader Minifigures, Bacta Tank and more (1,060 Pieces) is marked down to $79.99 from $129.99! There were a lot of other LEGO kits marked down today but this is one of the last ones! Head HERE. *price subject to change.  Go HERE to see all of the LEGO deals on Amazon.

          The post LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader’s Castle Kit (1,060 Pieces), under $78 appeared first on

          Instant Pot Duo Nova 7-in-1 Pressure Cooker, under $50 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 18:39:08 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. Looking for an Instant Pot? Amazon has the Instant Pot Duo 60 7-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Saute, Yogurt Maker, and Warmer, 6-QT marked down to $49.00 from $99.95! Go HERE The Instant Pot Duo 80 is marked down to $64.99 from $134.99. […]

          The post Instant Pot Duo Nova 7-in-1 Pressure Cooker, under $50 appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          Looking for an Instant Pot? Amazon has the Instant Pot Duo 60 7-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Saute, Yogurt Maker, and Warmer, 6-QT marked down to $49.00 from $99.95! Go HERE

          The Instant Pot Duo 80 is marked down to $64.99 from $134.99. Go HERE.

          The Instant Pot Ultra 10-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker is marked down to $79.00 from $149. Go HERE

          The Instant Pot Smart WiFi 8-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Saute, Yogurt Maker, Cake Maker, and Warmer|6 Quart is marked down to $89.99 from $149.99. Go HERE.

          *Prices subject to change.

          The post Instant Pot Duo Nova 7-in-1 Pressure Cooker, under $50 appeared first on

          $5 off $20 Hardcover and Paperback Books Deal on Amazon Mon, 02 Dec 2019 17:51:29 +0000 I love it when this coupon becomes available every year! This year Amazon again has their $5 off $20 Hardcover and Paperback Books Deal available. No coupon code is necessary. Just make sure the seller is Amazon and at checkout $5 should be immediately deducted from book orders of $20+. So many books are already […]

          The post $5 off $20 Hardcover and Paperback Books Deal on Amazon appeared first on


          I love it when this coupon becomes available every year! This year Amazon again has their $5 off $20 Hardcover and Paperback Books Deal available. No coupon code is necessary. Just make sure the seller is Amazon and at checkout $5 should be immediately deducted from book orders of $20+. So many books are already marked down so $5 off will get you a great deal! Head HERE to see everything on sale.

          The post $5 off $20 Hardcover and Paperback Books Deal on Amazon appeared first on

          $10 off Disney+ Membership Mon, 02 Dec 2019 17:16:07 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. If you have been wanting to purchase a Disney+ membership, right now you can save $10 on your first year with an annual subscription. Membership is usually $69.99/year. This makes your total $59.99 or $5.99 per month! Head HERE. Also don’t forget this Amazing Deal! Get a […]

          The post $10 off Disney+ Membership appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          If you have been wanting to purchase a Disney+ membership, right now you can save $10 on your first year with an annual subscription. Membership is usually $69.99/year. This makes your total $59.99 or $5.99 per month! Head HERE.

          Also don’t forget this Amazing Deal! Get a 12 Month Hulu Subscription for $1.99/month! Head HERE.

          The post $10 off Disney+ Membership appeared first on

          LEGO Classic Creative Fun (900 Pieces), $20.00 (reg price $40) Mon, 02 Dec 2019 16:37:51 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. This will sell out. Save 50% on LEGO Classic Creative Fun 11005 (900 Pieces)! It is marked down to $20.00 for Black Friday and is regularly priced at $39.99. Head HERE.

          The post LEGO Classic Creative Fun (900 Pieces), $20.00 (reg price $40) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          This will sell out. Save 50% on LEGO Classic Creative Fun 11005 (900 Pieces)! It is marked down to $20.00 for Black Friday and is regularly priced at $39.99. Head HERE.

          The post LEGO Classic Creative Fun (900 Pieces), $20.00 (reg price $40) appeared first on

          Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-Pack Mon, 02 Dec 2019 16:27:25 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. I LOVE this deal because I have a child who adores his Hot Wheels! Amazon dropped the price of this Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-Pack to $29.99! This makes each car only 60 cents! Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

          The post Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-Pack appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          I LOVE this deal because I have a child who adores his Hot Wheels! Amazon dropped the price of this Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-Pack to $29.99! This makes each car only 60 cents! Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

          The post Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-Pack appeared first on

          8 ft Pencil Christmas Tree under $39! Mon, 02 Dec 2019 15:45:59 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. Amazon has some great Christmas tree deals going on. I’m loving this Goplus 8FT Pencil Christmas Tree. It is perfect for a narrow area! It’s marked down to $38.99 from $59.99. Head HERE. If you prefer a pre-lit tree or a different size tree, they have other […]

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          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          Amazon has some great Christmas tree deals going on. I’m loving this Goplus 8FT Pencil Christmas Tree. It is perfect for a narrow area! It’s marked down to $38.99 from $59.99. Head HERE. If you prefer a pre-lit tree or a different size tree, they have other trees marked down HERE!

          The post 8 ft Pencil Christmas Tree under $39! appeared first on

          ASUS Chromebook, under $120 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 15:37:26 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. This is an awesome price on a Chromebook! This ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02 11.6″ Ruggedized and Water Resistant Design with 180 Degree is marked down to $119.99 from $229! Head HERE. *prices subject to change. If you prefer a different Chromebook, head HERE to see all of the […]

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          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          This is an awesome price on a Chromebook! This ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02 11.6″ Ruggedized and Water Resistant Design with 180 Degree is marked down to $119.99 from $229! Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

          If you prefer a different Chromebook, head HERE to see all of the Chromebooks marked down today!

          The post ASUS Chromebook, under $120 appeared first on

          Nintendo Switch + Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Under $300 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 15:16:05 +0000 If you are getting a Nintendo Switch, don’t miss this! This Nintendo Switch w/ Gray Joy-Con + Mario Kart 8 Deluxe set is available on Amazon for $299. Head HERE *prices subject to change.

          The post Nintendo Switch + Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Under $300 appeared first on


          If you are getting a Nintendo Switch, don’t miss this! This Nintendo Switch w/ Gray Joy-Con + Mario Kart 8 Deluxe set is available on Amazon for $299. Head HERE *prices subject to change.

          The post Nintendo Switch + Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Under $300 appeared first on

          Newest Apple iPad under $250 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 15:07:08 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. If you missed this deal on Black Friday, you can get it today too! If you are looking to get the new Apple 10.2-inch iPad 32 GB (7th Gen), it is marked down to $249.99 on Amazon! It is regularly priced at $329.00. Head HERE. *prices subject […]

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          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          If you missed this deal on Black Friday, you can get it today too! If you are looking to get the new Apple 10.2-inch iPad 32 GB (7th Gen), it is marked down to $249.99 on Amazon! It is regularly priced at $329.00. Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

          If you prefer the Apple 10.2-inch iPad 128 GB (7th Gen), Best Buy has it marked down $100 to $329.99 (reg price $429.99). Head HERE.

          *prices subject to change.

          The post Newest Apple iPad under $250 appeared first on

          TVs under $100 (prices start at $59.99!) Mon, 02 Dec 2019 14:07:42 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. If you are looking for a smaller TV under $100, here are a few I’ve found! This Insignia NS-32DF310NA19 32-inch 720p HD Smart LED TV- Fire TV Edition is marked down to $99.99 from $170.00 on Amazon. Head HERE. If you prefer a 32″ TV that isn’t […]

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          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          If you are looking for a smaller TV under $100, here are a few I’ve found! This Insignia NS-32DF310NA19 32-inch 720p HD Smart LED TV- Fire TV Edition is marked down to $99.99 from $170.00 on Amazon. Head HERE.

          If you prefer a 32″ TV that isn’t a smart TV, the Insignia™ – 32″ Class – LED – 720p – HDTV is marked down to $84.99 from $149.99. Head HERE.

          The Insignia™ – 22″ Class – LED – 1080p – HDTV is marked down to $59.99 at Best Buy. Reg price $89.99. Head HERE.

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          Cyber Monday: LEGO, K’NEX and Magformers Sale (up to 68% off) Mon, 02 Dec 2019 13:32:54 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. If you are looking for LEGO, Playmobil, K’nex and Magformer deals, today Amazon has them marked down! These sets will sell out. Head HERE to see all of the sets marked down today!

          The post Cyber Monday: LEGO, K’NEX and Magformers Sale (up to 68% off) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          If you are looking for LEGO, Playmobil, K’nex and Magformer deals, today Amazon has them marked down! These sets will sell out. Head HERE to see all of the sets marked down today!

          The post Cyber Monday: LEGO, K’NEX and Magformers Sale (up to 68% off) appeared first on

          Apple AirPods with Charging Case, under $140 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 13:27:28 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. Amazon has Apple AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $139.99. Regular price is . Head HERE. On Black Friday the lowest the price went was $129.99 but today I’m only finding $139.99. Amazon has it temporarily out of stock but at checkout you will get this […]

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          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          Amazon has Apple AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $139.99. Regular price is . Head HERE. On Black Friday the lowest the price went was $129.99 but today I’m only finding $139.99. Amazon has it temporarily out of stock but at checkout you will get this message “Order now and we’ll notify you by email when we have an estimated delivery date for this item.”

          The post Apple AirPods with Charging Case, under $140 appeared first on

          Cyber Monday: Hasbro Games up to 63% off Mon, 02 Dec 2019 13:09:57 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. There are countless Hasbro Games marked down today for Cyber Monday. Prices have dropped as much as 63%! Head HERE to see all of the games on sale.

          The post Cyber Monday: Hasbro Games up to 63% off appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          There are countless Hasbro Games marked down today for Cyber Monday. Prices have dropped as much as 63%! Head HERE to see all of the games on sale.

          The post Cyber Monday: Hasbro Games up to 63% off appeared first on

          Cyber Monday Deal: Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa under $30 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 12:57:32 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. This tablet drops in price every Black Friday and Cyber Monday! I have this one – it is a few years old now and it still works perfectly! This Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa, 7″ Display, 16 GB is marked down to only $29.99! It is regularly […]

          The post Cyber Monday Deal: Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa under $30 appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          This tablet drops in price every Black Friday and Cyber Monday! I have this one – it is a few years old now and it still works perfectly! This Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa, 7″ Display, 16 GB is marked down to only $29.99! It is regularly priced at $49.99. I have had this tablet for 3 years now and love it! Head HERE to view this tablet.

          Other Fire Tablet Black Friday Deals:

          Fire HD 8 Tablet (8″ HD Display, 16 GB), $49.99 (reg price $79.99)

          All-New Fire HD 10 Tablet (10.1″ 1080p full HD display, 32 GB), $99.99 (reg price $149.99)

          Fire 7 Kids Edition Tablet, 7″ Display, 16 GB, $59.99 (reg price $99.99) **If you purchase two Fire 7 Kids Tablets, you will save an additional $20 making each tablet only $49.99!

          The post Cyber Monday Deal: Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa under $30 appeared first on

          Under $20! Fire Stick plus 2 Free Months Showtime Mon, 02 Dec 2019 12:56:29 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. These Cyber Monday deals are awesombe! Now is the time to get a Fire Stick! We haven’t had cable for 6 months now and rely solely on the Fire Stick to stream Netflix, Hulu, etc. The Fire Stick is marked down to $19.99 from $39.99! This is […]

          The post Under $20! Fire Stick plus 2 Free Months Showtime appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          These Cyber Monday deals are awesombe! Now is the time to get a Fire Stick! We haven’t had cable for 6 months now and rely solely on the Fire Stick to stream Netflix, Hulu, etc. The Fire Stick is marked down to $19.99 from $39.99! This is the lowest we will see the Fire Stick!! Also, along with this price the Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote will come with 2 months FREE of SHOWTIME (with automatic renewal). *Pay attention to when the two months are over if you choose not to renew Showtime! Head HERE for this deal!

          Other Deals:

          The Fire TV Stick 4k is $24.99 (reg price $49.99)

          Fire TV Cube (we have this and love it) is $89.99 (reg price $119.99)

          **Prices subject to change.

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          Furreal Plum The Curious Panda Bear, under $60 (reg price $100) Mon, 02 Dec 2019 12:50:53 +0000 Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals. I’ve been stalking this Furreal Plum the Curious Panda hoping the price would drop. This is my daughter’s big Christmas wish. When I watched her ask Santa for a panda for Christmas, I knew I had to find a deal. This is an Amazon exclusive toy and today […]

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          Head HERE to see all of today’s Cyber Monday deals.

          I’ve been stalking this Furreal Plum the Curious Panda hoping the price would drop. This is my daughter’s big Christmas wish. When I watched her ask Santa for a panda for Christmas, I knew I had to find a deal. This is an Amazon exclusive toy and today it’s marked down from $89.99 to $59.99. Head HERE to see this panda. *prices are subject to change.

          The post Furreal Plum The Curious Panda Bear, under $60 (reg price $100) appeared first on

          STEM & Learning Games up to 64% off! Sun, 01 Dec 2019 14:09:49 +0000 These are my favorite types of toys to give as presents. Anything STEM or STEAM related, I’m interested in because I know my kiddos will learn as they play! So fun. Today Amazon has a Cyber Monday deal on STEM and Learning Games. Prices are up to 64% off. There are countless kits to choose […]

          The post STEM & Learning Games up to 64% off! appeared first on


          These are my favorite types of toys to give as presents. Anything STEM or STEAM related, I’m interested in because I know my kiddos will learn as they play! So fun. Today Amazon has a Cyber Monday deal on STEM and Learning Games. Prices are up to 64% off. There are countless kits to choose from. There are a few Snap Circuits sets (we have one and LOVE it), Osmo kits (I’m giving one to my kiddos for Christmas), National Geographic, 4M and Thames & Kosmos kits…and MORE. Head HERE to see everything marked down today. Prices are subject to change and some of these kits will sell out.

          The post STEM & Learning Games up to 64% off! appeared first on

          Dyson V7 Motorhead Origin Cord-Free Vacuum, $179 (reg $279) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:59:27 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! If you are looking for a Dyson Cordless Vacuum under $200, here’s a great deal. The Dyson V7 Motorhead Origin Cord-Free Vacuum is marked down to $179.00 from $279.00 on Amazon. Head HERE.

          The post Dyson V7 Motorhead Origin Cord-Free Vacuum, $179 (reg $279) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          If you are looking for a Dyson Cordless Vacuum under $200, here’s a great deal. The Dyson V7 Motorhead Origin Cord-Free Vacuum is marked down to $179.00 from $279.00 on Amazon. Head HERE.

          The post Dyson V7 Motorhead Origin Cord-Free Vacuum, $179 (reg $279) appeared first on

          Roku SE Streaming Media Player, $18.00 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:49:04 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! This is an awesome price! Walmart has the Roku SE Streaming Media Player priced at $18.00. If you have been wanting to stream to your TV, the Roku is awesome! Head HERE to see this deal. You can select free in-store pickup or free […]

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          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          This is an awesome price! Walmart has the Roku SE Streaming Media Player priced at $18.00. If you have been wanting to stream to your TV, the Roku is awesome! Head HERE to see this deal. You can select free in-store pickup or free shipping if you place an order of $35+ If you prefer the Fire Stick, Amazon has it marked down to $19.99. Head HERE for more details.

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          Office Depot: HP Chromebook 11-v010nr Laptop, $99.99 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:40:49 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! If you are looking for an inexpensive laptop, run to this deal! The HP Chromebook 11-v010nr Laptop is marked down to $99.99 from $199.99. The official specs on this chromebook are: HP Chromebook 11-v010nr Laptop, 11.6″ Screen, Intel® Celeron® N3060, 4GB Memory, 16GB eMMC […]

          The post Office Depot: HP Chromebook 11-v010nr Laptop, $99.99 appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          If you are looking for an inexpensive laptop, run to this deal! The HP Chromebook 11-v010nr Laptop is marked down to $99.99 from $199.99. The official specs on this chromebook are: HP Chromebook 11-v010nr Laptop, 11.6″ Screen, Intel® Celeron® N3060, 4GB Memory, 16GB eMMC Drive, Chrome OS™, Anodized Silver. It is available for store pickup only. Head HERE.

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          12 lb Weighted Blanket, $33.99 (reg price $79) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:30:40 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! I have a weighted blanket and my son also has a weighted blanket. Both he and I LOVE our blankets. Kohl’s has an awesome price drop on the Altavida 12-lb. Faux Mink to Microfiber Weighted Blanket. It is marked down to $39.99. When you […]

          The post 12 lb Weighted Blanket, $33.99 (reg price $79) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          I have a weighted blanket and my son also has a weighted blanket. Both he and I LOVE our blankets. Kohl’s has an awesome price drop on the Altavida 12-lb. Faux Mink to Microfiber Weighted Blanket. It is marked down to $39.99. When you use code GIVETHANKS at checkout, the price drops to $33.99. Shipping is free. *If you purchase $50 worth of items in this transaction, you will also earn $15 in Kohl’s cash. Head HERE

          Check: ALDI Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.

          The post 12 lb Weighted Blanket, $33.99 (reg price $79) appeared first on

          Ring Video Doorbell Pro with Free Echo Show 5, under $180 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:21:58 +0000 Amazon has an awesome deal on the Ring Video Doorbell Pro right now. (We have one and LOVE it) Right now when you purchase it, not only will you get a great price but you will get an Echo Show 5 for $179.00 (reg price $338). Head HERE . *prices subject to change.

          The post Ring Video Doorbell Pro with Free Echo Show 5, under $180 appeared first on


          Amazon has an awesome deal on the Ring Video Doorbell Pro right now. (We have one and LOVE it) Right now when you purchase it, not only will you get a great price but you will get an Echo Show 5 for $179.00 (reg price $338). Head HERE . *prices subject to change.

          The post Ring Video Doorbell Pro with Free Echo Show 5, under $180 appeared first on

          Logitech Ultimate Ears WONDERBOOM, $39.00 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:09:29 +0000 I love Ultimate Ears speakers. We have four throughout our house and we use them daily. Amazon has an awesome price drop on Logitech Ultimate Ears WONDERBOOM. The speaker is marked down to $39.00! There are countless colors to choose from – some colors are priced higher. Head HERE. *prices subject to change. If you […]

          The post Logitech Ultimate Ears WONDERBOOM, $39.00 appeared first on


          I love Ultimate Ears speakers. We have four throughout our house and we use them daily. Amazon has an awesome price drop on Logitech Ultimate Ears WONDERBOOM. The speaker is marked down to $39.00! There are countless colors to choose from – some colors are priced higher. Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

          If you prefer a larger Ultimate Ears speaker, the Ultimate Ears BOOM 3 Portable Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker is marked down to $119.99 from $149.99. Head HERE. *prices subject to change.

          The post Logitech Ultimate Ears WONDERBOOM, $39.00 appeared first on

          KitchenAid Artisan Series 5-Quart Mixer Bundle Set, $229 (reg $399) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:00:50 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! Macy’s has a nice price drop on the KitchenAid Artisan Series 5-Quart Mixer Bundle Set. It comes with a flex edge beater reduces mixing time and the need to scrape down the side of the bowl. It’s marked down to $229 and is regularly […]

          The post KitchenAid Artisan Series 5-Quart Mixer Bundle Set, $229 (reg $399) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          Macy’s has a nice price drop on the KitchenAid Artisan Series 5-Quart Mixer Bundle Set. It comes with a flex edge beater reduces mixing time and the need to scrape down the side of the bowl. It’s marked down to $229 and is regularly priced at $399. Head HERE to view this mixer!

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          DeWalt 5-Tool 20V Power Tool Combo Kit, $249 (reg $549) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 19:53:12 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! If you are looking for a drill set deal, Lowe’s has a great one. The DeWalt 5-Tool 20V Power Tool Combo Kit is marked down to $249. Lowe’s is showing the regular price as $549! Head HERE. Kit Includes: DCD771 20-Volt MAX 1/2-in Drill […]

          The post DeWalt 5-Tool 20V Power Tool Combo Kit, $249 (reg $549) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          If you are looking for a drill set deal, Lowe’s has a great one. The DeWalt 5-Tool 20V Power Tool Combo Kit is marked down to $249. Lowe’s is showing the regular price as $549! Head HERE.

          Kit Includes:

          • DCD771 20-Volt MAX 1/2-in Drill Driver is compact, lightweight design features a 2-speed transmission and single sleeve ratcheting chuck, designed to fit into tight areas
          • DCF885 20-Volt Max 1/4-in Impact Driver offers 1-handed loading for its 1/4-in hex chuck that accepts 1-in bit tips
          • DCS381 20-Volt MAX Reciprocating Saw with keyless blade clamp allows for quick blade changes without touching blade or reciprocating shaft
          • DCL040 LED flashlight is a bright flashlight to illuminate your work area with LED output of 110 lumens
          • DCS393 20-Volt Max 6-1/2-in Circular Saw can cut 2x material at 90° and 45°

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          Nikon D3500 DSLR Camera Bundle, $399 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 19:44:56 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! If you are looking for a good camera that comes with tons of accessories, this Walmart Black Friday deal is awesome. The Nikon D3500 24.2MP Digital SLR Camera with AF-P DX 18-55mm VR Lens and Ultimate Accessory Bundle is marked down to $399.98 at […]

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          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          If you are looking for a good camera that comes with tons of accessories, this Walmart Black Friday deal is awesome. The Nikon D3500 24.2MP Digital SLR Camera with AF-P DX 18-55mm VR Lens and Ultimate Accessory Bundle is marked down to $399.98 at Walmart. Head HERE.

          This bundle includes:
          18-55mm Lens
          55mm Telphoto&Wide Angle Lens
          Filter Kit
          Macro kit
          32GB Memory Card
          Slave Flash
          Tall&Mini Tripod
          3pc Cleaning Kit

          The post Nikon D3500 DSLR Camera Bundle, $399 appeared first on

          Beats Solo3 Wireless Headphones under $130 (reg $299) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 19:38:09 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! Amazon has Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones marked down big to $129.99. They are regularly priced at $299. Head HERE. Not every color is available at this price. *prices subject to change.

          The post Beats Solo3 Wireless Headphones under $130 (reg $299) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          Amazon has Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones marked down big to $129.99. They are regularly priced at $299. Head HERE. Not every color is available at this price. *prices subject to change.

          The post Beats Solo3 Wireless Headphones under $130 (reg $299) appeared first on

          Fitbit Inspire HR Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate, $69.99 (plus earn $15 Kohl’s Cash) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 19:29:46 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! If you have been wanting a Fitbit Inspire HR Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate, Kohl’s has it marked down to $69.99 from $99.99. While we can’t use any coupon codes on it, you will earn $15 in Kohl’s cash since you earn $15 in […]

          The post Fitbit Inspire HR Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate, $69.99 (plus earn $15 Kohl’s Cash) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          If you have been wanting a Fitbit Inspire HR Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate, Kohl’s has it marked down to $69.99 from $99.99. While we can’t use any coupon codes on it, you will earn $15 in Kohl’s cash since you earn $15 in Kohl’s Cash for every $50 spent. Head HERE to view the Fitbit Inspire HR Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate. If you prefer purchasing from Amazon, they have it marked down to $68.99 HERE.

          If you want the just the Fitbit Inspire Fitness Tracker, it is marked down to $49.99 from $69.99. You will earn $15 in Kohl’s cash on this purchase! Head HERE. If you prefer purchasing on Amazon, they have it marked down to $49.95 HERE 🙂

          Check: ALDI Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.

          The post Fitbit Inspire HR Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate, $69.99 (plus earn $15 Kohl’s Cash) appeared first on

          Belle de Mer Pearl Necklace, $39 (reg $200) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 19:18:55 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! Macy’s has a huge price drop on this Black Friday deal. This Belle de Mer Pearl Necklace, 36″ Cultured Freshwater Pearl Endless Strand (8-1/2mm) is marked down to $39.00. Shipping is free on orders of $25 or more! Regular price is $200. Head HERE […]

          The post Belle de Mer Pearl Necklace, $39 (reg $200) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          Macy’s has a huge price drop on this Black Friday deal. This Belle de Mer Pearl Necklace, 36″ Cultured Freshwater Pearl Endless Strand (8-1/2mm) is marked down to $39.00. Shipping is free on orders of $25 or more! Regular price is $200. Head HERE to view this necklace.

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          Black Friday LEGO Deals (Best Buy, Kohl’s, Walmart & Amazon) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 18:41:14 +0000 This LEGO Technic 4X4 X-treme Off-Roader Set is $249.99 at Kohl’s. It isn’t on sale anywhere. If you purchase it at Kohl’s, you will earn $75 in Kohl’s cash to spend on another purchase. (Since you earn $15 in Kohl’s Cash for every $50 you spend) You will also earn YES2YOU Rewards on your purchase! […]

          The post Black Friday LEGO Deals (Best Buy, Kohl’s, Walmart & Amazon) appeared first on


          This LEGO Technic 4X4 X-treme Off-Roader Set is $249.99 at Kohl’s. It isn’t on sale anywhere. If you purchase it at Kohl’s, you will earn $75 in Kohl’s cash to spend on another purchase. (Since you earn $15 in Kohl’s Cash for every $50 you spend) You will also earn YES2YOU Rewards on your purchase! This is an example of how you can still “save” on pricey LEGO purchases!

          My son is pretty much only asking for LEGO kits this Christmas and they are PRICEY! I’ve scoured the stores to find the best deals. I wanted to try to help you find some of the best deals. I purchased a few sets for my son. The smaller sets, I purchased on Best Buy where I found a lot of kits marked down 25%. Head HERE to Best Buy to see all of the sets marked down.

          Kohl’s also has LEGO sets marked down. Head HERE to see the marked down sets. For the one big set that isn’t on sale anywhere, I purchased it on Kohl’s. You can’t use coupon codes on LEGOs at Kohl’s (drat) BUT, you can earn Kohl’s Cash. For every $50 you spend at Kohl’s, you will earn $15 in Kohl’s cash and you will also earn YES TO YOU Rewards. SO, for a larger LEGO purchase that isn’t marked down anywhere, it made a lot of sense. See the LEGO Technic picture above to see how to save on expensive sets.

          Check: ALDI Weekly Ad and Meijer Weekly Ad.

          Walmart also has LEGO sets on sale. Head HERE to see all of the Walmart Black Friday deals. My favorite Walmart deal is LEGO Classic Creative Fun 11005 (900 Pieces) marked down to $20 from $39.99!

          Amazon also has some great sets marked down. Head HERE to see the LEGO sets on Amazon.

          The post Black Friday LEGO Deals (Best Buy, Kohl’s, Walmart & Amazon) appeared first on

          Get $5 eBook Credit when you spend $20 on eBooks Fri, 29 Nov 2019 17:12:56 +0000 Amazon seems to be doing things different this year. Usually they have a coupon code to put towards hard and soft cover books. This year it seems they are pushing us to purchase eBooks. If you spend $20 on eBooks between now and December 4th, you will get a $5 eBook credit to spend on […]

          The post Get $5 eBook Credit when you spend $20 on eBooks appeared first on


          Amazon seems to be doing things different this year. Usually they have a coupon code to put towards hard and soft cover books. This year it seems they are pushing us to purchase eBooks. If you spend $20 on eBooks between now and December 4th, you will get a $5 eBook credit to spend on any eBooks. To take advantage of this deal, head HERE and click “Activate Now.” *This offer is by invitation only so not everyone will be eligible.

          Don’t miss the awesome Kindle Reader Black Friday Deals (prices are as low as $59.99!) HERE and the Fire Tablet Deals (prices are as low as $29!) HERE.

          The post Get $5 eBook Credit when you spend $20 on eBooks appeared first on

          Catan and other Strategy Games up to 63% off Fri, 29 Nov 2019 15:32:08 +0000 Amazon has Strategy Board Games like Catan and Ticket To Ride up to 63% off! Hot games like Catan and Ticket To Ride will probably sell out. Head HERE to see all of the strategy games on sale.

          The post Catan and other Strategy Games up to 63% off appeared first on


          Amazon has Strategy Board Games like Catan and Ticket To Ride up to 63% off! Hot games like Catan and Ticket To Ride will probably sell out. Head HERE to see all of the strategy games on sale.

          The post Catan and other Strategy Games up to 63% off appeared first on

          Ninja Specialty Coffee Maker, $84.99 (plus receive $15 Kohl’s Cash) Fri, 29 Nov 2019 15:19:29 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! We have had this Ninja Specialty Coffee Maker w/ Glass Carafe for three years now and love it. It still works great and we use it at least 3-5 times a day 🙂 It’s marked down at most stores but the best deal I’m […]

          The post Ninja Specialty Coffee Maker, $84.99 (plus receive $15 Kohl’s Cash) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          We have had this Ninja Specialty Coffee Maker w/ Glass Carafe for three years now and love it. It still works great and we use it at least 3-5 times a day 🙂 It’s marked down at most stores but the best deal I’m finding is at Kohl’s. It is marked down to $99.99 but at checkout when you use the coupon code GIVETHANKS the price will drop to $84.99! AND, since you earn $15 in Kohl’s Cash for every $50 spent, you will receive $15 in Kohl’s Cash to use on your next order starting 11/30! Head HERE.

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          Save up to 54% on Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher-Price Fri, 29 Nov 2019 14:59:01 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! Today on Amazon, for Black Friday, they have marked down select Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher-Price toys as much as 54%! Head HERE to see all of the toys marked down.

          The post Save up to 54% on Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher-Price appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          Today on Amazon, for Black Friday, they have marked down select Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher-Price toys as much as 54%! Head HERE to see all of the toys marked down.

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          AirPods with Charging Case, $129.99 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 14:29:36 +0000 AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $129.99 at Walmart but you need to choose free in-store pickup. Head HERE to see if they are available at your local store. If you prefer to have them shipped to your home, Best Buy has AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $139.99 and gives you Free […]

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          AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $129.99 at Walmart but you need to choose free in-store pickup. Head HERE to see if they are available at your local store. If you prefer to have them shipped to your home, Best Buy has AirPods with Charging Case marked down to $139.99 and gives you Free Apple Music for 3 months (new subscribers only). Head HERE to Best Buy.

          The post AirPods with Charging Case, $129.99 appeared first on

          Disney Collection Princess Doll 9-Piece Playset, $55 (reg $110) Thu, 28 Nov 2019 20:21:51 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! I’ve been watching deals on Disney Princess Collections because I’m thinking about getting it for my daughter. I found an awesome Black Friday deal at JCPenney and it also ships free. The Disney Collection Princess Doll 9-Piece Playset is marked down to […]

          The post Disney Collection Princess Doll 9-Piece Playset, $55 (reg $110) appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          I’ve been watching deals on Disney Princess Collections because I’m thinking about getting it for my daughter. I found an awesome Black Friday deal at JCPenney and it also ships free. The Disney Collection Princess Doll 9-Piece Playset is marked down to $55.00 from $110.00. Head HERE to view this collection.

          The post Disney Collection Princess Doll 9-Piece Playset, $55 (reg $110) appeared first on

          Amazing Deal! 12 Month Hulu Subscription, $1.99/month Thu, 28 Nov 2019 20:20:45 +0000 Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted! Allrighty, if you are thinking of dropping cable (we did that over the summer), THIS IS AN AMAZING DEAL. Hulu allows you to watch most shows from the major networks the next day. If you are fine not watching your favorite show(s) […]

          The post Amazing Deal! 12 Month Hulu Subscription, $1.99/month appeared first on


          Head HERE to see all of the Black Friday Deals we have posted!

          Allrighty, if you are thinking of dropping cable (we did that over the summer), THIS IS AN AMAZING DEAL. Hulu allows you to watch most shows from the major networks the next day. If you are fine not watching your favorite show(s) on the night it originally airs and you can wait a day, Hulu is the way to go. Head HERE to get a 12 month Hulu Subscription for just $1.99 per month! After 12 months, the price increases to $5.99 per month.

          The post Amazing Deal! 12 Month Hulu Subscription, $1.99/month appeared first on

          Fisher-Price Little People Nativity Advent Calendar 50% off Wed, 27 Nov 2019 20:00:48 +0000 This nativity calendar is so cute! Today only the Fisher-Price Little People Nativity Advent Calendar is 50% off at $24.99. Regular price is $49.99. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

          The post Fisher-Price Little People Nativity Advent Calendar 50% off appeared first on


          This nativity calendar is so cute! Today only the Fisher-Price Little People Nativity Advent Calendar is 50% off at $24.99. Regular price is $49.99. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

          The post Fisher-Price Little People Nativity Advent Calendar 50% off appeared first on

          Comfort Foods Recipes: Homemade White Cheddar Macaroni & Cheese Wed, 27 Nov 2019 16:01:32 +0000 This is another holiday dish I love to make each year. We love it so much that I make it year round. I’ve made an update to this recipe. I now use 1 block of sharp white cheddar cheese and 1 block of pepper jack cheese. The pepper jack adds a fun spiciness that we […]

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          This is another holiday dish I love to make each year. We love it so much that I make it year round. I’ve made an update to this recipe. I now use 1 block of sharp white cheddar cheese and 1 block of pepper jack cheese. The pepper jack adds a fun spiciness that we love. If you don’t like spicy cheese, you could stick with just white cheddar or add other types of cheese you enjoy as well. This dish is customizable as long as you follow the recipe for the roux (aka sauce).

          A favorite side dish in my house is macaroni & cheese.  Homemade macaroni & cheese.  It is the perfect comfort food and I love making it from scratch because I can control the ingredients in it.  (Versus using a box with the powdered cheese ;))  With very little effort, it is easy to make a creamy side dish that is sure to please a crowd.  I typically make this for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter as a side dish  Then a couple of times throughout the year when me or hubby are craving it, I will make it to go along with grilled chicken or burgers or soup.  I always make this with two bars of Cabot White Cheddar Cheese.  You do not have to use Cabot, in fact you don’t have to use white cheddar or even block cheddar.  Shredded cheese would work perfectly as well!

          Frugal Tips

          • Always purchase pasta when it is on sale and stockpile it away.  I try to purchase pasta when it is on sale BOGO and there is a coupon to use with the sale.  Typically regular pasta is around $0.50/box or less shopping like this.

          Healthy Tips

          • Macaroni & Cheese does not have to be as calorie filled as you would think.  I use skim milk.  (In fact, I always cook with skim milk.)  I also use two different blocks of Cabot cheese.  One block is 50% Reduced Fat and the other block is Sharp.  And I will also use either whole wheat pasta or for this recipe, pictured below, I used brown rice, gluten-free pasta! Hubby didn’t even realize the difference!  I would not recommend substituting the white flower in this recipe with whole wheat flower.  (You all know that I love to substitute whole wheat flower whenever possible.)  Whole wheat  flour changes the color of the sauce and gives it a murky color.  And the flavor of the whole wheat flower comes out in the sauce and it isn’t the most pleasant.

          Homemade White Cheddar Macaroni & Cheese


          3 c Macaroni (cooked & drained)
          2 blocks Cheddar Cheese – shred our cut into cubes (I prefer Cabot and use one block 50% less fat and one block extra sharp)
          1/4 c Butter or Margarine
          1/4 c Flour
          2 c Milk
          1 t Salt


          1) Preheat oven 350 degrees. Spray 1.5 qt casserole dish with non-stick spray
          2) Cook macaroni & drain
          3) Shred or cube cheese
          4) Alternate layers of pasta and cheese in casserole dish

          Sauce Instructions
          1) Melt butter in medium sauce pan
          2) Remove from heat and blend in flour
          3) Return to stove and gradually stir in milk and seasonings.
          4) Bring to a boil, stir, and boil for one minute until sauce thickens (Keep stirring to prevent sticking)
          5) Pour sauce over pasta and cheese in casserole dish. Stir everything to insure sauce is spread throughout entire dish.
          6) Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.


          To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

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          Holiday Side Dish Recipes: Tangy Broccoli Salad Wed, 27 Nov 2019 15:53:01 +0000 I haven’t made this recipe in a long time. I love having it as a side dish for holiday meals because the fresh broccoli is a nice change from all of the heavy casseroles. (Don’t get me wrong, I love a good carb filled casserole.) For me, Thanksgiving and Christmas are all about the side […]

          The post Holiday Side Dish Recipes: Tangy Broccoli Salad appeared first on


          I haven’t made this recipe in a long time. I love having it as a side dish for holiday meals because the fresh broccoli is a nice change from all of the heavy casseroles. (Don’t get me wrong, I love a good carb filled casserole.) For me, Thanksgiving and Christmas are all about the side dishes.  I’m not a huge meat eater in general and truthfully, I’m not a fan of turkey, so I use Thanksgiving and Christmas as an excuse to indulge in carb laden side dishes.  🙂  Whether it is my Homemade White Cheddar Mac & Cheese or my Corn Pudding, I am perfectly happy eating one side dish after another and skipping out on the turkey. The recipe below is a favorite of mine because it is a cold salad.  It is easy to prepare and I tell myself that it is as “healthy” as a garden salad that I might prepare for dinner.

          My hubby’s aunt first introduced me to this recipe.  She prepared it for a family gathering and I immediately fell in love with the tangy sweetness of the dressing mixed in with the bacon and peanuts.  The broccoli is so crunchy and absorbs the dressing nicely.  And, the vibrant colors of this dish really stand out.

          Follow Me on Pinterest

          To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

          Check: Takealot Specials, Pick n Pay Specials in Catalogue Specials.
          To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

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          Holiday Side Dish Recipes: Sweet Potato Casserole Wed, 27 Nov 2019 15:48:21 +0000 Sweet Potato Casserole.  It seems that there are two different version of this sweet casserole.  One involves marshmallows. The other involves lots of brown sugar.  This recipe was passed on to me from my hubby’s family and it involves lots of brown sugar.  They make this dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  To me, this is […]

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          Sweet Potato Casserole.  It seems that there are two different version of this sweet casserole.  One involves marshmallows. The other involves lots of brown sugar.  This recipe was passed on to me from my hubby’s family and it involves lots of brown sugar.  They make this dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  To me, this is more of a “dessert-like” dish. It’s my husband’s favorite dish over the holidays. He actually has me double to brown sugar topping to make it extra sweet. It is a great companion to ham and Paula’s Loaded Mashed Potatoes.

          Frugal Tips

          • Potatoes go on sale over the holiday season because stores know that most of us are stocking up on them.  So you should be able to find Sweet potatoes priced at or under $0.49/lb.

          Healthy Tips

          • Sweet potatoes are a very healthy carbohydrate.  They are a great source of dietary fiber, they are low in sodium and very low in saturated fat & cholesterol.
          • If you are looking to limit your sugar intake, you can omit the 1/2 c white sugar that is mixed into the mashed sweet potatoes.  Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet so you don’t have to add more sweetness.


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          Holiday Side Dish Recipes: Paula’s Loaded Mashed Potatoes Wed, 27 Nov 2019 15:43:22 +0000 Make sure you don’t miss ANY deals on toys, games, electronics and more! Join Addicted to Saving’s Holiday Deals Facebook group and stay on top of all of the latest deals! And, don’t miss my 2015 Holiday Gift Guide to see all of the gift ideas I am loving this year! This is my favorite […]

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          Make sure you don’t miss ANY deals on toys, games, electronics and more! Join Addicted to Saving’s Holiday Deals Facebook group and stay on top of all of the latest deals! And, don’t miss my 2015 Holiday Gift Guide to see all of the gift ideas I am loving this year!

          This is my favorite Thanksgiving side dish to make each you. This recipe is creamy,  tangy, tasty and so easy to prepare.  Honestly, I don’t think I will ever make plain mashed potatoes again after trying this recipe.  If you make it, let me know your thoughts – I would love to hear what you think!

          Frugal Tips

          • Potatoes go on sale over the holiday season because stores know that most of us are stocking up on them.  So you should be able to find Idaho potatoes priced at or under $0.49/lb.
          • Sour cream also typically goes on sale the week before holidays so stock up and get enough for Thanksgiving and Christmas – watch the expiration dates because it doesn’t usually expire for a month or so.

          Healthy Tips

          • I so wish I had a healthy tip for you in this recipe.  But I don’t.  Well, I guess you could substitute turkey bacon for pork bacon?  Besides that, this recipe is all about flavor.  And comfort. And creaminess.

          To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

          Head HERE to see all Holiday Gift Deals on Addicted to Saving

          Go HERE to see all Amazon and HERE to see all Kohl’s Deals

          The post Holiday Side Dish Recipes: Paula’s Loaded Mashed Potatoes appeared first on

          Holiday Side Dish Recipes: Corn Pudding Wed, 27 Nov 2019 15:41:47 +0000   Every year I make the same side dishes to go along with our Thanksgiving turkey and ham.  If I’m honest with you, I don’t care for turkey at all. I like ham… but I LOVE side dishes. The more decadent and tasty they are, the better! These are tried and true recipes and all […]

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          Every year I make the same side dishes to go along with our Thanksgiving turkey and ham.  If I’m honest with you, I don’t care for turkey at all. I like ham… but I LOVE side dishes. The more decadent and tasty they are, the better! These are tried and true recipes and all very easy to make.  I will admit that I usually make all of the recipes simultaneously at once so my kitchen tends to be a bit chaotic as I multi-task to the max.  But these are hearty recipes and very hard to mess up so they always come out marvelously!

          Follow Me on Pinterest

          To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

          This is another Thanksgiving recipe that my family enjoys year after year. I first ate Corn Pudding for the first time over 20 years ago at my in-law’s house when I met them for the first time.  They made this as a side dish to go along with ham.  It was SO good.  My hubby’s family makes this dish for most major holidays and I’ve started making this dish for major holidays even if we don’t spend it with my in-laws.  They call this dish Corn Pudding which doesn’t make a ton of sense to me, but the name doesn’t matter, the taste does!  This corn pudding has the perfect combination of sweet and salty.  It is SIMPLE to make and you really only need one ingredient – canned corn!  The rest of the ingredients you should have in your in your fridge!

          Check: Publix Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.

          Frugal Tips

          • Canned vegetables typically go on sale over the holidays.  When you find a sale, see if there is a corresponding coupon to use on the sale.  Even without a coupon, if you can purchase canned vegetables for $0.75 or less, stock up on it.  That way you have it available to use throughout the year and you don’t have to pay full price next time you need it.

          Healthy Tips

          • I don’t have a ton of tips for you for this recipe!  This is a decadent side dish. 🙂 Enjoy it! You can use low sodium canned corn if sodium is a concern.



          To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

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          Holiday Side Dish Recipes: Crispy Veggie Casserole Wed, 27 Nov 2019 15:40:32 +0000 This recipe is a holiday favorite. It’s a fun alternative to green bean casserole. This year I’m making it with frozen broccoli and cauliflower. I’ve grown up having this Crispy Veggie Casserole on every Christmas and every Thanksgiving.  The picture above is a bit different from my mom’s recipe.  Mainly because I didn’t plan ahead […]

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          Follow Me on Pinterest

          This recipe is a holiday favorite. It’s a fun alternative to green bean casserole. This year I’m making it with frozen broccoli and cauliflower. I’ve grown up having this Crispy Veggie Casserole on every Christmas and every Thanksgiving.  The picture above is a bit different from my mom’s recipe.  Mainly because I didn’t plan ahead and have the correct frozen veggies to use.  But even with my alternate take, it is still SO good.  (I used frozen cauliflower and frozen corn.  The recipe calls from frozen cauliflower, broccoli and carrots – it is much prettier with the green broccoli and orange carrots.)

          Frugal Tips

          • Over the holiday seasons (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter) we will find Campbell’s Condensed Great for Cooking Soups on sale 10/$10 or less.  If you match the sale with a coupon, you can very easily get canned Cream of Mushroom soup for under $0.50/can.
          • Frozen veggies go on sale quite often.  Compare store brands with major brands like Birds Eye and Green Giant.  Often the larger brands have better sales than store brands pricing. And, if you use a coupon on a sale, you will get an even better deal.

          Healthy Tips

          • This is not the healthiest casserole in the world.  You can use low fat sour cream and not notice the difference.
          • You can also use low sodium cream of mushroom soup.  The French’s onions will give plenty of flavor and saltiness.
          • You can also use low fat shredded cheese.

          Check: Publix Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.


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          Under $6!!! PLAYMOBIL Construction Site Fire Rescue Advent Calendar Wed, 27 Nov 2019 14:47:21 +0000 Every year we have given our kiddos advent calendars. This year the PLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar – Construction Site Fire Rescue is marked down BIGTIME. Run to get this as I suspect it will sell out fast. It is marked down to $5.75 from $24.99!! Head HERE. **prices subject to change. Today Amazon has lots of advent […]

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          Every year we have given our kiddos advent calendars. This year the PLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar – Construction Site Fire Rescue is marked down BIGTIME. Run to get this as I suspect it will sell out fast. It is marked down to $5.75 from $24.99!! Head HERE. **prices subject to change.

          Today Amazon has lots of advent calendars marked down 50% or more. Head HERE to see all of the calendars marked down.

          The post Under $6!!! PLAYMOBIL Construction Site Fire Rescue Advent Calendar appeared first on

          Just Dance 2020 under $25 Wed, 27 Nov 2019 14:14:36 +0000 Amazon has a deal of the day on Just Dance 2020! It is regularly priced at $29.99 but right now is $24.99! Head HERE to get this video game! *prices subject to change.

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          Amazon has a deal of the day on Just Dance 2020! It is regularly priced at $29.99 but right now is $24.99! Head HERE to get this video game! *prices subject to change.

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          4 Months of Amazon Music Unlimited, Under $1.00 Tue, 26 Nov 2019 15:29:10 +0000 I love this Black Friday and Cyber Monday Music Unlimited deal! I am a huge fan of Music Unlimited! I joined two years ago when Amazon had a deal like this and have continued to renew our service since then. With Music Unlimited I’ve been able to stream pretty much every album by every singer/band […]

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          I love this Black Friday and Cyber Monday Music Unlimited deal! I am a huge fan of Music Unlimited! I joined two years ago when Amazon had a deal like this and have continued to renew our service since then. With Music Unlimited I’ve been able to stream pretty much every album by every singer/band on my phone, tablet and TV. This includes most brand new albums that are released! Amazon has an awesome deal on Amazon Music Unlimited for Prime members right now. We can purchase a Music Unlimited 4 month subscription for just $0.99!  This normally costs $9.99 per month! This offer is for new subscribers only. Head HERE for more info. **make sure you watch the calendar. After 4 months, you will be charged $9.99/month unless you cancel. Prices subject to change.

          Make sure you don’t miss ANY deals on toys, games, electronics and more! Join Addicted to Saving’s Holiday Deals Facebook group and if you shop primarily on Amazon, don’t miss our Addicted to Amazing (Amazon) Deals Facebook Group where we only post Amazon deals!

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          Black Friday Ad Scans (Walmart, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Target, Michael’s & more!) Mon, 25 Nov 2019 22:36:55 +0000 Get ready for Black Friday!! Below are the direct links to the ad scans for the most popular stores to shop on Black Friday! Don’t see the store you are interested in? Go HERE to see a HUGE list of stores with Black Friday fliers. Kohl’s Black Friday Walmart Black Friday Target Black Friday Best […]

          The post Black Friday Ad Scans (Walmart, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Target, Michael’s & more!) appeared first on


          Get ready for Black Friday!! Below are the direct links to the ad scans for the most popular stores to shop on Black Friday! Don’t see the store you are interested in? Go HERE to see a HUGE list of stores with Black Friday fliers.

          Kohl’s Black Friday

          Walmart Black Friday

          Target Black Friday

          Best Buy Black Friday

          CVS Black Friday

          BEALLS Florida Black Friday

          Belk Pre Black Friday

          Belk Black Friday

          Big Lots Black Friday

          BJ’s Wholesale Club Black Friday

          Costco Black Friday

          Dell Black Friday

          Dell Office Black Friday

          Dollar General Black Friday

          Home Depot Black Friday

          HP Black Friday

          JCPenney Black Friday

          Joann Fabrics Black Friday

          Kmart Black Friday

          Lowe’s Black Friday

          Macy’s Black Friday

          Michael’s Black Friday

          OFFICE DEPOT & OFFICEMAX Black Friday

          Petco Black Friday

          Petsmart Black Friday

          Sam’s Club Black Friday

          Staples Black Friday

          Wayfair Black Friday

          The post Black Friday Ad Scans (Walmart, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Target, Michael’s & more!) appeared first on

          Going on now! 30% off Osmo Sale Sun, 24 Nov 2019 17:08:22 +0000 This post is sponsored by Osmo. I received an Explorer Starter Kit and Mindracers game in exchange for my honest thoughts. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I am so excited to give our kiddos this kit for Christmas! This year we are giving our kids Osmo Explorer Starter Kit. Have you […]

          The post Going on now! 30% off Osmo Sale appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Osmo. I received an Explorer Starter Kit and Mindracers game in exchange for my honest thoughts. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

          I am so excited to give our kiddos this kit for Christmas! This year we are giving our kids Osmo Explorer Starter Kit. Have you heard of Osmo before? Every year I have thought about purchasing Osmo and this year was finally the year to get on board. We partnered with Osmo and they sent us the Osmo Expolorer Starter Kit . Right now through December 7th, Osmo Kits and games are 30% off! *exclusions apply

          Osmo has a few different starter kits and the kit you choose will depend on the age of your children. There is the Little Genius Starter Kit for Ages 3-5 (regular price is $79 but it’s marked down 30% to $55.30). There is the Explorer Starter Kit  for ages 5-10 (regular price is $197 and right now it’s marked down 30% to $137.90). The third starter kit to choose from is the Genius Starter Kit for ages 6-10. It’s marked down to $69.30 right now!

          The Explorer Starter Kit is Osmo’s most complete package. It features seven Osmo games and their hands-on playing pieces. You can purchase the kit for your iPad or Fire tablet.

          Once you purchase your starter kit, you can add on games. Because my son is a Hot Wheels fanatic, we added on the game MindRacers (also marked down 30% to $41.30)! With MindRacers you can send real Hot Wheels, cars zooming straight through the screen onto wacky digital racetracks. Quick thinking and strategy will help you win the race!

          Head HERE to learn more about Osmo and check out all of their awesome deals going on now through December 7th.

          Osmo is compatible with the following models:
          iPad 2, iPad (3rd Generation), iPad (4th Generation), iPad (5th Generation), iPad (6th Generation), iPad Mini, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 5, iPad Mini 6
          iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 3, iPad Pro 9.7-inch, iPad Pro 10.5-inch.

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          Thanksgiving Publix Matchups 11/21/19 – 11/27/19 Wed, 20 Nov 2019 21:17:09 +0000 This is my favorite week of the year to shop at Publix! Below are the Thanksgiving Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, November 21st or Wednesday, November 20th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its […]

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          This is my favorite week of the year to shop at Publix! Below are the Thanksgiving Publix matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, November 21st or Wednesday, November 20th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 12 pk 12 oz ($5.93) - $2.96
          • Arizona Tea, gal ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz, or Sheets, 144 - 200 ct - B1G1
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Arm & Hammer Toothpaste, 4.3 - 6.3 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 25 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Barilla Sauce, 20 - 24 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks, 8 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.50 any ONE (1) Bag of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks (Available at Walmart)
            Final Price: $1.32
          • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, pt ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 any ONE (1) Ben & Jerry's Pint
            Final Price: $1.82
          • Ben & Jerrys Pint Slices, 3 pk ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz, or Cob Corn, 12 ct - B1G1
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz ($6.32) - $3.16
          • Blue Diamond Almonds, 6 oz ($3.98) - $1.99
            $1.50/2 Blue Diamond Almonds Including Gourmet and Almonds & Fruit 5oz or 6oz, exp. 12/8/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.24 each ywb 2
          • Bob Evans Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches, 14.6 - 18 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Boursin Gournay Cheese, 5 - 6.5 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Breakstone's Cottage Cheese or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz ($2.89) - $1.94
          • Breyers Ice Cream, 1.5 qt ($5.84) - $2.92
          • Cabot Cheese Bar, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Campbell's Cream of Mushroom or Chicken Soup, 10.5 oz - B1G1
            $0.40/4 Campbell's Condensed Soup, exp. 1/3/20 (SS 11/03/19)
          • Celery, ea - $0.99
          • Chinet Classic White Plates, Bowls, or Platters, 24 - 70 ct, or Cut Crystal Plates, 16 - 24 ct ($6.62) - $3.31
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            Final Price: $2.31
          • Chinet Napkins, 40 - 90 ct - B1G1
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
          • Community Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1
          • Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Cranberries, 12 oz ($2.50) - $1.25
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz ($1.48) - $0.74
            SAVE $0.50 on any FOUR (4) Del Monte? Canned Vegetables
            $0.40/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables, exp. 1/3/20 (SS 11/03/19) [10-oz. to 18-oz. single cans]
            Final Price: $0.61 each wyb 4
          • Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, 16.7 - 18 oz, Cake Mix, 6.1 - 16 oz, or Mug Cakes, 13 - 13.3 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Duncan Hines Frosting, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Easy-Off Oven Cleaner, 14.5 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Finish Pacs, 36 - 54 ct ($12.49) - $6.24
          • Fisher Chef's Naturals Baking Nuts, 10 oz - B1G1
            $0.55/1 Fisher Recipe Nut Item, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 11/17/19) [10-oz.+]
          • French's Classic Yellow Mustard, 14 oz - B1G1
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.54 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 12 - 14 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            Save $1.50 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any Chex? cereals: Rice Chex? ? Corn Chex? ? Wheat Chex?? Honey Nut Chex? ...
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.54 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.54
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.54 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 18 - 19.5 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy?THREE BOXES?any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.54 each wyb 3
          • Halls Cough Drops, 20 - 30 ct ($2.29) - $1.14
            $1.25/2 Halls Products, exp. 12/14/19 (SS 11/03/19) [10-ct.+]
            Final Price: $0.52 each wyb 2
          • Hefty EZ Foil Roaster Pan, 1 ct ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 24 - 30 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
            $0.25/1 Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise or Sauce Product, exp. 11/30/19 (RMN 11/17/19) [11.5-oz.+; 11-oz.]
            SAVE $0.25 on any ONE (1) HELLMANN'S? or Best Foods? Real Mayonnaise (11.5 oz. or larger) or Variety Sauce (11 oz. or larger) product. ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Hot Pockets or Lean Pockets, 8.5 - 9 oz ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Hunt's or Rotel Tomatoes, 28 - 29 oz - B1G1
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spread or Spray, 8 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Idahoan Potatoes, 1.4 - 5.1 oz ($1.44) - $0.72
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 9 - 13.8 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            $1/2 Keebler Crackers, exp. 12/22/19 (RMN 11/10/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 19.4 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kelloggs Cereals 8.4 oz or larger, any flavor, mix or match Exp 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19) Limit 4 Like Coupons per shopping trip
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes or Rice Krispies Cereal, 24 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1.25/2 Kellogg's Rice Krispies, Cocoa Krispies, Crispix or Corn Flakes, exp. 12/22/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R) [10.3-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kelloggs Cereals 8.4 oz or larger, any flavor, mix or match Exp 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19) Limit 4 Like Coupons per shopping trip
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Krave Cereal, 17.3 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kelloggs Cereals 8.4 oz or larger, any flavor, mix or match Exp 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19) Limit 4 Like Coupons per shopping trip
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg'se Special K Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kelloggs Cereals 8.4 oz or larger, any flavor, mix or match Exp 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19) Limit 4 Like Coupons per shopping trip
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 3
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 22 oz or 4 - 6 pk ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz ($3.06) - $1.53
          • Kraft Jet-Puffed Miniature Marshmallows, 10 oz ($1.79) - $0.89
          • Kraft Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • La Famiglia DelGrosso Pasta Sauce, 16 - 26 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Lindsay California Ripe Pitted Olives, 6 oz ($2.24) - $1.12
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Lindsay? Olives (sent by email)
            Final Price: $0.62 each wyb 2
          • Lysol Wipes, 75 - 80 ct ($5.15) - $2.57
            Save $0.50 any one (1) Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 12/14/19 (SS 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $2.07
          • M&M's Ice Cream Cookies or Cones - B1G1
          • Marie Callender's Pie, 24.5 - 42 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • McCormick Gourmet Spices, 0.12 - 2.62 oz or 2 ct - B1G1
            Save $1.50 ONE (1) McCormick Organic Spice Product (Redeemable at Walmart)
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Mueller's Pasta, 8 - 16 oz ($2.34) - $1.17
            $1/2 Muellers Pasta Exp 12/18/19 (SS 11/3/19)
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Near East, Rice-a-Roni, or Pasta-Roni, 1.9 - 10 oz ($2.45) - $1.22
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) NESTL? COFFEE MATE Liquid, 32 oz. or larger
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) NESTL? COFFEE MATE Liquid, 32 oz. or larger
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Nestle Toll House Morsels, 10 - 12 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Ocean Spray Craisins, 5 - 6 oz - B1G1
          • Ocean Spray Juice, 64 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 10 ct ($5.67) - $2.83
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
          • PAM Cooking Spray, 5 - 7 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Pace Salsa, Picante Sauce, or Queso Dip, 15 - 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - B1G1
            $0.25/1 Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, exp. 11/30/19 (SS 11/17/19)
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Pillsbury Best All Purpose Flour, 5 lb - B1G1
          • Pillsbury Pie Crusts, 14.1 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
          • Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies or Place & Bake Brownies, 11 - 16.5 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
          • Planters Cashews, 8 - 10.3 oz ($7.33) - $3.66
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 32 oz ($16.38) - $8.19
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Powerade Sports Drink, 32 oz ($1.33) - $0.66
          • Progresso Bread Crumbs, 15 oz, or Panko, 8 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Small Shrimp Platter, 10 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Quaker Chewy Bars, 6.1 - 7.4 oz - B1G1
            $1/2 Quaker Chewy, exp. 11/30/19 (SS 10/20/19)
          • Quaker Old Fashioned or Quick 1-Minute Oats, 18 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Rothbury Farms Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Russell Stover Chocolates, 8.1 - 11 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
            $1/2 Russell Stover, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19) [4-oz.+ box]
            Final Price: $4.49 each wyb 2
          • Sabra Hummus, 10 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Sara Lee Pound Cake or Cheesecake, 10.75 - 30 oz ($8.59) - $4.29
            $0.55/1 Sara Lee Sweet Goods Product, exp. 1/6/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $3.74
          • Snyder's of Hanover Pretzel Pieces, 10 - 12 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts or Thighs, per lb ($6.79) - $3.39
          • St Ives Body Wash, 13.5 oz ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Starbucks Frappuccino or Doubleshot, 4 pk ($6.49) - $3.24
            $1/1 pack of Starbucks coffee drinks Exp 11/24/19 (RMN 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.24
          • Swanson Broth or Stock, 32 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $0.75/2 Swanson Broths or Stocks 32oz or larger Exp 1/10/20 (SS 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • Thomas' Bagels, 10.5 - 20 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 20 - 44.5 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Totinos Pizza Rolls Snacks, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/13/19 R) [90-ct.+; Excludes mini snack bites]
          • Truvia Calorie-Free Sweetener, 40 ct - B1G1
            $2/1 Truvia Natural Sweetener printable [new signups]
            $1/1 Truvia Stevia Sweetener (SS 11/10/19) Exp 1/4/20
          • Tyson Chicken Strips, 20 - 25 oz ($9.49) - $4.74
          • Wesson Oil, 48 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Aidell's Sausages, Meatballs, or Burgers, 12 oz - $5.00
          • Bob Evans Side Dishes, 12 - 24 oz - $3.00
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Butterball Fresh Turkey Breast, per lb - $2.99
          • Butterball Fresh Turkey, per lb - $1.89
          • Butterball Frozen Young Turkey, per lb - $0.99
          • Colossal White Shrimp, per lb - $9.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $4.69
          • GreenWise Angus Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise Angus Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Fresh Turkey, per lb - $1.69
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • GreenWise Young Turkey, per lb - $1.49
          • Hillshire Farm Lit'l Smokies, 9.6 - 14 oz - $3.00
            $0.75/1 Hillshire Farm Product, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R)
            $0.55/1 Hillshire Farm Product, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Jimmy Dean Crumbles, 9.6 - 14 oz - $3.00
            $0.55/1 Jimmy Dean Product, exp. 11/24/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R)
            $0.55/1 Jimmy Dean Item Exp 11/24/19 (RMN 10/27/19) Limit 1 coupon per person and per transaction
            $0.75/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 11/10/19)
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Items, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $2.45
          • Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Sausage, Links, or Patties, 9.6 - 16 oz - $3.00
            $0.55/1 Jimmy Dean Product, exp. 11/24/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R)
            $0.55/1 Jimmy Dean Item Exp 11/24/19 (RMN 10/27/19) Limit 1 coupon per person and per transaction
            $0.75/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 11/10/19)
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Items, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 11/10/19)
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.45
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more
          • Nathan's Famous Beef Franks, 11 - 14 oz - $4.00
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh or Natural Lunch Meat, 14 - 16 oz - $5.50
          • Publix Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Mild or Hot Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Boneless Smoked Spiral-Sliced Half Ham, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Semi-Boneless Half Ham, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Ham Half, per lb - $2.49
          • Publix Smoked Turkey Bone-In, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Smoked Turkey Breast Bone-In, per lb - $4.49
          • Publix Turkey Breast, per lb - $1.49
          • Publix Young Turkey, per lb - $0.49
            Limit 2
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $7.99
          • Tyson Rock Cornish Game Hens, 20 oz - $3.50
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $11.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Banana Shallots, per lb - $3.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.99
          • Brussels Sprouts, per lb - $1.99
          • Collard, Kale, Mustard, or Turnip Greens, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Eat Smart Vegetables, 10 - 12 oz - $3.33
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Granny Smith Apples, per lb - $1.49
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.49
          • Green Scallion Onions, ea - $0.50
          • GreenWise Organic Sweet Gala Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49
          • Organic Fresh Herbs, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Organic Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • POM Wonderul 100% Pomegranate Juice, 48 oz - $9.99
            $0.50/1 POM Juice, exp. 12/30/19 (SS 11/03/19) [DND]
            Final Price: $9.49
          • Pomegranate Arils, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Pomegranates, ea - $2.50
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $0.99
          • Publix Gold Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Peeled & Cored Pineapple, ea - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Whole Carrots, 1 lb - $0.89
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $1.99
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Snack Sensations Vegetable Party Dip Tray, 17 - 40 oz - $9.99
          • South Georgia Pecan Co. Shelled Pecans, Halves, or Pieces, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $0.49
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, Grapefruit, or Trop50, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.49
          • BelGioioso Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Cranberry Turkey Brioche, ea - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Coffee Cake, 14 - 15 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Ganache Supreme Cake, 36 - 66 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Cobbler Cake, 20 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 pk - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Pumpkin Pie, 22 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Round Peanut Butter Tart, 12 oz - $11.99
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Antipasti Platter, 40 oz - $25.99
          • Publix Deli Cranberry Turkey Pinwheel, 6.23 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Hoop Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Meat Variety Pack, 6 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Potato Salad, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Sweet and Spicy Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Swiss Gruyere Cheese, per lb - $15.49
          • Publix Deli Turkey Cranberry Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Stacy's Pita or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • Better Than Bouillon Base, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93
            Final Price: $2.96 each wyb 4
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Dole Pineapple, 20 oz - $1.00
            $0.75/2 Dole Canned Fruit printable
            $0.75/3 Dole Canned Fruit, exp. 1/12/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            $0.75/3 Dole Canned Fruit, exp. 3/8/20 (SS 11/17/19)
            Final Price: $0.62 each wyb 2
          • Domino Granulated Sugar, 4 lb - $1.99
          • French's Crispy Fried Onions, 6 oz - $3.49
            $0.40/1 French's Crispy Fried Onions, Original or Crispy Fried Veggies, exp. 1/1/20 (SS 11/03/19) [6-oz.; 5-oz.]
            $1/3 , exp. 1/1/20 (SS 11/03/19 R) [6-oz.; 5-oz.]
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Green Mountain K-Cup Coffee, 12 ct - $6.49
          • Heinz Homestyle Gravy, 12 oz - $1.50
          • Maxwell House Coffee, 24.6 - 30.6 oz or 12 ct - $6.99
          • Mott's 100% Apple Juice or Juice Blend, 6 - 8 pk - $2.33
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Triscuits, or Good Thins Crackers, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce, 14 oz - $1.29
          • Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 4.75 - 7.5 oz - $3.00
          • Pepperidge Farm Stuffing, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cranberry-Orange Relish, 16 oz - $3.79
          • Publix Extra Long Grain Rice, 20 lb - $9.99
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $2.99
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $2.99
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
            $1/1 Starbucks Coffee, exp. 12/31/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R)
            $1/1 Starbucks Packaged Coffee 10 oz or 10 ct K-Cup PodsPublix coupon in Winter Family Savings Booklet (or printable) valid 11/16 - 12/31/19
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Wellington Water Crackers, 4.4 oz - $2.50
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $3.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 7 oz - $1.00
          • Fage Total Strained Greek Yogurt, 35.3 oz - $5.00
          • Galbanic Ricotta Cheese, 32 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off Galbani? product
            $1/1 Galbani Double Cream Ricotta Product, DND, exp. 1/30/20 (SS 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic or Lactose Free Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, 7.5 - 8 oz - $3.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Land O Lakes Sweet Cream or European Style Extra Creamy Butter, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Pete and Gerry's Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
            Save $1.50 off ONE (1) Pete and Gerry's Organic Eggs Item
          • Pillsbury Crescents Dinner Rolls, 8 oz, Orange Danish or Cinnamon Rolls, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 11/17/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
          • Publix Cheese Party Tray, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Egg Nog, 1/2 gal - $3.00
          • Publix Parmesan or Italian Blend Cheese, 7 oz - $3.50
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6.5 - 7 oz - $2.50
          • Starbucks Iced Espresso, 40 oz - $4.00
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Dinner, 20 - 32 oz - $4.99
          • Sister Schubert's Yeast Dinner Rolls, 11 - 15 oz, or Clover Leaf Soft Dinner Rolls, 15.8 oz - $3.00
            Save $0.75 any TWO (2) Sister Schubert's Items

            Final Price: $2.62 each wyb 2
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 dbl or 8 single plus rolls - $10.49
          • Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 8 super mega or 12 mega rolls - $13.49
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product printable
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Gain Detergent, 50 - 52 oz - $5.00
            $1/1 Gain Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent and Other Various Products, exp. 12/7/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 44 - 51 oz - $5.00
            $1/1 Gain Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent and Other Various Products, exp. 12/7/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Gain Fireworks, 7.2 oz - $5.00
            $1/1 Gain Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent and Other Various Products, exp. 12/7/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Gain Flings, 12 - 16 ct - $5.00
            $2/1 Gain Flings, exp. 12/7/19 (RMN 11/10/19 R) [12-ct.-26-ct.]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Hefty Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 18 - 45 ct - $5.99
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 35 - 75 sq ft - $3.49
            $0.50/1 Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil printable
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Scott 1000 Sheet Bath Tissue, 18 roll - $12.49
            Save $0.75 off SIX (6) or more rolls of Scott? 1000 bath tissue (offer value may vary)
            Final Price: $11.74
          • Tide Pods, 12 - 16 ct - $5.00

          The post Thanksgiving Publix Matchups 11/21/19 – 11/27/19 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 11/14/19 – 11/20/19 Fri, 15 Nov 2019 15:52:47 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, November 14th or Wednesday, November 13th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 11/14/19 – 11/20/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, November 14th or Wednesday, November 13th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            $10.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $30.00
          • Always Infinity, Radiant, Ultra Thin, or Maxi Pads, 18 - 46 ct - $6.99
            $1/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Ultra or Maxi Pads, exp. 11/23/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [11-ct.+; Excludes always discreet; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 roll - $7.49
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct or 75 oz - $6.49
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 mega or 12 dbl rolls - $7.49
          • Crest Pro-Health Advanced, Complete, 3D White, or ProHealth Toothpaste, 3 - 5.4 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 11/23/19 (RMN 11/10/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Downy Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Detergent, 75 - 100 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Gain or Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Herbal Essences or Aussie Hair Care, 6 - 12.1 oz - $3.00
            $2/2 Herbal Essences Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products, exp. 11/16/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [Excludes bio: renew, color, body wash and trial/travel size]
            $2/2 Aussie Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products, exp. 11/16/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [Excludes masks and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Old Spice Fresh or Wild Deodorant, 2.6 - 3 oz - $5.00
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $24.99
          • Pantene Pro-V or Hair Food Hair Care, 10.1 - 25.4 oz - $6.00
          • Prilosec OTC, 14 ct - $9.99
            $1/1 Prilosec OTC Product, exp. 11/23/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Secret Aluminum Free, Outlast, or Fresh Deodorant, 2.4 - 2.6 oz - $5.00
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $6.99
            $1/1 Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons or Pure and Clean Tampons, exp. 11/23/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [14-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.99
            $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Axe Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Body Wash, 13.5 - 16 oz - $4.00
            FREE Dove Men+Care Body Wash wyb Dove Body Wash or Exfoliating Body Polish, exp. 11/16/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [13.5-oz. wash; 10.5-oz. polish; Up to $6; ETS]
          • Dove Men+Care Deodorant, 2.7 - 3 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Hair Care, 12 - 16 oz - $4.00
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00
            $5/2 TRESemme Shampoo or Conditioner Products, exp. 11/17/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [28-oz.; Excludes pro collection and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Hair Care, 22 oz, or Styling, 9 - 10.5 oz - $5.00
            $2.50/1 TRESemme Pro Collection Shampoo or Conditioner, exp. 11/17/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Alouette Spreadable Cheese, 6 - 6.5 oz - B1G1
          • Atkins Entrees, 6.5 - 9 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            $1/1 Atkins Frozen Meal, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 02/03/19)
            Final Price: $0.99
          • Aunt Jemima Pancake & Waffle Mix, 32 - 35 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Aunt Jemima Syrup, 24 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Back to Nature California Almonds, Cashews, or Trail Mix, 9 - 10 oz - B1G1
          • Bertolli Sauce, 15 - 24 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Betty Crocker Cake or Brownie Mix, 14.1 - 19.1 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Betty Crocker Frosting, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Betty Crocker Potatoes, 4.2 - 5 oz ($1.99) - $0.99
          • Biscotti, 7 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Callaway Blue Spring Water, 12 pk 0.5 L ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Cat's Pride Cat Litter, 10 - 15 lb ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz, or Savor, 14 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
            $1/2 Chobani Yogurt Tubes, Tubs and Squeezable Pouches, exp. 12/15/19 (SS 11/10/19) [multi-packs,]
            Final Price: $2.42 each wyb 2
          • Del Monte Fruit, 14.5 - 15.25 oz - B1G1
            Save 75? off FOUR (4) Del Monte? Canned Fruit 14.5oz or larger
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz ($1.48) - $0.74
            SAVE $0.50 on any FOUR (4) Del Monte? Canned Vegetables
            Final Price: $0.55 each wyb 4
          • Diamond of California Nuts, 2.25 - 4 oz ($8.49) - $4.24
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 50 ct ($3.59) - $1.79
            Save 75? off ONE (1) package of Dixie Plates
            Final Price: $1.04
          • Edward's Pie, 23.5 - 37 oz ($7.79) - $3.74
            $1/2 Edwards Desserts, exp. 1/15/20 (SS 11/10/19) [23.5-oz.+]
            Stack With $1.00/2 Ibotta Rebate
          • Emerald Cashews, Mixed Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, or Virginia Peanuts, 5 - 10 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Ferrero Rocher Fine Hazelnut Chocolates, 5.3 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
          • General Mill Cocoa Puffs Cereal ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Fillows Cereal ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Trix Cereal ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.52 each wyb 3
          • Glad Clingwrap, 200 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Freezer Wrap, 150 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Freezer or Storage Bags, 30 - 50 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Press'n Seal Wrap, 70 sq ft ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glad Storage Containers with Lids, 3 - 8 ct ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Glisten Dishwasher Machine Cleaner, 12 oz, or Garbage Disposer Cleaner, 4.9 oz - B1G1
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 8 - 44 ct ($7.49) - $3.74
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Drumsticks, or Bone-In Thighs, per lb ($7.89) - $3.94
          • Healthy Hide Good 'n Fun Gourmet Dog Treats, 4 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Heinz Yellow Mustard, 20 oz - B1G1
          • Hope Cashew & Almond Dip, 8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Jell-O Instant Pudding or Gelatin Dessert, 3.6 - 4.51 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
            $1/2 Keebler Crackers, exp. 12/22/19 (RMN 11/10/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 14.7 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 22.5 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 14.7 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 19.2 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats Cereal, 22.5 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal, 22.5 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal, 22.5 - 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 3
          • Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • La Pasta Organic Ravioli, 8 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • LaCroix Sparkling Water, 12 pk ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Land O Lakes Premium Cream Cheese, 8 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Late July Organic Snack Chips or Tortilla Chips, 5.5 - 6 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
            $Save $1 on any ONE (1) Late July Snacks? or Pretzel Crisps? Item 6 oz. or Larger
            Final Price: $0.79
          • Lean Cuisine Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz ($2.44) - $1.22
          • Lysol Bathroom Cleaner or Disinfectant Mildew Remover, 19 - 32 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Magnum Ice Cream Bars, 9.12 - 11.1 oz, or Ice Cream, 14.8 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 - 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • McCormick Simply Better Gravy, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, 60 - 64 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Mrs. Smith's Pie, 23.5 - 37 oz ($7.49) - $3.74
            $1.00/2 Ibotta Rebate
          • Musselman's Apple Sauce, 6 pk or 23 - 24 oz ($2.45) - $1.22
          • Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams or Grahamfuls, 7.04 - 14.4 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips, Crisp & Thins, Wheat Thins Chips, or Pita Snacks, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Layer Cake, 19 - 19.6 oz, or Turnovers, 4 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food, 3 lb - B1G1
            Save $2.00 off Rachael Ray Nutrish Premium Dry Cat Food
            $2/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food Bag 3-lb.+, exp. 11/30/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
          • Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, KitKat, York, Reese's Pieces, or Hershey's Drops Minis, 7.6 - 9.9 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Reese's or Hershey's Popped Snack Mix or Dipped Pretzels, 8 - 8.5 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Ritz Coating Mix, 5 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $0.60/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 1/5/20 (SS 11/10/19)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • Screamin' Sicilian Pizza Co. Pizza or Stromboli, 9.25 - 25 oz ($9.55) - $4.77
            $1/1 Screamin' Sicilian Premium Frozen Product printable [Sign Up]
            Final Price: $3.77
          • Smartwater, 1 L ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Smithfield Boneless Ham Steak, 8 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Sour Patch Kids or Swedish Fish Candy, 14 oz - B1G1
          • Stouffer's Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz ($2.44) - $1.22
          • TGI Fridays Frozen Appetizers, 7.6 - 15 oz ($6.39) - $3.19
          • The Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges or Dippers, 6 - 6.17 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Thomas' English Muffins, Bagels, or Swirl Bread, 10.5 - 20 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct ($5.61) - $2.80
          • Tyson Grilled & Ready, Naturals, or Steak Strips, 16 - 22 oz ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Vanity Fair Napkins, 40 - 100 ct - B1G1
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Welch's 100% Juice or Juice Beverage, 64 oz - B1G1
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Whole New York Strip, per lb - $7.99
          • Cedar Bay Cedar Plank Salmon, 9.7 oz - $6.99
          • Crabmeat-Stuffed Salmon Pinwheels, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise 10/15 Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $16.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Beef for Stew, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Chuck Roast, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Roast, per lb - $4.69
          • GreenWise Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • Ground Sirloin Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Patties, 12 oz - $3.33
          • Mahi Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $7.99
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh, Selects, Naturals, or Carving Board Lunch Meat, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Publix Aprons Chicken with Pineapple Chutney Meal Kit, 23.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Pork Tenderloin Meal Kit, 29 oz - $13.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.49
          • Publix Premium Semi-Boneless Half Ham, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Young Turkey, per lb - $0.49
            Limit 2
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Stuffed Crab Rolls, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Stuffed Scallops or Clams, 4 - 5 oz - $1.00
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Banana Shallots, per lb - $3.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.29
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Cranberries, 12 oz - $1.67
          • Crunch Pak Organic Sweet Apple Slices, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Eat Smart Vegetables, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Giorgio Stuffed Mushrooms, 8.5 oz - $5.00
          • Granny Smith Apples, per lb - $0.98
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.69
          • GreenWise Organic Granny Smith Apples, 2 lb - $3.99
          • Hard Squash, per lb - $0.99
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Organic HoneyCrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99
          • Pero Family Farms Green Beans, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Pomegranates, ea - $2.50
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 2 lb - $2.50
          • Publix Half Cut Squash, per lb - $1.49
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $2.99
          • Publix Premium Spiced Apple Cider, 64 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Red Delicious Apples, per lb - $0.98
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or Bosc Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Red, Orange, or Yellow Bell Peppers, per lb - $2.99
          • Rock Garden Organic Basil, 2 oz - $2.50
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Snack Sensations Vegetable Party Dip Tray, 17 - 40 oz - $9.99
          • Sunset Organic Campari Tomatoes, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.49
          • Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $0.89
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.69
          • Beemster Gouda Cheese Wedge, 5.3 oz - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Corden Bleu Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $7.19
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $3.59
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Products printable
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Product (SS 11/10/19) Exp 2/2/20
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Flourless Truffle Torte, 16 oz - $7.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $5.49
          • GreenWise Bakery New York Style Cheesecake, 16 oz - $7.99
          • King's Hawaiian Rolls, 24 pk - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Cookies, 12 ct - $3.00
          • Publix Bakery Danish Pecan Ring, 15 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Crumb Cake, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Pecan Pie, 26 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery Pecan Pie, 26 oz - $7.99
          • Publix Cranberry-Orange Relish, 16 oz - $3.79
          • Publix Deli Baked Beans, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Cranberry Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.99
          • Publix Deli French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Fully Cooked Turkey Dinner, ea - $89.99
          • Publix Deli Fully Cooked Turkey Dinner, ea - $49.99
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Panino Fingers, 5 - 6 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Imported Cheese, per lb - $19.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Smokehouse Meal for Four - $24.50
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
            Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) 1850 K-Cup pods Coffee Product
            Save $1.25 on any ONE (1) 1850 Ground or Whole Bean Coffee Product
          • Bonne Maman Preserves, Marmalade, Jelly, or Intense Fruit Spread, 8.2 - 13 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) 8.2oz jars of Bonne Maman INTENSE Fruit Spreads or two Preserves, Jellies or Curds
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G2 - $5.15
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 4
          • Donut Shop Coffee K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk - $5.00
          • Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49
          • Keebler Ready Crust Pie Crust, 4 - 6 oz - B2G1
          • Kraft 100% Grated Cheese or Reduced Fat Grated Topping, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Stove Top Stuffing, 6 oz - $1.50
          • Krispy Kreme Coffee K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppable Potato Snacks, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Monster Energy or Java Coffee+Energy Drink, 15 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93
            Final Price: $3.95 each wyb 3
          • Pet Evaporated Milk, 12 oz - $1.00
          • Publix 100% Pure Pumpkin, 15 oz - $1.00
          • Quaker Rice Crisps, Popped Rice, or Sweet Oat Crisps, 3 - 3.52 oz - $1.00
          • Sara Lee Artesano Bread, 18 - 20 oz - $2.50
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice, 64 oz or 6 pk - $3.33
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer or Probiotic Drinkable Yogurt, 25.4 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz, Drink, 7 oz, or Gimmies, 4 oz - $1.00
            $1/5 Chobani Single Serve and Non-Dairy Product, exp. 12/15/19 (SS 11/10/19)
          • Cracker Barrel Chunk Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic or Lactose Free Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 8 oz, Cinnamon or Orange Danish Rolls or Sweet Biscuits, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury? Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter Quarters, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Silk Milk Alternative Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt Portable Yogurt, 8 pk - $2.00
          • Friendly's Ice Cream Sundae, 6 oz - $1.00
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, 3.6 oz - $1.00
          • Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Bowl-Fulls, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Classic Large Size, 15 - 20 oz - $3.33
          • Pedigree Dog or Puppy Food, 15 - 20.4 lb - $12.99

          The post Publix Matchups 11/14/19 – 11/20/19 appeared first on

          Advent Calendars: LEGO City and LEGO Friends, under $20 Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:21:17 +0000 These awesome deals are back again! Every year LEGO Advent calendars sell out and right now the 2019 LEGO City Advent Calendar and 2019 LEGO Friends Advent Calendar are marked down to $19.97 from $29.99! Head HERE to LEGO Friends and HERE to LEGO City. If you are looking for the 2019 LEGO Star Wars Advent […]

          The post Advent Calendars: LEGO City and LEGO Friends, under $20 appeared first on


          These awesome deals are back again! Every year LEGO Advent calendars sell out and right now the 2019 LEGO City Advent Calendar and 2019 LEGO Friends Advent Calendar are marked down to $19.97 from $29.99! Head HERE to LEGO Friends and HERE to LEGO City.

          If you are looking for the 2019 LEGO Star Wars Advent Set it’s marked down to $32.82 from $39.99.
          The 2019 LEGO Harry Potter Advent Set is also marked down to $32.82 from $39.99.

          *prices subject to change.

          The post Advent Calendars: LEGO City and LEGO Friends, under $20 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 11/7/19 – 11/13/19 Fri, 08 Nov 2019 19:47:49 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, November 7th or Wednesday, November 6th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 11/7/19 – 11/13/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, November 7th or Wednesday, November 6th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $11.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $4.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled and Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Angus Eye Round Roast, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Eye Round Steaks, per lb - $6.49
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $13.49
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Tenderloins, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
          • GreenWise King Crab Clusters, per lb - $19.99
          • GreenWise Lunchmeats, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb - $3.99
          • Lean Ground Beef Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Maverick Ranch Organic Ground Beef 85% Lean, 16 oz - $5.49
          • Medium Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $9.99
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1 - $10.29
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Aprons Mozzarella Stuffed Beef and Pork Meatballs, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets or Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast Bone-In, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast Boneless, per lb - $2.29
          • Publix Premium Crab Cakes, 6 oz - $6.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $0.98
          • Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Bolthouse Farms Smoothie or Protein Shake or Beverage, 15.2 oz - $2.00
          • Cranberries, 12 oz - $1.67
          • Florida Navel Oranges, 4 lb - $2.99
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice or Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Fresh Express Organic Salad Kit, 11.6 oz - $4.00
          • Gala Apples, per lb - $0.98
          • Granny Smith Apples, per lb - $1.29
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Rainbow Carrots, 12 oz - $2.49
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • Greens Beans, per lb - $1.69
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Mariani Premium Almonds, 10 oz - $3.99
          • Mariani Walnuts, 9 oz - $3.99
          • Mini Hass Avocados, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Organic Cranberries, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Organic Fuji Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • Organic Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Pomegranate, ea - $2.50
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Pineapple Chunks, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $2.99
          • South Georgia Pecan Co. Shelled Pecans, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.29
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49
          • Yellow or Zucchini Squash, per lb - $1.69
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Salad, per lb - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Muenster Cheese, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Protein Bowl, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Folios Cheese Wraps, 6 oz - $4.99
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Cheesecake Almond Cone, 2 ct - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Chicago Hard Rolls, 6 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Chicago Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Cuban Sandwich, ea - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Imported French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Pre-Sliced Prosciutto, 4 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99
          • Bumble Bee Premium Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99
          • Bush's Best Black Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $0.79
          • Bush's Best Cannelli, Chili, Butter, Navy, White, Great Northern, or Kidney Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Cafe Bustelo Coffee, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93
          • Dave's Killer Bread Organic Bread, 20.5 oz - $3.99
          • Doritos, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 oz - $3.33
          • Duncan Hines Comstock Pie Filling & Topping, 20 - 21 oz - B2G1
          • Folgers Coffee, 24.2 - 30.5 oz or 12 ct - $6.99
          • Frito-Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz - $3.00
          • GoGo Squeez Organic Applesauce, 4 pk - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 17 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Salad Dressing, 12 oz - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Kernel Corn, 14.5 - 15 oz - $1.33
          • Justin's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, 4.7 oz - $4.99
          • Kind Bars, 4.86 - 7.1 oz - $3.00
          • Melitta Ground Coffee, 10.5 - 11 oz - $3.50
          • Mott's 100% Apple Juice or Blend, 64 oz 6 pk - $2.00
          • Mott's Apple Sauce, 23 - 24 oz - $1.67
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits or Bites, 5 ct - $2.99
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Publix Premium Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct - $4.99
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - $2.50
          • Sara Lee Artesano Bread, 20 oz, Buns, 8 pk, or Rolls 12 pk - $2.50
          • Smartfood Popcorn or Smartfood Delight, 4.5 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Smucker's Natural Fruit Spread, 17.25 oz - $3.00
          • Starbucks, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
            $1/1 Starbucks Coffee, exp. 12/31/19 (RMN 10/27/19 R)
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.50
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Organic Frozen Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Appetizers, Mini Egg Rolls, Dumplings, or Rice, 8.2 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meal for Two, 22 oz - $5.99
          • Red's Bowl, 7.5 - 8.5 oz - $3.33
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breasts, Chunks, Strips, or Slices, 24 oz - $6.99
          • Aveeno Products, select - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Colgate Total Advanced, Total, or Optic White Stainfighter Toothpaste, 4 - 4.8 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 Colgate Total, Optic White, Enamel Health, Essentials or Sensitive Toothpaste, exp. 11/16/19 (SS 11/03/19) [3-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Crest Pro-Health, 3D White, or Complete Toothpaste, 4.1 - 8 oz - $3.99
            $2/1 Crest Toothpaste, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, regular, baking soda, tartar control/protection, f&w peep gleem, kids and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Crest ProHealth Advanced Mouthwash, 1 L - $5.00
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [437-ml./16-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Crest Scope, 1 L, or ProHealth Mouthwash, 500 ml - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [437-ml./16-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Dove Bath Bars, 6 pk - $6.49
            $0.75/1 Dove Beauty Bar, exp. 11/16/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [4-ct.+]
            Final Price: $5.74
          • Dove Body Wash, 22 oz, Shower Foam, 13.5 oz, Body Polish, 10.5 oz, or Bath Bomb, 2 ct - $5.99
            FREE Dove Men+Care Body Wash wyb Dove Body Wash or Exfoliating Body Polish, exp. 11/16/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [13.5-oz. wash; 10.5-oz. polish; Up to $6; ETS]
            $1/1 Dove Bath Bombs, exp. 11/16/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [2-ct.+]
            $0.75/1 Dove Beauty Bar, exp. 11/16/19 (RMN 11/03/19) [4-ct.+]
            SAVE $1.00 when you buy ONE (1) Dove? Shower Foam, any variety (13.5 oz). Excludes Dove Men+Care and trial and travel sizes. ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $2.99 each wyb 2
          • Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Liquid Soap, 32 oz - $10.99
          • GreenWise Dietary Supplements, 50 - 90 ct - 25% OFF
          • Method Foaming Hand Wash Refill, 28 oz - $4.99
          • Method Hand Wash or Foaming Hand Wash, 10 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Oral-B Glide Floss - $1.00 OFF
          • Zone Perfect Nutrition Bars, 4 - 5 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Rachael Ray, 12 - 14 lb - $19.99
            $3/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Food Bag 3-lb.+, exp. 11/30/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $16.99
          • Tidy Cats Cat Litter, 14 lb - $6.50

          The post Publix Matchups 11/7/19 – 11/13/19 appeared first on

          Leftover Halloween Candy Recipe: Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars Fri, 01 Nov 2019 18:34:26 +0000 I post this recipe every fall right after Halloween. If you are looking for a way to use up leftover Halloween candy, this recipe is awesome!! If you have leftover Halloween candy you want to use up, this is a fun recipe to try. It reminds me a little of Adam’s Peanut Butter Cup Fudge […]

          The post Leftover Halloween Candy Recipe: Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars appeared first on


          Follow Me on Pinterest

          I post this recipe every fall right after Halloween. If you are looking for a way to use up leftover Halloween candy, this recipe is awesome!!

          If you have leftover Halloween candy you want to use up, this is a fun recipe to try. It reminds me a little of Adam’s Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple Cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory and is OH SO GOOD 🙂

          Every year hubby and I purchase a ton of Halloween candy to give to our neighborhood trick-or-treaters. And every year, we have leftover candy. Usually I try to give the candy away to neighbors or I put the candy in a place that is hidden from site in an attempt to refrain from eating all of it in 24 hours.  This recipe is a great way to use some of your leftover candy or candy you steal from you kiddos.  I made it with Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups.  You can make it with a different candy or a mixture of chocolates.  There are no rules as to what candy would go good in these bars.

          Frugal Tips:

          • I used Nestle Tollhouse Cookie Dough that I got free matching a coupon with a sale (see my Photo Show & Tell HERE).  To find cookie dough and candy coupons, check out Addicted to Saving’s Coupon Database.
          • Cream cheese often goes on sale over the holiday season since many people bake desserts with it.  Stock up on cream cheese over the holidays and freeze it.  It will bake fine and you won’t have to pay full price.

          Healthy Tips:
          Honestly, I have no tips for you on how to make this recipe healthy.  This is a deadly, oooh it is so good recipe that entails calories, sweetness and candy. 🙂

          • To see additional recipes posted on Addicted to Saving, go HERE

          I was inspired to make this recipe after reading Bakers Royale

          The post Leftover Halloween Candy Recipe: Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 10/31/19 – 11/6/19 Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:52:01 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 31st or Wednesday, October 30th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 10/31/19 – 11/6/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 31st or Wednesday, October 30th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 1850 by Folgers, 12 oz or 10 ct ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Air Wick Air Fresheners ($5.49) - $2.74
            $2/1 Air Wick Freshmatic Refill printable
            $1.50/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin Refill printable [twin]
            $1.50/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin Refill printable
            $2/1 Air Wick Essential Mist Refill printable
            B1G1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin Refill, exp. 11/3/19 (SS 10/20/19)
            $1.50/1 Air Wick Essential Mist Refill, exp. 11/17/19 (SS 10/20/19)
            Final Price: $0.74
          • All Laundry Detergent, 32 - 40 oz or 19 - 24 ct ($4.85) - $2.42
            $1/1 all Laundry Product, exp. 11/17/19 (RMN 10/27/19) [Excludes trial size]
            $2/2 Snuggle or all Laundry Products, exp. 11/17/19 (RMN 10/27/19) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $1.42
          • Annie's Organic Crispy Snack or Chewy Granola Bars or Toaster Pastries, 3.9 - 11 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 25 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Arnold Select Rolls or Sandwich Thins Rolls, 8 ct ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Barilla Fully Cooked Ready Pasta, 8.5 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
            $1/1 Barilla Ready Pasta Pouch, exp. 11/24/19 (RMN 09/29/19) [DND]
            Final Price: FREE
          • Barilla Pasta, 12 - 16 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
            $1/4 boxes of Barilla Blue Box Pasta, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/08/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 4
          • Bertolli Olive Oil, 16.9 oz ($11.29) - $5.64
          • Blue Buffalo Adult Dog Food, 6 lb ($18.99) - $9.49
          • Blue Bunny Mini Swirl Cones, or Bunny Snacks, 6 - 8 pk ($5.15) - $2.57
            SAVE $0.75 on any one (1) Blue Bunny Ice Cream (46/48 fl. oz.), Load'd Sundaes? Cup or Novelty Pack
            Final Price: $1.82
          • Blue Plate Mayonnaise, 30 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Canada Dry, 7Up, A&W, or Diet Rite, 6 pk 16.9 oz or8 pk 12 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Carbona Washing Machine Cleaner, 8.4 oz, or In-Wash Sheets Color Grabber, 30 ct - B1G1
            $1.50/1 Carbona Washing Machine Cleaner -Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            $1.00/1 Carbona Color Grabber Sheets, 30 ct - Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
          • Cascadian Farm Cereal, Granola, Bars, or Squares, 6.2 - 16 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO any flavor/variety Cascadian Farm? products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 7 - 9.25 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Chobani Savor Squeezable Greek Yogurt, 14 oz - B1G1
          • Dasani Sparkling Water, 8 pk 12 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Del Monte Tomatoes, 14.5 oz ($1.59) - $0.79
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 4 oz ($1.39) - $0.69
            $1/3 Earth's Best Organic Jars or Pouches printable [Jars or Pouches]
            Final Price: $0.36 each wyb 3
          • Eternal Naturally Alkaline Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Fiber One Bars, 8.2 - 14.1 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            $1/2 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product Box, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            $0.50/1 Fiber One or Protein One Snack Product Box, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            $0.50/2 Fiber One Variety or Protein Snack Product, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/15/19)
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 32 ct, Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz or 3 ct, or Jet-Dry, 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Folgers Ground Coffee, 10.3 - 11.5 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
          • French's Chill-O Seasoning Mix, 1.75 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
          • Fresh Express Organic Salad Kit, 7.6 - 11.6 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Gardein Meat-Free Entrees or Skillet Meals, 8 - 20 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisp, Cocoa Puffs, Golden Grahams, or Reese's Puffs Cereal, 18 - 20.7 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic4, Oatmeal Crisp and Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            $1/2 Cheerios Boxes, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios?, Cinnamon Toast Crunch?, Lucky Charms?, Reese?s Puffs, Chex?, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct ($9.55) - $4.77
          • Ghirardelli Brownie or Cookie Mix, 13.5 - 20 oz, or Cake Mix, 12.75 oz, or Single Serve Mug Mix, 9.2 oz ($3.25) - $1.62
          • Gia Russa Select Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets, Shrimp, Simply Bake, or Crab Cakes, 6 - 11.4 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 7 - 10 oz - B1G1
          • GreenWise Organic Spinach, 10 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 8.3 oz ($2.50) - $1.25
          • Hefty Plates, 28 - 50 ct, or Bowls, 30 ct ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Heinz Organic Yellow Mustard, 8 oz ($2.05) - $1.02
          • Heinz Simply Ketchup, 29.5 - 31 oz ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Hershey's Syrup, 17.5 - 24 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Home Run Inn Pizza, 21.5 - 32 oz ($10.29) - $5.14
          • Hormel Always Tender Marinated Pork Loin, 19.2 - 16 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Hormel Entrees, 15 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Hormel Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • International Delight Creamer, 24 ct - B1G1
            $1/1 International Delight Creamer printable [sign up]
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Crispix Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran and/or Frosted Flakes Cereal, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/22/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 11.5 - 15.5 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 4
          • Kibbles 'n Bits Dog Food, 3.5 lb ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Klondike Ice Cream Bars or Sandwiches, 11 - 27 oz - B1G1
          • Land O Lakes Half & Half, 24 ct - B1G1
          • Lysol Neutra Air, 6.17 oz ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Marie Callender's Pot Pie, 4 pk ($8.79) - $4.39
          • McCormick Chili Seasoning Mix, 1.25 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 3 - 3.15 lb ($5.45) - $2.72
          • Mid's Pasta Sauce, 32 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Milo's Kitchen Home-Style Dog Treats, 15 - 18 oz - B1G1
          • Muir Glen Organic Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce, 6 - 28 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE any flavor/variety Muir Glen? Organic products
            Final Price: $1.16 each wyb 3
          • Nabisco Family Size Snack Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz ($4.85) - $2.42
          • Nature Valley Bars, Cups, or Granola Snack Mix, 12 - 17.8 oz ($7.69) - $3.84
            $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Cups, Layered Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Snack Mix, Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites or Wafer Bars Boxes, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/13/19 R) [5-ct.+]
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 09/08/19 #2) [5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Assorted Candies, 26.9 - 35 oz ($11.49) - $5.74
          • New York Texas Toast, Bread Sticks, Cheese Sticks, Garlic Knots or Loaves, or Ciabatta Rolls, 7.3 - 14 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 any ONE (1) New York Bakery 3 Cheese Cheese Sticks
          • Ocean Spray Juice Drink, 101.4 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
            $1.00/1 any bottle of Ocean Spray Juice Beverage, 64oz. exp. 10/31/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            Final Price: $1.89
          • Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn, 6 - 10 ct ($5.75) - $2.87
          • Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 4.75 - 7.5 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Pepperidge Farm Layer Cake or Turnovers, 12.5 - 19.6 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Perdue Chicken, 22 - 26 oz ($9.19) - $4.59
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Products printable
            $1/1 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Product, exp 11/30/19 (RMN 10/20/19)
            Final Price: $3.59
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz ($2.98) - $1.49
          • Prego Sauce, 22 - 24 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Publix Bakery Assorted Donut Holes, 7.8 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin, per lb ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Publix Microwave Popcorn, 6 pk ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Publix Omeprazole Acid Reducer, 14 ct ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Publix Premium Alaskan Panko Pollock Fillets, 12 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Quaker Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 14.5 - 28 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Life Cereal, 14.5 - 28 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal, 14.5 - 28 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quaker Simply Granola Cereal, 14.5 - 28 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Quilted Northern Ultra Soft or Strong Bathroom Tissue, 6 rolls ($5.55) - $2.77
            Save 50? off ONE (1) Quilted Northern Bath Tissue
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue Double Rolls, exp. 11/20/19 (RMN 10/20/19)
            Final Price: $2.27
          • RW Knudsen Family Organic Juice, 32 oz ($12.19) - $6.09
          • RealGood Pizza or Enchiladas, 4.7 - 20 oz ($8.79) - $4.39
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Ricola Cough Drops, 19 - 24 oz ($2.45) - $1.22
          • Sabra Hummus, 10 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Seattle's Best Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct ($8.19) - $4.09
            $1/1 Seattle's Best Coffee Product printable [whole bean]
            Final Price: $3.09
          • Smart Balance Spread, Sticks, or Spray, 7.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Starburst, Skittles, or LifeSavers Candy, 12.5 - 15.6 oz - B1G1
          • Thomas' Bagels, 10.5 - 20 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Tostitos Dips or Dip-Etizers, 10 - 15.75 oz - B1G1
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct ($5.61) - $2.80
          • Tylenol Cold & Flu or Cold Multi-Symptom & Sinus, 8 oz or 24 ct ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Vlasic Pickles or Relish, 10 - 46 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz - B1G1
          • Yoplait GoGurt, 8 ct - B1G1
          • Yoplait Original Yogurt, 8 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Zatarain's Rice Sides, Side Dish, or Mix, 6 - 12 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • 16/20 ct Argentine Red Shrimp, per lb - $8.99
          • 26/30 ct Extra Large Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $9.99
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Shoulder Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Brisket Flat Cut, per lb - $7.49
          • Clearwater Bacon Wrapped Scallops, 8 oz - $8.99
          • Dakota Organic Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.49
          • GreenWise 20/40 ct Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • GreenWise Applewood Bacon, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steak, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Fully Cooked Chicken, 9 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Tenders, per lb - $7.19
          • GreenWise Organic Chicken Drumsticks and Thighs, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Chicken, per lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lb or more
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh, Selects, Naturals, or Carving Board Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Publix Aprons Beef Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Chicken Wings, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Tilapia Fillets, 24 oz - $6.99
          • Rock Crab Claws, per lb - $9.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.29
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Bosc Pears, per lb - $1.49
          • Celery, ea - $0.98
          • Eat Smart Green Beans, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Envy Apples, per lb - $1.69
          • Florida Navel Oranges, 4 lb - $3.99
          • Fresh Attitude Salad Blend, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.49
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Bella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Spring Mix, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Moon Drop Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Moyer's Candy or Caramel Apples, 3 ct - $4.99
          • Organic Gala Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Organic Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Pie Pumpkins, per lb - $0.99
          • Pomegranates, ea - $2.50
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $0.98
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Red or Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix White Whole Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Ready Pac Bistro Salad, 4.5 - 8 oz - $3.33
          • Red Pears, per lb - $1.69
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.29
          • Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.49
          • Zucchini, per lb - $1.49
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Coat Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $2.99
          • Buitoni Pasta, 18 - 20 oz - $6.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette, 8.5 oz - $1.49
          • Healthy Oatmeal Bites, 5 - 6 oz - $4.29
          • Italian Cookies, 16 oz - $5.49
          • King's Hawaiian Rolls, 12 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Brownies, 8 ct - $3.89
          • Publix Bakery Caramel Apple Pecan Cake, 57 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Caramel Apple Pecan Slices, 2 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Mini Key Lime Pie, 12 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Multigrain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Sundried Tomato Baguette, 8 oz - $1.59
          • Publix Deli Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Cuban Sandwich, ea - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Imported French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Potato Salad, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Soup, 16 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Turkey Cranberry Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Stella Freshly Crumbled Cheese, 9 oz - $3.49
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 16 oz - $1.00
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $2.00
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50
          • CapriSun Juice Drink, 10 ct - $2.33
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, or Grooves, 8 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Dole 100% Pineapple Juice, 46 oz - $2.00
          • Dole Fridge Pack, 15 oz - $2.33
          • Dole Fruit, 4 pk - $2.33
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit in Gel Packages, exp. 12/8/19 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.08 each wyb 2
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Honey, 8 - 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Apple Juice, 1 gal - $8.99
          • GreenWise Organic Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Pickles, 16 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Quinoa, 12 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Salad Dressing, 12 oz - $2.99
          • Hershey's Chocolate, 15.92 - 20.1 oz - B2G1 - $6.99
          • Keebler Town House, Club Crackers, Toasteds, or Zesta Saltines, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 13.5 - 14.7 oz - $1.67
            Save $2.00 off FOUR (4) Pop-Tarts? toaster pastries
            Final Price: $1.17 each wyb 4
          • Ken's Steak House Dressing or Simply Vinaigrette, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Lindt or Ghirardelli Chocolate Bars, 2.8 - 4.4 oz - $2.50
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Mars Chocolate Miniatures, Fun Size Variety Size Bag, or M&M's, 33.9 - 40 oz - $8.99
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits or Bites, 8.8 - 8.81 oz, or Protein Soft Baked Biscuits, 4 ct - $2.99
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies, 13 - 20 oz - $3.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Publix Coconut Oil, 14 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Egg Noodles, Lasagana, or No-Egg Extra Wide Noodles, 16 oz - $1.79
          • Publix French Fried Onions, 8 oz - $2.29
          • Publix Fruit & Grain, Granola, or Sweet & Salty Bars, 7.4 - 10.4 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Jasmine Rice, 8.8 oz - $1.50
          • Publix Pineapple, 20 oz - $1.09
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.50
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.50
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk - B2G2
          • Starbucks Coffee K-Cups, 32 ct - $19.99
            Save $1.00 ONE (1) Starbucks Roast & Ground or K-Cup
            Final Price: $18.99
          • Starbucks Frappuccino or Double Shot Chilled Coffee Drink, 4 pk - B2G1
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Feta or Blue Cheese, 4 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.50
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Happy Egg Co. Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Maple Hill Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.99
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 4 oz, Cinnamon Rolls, 7.3 oz, or Grands! Biscuits, 10.2 - 12 oz - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $1.50
          • Publix Sour Cream, 16 oz - $1.33
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.50
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Silk Soy or Almond Milk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • So Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal or 12 ct - $5.50
          • Freschetta Pizza, 16.77 - 30.88 oz - $5.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 15 oz - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99
            $1/1 Stouffer's Family Size Lasagna printable
            $1/1 Stouffer's Multi-Serve Entree, exp. 11/2/19 (RMN 09/08/19) [25-96-oz.]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Talenti Gelato or Sorbetto, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Air Wick V.I.P Toilet Spray, 1.85 oz - $5.99
          • Angel Soft Bath Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $5.00
            $1/1 Angel Soft Mega Bath Tissue printable [12+ roll or 6+ mega]
            $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue printable [4 double roll+]
            $1/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue Package 12-ct.+ or Mega Rolls 6-ct.+, exp. 11/6/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
            $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue Double Rolls Package 4-ct.+, exp. 11/6/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 9 mega or 18 dbl rolls - $6.99
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) package of Angel Soft? Mega Bath Tissue, 12 Roll or larger or 6 Mega or larger
            Save 50? off ONE (1) package of Angel Soft? Bath Tissue, 4 Double Roll or larger
            $1/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue Package 12-ct.+ or Mega Rolls 6-ct.+, exp. 11/6/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
            $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue Double Rolls Package 4-ct.+, exp. 11/6/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $6.00
            $0.55/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [2, 3 or 6 roll]
            Final Price: $5.45
          • Cascade Complete, 45 oz - $4.99
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
            $1/1 Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [30-ct.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid, 40 oz - $4.99
            $0.50/1 Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Product or Dawn Platinum Foam, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [10.1-oz.+; Excludes dawn simply clean, special value and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Downy In-Wash Scent Booster, 20.1 oz - $11.99
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99
            $3/1 Gain Flings, exp. 11/9/19 (RMN 10/06/19) [30-ct.+]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain In-Wash Scent Booster, 20.1 oz - $11.99
            $2/1 Gain Liquid Softener or Sheets or Fireworks, exp. 11/9/19 (RMN 10/06/19) [28+ load softener; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks]
            $2/2 MIX OR MATCH: Gain or Downy Liquid Detergent, 40 - 129 oz, Bounce, Gain or Downy Dryer Sheets, 60 - 240 ct., Downy, Gain or Dreft Scent Boosters, 7.2 - 20.1 oz Publix coupon in the Publix Purple Health Beauty Flyer valid 10-19 thru 11-1-19
            Final Price: $8.99 each wyb 2
          • Glad Tall Kitchen Bags or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • GreenWise All Purpose Spray Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Bath Tissue, 12 dbl rolls - $5.00
          • GreenWise Bleach, 64 oz - $1.50
          • GreenWise Bowls, 10 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Multi-Purpose Wipes, 70 ct - $3.00
          • GreenWise Paper Towels, 8 roll - $5.00
          • Kleenex Tissues, 30 - 144 ct - $1.25
            $0.50 off Kleenex Tissue printable [(3) boxes or (1) bundle]
            $0.25/1 Kleenex Facial Tissue Boxes 30-ct.+ or Wet Wipes Package 20-ct.+, exp. 11/3/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Seventh Generation Dish Liquid, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
          • Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner, 23 - 25 oz - $3.00
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99
            $3/1 Tide Pods (P&G 10/27/19 R) [32-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Tide, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
            $3/1 Tide (P&G 10/27/19 R) [0.92-oz.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Windex Cleaner, 19.7 - 23 oz, or Wipes, 28 ct - $3.00
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) Windex Product
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Ziploc Bags, 14 - 90 ct - $3.00
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Ziploc brand products (Excludes Ziploc brand Accessory Bags)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Ziploc Containers, 2 - 4 ct - $3.00
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Ziploc brand products (Excludes Ziploc brand Accessory Bags)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Align, select - $3.00 OFF
            $2/1 Align Probiotic Supplement Product, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Colgate 360 Toothbrush, 1 ct - $1.00 OFF
          • Colgate Triple Action, Baking Soda & Peroxide, Sparkling White, or Original Toothpaste, 6 oz - $1.50
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 10/20/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial & travel size]
            $1/2 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 10/20/19 R) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial & travel size]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00
          • Ensure Shakes, 4 - 16 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $3/1 Ensure Multi-Pack printable
            $3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]
            $5/2 Ensure Multipacks, exp. 11/10/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            $5/2 Ensure Multipacks, exp. 12/1/19 (SS 10/27/19)
            $3/2 MIX OR MATCH: Ensure Shakes, 4, 6, 12 or 16 pk. or Ensure Rapid Hydration Powders, 6 pk Publix coupon in the Publix Purple Health Beauty Flyer valid 10-19 thru 11-1-19
          • Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion or Cream, 8 - 14.5 oz - $5.99
            $1.50/1 Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion, exp. 12/7/19 (SS 10/27/19) [13-oz.+; Includes hand creams and trial size; Excludes 13-oz. or less]
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Maui Moisture Hair Care, 4.2 - 13 oz - $6.99
          • Metamucil, select - $3.00 OFF
            $1/1 Metamucil Fiber Supplement Product printable [Excludes trial and travel sizes]
            $1/1 Metamucil Fiber Supplement Product, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Olay Body Wash, 10.3 - 30 oz - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Olay Bar Soap Body Wash, In-Shower Body Lotion or Hand and Body Lotion, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [4-ct.+; Excludes bar 1-ct. and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Olay Cleansers, 0.5 - 4.5 oz - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Olay Facial Cleanser, exp. 11/23/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Olay Regenerist or Eyes Moisturizers or Total Effects, 0.4 - 2.5 oz - $4.00 OFF
            $2/1 Olay Eyes or Facial Moisturizer, exp. 11/23/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes complete, active hydrating and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Olay Ultra Moisture Shea Butter Beauty Bars, 6 pk - $5.50
            $1/1 Olay Bar Soap Body Wash, In-Shower Body Lotion or Hand and Body Lotion, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [4-ct.+; Excludes bar 1-ct. and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.50
          • One a Day or Citracal, select - 20% OFF
            $2/1 One A Day Prenatal Multivitamin Product printable
            $1/1 One A Day Kids Product printable
            $1/1 One A Day Adult Multivitamin Product printable
          • Softsoap Hand Soap or Foaming Hand Soap, 8 - 11.25 oz - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Softsoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap printable [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Vicks Dayquil/Nyquil Severe Cold & Flu, 12 oz or 24 ct - $9.99
            $3/2 Vicks Dayquil or Nyquil Product, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes dayquil & nyquil 8-ct. and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Vicks Dayquil or Nyquil Product, exp. 11/23/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes dayquil & nyquil 8-ct. and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $8.49 each wyb 2
          • Earth's Best Organic Snack Bars, 5.3 oz, or Core Puffs, 2.5 oz - $2.79
          • Enfamil Infant Formula Powder, 30.4 - 31.4 oz - Prices Vary
            Buy (1), Get (1) Enfamil Infant Formula or Enfamil Enfalyte Oral Electrolyte Solution, 32 oz, FREE.
          • Pampers Baby Wipes, 112 - 216 ct - $5.99
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 11/9/19 (P&G 10/27/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Peter Rabbit Organics Puree, 4 - 4.4 oz - $1.67
          • Publix Baby Wipes, 216 ct - $4.50
          • Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, 9 - 26.3 lb - $10.99
          • Publix Premium Dog Food, 16 lb - $15.99

          The post Publix Matchups 10/31/19 – 11/6/19 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 10/24/19 – 10/30/19 Mon, 28 Oct 2019 14:16:21 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 24th or Wednesday, October 23rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 10/24/19 – 10/30/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 24th or Wednesday, October 23rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Alexia Potatoes or Onion Rings, 13.5 - 32 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Bag of Alexia Frozen Potatoes & Onions Printable coupon exclusive
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 14 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Arnold Select Sandwich or Hot Dog Rolls, 8 ct ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Aunt Jemima Pancake & Waffle Mix, 32 - 35 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Aunt Jemima Syrup, 24 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Bare Apple, Coconut, or Banana Chips, 2.7 - 3.4 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Barilla Protein+, Gluten Free, or Collezione Pasta, 8.8 - 16 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, pt, or Pint Slices, 3 ct ($5.65) - $2.82
          • Betty Crocker Frosting, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Betty Crocker Mixes, 14 - 19.1 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Boston Market Home Style Meals, 13 - 16 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            $1.00/1 SS 09/28
            Final Price: $0.89
          • Campari Tomatoes, 16 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Capri Sun Organic Juice Blend, 10 ct ($4.95) - $2.47
          • Celentano Pasta or Eggplant Parmigiano, 12.5 - 24 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
            $1/1 Frozen Celentano Pasta, Meatball, or Entree Product, exp. 12/31/19 (RMN 09/29/19 R)
            Final Price: $0.94
          • Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 10.5 - 15 oz ($3.85) - $1.92
          • Curly's Pulled Beef, Pork, or Chicken, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 4 pk ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 18.4 - 20 oz ($13.19) - $6.59
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) Dunkin' Coffee Product
            $1/1 Dunkin' Ground Coffee Product, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/22/19)
            Final Price: $5.59
          • Eat Smart Broccoli Slaw, 12 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Edy's Ice Cream, 48 oz ($6.45) - $3.22
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 12 ct ($8.19) - $4.09
            Save $1.00 off One Bag of Eight O'Clock Coffee. Any variety 10oz or larger.
            Final Price: $3.09
          • Entenmann's Little Bites, Muffins, Brownies, or Crumb Cake, 8.25 - 8.75 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Frank's RedHot Sauce or Wing Sauce, 12 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
          • Fresh Express Salad Blends or Kits, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
          • General Mills Cheerios or Chex, 10.6 - 15.2 oz, Wheaties, Basic 4, Total, GoodBelly, Fiber One, Oatmeal Crisp, or Raisin Nut Bran Cereal, 9.6 - 17.1 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 Cheerios Boxes, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            Final Price: $2.14 each wyb 2
          • Gerber Lil' Mixers, 3.6 - 5.6 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Gerber Lil' Mixers
          • Glade Aerosol, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Good 2 Grow Juice or Juicy Waters, 6 oz or 3 - 5 pk ($7.69) - $3.84
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans with Lids, 1 - 4 ct ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct ($2.55) - $1.27
          • Heinz BBQ Sauce, 18.6 - 21.4 oz - B1G1
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 20 oz, or Organic, 15 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Hunt's Ketchup, 38 oz - B1G1
          • Hunt's or Rotel Tomatoes, 10 - 14.5 oz, or Hunt's Tomato Sauce, 15 - 15.25 oz, or Puree, 10.75 oz ($1.55) - $0.77
          • Iams Premium Cat Food, 3 - 3.5 lb ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Indiana Kitchen Boneless Ham Steak, 8 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Jose Ole Taquitos, 20 - 22.5 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
            Save $1.00 Save $1.00 on Any One (1) Jos? Ol? Snack (16 oz. or larger) or Burrito Bowl (10 oz.)
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Lipton Tea Bags, 100 ct, or Organic Black Tea, 72 ct ($4.86) - $2.43
          • McCormick Mix, 0.75 - 2.64 oz ($2.85) - $1.44
          • Mezzetta Peppers, 16 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Monk Fruit in the Raw, 40 ct ($10.99) - $5.49
            Save $0.55 off one 1.12oz Monk Fruit In The Raw? 40 count packets
            Final Price: $4.94
          • Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 18 - 24.6 oz ($6.39) - $3.19
          • Nabisco Toasted Ritz Chips or Toasted Corn Chips or Crisp & Thins, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, Single Serve Trays, or Handi-Snacks, 10 - 18 ct ($6.89) - $3.44
          • Nature's Heart Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz ($1.79) - $0.89
          • Nature's Own Butterbread, 20 oz ($3.40) - $1.70
          • Near East or Rice-a-Roni or Pasta-Roni Products, 1.9 - 10 oz ($2.45) - $1.22
          • Nestle Assorted Candies, 3 Fun Size Bag, Ultimate or Classic Scream, Boo Bag!, or Halloween, 26.9 - 35 oz ($11.49) - $5.74
          • Nestle Drumstick Sundae Cones, 18.1 oz - B1G1
          • North Coast Organic Apple Sauce, 24 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 12.6 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks or Wieners, 14 - 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Pace Salsa or Picante Sauce, 24 - 64 oz, or Queso, 15 oz ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Pedigree Food For Dogs or Puppies, 3.5 lb ($4.60) - $2.30
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk btls ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, 8 oz, Cinnamon Rolls, Sweet Rolls, or Danish, 12.4 - 13.9 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 1/4/20 (SS 10/13/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.31 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies or Place & Bake Brownies, 11 - 16.5 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
            Save $0.50 when you buy ONE PACKAGE any size/variety Pillsbury? Place and Bake? Brownies
            $0.50/1 Pillsbury Place 'n Bake Brownies, exp. 12/21/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            $1/2 Pillsbury Place 'n Bake Brownies, exp. 12/21/19 (SS 09/29/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.14
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudels or Scrambles, 4 - 6 ct ($2.62) - $1.31
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($9.15) - $4.57
          • Post Great Grains Cereal, 13.5 - 16 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Raisin Bran or Grape Nuts Cereal, 20 - 20.5 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Post Shredded Wheat, 15 - 18 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Publix Antacids, 72 - 150 ct, or Omeprazole, 14 ct ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct ($5.31) - $2.65
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Publix Boneless Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Publix Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb ($5.09) - $2.54
          • Publix Medium Shrimp Platter, 18 oz ($16.99) - $8.49
          • Publix Pineapple Chunks, per lb ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Quaker Breakfast Flats, or Baked Squares or Flats, 6.1 - 10.5 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, 6.1 - 10.5 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
            $1/2 Quaker Chewy, exp. 11/30/19 (SS 10/20/19)
            Final Price: $0.74 each wyb 2
          • Quaker Rice Crisps, 6.06 - 7.04 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Chew Bones for Dogs, 6.3 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
            $1.50/1 Nutrish Treats printable
            B1G1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Treats Bag 6.3-oz. or smaller FREE, exp. 11/30/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $0.09
          • Ragu Sauce, 14 - 24 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
            $1/2 Ragu Sauce printable
            $1/2 Ragu Sauces 16-oz.+, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.24 each wyb 2
          • Reser's Baked Sides, 17 - 20 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Reser's Main St Bistro Item printable [20-oz. to 24-oz.]
            $1/1 Reser's Sensational Side printable
          • Right Guard Xtreme Anti-Perspirant, 2.6 - 4 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 12 pk ($6.89) - $3.44
          • So Good So You Organic Probiotic Shot, 1.7 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
          • Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers, 1.9 lb or 28.8 - 36 oz ($6.99) - $3.49
          • Stevia in the Raw, 50 - 250 ct, Extract Granulated Sweetener, 9.7 oz ($10.99) - $5.49
            Save $1.00 off one 9.7oz Stevia In The Raw? bakers bag.
            Save 55? off Stevia In The Raw? 50 count or 100 count packet
            Save 55? off Organic Stevia In The Raw? 40 count Packets
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Tai Pei Potstickers or Egg Rolls, 22.5 - 24.5 oz ($6.29) - $3.14
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Tai Pei Entr?es or Appetizers (7.9 oz. or larger)
            Final Price: $2.64 each wyb 2
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • TimberWick Candle, 9.25 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.3 - 21.6 oz ($9.69) - $4.84
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 20 - 44.5 oz - B1G1
            SAVE $1.00 ON ONE when you buy ONE PACKAGE any flavor 90 COUNT Totino’s™ Pizza Rolls™ OR Mini Snack Mix
          • Tyson Any'tizers or Chicken, 20 - 28.05 oz ($9.49) - $4.74
          • Vanity Fair Napkins, 40 - 100 ct - B1G1
          • Wholly Guacamole Avocado Verde, 10 oz - B1G1
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Woolite Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner, 12 - 22 oz ($10.99) - $5.49
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Brown Shrimp, per lb - $11.99
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $8.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Bone-In Thin-Sliced Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.19
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • Butcher's Organic Chicken or Beef Bone Broth, 24 oz - $5.99
          • Cajun-Seasoned Ready-to-Cook Catfish Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Chuck Short Ribs, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round London Broil, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round Steaks, per lb - $6.49
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks Boneless, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Thin-Sliced Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $5.49
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Greenfield Bacon, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $4.99
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Aprons Pork Tenderloin Meal Kit, 29 oz - $13.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Smithfield Bacon, 16 oz - B2G1
          • Ambrosia Apples, per lb - $0.98
          • Baby Seedless Cucumbers, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $0.98
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.50
          • Butternut, Acorn, Buttercup, or Spaghetti Squash, per lb - $0.99
          • Flavor Promise Red Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • GT's Enlightened Kombucha Organic & Raw or Synergy, 48 oz - $5.99
          • Gala Apples, 2 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Spinach, 10 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Whole Organic Baby Bella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Large Pumpkins, ea - $5.99
          • Moon Drop Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Moyer's Candy or Caramel Apples, 3 ct - $4.99
          • Orchard Valley Harvest Snacks, 8 oz - $5.00
          • Organic Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.00
          • Pie Pumpkins, per lb - $0.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Half Cut Squash, per lb - $1.49
          • Publix Red or Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Red Grapefruit, 5 lb - $4.99
          • Red Grapefruit, ea - $0.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $2.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.49
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, Ruby Red Grapefruit, or Trop50 Orange Juice Beverage, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Boar's Head Aloha Sunshine Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Blanc Grue Gruyere Cheese, 8 oz - $8.39
          • Boar's Head Classic Slider Trio - $29.99
          • Boar's Head Small Naan Platter - $12.99
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Chip Brookies, 4 ct - $4.49
          • Jarlsberg Cheese Wedge, 8 oz - $4.29
          • Kerrygold Reserve Cheddar Cheese, 7 oz - $6.29
          • Panera Soup, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hot Dog Buns, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Cobblestone Bread, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Homestyle Cornbread, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Holiday Specialty Cake, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Pie, 22 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Variety Creme Cake, 44 oz - $7.49
          • Publix Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.99
          • Publix Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Sweet Ham, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Sweet Potato Wedges, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Turkey Cranberry Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Thins or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Arizona Tea, gal - $2.50
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks, 8 - 24 ct ($5.65) - $2.82
            $0.50/2 Betty Crocker Boxes, Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Flavored Snacks, Motts Fruit Flavored Snacks or Sunkist Fruit Flavored Snacks, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 09/08/19 #2)
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 2
          • Bush's Best Chili, Pinto, Butter, Navy, White, Cannellini, Great Northern, Kidney, or Savory Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Campbell's Soup, 10.5 - 11.5 oz - $1.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2 - $2.24
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) 2-pack Del Monte? Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) 4-pack Del Monte? Fruit Cup? Snacks
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks 4pk printable
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $3.49
          • Hershey's Chocolates, 15.92 - 20.1 oz - B2G1 - $6.99
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 9.1 - 14 oz - $2.33
          • Mars Chocolate Miniatures, Fun Size Variety Bag, or M&M's, 33.9 - 40 oz - $8.99
            Save $2 on any Three (3) Snickers, M&Ms, Twix, Dove, Milkyway, or 3 Musketeers Bags (8oz - 21.5 oz) RMN 09/22/19 (exp 10/31/19)
            $2/3 Snickers, M&M's, Twix, Dove, Milky Way or 3 Musketeers Bags, exp. 10/31/19 (RMN 10/06/19 R) [9-oz. to 21.5-oz.; DND]
            Final Price: $8.33 each wyb 3
          • Maxwell House Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz or 12 ct - $6.99
          • Mott's 100% Juice or Juice Blend, 6 - 8 pk - $2.33
          • Nature's Bakery Bars, 8.46 - 12 oz - $3.00
          • Pam Cooking Spray, 5 - 6 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk - B2G1
          • Polaner All Fruit Spreadable Fruit, 15.25 oz, or Preserves, Jam, Marmalade, or Sugar Free, 13.5 oz - $2.50
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
            Save $1.00 ONE (1) Starbucks Roast & Ground or K-Cup
            Final Price: $5.99
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) HALF GALLON OF A2 MILK?
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
          • Handsome Brook Farm Organic Large Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99
          • Kraft Expertly Paired Sticks, 7.5 oz - $3.50
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Polly-O Cheese Twists or String Cheese, 9 - 12 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter Quarters, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.84 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Yogurt, 4 - 5.3 oz, or Whole Milk Drinkable Yogurt, 8 oz - $1.25
            $1/2 Siggi's Yogurt printable
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 2
          • Silk Almond MIlk, 64 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 Silk Almond Milk printable [1/2 gal., sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Amy's Entrees, 8 - 10.3 oz - $3.33
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Dessert, 1/2 gal - $3.50
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 roll or 8 single plus rolls - $10.49
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct or 75 oz - $6.49
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega rolls - $10.49
          • Clorox Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00
            $1/2 Clorox, Liquid Plumr or Pine-Sol Products (Excludes travel size and Pens), exp. 11/3/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            $1/2 Clorox Scentiva Products (Excludes Disinfecting Wet Mopping Cloths), exp. 11/16/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 16.2 - 19.4 oz - $2.69
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 44 - 90 ct - $4.00
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Downy Booster, 14.8 oz - $9.99
          • Downy Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Duracell Batteries, select - 25% OFF
          • Gain Booster, 14.8 oz - $9.99
            $2/1 Gain Liquid Softener or Sheets or Fireworks, exp. 11/9/19 (RMN 10/06/19) [28+ load softener; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Gain Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
            $2/1 Gain Liquid Softener or Sheets or Fireworks, exp. 11/9/19 (RMN 10/06/19) [28+ load softener; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Gain Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
            $2/1 Gain Liquid Softener or Sheets or Fireworks, exp. 11/9/19 (RMN 10/06/19) [28+ load softener; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Glade PlugIns Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Automatic Spray Refill, 6.2 oz - B2G1 - $5.49
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Glade products (excludes Glade Solids and 8oz Aerosol Room Spray products)
            $1/1 Glade 3-Wick Candle, Plugins Scented Oil Refill or Large Automatic Spray Refill, exp. 11/23/19 (SS 10/13/19 R) [2-ct.+]
            Final Price: $2.99 each wyb 3
          • Hefty Trash Bags, 14 - 90 ct - $9.99
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets or Matchlight, 12 - 16 lb - $9.99
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz, or Toilet Gel, 1 ct - $3.50
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
          • Tide, 138 - 150 oz - $17.99
          • Weiman Cleaners, 12 - 16 oz, or Wipes, 20 - 30 ct - $3.33
          • Alka-Seltzer, select - 20% OFF
            $1/1 Alka-Seltzer Product printable
            $1/1 Alka-Seltzer Effervescent Product, exp. 10/27/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            $1.50/1 Alka-Seltzer Relief Chews or Gummies Product, exp. 10/27/19 (SS 09/29/19)
          • Boost Nutritional Drink, 4 - 24 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $4/2 Boost Nutritional Drink Multipacks or Canisters, exp. 11/30/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
          • Crest 3D White Whitestrips, 4 - 20 pk - $5.00 OFF
          • Crest ProHealth Advanced, Complete, 3D White, or ProHealth Toothpaste, 3 - 5.4 oz - $3.00
            $2/1 Crest Toothpaste, exp. 11/2/19 (RMN 10/20/19) [multi-pack; 3-oz.+; Excludes cavity, regular, baking soda, tartar control/protection f&w pep gleem, kids and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Dial Body Wash, 16 oz - $3.00
            FREE $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00 of Dial Body Wash, 16 - 32 oz, Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk, Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 - 52 oz, Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz, or Tone Body Wash, 18 oz.
          • Dial Complete Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz - $2.00
            FREE $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00 of Dial Body Wash, 16 - 32 oz, Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk, Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 - 52 oz, Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz, or Tone Body Wash, 18 oz.
          • Dial Liquid Hand Soap Refill, 52 oz - $4.00
            FREE $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00 of Dial Body Wash, 16 - 32 oz, Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk, Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 - 52 oz, Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz, or Tone Body Wash, 18 oz.
          • Edge or Skintimate Shave Gel, 6 - 7 oz - $2.50
            $1/1 Edge, Skintimate, Schick Hydro or Schick Xtreme Gel, Foam or Cream, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 10/13/19 R) [Excludes 2-oz. and 2.75-oz.]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Garnier Fructis Hair Care, 3.4 - 12.5 oz - $3.00
            Save $1.00 ANY ONE (1) Garnier Fructis shampoo, conditioner, treatment or styling product (Excluding 1oz, 2oz, 2.9oz, 3oz sizes)
            $1.00 OFF any ONE (1) Garnier? Fructis shampoo, conditioner, treatment or styling product (Excluding 1oz, 2oz, 2.9oz, 3oz sizes)
            $3/2 Garnier Fructis Shampoo, Conditioner, Treatment or Styling Products, exp. 11/2/19 (RMN 10/20/19) [Excludes 1-oz., 2-oz., 2.9-oz. and 3-oz. travel size]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Listerine Mouthwash, 32 oz or 1 - 1.5 L - $1.00 OFF
          • Listerine Ready Tabs, 8 ct - $1.00 OFF
          • Miralax, select - 20% OFF
            $1/1 Miralax Product printable [14-dose+]
          • Neutrogena Products, select - $2.00 OFF
          • One Bar Protein Bar, 4 pk - 15% OFF
          • Phillips Products, select - 20% OFF
            $1/1 Phillips Product printable
            $2/1 Phillips Colon Health Probiotic printable
          • Schick Razors or Cartridges, 1 - 12 pk - $3.00 OFF
            $3/1 Schick Hydro or Quattro Titanium Razor or Refill, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 10/13/19 R) [Excludes disposable & schick women's razor or refill]
          • Tone Body Wash, 18 oz - $3.00
            FREE $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00 of Dial Body Wash, 16 - 32 oz, Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk, Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 - 52 oz, Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz, or Tone Body Wash, 18 oz.
          • Zegerid, select - 20% OFF
            $3/1 Zegerid OTC printable

          The post Publix Matchups 10/24/19 – 10/30/19 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 10/10/19 – 10/16/19 Sat, 12 Oct 2019 17:21:09 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 10th or Wednesday, October 9th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 10/10/19 – 10/16/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 10th or Wednesday, October 9th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 4C Bread Crumbs, 8 - 24 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Alpha Foods Burrito, 5 oz, or Chick'n Nuggets, 10.9 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Arm & Hammer Essentials or Ultramax Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz, or Sheets, 144 - 200 ct - B1G1
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Arnold Organic Bread, 27 oz, or Thin-Sliced, 20 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Arnold Sandwich Thins Rolls, 12 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Arrid XX Gel or Solid Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz, or Dry Spray, 4 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Barilla Sauce, 20 - 24 oz, or Pesto, 6 - 6.3 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Barilla Sauce, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/08/19 R)
          • Blue Bunny Snacks or Mini Swirl Cones, 6 - 8 pk ($6.15) - $3.07
            SAVE $0.75 on any one (1) Blue Bunny Ice Cream (46/48 fl. oz.), Load'd Sundaes? Cup or Novelty Pack
            Final Price: $2.32
          • Cabo Fresh Organic Guacamole, 12 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Chicken of the Sea Infusions Tuna, 2.8 oz - B1G1
          • Chinet Cut Crystal Plates, 8 - 12 ct, Cut Crystal Plastic Cups, 18 - 25 ct, or Mixed Cutlery, 48 ct ($3.49) - $1.74
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            Final Price: $0.74
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4 pk, or Gimmies Shakes, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Cooked Perfect Meatballs, 18 - 32 oz ($9.49) - $4.74
            $1/1 Cooked Perfect Meatballs printable
            $1/1 Cooked Perfect Frozen Meatballs printable
            Final Price: $3.74
          • Del Monte Fruit, 14.5 - 15.25 oz - B1G1
            Save 75? off FOUR (4) Del Monte? Canned Fruit 14.5oz or larger
          • Delimex Taquitos, 21.1 - 23 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Diamonds of California Pecans, Walnuts, Macadamia Nuts, Almonds, Whole Pine Nuts, or Shelled Organic Walnuts, 4 oz ($8.49) - $4.24
          • Donut Shop or Krispy Kreme K-Cups, 12 ct ($9.85) - $4.92
          • Doritos Chips 7.75 - 11.25 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Dreambone Dog Chews, 10 - 16 ct or 7 - 9 oz ($6.45) - $3.22
          • Driscoll's Red Raspberries, 6 oz - B1G1
          • Evian Natural Spring Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Fiber One or Protein One Bars, 4.8 - 7 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $0.50/2 Fiber One Chew Bars, 90 Calorie Products Bars or Brownies, Cookie Bites, Mini Bars, Supreme Brownies or 90 Calorie Bars Boxes, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 08/18/19)
            Final Price: $2.04 each wyb 2
          • Flatout Flatbread, 6.8 - 11.2 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Fresh Express Salads, 5 - 11 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Frozen or Spongebob String Cheese or Weight Watchers Mozzarella, 10 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz ($4.79) - $2.39
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios? ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch? ? Lucky Charms? ...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 Cheerios Boxes, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            Final Price: $1.89 each wyb 2
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 14.5 - 15.25 oz - B1G1
          • Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups, 12 ct ($9.85) - $4.92
          • Green Mountain Organic Coffee, 10 ct ($9.85) - $4.92
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, per lb ($7.89) - $3.94
          • GreenWise Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb ($3.29) - $1.64
          • GreenWise Tea, 57 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Halo Top Ice Cream, 16 oz ($5.54) - $2.77
          • Handi-Foil Pans or Cookie Sheets or Storage Containers, 1 - 5 ct ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Harvest Snaps Salad Toppers, 3 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Hersheys Chocolate Classic Bags, 10 - 10.8 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
            $1/2 Reese's Snack Size, exp. 10/19/19 (SS 09/29/19) [9-oz. to 13-oz. bags; Includes Kit Kat, Hershey's, Almond Joy, York, Mounds, PayDay, Take 5, Milk Duds, Whoppers, Twizzlers or Jolly Rancher]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz ($4.89) - $2.44
          • Hunt's Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, or Puree, 10 - 15 oz - B1G1
          • Jambalaya Girl Rice or Gumbo Mix, 4 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Keebler Chips Deluxe, Country Style, Soft Batch, Simply Made, Cinnamon Roll, or Sandies Cookies, 6 - 15 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz, or Grid Waffles, 10.7 oz ($5.19) - $2.59
          • Kellogg's Fruit Flavored Snacks, 10 ct ($2.75) - $1.37
          • Kellogg's Special K Cerea, 10.5 - 13.3 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran and/or Frosted Flakes Cereal, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/22/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 4
          • Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Lysol Disinfectant Spray, 12.5 oz ($6.19) - $3.09
            Save $0.75 OFF ONE (1) Lysol? Disinfectant Spray or Max Cover Mist (12.5 oz or Larger)
            Final Price: $2.34
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 35 ct - B1G1
            Save $0.75 OFF TWO (2) Lysol? Disinfecting Wipes (35 ct. or Larger)
          • Marie Callender's Family Size Entree or Meal For Two, 24 - 31 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Marie Callender's Pie, 6 - 10 oz ($2.79) - $1.39
          • Marie Callender's Pot Pies, 4 pk ($8.79) - $4.39
          • Mayfield Ice Cream, 1.5 qt ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Milford Valley Stuffed Chicken Minis, 20 - 24 oz - B1G1
          • Milk-Bone Dog Snacks or Biscuits, 60 - 64 oz - B1G1
          • Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Morey's Fish Fillets, 10 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Mueller's Pasta, 8 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Nabisco Oreo Thins or Sandwich Cookies, 10.1 oz ($3.98) - $1.99
          • Nature Valley Bars or Cups, 6.2 - 8.94 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 09/08/19 #2) [5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $2.04 each wyb 2
          • Nature's Own Honey Wheat Bread, 20 oz ($3.28) - $1.64
          • Near East Rice or Couscous, 1.9 - 10 oz ($2.45) - $1.22
          • Nestle Crunch, Butterfinger, or Baby Ruth, 10 - 10.5 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough, 14 - 16.5 oz - B1G1
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 12 oz ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Old Orchard Flavored Lemonade, Limeade, or Country Style Lemonade, 64 oz ($2.60) - $1.30
          • Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 6.9 - 8.6 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Pepperidge Farm On The Go Snacks, 8 - 10 ct ($5.99) - $2.99
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 13 - 16.3 oz ($3.57) - $1.78
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($9.15) - $4.57
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Publix Bakery Small Pies, 12 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Pain Relief, 100 ct ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Publix Patagonian Scallops, 24 oz ($19.49) - $9.74
          • Pure Leaf Tea, 6 pk 16.9 oz ($6.65) - $3.32
          • Quaker Instant Grits or Oatmeal, 8.4 - 15.1 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
          • Red Baron Pizza, 14.87 - 23.45 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Reddi-Wip Whipped Topping Non-Dairy, 6 oz, or Dairy, 13 oz - B1G1
          • Rice-A-Roni or Pasta-Roni, 1.9 - 10 oz ($2.49) - $1.24
          • Rotel Tomatoes, 10 - 15 oz - B1G1
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Sabra Guacamole with Tostitos Rolls, 2.8 oz - B1G1
          • Sabra Hummus Snackers with Pretzels, 4.56 oz ($2.60) - $1.30
          • Sandra's Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 10 oz ($7.19) - $3.59
          • Scrub Daddy Sponge, 1 - 3 ct - B1G1
          • Simply Potatoes Mashed Potatoes or Simply Skinny, 24 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Skittles Bite Size or Starburst Candy, 22.5 - 29.98 oz ($6.49) - $3.24
          • Smithfield Smoked Ham, 8 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser, 18.3 - 28.6 oz, or Toilet Cleaner, 7.04 oz or 2 pk ($3.99) - $1.99
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) Soft Scrub? Cream or Gel Product, 20oz or larger
            Save $0.75 off 1 (ONE) Soft Scrub? Toilet Care Product
            Final Price: $1.24
          • Stonyfield Kids Organic Yogurt, 4 - 8 pk ($4.95) - $2.47
          • Swanson Broth or Cooking Stock, 32 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Swanson Sipping Bone Broth, 10.5 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Thomas' Bagel Thins, 13 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Valley Fresh Chicken, 10 oz ($3.48) - $1.74
          • VeeTee Rice, 9.9 - 10.6 oz ($2.25) - $1.12
          • Weight Watchers Ice Cream Bars, 10 - 21.6 oz - B1G1
          • Wrigley's Halloween Candy, 22.5 - 29.98 oz ($6.49) - $3.24
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $4.19
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chicken, 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Turkey Breast or Tavern Uncured Ham, per lb - $8.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Hillshire Farm Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33
          • Hormel Natural Choice Bacon, 12 oz - $4.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables or Brunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Aprons Beef and Pork Meatballs, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 32 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Jambalaya Cook-in-Bag Meal, ea - $7.99
          • Publix Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets or Bites, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Beer Bratwurst, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Chicken Thighs, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Claw Crabmeat, 8 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Hickory Smoked Bacon, 16 oz - $5.50
          • Publix Jumbo Lump Crabmeat, 8 oz - $18.99
          • Publix Lump Crabmeat, 8 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Mild or Hot Ground Sausage, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Mild or Hot Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Rock Crab Claws, per lb - $9.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $10.99
          • Stuffed Scallops or Clams, 4 - 5 oz - $1.00
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Ambrosia Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes or Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.99
          • Butternut, Buttercup, Acorn, or Spaghetti Squash, or Pie Pumpkins, per lb - $0.99
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $3.00
          • Celery, ea - $1.29
          • Cotton Candy Grapes, per lb - $3.99
          • Del Monte Gold Whole Pineapple, ea - $2.99
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.49
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.25
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Moyer's Candy or Caramel Apples, 3 ct - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29
          • Organic Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Organic Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99
          • Pero Family Farms Sliced Peppers and Onions, 14 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Mixed Melon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Peeled and Cored Pineapple, ea - $2.99
          • Publix Whole White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.49
          • Romaine Lettuce, ea - $1.49
          • Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $3.49
          • Beemster Classic Gouda Wedge Cheese, 5.3 oz - $5.99
          • Beemster Goat Gouda Wedge Cheese, 5.3 oz - $7.49
          • Beemster Smoked Gouda Wedge Cheese, per lb - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Aloha Sunshine Turkey Breast Salad - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Delicatessen Style Mustard, 9.5 oz - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Honey Glazed Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Mozzarella Cheese, per lb - $7.99
          • Coca-Cola Products Fountain Drink, ea - $1.00
          • Fiorucci Snacking Paninos, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $1.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $4.90
          • GreenWise Bakery Sprouted Multi-Grain Bread, 24 oz - $3.99
          • GreenWise Lunchmeats, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hot Dog Buns, 6 ct - $3.19
          • Publix Bakery Chicago Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Dinner or Potato Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Cookie Bites, 14 ct - $3.59
          • Publix Bakery Molten Lava Cake, 7.25 - 7.4 oz - $3.79
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Cheesecakes, 32 oz - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Publix Deli Corn Nuggets, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Hummus, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Homestyle Meatball Whole Sub, ea - $5.99
          • Stacy's Pita Thins, Bagel or Pita Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - B2G1 - $3.59
          • Bumble Bee Premium Light Tuna, Tuna Salad, or Seasoned Tuna, 2.5 oz - $1.00
          • Bush's Best Organic Beans, 15 - 16 oz - $1.25
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50
          • Capri Sun Juice Drink or Blend, 10 pk - $2.33
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, or Grooves, 8 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G1 - $5.15
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz - $3.33
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 32 oz, or Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00
          • Glaceau Smartwater, 23.7 oz - $1.00
          • Glaceau Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz - $1.00
          • Gold Peak Tea, 18.5 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Granola, 8 - 12 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 12 ct or 10 oz - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Pickles, 16 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Popcorn, 4 - 5 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Salsa, 15.5 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Tortilla Chips, 7.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Trail Mix, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Protein Blend, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin Snacks, 4 ct - $2.00
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 19.4 oz - $3.33
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 24 oz - $3.33
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran and/or Frosted Flakes Cereal, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/22/19 R)
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Honey Smacks Cereal, 23 oz - $3.33
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Krave Cereal, 17.3 oz - $3.33
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 8 ct - $1.67
            Save $2.00 off FOUR (4) Pop-Tarts? toaster pastries
            Final Price: $1.17 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 24 oz - $3.33
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereal printable
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.83 each wyb 4
          • Late July Organic Tortilla Chips or Tortilla Chip Dippers, 8 - 11 oz - $3.50
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 5 - 7.75 oz - $2.50
          • Maxwell House Ground Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz, or K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Mott's 100% Apple Juice or Juice Blend or Mott's for Tots, 64 oz - $2.00
          • Mott's Applesauce, 23 - 24 oz - $1.67
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - $2.00
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits or Bites, 5 ct, or Soft Baked Biscuits, 4 ct - $2.99
            $1/2 Belvita Biscuits Boxes 8.8oz or larger, exp. 10/26/19 (SS 09/15/19)
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuit Crackers, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Beans, 15 - 15.5 oz - $0.60
          • Publix Cereal, 11.2 - 18.7 oz - 20% OFF
          • Publix Chicken Broth, 32 oz - $1.50
          • Publix Chili Seasoning Mix, 1.25 oz - $1.00
          • Publix Coffee Filters, 200 ct - $0.99
          • Publix Cranberry Juice Cocktail, 64 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Croutons, 5 oz - $1.25
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk, or Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.50
          • Publix Tomatoes, 14.5 oz - $0.59
          • Smucker's Preserves, Jam, Jelly, Marmalade, or Spread, 17.25 - 18 oz - $2.50
          • Snickers, 3Musketeers, Twix, or Milky Way Fun Size, 20.62 - 20.92 oz - B2G1 - $6.79
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
            Save $1.00 ONE (1) Starbucks Roast & Ground or K-Cup
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Tuttorosso Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, or Puree, 28 oz - $1.00
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz, or Drinkables, 7 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, gal - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Ricotta Cheese, 15 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Sliced or Shredded Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.00
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
            Save $1.00 off ONE International Delight Coffee Creamer
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Land O Lakes Butter or Margarine, 2 pk or 6.5 - 15 oz - $1.67
            $0.75/1 Land O' Lakes Soft Squeeze Spread, exp. 10/20/19 (SS 09/08/19 #2)
            Final Price: $0.92
          • Maple Hill Organic Ultra Pasteurized Milk, 64 oz - $4.99
          • Oui Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33
          • Pete and Gerry's Liquid Egg Whites, 16 oz, or Hard-Boiled Eggs, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Pete and Gerry's Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.67
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Lactose Free or Almond Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1 - $3.99
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.50
          • Silk Cashewmilk, Almondmilk, Soymilk, Coconutmilk, Oat Yeah Oat Milk, Cashew Oat Milk, or Almond Cashews Flax Milk, 64 oz - $3.00
            NEW SIGNUPS ONLY: Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Silk? Half Gallon
            Final Price: $2.00
          • YQ by Yoplait Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.33
          • GreenWise Organic Frozen Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Frozen Fruit, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entrees, 9 - 10 oz, or Power Bowls, 7.2 - 9.75 oz - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Belgian Waffles, 13.75 oz - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99
            $1/1 Stouffer's Family Size Lasagna printable
            $1/1 Stouffer's Multi-Serve Entree, exp. 11/2/19 (RMN 09/08/19) [25-96-oz.]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $11.99
            $3/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Pads, Underwear or Boutique Underwear, exp. 10/26/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes other always products, discreet liners and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Arrid XX Antiperspirant & Deodorant, 6 oz - $2.99
          • Boost Nutritional Drink, 4 - 12 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) BOOST? Nutritional Drinks or Drink Mix
            $4/2 Boost Drink Multipacks or Canisters, exp. 11/30/19 (RMN 10/06/19)
          • Clairol Nice 'n Easy or Natural Instincts Hair Color - $6.99
            $5/2 Clairol Nice N Easy, Permanent Root Touch-Up or Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 09/29/19) [any box; Excludes natural instincts crema keratina hair color]
            $2/1 Clairol Nice N Easy, Permanent Root Touch-Up or Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 09/29/19) [any box; Excludes natural instincts crema keratina hair color]
            Final Price: $4.49 each wyb 2
          • Clif Bars, Clif Builders Bars, or Luna Bars, 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Colgate Total Advanced Mouthwash, 1 L - $4.99
            Save $0.75 on any Colgate? Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse
            $1/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse 200ml or larger, exp. 10/19/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Colgate Total Advanced, Total, or Optic White Stainfighter Toothpaste, 4 - 4.8 oz - $3.00
            Save 75? off any Colgate Total? Advanced Toothpaste
            $1/1 Colgate Enamel Health, Essentials or Sensitive Toothpaste, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 09/29/19) [3-oz.+]
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 09/29/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size]
            $1/2 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 09/29/19 R) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Colgate Total, Optic White, Enamel Health, Essentials or Sensitive Toothpaste 3-oz.+, exp. 10/19/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Curel Lotion or Moisturizer, 12 - 13 oz - 25% OFF
            $4/1 Curel Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer or Dry Skin Therapy Hydra Silk Moisturizer (Excludes trial size), exp. 11/17/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            $2/1 Curel Lotion, exp. 11/2/19 (Walgreens Coupon Book, Oct.)
            $2/1 Curel Moisturizer 13-oz.+ (Excludes trial size), exp. 11/17/19 (SS 10/06/19)
          • Depend for Men Guards, 27 - 66 ct, or Underwear, 10 - 19 ct - $11.99
            Save $2.50 off ONE (1) Depend? Guards or Shields for Men
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) package of DEPEND? Products (8ct or larger)
            Save $2.50 off ONE (1) Package of Depend? Products
            $2/1 Depend Product, exp. 10/26/19 (SS 09/29/19) [8-ct.+]
            Final Price: $9.49
          • Jergens Moisturizers, 3 - 21 oz - 25% OFF
            $2.50/1 Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer 10-oz.+, exp. 11/4/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            $2/1 Jergens Natural Glow Product (Excludes trial size), exp. 11/4/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            $1.50/1 Jergens Moisturizer 5-oz.+ (Excludes Soap and Wet Skin Moisturizer), exp. 11/4/19 (SS 10/06/19)
          • L'Oreal Elvive Hair Care Products, 12.6 oz, or Advanced Hair Style or Studio Products, 1.7 - 8.3 oz - $4.00
            $3/2 L'Oreal Paris El Vive Shampoo, Conditioner or Advanced Hairstyle Products, exp. 10/12/19 (RMN 09/29/19) [Excludes 1-oz. size, 3-oz. shampoo or conditioner, twin packs or value packs]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Poise Pads, 27 - 66 ct - $11.99
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) package of POISE? Pads
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) package of POISE? Pads
            $2/1 Poise, exp. 10/26/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Includes pads, liners or impressa bladder supports excludes liners 14-ct. to 26-ct. or pads 10-ct.]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Slimfast Shakes or Bars, 4 - 8 pk - $2.00 OFF
          • Softsoap Body Wash, 13 - 18 oz - $3.00
            Save 75? off one Softsoap brand Body Wash
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Softsoap Hand Soap or Foaming Hand Soap, 8 - 11.25 oz - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Softsoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap printable [8-oz.+]
            $0.50/1 Softsoap Hand Soap Pump 8-oz.+ or Refill 32-oz.+, exp. 10/19/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap Refill, 50 oz - $4.50
            $0.50/1 Softsoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap printable [8-oz.+]
            $0.50/1 Softsoap Hand Soap Pump 8-oz.+ or Refill 32-oz.+, exp. 10/19/19 (SS 10/06/19)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • U by Kotex Click, Sleek, or Fitness Tampons, 31 - 36 ct, or Security Tampons, 50 ct, or Pads, 26 - 56 ct - Prices Vary
            Buy (1), Get (1) U by Kotex Tampons, 15 - 18 ct, Pantiliners, 40 - 64 ct, or Pads, 13 - 24 ct, FREE.
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) U by Kotex? Product
            Save 50? off ONE (1) U by Kotex? Products (offer value may vary)
            $1/1 U by Kotex Pads or Liners, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 09/22/19) [Excludes liners 14-ct. to 22-ct. or trial size]
            $1/1 U by Kotex Tampons, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 09/22/19) [Excludes trial size]
          • Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, 14 - 20 lb - $7.99
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER? Cat Litter
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Blue Buffalo Adult Dog Food, 24 lb - $10.00 OFF
            $5/1 Blue Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 10/20/19 (SS 09/08/19 #2) [5-lbs.+ bag]
          • Publix Premium Dog Food, 16 lb - $15.99
          • Whiskas Temptations Treats for Cats, Tumblers, or Blissful Catnip, 2.1 - 3 oz - $1.50

          The post Publix Matchups 10/10/19 – 10/16/19 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 10/3/19 – 10/9/19 Thu, 03 Oct 2019 15:41:40 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 3rd or Wednesday, October 2nd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 10/3/19 – 10/9/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, October 3rd or Wednesday, October 2nd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Atkins Meal Bar, 5 pk ($8.19) - $4.09
          • Banquet Brown 'n Serve Sausage Links or Patties, 6.4 oz ($2.29) - $1.14
          • Barilla Fully Cooked Ready Pasta, 8.5 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
            SAVE $1.00 when you buy any TWO (2) Barilla? Ready Pasta pouch.
            $1/1 Barilla Ready Pasta Pouch, exp. 11/24/19 (RMN 09/29/19) [DND]
            Final Price: FREE
          • Barilla Pasta, 12 - 16 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
            $1/4 boxes of Barilla Blue Box Pasta, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/08/19)
            Final Price: $0.67 each wyb 4
          • Bertolli Sauce, 15 - 24 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            $0.75/2 Bertolli Sauce, exp. 10/27/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 2
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks, 8 - 24 ct ($5.65) - $2.82
            $0.50/2 Betty Crocker Boxes, Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Flavored Snacks, Motts Fruit Flavored Snacks or Sunkist Fruit Flavored Snacks, exp. 11/2/19 (SS 09/08/19 #2)
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 2
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz ($6.32) - $3.16
          • Botticelli Premium Pasta Sauce, 24 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta, 9 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Capri Sun 100% Juice Blend or 100% Real Apple Juice, 10 ct ($4.09) - $2.04
          • Carroll Shelby's Chili Kit ($4.00) - $2.00
          • Celentano Meatballs, 12 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
            $1/1 Frozen Celentano Pasta, Meatball, or Entree Product, exp. 12/31/19 (RMN 09/29/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee, 32 oz - B1G1
          • Cheerios, 18 - 20.7 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 Cheerios Boxes, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Chef Boyardee Pasta, 14.5 - 15 oz ($1.25) - $0.62
          • Cocoa-Puffs, 18 - 20.7 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Cracker Barrel, Kraft, or Velveeta Macaroni & Cheese, 9 .4 - 14 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz ($4.09) - $2.04
            Save $1.00 off ONE Crunchmaster products
            Final Price: $1.04
          • Dannon Activia Yogurt, 4 ct - B1G1
          • Duke's Mayonnaise, 32 oz ($4.67) - $2.33
          • Enlightened Ice Cream, 16 oz, or Bars, 14 - 15 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
            $1/2 Enlightened Ice Cream printable
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • Entenmann's Donuts, 15 - 17.5 oz ($5.69) - $2.84
          • Equal Sweetener, 100 - 230 ct ($6.65) - $3.32
            $1.50/1 any Equal Product, exp. 12/8/19 (RMN 09/08/19)
            Final Price: $1.82
          • Eternal Naturally Artisan Spring Water, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Farm Rich Snacks, 16 - 24 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on any Farm Rich snack 14 oz or larger including meatballs, skins, sticks, bites, wings, poppers
            $1.25/1 Farm Rich Mozzarella Sticks, exp. 11/15/19 (SS 08/18/19)
            $1/1 Farm Rich Grilled Cheese Sticks, exp. 10/26/19 (SS 08/18/19)
            $1/1 Farm Rich Disney and Pixar Toy Story 4 Mozzarella Shapes, exp. 10/26/19 (SS 08/18/19)
          • Filippo Berio Olive Oil, 25.3 oz ($9.25) - $4.62
            Save $1.00 off Any Filippo Berio? Olive Oil
            Final Price: $3.62
          • Frito Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz ($6.15) - $3.07
          • General Mills Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 7.5 - 8.75 oz ($2.91) - $1.45
            $0.50/2 Chex Mix, Muddy Buddies, Popped, Bugles, Gardettos or Food Should Taste Good Chips Bags, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 08/18/19) [3.7-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.20 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 18 - 20.7 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, Gelato, or Sorbet, 14 oz, or Ice Cream Bars or Squares, 9 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Hershey's Chocolate Candy Bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, or Kit Kat Wafers, 6 ct ($5.49) - $2.74
          • Hormel Always Tender Pork Tenderloin, 18.4 oz ($8.49) - $4.24
          • Humm Kombucha, 14 oz ($3.19) - $1.59
          • Hungry-Man Dinners, 15.25 - 16 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spread, 8 - 16 oz ($3.67) - $1.83
          • Keebler Chips Deluxe, Country Style, Soft Batch, Simply Made, Cinnamon Roll, or Sandies Cookies, 6 - 15 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Kellogg' sFroot Loops or Apple Jacks Cereal, 14.7 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $2.00 on any FOUR Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 19.2 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $2.00 on any FOUR Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal, 22.5 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $2.00 on any FOUR Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran or Bite Size Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereal, 24 oz ($5.65) - $2.82
            Save $2.00 on any FOUR Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner, 5.5 - 7.3 oz ($1.85) - $0.92
          • Kraft Traditional Caramels, 11 oz ($2.69) - $1.34
          • Lavazza Ground Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct ($9.25) - $4.62
          • Libman Sponges, 3 ct - B1G1
          • Lucky Charms, 18 - 20.7 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies, 8.3 - 10.7 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            Save $2 on any Three (3) Snickers, M&Ms, Twix, Dove, Milkyway, or 3 Musketeers Bags (8oz - 21.5 oz) RMN 09/22/19 (exp 10/31/19)
            Final Price: $12.23 each wyb 3
          • Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams, 7.04 - 14.4 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Olive Garden Seasoned Croutons, 5 oz ($1.89) - $0.94
          • Olli Salumeria Charcuterie Snack Pack, 2 oz ($5.11) - $2.55
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 ct, Minis, 10 - 12 ct, or Jar, 30 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
          • Pedigree Dentastix Treats for Dogs, 1.52 - 1.72 lb or 20.9 oz ($13.29) - $6.64
          • Pepperidge Farm Layer Cake, 19 - 19.6 oz, or Puff Pastry Turnovers, 4 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Texas Toast or Cheese Bread, 9.5 - 11.75 oz ($3.49) - $1.74
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz ($5.15) - $2.57
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, 6 ct, or Scrambles, 4 ct ($2.62) - $1.31
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz ($3.09) - $1.54
          • Publix Bakery Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.29
          • Publix Chunk Cheese, 8 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Purina ONE Smartblend Premium Cat Food, 3.2 - 3.5 lb ($9.25) - $4.62
            Save $3.00 off ONE (1) bag of Purina ONE? Dry Cat Food, any size any variety
            Final Price: $1.62
          • Quaker Old Fashioned Oats or Quick 1-Minute Oats, 18 oz ($3.20) - $1.60
          • Ready Pac Bistro Salad, 4.5 - 8 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Reese's Puffs, 18 - 20.7 oz ($5.75) - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 11/9/19 (SS 09/29/19) [Any box]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Sabra Hummus Singles, 6 pk ($5.63) - $2.81
          • Sea Cuisine Fish Fillets, 8.5 - 10 oz ($7.99) - $3.99
            Save $1.00 off any one Sea Cuisine Product
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Seattles Best Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct ($8.15) - $4.07
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Seattle's Best Coffee
            Final Price: $3.07
          • Seneca Apple Chips, 2.5 oz ($2.19) - $1.09
          • Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches, Bars, or Cones, 4 - 24 oz ($5.85) - $2.92
          • Skittles, Starburst, or LiveSavers Candy, 12.5 - 15.6 oz - B1G1
          • Snickers, Twix, 3 Mustketeers, or Mars Minis Mix, 8.4 - 9.7 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
            Save $2 on any Three (3) Snickers, M&Ms, Twix, Dove, Milkyway, or 3 Musketeers Bags (8oz - 21.5 oz) RMN 09/22/19 (exp 10/31/19)
            Final Price: $1.23 each wyb 3
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces, 14 - 18 oz ($2.42) - $1.21
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Village Candle, 16 - 18 oz ($14.99) - $7.49
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz ($3.11) - $1.55
          • 20/40 ct GreenWise Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large Red Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 26/30 ct Extra Large Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $9.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Coleman Bacon, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Flat Cut Brisket, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $13.49
          • GreenWise Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - $2.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
          • GreenWise King Crab Clusters, per lb - $19.99
          • GreenWise Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb - $3.99
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99
            3 lb or more package
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $4.99
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh, Selects, Naturals, or Carving Board Lunch Meat, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Publix Aprons Slow Cooker Meal, ea - $16.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Aprons Thai Chicken Meal Kit, 32 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Chicken Leg Quarters, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Chicken for Roasting, per lb - $1.49
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $0.78
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli Bunch, ea - $2.50
          • Butternut, Buttercup, Acorn, or Spaghetti Squash, per lb - $0.99
          • Crunch Pak Apple Slices, 12 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Eat Smart Vegetable Medley, 2 lb - $3.99
          • Envy Apples, per lb - $1.69
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Heirloom Pumpkins, ea - $5.99
          • Large Pumpkins, ea - $5.99
          • Moyer's Candy or Caramel Apples, 3 ct - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $0.88
          • Organic Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99
          • Sunset Sugar Bomb Tomatoes, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $2.99
          • Boar's Head Aloha Sunshine Turkey Breast Salad, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Gouda Cheese, 8 oz - $6.39
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head SmokeMaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, ea - $2.99
          • Buitoni Pasta, 9 oz - $1.50
          • Decadent Pumpkin Bars, 15 oz - $5.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Pumpkin Spice Granola, 9.2 oz - $4.49
          • Lantana Pumpkin Spice Hummus, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Breakfast Bread, 20 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Brownies, 8 ct - $3.89
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Pumpkin Pie, 22 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Pumpkin Roll Cake, 18 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Publix Coleslaw, 16 oz - $1.50
          • Publix Deli French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, per lb - $18.99
          • Publix Deli Proscuitto, 4 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Pulled Pork Sandwich, ea - $4.49
          • Publix Deli Pumpkin Spice Iced Tea, 1/2 gal - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Seasoned Potato Wedges, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork, per lb - $6.39
          • The Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheese, 3.6 - 4.5 oz - $2.50
          • 1850 by Folgers, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • 4C Grated Cheese, 6 oz - $3.50
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $2.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz - $1.00
            SAVE $0.50 on any FOUR (4) Del Monte? Canned Vegetables
            Final Price: $0.88 each wyb 4
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 oz - $3.33
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
            $1.50/1 Dunkin' K-Cup Pod Coffee Product, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/22/19)
            $1/1 Dunkin' Ground Coffee Product, exp. 11/3/19 (RMN 09/22/19)
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk - $5.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 0.3 - 3.9 oz - B2G1
          • Kellogg's Nutri-Grain or Special K Bars, 5.28 - 10.4 oz - $2.50
          • Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 8.25 - 14 oz - $2.00
            $1/2 Lance Home-pack Products printable [8.4-oz.+]
            $1/2 Lance Sandwich Crackers, exp. 12/30/99 (SS 07/28/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk - B2G1 - $6.13
          • Maxwell House Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz, or K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies or Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - $3.50
          • Nabisco Premium Saltines or Soup & Oyster Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $1.99
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Snacks, 20 pk - $5.99
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon Bits or Real Bacon Pieces, 2.8 - 3 oz - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 4 pk - B2G1
          • Starkist Chunk Light Tuna or Tuna Creations, 2.6 - 3 oz - $1.00
          • Starkist Tuna, 4 pk - $2.50
          • Welch's 100% Grape Juice or Beverage, 64 oz or 6 pk - $3.00
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.50
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almond Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $1/5 Chobani Single Serve Yogurt and Non Dairy Products, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 09/08/19)
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 5
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Fage Greek Yogurt, 35.3 oz - $5.00
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $2.66
            Save $1.00 off ONE International Delight Coffee Creamer
            Final Price: $1.66
          • Maple Hill Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.99
          • NestFresh Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
            $1/1 NestFresh Eggs printable
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Pillsbury Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls, 4 - 7.3 oz, Grands! Biscuits, 10.2 oz, or Jr. Biscuits, 12 oz - $1.00
          • Publix String Cheese Twists, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
            $0.50/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 10/20/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Sweet Loren's Place & Bake Cookie Dough, 12 - 16 oz - $3.50
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Organic Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00
          • Lean Cuisine Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
            $1/2 Lean Cuisine Entrees, exp. 11/2/19 (RMN 09/08/19) [5.25-oz. to 18-oz.]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50
          • Stouffers Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 12 single plus or 6 dbl plus rolls - $13.49
            $1/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [4-ct.+; Includes huge rolls 2-ct.; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $12.49
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 big rolls - $7.49
            $1/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [4-ct.+; Includes huge rolls 2-ct.; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $6.49
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct - $4.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 8 super mega, 12 mega, or 24 dbl rolls - $13.49
            $1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [4-ct.+ Mega Rolls; Includes mega plus and super mega; Excludes single rolls and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $12.49
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 40 oz - $4.99
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 50 ct - $2.00
            Save 75? off ONE (1) package of Dixie Plates
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Downy Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Downy or Dreft Booster, 8.6 oz - $5.99
          • Downy, 40 - 77 oz - $5.99
          • Febreze Fabric or Air Refresher, 10.1 - 27 oz, or Candle, 4.3 oz - $4.99
          • Gain Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
          • Gain Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
          • Gain, 75 - 100 oz - $9.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Cleaner, 45 oz, or Magic Eraser, 2 - 3 ct - $3.00
            $1/2 Mr. Clean Products, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Mrs. Meyer's Dish Soap or Multi-Surface Cleaner, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 40 oz or 15 ct - $4.98
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Power-Liquid or Power-Caps Laundry Detergent printable [sign up]
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 10/5/19 (RMN 09/22/19) [Excludes 6 loads or less and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.98
          • Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.49
            Save 50? off ONE (1) Quilted Northern Bath Tissue
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 10/22/19 (RMN 09/22/19) [6-pk.+ Double Rolls]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Renuzit Gel Air Freshener, 7 oz - $0.83
            B3G1 Renuzit Adjustables Air Fresheners Cones, exp. 10/6/19 (RMN 09/08/19 #2)
            Final Price: $0.62 each wyb 4
          • Resolve Carpet Cleaner or Stain Remover, 22 oz - $4.99
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 95 - 200 sq ft - $8.39
            $0.50/1 Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil printable
            Final Price: $7.89
          • Suavitel, 80 ct or 44 - 50 oz - $2.50
          • Tide Detergent, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99
          • Ziploc Slider Bags, select - $2.19
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) Ziploc? brand products
            Final Price: $1.69 each wyb 2
          • Always Ultra Thin or Maxi Pads, 20 - 44 ct, or Liners, 68 - 120 ct - $5.49
          • Crest 3D White Mouthwash or Rinse, 956 ml or 1 L - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [437-ml./16-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Crest ProHealth Advanced, Complete, 3D White, or ProHealth Toothpaste, 3 - 5.4 oz - $3.00
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquigel, exp. 10/5/19 (RMN 09/22/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00
          • L'Oreal Excellence Creme or Superior Hair Color - $7.99
            $5/2 L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference or Excellence Hair Color Product, exp. 10/5/19 (RMN 09/08/19 #2)
            $5/2 L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference or Excellence Hair Color Product, exp. 10/26/19 (RMN 09/29/19)
            $2/1 L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference or Excellence Hair Color Product, exp. 10/26/19 (RMN 09/29/19)
            $2/1 L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference or Excellence Hair Color Product, exp. 10/5/19 (RMN 09/08/19 #2)
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Method Body Wash, 18 oz - $5.00
          • Mrs. Meyer's Hand Soap Refill, 33 oz - $5.99
          • Mrs. Meyer's Liquid Hand Soap or Foaming Hand Wash, 10 - 12.5 oz - $3.33
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            Save $3.00 ONE (1) Nexium 24HR 28ct or larger
            SAVE $3.00 off any ONE (1) Nexium? 24HR product 28ct or 42ct
            Save $3.00 off Nexium 24HR Tablets (28 or 42 ct.)
            Save $3.00 on any ONE (1) Nexium? 24HR 28ct or 42ct
            SAVE $3.00 off any ONE (1) Nexium? 24HR product 28ct or 42ct
            $5/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 10/13/19 (RMN 09/29/19) [42-ct.]
          • OGX Products, 3.3 - 19.5 oz - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Olay Cleansers, Moisturizers, or Body Wash, 0.4 - 33 oz - $1.00 OFF
            $2/1 Olay Regenerist Facial Moisturizer, exp. 10/26/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Olay Skin Care Product, exp. 10/26/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $2/1 Olay Total Effects Facial Moisturizer, exp. 10/26/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/2 Olay Bar Soap Body Wash, In-Shower Body Lotion or Hand and Body Lotion, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [4-ct.+; Excludes bar 1-ct. and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences bio:renew, or Aussie Hair Care - $2.00 OFF wyb
            $5/3 Pantene Products, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Includes gold series collection excludes 1-ct. intense rescue shot, one step nourishing mask and trial/travels size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Pantene Product, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Includes gold series collection excludes 1-ct. intense rescue shot, one step nourishing mask and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $3/2 Head & Shoulders Products or Royal Oils, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [10-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Head & Shoulders Product or Royal Oils, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [10-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $3/2 Herbal Essences Bio: Renew Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes masks, 100-ml. shampoo and conditioners, color, body wash and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Prilosec OTC, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $2/1 Prilosec OTC Product, exp. 10/26/19 (P&G 09/29/19 R) [ETS]
          • Secret or Old Spice Deodorant, 2.4 - 3.25 oz, or Old Spice Body Wash, 16 - 30 oz, or Hair Care, 2.64 - 12 oz - $1.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1/2 Secret Fresh, Outlast or Aluminum Free, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [2.4-oz.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Old Spice Hair Product, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/2 Old Spice Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, Body Wash or Bar Soap, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [Excludes high endurance, twin packs and trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 14 - 18 ct - $4.00
            $3/2 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 10/26/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [14-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Enfamil Infant Formula, 32 oz or 6 pk - $4.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts or Fruit & Veggie Melts, 1 oz - $2.50
          • Gerber Organic Baby Food, 4 oz jar - $1.00
          • Nature's Heart Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz - $1.00
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 104 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3 off Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [2 Bags or 1 Box; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Pampers Wipes, 112 - 216 ct - $5.99
            $0.50/2 Pampers Wipes or Luvs Wipes, exp. 10/12/19 (P&G 09/29/19) [56-ct.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.74 each wyb 2

          The post Publix Matchups 10/3/19 – 10/9/19 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 9/19/19 – 9/25/19 Wed, 18 Sep 2019 15:26:12 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, September 18th or Wednesday, September 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 9/19/19 – 9/25/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, September 18th or Wednesday, September 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 1850 by Folgers, 12 oz or 10 ct - B1G1
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refill, 3 ct ($7.99) - $3.99
          • Arnold Whole Grains Bread, 24 oz ($4.49) - $2.24
          • Ball Park Franks, 14 - 15 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Banquet Sausage, 6.4 oz - B1G1
          • Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad Pasta, 6.2 - 8.3 oz ($2.35) - $1.17
          • BodyArmor SuperDrink, 16 oz ($1.50) - $0.75
          • Bolthouse Farms Juice, Smoothies, or Protein Beverages, 15.2 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Celentano Pasta, Meatballs, or Eggplant Parmigiana, 12 - 24 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 7 - 9.25 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Dannon Greek or Blended Greek Yogurt, 32 oz - B1G1
          • Dr. Praeger's Purely Sensible Foods Burgers or Tendders ($5.28) - $2.64
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 22 - 24 oz ($11.99) - $5.99
            Save $1.00 off One Bag of Eight O'Clock Coffee. Any variety 10oz or larger.
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Emerald Mixed Nuts or Cashews, 5 - 10 oz ($3.89) - $1.94
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 36 - 54 ct ($11.99) - $5.99
          • Finish Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz - B1G1
          • Finish Jet-Dry, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Folgers Coffee, 10.3 - 11.5 oz - B1G1
          • Frito Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • General Mills Basic 4 Cereal, 9.6 - 17.1 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $2.31 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 9.6 - 17.1 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Chex, Fiberone, Multigrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total or Nature Valley Granola Pouches Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $2.14 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Fiber One Cereal, 9.6 - 17.1 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $2.31 each wyb 3
          • General Mills Raisin Nut Bran Cereal, 9.6 - 17.1 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Chex, Fiberone, Multigrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total or Nature Valley Granola Pouches Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $2.14 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Total Cereal, 9.6 - 17.1 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Chex, Fiberone, Multigrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total or Nature Valley Granola Pouches Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $2.14 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Wheaties Cereal, 9.6 - 17.1 oz ($5.29) - $2.64
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Chex, Fiberone, Multigrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total or Nature Valley Granola Pouches Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $2.14 each wyb 2
          • Gerber Lil' Mixers, 3.6 - 5.6 oz - B1G1
          • Good Humor Ice Cream Bars, 6 ct - B1G1
          • Green Giant Steamers Vegetables, 9 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • GreenWise Bakery Bagels, 4 ct ($2.19) - $1.09
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz ($3.85) - $1.92
          • Heinz Yellow Mustard, 20 oz ($3.85) - $1.92
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 24 - 30 oz ($5.89) - $2.94
            $1/1 Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise Product, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 08/25/19) [11.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.94
          • Hershey's Unwrapped Minis, Kit Kat, Reese's, York, or Drops, 7.6 - 9.9 oz - B1G1
          • Home Run Inn Pizza, 16.5 - 32 oz ($9.99) - $4.99
          • Hungry-Mann Dinners, 15.25 - 16 oz ($4.29) - $2.14
          • Hunt's or Rotel Tomatoes or Sauce, 10 - 15.25 oz - B1G1
          • Idahoan Potatoes, 1.5 - 5.11 oz ($1.43) - $0.71
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Blend, 64 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Corn Pops Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Crispix Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz ($4.39) - $2.19
            $1/2 Kelloggs Cereals, exp. 10/20/19 (RMN 08/25/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Ken's Steak House Dressing, 16 oz ($3.59) - $1.79
            $1/1 Ken's Simply Vinaigrette, exp. 9/30/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/2 Ken's Dressings, exp. 9/30/19 (SS 08/25/19) [16-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.79
          • Kibbles 'n Bits Dog Food, 3.5 lb ($5.49) - $2.74
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) Kibbles 'n Bits Dry Dog Food
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Klondike Ice Cream Bar, 11 - 27 oz ($6.09) - $3.04
          • Kozy Shack Pudding ($3.45) - $1.72
          • Lemi Shine Cleaning Products, 7.5 - 28 oz, or Disinfecting Wipes, 70 ct ($8.29) - $4.14
          • Matlaws Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Mayfield Big Chopper Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches, 18 oz - B1G1
          • Mayfield Ice Cream Bars or Sandwiches, 6 ct - B1G1
          • Mayfield Ice Cream, 1.5 qt ($6.29) - $3.14
          • McCormick Chili Powder, 2.5 oz - B1G1
          • McCormick Garlic Powder, 3.13 oz - B1G1
          • McCormick Pure Ground Black Pepper, 3 oz ($4.99) - $2.49
          • McCormick Salt or Pepper Grinders, 0.85 - 6.1 oz - B1G1
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 16 oz ($2.89) - $1.44
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips, 7.1 - 8.1 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Nature's Heart Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz ($1.79) - $0.89
          • New York Texas Toast, Bread Sticks, Cheese Sticks, Garlic Knots, Ciabatta Rolls, or Load, 7.3 - 14 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            Save $0.75 off any ONE (1) New York Bakery frozen bread products
            Final Price: $1.24
          • New York The Original Texas Toast Croutons - B1G1
          • Old El Paso Taco Shells, Tortilla Shells, Flour Tortillas, or Tortilla Bowls, 8 - 18 ct ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Ore-Ida Bagel Bites, 7 - 14 oz - B1G1
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks or Wieners, 14 - 16 oz ($5.79) - $2.89
          • Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies, 4.75 - 7.5 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Perdue Nuggets, Patties, or Tenders, 27 - 29 oz ($8.49) - $4.24
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Products printable
            $0.75/1 Perdue Refrigerated or Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Product, exp. 9/27/19 (RMN 08/18/19)
            Final Price: $3.49
          • PhillySwirl Italian Ice, 13.2 - 21 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Pillsbury Toaster Pastries or Scrambles, 4 - 6 ct ($2.59) - $1.29
          • Playtex Living Gloves, 1 pair ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Pop-Secret Popcorn, 11.2 - 21 oz or 30 oz - B1G1
          • Post Great Grains, Grapenuts, Shredded Wheat, or Raisin Bran Cereal, 13.5 - 20 oz ($4.19) - $2.09
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
          • Publix Bakery Donut Holes, 7.8 - 11 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb ($5.29) - $2.64
          • Publix Cantaloupe Chunks, per lb ($3.99) - $1.99
          • Publix Premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 10 oz ($5.99) - $2.99
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Pup-Peroni dog treat products 5.6oz or larger
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Natural Food Fod Dogs, 8 oz ($2.09) - $1.04
            $1/2 Rachael Ray Nutrish Naturally Delish Wet Food For Dogs printable
            B2G1 Rachael Ray Wet Food For Dogs printable
            Final Price: $0.54 each wyb 2
          • Ragu Pasta Sauce, 14 - 24 oz ($3.39) - $1.69
            $1/2 Ragu Sauce printable [16-oz.+]
            $0.75/1 Ragu Simply Pasta Sauce, exp. 9/22/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $0.60/2 Ragu Pasta Sauces, exp. 9/22/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            Final Price: $0.94
          • Ralston Family Farms Nature's Blend Rice, 24 oz ($4.79) - $2.39
          • Reser's Side Dishes, 20 - 24 oz ($3.79) - $1.89
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 8.8 - 16 oz ($1.89) - $0.94
          • Sara Lee Pound Cake or Cheesecake ($8.59) - $4.29
          • Smart Balance Buttery Spread, Spray, or Sticks, 7.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Smithfield Bacon, 16 oz ($8.99) - $4.49
          • Smithfield Smoked Ham, 8 oz ($3.29) - $1.64
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Splenda Naturals, 40 ct ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Splenda No Calorie Sweetener, 80 - 100 ct ($4.99) - $2.49
            $1/1 Splenda No Calorie Sweetener Product printable
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Springer Mountain Farms Boneless Chicken Breast, per lb ($6.79) - $3.39
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Thighs, per lb ($4.99) - $2.49
          • Swanson Broth or Cooking Stock, 32 oz ($3.69) - $1.84
          • Welch's Juice or Juice Beverage, 64 oz ($3.85) - $1.92
          • Werther's Original Caramel Candies, 10.8 - 12 oz ($4.79) - $2.39
          • Wholly Guacamole, 8 - 10 oz ($3.99) - $1.99
            Save $1.00 off TWO (2) WHOLLY GUACAMOLE? products
            Final Price: $1.49 each wyb 2
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $12.99
          • 40/80 ct Faroe Island Sea Scallops, per lb - $11.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $5.49
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Applewood Bacon, 8 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $5.99
          • Ground Chuck Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $4.49
          • Ground Chuck for Chili, per lb - $3.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            Sold in 3 lb or more pkg
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh, Selects, Naturals, or Carving Board Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66
          • Publix Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 23.5 - 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Boneless Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Publix Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Lobster Bisque, 10 oz - $4.39
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $4.99
          • Thin-Sliced Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.29
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Bartlett or Bosc Pears, per lb - $1.29
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Broccoli or Cauliflower, ea - $2.50
          • Cotton Candy Grapes, per lb - $3.99
          • Driscoll's Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Flavor Promise Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.25
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99
          • King O'The West Honeydew or Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $3.99
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $5.99
          • Microwaveable Vegetables, 8 oz - B2G1 - $3.49
          • Moon Drops Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29
          • Organic Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Organic Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.99
          • Organic Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.49
          • Organic Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 2 lb - $2.50
          • Publix Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced Pre-Washed White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red Onions, per lb - $1.49
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Yellow or Zucchini Squash, per lb - $1.69
          • Boar's Head Aloha Sunshine Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $3.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette - $1.59
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50
          • Public Deli Seasoned Potato Wedges, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hot Dog Buns, 6 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner or Potato Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Frosted Sugar Cookies, 10 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Pecan Cinnamon Buns, 4 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Round Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Pot Pie, 22 oz - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Goat Cheese Log, 4 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Maple Bourbon Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Smokehouse Meal for Four - $24.50
          • Publix Deli Smoked Tavern Ham, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Deli White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $5.99
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Arizona Tea, gal - $2.50
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $2.00
            $1/1 Bush's Baked Beans printable
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Dixie Crystals Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, 4 lb - $1.99
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz, or K-Cups, 10 ct - $6.49
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 18 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade, 6 pk - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $2.99
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tats, 21 - 22 oz - $2.50
            $1/3 Kellogg's Pop Tarts, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [6-ct.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 3
          • Kraft Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • LaCroix Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $4.99
          • Maxwell House Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz - $6.99
          • Maxwell House K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, Bites, or Protein, 4 - 5 ct - $2.99
            $1/2 Belvita Biscuits Boxes 8.8oz or larger, exp. 10/26/19 (SS 09/15/19)
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Premium Saltine or Soup & Oyster Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $1.99
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 9/21/19 (SS 08/11/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins or Good Thins Snacks, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 9/21/19 (SS 08/11/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 3
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B2G1
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, Gold Peak Tea, or Smartwater, 6 pk - B2G1
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $3.50
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) HALF GALLON OF A2 MILK?
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almond Milk, 64 oz - $3.00
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $1/5 Chobani Single Serve Yogurt and Non Dairy Products, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 09/08/19)
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 5
          • GreenWise Organic Ricotta Cheese, 15 oz - $4.99
          • Handsome Brook Farm Organic Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Singles, 12 oz - $3.00
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Cinnamon or Danish Rolls, or Sweet Biscuits, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
            Save $0.50 when you buy ONE CAN any size/variety Pillsbury? Sweet Biscuits with Icing
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1
          • Rana 5 Cheese Tortellini, 20 oz - $6.49
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Freschetta Pizza, 16.77 - 30.88 oz - $5.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 15 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99
          • Tyson Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts or Tenderloins, 32 oz - $5.49
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $11.99
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence, exp. 9/28/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes other always products and trial/travel size]
            Stack With $2/1 Always Discreet Underwear or Pads, exp. 9/20/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Underwear 10-ct. to 19-ct.; Pads 28-ct. to 66-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Atkins Shakes, 4 pk - $7.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Aveeno Products, select - 25% OFF
            Save $2.00 any ONE (1) AVEENO Body Lotion, Body Wash, or Anti-Itch product (excludes 2.5oz, 1.0oz, and masks)
          • Clear & Clear Products, select - 25% OFF
          • Colgate Toothbrush, 1 - 4 ct - 25% OFF
            $2/1 Colgate 360 Twin Pack or Multi-Pack Manual Toothbrushes (Excludes Free Product Packs), exp. 9/21/19 (SS 09/15/19)
          • Colgate Total Advance, Total, or Optic White Toothpaste, 3.4 - 4.8 oz - $3.00
            $2/1 Colgate Total Advanced, Optic White Advanced Whitening or Platinum, Enamel Health, Essential or Sensitive Toothpaste 3oz or larger, exp. 9/28/19 (SS 09/15/19)
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00
          • Depend Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Men Guards, 52 ct - $11.99
            Save $2.50 off ONE (1) Depend? Guards or Shields for Men
            Save $2.50 off ONE (1) Package of Depend? Products
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) package of DEPEND? Products (8ct or larger)
            $3/1 Depend Product, exp. 9/28/19 (SS 08/25/19) [8-ct.+]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Dove Bar Soap, 6 ct - $6.49
          • Dove Body Wash, 22 oz, Shower Foam, 13.5 oz, or Body Polish, 10.5 oz - $5.99
          • Dove Men+Care Body and Face Wash, 13.5 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Deodorant, 2.7 - 3 oz - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Hair Care, 12 oz - $4.00
          • Larabar The Original Fruit & Nut Food Bar, 1.6 - 1.8 oz - $1.00
          • Maui Moisture Hair Care, 4.2 - 13 oz - $6.99
          • Neutrogena Products, select - 25% OFF
          • Poise Pads, 27 - 66 ct - $11.99
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) package of POISE? Pads
            Save $2.00 off ONE (1) package of POISE? Pads
            $3/1 Poise Product Pads, Liners or Impressa Bladder Supports, exp. 9/28/19 (SS 08/25/19) [Excludes liners 14-ct. to 26-ct. or pads 10-ct.]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Publix Liquid Hand Soap Refill - $3.99
          • U by Kotex Click, Sleek, Fitness, or Security Tampons, 21 - 50 ct, or Pads, 26 - 56 ct - Prices Vary
            Buy (1), Get (1) U by Kotex Tampons, 15 - 18 ct, Pantiliners, 40 - 64 oz, or Pads, 13 - 24 ct, FREE.
            Save $1.00 off ONE (1) U by Kotex? Product
            Save 50? off ONE (1) U by Kotex? Products (offer value may vary)
            $2/2 U by Kotex Tampons, exp. 9/21/19 (SS 08/11/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            $2/2 U by Kotex Pads, exp. 9/21/19 (SS 08/11/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            $2/2 U by Kotex Liners, exp. 9/21/19 (SS 08/11/19) [Excludes 14-ct. to 22-ct. and trial/travel size]
            $2/2 U by Kotex Tampons, Pads or Liners, exp. 9/20/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Tampons 18-ct. to 50-ct.; Pads 14-ct. to 56-ct.; Liners 40-ct. to 96-ct.; Excluding Liners 14-ct. to 18-ct.]
          • Aveeno Baby, select - $1.00 OFF
            $2/1 Aveeno Baby Sensitive All Over Wipes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 09/08/19) [Excludes 10-ct.]
          • Desitin, select - $1.00 OFF
          • Enfamil Infant Formula Refill, 30.4 - 31.4 oz - Prices Vary
            Buy (1), Get (1) Enfamil Infant Formula, 32 oz, FREE.
          • Gerber Good Start Formila, 22.2 - 32 oz - $10.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Johnson's Baby, select - $1.00 OFF
          • Pampers Bagged Diapers, 16 - 35 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pampers Wipes, 56 - 72 ct - $1.99

          The post Publix Matchups 9/19/19 – 9/25/19 appeared first on

          Natural & Organic Coupons for Whole Foods Thu, 12 Sep 2019 18:17:29 +0000 This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. has great coupons available on natural & organic products from healthy brands! Watch your mail for the Wholesome Savings envelope that is being mailed in select areas because it will be loaded with awesome coupons! You can redeem and […]

          The post Natural & Organic Coupons for Whole Foods appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

 has great coupons available on natural & organic products from healthy brands! Watch your mail for the Wholesome Savings envelope that is being mailed in select areas because it will be loaded with awesome coupons! You can redeem and use these coupons on natural and organic products at Whole Foods! See below to print out all of the coupons you are interested in! I am loving the $1.00 off Alexia Frozen Potatoes & Onions coupon! Sometimes my husband and I will make their onion rings with a homemade honey mustard dip. They are sooo good. Head HERE to print your coupon!

          Also, make sure you to enter for a chance to win $1000 worth of free groceries! Head HERE to enter!

          The post Natural & Organic Coupons for Whole Foods appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 9/5/19 – 9/11/19 Sat, 07 Sep 2019 19:43:16 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, September 5th or Wednesday, September 4th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 9/5/19 – 9/11/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, September 5th or Wednesday, September 4th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Florida Pink Shrimp, per lb - $14.99 - $14.99
          • 41/50 ct Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.90 - $5.99
          • Echo Falls Cold Smoked Salmon, 4 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Ground Turkey Breast, 16 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Lean Ground Beef Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.69 - $4.69
            Sold in 3 lb or more pkg
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1 - $8.49 - $8.49
            Final Price: $5.66 each wyb 3
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh, Selects, Naturals, or Carving Board Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Publix Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Cutlets, or Tenderloins, 32 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Publix Mahi Fillets, 12 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Back Ribs, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Red Grouper Fillets, per lb - $21.99 - $21.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Stuffed Scallops or Clams, 4 - 5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Broccoli, bunch - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Cauliflower, ea - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Fresh Express Salads, 5 - 11 oz - $3.99 - $3.00
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $0.98 - $0.98
          • GT's Enlightened Organic & Raw Kombucha, 48 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Honeydew or Orangedew Melon, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Larger Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Mango, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Mini San Marzano Tomatoes, 10 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $0.88 - $0.88
          • Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Grape Tomatoes, ea - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Organic Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Organic Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Organic Red Raspberries or Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Snipped Green Beans, 12 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Publix Peeled and Cored Pineapple, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Petite Red Potatoes, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Sugar Kiss Melon Chunks, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Ready Pac Bistro Salad, 4.5 - 8 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40 - $0.40
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Coat Ham, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Small Naan Platter, ea - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Products printable
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.6 - 10.6 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Party Bundt Cake, 28 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Round European Cream Tart, 12 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Buffalo or Taco Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Garden Fresh Vegetable Platter, ea - $19.99 - $19.99
          • Publix Deli Meal Wheel, ea - $10.00 - $10.00
          • Publix Deli Pepper or Herb-Coated Salami, 4 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Potato Salad, 32 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Pulled Pork Sandwich - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Swiss Cheese, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Swiss Gruyere Cheese, per lb - $13.99 - $13.99
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Deli Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • The Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheese, 3.6 - 4.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 20 - 22 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • GreenWise Organic Skillet Meal, 20 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entree, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Waffles, 12.3 oz - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Tyson Chicken Nuggets, Patties, or Steak Fingers, 20.5 - 32 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Fresh Step Cat Litter, 20 lb - $8.59 - $8.59
          • Milk-Bone Dog Biscuits or Puppy Biscuits, Snacks, or Treats, 5 - 24 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Scoop Away Cat Litter, 25 lb - $8.59 - $8.59

          The post Publix Matchups 9/5/19 – 9/11/19 appeared first on

          Lessons I Learned During Hurricane Irma Fri, 30 Aug 2019 19:18:17 +0000 Photo Cred Denis Phillips Facebook Page Update – Seeing how a lot of people are starting to worry about Hurricane Dorian, I thought it would be timely to repost my thoughts after we encountered the fear and threat of Irma. Please stay safe this week and the following few days. Stock up on essentials now […]

          The post Lessons I Learned During Hurricane Irma appeared first on


          Photo Cred Denis Phillips Facebook Page

          Update – Seeing how a lot of people are starting to worry about Hurricane Dorian, I thought it would be timely to repost my thoughts after we encountered the fear and threat of Irma. Please stay safe this week and the following few days. Stock up on essentials now (water, bread, propane gas) and fill your cars with gas. If you need to evacuate, please do. Be safe everyone!

          Follow me on Instagram!

          Thoughts on the past 7 days with Irma:

          1) I’ve never been so concerned about the safety of my family as this past week.

          2) The roller coaster of watching Irma come our way, and then be in the clear of her, to then see her coming our way as a category 5 is something I don’t want to experience again for years and years.

          3) Even though Irma ended up hitting us as only a Cat 1, I will still take future hurricanes as seriously as we took Irma. In fact I will take them more seriously. We will either get plywood for windows or hurricane shutters immediately. I will also price out generators this winter. And lastly, next time I see a cat 3, 4 or 5 with a track headed our way, we will evacuate.

          Tip: Always keep batteries on-hand. Especially size D. Most flashlights need that size and right before a hurricane, stores will run out of D first.

          Bottled water will become a hot commodity when a hurricane is enroute. It wouldn’t hurt to keep a couple 24 packs stocked away during hurricane season because stores will run out when major hurricanes are enroute.

          4) Sleeping in our safe room with the kiddos- although stressful and hard on the back – was lots of fun. I want more nonstressful adventures with my kids.

          Our safe room. Tip – if your kiddos are sensitive to loud noises (hurricanes are crazy crazy loud), get a battery operated sound machine. Crank the white noise. You won’t hear the scary sounds outside.

          Us hunkered down in our safe room. (Daddy fit in here too.) It was a party. If you make hunkering down fun, your kiddos may not even realize there is a serious storm going on outside.

          5) Losing electricity has been annoying, an inconvenience and HOT. I’ll choose to find the positives though:

          • We still have running water so we can take showers.
          • A friend offered up her empty freezer in her garage and all of my meat (worth at least $250) has been spared.
          • The nights have been “cooler” albeit muggy so with our windows open, it’s not stifling.
          • Since I’ve emptied my refrigerator and freezer, I’ll be able to give it a deep clean before filling it back up with food. It was due for a deep clean!
          • SO many other people have it much much worse than us. Not having electricity is an inconvenience. Many people lost their homes or had so much damage they have to stay out of their homes. We have a roof over our heads and a pool we can jump in to cool off in.

          6) I have seen the strength of God as he controlled the beast of a hurricane that Irma was. I feel fortunate that our area was spared but I hope that I would also praising God and admiring his strength if we were hit with the predicted cat 4.

          7) I feel very fortunate to have a house with only minor damage to our roof.

          8 ) Denis Phillips is my favorite meteorologist. He talked me off the ledge countless times this past week. If you live in Tampa Bay, you MUST follow him during any and all storms. He’s realistic and doesn’t give any hype. He’s just what you need when a Category 5 hurricane is brewing in the waters.

          9) First responders deserve our gratitude and need to be thanked. They have worked tirelessly – often without food since most restaurants were closed until Tuesday or Wednesday.

          Just a mere portion of military vehicles parked in a parking lot in our town.

           A huge thanks to Mr Javier, Miss Liz and Mr Dennis for spoiling my son and letting him go in some of the military vehicles and an ambulance. You made his day. And I watched him bring a smile to your faces. We appreciate you.

          9) And lastly, when a storm with the magnitude of cat 4 is headed directly towards you (our house was literally in the eye on some tracks Saturday), you realize what is important. It’s definitely not “stuff” or stockpiles or blogging or deals. It’s the people who matter. My little family is what matters most.

          My son. He’s 4 1/2 now! *update – he’s now 5 1/2!*

          My beautiful daughter. 2 1/2 years old. *update – she’s now 3 1/2*

          Thank you everyone for the prayers for our family as well as the prayers for our state. Continuing praying for everyone who suffered damage and loss in the storm’s path. Many were not as lucky as us. I would love to hear what lessons you learned throughout the beast of a hurricane known as Irma!

          Check: Publix Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.

          The post Lessons I Learned During Hurricane Irma appeared first on

          50% Off Backpacks at Office Depot & Office Max! Thu, 29 Aug 2019 14:32:19 +0000 This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. So this year I sent my son to school with his used backpack from last year. The problem is that he really really used his backpack last year. The bottom of it is frayed from hitting his bike tire as […]

          The post 50% Off Backpacks at Office Depot & Office Max! appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

          So this year I sent my son to school with his used backpack from last year. The problem is that he really really used his backpack last year. The bottom of it is frayed from hitting his bike tire as he wore it riding his bike to and from school. So I’m loving this Doorbuster Deal going on right now at Office Depot and Office Max! Backpacks are 50% off! Backpack prices start at just $9.99! Head HERE to see all of the backpacks marked down 50%. You can order these backpacks online or pick up in store! go HERE.

          This is the backpack I would get my son. He loves PUMA clothing and he will LOVE this. I love the price! Head HERE to see this PUMA Essential Backpack with Laptop Holder that is marked down to $22.49!

          Head HERE to see all of the backpacks marked down 50%.

          The post 50% Off Backpacks at Office Depot & Office Max! appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 8/29/19 – 9/4/19 Mon, 26 Aug 2019 15:36:30 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 29th or Wednesday, August 28th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 8/29/19 – 9/4/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 29th or Wednesday, August 28th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1 - $5.93 - $2.96
          • Arnold Select Rolls, 8 ct - B1G1
          • Ball Park Franks, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1
          • Bertolli Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad, 6.2 - 8.3 oz - B1G1 - $2.35 - $1.17
          • Blue Bunny Mini Swirl Cones or Bunny Snacks, 6 - 8 pk - B1G1
            $0.75/1 Blue Bunny Ice Cream, Load'd Sundaes or Novelty Pack printable [46-oz. to 48-oz. ice cream carton]
          • Breyers Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt - B1G1 - $5.84 - $2.92
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Campbell's Chunky or Homestyle Soup, 15.25 - 18.8 oz - B1G1 - $2.59 - $1.29
          • Cesar Adult Dog Food, 5 lb - B1G1- $8.49 - $4.24
          • Cherub Tomatoes, 10.5 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Chex Mix or Bugles Snacks, 10.5 - 15 oz -B1G1 - $3.75 - $1.87
            $0.50/2 Chex Mix, Muddy Buddies, Popped, Bugles, Gardettos or Food Should Taste Good Chips Bags, exp. 10/12/19 (SS 08/18/19) [3.7-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.62 each wyb 2
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1
          • Chobani Savor, 14 oz - B1G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1- $5.15 - $2.57
          • Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.13 - $1.07
          • Craisins, 5 - 6 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Dawn Sponges, 1 - 3 ct - B1G1
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 50 ct - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            $1/2 Dixie Plates and Bowls, exp. 9/25/19 (RMN 08/25/19)
            Save $1.00 on TWO (2) Dixie® Plates or Bowls packages, any variety or size. ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.04 each wyb 2
          • Dole Fruit in a Cup, 4 pk - B1G1 - $2.91 - $1.45
            $0.50/1 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $1/2 Dole Fruit Bowls, exp. 9/22/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2)
            Final Price: $0.95
          • Fiji Artesian Water, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Frito-Lay Party-Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.29 - $2.64
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 1.3 - 22 oz - B1G1- $5.75 - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/2 General Mils Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese’s Puffs, Chex™, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 1.3 - 22 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mils Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese’s Puffs, Chex™, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $5.75 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 1.3 - 22 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/2 General Mils Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese’s Puffs, Chex™, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $5.75 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 1.3 - 22 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/2 General Mils Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese’s Puffs, Chex™, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $5.75 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 1.3 - 22 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Boxes, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $1/2 General Mils Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese’s Puffs, Chex™, Coc ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $5.75 each wyb 2
          • Ghirardelli Brownie or Cookie Mix, 13.2 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.25 - $1.62
          • Ghirardelli Cake Mix 12.75 oz - B1G1- $3.25 - $1.62
          • Ghirardelli Single Serve Brownie Mug Mix, 4 ct - B1G1- $3.25 - $1.62
          • Gold Peak Iced Tea, 64 oz - B1G1 - $2.89 - $1.44
          • Grecian Delight Tzatziki Greek Yogurt Dip, 8 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Hebrew National Beef Franks, 9.43 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $3.09
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pan with Lids, 1 - 4 ct - - B1G1- $3.99 - $1.99
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Heinz Yellow Mustard, 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 24 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            $1/1 Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise Product, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 08/25/19) [11.5-oz.+]
            SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Hellmann’s® or Best Foods® Real Mayonnaise (11.5 oz. or larger) or Variety Sauce (11 oz. or larger) product. ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Hershey's Candy Bars or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Kit Kat Crisp Wafers, 6 ct - B1G1- $4.99 - $2.49
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.79 - $4.89
          • Hormel Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz - B1G1 - $2.79 - $1.39
          • Kashi Cereal, Bars, or Bites, 5.6 - 16.3 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 12 - 16 lb, or Match Light, 12 lb - B1G1 - $14.99 - $7.49
          • Lawry's 30 Minute Marinade, 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie, 4 oz - B1G1 - $2.10 - $1.05
            $0.50/1 Lenny Larry Cookies, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 05/05/19) [4-oz.]
            Final Price: $0.55
          • Lifeway Kefir, 1 qt - B1G1
          • Lysol Bathroom Cleaner or Mildew Remover, 19 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • MorningStar Farms Veggie Entree, 5.25 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.60 - $2.30
            Save $1.00 on any TWO MorningStar Farms Veggie Foods Products
            Final Price: $1.80 each wyb 2
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Beverage, 64 oz - B1G1 - $3.11 - $1.55
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 pk - B1G1 - $3.11 - $1.55
            $1/2 Mott's Applesauce, exp. 9/15/19 (SS 07/28/19 R) [4-ct. clear pouches]
            Final Price: $1.05 each wyb 2
          • Mrs. Smith's Flaky Crust Pies, 35 - 37 oz - B1G1 - $6.99 - $3.49
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Mueller's Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.08 - $2.04
            $0.75/2 SS 08/11
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 2
          • Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Sandwich or Hot Dog Rolls, 13 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Nature's Own Perfectly Crafted Bread, 22 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Nestle Outshine Bars, 9.9 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.84 - $2.92
          • Nutella Hazelnut Spread, 13 oz - B1G1
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail, 64 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Planters Cocktail Peanuts, 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.37 - $2.18
          • Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts, 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.37 - $2.18
          • Pringles, 4.5 - 5.96 oz - B1G1 - $2.89 - $1.44
            Save $1.00 on any FOUR Pringles Full Size Cans (Including Pringles WAVY)
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 4
          • Publix Bakery Apple Coffee Cake, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Publix Bone-In Split Chicken Breast, per lb - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad or Sweet Coleslaw, 32 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, per lb - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Publix Small Shrimp Platter, 10 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $4.49
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 25 oz - B1G1 - $13.29 - $6.64
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Pup-Peroni dog treat products 5.6oz or larger
            Final Price: $6.14 each wyb 2
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 75 sq ft - B1G1 - $6.81 - $3.40
            $0.50/1 Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil printable
            Final Price: $2.90
          • Right Guard Xtreme Anti-Perspirant, 2.6 - 4 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Scripto Aim'n Flame II Multipurpose Lighter, 1 ct - B1G1
          • Seattle's Best Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
            Save $1.00 ONE (1) bag of Seattle's Best Coffee packaged coffee
            Final Price: $3.09
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk 16 oz - B1G1- $6.65 - $3.32
          • Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels or Nibblers, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.37 - $2.18
            $1/2 Snyders or Hanover Pretzels, exp. 9/30/19 (SS 07/28/19) [5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.68 each wyb 2
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces or Marinade, 14 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • TGI Fridays Frozen Appetizers or Entree, 7.6 - 15 oz - B1G1
          • Toufayan Pita Bread, 12 oz - B1G1 - $1.49 - $0.74
          • V8 Splash Beverage, 64 oz - B1G1 - $2.75 - $1.37
          • Vanity Fair Napkins, 40 - 100 ct - B1G1
          • Wonderful Shelled Pistachios, 5.5 - 6 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shell Products, exp. 9/29/19 (SS 06/30/19) [6-oz.; 7-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.34
          • Applegate Bacon, 8 oz - B2G1
            $1/1 Applegate Product printable
          • Aprons Bacon Wrapped BBQ Meatloaf, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Chicken with Pineapple Chutney Meal Kit, per lb - $12.9 - $12.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Pork Tenderloin Meat Kit, 29 oz - $13.99 - $13.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Brisket, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Bubba Burger Burgers, 32 oz - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Colossal White Shrimp, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Dakota Organic Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Steaks, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise Angus Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $13.99 - $13.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Tenders, per lb - $7.19 - $7.19
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
            3 lb or more
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwust, 19 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Cold Cuts, 15 - 16 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Sirloin Cutlets, per lb - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Publix Chicken Wings, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast Bone-In, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast Boneless, per lb - $2.29 - $2.29
          • Publix Pork St. Louis Style Spareribs, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Steakhouse Elite Ground Beef Burgers, 24 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Tenderloin Steaks, per lb - $15.99 - $15.99
          • Thin-Sliced Bone-In Ribeye Steak, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $0.98 - $0.98
          • Broccoli or Cauliflower, ea - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Baby Rainbow Carrots, 12 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Bella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Orange Juice, 52 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Organic Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • King O'The West Honeydew, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Navel Oranges or Minneola Tangelos, per lb - $0.98 - $0.98
          • Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organicgirl Salad, 10 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Plumcots, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Publix Red or Gold Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Steam-In-Bag Brussels Sprout Medley, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Steam-in-Bag Asparagus and Mushrooms, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Steam-in-Bag Broccoli Medley, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix White Whole Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Publix Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice or Juice Blend, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade, Punch, or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon or Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.30 - $0.30
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise Oven Roasted Chicken - $7.59 - $7.59
          • King's Hawaiian Rolls, 12 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Everything Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Everything Seasoning, 5 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $2.29 - $2.29
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Meringue Pie, 29 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Crumbled Blue Cheese, 4 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Slab Ribs, ea - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips or Thins, or Bagel Chips - B2G1
          • Stonefire Organic Naan Dippers, 7.05 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1/1 Stonefire Product printable
            Final Price: $1.50
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • EatSmart Cauliflower Rice, 12 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Everglade Seasoning, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 32 oz, or Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • GreenWise Organic Quinoa, 12 oz - $3.99 - $3.00
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries, 8 ct - $1.66 - $1.66
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Pop-Tarts Products
            $1/3 Kellogg's Pop Tarts, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [6-ct.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.33 each wyb 3
          • LaCroix Pure or Flavored Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/2 SS 08/11
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers or Epic Crunch, 5.5 - 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $2.96 each wyb 4
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Starkist Chunk Light Tuna or Tuna or Chicken Creations, 2.6 - 3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            $1/1 Half Gallon A2 Milk printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Breakstone's or Plugra Butter, 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer or Probiotic Drinkable Yogurt, 25.4 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Eggland's Best Large Eggs, 12 ct - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Eggland's Best Eggs, exp. 9/30/19 (SS 06/30/19)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, 8 oz, Cinnamon or Danish Rolls, or Sweet Biscuits, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury™ Refrigerated Baked Goods Products ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.84 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.50/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 10/20/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            Final Price: $2.75 each wyb 2
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 4 - 5.3 oz, or Drinkable Yogurt, 8 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
            $1/2 Siggi's Yogurt printable
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 2
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Iced Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Organic Frozen Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Puff Pastry Sheets, 17.3 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Kelloggs Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Dinner, 20 - 32 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meal for Two, 22 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Sweet Potato Fries, 19 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Entrees, 15 - 20 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Stouffer's Fit Kitchen or Bowl-Fulls, 6 - 14 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Ariel Detergent, 50 - 52.9 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 8 roll or 6 dbl rolls - $10.49 - $10.49
            $1.00/1 P&G 08/25
            Final Price: $9.49
          • Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega rolls - $10.49 - $10.49
            $1.00/1 P&G 08/25
            Final Price: $9.49
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00 - $5.00
            $0.25/1 Charmin Flushable Wipes, exp. 9/7/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes 10-ct. and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $4.75
          • Clorox Bleach, 116 - 121 oz, or Control Bleach Packs, 12 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Duracell Coppertop and Optimum AA/AAA Batteries, or Hearing Aid, 6 - 24 ct - 25% OFF
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 44 - 51 oz or 120 ct, or Scent Booster, 7.2 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            $2/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Gain Sheets, or Gain Fireworks, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [48 Load or Larger fabric conditioner; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ fireworks; Includes gain botanicals excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Gain Flings, 12 - 16 ct - $5.00 - $5.00
            $2/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [12-ct. to 31-ct. Flings; Excludes fireworks, flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Gain Laundry Detergent, 50 - 52.9 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            $2/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [12-ct. to 31-ct. Flings; Excludes fireworks, flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz, or All Laundry Detergent, 141 oz or 60 ct - $10.00 OFF wyb 2
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Power-Liquid or Power-Caps Laundry Detergent printable [sign up]
            $3/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/21/19 (RMN 08/18/19) [38-ct. disks; 100-oz.+ liquid; Excludes all sizes below 100-oz. and 38-ct.]
            $1/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/21/19 (RMN 08/18/19) [Excludes 6 loads or less trial/travel size]
            $1/1 all Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/21/19 (RMN 08/25/19) [Excludes trial size]
          • Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent, 95 - 100 oz or 45 ct - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Tide Pods, 12 - 16 ct - $5.00 - $5.00
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 9/21/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes tide liquid/powder laundry detergent, tide simply, tide simply pods, tide pods 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.00
            Health & Beauty
          • Aleve Pain Reliever, 40 - 50 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Always Discreet Liners, 44 - 52 t, or Pads, 16 - 30 ct - $4.89 - $4.89
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence, exp. 9/28/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes other always products and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.89
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence, exp. 9/28/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes other always products and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Aveeno Skin Care, Hair, Body Wash, or Wipes, select - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Bayer, 100 - 120 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
            $1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product printable [24-ct.+]
            Stack With $2.50/1 Bayer, Bayer Back & Body or Bayer Extra Strength, exp. 9/6/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Bayer 20-ct. to 300-ct.; Back & Body or Extra Strength 100-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Colgate Mouthwash or Rinse, 16 oz or 1 L - 25% OFF
            Save $1.00 On any Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse (400 mL or larger)
            $0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable
            $0.50/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse, exp. 9/3/19 (SS 07/21/19 R)
            $0.50/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 08/18/19) [200-ml.+]
          • Colgate Toothpaste, 4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 08/18/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus and travel/trial size]
            Final Price: $0.50
          • Coppertone Suncare Products, 1.5 - 11 oz - $2.00 OFF
          • Crest Pro-Health or 3D White Toothpaste, 4.8 - 6.3 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
            $2/1 Crest Toothpaste, exp. 9/7/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Crest Scope Mouthwash, 1 L - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 9/7/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [437-ml./16-oz.+; Excludes trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Ensure or Glucerna Shakes, 4 - 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $3/1 Ensure Multi-Pack printable
            $3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]
            $3/2 Glucerna Products printable
            $3/2 Glucerna Product printable
            $4/2 Ensure Multipacks, exp. 10/5/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $5/2 Ensure Multipacks, exp. 9/1/19 (SS 07/21/19)
            $4/2 Glucerna Products, exp. 10/20/19 (SS 08/25/19)
            $5/2 Glucerna Products, exp. 9/15/19 (SS 07/21/19) [Limit 2]
          • GreenWise Whey Protein Powder, 12.9 - 15.8 oz - 20% OFF
          • L'Oreal Ever Hair Care Products, 8.5 - 11.05 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Neutrogena Products, 0.47 - 16 oz 20 - 50 ct - $2.00 OFF
          • Olay Cleansers or Body Wash, 5 - 40 oz - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Olay Skin Care Product, exp. 9/28/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
          • Olay Regenerist Moisturizer, Eyes, or Total Effects, 2 - 4.5 oz - $4.00 OFF
            $2/1 Olay Eyes Product, exp. 9/28/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes pro-x eye restoration complex and trial/travel size]
            $2/1 Olay Regenerist Facial Moisturizer, exp. 9/28/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Olay Skin Care Product, exp. 9/28/19 (P&G 08/25/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
          • Suave Professionals Hair Care, 12.6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Suave Professionals Hair Care, 28 oz - $4.00 - $4.00

          The post Publix Matchups 8/29/19 – 9/4/19 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 8/22/19 – 8/28/19 Wed, 21 Aug 2019 20:01:48 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 22nd or Wednesday, August 21st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 8/22/19 – 8/28/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 22nd or Wednesday, August 21st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Boneless Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Bacon Wrapped Gulf Shrimp, ea - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Beyond Meat The Beyond Burger, 8 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/1 Beyond Meat Product printable
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Boneless NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Corvina Fillets, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise 10/15 ct Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $15.99 - $15.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $4.19 - $4.19
          • GreenWise Angus Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $13.99 - $13.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise Keta Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Ground Round Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $4.79 - $4.79
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Haddock Fillets, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Maverick 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79 - $5.79
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Boneless Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Bratwurst Pork Sausage or Kielbasa, 20 oz - B2G1 - $6.19 - $6.19
            Final Price: $4.12 each wyb 3
          • Publix Center Cut Boneless Pork Loin, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Chicken Leg Quarters, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Publix Pork Loin Back Ribs, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Thin-Sliced Boneless NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 8 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Black Mission or Brown Turkey Figs, 8 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Blueberries, 11 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Broccoli, bunch - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Dragon Fruit, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Fresh Attitude Salad Blend, 5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded Carrots, 10 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Mango, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Minneola Tangelos, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Organic Cantaloupe, ea - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Organic Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Snipped Green Beans, 12 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Plumcots, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Publix Cantaloupe Chunks, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Whole Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, Ruby Red Grapefruit, or Trop50, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, 16 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Sandwich, ea - $4.59 - $4.59
          • Boar's Head Smokemaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Yellow or White American Cheese, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Bagels, 4 ct - $1.19 - $1.19
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • GreenWise Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake, 16 - 19 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Pecan Cinnamon Buns, 4 ct - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Kaiser Rolls, 6 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Crumbled Cheese, 4 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 8 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Pulled Pork Sandwich, ea - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $5.99
          • Chef Boyardee Pasta, 14.5 - 15 oz - $0.89 - $0.89
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $3.95 each wyb 3
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit Cups or Refreshers, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia, or Fruit Refreshers printable [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks printable
            $1/1 Del Monte Fruit and Oats, Fruit and Chia or Fruit Refreshers, exp. 10/4/19 (SS 08/04/19) [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks, exp. 10/4/19 (SS 08/04/19) [4-pk.]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Folgers Coffee, 24.2 - 30.5 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Frito-Lay Variety Pack Snacks, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic Applesauce, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic BBQ Sauce, 18 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Cold Brew Coffee, 32 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Pickles, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Salad Toppings, 3.5 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Keebler Cookies, 5 - 15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Keebler Sandie's Cookies
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Kraft 100% Grated Cheese or Grated Topping, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Lotus Biscoff Cookies, 5.4 - 10.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Progresso Soup, 14 - 19 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 4 pk 8.4 oz - B2G1
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Starkist Solid White Albacore Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [60-ct. sheets; 4.3-oz. boosters; 40 Loads fabric conditioner; Includes downy unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect, infusions and dreft blissfuls excludes downy libre enjuage, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $2.00 OFF
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [60-ct. sheets; 4.3-oz. boosters; 40 Loads fabric conditioner; Includes downy unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect, infusions and dreft blissfuls excludes downy libre enjuage, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 12 large or 6 huge rolls - $5.00 OFF
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $6.00 - $6.00
            $0.55/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [2, 3 or 6 roll]
            $0.25/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [3-roll, 6-roll or 8-roll]
            $0.75/1 Brawny Rolls, exp. 8/21/19 (RMN 07/21/19) [6-pk.+]
            Final Price: $5.25
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent ActionPacs, 20 - 37 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 8 super mega, 12 mega, or 24 dbl rolls - $5.00 OFF
          • Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Wipes, 168 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
            $0.50/1 Cottonelle Flushable Wipes, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 07/28/19) [42 ct or higher]
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Cottonelle Toilet Paper, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $5.99 - $5.99
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper printable
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper printable
            $1/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 07/28/19) [6 rolls or more]
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 16.2 - 19.4 oz - $2.69 - $2.69
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 44 - 90 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Downy Fabric Conditioner, 128 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [60-ct. sheets; 4.3-oz. boosters; 40 Loads fabric conditioner; Includes downy unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect, infusions and dreft blissfuls excludes downy libre enjuage, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
          • Downy Fabric Softener Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [60-ct. sheets; 4.3-oz. boosters; 40 Loads fabric conditioner; Includes downy unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect, infusions and dreft blissfuls excludes downy libre enjuage, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
          • Gain Detergent, 75 - 100 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $2/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [12-ct. to 31-ct. Flings; Excludes fireworks, flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $2.00 OFF
            $3/1 Gain Flings, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [32-ct.+; Excludes fireworks, laundry detergent and trial/travel size]
            $2/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [12-ct. to 31-ct. Flings; Excludes fireworks, flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $3/1 Gain Flings, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [32-ct.+; Excludes fireworks, laundry detergent and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Sheets, 240 ct - $2.00 OFF
            $2/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Gain Sheets, or Gain Fireworks, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [48 Load or Larger fabric conditioner; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ fireworks; Includes gain botanicals excludes trial size]
          • Hefty Tall Kitchen or Strong Trash Bags, 18 - 45 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix AA/AAA Long Lasting Alkaline Batteries, 20 - 36 ct - $1.50 OFF
          • Puffs Facial Tissue, 3 - 4 pk - $4.79 - $4.79
          • Swiffer Dusters, 3 - 5 ct, or Cloth Refills, 10 - 15 ct - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Tide Liquid Detergent, 69 - 100 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $2.00 OFF
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Ziploc Slider Bags, 10 - 40 ct - $2.19 - $2.19
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Ziploc Brand Bags or containers
            $1/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
            $1/2 Ziploc Brand Bags or Containers, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2) [Limit 2]
            Final Price: $1.69 each wyb 2
          • Allegra, 15 - 20 ct - $4.00 OFF
            Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Allegra Allergy 24HR 24ct or larger, any Allegra-D, or any Children's Allegra Product
            $5/1 Allegra 24HR or Allegra-D, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 08/18/19) [24-ct.+]
            $4/1 Allegra Allergy 24HR or Allegra Children's, exp. 9/10/19 (SS 08/11/19) [24-ct.+]
            $4/1 Allegra 24HR or Children's Allegra, exp. 9/17/19 (SS 08/18/19 R) [24-ct.+]
          • Always Infinity or Radiant, 18 - 36 ct, or Ultra Thin or Maxi Pads, 27 - 46 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Ultra or Maxi Pads, exp. 8/24/19 (P&G 07/28/19) [11-ct.+; Excludes always liners and always discreetLimit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Crest Pro-Health or 3D White Toothpaste, 4.8 - 6.3 oz - $1.00
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 8/24/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size]
          • Crest Scope Mouthwash, 1 L - $1.00 OFF
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $3.00 - $2.00
          • Emergen-C Vitamin C Dietary Supplement, 30 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
            Save $2.00 ONE (1) 8CT or Larger Emergen-C Product
            $2/1 Emergen-C or Emergen-Zzzz printable [8-ct.+]
            SAVE $2.00 off ANY Emergen-C® product 7ct or larger
            $1/1 Emergen-C Product printable [8-ct.+]
            $2/1 Emergen-C, exp. 9/1/19 (RMN 08/18/19 R) [7-ct.+]
            Stack With $2/1 Emergen-C, Emergen-Zzzz, Emergen-C Energy+, Emergen-C Immune+, Emergen-C Probiotics+, or Emergen-C Protein Fuel, exp. 8/23/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [14-ct. to 60-ct.; Protein Fuel 17.5-oz.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Garnier Nutrisse Hair Color - $1.00 OFF
            $5/2 Garnier Nutrisse, Olia or Express Retouch Hair Color Products, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/18/19)
            $2/1 Garnier Nutrisse, Olia or Retouch Express Hair Color Product, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/18/19)
          • Just for Men Hair Color - $1.00 OFF
          • Mrs. Meyer's Hand Soap Refill, 33 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Mrs. Meyer's Liquid Hand Soap or Foaming Hand Soap, 10 - 12.5 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Nasacot, 0.57 oz - $4.00 OFF
            $4/1 Nasacort Allergy 24HR printable [120 Spray or Larger]
            $4/1 Nasacort Allergy Relief Product printable
            $5/1 Nasacort Allergy 24HR, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 08/18/19) [120 sprays+]
            $4/1 Nasacort Allergy 24HR, exp. 9/17/19 (SS 08/18/19 R) [120+ spray]
            $4/1 Nasacort Allergy 24HR, exp. 9/10/19 (SS 08/11/19) [120+ spray]
          • Nature Made Vitamins or Supplements, 30 - 400 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            SAVE $2.00 off ANY Nexium® 24HR product
            $3/1 Nexium 24HR Tablets printable [28-ct. or 42-ct.]
            $3/1 Nexium 24HR printable [28-ct. or 42-ct.]
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 8/20/19 (RMN 07/21/19) [Limit 4]
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 9/1/19 (RMN 08/18/19 R)
            $5/1 Preparation H Rapid Relief or Nexium 24HR, exp. 8/23/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Rapid Relief 1-oz.; Nexium 24HR 42-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Olay Body Wash, 10.3 - 30 oz, or Bar Soap, 6 ct, or Gillette or Venus Disposable Razors, select - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Gillette Disposable, exp. 8/24/19 (P&G 07/28/19) [2-ct.+; Excludes sensor 2-ct. and venus productsLimit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $3/1 Venus or Daisy Disposable, exp. 8/24/19 (P&G 07/28/19) [2-ct.+; Excludes daisy 2-ct.Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Floss, 2 - 3 ct - $1.00 OFF
          • Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences, or Aussie Hair Care, 3.1 - 32.1 oz - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Prilosec OTC, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $1/1 Prilosec OTC Product, exp. 8/24/19 (P&G 07/28/19) [Limit 1]
          • Schikc Razor or Cartridges, 1 - 12 ct - $3.00 OFF
            B1G1 Schick Hydro or Schick Quattro Titanium Refill, exp. 9/10/19 (SS 07/21/19) [Excludes schick disposables and women's razor or refills Up to $12.49; Limit 2]
            B1G1 Schick Intuition, Schick Intuition F.A.B., Schick Hydro Silk, Schick Quattro for Women Refill, exp. 9/10/19 (SS 07/21/19) [Excludes schick disposables and men's razor or refills buy one, get one free Up to $13.99; Limit 2]
            $3/1 Schick Disposable or Skintimate Disposable or Schick Xtreme5 or Schick Hydro Silk 3 Razor or Refill, exp. 9/10/19 (SS 07/21/19) [Excludes schick xtreme2 2-ct. & 6-ct., xtreme3 1-ct., schick classic 3-ct. and skintimate twin blades disposable 2-ct. & 6-ct.; Limit 2]
            $3/1 Schick Disposable or Skintimate Disposable or Schick Xtreme5 or Schick Hydro Silk 3 Razor or Refill, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 08/18/19) [Excludes schick xtreme2 2-ct. and 6-ct., xtreme3 1-ct. and skintimate twin blades disposables 2-ct. and 6-ct.]
          • Secret, Old Spice, or Gillette Deodorant - $1.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $1.00
            $1/1 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 8/24/19 (P&G 07/28/19) [16-ct.+Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Tena Pads, 14 - 45 ct - $2.00 OFF
            $1/1 Tena Product printable
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Hair Care, 22 oz, or Styling, 9 - 10.5 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Xyzal, 35 - 55 ct - $4.00 OFF
            $4/1 Xyzal Allergy 24HR or Children's Xyzal Product printable [35-ct.+]
            $5/1 Xyzal Allergy 24HR, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 08/18/19) [35-ct.+]
            $4/1 Xyzal Allergy 24HR or Children's, exp. 9/17/19 (SS 08/18/19 R) [35-ct.+ 24HR; 5-oz. children's]
            $4/1 Xyzal Allergy 24HR or Xyzal Children's, exp. 9/10/19 (SS 08/11/19) [35-ct.+; 5-oz. children's]
          • Beech-Nut Organic Baby Food, 4 oz - $1.14 - $1.14
          • Beech-Nut Snacks, Melties, or Bars, 1 - 3.9 oz, or Cereal, 8 oz - 20% OFF
          • Enfamil Infant Formula Powder or Enfagrow, 19.5 - 31.4 oz - $11.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Pampers Bagged Diapers, 16 - 35 ct, or Easy-Ups, 18 - 25 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pampers Diapers, 44 - 112 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pampers Sensitive, Complete Clean, or Baby Fresh Wipes, 56 - 72 ct - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Plum Organics Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $1.79 - $1.79
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 3
          • Plum Organics Snacks, 1.5 oz or 5 - 6 ct - $2.50 - $2.50

          The post Publix Matchups 8/22/19 – 8/28/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 8/15/19 – 8/21/19 Wed, 14 Aug 2019 19:29:33 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 15th or Wednesday, August 14th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 8/15/19 – 8/21/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 15th or Wednesday, August 14th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 3 ct - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
            $2/1 Air Wick Freshmatic Refill printable
            $1.50/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin Refill printable
            $1.25/1 Air Wick Refill, exp. 9/1/19 (SS 08/04/19) [Twin or Triple]
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Alexia Potatoes or Onion Rings, 13.5 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • All Laundry Detergent, 32 - 40 oz or 19 - 24 ct - B1G1 - $6.19 - $3.09
            $1/1 all Laundry Detergent, exp. 8/24/19 (RMN 07/21/19) [Excludes trial size; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $2.09
          • Barilla Sauce, 24 oz - $2.84 - $1.44
            $1/1 Barilla Sauce, exp. 8/25/19 (RMN 06/30/19 R)
            Final Price: $0.42
          • Betty Crocker Brownie or Cookie Mix, 14 - 19.1 oz - B1G1 - $2.59 - $1.29
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz - B1G1 - $6.81 - $3.39
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 2 rolls - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
          • Breakstone Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.89 - $1.44
          • Cheez-It Tray Packs, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.35 - $3.17
          • Clorox Scentiva Degreasing Dishwashing Liquid, 26 oz - B1G1 - $7.29 - $3.64
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B1G1 - $5.65 - $2.82
          • Crystal Light Drink Mix, 10 - 12 qt or 7 - 10 ct - B1G1
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 32 oz - B1G1
          • El Monterey Taquitos or Quesadillas, 20 - 24.2 oz - B1G1 - $7.19 - $3.59
          • Eternal Naturally Alkaline Spring Water, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Famous Amos Tray Packs, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.35 - $3.17
          • Febreze Home Collection Candle, 12 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $4.49
          • Fiber One Bars Value Pack, 10.6 - 17.8 oz - B1G1
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor Fiber One™ Chewy Bars, Fiber One™ 90 Calorie Products (Bars or Brownies), ...
            $0.50/2 Fiber One Chewy Bars, Fiber One 90 Calorie Products Bars or Brownies, Fiber One Protein Chewy Bars, Fiber One Streusel Bars, Fiber One Cheesecake Bars, Fiber One Cookies, Fiber One Layered Chewy Bars, Fiber One Protein Nut Bars, Fiber One Brownie Bites, Fiber One Cookie Bites, Fiber One Mini Bars or Fiber One Supreme Brownies Boxes, exp. 9/14/19 (SS 07/21/19)
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 23 ct - B1G1 - $7.29 - $3.64
            $2/1 Finish Quantum, exp. 9/4/19 (SS 08/04/19)
            $2/1 Finish Max in 1, exp. 9/4/19 (SS 08/04/19)
            Final Price: $1.64
          • Flatout Bread, 6.8 - 11.2 oz - B1G1 - $3.29 - $1.64
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ ...
            $1/2 General Mills Chex Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ ...
            $1/2 General Mills Chex Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ ...
            $1/2 General Mills Chex Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Reese's Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ ...
            $1/2 General Mills Chex Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 10.4 - 13.8 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ ...
            $1/2 General Mills Chex Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/3 General Mills Cereal Boxes: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Fiber One, Wheaties, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, Basic 4, Oatmeal Crisp or Nature Valley Granola Pouches (SS 08/11/19)
            Final Price: $3.34 each wyb 2
          • Glad Sandwich Bags, 50 - 180 ct - B1G1 - $2.05 - $1.02
          • Gorton's Fish Fillets, Sticks, Shrimp, Simply Bake, or Crab Cakes, 6 - 11.4 oz - B1G1 - $8.79 - $4.39
          • GreenWise Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
          • Heinz Mayo, Mayochup, Mayocue, or Mayomust, 16.6 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.65 - $2.82
          • Hellmann's Ketchup, 16.6 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.65 - $2.82
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.79 - $4.89
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spread, 2 pk or 8 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.67 - $1.83
          • Jif Peanut Butter, 28 oz - B1G1
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk, or Organics, 48 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Keebler Tray Packs, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.35 - $3.17
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran or Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal, 14 - 16.6 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats and/or Raisin Bran Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.69 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereal, 14.3 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats and/or Raisin Bran Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any THREE Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.69 each wyb 2
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
          • Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner, 5.5 - 7.3 oz - B1G1 - $1.85 - $0.92
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 8.25 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
            $1/2 Lance Home-pack Products printable [8.4-oz.+]
            $1/2 Lance Sandwich Crackers, exp. 12/30/99 (SS 07/28/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.57 each wyb 2
          • Lay's Dips, 15 oz - B1G1
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 7.5 - 8 oz, or Poppables, 5 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Lemi Shine Cleaning Products, 7.5 - 28 oz, or Wipes, 70 ct - B1G1 - $8.29 - $4.24
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Mayfield Ice Cream, 1.5 qt, Ice Cream Bars or Sandwiches, 6 ct, or Big Chipper Vanilla Ice Cream Cookie, 18 oz - 1 - $6.15 - $3.07
          • Mezzetta Peppers, 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Milo's Kitchen Home-Style Dog Treats, 15 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $15.39 - $7.69
          • Mio On The Go Powder Sticks, 4 - 10 ct - B1G1
          • Mother Earth Apple Cider Vinegar, 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
          • Mother's Cookies Tray Pack, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.35 - $3.17
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Mother's Cookies
            Final Price: $2.67 each wyb 2
          • Musselman's Apple Sauce, 23 - 24 oz or 6 pk- B1G1
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.08 - $2.04
            $0.75/2 SS 08/11
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley Bars, 10.6 - 17.8 oz - B1G1
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, ...
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, exp. 9/28/19 (SS 08/04/19)
          • Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat or Whole Grain Bread, 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1 - $8.79 - $4.39
          • Ocean Spray 100% Juice or Juice Drink or Cocktail, 6 pk - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Ore Ida Bagel Bites, 7 - 14 oz, or Bagel Bites Dogs, 7.75 oz - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread or Buns, 16 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Pepperidge Farm On The Go! Snacks, 8 - 10 ct - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Planters Cashews, 8 - 10.3 oz - B1G1 - $7.33 - $3.66
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.15 - $4.57
            $0.55/1 Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil printable
            Final Price: $4.02
          • Post Fruity or Cocoa Pebbles, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Great Grains Cereal, 13.5 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.14
          • Post Honey Bunched of Oats Cereal, 13 - 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Honeycomb Cereal, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Oreo O's Cereal, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Raisin Bran or Grape Nuts Cereal, 20 - 20.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.14
          • Post Shredded Wheat, 15 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.14
          • Post Sour Patch Kids Cereal, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Powerade Sports Drink, 8 pk - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Small Pies, 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Instant Hand Sanitizer Pump, 32 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Premium Alaskan Pollock Fillets, 12 oz - B1G1 - $6.99 - $3.49
          • Purina Beneful Dog Food, 3.5 lb - B1G1 - $6.35 - $3.17
            $2/1 Purina Beneful Dry Dog Food, exp. 9/30/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2) [3-lb.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.17
          • Quaker Instant Grits, 11.8 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Quaker Instant Oatmeal, 8.4 - 15.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Real Good Foods Stuffed Chicken Breast, 10 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
          • Red Baron Pizza, 14.87 - 23.45 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Reddi-Wip Whipped Topping, 6 oz - B1G1
          • Reser's Classic Sides, 20 - 24 oz - B1G1
          • Rothbury Farms Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Sabra Hummus, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Stoneridge Orchards Dried Fruit, 4 - 5 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Suja Organic Wellness Shot, 2 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • Talenti Gelato, Gelato Layers, or Sorbetto, 11.5 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $6.13 - $3.12
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Tillamook Cheddar Snack Portions, 7.5 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Tyson Chicken Strips, Breast Fillets, Breast Tenderloin, Tenders, or Nuggets, 20 - 25 oz - B1G1 - $9.49 - $4.74
          • Welch's or Farmers Pick Jam, Jelly, Spread, Concord Grape, or Strawberry, 17 - 30 oz - B1G1
          • Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
            $1/1 Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, exp. 9/8/19 (SS 07/07/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.07
          • Wonder Classic White Bread, 20 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
            $0.50/1 Printable (Regional)
            Final Price: $2.07
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt, 8 pk - B1G1 - $2.65 - $1.32
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • 26/30 ct Extra Large Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Applegate Naturals Turkey Bacon, 8 oz - B2G1
            $1/1 Applegate Product printable
          • Aprons Chicken with Pineapple Chutney Meal Kit or Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 23.5 - 32 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Keta Salmon Cook-In-Bag Dinner, ea - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets or Bites, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Bottom Round Roast, per lb - $6.79 - $6.79
          • GreenWise Angus Bottom Round Steaks, per lb - $7.29 - $7.29
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Keta Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise King Crab Custers, per lb - $18.99 - $18.99
          • Ground Sirloin Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
            3 lb or more
          • Halibut Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Maverick Ranch Organic 85% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Oscar Mayer Fully Cooked Bacon, 2.52 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Perdue Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
            $1/2 Perdue or Perdue Harvestland Fresh Chicken printable
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Chicken Tenderloins, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Claw Crabmeat, 8 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Jumbo Lump Crabmeat, 8 oz - $19.99 - $19.99
          • Publix Lumb Crabmeat, 8 oz - $13.99 - $13.99
          • Publix Mild or Hot Pork Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Orange Roughy Fillets, 12 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Publix Pork St. Louis Style Spareribs, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Sliced Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Thin-Sliced Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Sirloin Tip Steaks, per lb - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Strauss Ground Beef Patties, 1.33 lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Thin-Sliced Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Blueberries, 11 - 16 oz - $2.33 - $2.33
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Carambola, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Celery, ea - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Crunch Pak Apple Slices, 12 - 14 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice, 89 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Florida's Natural Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Fresh Express Organic Salad Kit, 7.6 - 11.6 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • GT's Enlightened Organic Kombucha, 48 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • GreenWise Organic Carrot Chips, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Honeydew or Orangedew Melons, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Kale Greens, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Mango, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 28 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Broccoli Florets, 8 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Publix Honeydew or Orangedew Melon Chunks, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.89 - $1.89
          • Russet Baking Potatoes, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Strawberries, 11 - 16 oz - $2.33 - $2.33
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Boar's Head Domestic Provolone Cheese, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Firehook Crackers, 5.5 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Napoleons, 2 ct - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Bear Claw Pastry, 2 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Danish Pecan Ring, 15 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Layer Cake, 7" - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Multigrain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Cheese Party Tray, 16 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Aged Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Muenster Cheese, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pork, per lb - $6.39 - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork, per lb - $6.39 - $6.39
          • Publix Deli Sweet Ham, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Sweet Potato Wedges, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Turkey Cobb Salad, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Stacy's Pita or Thins or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $2.96 each wyb 4
          • Amy's Soup or Chili, 14 - 14.7 oz - $2.25 - $2.25
          • Arizona Tea, 1 gal - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Bumble Bee Prime Fillet Gourmet Tuna, 4 pk - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Bumble Bee Prime Fillet Gourmet Tuna, 4 pk - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2 - $2.24 - $2.24
            Final Price: $1.12 each wyb 4
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables printable [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.88 each wyb 4
          • Dole Fruit, 4 pk - $2.33 - $2.33
            $0.50/1 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $1/2 Dole Fruit Bowls, exp. 9/22/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2)
            Final Price: $1.83
          • Donut Shop Coffee, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Doritos Tortilla Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Dove Promises Chocolate, 7.61 - 8.46 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Durham Cashews or Mixed Nuts, 15 - 28 oz - $3.00 OFF
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 32 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • Green Mountain Coffee, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Chia, Milled Flax, or Hemp Seeds, 8 oz - 20% OFF
          • GreenWise Organic Old Fashioned Oats, 18 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Tomato Ketchup, 20 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Healthy Oatmeal Bites, 5 - 6 oz - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Jif Power Ups Stacked Granola Bars, 6.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Krispy Kreme Coffee, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.75/1 Krispy Kreme Coffee, exp. 9/2/19 (SS 06/02/19 R)
            Final Price: $5.74
          • Nabisco Belvita Cocoa Creme Breakfast Biscuits, Bites, or Protein, 4 - 5 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.75/2 SS 08/11
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Oreo Thins, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.75/2 SS 08/11
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/2 SS 08/11
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 32 pk 16.9 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 8 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shell Products, exp. 9/29/19 (SS 06/30/19) [6-oz.; 7-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.49
          • Califia Farms Almond Milk Creamer or Probiotic Drinkable Yogurt, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee or Almondmilk, 48 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded or Sliced Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Happy Eggs Co. Large Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 International Delight Creamer printable [sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Kraft American Singles, 16 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter or European Style Extra Creamy Butter Sticks, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Oui by Yoplait French Style Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33 - $1.33
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
            Save $1.00 when you buy any THREE Pillsbury™ Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            Final Price: $1.33 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Silk Coconut, Almond, Soy, or Coconut Milk, 64 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 Silk Almond Milk printable [1/2 gal., sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Silk Soymilk or Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
          • So Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
            $1/1 So Delicious Product printable [Sign up to get emailed coupon]
            Final Price: $0.25
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • YQ by Yoplait Ultra Filtered Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.33 - $1.33
            Save $0.45 when you buy ONE CUP any flavor YQ by Yoplait™
            Final Price: $0.88
          • Amy's Burrito or Wrap, 5 - 6 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Pizza, 11 - 12.4 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entree, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Clorox Cleaners, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product printable
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Multi-Surface Cleaner printable
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Multi-Surface Cleaner Product printable
            $1/2 Clorox Clean Up, Disinfecting Wipes Bleach Manual Toilet Bowl, Clorox 2 or Pine Sol, exp. 9/1/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2) [35-ct.+; 55-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Clorox Wipes, 70 - 75 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wipes printable [33-ct.+]
            $0.50/1 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes printable [32-ct.+]
            $1.50/2 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 9/1/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2) [75-ct.+]
            $1/2 Clorox Clean Up, Disinfecting Wipes Bleach Manual Toilet Bowl, Clorox 2 or Pine Sol, exp. 9/1/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2) [35-ct.+; 55-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 62 - 77 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [60-ct. sheets; 4.3-oz. boosters; 40 Loads fabric conditioner; Includes downy unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect, infusions and dreft blissfuls excludes downy libre enjuage, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Downy Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
            $1/1 Tide Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [60-ct. sheets; 4.3-oz. boosters; 40 Loads fabric conditioner; Includes downy unstopables, fresh protect, odor protect, infusions and dreft blissfuls excludes downy libre enjuage, gain fireworks, tide detergent, tide pods and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Duracell Optimum AA/AAA Batteries, 6 - 12 ct - 25% OFF
            $1/1 Duracell Optimum, exp. 8/17/19 (SS 07/21/19) [Limit 2]
          • Energizer Ultimate Lithium or Max Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            $1.25/1 Energizer Batteries or Flashlight, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
          • Gain Flings, 20 ct - $6.00 - $6.00
            $2/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, or Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, exp. 9/7/19 (RMN 08/11/19) [12-ct. to 31-ct. Flings; Excludes fireworks, flings 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Glade 3-Wick Candles or Twin Packs - 20% OFF
          • GreenWise Bath Tissue, 12 dbl rolls - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Kleenex Tissues, 30 - 144 ct - $1.33 - $1.33
            $0.50 off Kleenex Tissue printable [(3) boxes or (1) bundle]
            $0.75/3 Kleenex Tissues, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            Final Price: $1.08 each wyb 3
          • Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.00 - $6.00
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue printable
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissues, exp. 8/21/19 (RMN 07/21/19) [6-pk.+ Double Rolls]
            Final Price: $5.50
          • Scott Bathroom Tissue, 12 roll - $8.49 - $8.49
            $0.75/6 Scott Comfortplus Bath Tissue printable
            $0.75/6 Scott 1000 Bath Tissue printable
            $0.55/1 Scott Bath Tissue printable
            $1.00/1 Scott Bath Tissue Rolls, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 07/28/19) [6-pk.+]
            $0.50/1 Scott Bath Tissue, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 07/28/19) [6 rolls or more]
            $0.50/1 Scott Bath Tissue Rolls, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 07/28/19) [6-pk.+]
            Final Price: $7.49
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 31.7 - 64 oz or 70 - 80 ct, or In-Wash Booster, 9 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Solo Clear Plastic Cups, 24 ct - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Solo Heavy Duty Paper Plates, 44 - 48 ct - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Tide Pods, 20 ct - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Tide, 46 - 50 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Fresh Step Cat Litter, 15.4 - 25 lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Iams Premium Dog Food, 13 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Meow Mix, 13.5 - 16 lb - $9.99 - $9.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 8/15/19 – 8/21/19 appeared first on

          Ends Tonight! Win a 4 pack of Tickets! Monster Jam: Triple Threat Series Mon, 12 Aug 2019 12:19:44 +0000 This post is sponsored by Feld Entertainment. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. This giveaway ends tonight (Monday, 8/12 at 5 pm EST). Make sure you enter! Tickets to Monster Jam®, the unexpected, unscripted and unforgettable family-friendly motor sport are on sale! If you live in the Tampa Bay area, bring your […]

          The post Ends Tonight! Win a 4 pack of Tickets! Monster Jam: Triple Threat Series appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Feld Entertainment. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          This giveaway ends tonight (Monday, 8/12 at 5 pm EST). Make sure you enter!

          Tickets to Monster Jam®, the unexpected, unscripted and unforgettable family-friendly motor sport are on sale! If you live in the Tampa Bay area, bring your entire family to watch six different competitions at AMALIE Arena on Saturday, August 24 at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM! Coming off the heels of the first time ever Monster Jam World Finals XX at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Monster Jam is bringing more of the action back to Florida later this summer with the highly technical and high stakes athleticism of the Triple Threat Series Monster Jam event. Tickets start at $15! Head HERE to get tickets!

          At this event will be Grave Digger, MAX – D (my son’s favorite Monster Truck), El Toro Loco, Soldier Fortune and more! Fans are also invited to the Pit Party taking place on the Arena Track, prior to the 1:00 PM event, where they can get up-close and personal with the Monster Jam trucks, Speedsters, ATVs and drivers, take photos and get autographs! Pit passes start at $15 each! Head HERE.

          We are giving away a four pack of tickets to Monster Jam: Triple Threat Series at AMALIE Arena in Tampa! To enter, follow the steps below!

          1. Leave a comment on this blog post stating if you have ever been to a Monster Truck show before!
          2. Follow Addicted to Saving on Instagram. Come back to this blog post and leave a second comment here stating if you are a new or existing follower.
          3. Follow Monster Jam on Monster Jam on Instagram. Come back to this blog post and leave a third comment stating if you are a new or existing follower.

          Giveaway ends August 12th at 5 pm EST. This giveaway is sponsored by Feld Entertainment and they will provide the winner tickets.

          The post Ends Tonight! Win a 4 pack of Tickets! Monster Jam: Triple Threat Series appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 8/1/19 – 8/7/19 Sun, 04 Aug 2019 16:17:11 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 1st or Wednesday, July 31st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 8/1/19 – 8/7/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, August 1st or Wednesday, July 31st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Aunt Jemima Syrup, 24 oz, or Pancake & Waffle Mix, 32 - 35 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
            $1 off Aunt Jemima Syrup AND Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix, exp. 8/16/19 (SS 06/16/19) [Excludes cups]
            FREE $10 Gift Card wyb $50 of Participating Products , 12/31/19 (Publix Stocking Spree Rewards MIR) [PepsiCo Grocery: Aunt Jemima Syrup, Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix, Frito-Lay Variety Packs or Sacks, Rice-A-Roni or Pasta Roni, Near East, Frito Lay Rold Gold Pretzels & Baked Items Qualifying purchases can be made in multiple transactions; Limit of twelve (12) Rewards per household for the entire Program Period; $50 sales total excludes sales tax, any store level discounts or promotions, including coupons that are in the Publix weekly Savings Flyers or Extra Savings Advertisements]
            Final Price: $1.34 each wyb both
          • Baskin Robbins Ice Cream, 14 oz - B1G1 - $6.25 - $3.12
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, 4.5 - 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
            $1/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll Ups Fruit Flavored Snacks, Motts Fruit Flavored Snacks or Sunkist Fruit Flavored Snacks, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 07/07/19 R)
            $0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19)
            $1/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll Ups Fruit Flavored Snacks, Motts Fruit Flavored Snacks or Sunkist Fruit Flavored Snacks, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19)
            Save 50¢ when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker™ Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot™, Fruit Gushers™ or Fruit Roll-Ups™ Fruit Flavored Snacks, Mott's® Fruit Flavored Snacks OR Sunkist® Fruit Flavored Snacks.
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker™ Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot™, Fruit Gushers™ or Fruit Roll-Ups™ Fruit Flavored ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $0.99 each wyb 2
          • Blue Plate Mayo, 30 oz - B1G1 - $4.15 - $2.07
            $1/1 Blue Plate Mayonnaise, exp. 9/30/19 (SS 06/30/19 R) [12-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.07
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.79 - $2.39
            $1/2 Borden Cheese Product, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19 R) [Singles, Shreds, Chunks, Snack Bars and String Cheese]
            Final Price: $1.89 each wyb 2
          • Boston Market Home Style Meals, 13 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
          • Breyers Ice Cream, 1.5 qt - B1G1 - $5.84 - $2.92
          • CLR Bath & Kitchen Cleaner, 26 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $5.85 - $2.92
          • Campbell's Condensed Soup, 10.5 - 11.5 oz or 4 pk - B1G1
          • Capri Sun 100% Juice or Blend, 10 ct - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Celentano Meatballs, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, or Grooves, 8 - 12.4 oz - B1G1 - $4.28 - $2.14
          • Community Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1 - $8.69 - $4.34
          • Country Crock Spread or Sticks, 2 pk or 7.5 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.71 - $1.35
          • Dole Fruit in a Cup, 4 pk - B1G1 - $2.91 - $1.45
            $0.50/1 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $1/2 Dole Fruit Bowls, exp. 9/22/19 (SS 07/28/19 #2)
            Final Price: $0.95
          • Duncan Hines Cake Mix, 8.4 - 15.25 oz, or Brownie Mix, 16.7 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • Emerald Cashews, Mixed Nuts, Peanuts, Walnuts, or Pecans, 5 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Entenmann's Products, 2.75 - 20.5 oz - B1G1 - $6.99 - $3.49
          • Frito Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 9 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
            $1/2 Chex, Fiber, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basics 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crips, Total, Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [boxes]
            $1/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals, exp. 9/7/19 (SS 07/28/19)
            $1/2 Cheerios Cereals, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 06/30/19) [boxes]
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO (2) BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese's Puffs, Chex™, Cocoa Puffs™, Trix™, Cookie Crisp™, Golden Grahams™, Kix™, Fiber One™, Wheaties™, Raisin Nut Bran, Total
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 14.6 - 24.5 oz - B1G1 - $8.79 - $4.39
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - B1G1
          • Hefty Everyday Foam Plates, 130 ct - B1G1 - $5.85 - $2.92
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates & Bowls printable (exp. 12/31/19)
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates, exp. 8/31/19 (RMN 06/23/19) [Limit 4]
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates, exp. 7/31/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [Limit of 4 like coupons in the same day]
            Final Price: $2.42 each wyb 2
          • Hershey's Candy Bags, select 15.92 - 20.1 oz - B1G1 - $6.99 - $3.49
          • Home Run Inn Pizza, 16.5 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $10.29 - $5.14
          • Hot or Lean Pockets, 8.5 - 9 oz - B1G1 - $2.42 - $1.21
          • Iams Premium Cat Food, 3 - 3.5 lb - B1G1 - $7.19 - $3.59
          • Jimmy Dean Delights Sandwiches or Frittatas, 12 - 20.4 oz - B1G1 - $5.98 - $2.99
          • Kashi Bars or Bites, 5.6 - 7.4 oz - B1G1
          • Kashi Cereal, 10.8 - 16.3 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            Save $3.00 on any FIVE Kellogg's Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]

            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            Save $3.00 on any FIVE Kellogg's Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]

            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Corn Pops Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            Save $3.00 on any FIVE Kellogg's Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]

            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            Save $3.00 on any FIVE Kellogg's Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]

            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            Save $3.00 on any FIVE Kellogg's Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]

            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 12 ct - B1G1
            $1/3 Kellogg's Pop Tarts, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [6-ct.+; Limit 4]
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 11.5 - 15.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            Save $3.00 on any FIVE Kellogg's Cereals
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Kellogg's Cereals
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 9/22/19 (RMN 07/28/19) [9-oz.+; Limit 4]

            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Ken's Steakhouse Dressing, 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
            $0.75/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.82
          • Klondike Ice Cream Bars or Sandwiches, 11 - 27 oz - B1G1 - $6.25 - $3.12
            $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $2.62
          • Lavazza Ground Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - B1G1
          • Lender's Pre-Sliced Bagels, 6 ct - B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 75 - 80 ct - B1G1 - $4.98 - $2.49
            Save $0.50 any ONE (1) Lysol Disinfecting Wipes ?35 ct. or larger? (Redeemable at Walmart)
            $1/2 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 07/21/19 R)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 07/21/19) [Limit 2]
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, 36 - 40 oz - B1G1 - $11.99 - $5.99
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            FREE $10 Gift Card wyb $50 of Participating Products , 12/31/19 (Publix Stocking Spree Rewards MIR) [Nabisco: Chips Ahoy! Cookies, Oreo Cookies, Triscuit Crackers, Wheat Thins, belVita, Nabisco Multipack Crackers & Cookies 12oz & 20oz Qualifying purchases can be made in multiple transactions; Limit of twelve (12) Rewards per household for the entire Program Period; $50 sales total excludes sales tax, any store level discounts or promotions, including coupons that are in the Publix weekly Savings Flyers or Extra Savings Advertisements]
            Final Price: $1.37 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, 10 - 18 ct - B1G1 - $6.89 - $3.44
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley Bars, Cups, or Bites, 5.3 - 8.94 oz - B1G1 - $4.15 - $2.07
            $1/2 Nature Valley Bars, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19)
            $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [5-ct.+]
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19) [5-ct.+]
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix OR Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites.
            Final Price: $1.57 each wyb 2
          • Nature's Own Butterbread, 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.40 - $1.70
          • Ocean Spray Craisins, 8 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • Orchard Valley Harvest Trail Mix or Blend, 8 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $3.09
          • Ore-Ida Potatoes, 20 - 32 oz - B1G1
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.67 - $2.83
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks or Cheese Wieners, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Outshine Fruit Bars, 9.9 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.84 - $2.92
          • Pedigree Dog or Puppy Food, 3.15 lb - B1G1 - $4.60 - $2.30
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers or Epic Crunch or Graham Snacks, 5.5 - 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.41 - $1.20
          • Pepperidge Farm Toast Garlic or Cheese, 9.5 - 11.75 oz - B1G1
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 40 oz - B1G1 - $7.30 - $3.65
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
          • Prego Sauce, 14 - 67 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Publix 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - B1G1 - $16.49 - $8.24
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - B1G1 - $5.11 - $2.55
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, per lb - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 ct - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 8.8 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Sandra's Stuffed Chicken Breast, 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Sara Lee Artesano Bread, Buns, or Rolls, 18 -20 oz - B1G1
          • Smithfield Bacon, 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.19 - $4.59
          • Smucker's Preserves, Jam, Jelly, Marmalade, or Fruit Spread, 17.25 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $4.15 - $2.07
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 12 pk - B1G1 - $6.89 - $3.44
            $1/1 Snack Well's Cookies printable
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Product printable [20-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.09
          • Stauffer's Original Animal Crackers, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Stonyfield YoKids or YoBaby Organic Yogurt, 4 - 8 pk - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce, 22 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Sweet Earth Burrito or Bowl, 6 - 9 oz - B1G1 - $5.45 - $2.72
            $1/1 Sweet Earth Frozen Entree, exp. 7/31/19 (SS 04/07/19)
            $1/1 Sweet Earth Frozen Burrito, exp. 7/31/19 (SS 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.72
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - B1G1
          • Zen Monkey Overnight Oats, 5.3 oz - B1G1
          • 20/40 ct GreenWise Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99 - $14.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 32 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Keta Salmon Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Aprons Pork Tenderloin Meal Kit, 29 oz - $13.99 - $13.99
          • Aprons Southwest Salmon Burgers, 5.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast Fillets, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Flank Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise Keta Salmon Fillets, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise Lunchmeats, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Tenders, per lb - $7.19 - $7.19
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Chicken, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
            3 lb pkg or more
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79 - $5.79
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66 - $3.66
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3 - $2.59 - $2.59
            Final Price: $1.29 each wyb 6
          • Publix 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Chicken Fillets, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Chicken Wings, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Thin-Sliced Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Steakhouse Elite Ground Beef Burgers, Kobe-Crafted, 24 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Thin-Sliced Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Baby Seedless Cucumbers, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Black or Red Plums, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.33 - $2.33
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Cherries, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Del Monte Diced or Sliced Mango, 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Eat Smart Broccoli Florets or Vegetable Medley, 2 lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Fresh Express Salad Kit, 6.4 - 13 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Gala Apples, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Green Avocados, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Hero Gala Snack Apples, 2 lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Hothouse Cucumber, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • King O'The West Honeydew, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Mango, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Blueberries, 1 pt - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Organic Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Organic Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pero Family Farms Fresh Green Beans, 2 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Salad Kit, 7 - 8.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Whole Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red n' Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Rock Garden Organic Basil, 2 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Russet Baking Potatoes, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 11.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Simply Lemonade, 11.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Orange Juice, 12 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Boar's Head EverRoast or Madrasala Chicken, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Whole Turkey Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Mini Blueberry Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Angel Food Cake, 15 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Baguette, 8 oz - $1.89 - $1.89
          • Publix Bakery Brownies, 8 ct - $3.89 - $3.89
          • Publix Bakery Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Publix Bakery White Rolling Hills Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Chef Salad, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Colby Jack Cheese, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Cuban sandwich, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Hummus, 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Mixed or Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Seasoned Potato Wedges, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Slab Ribs, ea - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Slab Ribs, ea - $17.99 - $17.99
          • Society Roquefort Cheese, 3.5 oz - $3.89 - $2.50 - $3.89
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Thins, or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - $2.50
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC Cola, 2 L - $1.00 - $1.00
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 16 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $1.89 - $1.89
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 7 - 9.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $3.95 each wyb 3
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Gold Peak Tea, 18.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Quinoa, 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Kraft or Velveeta Mac & Cheese Cups, 4 pk - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Beverage, 64 oz or 4 - 6 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            FREE $10 Gift Card wyb $50 of Participating Products , 12/31/19 (Publix Stocking Spree Rewards MIR) [Nabisco: Chips Ahoy! Cookies, Oreo Cookies, Triscuit Crackers, Wheat Thins, belVita, Nabisco Multipack Crackers & Cookies 12oz & 20oz Qualifying purchases can be made in multiple transactions; Limit of twelve (12) Rewards per household for the entire Program Period; $50 sales total excludes sales tax, any store level discounts or promotions, including coupons that are in the Publix weekly Savings Flyers or Extra Savings Advertisements]
          • Nature's Bakery Bars, 7.8 - 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 24 pk 8 oz - B2G1 - $4.59 - $4.59
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Nestlé Pure Life 8oz multipacks
            Final Price: $2.72 each wyb 3
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Quaker Popped Rice Cakes, 3 - 3.52 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Smartwater, 23.7 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Welch's Juice or Juice Beverage, 64 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Welch's Refreshingly Simple Juice, 59 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk 16.9 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Kraft or Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nellie's Free Range Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Valley Grassmilk, 64 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 06/09/19)
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 06/09/19)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Ripple Milk, 48 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.50 - $4.50
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.67 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Sargento Natural Cheese Slices
            $1.25/2 Sargento Natural Cheese Slices, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 06/30/19)
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Sargento® Slices Product ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Stonyfield Organic Yogurt, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for Two, 20 - 22 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Devour Frozen Entrees, 9 - 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream or Gelato, 3.6 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 6.49 - 10.5 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Cat's Pride Cat Litter, 10 - 15 lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Whiskas Temptations or Temptations Tumblers Cat Treats, 2.1 - 3 oz - $1.50 - $1.50

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 8/1/19 – 8/7/19 appeared first on

          Save $1.50 on Mayfield Ice Cream and Frozen Novelties at Publix Wed, 24 Jul 2019 13:07:33 +0000 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ScoopSummerSavings #CollectiveBias Every scoop of Mayfield ice cream starts with fresh cream from their own dairy, for a genuine Southern homemade taste. For over three generations, Mayfield has used family recipes, fresh cream from their own dairy, and […]

          The post Save $1.50 on Mayfield Ice Cream and Frozen Novelties at Publix appeared first on

          This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ScoopSummerSavings #CollectiveBias

          Every scoop of Mayfield ice cream starts with fresh cream from their own dairy, for a genuine Southern homemade taste. For over three generations, Mayfield has used family recipes, fresh cream from their own dairy, and ingredients sourced from only people they trust. All part of their promise to provide only the finest quality ice cream to you and your family.
          Check: Publix Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.

          Celebrate this summer with Mayfield Creamery ice cream and novelties and save when you shop at Publix in Florida!

          #ScoopSummerSavings for a limited time at Publix in Florida with the below two offers:

          • Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Mayfield Frozen Novelties
          • Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Mayfield Ice Cream (48oz or larger)

           Offer valid with digital coupon. 

          SAVE NOW: Click here to clip your offers on

          *Must clip coupon by 9/7/19. Coupon Expires 9/21/19

          The post Save $1.50 on Mayfield Ice Cream and Frozen Novelties at Publix appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 7/25/19 – 7/31/19 Tue, 23 Jul 2019 19:58:40 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 25th or Wednesday, July 24th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 7/25/19 – 7/31/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 25th or Wednesday, July 24th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Annie's Homegrown Mac & Cheese, 4.02 - 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.65 - $2.32
            $0.50/2 Annie's Mac & Cheese Products printable
            $1/4 Annie's Mac & Cheese, exp. 7/27/19 (SS 06/02/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 4
          • Arm & Hammer Antiperspirant Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Arnold Sandwich Thins Rolls, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Arrid Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Ball Park Beef Franks or Fat-Free Turkey Franks, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Banquet Brown 'n Serve Sausage, 6.4 oz - B1G1 - $2.19 - $1.09
          • Barilla Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $1.73 - $0.86
          • Bic Mechnical Pencils, 10 ct - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
            $1.50/2 Bic Stationery Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/21/19)
            Final Price: $1.09 each wyb 2
          • Bob Evans Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches, 14.6 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.65 - $2.82
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz - B1G1 - $5.79 - $2.39
            $1/2 Borden Cheese Product, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19 R) [Singles, Shreds, Chunks, Snack Bars and String Cheese]
            Final Price: $1.89 each wyb 2
          • Bumble Bee Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Capri Sun 100% Juice or Blend, 10 ct - B1G1 - $2.09 - $2.04
          • Cheez-It Crackers, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
          • Classico Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Cooked Perfect Meatballs, 20 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $9.49 - $4.74
            $1/1 Cooked Perfect Meatballs printable
            $1/1 Cooked Perfect Frozen Meatballs printable
            Final Price: $3.74
          • Crayola Washable Markers, 8 - 10 ct - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Products printable
            Final Price: $0.79
          • Crystal Light Drink Mix, 10 - 12 qt or 7 - 10 ct - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Dannon Danimals Smoothie, 6 or 12 pk - B1G1
          • Dannon Danimals Squeezables, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 4 pk - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • Doritos, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Edy's Ice Cream, 1.5 qt - B1G1 - $6.45 - $3.22
          • Elmer's Washable School Glue, 4 oz - B1G1 - $1.95 - $0.97
          • Eternal Naturally Alkaline Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Famous Amos Cookies, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
          • Freschetta Pizza, 16.77 - 30.88 oz - $10.49 - $5.24
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - B1G1 - $6.00 - $3.00
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
            $1/2 Chex, Fiber, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basics 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crips, Total, Nature Valley Granola Pouches, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [boxes]
            $1/2 Cheerios Cereals, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 06/30/19) [boxes]
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO (2) BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese's Puffs, Chex™, Cocoa Puffs™, Trix™, Cookie Crisp™, Golden Grahams™, Kix™, Fiber One™, Wheaties™, Raisin Nut Bran, Total
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Glade Automatic Spray, 6.2 oz - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Glade products (excludes Glade Solids and 8oz Aerosol Room Spray products)
            $1/2 Glade Products, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [Excludes glade solids and 8-oz. room spray products; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 2
          • Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Glade products (excludes Glade Solids and 8oz Aerosol Room Spray products)
            $1/2 Glade Products, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [Excludes glade solids and 8-oz. room spray products; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 2
          • Godiva Instant Pudding or Pudding Mic - B1G1 - $2.49 - $1.24
          • Good Humor Ice Cream Bars, 6 ct - B1G1 - $6.45 - $3.22
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 4 pk - B1G1 - $6.49 - $3.24
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, Gelato, or Sorbet, 14 oz, Ice Cream or Squares, 9 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
            Save $1.50 on THREE(3) 8oz or larger Häagen-Dazs, Outshine, Drumstick, or Edy's products
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 3
          • Halo Top Light Ice Cream, 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
            $1.50/2 Halo Top Ice Cream, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 06/30/19) [pint]
            Stack With $1.00/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $0.82 each wyb 2
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.79 - $4.89
          • Jell-O Instant Pudding or Gelatin - B1G1 - $2.49 - $1.24
          • Keebler Duge Stripes, Vienna Fingers, Coconut Dreams, Fudge Shoppe, Elfin Mix, or E.L. Fudge Cookies, 6.5 - 14.2 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
          • Keebler Tray Packs, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 22 oz or 4 - 6 pk - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • La Colombe Draft Latte Coffee, 9 oz - B1G1 - $2.79 - $1.39
          • Le Sueur Sweet Peas, 4 pk - B1G1 - $6.49 - $3.24
          • Litehouse Dressing, 13 oz - B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 75 - 80 ct - B1G1 - $4.98 - $2.49
            $0.75/2 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes printable [35-ct.+]
            $0.75/2 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes printable [35-ct.+]
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 07/21/19)
            Final Price: $1.99
          • M&M's Chocolate Candy, 8.3 - 10.7 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
            $1/2 M&M's Brand Chocolate Candies, exp. 8/11/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Master Lock Combination Lock, ea - B1G1 - $5.89 - $2.94
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 3 - 3.15 lb - B1G1 - $5.45 - $2.72
            $1.00/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.72
          • Mio Liquid Water Enhancer, 1.62 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Mother's Cookies, 10.4 - 16.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
            Save $1.00 on any TWO Mother's Cookies
            Final Price: $2.82 each wyb 2
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • My/Mp Mochi Ice Cream, 9.1 oz - B1G1 - $5.65 - $2.82
            $1.05/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.77
          • Nabisco Family Size Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - B1G1 - $4.85 - $2.42
            $1/2 Wheat Thins Snacks, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [8-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $1.92 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Single Serve Trays or Handi-Snacks, 10 - 18 ct - B1G1 - $6.89 - $3.44
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, 10 - 18 ct - B1G1 - $6.89 - $3.44
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley Bars, Squares, or Cups, 6.2 - 8.94 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
            $1/2 Nature Valley Bars, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19)
            $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [5-ct.+]
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19) [5-ct.+]
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix OR Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites.
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley Breakfast Biscuits, 6.75 - 8.85 oz - B1G1
            $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [5-ct.+]
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19) [5-ct.+]
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix OR Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites.
          • Nature Valley Granola, 11 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • Nature's Own Butterbread, 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.40 - $1.70
          • New York Texas Toast Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1 - $2.09 - $1.04
          • Northland 100% Juice, 64 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
            $1/2 Northland Juice printable
            Final Price: $1.49 each wyb 2
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail or Blend, 64 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Organic Blueberries, 1 pt - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers, Epic Crunch, or Graham Snacks, 5.5 - 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.41 - $1.20
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 40 oz - B1G1 - $7.30 - $3.65
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, 6 ct, or Scrambles, 4 ct - B1G1 - $1.98 - $0.99
          • Pilot G2 Premium Gel Roller Pens, 2 ct - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
            $1/1 G2 Pens, exp. 9/30/19 (SS 05/05/19) [Limit one coupon per customer]
            Final Price: $0.84
          • Poly 2-Pocket 3-Tang Folder, ea - B1G1 - $0.95 - $0.47
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 11.2 - 21 oz or 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.55 - $2.77
          • Post Chips Ahoy! Cereal, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Fruit Pebbles Cereal, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Golden Crisps Cereal, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 13 - 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Honeycomb Cereal, 11 - 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Publix Bakery Muffins, 4 ct - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Publix Chicken Fillets, per lb - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Pineapple Chunks, per lb - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Pure Leaf Tea, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
          • Quaker Instant Grits or Oatmeal, 8.4 - 15.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong or Ultra Plush Bathroom Tissue, 6 dbl rolls - B1G1 - $5.55 - $2.77
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue printable
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissues, exp. 8/21/19 (RMN 07/21/19) [6-pk.+ Double Rolls]
            Final Price: $2.27
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Soup Bones for Dogs or Chewy Bones, 6.3 oz - B1G1 - $3.29 - $1.64
            $1.50/1 Nutrish Treats printable
            Final Price: $0.14
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Sea Cuisine Fish Fillets, 8.5 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 High Liner Sea Cuisine Product printable
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Sharpie Accent Highlighters, 4 ct - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Skittles Bite Size Candies, 14 oz - B1G1
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 20.4 oz - B1G1 - $6.89 - $3.44
            $1/1 Snack Well's Cookies printable
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Snap Lock Food Storage Containers, ea - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Starburst Fruit Chews, 14 oz - B1G1
          • Swanson Broth or Stock, 32 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Thomas' Bagel Thins, 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Top Flight Composition Book, 100 - 150 ct - B1G1 - $1.69 - $0.84
          • Top Flight Standard Notebook, 70 sheets - B1G1 - $0.99 - $0.49
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 44.5 oz - B1G1
          • Tuttorosso Tomatoes, 28 oz - B1G1
          • Vidalia Sweet Onion Petals, 3.5 oz - B1G1 - $2.50 - $1.25
          • Wish Bone Dressing, 15 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars, 12 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit or Chicken with Pineapple Chutney Meal Kit - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Boneless Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Beef Cubed Steaks, per lb - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Chuck Short Ribs, per lb - $5.89 - $5.89
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Lunchmeat, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • GreenWise Split Chicken Breast, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Whole Chicken, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Hillshire Snacking Small Plates, 2.4 - 2.76 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.69 - $4.69
            Sold in 3 lb or more pkg
          • Maverick Ranch Organic 85% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66 - $3.66
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3 - $2.59 - $2.59
            Final Price: $1.29 each wyb 3
          • Publix Boneless Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix St. Louis Style Pork Spareribs, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Spiny Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes or Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.66 - $2.66
          • Brussels sprouts, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Cherries, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Green Avocados, ea - $1.50 - $1.50
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Orange Juice, 52 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Organic Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Mango, ea - $0.79 - $0.79
          • Organic Watermelon, ea - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Plumcots, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Potato Inspirations Organic Potatoes, 24 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Publix Classic Salad, 16 oz - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Ready Pac Bistro Salads, 4.5 - 8 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 11.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Verry Cherry Plum, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Boar's Head BourbonRidge Ham Brioche, ea - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Boar's Head Triple Play - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Boar's Head Cracked Peppermill Turkey Brioche, ea - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Creminelli Artisan Charcuterie, 2 - 2.2 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Sprouted Multi-Grain or Whole Wheat Bread, 24 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • La Pasta Organic Ravioli, 8 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Braided Brioche Loaf, 14 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake, 19 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli 3-Piece Fried Chicken Combo - $5.69 - $5.69
          • Publix Deli Buffalo or Taco Chicken Dip, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Dinner - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Goat Cheese Log, 4 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Mojo Pork Dinner - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Potato Salads, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Deli Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Tuscan Herb Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.59 - $6.59
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC Cola, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 3 L - B2G2 - $2.24 - $2.24
            Final Price: $1.12 each wyb 4
          • Kraft 100% Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Minute Rice, 8.8 cup - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins or Good Thins Crackers, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1/2 Wheat Thins Snacks, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [8-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 32 pk 16.9 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $2.96 each wyb 4
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Bacon Bits or Pieces, 2.8 - 3 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $2.50 - $3.50
            $1/1 Half Gallon A2 Milk printable
            $0.75/1 a2 Milk (Checkout 51 Deposit) [Valid on 1.74 liter carton, any variety.]
            Save $0.75 when you purchase ANY ONE (1) a2 Milk™. Valid on 1.74 liter carton, any variety.
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Sliced or Shredded Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic String Cheese, 6 oz - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Maple Hill Organic Ultra-Pasteurized Milk, 64 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Cracker Cuts Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6- 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Sargento Balanced Breaks, 4.5 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
            $1/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks Snacks, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 06/02/19 R)
            $0.75/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks Snacks, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $2.33
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Large Pasture-Raised Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Healthy Choice Choice Simply Steamers Entree, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Morningstar Farms Veggie Entrees, 5.25 - 12 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Appetizer, Rice, or Dumplings, 8.2 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meal for Two, 22 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Arm & Hammer Detergent, 122.5 - 150 oz or 40 ct - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Arm & Hammer Scent Booster, 37.8 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
            $2/1 Downy Infusions or Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner or Bounce/Downy Sheets or Downy Dreft in Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 7/27/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [48-ld. Downy Infusions; 50-ld. Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner; 90-ct. or 120-ct. Bounce/Downy Sheets; 5.7-oz. Downy Dreft In Wash Scent Boosters; Includes Downy Unstopables, Fresh Protect, Infusions and Dreft Blissfuls; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuigue and trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce, Downy Sheets, Downy In-Wash Scent Booster, exp. 8/10/19 (RMN 07/14/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Cascade Action Pacs, 20 - 37 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Cascade Complete, 75 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 44 - 90 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 105 - 120 ct or 51 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
            $2/1 Downy Infusions or Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner or Bounce/Downy Sheets or Downy Dreft in Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 7/27/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [48-ld. Downy Infusions; 50-ld. Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner; 90-ct. or 120-ct. Bounce/Downy Sheets; 5.7-oz. Downy Dreft In Wash Scent Boosters; Includes Downy Unstopables, Fresh Protect, Infusions and Dreft Blissfuls; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuigue and trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply Pods, Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce, Downy Sheets, Downy In-Wash Scent Booster, exp. 8/10/19 (RMN 07/14/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $3/1 Gain Flings, exp. 8/10/19 (RMN 07/07/19 R) [32-ct.+; Limit 12 per hour]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 12 - 16 lb, or Match Light, 12 lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Cleaner, 45 oz, or Magic Eraser, 2 - 3 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Oxi Clean Stain Remover, 50 oz, 24 ct, or 3 lb - $6.00 - $6.00
            $1/1 OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover or 2in1 Stain Fighter printable [3-lb.+ stain remover]
            $0.50/1 OxiClean White Revive Laundry Stain Remover printable
            $1/1 OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover, exp. 8/7/19 (SS 07/07/19)
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Puffs Facial Tissues, 48 - 64 ct - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Renuzit Gel Air Freshener, 7 oz - $0.83 - $0.83
            B4G2 Renuzit Adjustables Air Freshener Cones, exp. 8/10/19 (RMN 07/14/19 #2 R) [Up to $2.20; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $0.55 each wyb 6
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz, or Toilet Cleaning Gel, 1 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Product
            Save $0.50 on ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Products, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [Limit 2]
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaning Product, exp. 8/10/19 (SS 06/30/19) [Limit 2]
            Final Price: $2.75
          • Solo Squared Cups, 18 oz 100 ct - $8.49 - $8.49
          • Swiffer Dusters, 3 - 5 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Swiller Sweeper Cloth Refills, 10 - 16 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Tide Detergent, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Detergent, Studio by Tide, or Tide Antibacterial Spray, exp. 7/27/19 (RMN 07/14/19 R) [Excludes Tide Pods, Tide Rescue, Simply, Simply Pods, 10-oz. detergent and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $3/1 Tide Pods, exp. 7/27/19 (RMN 07/14/19 R) [Excludes tide liquid/powder laundry detergent, tide simply, tide simply pods and tide pods 9-ct. and below and trial/travel size]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Viva Paper Towels, 6 big rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable
            $0.50/1 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable [6 or More Rolls; Offer Value May Vary]
            $1.00/1Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable [6-pk.+]
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Crayola Crayons, 8 ct - $0.50 - $0.50
          • Master Lock Magnifying Lock, ea - $4.00 - $4.00

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 7/25/19 – 7/31/19 appeared first on

          10¢ Notebooks plus Enter to Win 1 of 10 Gift Cards Tue, 23 Jul 2019 19:11:20 +0000 This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. This is the first year I’ve had to buy school supplies for two kiddos. Now that my daughter is going into VPK (sniff sniff) and my son is a big first grader, I’m realizing just how much money it costs […]

          The post 10¢ Notebooks plus Enter to Win 1 of 10 Gift Cards appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          This is the first year I’ve had to buy school supplies for two kiddos. Now that my daughter is going into VPK (sniff sniff) and my son is a big first grader, I’m realizing just how much money it costs to buy all of the required school supplies! Office Max and Office Depot are here to help! They have everything your kids need for back to school supplies, including notebooks for just 10¢! Head HERE to see all of the notebooks marked down to just a dime!

          Since my son is just in first grade, he needs wide-ruled notebooks. I actually stocked up on extra notebooks so that I have them ready for him throughout the year (and even next year)!

          Win a $50 Office Depot & Office Max Gift Card!

          Also – make sure you go HERE to enter to win an Office Max and Office Depot gift card! They are giving away ten (yes there will be 10 winners!) $50 Gift Cards! Giveaway ends on Friday, August 2nd at 11:59 PM PT.

          The post 10¢ Notebooks plus Enter to Win 1 of 10 Gift Cards appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 7/18/19 – 7/24/19 Wed, 17 Jul 2019 16:21:40 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July July 18th or Wednesday, July 17th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 7/18/19 – 7/24/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July July 18th or Wednesday, July 17th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled and Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Aprons Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 32 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Pork Tenderloin Meal Kit, 29 oz - $13.99 - $13.99
          • Aprons Sockeye Salmon Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Peppers, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Faroe Island Sea Scallops, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $4.19 - $4.19
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Fillets, per lb - $5.49 - $5.49
          • GreenWise Chicken Tenderloins, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise King Crab Clusters, per lb - $20.99 - $20.99
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Greenfield Natural Meal Co. Lunchmeat, 7 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Ground Chuck Burgers, per lb - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Hillshire Farm Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - $3.66 - $3.66
          • Jones Dairy Farm Golden Brown Sausage Patties or Links, 5 - 7 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Perdue Short Cuts Carved Chicken or Turkey Breasts, 6 - 9 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1.50/3 Perdue Refrigerated Fully Cooked Chicken Products printable
            $1/2 Perdue Refrigerated Fully Cooked Chicken Products, exp. 8/2/19 (RMN 06/30/19) [Perdue, Perdue Simly Smart Organics or Perdue Harvestland Brands]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 3
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Cutlets, or Tenderloins, 32 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops Center Cut, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • PublixMild or Hot Italian Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Thin-Sliced Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Ambrosia Apples, 2 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Apricots, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Boar's Head Power Bowl, 12 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • California Nectarines, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • California Peaches, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Celery, ea - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Cherries, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Hothouse Cucumbers, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Organic Blueberries, pt - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Green Cabbage, ea - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Organic Nectarines, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Peaches, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Red Delicious Apples, , per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Vidalia Sweet Onion, 3 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Pink Lady Apples, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Publix Cantaloupe Chunks, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Russet Baking Potatoes, per lb - $0.69 - $0.69
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Simply Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail, 52 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Verry Cherry Plum, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • White-Flesh Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • White-Flesh Peaches, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Boar's Head Jerky Turkey or Gouda Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head SmokeMaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Vermont Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette, 8.5 oz - $1.49 - $1.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $7.59 - $7.59
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Angel Food Cake, 15 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Frosted Sugar Cookies, 10 ct - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Round or Multigrain Bread, 16 oz - $2.79 - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Deli American Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wing Meal, 5 pc - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Domestic Brie Cheese, per lb - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Hummus, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Deli Lite Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Soup, 16 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Pulled Pork Sandwich, ea - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Stacy's Pita Thins, Bagel, or Pita Chips, 6.75 - 7.33 oz - B2G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
            Final Price: $2.39 each wyb 3
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            Save $1.25 on any ONE (1) 1850 K-Cup Coffee Product
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) 1850 Ground or Whole Bean Coffee Product
            Final Price: $5.24
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 28 oz - $1.20 - $1.20
          • Bonne Maman Preserves, Jelly, Marmalade, or Intense Fruit Spread, 8.2 - 13 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            $0.40/1 Bonne Maman Preserves and Jellies printable [13-oz.]
            $0.50/2 Bonne Maman Preserves, Jellies or Curds or Intense Fruit Spreads printable [13-oz. preserve, jelly or curds; 8.2-oz. intense spread]
            Final Price: $3.10
          • Cafe Bustelo Coffee K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Caribou K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Clif Energy Bar, 2.4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $3.95 each wyb 3
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit Cups or Refreshers, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia, or Fruit Refreshers printable [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks printable
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Donut Shop K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - 6.49 - $6.49
            $2/2 Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Products, exp. 7/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes dunkin' donuts cold brew]
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Folgers Coffee, 23 - 30.5 oz, or K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Frito-Lay Snacks Variety Pack, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • Gatorade, 6 pk - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Green Mountain K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Popcorn or Tortilla Chips, 4 - 9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Hunt's or Rotel Tomatoes, 10 - 14.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.55/1 Juicy Juice Product, exp. 7/22/19 (SS 06/09/19) [Excludes 4-pk. juice boxes]
            $0.35/1 Juicy Juice Product, exp. 7/22/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [Excludes 4-pk. juice boxes]
            Final Price: $1.45
          • Juicy Juice Organics, 48 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.55/1 Juicy Juice Product, exp. 7/22/19 (SS 06/09/19) [Excludes 4-pk. juice boxes]
            $0.35/1 Juicy Juice Product, exp. 7/22/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [Excludes 4-pk. juice boxes]
          • Keebler Sandwich Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Keebler Town House, Club, or Toasteds Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 12 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1/3 Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Pop Tarts, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 06/16/19 R) [6-ct.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 3
          • Krispy Kreme K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.75/1 Krispy Kreme Coffee, exp. 9/2/19 (SS 06/02/19 R)
            Final Price: $5.74
          • LaCroix Flavored Sparkling Water or Pure Sparkling, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Lay's Poppables Potato Snacks, 5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Minute Ready to Serve Rice, 7 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, Bites, or Protein, 4 - 5 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Croutons, 5 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Publix Parmesan or Italian Blend Cheese, 6 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Rice Select CousCous, 26.5 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Zesta Saltines, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Breakstone or Plugra Butter, 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Cracker Barrel Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Cracker Barrel Cracker Cuts Cheese, 7 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 1 gal - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Handsome Brook Farm Organic Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Kraft Expertly Paired Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt Lil Tub, 4.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Perfect Bar, 2.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $2.25/1 Ibotta Rebate
            Final Price: FREE
          • Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, 8 oz, Cinnamon or Sweet Rolls, 12.4 oz, or Danish, 13.9 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Chunk Cheese, 16 oz - $4.50 - $4.50
          • Publix Cream or Neufchatel, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Blended Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Rana 5 Cheese or Spinach & Cheese Tortellini, 20 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta, exp. 8/25/19 (SS 06/09/19)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            Save $0.75 on any ONE (1) Sargento Reserve Series™ Shredded Cheese
            $1/1 Sargento Reserve Series Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 7/29/19 (SS 06/02/19 R)
            $0.60/1 Sargento Reserve Series Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 7/29/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Starbucks Cold Brew Unsweetened Coffee, 32 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Iced Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Amy's Entrees, 8 - 10.3 oz - $3.66 - $3.66
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for Two, 20 - 22 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream Cups, 12 ct - $5.50 - $5.50
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal - $5.50 - $5.50
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.5 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Bowls, 10 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Publix Frozen Potatoes or Onion Rings, 16 - 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Southern Belle Lobster Mac & Cheese, 18 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Stouffer's Fit Kitchen or Bowl-fulls, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Aleve Caplets or Tablets or Back and Body, 24 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Always Infinity or Radiant Pads, 13 - 18 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
            $3/2 Always Radiant or Infinity Pads or Pure Pads, exp. 7/27/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [11-ct.+; Excludes always discreet; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Aveeno Skincare or Body Wash Products - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Centrum Multivitamin or Caltrate Multivitamin, 90 220 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
            SAVE $3.00 off ANY Centrum® product (50 ct or higher)
            $1/1 Centrum or Centrum Silver Product printable [60-ct.+]
            $2/1 Centrum or Centrum Silver printable
            $2/1 Centrum MultiGummies for Men & Women printable
            $1/1 Centrum Multigummies Product printable [60-ct.+]
            $2/1 Centrum Multigummies Product printable [60-ct.+]
            $3/1 Centrum Multigummies +, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 07/14/19) [Limit 2]
            $3/2 Centrum or Centrum Silver Multivitamin or Centrum Multi+Probiotics, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 07/14/19) [Limit 2]
            $3/1 Centrum or Centrum Silver Multivitamin or Centrum Multi+Probiotics, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 07/14/19 R)
          • Clif Builders or Luna Bars, or Clif Energy, Protein, or Nutrition Bars, 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Colgate Mouthwash, 16 oz or 1 L - 25% OFF
            $0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable
            $2/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Rinse, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19) [430-ml.+; Limit 4]
          • Colgate Toothpaste, 4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 7/20/19 (SS 07/07/19) [3-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/2 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 7/20/19 (SS 07/07/19 R) [3-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.50
          • Dove Body Polish, 10.5 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Dove Body Wash, 22 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Dove Shower Foam, 13.5 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Lubriderm Lotion, 13.5 - 16 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Method Foaming Hand Wash Refill, 28 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Method Hand Wash or Foaming Hand Wash, 10 - 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 14 - 18 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
            $3/2 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 7/27/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [14-ct.+; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Hair Care, 22 oz, or Styling, 4.3 - 10.5 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • U by Kotex Click, Sleek, or Fitness Tampons, 31 - 50 ct, or Pads, 24 - 56 ct - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
            $2/1 U by Kotex Pads, exp. 7/27/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [Excludes trial size/tracel packs]
            $2/1 U by Kotex Pads, exp. 7/27/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [14-22-ct.; Excludes Liners and Trial Size/Tavel Packs]
            $2/1 U by Kotex Tampons, exp. 7/27/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [Excludes trial size/travel packs]
          • Enfamil Infant Formula Powder or Enfagrow, 19.5 - 31.4 oz - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Gerber Good Start Formula, 22.2 - 32 oz - $12.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Gerber Graduates Snacks, 1.48 oz - B3G1
          • Happy Baby or Happy Tot Baby Food, 3.5 - 4.22 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Pampers Bagged Diapers, 16 - 35 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3 off Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [TWO (2) bags or ONE (1) box; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit 2]
          • Pampers Wipes, 56 - 72 ct- B2G1 - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.50/2 Pampers or Luvs Wipes, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [56-ct.+; Excludes trial/travel size; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $1.82 each wyb 3
          • Blue Wilderness Pet Products - 25% OFF
          • Fresh Step Cat Litter, 22.5 - 25 lb, or Lightweight, 15.4 lb - $11.99 - $11.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 7/18/19 – 7/24/19 appeared first on

          Back to School with Crayola Take Note! Wed, 17 Jul 2019 15:38:10 +0000 This post is sponsored by Crayola. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Crayola has a line of markers and pens that will make schoolwork SO MUCH FUN! The Crayola Take Note! line of writing supplies is made with updated technology makes writing tools cool! The Take Note! Gel Pens and Felt-Tip Pens […]

          The post Back to School with Crayola Take Note! appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Crayola. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Crayola has a line of markers and pens that will make schoolwork SO MUCH FUN! The Crayola Take Note! line of writing supplies is made with updated technology makes writing tools cool! The Take Note! Gel Pens and Felt-Tip Pens have quick dry, washable ink in bright and bold hues. There are even erasable highlighters! These highlighters highlight and underline with thick and thin lines and then of course erase!

          For teachers (or home schoolers) who use Dry-Erase Markers, the Take Note! Dry-Erase Markers have ink level indicators so you always know when you are starting to run low on ink!

          Head HERE for more info on the line of Crayola Take Note! Writing Supplies. You can find these markers and pens online at Crayola or at stores like Target & Michael’s!

          The post Back to School with Crayola Take Note! appeared first on

          Crayola Masterworks Art Case with 200+ Pieces Tue, 16 Jul 2019 14:58:29 +0000 I LOVE this Crayola Art Case. A few years ago, we gave our son a similar Crayola Art Case and he still uses all of the markers, crayons and pencils! This Crayola Masterworks Art Case, Over 200 Pieces, Gift for Kids, Age 4, 5, 6, 7 case has even more in it – it has: […]

          The post Crayola Masterworks Art Case with 200+ Pieces appeared first on


          I LOVE this Crayola Art Case. A few years ago, we gave our son a similar Crayola Art Case and he still uses all of the markers, crayons and pencils! This Crayola Masterworks Art Case, Over 200 Pieces, Gift for Kids, Age 4, 5, 6, 7 case has even more in it – it has: 72 crayons, 50 washable Super Tips markers, 25 short colored pencils, 24 washable Pip-Squeaks Skinnies markers, 16 oil pastels, 8 washable watercolors, 1 paint brush, 1 glitter glue, 1 safety scissor, 1 washable school glue, 1 sharpener, and case. Today for Prime Day it is marked down to $33.89. It is regularly priced at $53.49. Head HERE.

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day Monday and Tuesday, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post Crayola Masterworks Art Case with 200+ Pieces appeared first on

          iRobot Roomba under $230 Tue, 16 Jul 2019 14:33:40 +0000 Have you been wanting a Roomba? For Prime Day the iRobot Roomba 690 Robot Vacuum-Wi-Fi Connectivity, Works with Alexa is marked down to $229.99! Head HERE to view this Roomba! *prices are subject to change. Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day Monday and Tuesday, Amazon will have Black Friday like […]

          The post iRobot Roomba under $230 appeared first on


          Have you been wanting a Roomba? For Prime Day the iRobot Roomba 690 Robot Vacuum-Wi-Fi Connectivity, Works with Alexa is marked down to $229.99! Head HERE to view this Roomba! *prices are subject to change.

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day Monday and Tuesday, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post iRobot Roomba under $230 appeared first on

          American Girl Book Deals! Save $5 on $15! Tue, 16 Jul 2019 13:18:04 +0000 If your child is into American Girls, don’t miss this awesome American Girl book deal! This Prime Day deal will save you $5.00 on $15.00 worth of American Girl books! Simply add $15 worth of books in your cart and at checkout, paste coupon code PRIMEBOOK19 Head HERE to view all of the books to […]

          The post American Girl Book Deals! Save $5 on $15! appeared first on


          If your child is into American Girls, don’t miss this awesome American Girl book deal! This Prime Day deal will save you $5.00 on $15.00 worth of American Girl books! Simply add $15 worth of books in your cart and at checkout, paste coupon code PRIMEBOOK19 Head HERE to view all of the books to choose from!

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day Monday and Tuesday, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post American Girl Book Deals! Save $5 on $15! appeared first on

          Ends Tonight! $5 off $15 Print Books Tue, 16 Jul 2019 13:13:39 +0000 Ends tonight! I love it when this deal is available! Right now we can save $5.00 on print book purchases over $15.00. Head HERE to see all of the books available on Amazon. At checkout, paste coupon code PRIMEBOOK19 

          The post Ends Tonight! $5 off $15 Print Books appeared first on


          Ends tonight! I love it when this deal is available! Right now we can save $5.00 on print book purchases over $15.00. Head HERE to see all of the books available on Amazon. At checkout, paste coupon code PRIMEBOOK19 

          The post Ends Tonight! $5 off $15 Print Books appeared first on

          $10 off $40 Prime Pantry Orders PLUS 50% off Special Deal! Tue, 16 Jul 2019 13:03:43 +0000 This awesome Amazon Pantry deal is still available today! Do you ever order food, toiletries or paper products from Amazon? Today is the day to order food, toiletries, paper products, etc! Right now we can save $10 off a $40 Prime Pantry purchase when you use promo code PANTRY at checkout! Shipping will be free on […]

          The post $10 off $40 Prime Pantry Orders PLUS 50% off Special Deal! appeared first on


          This awesome Amazon Pantry deal is still available today! Do you ever order food, toiletries or paper products from Amazon? Today is the day to order food, toiletries, paper products, etc! Right now we can save $10 off a $40 Prime Pantry purchase when you use promo code PANTRY at checkout! Shipping will be free on orders of $40+!

          Tip to get an awesome deal! When you purchase select items from Prime Pantry, they have this deal: Buy 5, save $5. Buy 10, save $10. Buy 15, save $15Add 5, 10 or 15 items to your cart and if your order price is at least $40, use code PANTRY to save an extra $10! Using these deals, I was able to stock up on granola bars and Veggie Straws for my kiddos! I saved 50% using the Buy 10, save $10 deal AND by using coupon code PANTRY at checkout!

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day today and tomorrow, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post $10 off $40 Prime Pantry Orders PLUS 50% off Special Deal! appeared first on

          Oral-B Vitality Dual Clean Battery Electric Toothbrush, $14.99 Tue, 16 Jul 2019 11:52:05 +0000 Awesome Prime Day electric toothbrush deal! This Oral-B Vitality Dual Clean Rechargeable Battery Electric Toothbrush with Automatic Timer, Powered by Braun is marked down to $19.99 from $27.99. Prime members can also clip a $5.00 off coupon bringing the price down even more to $14.99! Head HERE to view this toothbrush. Prime Day is here! […]

          The post Oral-B Vitality Dual Clean Battery Electric Toothbrush, $14.99 appeared first on


          Awesome Prime Day electric toothbrush deal! This Oral-B Vitality Dual Clean Rechargeable Battery Electric Toothbrush with Automatic Timer, Powered by Braun is marked down to $19.99 from $27.99. Prime members can also clip a $5.00 off coupon bringing the price down even more to $14.99! Head HERE to view this toothbrush.

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day Monday and Tuesday (7/15 & 7/16), Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post Oral-B Vitality Dual Clean Battery Electric Toothbrush, $14.99 appeared first on

          BOB Revolution Flex 2.0 Jogging Stroller, under $300! Tue, 16 Jul 2019 11:42:25 +0000 This is my absolute favorite stroller. Family friends gave us a BOB stroller when we had adopted our son six years ago. It is still in awesome condition and I use it to run and push my four year old daughter now. It’s logged literally hundreds and hundreds of miles with this stroller and is […]

          The post BOB Revolution Flex 2.0 Jogging Stroller, under $300! appeared first on


          This is my absolute favorite stroller. Family friends gave us a BOB stroller when we had adopted our son six years ago. It is still in awesome condition and I use it to run and push my four year old daughter now. It’s logged literally hundreds and hundreds of miles with this stroller and is the perfect running stroller. For Prime Day, Amazon marked it down from $374.99 to $299.99! Head HERE to view the Bob Revolution Flex 2.0 Jogging Stroller.

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day Monday and Tuesday (7/15 & 7/16), Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post BOB Revolution Flex 2.0 Jogging Stroller, under $300! appeared first on

          Prime Deals on Toys, Games & Craft Kits Mon, 15 Jul 2019 20:32:08 +0000 Don’t forget to check out all of the toys, games and kits that are marked down on Prime Day! I’ve seen deals on Hasbro, LEGO, Melissa & Doug and so many more fun brands! Head HERE. Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day today and tomorrow, Amazon will have Black […]

          The post Prime Deals on Toys, Games & Craft Kits appeared first on


          Don’t forget to check out all of the toys, games and kits that are marked down on Prime Day! I’ve seen deals on Hasbro, LEGO, Melissa & Doug and so many more fun brands! Head HERE.

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day today and tomorrow, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post Prime Deals on Toys, Games & Craft Kits appeared first on

          Save $40 on Echo Show 5! Mon, 15 Jul 2019 20:12:57 +0000 This is an awesome price! This Prime Day deal on the Echo Show 5 is a great incentive to try the Echo Show out! It is regularly priced at $89.99 but today is marked down to $49.99! Head HERE to view the Echo Show 5. Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, […]

          The post Save $40 on Echo Show 5! appeared first on


          This is an awesome price! This Prime Day deal on the Echo Show 5 is a great incentive to try the Echo Show out! It is regularly priced at $89.99 but today is marked down to $49.99! Head HERE to view the Echo Show 5.

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day today and tomorrow, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post Save $40 on Echo Show 5! appeared first on

          Shark Rocket DuoClean Ultra-Light Corded Bagless Vacuum under $129 Mon, 15 Jul 2019 17:21:02 +0000 We LOVE our Shark vacuum! This Shark Rocket DuoClean HV382 Ultra-Light Corded Bagless Carpet and Hard Floor with Hand Vacuum is marked down to $128.99! Regular price is over $200! Head HERE. This is a prime day deal.

          The post Shark Rocket DuoClean Ultra-Light Corded Bagless Vacuum under $129 appeared first on


          We LOVE our Shark vacuum! This Shark Rocket DuoClean HV382 Ultra-Light Corded Bagless Carpet and Hard Floor with Hand Vacuum is marked down to $128.99! Regular price is over $200! Head HERE. This is a prime day deal.

          The post Shark Rocket DuoClean Ultra-Light Corded Bagless Vacuum under $129 appeared first on

          HP Chromebook 14-inch Laptop 40% off Mon, 15 Jul 2019 17:15:14 +0000 If you are looking for a smaller Chromebook, check this Prime Day Deal out. The HP Chromebook 14-inch Laptop with 180-degree Hinge, Full HD Screen, AMD Dual-Core A4-9120 Processor, 4 GB SDRAM, 32 GB eMMC Storage, Chrome OS is marked down 40% to $179.99. Head HERE. Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime […]

          The post HP Chromebook 14-inch Laptop 40% off appeared first on


          If you are looking for a smaller Chromebook, check this Prime Day Deal out. The HP Chromebook 14-inch Laptop with 180-degree Hinge, Full HD Screen, AMD Dual-Core A4-9120 Processor, 4 GB SDRAM, 32 GB eMMC Storage, Chrome OS is marked down 40% to $179.99. Head HERE.

          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day today and tomorrow, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post HP Chromebook 14-inch Laptop 40% off appeared first on

          AMAZING Old Navy Deals: 50% off Clearance Mon, 15 Jul 2019 16:18:40 +0000 I just stocked up on new clothing for our entire family. Right now Old Navy has 50% off their ENTIRE website. And this INCLUDES clearance items! I was able to get my myself, my son, daughter and husband new dresses (for me and Jolie) Polo shirts, shorts and t-shirts for on average $5 each! Some […]

          The post AMAZING Old Navy Deals: 50% off Clearance appeared first on


          I just stocked up on new clothing for our entire family. Right now Old Navy has 50% off their ENTIRE website. And this INCLUDES clearance items! I was able to get my myself, my son, daughter and husband new dresses (for me and Jolie) Polo shirts, shorts and t-shirts for on average $5 each! Some of the shirts I got for my son were just $2.50!! Shipping is also free with promo code FREESHIP You do not need a promo code for the 50% off sale – the price is automatically adjusted at checkout! Head HERE to see all of the amazing deals you can get!

          The post AMAZING Old Navy Deals: 50% off Clearance appeared first on

          Ring Wi-Fi Video Doorbell with Echo Dot under $70! Mon, 15 Jul 2019 16:05:44 +0000 We have a Ring Doorbell and I love it. This is the exact doorbell I have and this is an amazing deal!  When you purchase a Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Video Doorbell in Satin Nickel with Echo Dot 3rd Gen, the price is $69.99! Regular price is $149! Head HERE. **price issubject to change. If you are […]

          The post Ring Wi-Fi Video Doorbell with Echo Dot under $70! appeared first on


          We have a Ring Doorbell and I love it. This is the exact doorbell I have and this is an amazing deal!  When you purchase a Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Video Doorbell in Satin Nickel with Echo Dot 3rd Gen, the price is $69.99! Regular price is $149! Head HERE. **price issubject to change.

          If you are looking for a deal on Ring Spotlight Cam Battery HD Security Camera with Built Two-Way Talk and a Siren Alarm, right now it is marked down to $139! I’ve heard awesome things about these security cameras! Head HERE.

          The post Ring Wi-Fi Video Doorbell with Echo Dot under $70! appeared first on

          Prime Day is Here! Mon, 15 Jul 2019 13:21:43 +0000 Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day today and tomorrow, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head HERE to see all of the Prime Day deals. Some of the deals will last all 48 hours while other deals will expire in just a few hours. If  you […]

          The post Prime Day is Here! appeared first on


          Prime Day is here! If you are an Amazon Prime member, all day today and tomorrow, Amazon will have Black Friday like deals for us! Head here.

          The post Prime Day is Here! appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 7/11/19 – 7/17/19 Wed, 10 Jul 2019 15:54:25 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 11th or Wednesday, July 10th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 7/11/19 – 7/17/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, July 11th or Wednesday, July 10th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • 31/40 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • 41/50 ct Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Applegate Breakfast Sausage, 7 oz - B2G1
            $1/1 Applegate Product printable
          • Apron Southwest Salmon Burgers, 5.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Sockeye Salmon Cook-in-Bag Dinner - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breasts, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Beef Tenderloin Steaks, per lb - $16.99 - $16.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steak, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chicken, 16 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • GreenWise Patagonian Scallops, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Greenfield Lunch Kit, 2.9 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Ground Round Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $4.79 - $4.79
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
            3 lb or more
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79 - $5.79
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1 - $8.89 - $8.89
            Final Price: $5.92 each wyb 3
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Boneless Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Turkey Breast, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 3 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.33 - $2.33
          • Cherries, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Dragon Fruit, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Green Avocados, ea - $1.50 - $1.50
          • GreenWise Organic White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Hothouse Cucumber, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • KeVita Kombucha or Sparkling Probiotic Drink, 15.2 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Maradol Papaya, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Marzetti Dressing or Vinaigrette, 12 - 15 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Naked Juice or Protein Drink, 15.2 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Organic Grape Tomatoes, pt - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Organic Zucchini or Yellow Squash, 2 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 28 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Sugar Kiss Melon Chunks, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Whole Baby Portobella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red or Black Plums, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Russet Baking Potatoes, per lb - $0.69 - $0.69
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Juice or Trop50, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Alouette Spreadable Cheese, 6.5 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Boar's Head BourbonRidge Ham Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast or Madrasala Chicken, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Cabo Fresh Organic Guacamole, 12 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Confetti Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Mini Blueberry Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Publix Bakery Confetti Bar Cake, 16 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Handmade Oblong Fruit Tart, 16 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Handmade Round Fruit Tart, 18 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Cuban Sandwich, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Berry Salad, 11 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese Cup, 4 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Deli Prosciutto, 4 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Sliced Pancetta, 4 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal, ea - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Spinach and Artichoke Dip, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Sweet Ham, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B2G1 - $3.69 - $3.69
            Final Price: $2.46 each wyb 3
          • Summertime Hot Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Toufayan Pita Bread, 12 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake, 28 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 5 - 9.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cheez-It Crackers, Snack Mix, or Grooves, 8 - 12.4 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables printable [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.88 each wyb 4
          • Dole Fruit Bowls or Mixations, 4 pk - $2.33 - $2.33
            $1/1 Dole Mixations printable
            $0.50/1 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit Bowls printable
            $1/2 Dole Fruit in Gel, exp. 7/21/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [Limit of 4 Like Coupons in Same Shopping Trip]
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit in Gel, exp. 7/21/19 (SS 05/19/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.33
          • Domino Sugar, 4 lb - $2.00 - $2.00
            SAVE $0.75 on any TWO (2) Domino® Sugar Products 2 lbs. or Larger
            Final Price: $1.62 each wyb 2
          • Frito Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Organic Applesauce, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Crackers, 8 - 8.8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Quinoa, 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Salsa, 15.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Spices - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Trail Mix, 8 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Kraft or Bulls-Eye Barbecue sauce, 17.5 - 18 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables, 5 - 9.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Beverage, 6 - 8 pk - $2.33 - $2.33
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast or Protein Biscuits, 7.04 - 8.81 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Oreo Thins, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 2
          • Near East Rice Pilaf or Couscous, 1.9 - 10 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers, 5.5 - 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pepperidge Farm On The Go! Snacks, 8 - 10 ct - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Pepperidge Farm Rolls or Buns, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products Mini Cans, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Fruit & Grain Bars or Granola Bars, 7.4 - 10.4 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Soy Sauce, 15 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Steak Sauce, 10 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Quaker Popped Rice Crisps, 3 - 3.52 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Rice-a-Roni or Pasta-Roni, 1.9 - 10 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/4 Rice-A-Roni or Pasta Roni, exp. 8/4/19 (SS 06/23/19 R)
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 4
          • Starbucks Coffee Drink, 4 pk - B2G1
          • Starbucks Coffee, 32 ct - $19.99 - $19.99
          • Bays English Muffins, 6 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk Creamer, 32 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Breakstone's Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Buitoni Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Dannon Greek or Blended Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz, or Drink, 7 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Goodbelly Probiotic Juice Drink, 32 oz - B1G1
            B2G1 GoodBelly Products printable [Up to $4.49]
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, gal - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Happy Egg Co. Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Kraft Singles, 10.7 - 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Kraft Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls with Icing, 7.3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 10.2 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Jr. Flaky Golden Layers, 12 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Cookies, 11 - 16.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Crumbled Cheese, 4 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix String Cheese Twists, 9 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.50 - $4.50
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 4 - 5.3 oz, or Whole Milk Drinkable Yogurt, 8 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
            $1/2 Siggi's Yogurt printable
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 2
          • GreenWise Organic Frozen Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Skillet Meal, 20 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Halo Top Light Ice Cream, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
            $1.50/2 Halo Top Ice Cream, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 06/30/19) [pint]
            Stack With $1.00/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.58 each wyb 2
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entree, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 14 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Family Size Lasagna, 38 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Macaroni & Cheese, 40 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Talenti Gelato, Gelato Layers, or Sorbetto, 11.5 - 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Tyson Any'tizers Chicken, 22 - 28.05 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 12 large or 6 huge rolls - $13.49 - $13.49
            $1/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [4-ct.+; Includes 2 huge roll]
            Stack With $2/1 Bounty @Publix, exp. 7/27/19 (RMN 06/30/19 R) [12 Large, 8 Bulk or 6 Huge Rolls; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $10.49
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 16 mega rolls - $17.99 - $17.99
            $1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [4 Mega Rolls or Larger; Includes mega plus & super mega excludes single rolls]
            Final Price: $16.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 8 super mega or 12 mega rolls or 24 dbl rolls - $13.49 - $13.49
            $1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [4 Mega Rolls or Larger; Includes mega plus & super mega excludes single rolls]
            Final Price: $12.49
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00 - $5.00
            $0.25/1 Charmin Flushable Wipes, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [Excludes 10-ct. travel size]
            Final Price: $4.25
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner or Clorox Scentiva Toilet Cleaning Gel, 24 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product printable
            $1/1 Clorox Scentiva Products, exp. 7/28/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [Excludes wet mopping cloths]
            $1/2 Clorox Scentiva Products, exp. 8/7/19 (SS 07/07/19)
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Product, exp. 7/28/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [Excludes wet mopping cloths; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Duracell Batteries, 6 - 16 ct - 25% OFF
          • Hefty Plates, 28 - 50 ct, or Bowl, 30 ct - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates & Bowls printable (exp. 12/31/19)
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates, exp. 8/31/19 (RMN 06/23/19) [Limit 4]
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates, exp. 7/31/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [Limit of 4 like coupons in the same day]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.25/1 Palmolive Fusion Clean Dish Liquid printable [20-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.75
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz or 38 ct, or All Laundry Detergent, 141 oz or 60 ct - $10.00 OFF wyb 2
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Power-Liquid or Power-Caps Laundry Detergent printable [sign up]
            $3/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent Discs or Power-Liquid, exp. 7/13/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [38-ct. discs; 100-oz.+ liquid; Excludes all sizes below 38-ct./100-oz.; Limit 1]
            $1/1 Persil Pro-Clean Laundry Detergent, exp. 7/13/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [Excludes 6 loads or less; Limit 1]
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 7/20/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [Excludes trial sizes; Limit 1]
            $2/2 all or Snuggle Products, exp. 7/14/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [Excludes trial sizes; Limit 1]
          • Publix Paper Napkins, 500 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Paper Plates, Bowls, or Cups, 24 - 60 ct - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Renuzit Gel Air Freshener, 7 oz - $0.83 - $0.83
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 95 - 200 sq ft - $8.39 - $8.39
          • Scotch-Brite Sponges, 3 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Simple Green Household Cleaner, 22 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Windex, 19.7 - 23 oz, or Wipes, 28 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) Windex Product
            $0.50/1 Windex Product printable
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Ziploc Storage or Freezer, 14 - 24 ct, Sandwich or Snack Bags, 66 - 90 ct, or Containers, 2 - 4 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
            Health & Beauty Products
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $9.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Liner or Pad, exp. 7/27/19 (RMN 06/30/19) [Excludes trial/travel size and on other always products; Limit 2]
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Underwear or Boutique Underwear, exp. 7/27/19 (RMN 06/30/19) [Excludes other always products and trial/travel size; Limit 2]
            Save $2.00 on ONE Always DISCREET Incontinence Underwear OR Boutique Underwear (excludes other Always Products and trial/travel size). ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Save $2.00 on ONE Always DISCREET Incontinence Liner OR Pad (excludes other Always Products and trial/travel size). ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Boost Nutritional or High Protein Drink, 4 - 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) BOOST Nutritional Drink or Drink Mix
            $3/1 Boost, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 07/07/19) [Multipack or Canister]
            Stack With $5/2 Boost @Publix, exp. 7/14/19 (SS 06/16/19 R) [12-ct.]
          • Colgate Toothbrush, 1 - 4 ct - 25% OFF
            $0.75/1 Colgate 360 or Colgate Floss-Tip Manual Toothbrush printable
            $2/1 Colgate 360, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19) [Twin Pack or Multipack]
          • Colgate Total Advanced Mouthwash, 1 L - $4.99 - $4.99
            $0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable
            $2/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Rinse, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19) [430-ml.+]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Colgate Total, Total Advanced, or Optic White Stain Fighter Toothpaste, 3.4 - 4.8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.75/1 Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste printable []
            $2/1 Colgate Total Advanced Optic White, Platinum, Enamel Health or Sensitive, exp. 8/7/19 (SS 07/07/19)
            $1/2 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/30/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Crest 3D White or Noticeably White Whitestrips, 4 - 20 oz - $5.00 OFF
            $5/1 Crest 3D White Whitestrips Kit, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [Excludes noticeably white, classic white, original whitening kit, gentle whitening kit, express whitening kit and trial/travel size]
          • Crest Pro-Health or 3D White Toothpaste, 4.8 - 6.3 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking sods & tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel size]
            Save $1.00 on ONE Crest Toothpaste 3 oz or more (excludes 4.6oz Crest Cavity, Regular, Base Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, F&W Pep Gleem, Gum ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Curel Lotion, 3 - 21 oz - 25% OFF
            $1.50/1 Curel Moisturizer, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19)
          • Dial Complete Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Dial Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Whey Protein Powder, 1.51 - 1.9 lb or 12.9 - 15.8 oz - 20% OFF
          • Jergens Moisturizer or Instant Sun Sunless Tanning Mousse, 3 - 21 oz - 25% OFF
            $1.50/1 Jergens Moisturizer, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 07/07/19)
          • Nature Box Body Butter, 6.9 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Nature Box Body Lotion, 13 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Nature Box Body Wash - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Nature Box Shampoo or Conditioner, 13 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Nature Made Vitamins and Supplements, 30 - 400 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Nice 'n Easy Natural Instincts Hair Color - $6.99 - $6.99
            $6/2 Clairol Nice 'n Easy Permanent Root Touch-Up or Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/30/19) [boxes; Excludes natural instincts crema keratina hair color]
            $2/1 Clairol Nice 'n Easy Permanent Root Touch-Up or Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/30/19) [boxes; Excludes natural instincts crema keratina hair color]
            Final Price: $3.99 each wyb 2
          • Olay Regenerist Whip Moisturizer, Eyes, or Total Effects, 0.3 - 4.5 oz - $4.00 OFF
            $3/1 Olay Whip Facial Moisturizer, exp. 7/27/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [Excludes trial/travel size]
            $2/1 Olay Eyes, Serum or Facial Moisturizer, exp. 7/27/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [Excludes complete and active hydrating]
          • Pantene Pro-V Hair Care, 24 - 25.4 oz, or Hair Food Hair Care, 10.1 oz - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $5/3 Pantene Products, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [Includes gold series collection excludes trial/travel size]
            $1/1 Pantene Products, exp. 11/27/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [Includes gold series collection excludes trial/travel size]
            FREE Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner wyb Pantene Intense Rescue, exp. 7/20/19 (P&G 07/07/19) [3-ct. rescue; up to $3.99]
          • Publix After Sun Aloe Gel or Lotion, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Antacid, 72 - 150 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix CosmeticRounds or Squares, 80 - 100 ct - 20% OFF
          • Publix Cotton Swabs, 300 - 500 ct - 20% OFF
          • Publix Instant Hand Sanitizer, 8 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Schick Razors, 1 - 12 ct - $2.00 OFF
          • Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Fancy Feast Gourmet Cat Food, 3 oz - $0.65 - $0.65
          • Fresh Step Cat Litter, 20 lb - $8.59 - $8.59
          • Nature's Recipe Dog Food, 2.75 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Publix Premium Dog Food, 16 lb - $15.99 - $15.99
          • Scoop Away Cat Litter, 25 lb - $8.59 - $8.59

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 7/11/19 – 7/17/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 6/27/19 – 7/3/19 Wed, 26 Jun 2019 13:56:47 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 27th or Wednesday, June 26th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 6/27/19 – 7/3/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 27th or Wednesday, June 26th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1 - $5.93 - $2.96
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Air Wick Freshmatic Refill Spray, 6.17 oz - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            $2/1 Air Wick Freshmatic Refill printable
            B1G1 Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Automatic Spray Refill, exp. 7/14/19 (SS 06/16/19 R) [Max value $5.49; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $0.74
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            $1.50/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Twin Refill printable [twin]
            $1.25/1 Air Wick Scented Oil, exp. 7/14/19 (SS 06/16/19 R) [Triple or 5-ct. refill; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $1.24
          • Anchor Hocking Glass Food Storage Containers, ea - B1G1 - $10.49 - $5.24
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz, or Sheets, 144 - 200 ct - B1G1
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
          • Arnold Whole Grains Bread, 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Ball Park Meat Franks, 15 oz - B1G1
          • Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 8 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.69 - $2.84
            $1/2 Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breasts printable
            Final Price: $2.34 each wyb 2
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks, 9 - 19.2 oz - B1G1 - $5.65 - $2.82
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker™ Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot™, Fruit Gushers™...
            $1/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll Ups Fruit Flavored Snacks, Motts Fruit Flavored Snacks or Sunkist Fruit Flavored Snacks, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19)
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Bic Multipurpose Lighter, 1 ct - B1G1- $3.99 - $1.99
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz, or Cob Corn, 12 ct - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.89 - $1.44
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - B1G1 - $2.49 - $1.24
          • Capri Sun Juice Drink or Roarin' Waters or Sport, 10 pk - B1G1 - $2.91 - $1.45
          • Carbona Carpet Cleaner, 22 - 27.5 oz - B1G1 - $5.59 - $2.79
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - B1G1 - $4.28 - $2.14
          • Cherub Tomatoes, 10.5 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Chinet All Occasion Premium and Elegant, 90 ct, or Classic White Dinner Napkins, 40 ct - B1G1
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
          • Chinet Classic White Plates or Platters, 24 - 72 ct - B1G1 - $6.99 - $3.49
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            $2/2 Chinet Classic White Cut Crystal, Comfort Cup Products printable [new signups only]
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.13 - $1.06
          • Crave Premium Natural Dog Food, 12.5 oz - B1G1 - $1.95 - $0.97
          • Crunch Pak Apple Slices, 12 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Del Monte Fresh Guacamole, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Dial Body Wash, 15 oz, or Bar Soap, 2 - 3 pk - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Emerald Mixed Nuts, Cashews, Virginia Peanuts, or Pecans, 5 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Eternal Spring Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Fiber One Bars, 8.2 - 14.1 oz -b1 - $7.49 - $3.74
          • French's Classic Yellow Mustard, 14 oz - B1G1
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.29 - $2.64
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk - B1G1 - $6.99 - $3.49
          • General Mills Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 7.5 - 8.75 oz - B1G1 - $2.90 - $1.45
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BAGS any 3.7 OZ. OR LARGER Chex Mix™, Chex Mix™ Muddy Buddies™, Chex Mix™ Popped™, Bugles™?
            $1/2 Chex Mix, Chex Mix Muddy Buddies, Chex Mix Popped, Bugles Corn Snacks or Gardettos Snack Mix, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [3.7-oz.+]
            $0.50/2 Chex Mix, Chex Mix Muddy Buddies, Chex Mix Popped, Bugles Corn Snacks or Gardettos Snack Mix, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19) [3.7-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.95 each wyb 2
          • Gia Russa Select Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz, or Pesto, 6.3 oz - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
          • Glad ClingWrap, 200 sq ft - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Glad Containers with Lids, 3 - 8 ct - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Glad Press'n Seal Wrap, 70 sq ft - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Glad Storage or Freezer Bags, 30 - 50 ct - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Bars or Squares, 9 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream or Sorbet, 14 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans with Lids, 1 - 4 ct - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 24 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            $1/1 Hellmann's Mayonnaise, exp. 7/21/19 (SS 06/23/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Hershey's Candy Bars, 6 ct - B1G1
            $1/2 Hershey's Milk Chocolate, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 06/23/19) [6-pack.]
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Kellogg's Eggo Pancakes or French Toast Sticks, 12.6 - 15.4 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Kellogg's Krave Cereal, 17.3 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.89 - $2.94
            $1/2 Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Frosted Mini-Wheats Little Bites, Krave or Kellogg's Frosted Flakes printable
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereal, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 06/16/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 17.3 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.89 - $2.94
            $1/2 Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Frosted Mini-Wheats Little Bites, Krave or Kellogg's Frosted Flakes printable
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereal, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 06/16/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 16.9 - 19.1 oz - B1G1 - $5.89 - $2.94
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereal, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 06/16/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 17.3 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.89 - $2.94
            $1/2 Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Frosted Mini-Wheats Little Bites, Krave or Kellogg's Frosted Flakes printable
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereal, exp. 7/28/19 (RMN 06/16/19 R) [8.4-oz.+; Limit 4]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 12 - 16 lb - B1G1 - $14.99 - $7.49
          • Klondike Ice Cream Bars, 11 - 27 oz - B1G1 - $6.25 - $3.12
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Kraft Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 75 - 80 ct - B1G1 - $4.89 - $2.49
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 6.3 lb - B1G1 - $10.29 - $5.14
          • Morningstar Farms Veggie Entrees, 5.25 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.60 - $2.30
            Save $1.00 on any TWO MorningStar Farms Veggie Foods Products
            Final Price: $1.89 each wyb 2
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Mueller's Pasta or Lasagna, 8 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.34 - $1.17
          • Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams, Original Grahams, Grahamfuls, or Go Bites, 7 - 14.4 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $1/2 Honey Maid Grahams, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19) [14-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.08 - $2.04
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 2
          • Nathan's Famous Skinless Beef Franks, 10 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $3.09
          • Nature Valley Bars, Squares, Cups, or Snack Mix, 12 - 17.8 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $3.74
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups...
            $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [5-ct.+]
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19) [5-ct.+]
            Final Price: $3.24 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Outshine Fruit Bars, 9.9 - 18 oz - B1G1
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 12.6 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO (2) Old El Paso™ products (excludes Old El Paso™ seasoning, refrigerated, and produce products).
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Ore-Ida Potatoes, 20 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.40 - $1.70
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks or Cheese Wieners, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Pace Salsa, Picante Sauce, or Queso Blanco Dip, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
          • Pedigree Dentastix Snack Food for Dogs, 5.26 - 6.07 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 13 - 16.3 oz - B1G1
          • Planters NUT-rition Mix, 5.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 11.2 - 21 oz - B1G1 - $2.77
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Pringles Potato Crisps, 4.5 - 5.96 oz - B1G1 - $.83 - $0.91
            $0.35/1 Pringles Wavy, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [130-g.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $0.56
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - B1G1 - $5.11 - $2.55
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, per lb - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Publix Small Shrimp Platter, 10 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $4.49
          • Purina Beneful Simple Goodness Dog Food, 12 ct - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
            Save $2.00 on ONE (1) 6 ct or 12 ct Variety Pack of Purina Beneful Wet Dog Food, any variety
            Final Price: $2.09
          • Quaker Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 15.4 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $4.76 - $2.38
          • Quaker Life Cereal, 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.76 - $2.38
            $1/2 Quaker Life Cereal or Chewy Granola Bars, exp. 7/7/19 (SS 05/19/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.88 each wyb 2
          • Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal, 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.76 - $2.38
          • Right Guard Xtreme Antiperspirant, 2.6 - 4 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Sabra Hummus, 10 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
            $1/2 Siggi's Yogurt printable
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Smart Balance Buttery Spread, Spray, or Sticks, 7.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Smithfield Boneless Ham Steak, per lb - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces, 22 - 28 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
            $1/3 Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/19/19 R)
            $1/4 Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/19/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.24 each wyb 3
          • Tone Body Wash, 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 90 ct - B1G1
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice or Juice Beverage, 6 pk - B1G1 - $4.95 - $2.47
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets or Bites, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Colossal White Shrimp, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 15 oz - B2G1
          • GreenWise LunchMeats, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50 - $5.50
          • GreenWise Sockeye Salmon Fillets, per lb - $12.99 - $12.99
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
            3 lb or more
          • Halibut Select Cuts, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Mild or Hot Italian Pork Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Back Ribs, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix St. Louis Style Pork Spareribs, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Spiny Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 8 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Apricots, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Broccoli, bunch - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Giorgio Stuffed Mushroom, 8.5 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Hothouse Cucumber, ea - $1.67 - $1.67
          • Kabob Sensations Vegetable Kabobs, 23 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Marie's Coleslaw Dressing, 12 oz - Prices Vary
            FREE Publix Coleslaw, 16 oz, wyb 1.
          • Nectarines, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Blueberries, pt - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Cotton Candy Grapes, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Gala Apples, 2 lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Grape Tomatoes, per lb - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Pero Family Farms Sliced Vegetables, 14 - 15 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Rock Garden Organic Basil, 2 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Russet Baking Potatoes, per lb - $0.69 - $0.69
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice or Juice Blend, Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz- $3.00 - $3.00
          • Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.25 - $0.25
          • Sweet Long Peppers, 1 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Boar's Head Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Cracked Pepper Mill Turkey Brioche, ea - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Salad, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • King's Hawaiian Rolls, 12 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Bear Claw Pastry, 6 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59 - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.79 - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Parmesan Pesto Garlic Baguette, 8 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Berry Salad, 11 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Smoky Park Smoked Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $8.89 - $8.89
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            $1/1 Folgers Product printable
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $2.96 each wyb 4
          • Dunkin Donuts Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            $2/2 Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Products, exp. 7/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes dunkin' donuts cold brew]
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Gatorade Recover Whey Protein Bar, 2.8 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Green Mountain or Donut Shop Coffee, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Bars or Squares, 4.4 - 6.15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Hunt's or Ro-Tel Tomatoes, 10 - 14.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/3 Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 06/23/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Lay's French Onion Dip, 23 - 24 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie, 4 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
            $0.50/1 Lenny Larry Cookies, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 05/05/19) [4-oz.]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • McCormick Gourmet Spices, 0.18 - 2.52 oz or 2 ct - 25% OFF
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Oreo Thins, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/23/19 R) [3.5-oz.+,]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.61 each wyb 2
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk 16.9 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Tostitos Dip or Salsa, 23 - 24 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Almond Breeze Almond Milk, 64 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cabot Cheese Bar, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, gal - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Kraft Singles, 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Crescents, Cinnamon or Danish Rolls, or Sweet Biscuits, 12.4 - 13.9 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.84 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Stonyfield Organic Yogurt, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Marie Callender's Pie, 24.5 - 42 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Stouffer's Fit Kitchen, Bowl-Fuls, or Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Air Wick VIP Toilet Spray, 1.85 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 8 giant or 6 dbl rolls - $10.49 - $10.49
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent Action Pacs, 20 - 37 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega rolls - $10.49 - $10.49
          • Charmin Flushablow Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 16.2 - 19.4 oz - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 44 - 51 oz or 120 ct, or Booster, 7.2 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 6/29/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [48+ load enhancer; 105-ct.+; 5.7-oz.; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Gain Flings, 12 - 16 ct - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Detergent, or Gain Powder, exp. 7/6/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [12-ct. to 14-ct. flings; Excludes fireworks, gain flings 9-ct.-; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Gain, 59 - 52.9 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Detergent, or Gain Powder, exp. 7/6/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [12-ct. to 14-ct. flings; Excludes fireworks, gain flings 9-ct.-; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 50 - 75 sq ft - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz, or Toilet Cleaning Gel, 1 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
            Save $1.00 on ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Product
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaning Product
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner Product, exp. 7/20/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [Limit 2]
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [Limit 2]
          • Tide Pods, 12 - 16 ct - $5.00 - $5.00
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 6/29/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $3.00

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 6/27/19 – 7/3/19 appeared first on

          Quinoa Summer Salad Recipe Tue, 18 Jun 2019 17:19:58 +0000 I originally published this Quinoa Summer Salad Recipe a few years ago. It is still a family favorite and I especially love making it in the summer when veggies are freshest and have the most flavor. It’s so easy to make and looks so good! This Quinoa Summer Salad recipe carries on my love for […]

          The post Quinoa Summer Salad Recipe appeared first on


          I originally published this Quinoa Summer Salad Recipe a few years ago. It is still a family favorite and I especially love making it in the summer when veggies are freshest and have the most flavor. It’s so easy to make and looks so good!

          This Quinoa Summer Salad recipe carries on my love for all things Quinoa.  Quinoa is a grain that is high in protein, iron, magnesium and potassium.  A one cup serving of quinoa has 222 calories, 8 g of protein, 39 g of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fiber!  (One cup equals one serving of protein!) When I make quinoa, typically I will make more than one meal’s worth of quinoa.  I will then refrigerate the cooked quinoa and use it in additional recipes.

          Many of you have asked me where I get my quinoa.  I usually order it on Amazon or Vitacost.  I will often compare the prices on both websites and order wherever I can get the best deal!

          This salad below is perfect for summer (or all year round eating).  It is light and relies on fresh flavors like basil, lemon, tomatoes and green onions!  If you make any variations to the recipe below, I would love to hear what you made and how it turns out!

          Below is the homemade dressing for this salad (recipe is below)
          How amazing do these salad ingredients look? (recipe is below)


          Go HERE to see my Apple Quinoa Bites Recipe

          Go HERE to see my Quinoa with Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Red Onion Recipe (Gluten-Free)

          Go HERE to see additional Recipes posted on Addicted to Saving

          The recipe has been adapted from The Garden Grazer

          The post Quinoa Summer Salad Recipe appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 6/20/19 – 6/26/19 Tue, 18 Jun 2019 16:25:58 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 20th or Wednesday, June 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 6/20/19 – 6/26/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 20th or Wednesday, June 19th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • American Flatbread Pizza, 15.5 - 17.1 oz - B1G1 - $9.25 - $4.62
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC Cola, 8 pk btls - B1G1
          • Arnold Sandwich Thins Rolls - B1G1 - $4.25 - $2.14
          • Ball Park Beef or Turkey Franks, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, pt, or Pint Slices, 9 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.95 - $2.97
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz - B1G1 - $6.81 - $3.40
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.79 - $2.39
          • Boston Market Home Style Meals, 13 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Butterball Turkey Burgers, 32 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $4.49
          • Celentano Pasta or Eggplant Parmigiana, 12.5 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 7 - 9.25 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk btls - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Cole's Bread, 10.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
            $1.00/2 printable
          • Community Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1 - $8.69 - $4.34
          • Duke's Mayo, 32 oz - B1G1- $4.18 - $2.09
          • Edy's Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt - B1G1
          • Essentia Purified Drinking Water, 1 L - B1G1
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 36 - 54 ct - B1G1 - $12.39 - $6.19
          • Finish Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz or 3 ct - B1G1
          • Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Aid, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Flatout Bread, 6 - 11.2 oz - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Freschetta Pizza, 16.77 - 30.88 oz - B1G1 - $10.49 - $5.24
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Godiva Instant Pudding, 3.6 - 4.51 oz - B1G1 - $2.49 - $1.24
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets or Popcorn Shrimp, 14 - 25.4 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $3.74
          • GreenWise Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
          • Hydroponic Butter Lettuce, ea - B1G1
          • Idahoan Potatoes 1.5 - 5.11 oz or 4 pk - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Jell-O Instant Pudding or Gelatin - B1G1 - $2.49 - $1.24
          • Jell-O Play Gelatin Slime Mix, 14.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $3.09
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
          • Kraft Pasta Sides, 8 - 9.25 oz - B1G1 - $2.49 - $1.24
          • Lindsay California Olive Oil, 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $7.69 - $3.84
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, 36 - 40 oz - B1G1 - $12.29 - $6.14
          • Nature's Own Buns or Rolls, 8 ct - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt, 4 pk or 8 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.39
          • Pedigree Food for Dogs, 18 ct - B1G1 - $10.29 - $5.14
          • Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Bread, 22 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, Simply Ground, or Peanut & Honey Spread, 13 - 16.3 oz - B1G1 - $3.57 - $1.78
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries or Scrambles, 4 - 6 ct - B1G1 - $2.62 - $1.31
          • Powerade Sports Drink, 8 pk - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz - B1G1 - $2.69 - $1.34
          • Publix Bakery Muffins, 4 ct - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Publix Pork Loin Tenderloins Boneless or Butterflied, per lb - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Quaker Popped Rice Snacks, 6.06 - 7.04 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - B1G1
            $0.60/1 Sargento Reserve Series Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 7/29/19 (SS 06/02/19)
          • Scotties Facial Tissues, 54 - 110 ct - B1G1 - $1.55 - $0.77
          • Snyder's of Hanover Pretzel Pieces, 10 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breast or Thighs, per lb - B1G1 - $6.79 - $3.39
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Suave Antiperspirant/Deodorant, 2.6 - 2.7 oz - B1G1 - $2.23 - $1.11
          • Thomas' Bagel Thins, 8 ct - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Tyson Any'tizers Chicken, 22 - 28.05 oz - B1G1 - $9.49 - $4.74
          • Vanity Fair Napkins, 40 - 100 ct - B1G1 - $2.89 - $1.44
          • White House Apple Juice, 64 oz - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
          • White House Apple Sauce, 6 pk - B1G1
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies, 8.3 - 10.7 oz - B1G1 - $2.92 - $1.46
            $1/2 M&M's Brand Chocolate Candies, exp. 8/11/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [8-oz.+]
            $1/2 M&M's, Snickers, Dove or Twix Candies, exp. 7/7/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8-oz.+; DND]
            Final Price: $0.96 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Fun Size Candy, 10 - 10.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
            $1/1 Butterfinger Crunch, Baby Ruth or 100 Grand Fun Size Bag or Minis Bag Product, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 04/07/19) [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.99
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 50 ct - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            Final Price: $1.04
          • Ragu Sauce, 14 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
            $1/2 Ragu Sauce printable
            $1/2 Ragu Sauce printable [16-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.24 each wyb 2
          • Softsoap Body Wash, 15 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
            $0.75/1 Softsoap Brand Body Wash printable [15-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz - B1G1 - $3.88 - $1.94
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.56 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley Bars, 6.2 - 8.94 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.39
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups...
            $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [5-ct.+]
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix or Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites, exp. 8/3/19 (SS 06/09/19) [5-ct.+]
            Save 50¢ when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, OR Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites.
            Stack With $0.25/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals Cheerios Cereals, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 11.5 - 15.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Strawberry Krispies Cereal printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 4
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.3 oz - B1G1 - $4.69 - $2.34
            $2/4 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals printable
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals or Bars or Bites, exp. 6/23/19 (RMN 05/12/19) [10.5-oz.+; 5.28-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Special K Cereals or Bars or Bites, exp. 6/23/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [10.5-oz.+; 5.28-oz.+]
            $1/2 Kellogg's All-Bran, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Crispix, Mueslix, Rice Krispies, Special K, Smart Start, Kellogg's Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran Cereals, exp. 7/14/19 (RMN 06/02/19) [10.3-oz.+,]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.84 each wyb 2
          • Simply Protein Crispy or Baked Bars, 4 pk - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
            $1/1 SimplyProtein Crispy Bar or Baked Bar, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 06/09/19 R) [4-ct.; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Annie's Homegrown Macaroni & Cheese, 4.02 - 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.65 - $2.32
            $0.50/2 Annie's Mac & Cheese Products printable
            $1/4 Annie's Mac & Cheese, exp. 7/27/19 (SS 06/02/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.08 each wyb 2
          • Luigi's Real Italian Ice, 24 - 36 oz - B1G1 - $5.95 - $2.97
            $0.75/1 Luigis Boxes of Real Italian Ice, exp. 7/18/19 (SS 06/16/19)
            Final Price: $2.32
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $5.83 - $2.91
            $1/2 Chobani Yogurt Tubes, Tubs and Savor Toppers, exp. 6/22/19 (SS 05/19/19) [multi-packs; 32-oz.; Limit 1 coupon per person]
            Final Price: $2.41 each wyb 2
          • Chobani Savor, 14 oz ($2.99) - $1.49
            $1/2 Chobani Yogurt Tubes, Tubs and Savor Toppers, exp. 6/22/19 (SS 05/19/19) [multi-packs; 32-oz.; Limit 1 coupon per person]
            Final Price: $0.99 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers, 10 - 18 ct - B1G1 - $6.49 - $3.24
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.87 each wyb 2
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 6 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $3.74
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shells Product, exp. 7/19/19 (SS 05/19/19) [6-oz. to 7-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.24
          • 26/30 ct Extra Large Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Aprons Seasoned Beef Fajita Mix, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Aprons Seasoned Chicken Fajita Mix, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Aprons Shrimp Scampi Cook-In-Bag Dinner, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Flank Steak, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • GreenWise Angus Tenderloin Steaks, per lb - $16.99 - $16.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Jennie-O 93% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Jimmy Dean Bacon, 16 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Lean Ground Beef Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.69 - $4.69
          • Publix Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Rock Crab Claws, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Top Sirloin Filets, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Broccoli, 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Crunchies Freeze Dried Fruit, 0.8 - 1 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Hero Gala Snack Apples, 2 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Hothouse Cucumber, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Mango, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Organic Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Publix Orange Juice, 1 gal - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Petite Red Potatoes, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.69 - $2.69
          • Publix Sliced Pre-Washed White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Yogurt Parfait, ea - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Russet Potatoes, per lb - $0.69 - $0.69
          • Sugar Kiss Melon, ea - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.30 - $0.30
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, Ruby Red Grapefruit, or Trop50 Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.19 - $1.19
          • Marie's Salad Dressing or Vinaigrette, 11.5 - 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 Marie's Dressing printable
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Eat Smart Vegetables, 10 - 12 oz - B2G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
            Final Price: $2.39 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Brewed Black Tea, 57 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Boar's Head Double Play Combo - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Chip Brookies or Chocolate Chip Brownies, 4 ct - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette, 8.5 oz - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Boar's Head Domestic Provolone Cheese, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • GreenWise Oven Roasted Chicken - $7.59 - $7.59
          • GreenWise Ravioli, 9 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, 16 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Breakfast Bread, 20 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Chantilly Cake, 44 oz - $19.99 - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Round Triple Berry Tart, 18 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Publix Bakery Small Blueberry Pie, 12 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Crumbled Cheese, 4 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Blue Cheese, 4.4 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Italian Whole Sub, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Mixed Berry Salad, 11 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Raspberry Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Salami, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Slab Ribs - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Soup, 16 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad, 16 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Strawberry & Glazed Pecan Salad, 11 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Traditional Greek Salad, 17 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Popcorners Popped-Corn Snack, 7 oz - B2G1 - $4.09 - $4.09
            Final Price: $2.72 each wyb 3
          • A Taste of Thai Peanut Satay Sauce - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Bumble Bee Chunk White Albacore Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Frito Lay Snacks, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • GreenWise Granola - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Honey, 8 or 16 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Bars or Squares, 4.4 - 6.15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Keebler Cookies, 6 - 15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Kinder Joy Sweet Cream, 3 pk - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Maxwell House Ground Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz, or K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Newman's Own Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Fruit Squeeze, 12 pk - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Tabasco Pepper or Buffalo Style Hot Sauce, 5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • VeeTee Rice, 9.9 - 10.6 oz - B1G1
          • Welch's Jam, Jelly, or Spread, or Farmer's Pick Spread, 17 - 30 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables printable [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.88 each wyb 4
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93 - $5.93
            Final Price: $2.96 each wyb 4
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1 - $6.14 - $6.14
            Final Price: $4.09 each wyb 3
          • Daisy Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Daisy Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Cracker Barrel or Kraft Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Nellie's Free Range Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt Lil Tub, 4.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Organic Valley Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Mozzarella String Cheese, 12 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Quaker Oats Oat Beverage, 48 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Sweet Loren's Place & Bake Cookie Dough, 12 - 16 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Welch's Juice or Juice Beverage, 64 oz, or Refreshingly Simple, 59 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • International Delight Gourmet Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 International Delight Creamer printable [sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Devour Frozen Entrees, 9 - 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Fruit, 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nestle Drumstick Frozen Dairy Dessert Cones, 18.1 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 6.49 - 10.5 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entrees, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Energizer Batteries, select - 25% OFF
          • Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 48 - 56 oz - $2.50
          • Hefty Slider Bags Value Packs, 25 - 40 ct - $2.50
          • Suavitel Fabric Softener or Conditioner, 135 oz - $5.99
          • Swiffer Dusters, 3 - 5 ct - $4.00
          • Swiffer Sweeper Cloths Refills, 10 - 16 ct - $4.00
          • Tide, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
          • Palmolive Dish Soap, 20 oz - $2.00
            $0.25/1 Palmolive Fusion Clean Dish Liquid printable [20-oz.+]
            $0.50/1 Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 06/16/19 R) [18-oz.+; Limit 24 per hour]
            $1/2 Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquids, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 06/16/19 R) [18-oz.+; Limit 24 per hour]
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Product printable [20-oz.+]
          • Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Aerosol, 6.2 oz - B2G1 - $5.49 - $5.49
            Final Price: $3.66 each wyb 3
          • Gain Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 6/29/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [48+ load enhancer; 105-ct.+; 5.7-oz.; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
          • Bounce Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Detergent or Tide Simply Pods, Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 7/18/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [31-oz.+; 60-ct.; 6.4-oz.; Includes Dreft Blissfuls, Bounce Bursts, and Downy Unstopables; Excludes tide detergent, tide pods, gain fireworks, downy libre enjuague; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
          • Downy Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Detergent or Tide Simply Pods, Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 7/18/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [31-oz.+; 60-ct.; 6.4-oz.; Includes Dreft Blissfuls, Bounce Bursts, and Downy Unstopables; Excludes tide detergent, tide pods, gain fireworks, downy libre enjuague; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $5.50 - $5.50
            $1/1 Sparkle Paper Towels printable [6-roll+]
            Final Price: $4.50
          • All Detergent, 88 oz or 39 ct - $5.98 - $5.98
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 7/20/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [Excludes trial sizes]
            $2/2 all or Snuggle Products, exp. 7/14/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [Excludes trial sizes]
            Final Price: $4.98
          • Purex, 128 - 150 oz or 45 ct - $5.98 - $5.98
            $0.50/1 Purex Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent printable
            Final Price: $5.48
          • Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue printable
            $1/2 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 7/16/19 (RMN 06/16/19 R) [6 Double Roll or Larger]
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 6/19/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [6 Double Roll or Larger]
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 7/16/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [6 Double Roll or Larger]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 6/29/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Gain Flings, exp. 7/6/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [31-ct.+; Excludes fireworks, gain laundry detergent; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Gain Scent Booster, 20.1 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 6/29/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [48+ load enhancer; 105-ct.+; 5.7-oz.; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Downy Scent Booster, 20.1 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $1/1 Tide Simply Detergent or Tide Simply Pods, Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 7/18/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [31-oz.+; 60-ct.; 6.4-oz.; Includes Dreft Blissfuls, Bounce Bursts, and Downy Unstopables; Excludes tide detergent, tide pods, gain fireworks, downy libre enjuague; ETS; Limit 1 identical coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Align Probiotic Supplement, 21 - 42 ct - $3.00 OFF
            Save $2.00 ONE Align Probiotic Supplement Product (excludes trial/travel size)
            $2/1 Align Probiotic Supplement, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Aveeno Skin Care Products, Body Wash, or Wipes, select - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Boost Nutritional Drinks - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $2/1 Boost Drinks, exp. 6/23/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Multipack; Limit of 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back; DND]
          • Colgate Max Toothpaste, 6 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Colgate Toothbrush, 1 - 4 ct - 25% OFF
          • Dial Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Gatorade Recover Whey Protein Bar, 2 - 2.8 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Maui Moisture Hair Care Products, 4.2 - 13 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Metamucil, 15 - 36.8 oz or 160 ct - $3.00 OFF
            Save $2.00 on ONE Metamucil Fiber Thins (excludes trial/travel sizes).
            Save $2.00 on ONE Metamucil Fiber Supplement Product (excludes Fiber Thins and trial/travel size).
          • Oral-B Toothbrush, 2 - 4 ct, or Glide Floss, 2 - 3 ct - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, 7.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Suave Hair Care Products, 28 - 32 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Crest ProHealth or 3D White Toothpaste, 4.8 - 6.3 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 6/29/19 (RMN 06/16/19) [3-oz.; Excludes 4.6-oz. crest cavity, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids and trial/travel]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Listerine Mouthwash, 1.5 L, or Total Care or Ultraclean, 1 L - $6.59 - $6.59
            $1/1 Listerine Mouthrinse or Listerine Ready! Tabs, exp. 7/13/19 (RMN 06/02/19) [800-ml.+; 8-ct.+]
            Final Price: $5.59
          • Always Infinity, Radiant, Ultra, Thin, or Maxi Pads, 18 - 46 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
            $1/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Ultra, or Maxi Pads, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [11-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
            $1/1 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [18-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Gerber Graduate Yogurt or Fruit & Veggie Melts, 1 oz, or Yogurt Blends, 4 pk - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pampers Baby Wipes, 112 - 216 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Pampers Diapers, 51 - 112 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3.00/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            $3/1 Pampers or Luvs Diapers, exp. 6/30/19 (Publix Stocking Spree Single Page Insert, 6/2 Newspapers) [52-112-ct. boxes; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Enfamil Infant Formula Powder or Enfagrow Toddler Transitions or Next Step Milk, 19.5 - 31.4 oz - $10.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Plum Organics Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $1.79 - $1.79
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 3
          • Fresh Step Cat Litter, 22.5 - 25 lb, or Lightweight Litter, 15.4 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Purina ONE Cat Food, 7 lb - $10.99 - $10.99
            $1/1 Purina One Dry Cat Food, exp. 6/28/19 (SS 04/28/19) [2.8-lb.+; Limit 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Food, 12 - 14 oz - $14.99 - $14.99
            $2/1 Nutrish Super Premium Dry Food For Dogs printable
            $3/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Product, exp. 7/7/19 (SS 05/05/19) [3-lb.+]
            Final Price: $11.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 6/20/19 – 6/26/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 6/13/19 – 6/19/19 Tue, 11 Jun 2019 13:57:00 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 13th or Wednesday, June 12th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

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          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 13th or Wednesday, June 12th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00
          • Dove Men+Care Antiperspirant/Deodorant, 2.7 - 3 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Dove Men+Care Body Wash, 13.5 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
            $1/1 Dove Men+Care Bar or Body Wash Product, exp. 6/23/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [ETS]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Dove Men+Care Hair Care, 12 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
            $2/1 Dove Men+Care Hair Care Product, exp. 6/23/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [ETS]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Shampoo or Conditioner, 22 oz, or Stylers, 9 - 10.5 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Tresemme Shampoo or Conditioner, 28 oz, or Stylers, 11 oz- $4.00
            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Bai Antioxidant Infusion Beverage, Cocofusion, or Bai Bubbles Sparkling Antioxidant Infusion, 11.5 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $2.05 - $1.02
          • Barilla Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $1.73 - $0.86
          • Bear Naked Granola, 11 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
          • Betty Crocker Brownie Mix, 16 - 19.1 oz - B1G1 - $2.59 - $1.39
          • Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad Pasta, 6.2 - 8.3 oz - B1G1 - $2.35 - $1.17
          • Blink Revitalens Solution, 10 oz - B1G1 - $9.99 - $4.99
            $3/1 Blink Revitalens Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution printable
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Bob Evans Breakfast Sandwiches, 14.6 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Brookside Dark Chocolate, 5 - 7 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Buitoni Pasta, 9 oz - B1G1 - $2.69 - $1.34
          • Callaway Blue Spring Water, 12 pk 0.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
            $1/2 Cape Cod Waves, exp. 6/19/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [7.5-oz.+, Limit one coupon per transaction]
            Stack With FREE Cape Cod Chips wyb (2) Coca-Cola Products, exp. 6/21/19 (Publix Green Grocery Flyer) [Cape Cod 7-oz. to 8-oz.; Coca-Cola 6-pk. 7.5-oz. cans]
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Clasico Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Complete Multi-Purpose Solution, 12 oz - B1G1 - $9.99 - $4.99
          • Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.13 - $1.06
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
            $1/1 Eight O Clock Coffee printable
            Final Price: $3.09
          • Entenmann's Loaf Cake, 11.5 - 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.89 - $2.44
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals Cheerios Cereals, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO (2) BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese's Puffs, Chex™, Cocoa Puffs™, Trix™, Cookie Crisp™, Golden Grahams™, Kix™, Fiber One™, Wheaties™, Raisin Nut Bran, Total
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Gevalia Iced Coffee, 32 oz - B1G1 - $9.55 - $4.77
          • Gevalia Kaffee Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct - B1G1 - $9.55 - $4.77
          • GoGo Squeez Applesauce On The Go, 4 pk - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Good Humor Ice Cream Bars, 6 ct - B1G1
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 4 pk - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Handi-Foil Pans, Cookie Sheets, or Storage Containers, 1 - 5 ct - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Hellmann's Real Ketchup, 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $1/1 Hellman's Real Ketchup, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [14-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.79
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! Spread or Spray, 8 - 16 oz or 2 pk - B1G1
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk, or Organics, 48 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
            $0.55/1 Juicy Juice Product, exp. 7/22/19 (SS 06/09/19) [Excludes 4-pk. juice boxes]
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Ken's Steak House or Simply Vinaigrette Dressing, 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $1/1 Ken's Simply Vinaigrette, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19)
            $1/2 Ken's Dressings, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19) [16-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.79
          • Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides, Ready to Heat, or Selects, 3.5 - 8.8 oz - B1G1 - $2.05 - $1.02
          • Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, 5.5 - 7.3 oz - B1G1 - $1.89 - $0.94
          • Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
          • Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz or 1 ct - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
            $0.75/1 Lysol Toilet Bowl Product, exp. 7/4/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Limit of 2 like coupons in same shopping trip]
            Final Price: $0.74
          • Lysol Wipes, 35 ct - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Made Coffee Cold Brew Coffee, 12 oz, or Cold Coffee Con Leche, 8 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
          • Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, 60 - 64 oz - B1G1 - $9.25 - $4.62
          • Morey's Fish Fillets, 10 oz - B1G1 - $9.99 - $4.99
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.08 - $2.04
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 2
          • Nadamoo Dairy-Free Frozen Dessert, 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
          • New York Texas Toast Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1 - $1.99 - $0.99
          • Northland 100% Juice, 64 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
            $1/2 Northland Juice printable
            Final Price: $1.49 each wyb 2
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.67 - $2.83
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks or Cheese Wieners, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Oscar Mayer Wieners, 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Pace Salsa, Picante Sauce, or Queso Blanco Dip, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 4.75 - 7.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Planters Cashews Halves & Pieces or Mixed Nuts, 8 - 10.3 oz - B1G1 - $7.33 - $3.66
          • Popsicle Ice Pops or Fudgsicles, 9 - 34.65 oz - B1G1 - $4.73 - $2.36
          • Progresso Bread Crumbs, 15 oz - B1G1 - $1.91 - $0.95
          • Publix Bakery Apple Coffee Cake, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunk, per lb - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Pure Leaf Tea, 6 pk - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz, or Pacs, 22 - 29 ct - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
            $0.50/1 Purex Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent printable
            Final Price: $2.57
          • Purina ONE Smartblend Adult Dog Food, 3 - 4 lb - B1G1 - $9.25 - $4.62
            $3/1 Purina One Dry Dog Food printable [Sign Up]
            $2/1 Purina One Smartblend Dry Dog Food, exp. 6/28/19 (SS 04/28/19) [2.8-lb.+; Limit 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.62
          • Ralston Family Farms Nature's Blend Rice, 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.79 - $2.39
          • Renuzit Snuggle Automatic Spray Refill, 6.17 oz, or Oil, 2 ct - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            $1.25/1 Renuzit Oils, exp. 7/2/19 (RMN 06/02/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Sabra Hummus, 10 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
            $1.50 off Sabra Hummus AND Stonefire Naan, Naan Dippers, Naan, Mini Naan or Naan Rounds, exp. 8/15/19 (SS 06/09/19) [10-oz.+; 2-pk.; 4-pk.]
          • Solo Plates, 30 - 94 ct, or Cups, 50 ct - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
          • Sticky Fingers Smokehouse Barbecue Sauce, 18 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
            $1/1 Sticky Fingers Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [Limit 2 like coupons in same shopping trip]
            Final Price: $0.54
          • SuperPretzel Soft Pretzels, 9 - 13.5 oz - B1G1 - $5.59 - $2.79
            $0.50/1 SuperPretzel Soft Pretzel Product printable
            $1/1 SuperPretzel Soft Pretzel Product, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 03/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.79
          • Swanson Broth or Cooking Stock, 32 oz - B1G1
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Tillamook Ice Cream, 1.75 qt - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.3 - 21.6 oz - B1G1 - $5.61 - $2.80
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 22.3 - 24.8 oz - B1G1
            Save $1.50 when you buy TWO PACKAGES any flavor 50 COUNT Totino's™ Pizza Rolls™ OR 125 COUNT Mini Snack Bites
            Save $1.50 when you buy TWO PACKAGES any flavor 50 COUNT Totino's™ Pizza Rolls™ OR 125 COUNT Mini Snack Bites ( Publix Digital Coupon)
          • Village Candle, 16 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $14.99 - $7.49
          • Vita Cold Smoked Nova Salmon, 8 oz - B1G1 - $10.29 - $5.14
          • Wonderful Shelled Pistachios, 6 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $3.74
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shells Product, exp. 7/19/19 (SS 05/19/19) [6-oz. to 7-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.24
          • Zatarain's Rice Sides, Side Dish, or Mixes, 1.75 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $2.79 - $1.39
          • 31/40 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 32 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Pork Tenderloin Meal Kit, 29 oz - $13.99 - $13.99
          • Boneless NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Boneless Thin-Sliced NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.29 - $8.29
          • Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.79 - $3.79
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Fillets, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Greenfield Lunch Kit, 2.9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Ground Round Burgers or Sliders, per lb - $4.69 - $4.69
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99 - $3.90
          • Maverick Ranch Organic Ground Beef 85% Lean, 16 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1
          • Oscar Mayer Cold Cuts, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66 - $3.66
          • Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breasts, 24 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast Product printable
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions or Perdue Harvestland Perfect Portions printable
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breast, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 04/28/19 R) [Perdue or Perdue Harvestland Brands]
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Smithfield Boneless Roast, 18.4 - 32 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Smithfield Center Cut Pork Chops, 18.4 - 32 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Smithfield Pork Tenderloin, 18.4 - 32 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Swordfish Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Blueberries, pt - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Envy Apples, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Florida's Natural Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Florida's Natural Orange Juice, 89 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Golden Kiss Melon, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt - $1.50 - $1.50
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Harvest Snap Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Hothouse Cucumber, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Limes, ea - $0.43 - $0.43
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Blueberries, 1 pt - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Gala Apples, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Strawberry & Glazed Pecan Salad - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Russet Baking Potatoes, per lb - $0.69 - $0.69
          • Simply Orange 100% Orange Juice or Lemonade, 11.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.30 - $0.30
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $1.19 - $1.19
          • White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Boar's Head Baby Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Roast Beef, per lb - $11.89 - $11.89
          • DaLallo Jumbo Seasoned Calamata Olives, 7 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Bakery Mini Blueberry Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • King's Hawaiian Rolls, 12 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Bakery Baguette, 8 oz - $1.89 - $1.89
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59 - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Lemon, Chocolate, or Vanilla, 44 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Meringue Pie, 29 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Small Blueberry Pie, 12 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Variety Creme Cake, 44 oz - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Imported Spanish Manchego Cheese, per lb - $14.99 - $14.99
          • Publix Deli Oven Roasted Chicken - $6.59 - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Proscuitto, 4 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Raspberry Tea or Lemonade, 1/2 gal - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Tuna Salad, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Stacy's Pita Thins, 6.75 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC Cola, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 16 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Bonne Maman Preserves, Jelly Marmalade, or Intense Fruit Spread, 8.2 - 13 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            $0.40/1 Bonne Maman Preserves and Jellies printable [13-oz.]
            Final Price: $2.70
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.93 - $5.93
          • Doritos, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut Chocolate, 1.3 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Kinder Joy Chocolate Egg, 0.7 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Maxwell House Ground Coffee, 10.5 - 11.5 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Oreo Thins, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Nutella & Go! Travel Pack, 1.8 - 1.9 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Pam Cooking Spray, 5 - 6 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Publix Seasoning Mix, 0.75 - 1.5 oz - 25% OFF
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Ruffles Potatoes Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Spice Island Spices, 0.14 - 5 oz - 25% OFF
          • Starkist Tuna Pouch, 2.6 - 3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Starkist Tuna, 4 pk - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Bays English Muffins, 6 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Breakstone's or Plugra Butter, 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Eggland's Best Eggs, 18 ct - $3.49 - $3.49
            $0.50/1 Eggland's Best Eggs, exp. 8/5/19 (SS 05/05/19)
            $0.35/1 Eggland's Best Eggs, exp. 8/5/19 (SS 05/05/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Elli Creamery German Style Quark, 5.3 - 6 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Kraft American Singles, 14.7 - 16 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Kraft Chunk Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Kraft Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls, 4 - 7.3 oz, or Grands! or Grands! Jr., 10.2 - 12 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            Final Price: $0.66 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Half & Half, 64 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6.5 - 7 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Silk Soymilk, Almondmilk, Coconutmilk or Cashewmilk, 64 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 Silk Almond Milk printable [1/2 gal., sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Starbucks Cold Brew Unsweetened Coffee, 32 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/2 Taco Bell Products, exp. 6/24/19 (SS 04/28/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Yoplait Go-Gurt Portable Yogurt, 8 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Yoplait Low Fat Yogurt, 8 pk - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entree, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entrees, 9.25 - 15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meal for Two, 22 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Meals for Two, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Sauce, 13.5 - 14.2 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Frozen Potatoes or Onion Rings, 16 - 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tyson Chicken or Steak, 20.5 - 32 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 big rolls - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Wipes, 168 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Flushable Wipes printable
            $0.50/1 Cottonelle Flushable Wipes, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [42-ct.+]
            Final Price: $5.94
          • Cottonelle Toilet Paper, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper printable
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper printable
            $0.50/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [6+ rolls]
            Final Price: $5.94
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 62 - 77 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
            $1/1 Tide Simply Detergent or Tide Simply Pods, Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 7/18/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [31-oz.+; 60-ct.; 6.4-oz.; Includes Dreft Blissfuls, Bounce Bursts, and Downy Unstopables; Excludes tide detergent, tide pods, gain fireworks, downy libre enjuague; ETS]
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Downy or Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
            $1/1 Tide Simply Detergent or Tide Simply Pods, Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Downy Sheets or In-Wash Scent Boosters, exp. 7/18/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [31-oz.+; 60-ct.; 6.4-oz.; Includes Dreft Blissfuls, Bounce Bursts, and Downy Unstopables; Excludes tide detergent, tide pods, gain fireworks, downy libre enjuague; ETS]
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Gain Flings, 20 ct - $6.00 - $6.00
            $1/1 Gain Flings, Gain Liquid Detergent, or Gain Powder, exp. 7/6/19 (RMN 06/09/19) [12-ct. to 14-ct. flings; Excludes fireworks, gain flings 9-ct.-; ETS]
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Method All Purpose Cleaner, 28 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Method Dish Soap, 18 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 35 - 75 sq ft - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Scrub Daddy or Scour Daddy Sponges, 1 - 3 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 100 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Tide Pods, 20 ct - $6.00 - $6.00
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 6/29/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Tide, 46 - 50 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Vanity Fair Hand Towels, 45 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Vanity Fair Napkins, 80 - 200 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, 14 - 20 lb - $7.99 - $7.99
            $2/1 Arm & Hammer Cat Litter printable
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Fancy Feast Gourmet Cat Food, 3 oz - $0.65 - $0.65
            $1/24 Purina Fancy Feast Gourmet Cat Food, exp. 6/28/19 (SS 04/28/19) [(24) 3-oz. cans; (1) 24-ct. variety pack; Limit 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $0.61 each wyb 24

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 6/13/19 – 6/19/19 appeared first on

          $2 off Studio by Tide Darks + Colors (57% off at Target) Mon, 10 Jun 2019 18:00:37 +0000 This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. Have you tried new Studio by Tide Darks + Colors detergent? The majority of my clothes are dark colors. My favorite color to wear is black or navy blue. The rest of my family is more well-rounded. But they all […]

          The post $2 off Studio by Tide Darks + Colors (57% off at Target) appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

          Have you tried new Studio by Tide Darks + Colors detergent? The majority of my clothes are dark colors. My favorite color to wear is black or navy blue. The rest of my family is more well-rounded. But they all have lots of dark colors in their wardrobes. There is nothing worse than washing a dark shirt and then seeing that it’s deep, dark color is now faded. This has happened to 95% of my dark shirts and now I’m hoping that because of Studio by Tide Darks + Colors Detergent, my dark clothing will have a longer lifespan!

          Right now we can save $2.00 off one Tide Detergent OR Studio by Tide when you go HERE to brandSAVER. Simply login or create an account and you will then easily print your $2.00 off coupon. And if you shop at Target, scroll down for an awesome deal!

          The new Studio by Tide has the cleaning power of Tide but is formulated for the wellness of your favorite items. It fights against fading, stretching, losing shape and discoloration that can happen in the wash. (especially the wash of darker and/or colorful clothing!) Studio by Tide Delicates helps protect delicate fabrics such as silk, wool and lace from damage that can lead to pilling!

          Check: CVS Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.

          This is a new type of detergent. I found it at Target. I love Target’s Tide aisle because it’s an aisle of only Tide products! When looking for Studio by Tide Darks + Colors, remember that the detergent bottle is navy blue, not the typical red Tide bottle.

          This week at Target, when we purchase two 75 fl oz Tide Laundry Detergents (on sale for $11.99 each), we will receive a free $5.00 Target gift card! When factoring in the $2.00 printable coupons, we will get an awesome deal! See the scenario below (remember, prices are subject to change).

          Buy two Studio by Tide Darks + Colors, on sale $11.99 each
          Minus two $2.00 off Studio by Tide Darks + Colors coupons
          Total Due: $19.98 (before tax)
          Receive a $5.00 Target Gift Card. When factoring in the gift card, each bottle of detergent is only $7.49! They are regularly priced at $12.99

          Go HERE to print your $2.00 off one Tide Detergent OR Studio by Tide coupon.

          The post $2 off Studio by Tide Darks + Colors (57% off at Target) appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 6/6/19 – 6/12/19 Thu, 06 Jun 2019 12:51:04 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 6th or Wednesday, June 5th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 6/6/19 – 6/12/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, June 6th or Wednesday, June 5th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 41/50 ct Publix Medium Cooked Shrimp, 24 oz ($20.99) - $10.49 - $10.49
          • All Detergent, 32 - 40 oz, or Pacs, 19 - 24 ct ($4.85) - $2.42 - $2.42
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.42
          • Annie's Homegrown Ready to Bake Rolls or Biscuits, 8 - 17.5 oz - B1G1
          • Arnold Select Rolls, 8 ct ($3.59) - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Blue Diamond Almonds, 6 oz ($3.98) - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Boneless Pork Loin Roast, per lb ($5.29) - $2.64 - $2.64
          • Bumble Bee Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz ($3.39) - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Campari Tomatoes, 16 oz ($5.19) - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz ($3.79) - $1.89 - $1.89
            $1/2 Cape Cod Waves, exp. 6/19/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [7.5-oz.+, Limit one coupon per transaction]
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Capri Sun 100% Juice Blend or 100% Apple Juice, 10 pk ($4.09) - $2.04 - $2.04
          • Celentano Meatballs, 12 oz ($4.99) - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Clairol Nice 'n Easy, Nice 'n Easy Root Touch Up, or Natural Instincts Hair Color - $6.99 - $6.99
            Save $7.99 BUY 1 Clairol Nice 'n Easy, Permanent Root Touch-Up, or Natural Instincts, GET 1 FREE (excludes Natural Instincts Crema
            B1G1 Clairol Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 06/02/19) [Excludes natural instincts crema keratina hair color; Up to $7.99]
            B1G1 Clairol Nice 'n Easy or Permanent Root Touch-Up Hair Color, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 06/02/19) [Up to $7.99]
            Final Price: $3.49 each wyb 2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz ($5.65) - $2.82 - $2.82
          • Crystal Light Drink Mix, 10 - 12 qt or 4 - 10 ct ($3.59) - $1.79 - $1.79
          • De Cecco Pasta, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Delimex Taquitos, 21.6 - 23 oz ($5.99) - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Dole Fruit, 6 - 16 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Dole Frozen Products printable
            $1/1 Dole Frozen Product printable
          • Duncan Hines Cake Mix, 8.4 - 15.25 oz, Brownie Mix, 16.7 - 18 oz, or Perfect Size for One, 9.1 - 10.6 oz ($3.19) - $1.59 - $1.59
          • Eclipse or Orbit Gum, 40 - 60 ct ($3.69) - $1.84 - $1.84
          • Entenmann's Products, 2.75 - 20.5 oz ($6.99) - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Fresh Express Salad Blends or Kit, 5 - 13 oz ($4.39) - $2.19 - $2.19
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 10.5 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89 - $1.89
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reeses Puffs, Cocoa Purrs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Churros, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs, 10.5 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89 - $1.89
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reeses Puffs, Cocoa Purrs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Churros, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms 10.5 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89 - $1.89
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reeses Puffs, Cocoa Purrs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Churros, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix, 10.5 - 13.8 oz ($3.79) - $1.89 - $1.89
            Save $1.00 when you buy THREE BOXES any flavor General Mills cereal listed: Cheerios™ ? Cinnamon Toast Crunch™...
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reeses Puffs, Cocoa Purrs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Churros, exp. 7/13/19 (SS 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Glaceau Smatwater, 1.5 L ($2.79) - $1.39 - $1.39
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 18.2 - 24.5 oz ($7.49) - $3.74 - $3.74
          • Green Giant Steamers Vegetables, 11 - 12 oz ($2.39) - $1.19 - $1.19
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb ($7.89) - $3.94 - $3.94
          • Halo Top Ice Cream, 16 oz ($5.15) - $2.57 - $2.57
          • Hidden Valley Dressing, 14 - 16 oz ($3.69) - $1.84 - $1.84
          • Infusium Hair Care Products, 6 - 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62 - $4.62
          • Jif Peanut Butter, 28 oz ($5.15) - $2.57 - $2.57
          • Kellogg's Eggo Pancakes or French Toaster Sticks, 12.7 - 16.4 oz ($4.59) - $2.39 - $2.39
          • LavAzza Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct ($11.29) - $5.64 - $5.64
          • Lay's Family Size Potato Chips, 9.5 - 10 oz ($4.29) - $2.14 - $2.14
          • Magnum Ice Cream, 14.8 oz, or Bars, 9.12 - 11.1 oz ($6.15) - $3.07 - $3.07
            Save $0.75 on any ONE (1) Magnum Ice Cream Bar Multipack, 3 ct.
            Save $1.50 on any TWO (2) Magnum Ice Cream Bar Multipacks (3 ct. or larger)
            Final Price: $2.32
          • Mio Water Enhancers ($3.59) - $1.79 - $1.79
          • MorningStar Farms Veggie Entrees or Meal Starters, 5.25 - 18 oz ($7.65) - $2.83 - $3.82
            Save $1.00 on any TWO MorningStar Farms Veggie Foods Products
            Final Price: $3.32 each wyb 2
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 16 oz ($3.00) - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Nabisco Nilla Wafers, 11 oz ($4.25) - $2.14 - $2.14
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.75 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Variety Pack, Single Serve Trays, or Handi Snacks, 10 - 18 ct ($6.89) - $3.44 - $3.44
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.07 each wyb 2
          • Nature Valley or Fiber One Value Packs, 8.2 - 17.8 oz - B1G1
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups...
            Save 50¢ when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety 5 COUNT OR LARGER Nature Valley™ Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, OR Peanut or Almond Butter Granola Bites.
          • Near East Products, 1.9 - 10 oz ($2.49) - $1.24 - $1.24
          • Not Your Mother's Hair Care Products, 6 - 16 oz ($9.25) - $4.62 - $4.62
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail or 100% Juice Blend or Juice Drink, 101.4 oz ($5.75) - $2.87 - $2.87
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 14 oz ($4.09) - $2.04 - $2.04
            Save $1.00 when you buy TWO Old El Paso™ products (excludes Old El Paso™ seasoning, refrigerated, and produce products)
            Final Price: $1.54 each wyb 2
          • Oscar Mayer Wieners, 16 oz ($3.99) - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread, 16 - 24 oz - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm On The Go! Snacks, 8 - 10 ct ($5.99) - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Perdue Short Cuts Carved Chicken Breasts or Turkey, 8 - 9 oz ($4.99) - $2.49 - $2.49
            $1.50/3 Perdue Refrigerated Fully Cooked Chicken Products printable
            $1/2 Perdue Refrigerated Fully Cooked Chicken Product, exp. 6/21/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [Includes Perdue, Perdue Harvestland, Perdue Harvestland Organic and Perdue Simply Smart Brands]
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • Post Great Grains Cereal, 13.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Post Shredded Wheat or Grape Nuts, 15 - 20.5 oz - B1G1
          • Prego Sauce, 14 - 67 oz ($5.15) - $2.57 - $2.57
          • Publix Bakery Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz ($4.59) - $2.39 - $2.39
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb ($5.29) - $2.64 - $2.64
          • Publix Deli Chicken Breast or Turkey Club Salad, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz ($5.99) - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Purina Beneful Dog Food, 10 oz or 3 ct ($2.15) - $1.07 - $1.07
            B1G1 Purina Beneful Wet Dog Food printable [9-oz. to 1-oz. tub or 3-ct., 3-oz. sleeve]
            Final Price: $0.53 each wyb 2
          • Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong or Ultra Plush Bag Tissue, 6 dbl rolls ($5.55) - $2.77 - $2.77
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue printable
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 6/19/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [6 Double Roll or Larger]
            Final Price: $2.27
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 75 sq ft ($6.81) - $3.40 - $3.40
          • Rice-A-Roni or Pasta Roni Products, 1.9 - 10 oz ($2.49) - $1.24 - $1.24
          • Silk Oat Yeah Oatmilk, 64 oz ($4.69) - $2.34 - $2.34
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 12 pk ($6.89) - $3.44 - $3.44
            $1/1 Snack Well's Cookies printable
          • St Ives Body Wash, 13.5 oz ($2.55) - $1.27 - $1.27
          • The Laughing Cow Spreadable Cheese Wedges, 6 oz ($3.69) - $1.84 - $1.84
          • Toufayan Gluten Free Wrap, 11 oz ($4.09) - $2.04 - $2.04
          • Whole Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz ($6.15) - $3.07 - $3.07
            $1/1 Whole Fruit Fruit Bars Product, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/19/19)
            Final Price: $2.07
          • 20/40 ct Sea Scallops, per lb - $15.99 - $15.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit or Pork Tenderloin Meal Kit, 26.5 - 29 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Arpons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets or Bites, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Bacon Wrapped Gulf Shrimp, ea - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • CatFish Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50 - $5.50
          • Greenfield Hot Dogs, 13 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Hillshire Farm Deli Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Maverick 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79 - $5.79
          • Publix Pork Shoulder Country Style Bone-In Ribs, per lb - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Publix Pork Shoulder Country Style Boneless Ribs, per lb - $2.89 - $2.89
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Anjou Pears, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Blackberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 6 - 11 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Raw Cashews, 5.5 oz - 15% OFF
          • GreenWise Organic Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • GreenWise Tofu, 8 - 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Honeydew, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Hothouse Cucumbers, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Organic Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Organic Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Zucchini or Yellow Squash, 2 ct - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Pero Family Farms Sliced Peppers and Onions, 14 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Petite Red Potatoes, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Russet Baking Potatoes, per lb - $0.69 - $0.69
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.30 - $0.30
          • Tree-Ripened Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, Ruby Red Grapefruit, or Trop50 Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Salad, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Triple Play, ea - $8.99 - $8.99
            Includes: 1/3 lb Oven Gold Turkey, 1/3 lb Maple Honey Ham, and 1/3 lb White or Yellow American Cheese
          • Buitoni Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - B2G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Products printable
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Product, exp. 6/23/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons in the same shopping trip]
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 3
          • Don Juan Goat Cheese, 5.3 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Bear Claw Pastry, 2 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Donuts, 6 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.79 - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Bakery Layer Cakes, 7" - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Cookies Bites, 14 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Imported Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Publix Deli Panino Fingers, 5 - 6 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Seasoned Potato Wedges, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal, ea - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B2G1 - $3.79 - $3.79
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps products (7.2 oz. or larger)
            Final Price: $2.19 each wyb 3
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            $1/1 Folgers Product printable
            Final Price: $5.49
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 2 L - B2G2
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves Chips, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            Save $0.75 on any ONE Cheez-It Snap'd™
            $0.50/1 Cheez-It Snap'd Cheesy Baked Snacks, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [7.5-oz.; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks printable
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Donut Shop Coffee K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            $2/2 Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Products, exp. 7/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes dunkin' donuts cold brew]
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 32 oz, or Organic, 16.9 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • Green Mountain Coffee, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • GreenWise Flavored Sparkling Water, 17 oz - $0.79 - $0.79
          • GreenWise Organic Chocolate Syrup, 15.8 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Dried Fruit, 4 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Lemonade, 64 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Multigrain Squares or Bars, 4.4 - 6.15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Mustard, 12 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Snacks - 15% OFF
          • GreenWise Organic Snacks, 3.9 - 8.2 oz - 15% OFF
          • GreenWise Organic Unfiltered Apple Juice, 1 gal - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 8 ct - $1.66 - $1.66
            $3/5 Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries printable
            Final Price: $1.06 each wyb 5
          • Krispy Kreme Coffee K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • LaCroix Flavored Sparkling Water or Pure Sparkling, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Lay's Dip or Tortilla Dip or Dip-Etizers, 10 - 15.75 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.12 each wyb 2
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon Bits or Real Bacon Pieces, 2.8 - 3 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Purely Elizabeth Granola, 8 - 12 oz - $5.79 - $5.79
          • Smucker's Preserves, Jam, Jelly, Marmalade, or Natural Fruit Spread, 16 - 24 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Starbucks Frappuccino or Doubleshot Coffee Drink, 4 pk - B2G1
          • Uncle Ben's Ready Rice, 8.5 - 8.8 oz, or Flavored Grains, 6 - 6.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/4 Uncle Ben's Rice Products printable
            Final Price: $1.75 each wyb 4
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cracker Barrel or Kraft Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • GreenWise Organic String Cheese, 6 oz - $2.79 - $3.79
          • Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter or Irish Butter with Canola Oil, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough, 16 - 16.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Oui by Yoplait French Style Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33 - $1.33
            Save $0.50 when you buy TWO JARS any variety Oui™ by Yoplait French-style yogurt
            Final Price: $1.08 each wyb 2
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.50 - $4.50
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • YQ by Yoplait Ultra Filtered Yogurt, 26 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • YQ by Yoplait Ultra Filtered Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.33 - $1.33
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 22 - 24 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Skillet Meal, 20 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Jeni's Ice Cream, 16 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Publix Breaded Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, 24 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Pizza Rolls, 44.5 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Stouffer's Fit Kitchen, Bowl-Fuls, or Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tyson Breaded Chicken, Battered, or Any'tizers, 10 - 13.25 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • All Detergent, 141 oz, or Pacs, 60 ct - $10.99 - $10.99
            $2/1 all Liquid Detergent, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [88-oz.+; Excludes single dose and trial size; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.69 - $2.69
            $0.25/1 Bounty Napkins, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Brita Pitcher Replacement Filters - $14.99 - $14.99
          • Cascade ActionPacs, 20 - 37 ct, or Complete, 75 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
            $1/1 Cascade Action Pac, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [20-ct. to 37-ct.; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Save $1.00 on ONE Cascade ActionPacs 20-37 ct bags (excludes Pure Essentials and trial/travel size). ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Clorox Bleach Packs, 12 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Clorox Bleach, 116 - 121 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            Save $0.50 on any ONE (1) Clorox Clean-Up or Clorox Liquid Bleach, 55oz+. Excludes trial sizes and pens.
            $1/2 Clorox Clean Up, Disinfecting Wipes Liquid Bleach Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner or Clorox 2 Product, exp. 7/7/19 (SS 06/02/19) [35-ct.; 55-oz.; ETS; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, 70 - 75 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
            Save $0.75 off any one (1) Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, 35 ct or higher
            $0.50/1 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes printable [32-ct.+]
            $1/2 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 7/7/19 (SS 06/02/19) [35-ct.+; Limit 4]
            $1/2 Clorox Clean Up, Disinfecting Wipes Liquid Bleach Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner or Clorox 2 Product, exp. 7/7/19 (SS 06/02/19) [35-ct.; 55-oz.; ETS; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.75
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 16.2 - 19.4 oz - $2.69 - $2.69
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 44 - 90 ct - $3.00 - $4.00
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Downy Wrinkle Releaser, 33.8 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
            $2/1 Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus printable [33.8-oz. only]
            $2/1 Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus Only printable (exp. 12/31/19) [33.8-oz., Excludes 16.9 and 3-oz. size]
            $2/1 Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus, exp. 12/31/19 (SS 01/27/19) [33.8-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Duracell Batteries or Hearing Aid Batteries, 6 - 16 ct - 25% OFF
          • Glade Aerosol Air Freshener, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Aerosol, 6.2 oz - B2G1 - $5.49 - $5.49
            Final Price: $3.66 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Bath Tissue, 12 roll - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Paper Towels, 8 roll - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Kleenex Tissues, 30 - 144 ct - $1.33 - $1.33
            $0.50 off Kleenex Tissue printable [(3) boxes or (1) bundle]
            Final Price: $1.16 each wyb 3
          • NaturalAire Air Cleaning Filter, ea - $3.50 - $3.50
          • NaturealAire MicroParticle Air Cleaning Filter, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz, or Discs, 38 ct - $10.99 - $10.99
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Power-Liquid or Power-Caps Laundry Detergent printable [sign up]
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [Excludes 6 loads or less trial/travel sizes; Limit of one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            Stack with $2/1 Persil Proclean Power Liquid Detergent, or Persil Proclean Stain Fighter Discs, exp. 6/14/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Liquid Detergent 40-oz. or 100-oz.; Fighter Discs 15-ct. or 38-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener or Conditioner, 31.7 - 64 oz, or Sheets, 70 - 80 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.50/1 Snuggle Product, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [ETS; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            $1/2 Snuggle Products, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Snuggle Scent Booster, 9 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
            $0.50/1 Snuggle Product, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [ETS; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            $1/2 Snuggle Products, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Viva Paper Towels, 6 big rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable
            $0.50/1 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable [6 or More Rolls; Offer Value May Vary]
            $0.50/6 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable [6-pk.+]
            $0.50/1 Viva Paper Towels, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 05/19/19) [6-pk.+]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Weiman Cleaners, 12 - 16 oz, or Wipes, 20 - 30 ct - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Windex Cleaner, 29.7 - 23 oz, or Wipes, 28 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            Save $1.00 on ONE (1) Windex Product
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Ziploc Freezer or Storage Bags, 10 - 48 ct - $4.50 - $4.50
            $1/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
            Final Price: $4.00 each wyb 2
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 ct, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Always Discreet Underwear or Pads, exp. 6/14/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Underwear 10-ct. to 19-ct.; Pads 28-ct. to 66-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
            Save $2.00 on ONE Always DISCREET Incontinence Product (excludes Extra Heavy Pad (33 ct, 28 ct OR 45 ct), Overnight Maximum + Underwear, other Always ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Always Infinity, Radiant, Ultra Thin, or Maxi Pads, 18 - 46 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
            $1/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Ultra, or Maxi Pads, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [11-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Save $1.00 on ONE Always Radiant, Infinity, PURE, Ultra, OR Maxi Pads 11 ct or higher (excludes Always Liners and Always Discreet). ( Publix Digital Coupon)
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Atkins Shakes, 4 pk - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Colgate Toothbrush, 1 - 4 ct - 25% OFF
            $0.75/1 Colgate 360 or Colgate Floss-Tip Manual Toothbrush printable
            $1/1 Colgate 360 or Colgate Floss-Tip Manual Toothbrush, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 06/02/19) [Excludes colgate plus, triple action, extra clean, classic clean; limit 4]
          • Colgate Total Advanced, Total, or Optic White Stainfighter Toothpaste, 3.4 - 4.8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.75/1 Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste printable []
            $1/1 Colgate Total, Colgate Optic White, Colgate Enamel Health, Colgate Essentials, or Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 06/02/19) [3-oz.+; Limit 4]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [3-oz.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Gillette Deodorant, 3.8 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Gillette Anti-Perspirant Deodorant, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [1.6-oz.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • GreenWise Whey Protein Powder, 1.51 - 1.9 lb or 12.9 - 16.8 oz - 20% OFF
          • Nature's Bounty Dietary Supplements, 2 - 2.5 oz or 25 - 320 ct - $6.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Nature's Bounty CoQ-10 Supplement, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [Limit one coupon per customer]
            $2/1 Nature's Bounty Vitamin or Supplement, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [Limit one coupon per customer]
            $3/1 Nature's Bounty Vitamin or Supplement, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [Limit one coupon per customer]
            $1/1 Nature's Bounty Vitamin or Supplement, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [Limit one coupon per customer]
            $2/1 Nature's Bounty Vitamin or Supplement, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [Limit one coupon per customer]
          • Olay Regenerist Whip, Eyes, Luminous, or Total Effects, 0.2 - 4.5 oz - $4.00 OFF
            $5/2 Olay Whips, Sun, Regenerist, Total Effects, Eyes or Luminous Moisturizer, exp. 6/14/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [1.3-oz. to 2.5-oz.]
          • Old Spice Fresh, Wild, or Red Zone Deodorant, 2.6 - 3 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            $3/3 Old Spice Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, Body Wash or Bar Soap, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Publix Liquid Hand Soap Refill, 56 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Secret Aluminum Free, Outlast, or Fresh Deodorant, 2.4 - 2.6 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Secret Fresh, Outlast or Active, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [2.6-oz.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
            $1/1 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [18-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 6/6/19 – 6/12/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 5/30/19 – 6/5/19 Sun, 02 Jun 2019 20:36:36 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 30th or Wednesday, May 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/30/19 – 6/5/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 30th or Wednesday, May 29th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Back to Nature Granola, 11 - 12.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Gushers, Sunkist, Ocean Spray, or Mott's Medley's Snacks, 9.6 - 19.2 oz - B1G1
          • Blue Buffalo Cat Food, 5 lb - B1G1 - $17.99 - $8.99
            $5/1 Blue Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 6/23/19 (SS 05/12/19 R) [5-lb.+]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 28 oz - B1G1 - $1.85 - $0.92
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Carbona In-Wash Sheets Color Grabber, 30 ct, or Washing Machine Cleaner with Activated Charcoal, 8.4 oz - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
            $1/1 Carbona Grabber, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 03/31/19) [30-ct.]
            Final Price: $2.09
          • Celestial Seasonings Tea, 18 - 20 ct - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
          • Chex Mix Snacks, 10.5 - 15 oz - B1G1
          • ChillyCow Ice Cream or Bars, 16 - 17.5 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
            Save $1.00 On Any ONE (1) CHILLY COW Light Ice Cream (2 Pack ? 1/2 Pints) Or Novelty Pack (Available at Walmart)
            $1/1 Chilly Cow Ice Cream or Novelty Pack, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [Maximum of (2) identical coupons allowed in the same shopping trip]
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Clorox Scentiva Degreasing Dishwashing Liquid, 26 oz - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Cooked Perfect Meatballs, 18 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Cooked Perfect Meatballs printable
            $1/1 Cooked Perfect Frozen Meatballs printable
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Crunchies Freeze Dried Fruit, 0.8 or 1 oz - B1G1
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz - B1G1 - $1.49 - $0.74
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables printable [10-oz.+]
          • Diana's Bananas Banana Babies, 9.3 - 10.5 oz - B1G1
          • Earth Balance Buttery Spread or Sticks, 13 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Edy's Ice Cream, 1.5 qt - B1G1 - $6.45 - $3.22
          • Elmhurst Milked Hazelnuts, Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts, or Oats, 32 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Evian Natural Spring Water, 6 pk - B1G1 - $13.29 - $6.64
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 36 - 54 ct, Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz or 3 ct, or Jet-Dry, 16 oz - B1G1 - $12.39
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 18 - 19.6 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 19 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Golden Grahams Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Kix Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • Good2Grow Juice, 1 - 6 pk - B1G1 - $7.19 - $3.59
          • Gulden's Mustard, 12 oz - B1G1 - $1.95 - $0.97
          • Hunt's Ketchup, 20 oz - B1G1 - $1.95 - $0.97
          • Jimmy Dean Bacon, 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.19 - $4.59
          • Jose Ole Taquitos, 20 - 22.5 oz - B1G1 - $6.29 - $3.14
          • Joseph's Pita Bread, 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
          • Keebler Fudge Stripes Cookies, Vienna Fingers, Coconut Dreams, Fudge Sticks or Shoppe, Elfin Mix, or E.L. Fudge, 6.5 - 14.2 oz - B1G1 - $2.72 - $1.86
            $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.36
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.3 oz - B1G1 - $4.69 - $2.34
            $3/5 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals or Bars or Bites, exp. 6/23/19 (RMN 05/12/19) [10.5-oz.+; 5.28-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Special K Cereals or Bars or Bites, exp. 6/23/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [10.5-oz.+; 5.28-oz.+]
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 5
          • Ken's Steak House Dressing, 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
            $1/1 Ken's Simply Vinaigrette, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19)
            $1/2 Ken's Dressings, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19) [16-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.57
          • Krusteaz Muffin Mix, 15.4 - 18.6 oz, Bars, 17.25 - 19.35 oz, Cornbread, 15 oz, or Cakes, 16.5 - 21 oz - B1G1 - $2.79 - $1.39
          • Lakewood Pure Juice or Juice Blends, 32 oz - B1G1 - $10.29 - $5.14
          • Lawry's 30 Minute Marinade, 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Lindsay Spanish Olives, 5.75 oz - B1G1 - $2.05 - $1.03
            $1/2 Lindsay Olives printable [Join club]
            Final Price: $0.53 each wyb 2
          • M&M's Milk Chocolate Bar, 3.9 - 4 oz - B1G1
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies, 15.4 - 19.2 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
            $1/2 M&M's, Snickers, Dove or Twix Candies, exp. 7/7/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8-oz.+; DND]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Mid's Pasta Sauce, 32 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 18 - 24.6 oz - B1G1 - $6.39 - $3.19
          • Mueller's Pasta or Lasagna, 8 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.34 - $1.17
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz - B1G1 - $3.93 - $1.96
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Oreo Thins Sandwich Cookies, 10.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.18 - $2.09
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.71 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips, Pita, or Crisp & Thins, 7.1 - 8.1 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Franks, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Perdue Nuggets, Patties, or Tenders, 27 - 29 oz - B1G1 - $6.69 - $3.34
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Products printable
            $0.75/1 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Product, exp. 6/21/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [Includes Perdue, Perdue Harvestland, Perdue Harvestland Organic and Perdue Simply Smart Brands]
            $0.75/1 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Product, exp. 6/21/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [Includes Perdue, Perdue Harvestland, Perdue Harvestland Organic and Perdue Simply Smart Brands]
            Final Price: $2.59 each wyb 2
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Green Beans, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • PhillySwirl Italian Ice, Fruit Bars, Icee, or Fudge Cream Stix, 13.2 - 21 oz - B1G1- $6.45 - $3.22
          • Pillsbury Frozen Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - B1G1 - $4.95 - $2.47
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, 6 ct, or Scrambles, 4 ct - B1G1 - $2.62 - $1.31
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.15 - $4.57
            $0.55/1 Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil printableFinal Price: $4.02
          • Post Alpha-Bits Cereal, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Chips Ahoy! Cereal, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Golden Crisp Cereal, 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 13 - 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Honey Comb Cereal, 12.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Nutter Butter Cereal, 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Oreo O's Cereal, 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Post Pebbles Cereal, 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast or Jalapeno Pepper Dip, 16 oz - B1G1 - $6.15 - $3.07
          • Publix Fruit Salad - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 25 oz - B1G1 - $13.29 - $6.64
          • Quorn Meatless Chik'n Nuggets, Tenders, or Patties, 9.31 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.89 - $2.44
            $1/1 Quorn Product printable
            Final Price: $1.44
          • Red Baron Pizza, 14.87 - 23.45 oz - B1G1 - $6.39 - $3.19
          • Snyder's of Hanover Family Size Pretzels, 16 oz, or Itty Bitty Minis Pretzels, 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
          • SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener Packets, 35 ct, Liquid, 1.7 oz, or Organic, 35 ct - B1G1 - $9.19 - $4.59
          • TGI Friday's Frozen Appetizers, 7.6 - 15 oz - B1G1
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 90 ct - B1G1 - $9.69 - $4.84
          • Uncle Ben's Converted Enriched Rice, 5 lb - B1G1 - $7.75 - $3.87
            $1/4 Uncle Ben's Rice Products printable
            Final Price: $3.62 each wyb 4
          • Valley Fresh Chicken, 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.48 - $1.74
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • 51/60 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Boneless Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.59 - $3.59
          • Ducktrap Smoked Salmon, 4 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Flank Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steak, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Fillets, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • GreenWise LunchMeat, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Thinly-Sliced Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $5.49 - $5.49
          • King Crab Clusters, per lb - $20.99 - $20.99
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.69 - $4.69
            3 lb or more pkg
          • Maverick Ranch 85% Lean Organic Ground Beef, 16 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Center Cut Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.29 - $3.29
          • Publix Turkey Breasts, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Spiny Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Thin-Sliced Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Beefsteak Tomatoes or Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Campari Tomatoes, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Arugula, 5 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Hero Gala Snack Apples, 2 lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Honey Mangos, ea - $0.80 - $0.80
          • Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $1.49 - $1.49
          • La Mexicana Salsa, 14 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Mangos, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Maradol Papaya, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Nectarines, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Blueberries, pt - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Pero Family Farms Organic Broccoli Florets, 8 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Publix Premium Salad Kit, 7 - 8.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Premium Salad Kit, 8.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Red or Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Peppers, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail Juice, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            Save $0.75 on ONE (1) 52 fl. oz. carafe of Simply Watermelon
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 14 - 16 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
            $1/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shells Product printable [12-oz.+]
            $1/1 Wonderful Pistachios No Shells Product, exp. 7/19/19 (SS 05/19/19) [12-oz.+]
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Yellow, White, or Bi-Color Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40 - $0.40
          • Boar's Head Classic Italian Sandwich, ea - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Sandwich, 10 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Boar's Head Maple Glazed Honey Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Salsalito Sandwich, 9 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Chip Brookies, 4 ct - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery New York Style Cheesecake, 16 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Tea, 57 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • New York Style Bagel Crisps or Thins, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Bar Cake, 16 - 19 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Cinnamon Fry Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Cookies and Cream Mousse Cake Slices, 2 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Cookies and Cream Mousse Cake, 48 oz - $19.99 - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Everything Rolls, 6 ct - $1.59 - $1.59
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Publix Bakery Rolled Italian Pizza Dough, 15 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Sunflower Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Hoop Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Italian Pinwheel, 4.95 - 5.5 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Meal Wheel - $10.00 - $10.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Traditional Greek Salad - $5.99 - $5.99
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 12 pk 12 oz - $5.93 - B2G2
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Cheetos, 7 - 11.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cheez-It Crackers, 17 - 21 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Doritos, 7 - 11.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Flora Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Folgers Ground Coffee, 23 - 31.1 oz, or K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
            $1/1 Folgers Product printable
          • Frito-Lay Snacks Variety Pack, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Fritos, 7 - 11.25 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Organic BBQ Sauce, 18 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Beans, 15 - 15.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Spices, 0.75 - 2.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Keebler Family Size Cookies or Crackers, 17 - 21 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Kind Bars, 4.86 - 7.1 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 8.25 - 14 oz - $2.44 - $2.33
            $1/2 Lance Home-pack Products printable [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.83 each wyb 2
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Nabisco Belvita Biscuits, Bites, or Protein, 4 - 5 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.62 each wyb 2
          • Nutpods Creamer, 11.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Rold Gold Pretzels, 7 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • SunChips or Sun Puffs, 6 - 7 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk, Coconutmilk, or Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/5 Chobani Single-Serve Yogurt and Non-Dairy Products, exp. 6/22/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Limit 1 coupon per person]
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 5
          • Nestle Coffeemate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt, 4.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Organic Valley Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
          • Stonyfield Organic Yogurt, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Sweet Loren's Place & Bake Cookie Dough, 12 - 16 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entree, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entrees, 9.25 - 15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Frozen Potatoes or Onion Rings, 16 - 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 24 - 40 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Angel Soft Mega Bath Tissue printable [12+ roll or 6+ mega]
            $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue printable [4 double roll+]
            $1/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue, exp. 6/5/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [12-pk.+ rolls; 6-pk.+ mega rolls]
            $1/2 Angel Soft Bath Tissue, exp. 6/5/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [4-pk.+ Double Rolls]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Arm & Hammer Detergent, 122.5 - 150 oz or 40 ct - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Arm & Hammer Scent Booster, 37.8 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 2 huge rolls - $5.99 - $5.00
            $0.25/1 Bounty Paper Towel, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.75
          • Clorox Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Multi-Surface Cleaner printable
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Multi-Surface Cleaner Product printable
            $0.50/1 Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner + Bleach Product printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 129 oz, or Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [48+ load fabric enhances; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks; Includes gain botanicals; ETS; Limit of one coupon per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Flings, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99 - $17.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent or Gain Powder Detergent, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [Includes gain botanicals; ETS; Limit of one coupon per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $16.99
          • Glad Drawstring Bags, 80 - 90 ct, or Large Trash Bags, 50 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Glade Plugins, 5 ct - B2G1
          • GreenWise Wood Charcoal, 8.8 lb - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Hefty Plates, 28 - 50 ct, or Bowls, 30 ct - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates & Bowls printable (exp. 12/31/19)
            $1/2 Hefty Foam Plates, exp. 7/31/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [Limit of 4 like coupons in the same day]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Hefty Slider Freezer or Storage Bags Value Pack, 25 - 40 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • OxiClean Stain Remover, 48 - 50 oz, 25 ct, or 3 lb - $6.99 - $6.00
            $1/1 OxiClean Laundry Detergent printable
            $0.50/1 OxiClean White Revive Laundry Stain Remover printable
            $1/1 OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover or 2in1 Stain Fighter printable [3-lb.+ stain remover]
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue, 12 rolls or 6 mega rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue printable
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 6/19/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [6 Double Roll or Larger]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99 - $17.99
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 6/29/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $15.99
          • Tide, 138 - 150 oz - $17.99 - $17.99
            Health and Beauty
          • Always Infinity or Radiant Pads, 13 - 18 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Ultra, or Maxi Pads, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [11-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Boost Nutritional Drink or High Protein, 4 - 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $2/1 Boost Drinks, exp. 6/23/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Multipack; Limit of 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back; DND]
          • Colgate Toothpaste, 4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 6/1/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus, trial/travel size; Limit of 4 exact same coupons per household per day]
            $1/2 Colgate Toothpaste, exp. 6/1/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3-oz.+; Excludes 2.8-oz., 2.8-oz. bonus, trial/travel size; Limit of 4 exact same coupons per household per day]
            Final Price: $0.50
          • Colgate Total Advanced Pro Shield Mouthwash, 33.8 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
            $0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable
            $0.50/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse, exp. 6/1/19 (SS 05/19/19) [200-ml.+; Limit of 4 exact same coupons per household per day]
            $1/2 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse, exp. 6/1/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [200-ml.+; Limit of 4 exact same coupons per household per day]
            Final Price: $4.24
          • Garnier SkinActive Facial Products - 25% OFF
            $3/1 Garnier Skinactive Moisturizer, exp. 6/1/19 (RMN 05/05/19 #2) [ETS; No more than one identical coupon per household per day; no cash back]
            $2/1 Garnier Skinactive Cleanser, exp. 6/1/19 (RMN 05/05/19 #2) [ETS; No more than one identical coupon per household per day; no cash back]
          • Gillette Series or Satin Care Shave Gel, 7 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Gillette or Venus Disposable Razors, 2 - 12 ct - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Gillette Disposable, exp. 7/6/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [2-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $3/1 Venus or Daisy Disposable, exp. 7/6/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [2-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • L'Oreal Facial Products - 25% OFF
            $2/1 L'Oreal Paris Product printable
            $2/1 L'Oreal Paris Skincare or Sublime Bronze Product, exp. 6/1/19 (RMN 05/05/19 #2) [ETS; No more than one identical coupon per household per day; no cash back]
          • L'Oreal Elvive Hair Care, 12.6 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • OGX Hair Care Products - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pond's Cream, 1.7 - 10.1 oz, or Towelettes, 15 - 28 ct - 20% OFF
          • RXBar Protein Bar, 1.83 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Simple Skin Care Products - 20% OFF
            $2/1 Simple Skincare Water Boost Micellar Facial Gel Wash Product printable
            Up to $2 Simple Micellar Cleansing Water printable [13.5-oz.]
          • Softsoap Body Wash, 15 - 18 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.75/1 Softsoap Brand Body Wash printable [15-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, 13 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.75/1 Softsoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap printable [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 14 - 18 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 6/22/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [18-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Tylenol, 90 - 225 ct, Motrin, 80 - 225 ct, Simply Sleep, 100 ct, or Bengay, 4 oz or 4 ct - $4.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Tylenol Product printable [sign up]
            $1/1 Motrin IB or Motrin Product printable [Excludes trial and travel sizes]
            $1/1 Bengay Product printable
            $1/1 Tylenol Adult, Tylenol PM or Simply Sleep, exp. 6/5/19 (RMN 05/05/19 #2) [ETS]
          • Vaseline Products, 6.8 - 20.3 oz - 20% OFF
          • Zantac Acid Reducer, 50 - 65 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $4/1 Zantac Product printable [75-mg., 30-ct.+]
            $4/1 Zantac 150 MG Product printable [24-ct.+, does not include chewables]
            $3/1 Zantac Product printable [24-ct.+]
            Stack With $3/1 Zantac 75 or Zantac 150, exp. 6/14/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [24-ct. to 65-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Enfamil Infant Formula Powder or Enfagrow, 19.5 - 31.4 oz - $6.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Happy Baby or Happy Tot Food, 3.5 - 4.22 oz - 25% OFF
            Save $1.00 any 3 (THREE) Happy Baby Organics Jars
          • Huggies Diapers, 40 - 112 ct, GoodNites, 24 - 32 ct, or Pull-Ups, 56 - 74 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 3
            $1/1 Huggies Diapers printable
            $2/1 Goodnites Bed Mats printable
            $3/2 Huggies Diapers, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes 9-ct. or less]
            $3/2 Pull-Ups Training Pants, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes 6-ct. or less]
          • Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups, 16 - 32 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3 off Pampers Easy Ups Training Underwear or Under Jams Absorbent Night Wear, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [(2) bags or (1) box; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 6/8/19 (P&G 05/26/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/30/19 – 6/5/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 5/23/19 – 5/29/19 Thu, 23 May 2019 18:13:29 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 23rd or Wednesday, May 22nd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/23/19 – 5/29/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 23rd or Wednesday, May 22nd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Applegate Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
            $1/1 Applegate Product printable
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Atkins Entrees, 6.5 - 9 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Ball Park Beef Franks or Fat Free Turkey Franks, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Betty Crocker Brownie Mix, 16.5 - 19.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Betty Crocker Cookie Mix, 14 - 17.9 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Betty Crocker Muffin Mix, 13.9 - 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Bic Multipurpose Lighter, ea - B1G1
            $1/1 Bic Multi-Purpose Lighter, exp. 5/24/19 (SS 05/12/19 R) [1-ct.+; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; no cash back]
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz, or Cob Corn, 12 ct - B1G1
          • Boca Veggie Protein Burgers or Patties, 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Boston Market Home Style Meals, 13 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Breyers Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert, 1.5 qt - B1G1 - $5.84 - $2.92
          • Campari Tomatoes, 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • CapriSun Juice Drink Blend or Roarin' Waters or Sport, 10 pk - B1G1 - $2.90 - $1.45
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, or Grooves, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - B1G1 - $4.37 - $2.18
          • Cheez-It Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - B1G1 - $4.37 - $2.18
            SAVE 75¢ on any ONE Cheez-It® Snap'd™
            $0.50/1 Cheez-It Snap'd Cheesy Baked Snacks, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [7.5-oz.]
            Final Price: $1.43
          • Chinet Classic White Plates or Platters, 24 - 72 ct - B1G1 - $6.62 - $3.31
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            Final Price: $2.31
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 24 - 32 oz, or Savor Squeezable, 14 oz - B1G1 - $5.88 - $2.94
            $1/2 Chobani Yogurt and Savor Toppers, exp. 5/25/19 (SS 04/28/19 R) [Multipacks, Tubes, 32-oz. tubs; Limit 1]
            $1/2 Chobani Yogurt Tubes, Tubs and Savor Toppers, exp. 6/22/19 (SS 05/19/19) [multi-packs; 32-oz.]
            Final Price: $2.44 each wyb 2
          • Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.13 - $1.06
          • Curly's Pulled Pork or Chicken, 16 oz, or Sauceless, 12 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
          • Cutter Insect Repellent Spray, 6 oz - B1G1 - $4.79 - $2.39
          • Devour Pizza, 23.6 - 27.5 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
          • Emerald Cashews or Mixed Nuts or Peanuts, 5 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $4.35 - $2.17
          • French's Classic Yellow Mustard, 14 oz - B1G1 - $2.10 - $1.05
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Frito-Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.29 - $2.64
          • General Mills Cereal, 10.5 - 15.2 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Glad ClingWrap, 200 sq ft - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
            $0.75/1 Glad Cling Wrap, exp. 6/5/19 (SS 05/05/19) [Limit of 4 identical coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            $1.50/2 Glad Cling Wrap, exp. 6/5/19 (SS 05/05/19 R) [Limit of 4 identical coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.14
          • Glad Containers with Lids, 3 - 8 ct - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.84
          • Glad Freezer Wraps, 150 sq ft - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.84
          • Glad Freezer Wraps, 70 sq ft - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Glad Press'n Seal Wrap, 70 sq ft - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Glad Storage or Freezer Bags, 30 - 50 ct - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, 14 oz, or Bars, 9 oz - B1G1 - $5.95 - $2.97
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans with Lids, 1 - 4 ct - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 24 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
            $1/1 Hellman's Mayonnaise or Variety Sauce, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [11-oz.+]
            $1/1 Hellmann's Mayonnaise or Sauce, exp. 6/16/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [11-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Hershey's Candy Bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, or Kit Kats, 6 ct - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Keebler Fudge Stripes Cookies or Vienna Fingers, Coconut Dreams, Fudge Sticks or Shoppe, or E.L. Fudge or Elfin Mix, 6.5 - 14.2 oz - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
          • Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 10 - 15.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $3/5 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Crispix Cereal, 10 - 15.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $3/5 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 10 - 10.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $3/5 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, 13.5 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $3/5 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 10 - 15.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $3/5 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Corn Pops Cereal, 10 - 10.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
            $3/5 Kellogg's Cereals printable
            $1/3 Kellogg's Cereals, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 5
          • Ken's Steak House Dressing or Simply Vinaigrette, 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $1/1 Ken's Simply Vinaigrette, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19)
            $1/2 Ken's Dressings, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19) [16-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.79
          • King's Hawaiian Hot Dog Buns, 9 - 12.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Klondike Ice Cream Bars or Sandwiches, 11 - 27 oz - B1G1 - $5.95 - $2.97
          • Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner, 5.5 - 7.3 oz - B1G1 - $1.85 - $0.92
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • La Famiglia DelGrosso Pasta Sauce, 16 - 26 oz - B1G1 - $7.19 - $3.59
          • Lysol Bathroom Cleaner or Disinfectant Mildew Remover, 19 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
            $0.50/1 Lysol Bathroom Cleaner, exp. 7/4/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Limit of 2 like coupons in same shopping trip]
            Final Price: $1.79
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • McCormick Grill Mates Seasoning, 2.5 - 3.5 oz - B1G1 - $2.19 - $1.09
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 3 - 3.15 lb - B1G1 - $5.45 - $2.72
          • Monk Fruit in the Raw, 40 ct - B1G1 - $2.69 - $1.84
            $0.55/1 Monk Fruit in the Raw Packets printable [1.12-oz.; 40-ct. packets]
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Beverage, 64 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.61 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - B1G1 - $3.35 - $1.67
            $1/2 Nabisco Good Thins Snacks or Triscuit Wheatberry Clusters, exp. 5/25/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [3.5-oz.+]
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19) [3.5-oz.+]
            $1/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products, exp. 6/29/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [3.5-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.17 each wyb 2
          • Nathan's Famous Skinless Beef Franks, 10 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $3.09
          • Nature's Own Honey Wheat Bread, 20 oz - B1G1 - $3.20 - $1.60
          • Nestle Outshine Bars, 9.9 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $5.84 - $2.92
          • New England Freshly Ground Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1 - $8.79 - $4.39
            $1/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/05/19 R)
            $1/1 New England Coffee Product, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2)
            Final Price: $3.39
          • Ocean Spray Craisins, 5 - 6 oz - B1G1
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail or Blend, 64 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Pam Oil Spray, 5 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Pedigree Dog or Puppy Food, 3.5 lb - B1G1 - $4.60 - $2.30
          • Pepperidge Farm Layer Cake or Puff Pastry, 12.5 - 19.6 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $2.24
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93 - $11.86
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.35 - $2.17
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 11.2 - 21 oz or 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.55 - $2.77
          • Pringles, 4.5 - 5.96 oz - B1G1 - $1.65 - $0.82
            $0.35/1 Pringles Wavy, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [130-g.+]
            Stack With $0.35/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $0.12
          • Publix Bakery Assorted Donut Holes, 7.8 - 11 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
          • Publix Red Seedless Watermelon Chunks, ea - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Rothbury Farms Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1 - $1.69 - $0.84
          • Sabra Hummus, 10 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $2.19
          • Stevia in the Raw Sweetener, 50 ct - B1G1 - $3.69 - $1.84
            $0.55/1 Stevia in the Raw Packet printable [50-ct. or 100-ct. box]
            Final Price: $1.29
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces, 14 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $2.31 - $1.15
            $1/4 Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/19/19 R)
            Final Price: $0.90 each wyb 4
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - B1G1
          • Talenti Gelato Layers, Gelato, or Sorbetto, 11.5 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $6.13 - $3.06
          • The Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheese, 4.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Thomas' English Muffins, Bagels, or Swirl Bread, 10.5 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $7.39 - $3.64
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 50 ct - B1G1
          • 10/15 ct Colossal White Shrimp, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • 10/15 ct Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $16.99 - $16.99
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Brown Shrimp, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Arpons Chicken Breast Kabobs, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Boneless, Regular, or Steakhouse Cut Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Brisket Flat Cut, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Dakota Organic Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1 - $6.49 - $6.49
            Final Price: $4.32 each wyb 3
          • Ground Chuck Burgers, per lb - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Halibut Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Jennie-O 92% Lean Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Medium Lobster Tails, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breasts, 24 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast Product printable
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions or Perdue Harvestland Perfect Portions printable
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breast, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 04/28/19 R) [Perdue or Perdue Harvestland Brands]
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Publix Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Publix Pork Loin Back Ribs, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Small Shrimp Platter, 10 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix St. Louis Style Pork Spareribs, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 8 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Abrosia Apples, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $1.98 - $1.98
          • Cherries, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Cucumber, ea - $0.66 - $0.66
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Honey Mango, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Large Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Marzetti Original Slaw Dressing, 15 oz - Prices Vary
            FREE Publix Coleslaw, 16 oz, FREE, wyb 1.
          • Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Blackberries, 6 oz -. $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Red Delicious Apples, 2 lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Peaches, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Whole Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red Delicious Apples, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Small Red Seedless Watermelon, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.30 - $0.30
          • Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, Ruby Red Grapefruit, or Trop50 Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 5 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Boar's Head Classic Italian Sandwich, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken Salad, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Roasted Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.9 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Danish Pecan Ring, 15 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Coleslaw or Baked Beans, 14 - 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Goat Cheese, 4 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Mixed Fried Chicken, 8 pc - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad, 14 - 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Tavern Ham, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Strawberry & Glazed Pecan Salad, 11 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Sabra Guacamole, Classic, or Spicy, 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Stacy's Pita Thins, 6.75 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Bush's Best Baked Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Campbell's Well Yes! Soup, 16.1 - 16.6 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2 - $4.48 - $4.48
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit Cups or Refreshers, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks printable
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 32 oz - $0.88 - $0.88
          • GreenWise Granola, 8 - 12 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 12 oz, or Concentrate, 32 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Hunt's Tomatoes, 10 - 14.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Kraft Velveeta Cheese, 32 oz - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 32 pk 16.9 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Epic Crunch Snack, 5.5 - 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 4 pk 8.4 oz - B2G1
          • Rotel Tomatoes, 10 - 14.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt or Blended Greek, 5 - 5.3 oz, or Activia Dairy or Yogurt Drink, 7 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Half & Half, 32 oz - $2.89 - $2.89
          • Happy Egg Co. Free Range Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Kraft Singles, 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Land O Lakes Sweet Cream or European Style Butter, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 8 oz, or Cinnamon or Orange Danish, 12.4 - 14.9 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.84 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1.25/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 6/2/19 (SS 04/07/19)
            $0.60/1 Sargento Reserve Series Shredded Natural Cheese, exp. 6/10/19 (SS 04/14/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.87 each wyb 2
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Iced Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1/1 Half Gallon A2 Milk printable
            $0.55/1 A2 Milk, exp. 7/1/19 (SS 05/05/19) [carton; Limit of 2 identical coupons in same shopping transaction; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 22 - 24 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Dinners, 20 - 32 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • All Laundry Detergent, 88 oz or 39 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
            $2/1 all Liquid Detergent, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [88-oz.+; Excludes single dose and trial size]
            $1/1 all Product, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size]
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 8 giant or 6 dbl rolls - $10.49 - $10.49
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 large rolls - $5.99 - $5.99
            $0.55/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [2, 3 or 6 roll]
            $0.55/1 Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towel, exp. 6/22/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [2 Rolls]
            Final Price: $5.44
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct or 45 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega rolls or 18 dbl rolls - $10.49 - $10.49
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Dawn Ultra Dish Liquid, 40 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 51 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Downy Unstopables, 20.1 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
            Final Price: $11.99
          • Energizer Batteries, select - 25% OFF
            $0.75/1 Energizer Batteries or Energizer Flashlight, exp. 5/25/19 (SS 04/14/19 R)
          • Gain Fireworks, 20.1 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [48+ load fabric enhances; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks; Includes gain botanicals; ETS; Limit of one coupon per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent or Gain Powder Detergent, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [Includes gain botanicals; ETS; Limit of one coupon per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Hefty Plastic Cups, 100 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
            $1/2 Hefty Cups printable (exp. 12/31/19)
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquiets, 12 - 16 lb, or Matchlight, 12 lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Kleene Tissues, 30 - 160 ct - $1.33 - $1.33
            $0.50 off Kleenex Tissue printable [(3) boxes or (1) bundle]
            Final Price: $1.16 each wyb 3
          • Mrs. Meyer's Dish Soap or Multi-Surface Cleaner, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • OFF! Insect Repellents, 4 - 18 oz or 1 - 2 ct - 20% OFF
            Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) OFF! Products (excludes 2 oz. and 2.5 oz. OFF products)
            $1/2 Off! Products, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes 2-oz. and 2.5-oz. off! products]
          • Persil ProClean Detergent Discs, 38 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
            $2/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/12/19 R) [Excludes 6 loads or less trial/travel sizes; Limit of one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Purex Detergent, 128 - 150 oz or 45 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
            $0.50/1 Purex Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent printable
            $1/1 Purex Unit Dose, exp. 6/2/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
            $1/2 Purex Laundry Detergents, exp. 6/2/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [Liquid or Powder; Limit one identical coupon per shopping trip; no cash back]
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 35 - 75 sq ft - $3.29 - $3.29
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
            $0.50/1 Snuggle Product, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19 R) [ETS]
            $1/2 Snuggle Products, exp. 6/9/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size]
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser, 2 pk or 24 - 28.6 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Product printable [20-oz.+]
            Stack With $1/2 Soft Scrub Products @Publix, exp. 5/29/19 (RMN 05/05/19 R) [1-ct., 2-ct., 1.76-oz. or 24-oz to 28.8-oz. bottles]
            Final Price: $1.25 each wyb 2
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [9-ct.+]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [Excludes pods, rescue, simply, pods, detergent 10-oz. or lessexp]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Aleve, 24 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Banana Boat Products, 3 - 8 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $2/1 Banana Boat Sun Care Product, exp. 6/20/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes 1-oz., 1.8-oz., 2-oz., lip balm and trial size]
          • Clif Nutrition Bar, 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
          • Cortizone-10, 2 - 3.5 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $1/1 Cortizone 10 Product printable [1-oz.+]
            $1/1 Cortizone 10 Item, exp. 8/18/19 (SS 05/19/19) [1-oz.+]
            $1/1 Cortizone-10, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Includes items 1-oz. and larger]
          • Crest Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwash, 1 L - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste, exp. 5/25/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [3-oz.; ETS; Limit of one coupon per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Curel Lotion, 3 - 21 oz - 25% OFF
            $1/1 Curel Moisturizer, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 05/05/19) [6-oz.+]
          • Ensure Shakes, 6 - 16 pk, or Powder, 14.1 oz, or Glucerna Shake, 4 - 12 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $3/1 Ensure Multi-Pack printable
            $3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]
            $3/2 Glucerna Products printable
            $3/2 Glucerna Product printable
            $3/1 Ensure Multipack, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons in same shopping trip]
            $5/2 Ensure Multipacks, exp. 6/2/19 (SS 05/05/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons in same shopping trip]
            $5/2 Glucerna Product, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 05/05/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons in same shopping trip]
            $3/1 Glucerna Product, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons in same shopping trip]
          • Icy Hot Cream, Patch, or Spray, 3 - 24 ct or 2 - 3.7 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $1/1 Icy Hot, Aspercreme, Arthritis Hot, Flexall or Capzasin Product printable [Excludes 1-ct. patches & 1.25-1.75-oz. creams]
            $1/1 Icy Hot, Aspercreme or Capzasin Product printable
            $1/1 Icy Hot, Aspercreme, Capzasin, Arthritis Hot, Flexall Product, exp. 5/28/19 (SS 04/28/19)
          • Jergens Instant Sun Sunless Tanning Mousse, 3 - 21 oz - 25% OFF
          • Jergens Moisturizer, 3 - 21 oz - 25% OFF
            $1.50/1 Jergens Moisturizer, exp. 6/9/19 (SS 05/12/19) [8-oz.+; Includes Jergens Firming Neck and Chest; Excludes soap & Jergens wet skin moisturizer]
          • Neutrogena Products, 20 - 60 ct or 0.47 - 16 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $2/1 Neutrogena Suncare Product, exp. 6/16/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size and clearance products]
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $3/1 Nexium 24HR Tablets printable [28-ct. or 42-ct.]
            $3/1 Nexium 24HR printable [28-ct. or 42-ct.]
            $5/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 6/2/19 (RMN 05/19/19) [28-ct. or 42-ct.]
          • Oral-B Manual Toothbrush, 2 - 4 ct, or Glide Floss, 2 - 3 ct - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pantene Pro-V Hair Care Products, 24 - 25.4 oz - $6.50 - $6.50
          • Prilosec, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $1/1 Prilosec OTC Product, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • QuestBar Protein Bar or Cookie, 2.12 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Softsoap Hand Soap or Foaming, 8 - 11.25 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Softsoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap printable [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.25
          • U by Kotex Pantiliners, 40 - 64 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 U by Kotex Liners, exp. 6/22/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes liners 14-ct. to 22-ct. or trial size/travel packs]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • U by Kotex Security Pads, 14 - 24 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 U by Kotex Pads, exp. 6/22/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size/travel packs]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • U by Kotex Tampons, 18 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 U by Kotex Tampons, exp. 6/22/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes trial size/travel packs]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Zone Perfect Keto Ready to Drink Shake, 4 pk - $3.00 OFF
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food Jar, 4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/3 Earth's Best Organic Jars or Pouches printable [Jars or Pouches]
            Final Price: $0.66 each wyb 3
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/3 Earth's Best Organic Jars or Pouches printable [Jars or Pouches]
            Final Price: $0.66 each wyb 3
          • Huggies Diapers, 18 - 44 ct, Pull-Ups, 18 - 25 ct, or Goodnites, 9 - 15 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $3/2 Huggies Diapers, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes 9-ct. or less]
            $3/2 Pull-Ups Training Pants, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/19/19) [Excludes 6-ct. or less]
          • Huggies Wipes, 56 - 64 ct - B2G1 - $2.59 - $2.59
            $1/2 Huggies Wipes, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/19/19 R) [48-ct.+]
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 3
          • Sprout Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Iams Premium Dog Food, 13 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Meow Mix Cat Food Multipacks, 12 ct - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Milk-Bone Dog or Puppy Biscuits, Snacks, or Treats, 5 - 24 oz - $3.50 - $3.50

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/23/19 – 5/29/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 5/16/19 – 5/22/19 Thu, 16 May 2019 17:31:14 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 16th or Wednesday, May 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/16/19 – 5/22/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 16th or Wednesday, May 15th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 6 pk 16.9 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Air Wick Freshmatic Refills, 6.17 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refill, 3 ct - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
            $1.25/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Refill, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Twin or Triple; Limit of 2 like coupons in same shopping trip]
            Final Price: $2.74
          • Arizona Tea, gal - B1G1 - $3.20 - $1.60
          • Arm & Hammer Antiperspirant/Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 oz, or Sheets, 144 - 200 ct - B1G1
            Save $1.00 on ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER In-Wash Scent Booster
            $1/1 Arm & Hammer in Wash Scent Booster, (SS 05/05/19 R)
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct - B1G1 - $6.65 - $3.32
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER Liquid Laundry Detergent
            Save $1.00 on ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER Sensitive Liquid Laundry Detergent
            Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER Power Paks Laundry Detergent
            $1/1 Arm & Hammer Sensitive Detergent, (SS 05/05/19 R)
            $1/1 Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry, (SS 05/05/19 R)
            $1/1 Arm & Hammer Power Paks, (SS 05/05/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.32
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $2.49
          • Arrid Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, 2.5 - 2.6 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • Ball Park Beef Franks or Turkey Franks, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Barilla Protein Plus or Collezione Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.60 - $1.30
          • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, pt, or Pint Slices, 9 - 10 oz, or Cookie Dough Chunks, 8 oz - B1G1 - $5.95 - $2.97
          • Bertolli Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillet Meal or Veggie Made, 21 oz - $6.81 - B1G1 - $3.40
          • Boca Veggie Protein or Veggie Burgers or Patties, 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta, 9 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Cesar Dry Adult Dog Food, 5 lb - B1G1 - $8.49 - $4.24
          • Chinet Classic White Plates or Platters, 24 - 72 ct - B1G1 - $6.62 - $3.31
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            $2/2 Chinet Classic White Cut Crystal, Comfort Cup Products printable [new signups only]
            Final Price: $2.31
          • Clear Eyes Lubricant Eye Drops, Maximum Redness, Itchy Eye Relief, Triple Action, or Redness Relief, 15 ml - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
            $0.50/1 Clear Eyes Product printable [Excludes Pocket Pal]
            Final Price: $1.59
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Country Crock Spread, 2 pk or 15 oz - B1G1
          • Crystal Light Drink Mix, 10 - 12 qt or 4 - 10 ct - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 36 ct - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            Final Price: $1.79
          • Duncan Hines Cake or Brownie Mix or Pie, 6.1 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • Duncan Hines Frosting, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Edwards Single Pie Slices, 5.2 - 6.7 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $1.59
          • El Monterey Taquitos or Quesodillas, 20 - 24.2 oz - B1G1 - $7.19 - $3.59
          • Filippo Berio Olive Oil, 25.3 oz - B1G1 - $9.25 - $4.62
            $1/1 Filippo Berio Olive Oils printable
            Final Price: $3.62
          • French's Classic Yellow Mustard, 14 oz - B1G1 - $2.10 - $1.05
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk - B1G1 - $6.99 - $3.49
          • General Mills Cheerios, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $5.75 - $2.87
          • GoGo Squeez Applesauce On The Go, 12 pk - B1G1
          • Gorton's Fish Fillets or Sticks, 18.2 - 24.5 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $3.74
          • Hampton Farms Peanuts, 9 oz - B1G1 - $2.99 - $1.49
          • Hebrew National Beef Franks, 9.43 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $3.09
          • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.15 - $2.57
          • Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • Hellmann's Mayo, 24 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $5.49 - $2.74
          • Hershey's Nuggets Chocolate, 10 - 10.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $4.19 - $2.09
          • Idahoan Potatoes, 1.5 - 5.11 oz - B1G1 - $1.44 - $0.72
          • Ithaca Hummus, 10 oz - B1G1
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Juice Blends, 48 - 64 oz or 8 pk - B1G1 - $7.75 - $3.87
          • Keebler Chips Deluxe, Country Style, Soft Batch, Simply Made, or Sandies Shortbread Cookies, 6 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $3.54 - $1.77
          • Keebler Town or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Ken's Steak House Dressing or Simply Vinaigrette, 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
            $1/1 Ken's Simply Vinaigrette, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19)
            $1/2 Ken's Dressings, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/12/19) [16-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.79
          • Lay's Potato Chips or Poppables, 5 - 8 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $1.74
          • Lloyd's Shredded Pork or Chicken, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Matlaw's Stuffed Seafood Appetizers, 9 - 11 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • McCormick Grill Mates Seasoning, 2.5 - 3.5 oz - B1G1 - $2.19 - $1.09
          • Mio Water Enhancer - B1G1 - $3.59 - $1.79
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $1.54
          • My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream, 9.1 oz - B1G1 - $5.95 - $2.97
          • Nabisco Family Size Crackers or Grahams, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - B1G1 - $4.85 - $2.42
            $0.75/2 Ritz Crackers, exp. 5/18/19 (SS 04/07/19) [7-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.05 each wyb 2
          • Nando's Peri-Peri Sauce, 9 - 9.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Nature Box Body Lotion, Body Butter, or Hand Soap, 6.9 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
          • Nature Box Body Wash, 6.9 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
          • Nature Box Shampoo or Conditioner, 6.9 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $8.19 - $4.09
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $1.94
          • No Nonsense Socks, 3 pair - B1G1 - $5.69 - $2.84
          • Ore Ida Bagel Bites, 7 - 14 oz, or Bagel Bites Dogs, 7.75 oz - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $1.99
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - B1G1
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Pastries, 4 ct - B1G1 - $2.62 - $1.31
          • Planters Cashews Halves & Pieces or Mixed Nuts, 8 - 10.3 oz - B1G1 - $7.33 - $3.66
          • Post Grape Nuts Cereal, 18 - 20.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Post Great Grains Cereal, 13.5 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Post Raisin Bran Cereal, 20 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Post Shredded Wheat, 15 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $2.14
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz - B1G1 - $2.69 - $1.34
          • Publix Bakery Small Pies, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.39
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, per lb - B1G1 - $5.19 - $2.59
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad, Coleslaw, or Baked Beans, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.39 - $1.69
          • Publix Diapers or Training Pants, 19 - 44 ct - B1G1 - $7.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Premium Patagonian Scallops, 8 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $4.49
          • Pure Wesson Oil, 48 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $2.04
          • Purina Fancy Feast Cat Food, 12 ct - B1G1 - $10.99 - $5.49
            $1/12 Purina Fancy Feast, exp. 6/28/19 (SS 04/28/19) [(12) cans or (1) 12-ct. variety pack; Limit 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $4.49
          • Savannah Classics Original Hushpuppies, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $1.89
          • Splenda No Calorie Sweetener Packets, 100 ct, Naturals, 40 ct, or Liquid, 1.68 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.39
            $1/1 Splenda No Calorie Sweetener Product printable
            $1/1 Splenda Essentials No Calorie Sweetener Product printable
            B1G1 Splenda Naturals Stevia Product, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 03/10/19)
            $1.50/1 Splenda Naturals or Granulated, exp. 8/31/19 (SS 02/10/19) [40-ct.; 80-ct.; 140-ct.; 9.8-oz.]
            $1.50/1 Splenda Naturals Stevia Product, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            $2/2 Splenda Sweetener Products, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 04/14/19) [Excludes 50-ct.]
            Final Price: $1.19
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces, 14 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $2.31 - $1.15
          • Tillamook Cheese Chunks, 8 oz - B1G1 - $4.59 - $2.29
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.3 - 21.6 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $2.99
          • Tuttorosso Tomatoes, 28 oz - B1G1
          • V8 100% Vegetable Juice or Splash Beverage, 64 oz or 6 pk - $3.89 - $1.99
          • Vanity Fair Napkins, 40 - 100 ct - B1G1 - $2.89 - $1.44
          • Village Candle, 16 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $14.99 - $7.49
          • Whole Fruit Fruit Bars, 16.5 oz - B1G1
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Aprons Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Chipotle Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Aprons Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 23.5 - 32 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Beyond Meat The Beyond Burger, 8 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Ground Sirloin Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Bratwurst, 19 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Johnsonville Sausage, Brats, or Hot Links, 12 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79 - $5.79
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Sliced Lunchmeat, 7 - 9 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • White Oak Pastures Grass-Fed Ground Beef, 1 lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cherries, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Eat Smart Salad Kit, 10 - 12 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Honeydew, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Organic Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Organic Fuji Apples, 2 lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Pink Lady Apples, 2 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Pink Lady Apples, per lb - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Ready Pac Bistro Salad, 4.75 - 8 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red or California Navel Oranges, 3 - 4 lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Simply 100% Orange, Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail Juice, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Sweet Corn, 4 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40 - $0.40
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, 5 lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Vidalia Sweet Onions, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 14 - 16 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Boar's Head Farm House Protein Bowl, 12 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Harvest Blend Protein Bowl, 12 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Maple Honey Double Play, 16 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Southwestern Protein Bowl, 12 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Slider Trio, ea - $29.99 - $29.99
          • Boar's Head White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • DeLallo Jumbo Seasoned Calamata Olives, 7 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Flatout Bread, 6.8 - 11.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Mini Blueberry Muffin, 4 ct - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Point Reyes Original Blue Cheese, 6 oz - $7.69 - $7.69
          • Publix Bakery Baguette, 8 oz - $1.89 - $1.89
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Petit Fours Platter, 33 ct - $23.99 - $23.99
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough French Bread, 12 oz - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Fountain Drink, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Publix Deli Large Hot Side Dish, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Maple Bourbon Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $6.59 - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pork Smokehouse Meal for Four, ea - $20.50 - $20.50
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • 7Up Products, 12 pk - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Bumble Bee Premium Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Bush's Best Baked or Grillin' Beans, 21.5 - 28 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Donut Shop K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Gatorade Whey Protein Bar, 2 - 2.8 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Glaceau Smartwater, 1 L - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Green Mountain K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Gutzy Probiotic Fruitpods, 3.9 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Krispy Kreme K-Cups, 12 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Minute Rice Cup, 8.8 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, Bites, or Protein, 4 - 5 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • One Bar Protein Bar, 2.12 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pepperidge Farm Buns or Rolls, 12.25 - 15.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers, Epic Crunch, or Graham Snacks, 5.5 - 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G2 - $4.38 - $2.19
          • Tostitos Dip or Dip-Etizers, 10 - 15.75 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Califia Almondmilk Creamer, 25.4 - 32 oz - $3.333 - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk, Coconutmilk, or Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, Flip, or Less Sugar, 5.3 oz, Drinkables, 7 oz, or Gimmies, 4 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/5 Chobani Single Serve Yogurt and Non Dairy Products, exp. 5/25/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Limit 1]
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 5
          • Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee+Milk Beverage, 13.7 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Fage Greek Strained Yogurt, 35.3 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Fairlife Ultra-Filtered Milk, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 1 gal - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Handsome Brook Farm Organic Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin Snacks, 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Philadelphia Cheesecake, 2 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            Final Price: $1.33 each wyb 3
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • SToK Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.50 - $4.50
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.84 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1.25/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese, exp. 6/2/19 (SS 04/07/19)
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 4 - 5.4 oz, or Whole Milk Drinkable, 8 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
            $1/2 Siggi's Yogurt printable
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal or 12 ct - $5.50 - $5.50
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, 3.6 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entree, 9.25 - 18 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Frozen Potatoes or Onion Rings, 16 - 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Air Wick V.I.P. Toilet Spray, 1.85 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 roll - $5.99 - $5.99
            $0.55/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [2, 3 or 6 roll]
            $0.25/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [3-roll, 6-roll or 8-roll]
            Final Price: $5.44
          • Cascade Complete, 75 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            Save $1.00 ONE Cascade ActionPacs Bag 20-37 ct (excludes Pure Essentials and trial/travel size)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, 70 - 75 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes printable [32-ct.+]
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wipes printable [33-ct.+]
            Final Price: $3.50
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner or Scentiva Cleaning Gel, 24 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product printable
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Dawn Dish Soap, 24 - 28 oz - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 34 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
            $1/1 Tide Simply Pods or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets, Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [13-ct. Tide Simply Pods; 40 load or less Downy; 60-ct. or less sheets; 4.3-oz. or less boosters; Excludes tide pods, tide detergent, downy libre enjuague; ETS]
            Final Price: $2.33
          • Downy Softener, 129 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Gain Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [48+ load fabric enhances; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks; Includes gain botanicals; ETS]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent or Gain Powder Detergent, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [Includes gain botanicals; ETS]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [48+ load fabric enhances; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks; Includes gain botanicals; ETS]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain, 75 - 100 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
            $1/1 Gain Flings or Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent or Gain Powder Detergent, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [Includes gain botanicals; ETS]
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 12 - 16 lb, or Matchlight, 12 lb - $7.99 - $7.99
            Save $1.50 on ONE (1) Kingsford Charcoal 7lbs+
            Final Price: $6.49
          • MethodAll Purpose Cleaner, 28 oz, or Dish Soap, 18 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Puffs Facial Tissues, 48 - 64 ct - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.00 - $6.00
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue printable
            Final Price: $5.50
          • Reynolds Aluminum Foil, 35 - 75 sq ft - $3.29 - $3.29
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Sparkle Paper Towels printable [6-roll+]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Swiffer Dusters, 3 - 5 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Swiffer Sweeper Cloth Refills, 10 - 16 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99 - $9.99
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [9-ct.+]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Tide Simply Laundry Detergent, 32 oz, or Pods, 13 ct - $3.33 - $3.33
            $0.50/1 Tide Simply Detergent or Tide Simply Pods or Era Detergent, exp. 6/8/19 (RMN 05/12/19 #2) [31-oz.+; 40-oz.+; ETS]
            Final Price: $2.83
          • Nudges Dog Treats, 16 oz - $9.99 - $9.99
            $1.50/1 Nudges Dog Treats printable
            $1/1 Nudges Dog Treats printable []
            $1.50/1 Nudges Dog Treats Bag, exp. 7/31/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [10-oz.+; Limit one coupon per transaction]
            Final Price: $8.49
          • Purina ONE Cat Food, 7 lb - $10.99 - $10.99
            $1/1 Purina One Dry Cat Food, exp. 6/28/19 (SS 04/28/19) [2.8-lb.+; Limit 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $9.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/16/19 – 5/22/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 5/9/19 – 5/15/19 Thu, 09 May 2019 17:55:36 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 9th or Wednesday, May 8th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/9/19 – 5/15/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 9th or Wednesday, May 8th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 14 - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Atkins Meal Bar, 5 pk - B1G1 - $8.19 - $8.19
          • Aunt Jemima Pancake & Waffle Mix, 32 - 35 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $3.69
          • Aunt Jemima Syrup, 24 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $3.69
          • Betty Crocker Muffin Mix, 13.9 - 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $2.69 - $2.69
          • Blue Bunny Mini Swirl Cones or Snacks, 6 - 8 pk - B1G1 - $6.15 - $6.15
          • Boca Veggie Protein Veggie Burgers or Patties, 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Butterball Turkey Burgers, 32 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Capri Sun Organic Juice Blend, 10 pk - B1G1 - $4.95 - $4.95
          • Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee, 32 oz - B1G1 - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Chinet Cut Crystal Plates, 8 - 12 ct, Crystal Plastic Cups, 18 - 25 ct, or Mixed Cutlery, 48 ct - B1G1 - $3.49 - $3.49
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
            Final Price: $0.74
          • Chinet Napkins, 40 - 90 ct - B1G1
            $1/1 Chinet Product printable
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.09 - $3.09
          • Del Monte Tomatoes, 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $1.54 - $1.54
          • Dole Frozen Fruit, 12 - 16 oz, or Acai Bowls, 6 oz - B1G1
            $1/1 Dole Frozen Product printable
            $1/1 Dole Frozen Products printable
          • Doritos Tortilla Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 oz - B1G1 - $4.79 - $4.79
          • Emerald Mixed Nuts or Cashews - B1G1 - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Entenmann's Donuts, 11 - 20.5 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Eternal Spring Water, 6 pk - B1G1 - $6.15 - $6.15
          • Kar's Sweet n Salty Mix, 44 oz or 20 ct - B1G1
          • Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $6.15 - $6.15
          • Lance Crackers - B1G1 - $3.19 - $3.19
            $1/2 Lance Home-pack Products printable [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.09 each wyb 2
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Lysol All Purpose, Multi-Purpose, or Kitchen Cleaner Triggers, 22 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $3.99
            $0.50/1 Lysol Daily Cleanser Trigger, exp. 6/10/19 (SS 04/14/19) [Limit 2]
            $0.50/1 Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner or Power Bathroom Cleaner, exp. 5/21/19 (SS 03/10/19)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Kitchen Pro Antibacterial Cleaner or Kitchen Pro Antibacterial Wipes, exp. 5/21/19 (SS 03/10/19)
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Magnum Ice Cream Bars, 9.12 - 11.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            Save $0.75 on any ONE (1) Magnum Ice Cream Bar Multipack, 3 ct.
            Save $1.50 on any TWO (2) Magnum Ice Cream Bar Multipacks (3 ct. or larger)
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Magnum Ice Cream Tub, 14.8 oz - B1G1 - $6.14 - $6.15
            Save $1.25 on any ONE (1) Magnum Ice Cream Tub, 14.8 fl oz.
            Final Price: $1.82
          • Mayfield Ice Cream, 1.5 qt, or Sandwiches or Bar, 6 ct - B1G1 - $6.15 - $6.15
          • Mentos Gum, 45 - 50 ct - B1G1 - $3.69 - $3.69
          • Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
          • Mrs. Dash Salt Free Seasoning Blend or Grilling Blend, 2 - 2.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.29 - $3.29
            $1/1 Mrs. Dash Seasoning, exp. 6/16/19 (SS 04/07/19 R)
            Final Price: $0.64
          • Mueller's Pasta, 8 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz - B1G1 - $3.88 - $3.88
          • Nabisco Oreo Thins Sandwich Cookies, 10.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.18 - $4.18
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.08 - $4.08
            $0.75/2 Ritz Crackers, exp. 5/18/19 (SS 04/07/19) [7-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Cookies or Crackers or Single Serve Trays, 10 - 18 ct - B1G1 - $8.89 - $8.89

            $0.75/1 Nabisco Multipacks (Checkout 51 Deposit) [Valid on 7 oz or larger, any variety; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate.]
            Final Price: $3.69
          • Ocean Spray 100% Juice Blend or 100% Grapefruit Juice, 60 oz, or Organic Juice, 33.8 oz - B1G1 - $4.18 - $4.18
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 ct, or Minis, 10 - 12 ct - B1G1 - $5.67 - $5.67
          • Oscar Mayer Beef Frank or Cheese Wieners, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Palermo's Primo Thin Pizza, 13.35 - 16.55 oz - B1G1 - $9.69 - $9.69
            $1/1 Palermo's Frozen Pizzas printable
            Final Price: $3.84
          • Pepperidge Farm On The Go! Snacks - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Bread, 22 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 40 oz - B1G1 - $7.30 - $7.30
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.47 - $3.47
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 32 oz - B1G1 - $15.79 - $15.79
            $0.55/1 Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil printable
            Final Price: $7.34
          • Post Alpha-Bits Cereal, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Post Chips Ahoy! Cereal, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Post Golden Crisp Cereal, 14.75 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 13 - 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Post Honeycomb Cereal, 12.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Post Nutter Butter Cereal, 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Post Oreo O's Cereal, 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Post Pebbles Cereal, 11 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Powerade Sports Drink, 8 pk 20 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - B1G1 - $5.11 - $5.11
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 10 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $6.19
          • Purina Bella Dog Food, 3.5 lb - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Purina Fancy Feast Gourmet Cat Food, 3 lb - B1G1 - $7.65 - $7.65
          • Quaker Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 15.4 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $4.86 - $4.86
          • Quaker Life Cereal, 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.86 - $4.86
          • Quaker Oatmeal Squares, 14.5 oz - B1G1 - $4.86 - $4.86
          • Ragu Pasta Sauce, 14 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $3.49
            $1/2 Ragu Sauce printable
            Final Price: $1.24 each wyb 2
          • Reser's Main St. Bistro Baked Sides, 17 - 20 oz - B1G1 - $5.19 - $5.19
          • Ruffles Potato Chips, 7.75 - 11.25 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Russell Stover Chocolates, 8.25 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Sabra Hummus, 6 pk - B1G1 - $5.63 - $5.63
          • Sara Lee Pound Cake or Cheesecake, 10.75 - 30 oz - B1G1 - $8.59 - $8.59
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Seattle's Best Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - B1G1 - $6.99 - $6.99
            $1.00 off 1 on ONE (1) bag of Seattle's Best Coffee® packaged coffee
            $2.25 off 2 on any TWO (2) Seattle's Best Coffee® K-Cup® packs (10 ct, 18 ct or 24 ct carton)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • SkinnyCow Ice Cream Sandwiches, Bars, or Cones, 4 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $5.69 - $5.69
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Cookies, 12 pk - B1G1 - $8.89 - $8.89
            $1/1 Snack Well's Cookies printable
            Final Price: $3.44
          • Sorbabes Sorbet, 1 pt - B1G1
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - B1G1
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 90 ct - B1G1
          • Welch's Fruit Snacks, 22 ct - B1G1 - $5.59 - $5.59
            $1/2 Welch's Fruit Snacks printable
            $1/2 Welch's Fruit Snacks, exp. 6/15/19 (SS 05/05/19)
            $1/2 Welch's Fruit Snacks, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [8-oz.+; 8-ct.+ bag or box]
            $1/2 Welch's Fruit Snacks (Checkout 51 Deposit) [Valid on 8 oz or larger bags or boxes. Items must appear on the same receipt; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate.]
            Final Price: $2.29 each wyb 2
          • 41/50 ct Medium Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Aprons Harissa Chicken Meal Kit, 32 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Lobster Fettuccine Cook-In-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Parmesan Chicken Breast Cutlets or Bites, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Armour Lunchmakers, 2.44 - 2.67 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.59 - $3.59
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Flank Steak, per lb - $8.49 - $8.49
          • GreenWise Applewood Bacon, 8 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99 - $10.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Ground Round, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
            3 lbs or more
          • Kiolbassa Smoked Sausage, 13 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchmeats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66 - $3.66
          • Publix Pork Loin Back Ribs, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Center Cut Rib Chops, per lb - $3.29 - $3.29
          • Publix Premium Crab Cakes, 6 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Thin-Sliced Boneless NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Crunch Pak Sweet Apple Slices, 14 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Eat Smart Microwaveable Vegetables, 12 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Eggplant, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Grape Tomatoes, pt - B1G1 - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Green Bell Peppers, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Shredded Carrots, 10 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Large Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Natalie's Orchid Island 100% Orange Juice, 64 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Organic Fuji Apples, 2 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Organic Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Organic Tomatoes on the Vine, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Poblano Peppers, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Potato Inspirations Organic Potatoes, 24 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Publix Red or Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Whole Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Yogurt Parfait, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Suki Mandarins, 2 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40 - $0.40
          • Vidalia Onions, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Wonderful Roasted & Salted Pistachios, 14 - 16 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Slider Trio - $29.99 - $29.99
          • Boar's Head Ultimate Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • DeLallo Seasoned Olive Medley, 8 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Covered Strawberries, 6 oz - $4.59 - $4.59
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Ganache Supreme Cake, 36 - 66 oz - $19.99 - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Molten Lava Cake, 7.2 oz - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59 - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Donuts, 6 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Heart Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie, 20 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Cheesecake, 32 oz - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Domestic Brie Cheese, per lb - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Fresh Fruit Platter, 60 oz - $21.99 - $21.99
          • Publix Deli Hummus, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Deli Jeweled Brie Mini Platter, 20 oz - $14.99 - $14.99
          • Publix Deli Mojo Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Mojo Pork Dinner, ea - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Pre-Sliced Prosciutto, 4 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Smokehouse Meal for Four - $24.50 - $24.50
          • Stacy's Pita Thins, Bagel or Pita Chips, 6.75 - 8 oz - B2G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G2 - $5.93 - $5.93
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk - B2G1
          • Bumble Bee Premium Tuna, 4 pk - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Butcher's Organic Chicken or Beef Bone Broth, 24 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            SAVE 75¢ on any ONE Cheez-It® Snap'd™
            Stack With $0.75/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - B2G2 - $2.24 - $2.24
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - B2G2
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia, or Fruit Refreshers printable [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks printable
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 32 oz, or Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, 4.1 - 5.23 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lindt Lindor Truffles, 5.1 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Ground Coffee, 24.2 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Real Medleys, or Overnight Oats, 1.34 - 2.64 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/2 Quaker Instant Oatmeal, exp. 6/9/19 (SS 04/28/19)
            Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2
          • Quaker Popped Rice Crisps, 3 - 3.52 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Starbucks Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
            Save $1.00 on ONE (1) ground or whole bean coffee
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Welch's Jam or Jelly, 11 - 20 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almond Milk, 64 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cracker Barrel or Kraft Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Daisy Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Finagle-a-Bagel Bagels, 5 ct - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic or Lactose Free Milk, 64 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Kraft Expertly Paired Cheese Sticks, 7.5 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough, 16 - 16.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Oui by Yoplait French Style Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33 - $1.33
          • Pete & Gerry's Organic Large Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Pete and Gerry's Liquid Eggs, 16 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Pillsbury Crescents, 4 oz, Cinnamon Rolls, 7.3 oz, or Grands! Biscuits, 10.2 oz, or Jr. Flaky Golden Biscuits, 12 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            Final Price: $0.66 each wyb 3
          • Polly-O String Cheese, 9 - 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • YQ by Yoplait Ultra Filtered Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.33 - $1.33
          • Amy's Burrito or Wrap, 5.5 - 6 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet for Two, 24 oz - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Devour Entrees, 7.4 - 12.4 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Friendly's Ice Cream Sundae, 6 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Pizza, 11 - 12.4 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 4.4 - 10.5 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths, 168 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
            Save $0.75 on any ONE (1) COTTONELLE® Flushable Cleansing Cloth (168 ct or higher) (Available at Walmart)
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Flushable Wipes printable
            $0.50/1 Cottonelle Flushable Wipes, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19) [42-ct.+]
            Stack With $0.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $5.44
          • Cottonelle Toilet Paper, 12 roll or 6 mega rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper printable
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper printable
            $0.50/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19) [6+ rolls]
            Stack With $0.25/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $5.69
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 62 - 77 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Downy Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Duracell Batteries, 6 - 16 ct - 25% OFF
            $1/1 Duracell Coppertop, exp. 5/25/19 (SS 04/28/19) [8-pk. AA/AAA; 4-pk. C/D; 2-pk.+ 9V; Limit of 2 like coupons in same shopping trip]
          • Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 48 - 56 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Gain Fabric Softener Sheets, 120 ct - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Gain Flings, 12 - 16 ct - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
          • Gain In-Wash Scent Booster, 7.2 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Gain Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Gain, 50 - 52.9 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Hot Shot Ant, Roach, & Spider Killer Aerosol, 17.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $0.25/1 Palmolive Fusion Clean Dish Liquid printable [20-oz.+]
            $1/1 Palmolive Ultra Dish, exp. 5/18/19 (SS 05/05/19) [32.5-oz.]
            $0.50/1 Palmolive Ultra Dish, exp. 5/18/19 (SS 05/05/19) [18-oz.+]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 95 - 200 sq ft - $8.39 - $8.39
          • Scotch-Brite Sponges, 3 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Shout Laundry Stain Remover, 8.7 - 22 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [9-ct.+]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Tide, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [Excludes pods, rescue, simply, pods, detergent 10-oz. or lessexp]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Viva Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable [6 or More Rolls; Offer Value May Vary]
            $0.50/1 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable
            $0.50/6 Viva Vantage or Viva Paper Towels printable [6-pk.+]
            $0.50/1 Viva Paper Towels, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19) [6-pk.+]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Ziploc Freezer or Storage Bags, 10 - 48 ct - $4.50 - $4.50
            $1/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Atkins Shakes, 4 pk - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Australian Gold Products, select - $2.00 OFF
            $4/1 Australian Classic Sun Care, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 04/28/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes lip balm]
            $2/1 Australian Botanical Sun Care, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 04/28/19) [3-oz.+; Excludes lip balm]
          • Boost Nutritional Shakes, 4 - 24 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $2/1 Boost Drinks, exp. 6/23/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Multipack; Limit of 4 like coupons per household per day; no cash back; DND]
          • Carefree Pantiliners, 36 - 60 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.50/1 Carefree Product printable
            $0.75/1 Carefree Product, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 04/07/19 R) [Excludes 18, 20 & 22-ct.; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Claritin, 30 - 70 ct - 20% OFF
            Save $8.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin Tablets (70ct or larger)
            Save $8.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin Liqui-Gels 60 Count
            Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Children's Claritin (8oz or 20 count or larger) or RediTabs for Juniors (30 count)
            Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin (30 count or larger)
            Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin-D (15 count or larger)
            Save $4.00 on any ONE (1) Non-Drowsy Claritin Liqui-Gels or RediTabs (30 count or larger)
            $12/1 Claritin printable [70-ct.]
            $2/1 Claritin-D Non-Drowsy Allergy Product [15-ct.+]
            $4/1 Claritin-D Non Drowsy, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [15-ct.+; Limit 4]
            $4/1 Claritin Non Drowsy, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [30-ct.+; Limit 4]
            $4/1 Non-Drowsy Claritin, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 04/28/19 R) [30-ct.+; Limit of 4 Exact Same Coupons Per Household Per Day]
            $4/1 Claritin Children's Non Drowsy or Claritin Reditabs for Juniors, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [8-oz. or 20-ct.+ children's; 30-ct. junior; Limit 4]
            $4/1 Non-Drowsy Claritin-D, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 04/28/19 R) [15 Count or Larger; Limit of 4 Exact Same Coupons Per Household Per Day]
            $2/1 Non-Drowsy Children's Claritin or Claritin RediTabs for Juniors, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 04/28/19 R)
          • Crest Pro-Health or 3D White Toothpaste, 4.8 - 6.3 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [3-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Dove Body Wash, 22 oz, Shower Foam, 13.5 oz, or Body Polish, 10.5 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
            FREE $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00 of Dove or Tresemme Products.
            $1/1 Dove Body Wash or Shower Foam Product, exp. 5/19/19 (RMN 05/05/19) [22-oz.+; 13.5-oz.; ETS]
            $2/2 Dove Hair Care, Body Wash Polish, Shower Foam or Mousse, Dove Bar, Bath Bomb, Hand Wash, or Deodorant, exp. 5/17/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Hair Care 5-oz. to 20.4-oz.; Body Wash Polish, Shower Foam or Mousse 10.3-oz. to 34-oz.; Bar 6-ct.; Bath Bomb 2-ct.; Hand Wash 6.8-oz.; Deodorant 1.7-oz. to 5.2-oz.]
            Final Price: $4.99 each wyb 2
          • Listerine Mouthwash, 32 oz or 1 - 1.5 L - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Listerine, Listerine Healthy White or Listerine Ready! Tabs, exp. 5/29/19 (Publix Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet) [1-L.+ Listerine; 32-oz. Healthy White; 8-ct. tabs; Valid 4/29-5/29]
          • Listerine Ready! Tabs, 8 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Listerine, Listerine Healthy White or Listerine Ready! Tabs, exp. 5/29/19 (Publix Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet) [1-L.+ Listerine; 32-oz. Healthy White; 8-ct. tabs; Valid 4/29-5/29]
          • Method Foaming Hand Wash or Hand Wash, 10 - 12 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Neutrogena Products, select - $2.00 OFF
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $3/1 Nexium 24HR printable [28-ct. or 42-ct.]
            $3/1 Nexium 24HR Tablets printable [28-ct. or 42-ct.]
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product printable
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product printable
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 5/12/19 (RMN 04/28/19) [Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip]
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product, exp. 5/7/19 (RMN 04/07/19 #2) [Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip]
            $2/1 Nexium 24HR Product (SavingStar Deposit)
            Stack With $10/2 Nexium 24HR or Preparation H Rapid Relief, exp. 5/17/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Nexium 42-ct.; Rapid Relief 1-oz.]
          • Olay Regenerist Whip, Eyes, Luminous, or Total Effects Moisturizer, 2 - 4.5 oz - $4.00 OFF
          • Prilosec, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $1/1 Prilosec OTC Product, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Publix Liquid Hand Soap Refill, 56 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Stayfree Pads, 14 - 24 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
            $2/2 Stayfree Product, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 04/07/19 R) [Excludes 10-ct.; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            $0.75/1 Stayfree Product, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 04/07/19 R) [Excludes 10-ct.; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; no cash back]
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Tresemme Hair Care, 11 - 28 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
            FREE $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00 of Dove or Tresemme Products.
            $2/2 TRESemme Shampoo, Conditioner, Styling or Root Touch Up Products, exp. 5/17/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [2.5-oz. to 28-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.00 each wyb 2
          • Tresemme Pro Collection Hair Care, 22 oz, or Stylers, 4.3 - 10.5 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
            FREE $5.00 Publix Gift Card wyb $15.00 of Dove or Tresemme Products.
            $2/2 TRESemme Shampoo, Conditioner, Styling or Root Touch Up Products, exp. 5/17/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [2.5-oz. to 28-oz.]
            Final Price: $4.00 each wyb 2

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/9/19 – 5/15/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 5/2/19 – 5/8/19 Tue, 30 Apr 2019 18:27:51 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 2nd or Wednesday, May 1st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/2/19 – 5/8/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, May 2nd or Wednesday, May 1st (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Armour Meatballs, 20 - 25 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Barilla Pasta Sauce, 24 oz - B1G1 - $2.75 - $2.75
          • Baskin Robbins Ice Cream, 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Bertolli Olive Oil, 25.36 oz - B1G1 - $11.49 - $11.49
          • Betty Crocker Hamburger or Tuna Helper Pasta, 5.5 - 6.9 oz - B1G1 - $1.55 - $1.55
          • Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad Pasta, 6.2 - 8.3 oz - B1G1 - $2.35 - $2.35
          • Blue Plate Mayonnaise, 30 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $4.29
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 28 oz - B1G1 - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.89 - $2.89
          • Brillo Erase & Wipe Sponges, 2 ct, or Scrub Sponges, 3 ct - B1G1
          • Cabo Fresh Organic Guacamole, 12 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer, 32 oz - B1G1
          • Campari Tomatoes, 10.5 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Cracker Barrel Macaroni & Cheese, Kraft Deluxe, or Velveeta Shells & Cheese, 9.4 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, Light & Fit, or Oikos Blended Greek Yogurt, 32 oz - B1G1
          • Delimex Taqutios, 21.6 - 23 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Enlightened Light Ice Cream, 16 oz, or Ice Cream Bars, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 Enlightened Ice Cream printable
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • Fiji Natural Artisan Water, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Frank's RedHot Sauce or Wing Sauce, 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.29 - $3.29
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend or Kit, 5 - 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $4.29
          • General Mills Basic 4 Cereal, 13.2 - 17.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 Select General Mills Cereals, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Includes Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, Nature Valley Granola]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz - B1G1 - $4.19 - $4.19
            $1/2 Select General Mills Cereals, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Includes Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, Nature Valley Granola]
            $1/2 Cheerios Cereals, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Includes Original Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Multi Grain,Chocolate Peanut Butter, Very Berry, Apply Cinnamon, Frosted, Chocolate, Fruity, Honey Nut, Medley Crunch, Cheerios Protein +Ancient Grains, Cheerios Oat Crunch or Maple Cheerios Cereal]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 12 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 Select General Mills Cereals, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Includes Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, Nature Valley Granola]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Fiber One Cereal, 13.2 - 17.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Oatmeal Crisp Cereal, 13.2- 17.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 Select General Mills Cereals, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Includes Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, Nature Valley Granola]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Raisin Nut Bran Cereal, 13.2 - 17.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Total Cereal, 13.2 - 17.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 Select General Mills Cereals, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Includes Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, Nature Valley Granola]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Wheaties Cereal, 13.2 - 17.1 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1/2 Select General Mills Cereals, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Includes Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raising Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, Nature Valley Granola]
            $1/2 General Mills Cereals: Fiber One, Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley Cereal, or Nature Valley Granola, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19 R)
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 2
          • Gevalia Cold Brew Coffee, 32 oz - B1G1 - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct - B1G1 - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Good Humor Ice Cream Bars, 6 ct - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Gordo's Cheese Dip, 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.69 - $4.69
            $1/1 Gordo's Original, Hot, Mild, Cheese n Salsa, Cheese n Chipotle or Queso Dip printable
            Final Price: $1.34
          • Gorton's Crab Cakes or Grilled Fish Fillets, 6 - 6.3 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 11 - 11.4 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Health-Ade Kombucha, 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Hebrew National Beef Franks or Knockwurst, 9.43 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Heinz BBQ Sauce, 18.6 - 21.4 oz - B1G1
          • Heinz Simply Heinz Tomato Ketchup or Ketchup Sweetened with Honey, 31 oz - B1G1 - $4.95 - $4.95
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 11.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise, exp. 5/11/19 (RMN 04/14/19) [24-oz. jar; 11.5-oz.+ squeeze; 15-oz.+ organic; Limit 2]
            Final Price: $0.99
          • Home Run Inn Pizza, 16.5 - 32 oz - B1G1 - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Hungry Man Dinners, 15.25 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Hydroponic Butter Lettuce, ea - B1G1 - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.89 - $2.89
          • Kraft Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Late July Organic Snack Chips or Tortilla Chips, 5.5 - 6 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Libman Sponges, 3 ct - B1G1
          • Maille Mustard, 7.3 - 7.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $3.99
            $1/1 Maille Product, exp. 5/11/19 (RMN 04/14/19) [Limit 2]
            Final Price: $0.99
          • Mighty Spark Gourmet Ground Meat, 16 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Mission Flour Tortillas, 10 ct - B1G1
          • Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips, Pita, or Ritz Crisp & Thins, 7.1 - 8.1 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $3.69
            $0.75/2 Ritz Crisp and Thins Chips or Ritz Toasted Chips, exp. 5/11/19 (SS 03/31/19) [7-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.47 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Butterfinger Bites, Raisinets, Buncha Crunch Chocolate Candy, SweeTarts, or Nerds Big Chew, 8 - 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $3.79
            $1/1 Butterfinger Crunch, Baby Ruth or 100 Grand Fun Size Bag or Minis Bag Product, exp. 6/30/19 (RMN 04/07/19) [10-oz.+]
            Final Price: $0.89
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 14 oz - B1G1 - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1 - $2.19 - $2.19
          • Old El Paso Flour Tortillas, 8 - 10 ct - B1G1 - $2.19 - $2.19
          • Old El Paso Refried Beans, 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.19 - $2.19
          • Old El Paso Taco Sauce, 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.19 - $2.19
          • Olive Garden Seasoned Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1 - $1.79 - $1.79
          • Pace Salsa or Picante Sauce or Blanco Queso Dip, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1
            $0.25/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
          • Pedigree Dentastix Treats for Dogs, 1.52 - 1.72 lb or 20.9 oz - B1G1 - $12.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 6.9 - 8.6 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $3.89
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz or 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Perdue Organic Simply Smart or Whole Grain Frozen Chicken, 22 - 29 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $8.99
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Products printable
            Final Price: $3.74
          • Prego Sauce, 14 - 67 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz - B1G1 - $2.59 - $2.59
          • Publix Allergy Tablets, 24 ct, Allergy Cream, 1 oz, or Hydro Cream, 1 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Angel Food Cake, 15 oz - B1G1 -. $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Bakery Jumbo Muffins, 4 ct - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - B1G1 - $5.29 - $5.29
          • Publix Extra Strength Pain Relief or PM Pain Relief, 50 ct - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Publix Premium Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1 - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Purex Crystals, 15.5 oz - B1G1
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
            $0.50/1 Purex Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent printable
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Quaker Old Fashioned or Quick 1-Minute Oats, 18 oz - B1G1 - $3.17 - $3.17
          • Quaker Popped Rice Snacks, 6.06 - 7.04 oz - B1G1 - $3.15 - $3.15
          • Renuzit Snuggle Automatic Spray Refill, 6.17 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $7.49
            $1.50/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Stack With $1/2 Renuzit Snuggle or Refill, exp. 5/29/19 (Publix Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet) [2-ct., 3-ct., or 6.17-oz. can spray; 18-oz. trigger spray; Excludes cones; Valid 4/29-5/29]
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Renuzit Snuggle Fabric Refresher, 18 oz - B1G1 - $7.49 - $7.49
            $1.99/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Stack With $1/2 Renuzit Snuggle or Refill, exp. 5/29/19 (Publix Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet) [2-ct., 3-ct., or 6.17-oz. can spray; 18-oz. trigger spray; Excludes cones; Valid 4/29-5/29]
            Final Price: $1.24
          • Renuzit Snuggle Oil Refill, 2 ct - B1G1 - $7.49 - $7.49
            $1.50/1 Renuzit Oils, exp. 5/4/19 (RMN 04/07/19) [Limit of one identical coupon per shopping trip]
            Stack With $1/2 Renuzit Snuggle or Refill, exp. 5/29/19 (Publix Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet) [2-ct., 3-ct., or 6.17-oz. can spray; 18-oz. trigger spray; Excludes cones; Valid 4/29-5/29]
            Final Price: $1.74
          • Sabra Guacamole, 8 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Smart Balance Butter Spread, Spray, or Sticks, 7.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - B1G1
          • Spring Mountain Farms Chicken Breast or Thighs, per lb - B1G1 - $6.79 - $6.79
          • St. Ives Body Wash, 13.5 oz - B1G1 - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Starkist Albacore Tuna in Water, 6.4 oz - B1G1
          • Stonyfield Kids Organic Yogurt, 4 - 8 pk - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1.50/1 Stonyfield Organic Yobaby Whole Milk Yogurt printable [6-ct.]
            $1 off Stonyfield Organic Products, exp. 5/12/19 (RMN 03/31/19 #2) [(3) single serve; (1) large cup 24-oz. to 32-oz.; (1) 4-ct.+ multipack; Includes YoBaby, Kids and Whole Milk]
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Sweet Earth Bowl, 6 - 9 oz - B1G1 - $5.29 - $5.29
            $1/1 Sweet Earth Frozen Entree, exp. 7/31/19 (SS 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.64
          • Sweet Earth Burrito - B1G1 - $3.79 - $3.79
            $1/1 Sweet Earth Frozen Burrito, exp. 7/31/19 (SS 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $0.89
          • Taco Bell Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Talenti Gelato, Gelato Layers, or Sorbetto, 11.5 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Tostitos Dips, 15 - 15.75 oz, or Dip-Etizers, 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 19.8 - 24.8 oz - B1G1 - $5.55 - $5.55
          • Vigo Mexican Style Rice Dinner, 8 oz - B1G1 - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Vigo Yellow Rice, 5 oz - B1G1 - $0.75 - $0.75
          • 20/40 ct Sea Scallops, per lb - $13.99 - $13.99
          • 26/30 ct Extra Large Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • 31/40 ct Peeled and Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Aprons Lobster Fettuccine Cook-In-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Boneless Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Cajun-Seasoned Ready-to-Cook, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Tenderloin Steaks, per lb - $19.99 - $19.99
          • GreenWise Angus Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $13.99 - $13.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Boneless Chicken Tenders, per lb - $7.19 - $7.19
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50 - $5.50
          • Greenfield Natural Meat Co. Lunchmeat, 7 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - #3.33 - $3.33
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.69 - $4.69
            3 lb or more
          • Maverick Ranch Organic 85% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Oberto Jerky or Chicken Strips, 2.5 - 3.25 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breast, 24 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions or Perdue Harvestland Perfect Portions printable
            $1/1 Perdue Perfect Portions Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast Product printable
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Publix Chicken Fillets, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Spiny Lobster Tails, 4.75 oz - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Thin Sliced Top Round Steaks, per lb - $4.69 - $4.69
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Baby Seedless Cucumbers, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Cilantro, bunch - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Eat Smart Vegetable Medley, 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Gala Apples, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Orange Juice, 52 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Salad, 5 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • GreenWise Tofu, 8 - 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Heirloom Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Jalapeno Peppers, 12 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • La Mexicana Salsa, 14 - 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Large Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Limes, ea - $0.25 - $0.25
          • Mandarins, 3 - 4 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Mango, ea - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Mighties Kiwi, 2 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, 3 - 4 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Organic Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Organic Granny Smith Apples, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Peeled & Cored Pineapple, ea - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice, Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail Juice, 52 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40 - $0.40
          • Zucchini or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Aprons Seasoned Beef Fajita Mix, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Aprons Seasoned Chicken Fajita Mix, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head All-American BBQ Chicken Salad, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Salsalito Sandwich, 9 oz - $4.29 - $4.29
          • Boar's Head SmokeMaster or BourbonRidge Ham, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Boar's Head White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Buitoni Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Dave's Killer Bread Organic Bread, 24 - 27 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $7.59 - $7.59
          • GreenWise Tea, 57 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Marin Petite Cheese, 4 oz - $4.50 - $4.50
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Mango Key Lime Pie, 12 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Crumb Cake, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Chicken Wings, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Herb or Pepper Coated Salami, 4 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Jalapeno Popper Dip or Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Salsa, 16 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Chicken Smokehouse Meal For Four, ea - $12.50 - $12.50
          • Publix Deli Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Pulled Pork Sandwich, ea - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Sabra Guacamole, 8 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cheetos, 6.25 - 7.62 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cheez-It Snacks, 10.4 - 17.1 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1 - $5.79 - $5.79
          • Emerald Almonds, 5 - 5.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Famous Amos Snacks, 10.4 - 17.1 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Frontera Skillet Sauce or Enchilada Sauce, 8 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Gatorade Thirst Quencher, 8 pk - $5.00 - $5.00
          • GreenWise Cayenne Red Pepper, 0.75 - 2.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Garlic Powder, 0.75 - 2.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Granola, 8 - 12 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Ground Cinnamon, 0.75 - 2.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Ground Coriander, 0.75 - 2.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Applesauce, 23 - 24 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Bar or Squares, 4.4 - 6.15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Chicken or Vegetable Broth, 32 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Olive or Coconut Oil Spray, 5 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Pure Juice, 33.8 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Organic Quinoa, 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Thyme Leaves, 0.75 - 2.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • GreenWise Tumeric, 0.75 - 2.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Keebler Tray Pack Snacks, 10.4 - 17.1 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats, 5.64 - 6.2 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • LaCroix Flavored Sparkling Water or Pure Sparkling, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Lay's Oven Baked Snacks, 6.25 - 7.62 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lay's Poppables Potato Snacks, 5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • McCormick Gourmet Spices, 0.18 - 2.62 oz or 2 ct - 25% OFF
          • Mother's Cookies, 10.4 - 17.1 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon Bits or Real Bacon Pieces, 2.8 - 3 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Propel Water Beverage, 6 pk - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Chocolate Covered Almonds, Raisins, Bridge Mix, or Chocolate Double Dipped Peanuts, 8 - 9 oz - $2.19 - $2.19
          • Publix Chunky Salsa, 16 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Publix Coffee Filters, 200 ct - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Publix Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Publix Peanuts, 16 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Spring Water, 24 pk, or Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Water Enhancer, 1.62 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Rosarita Refried Beans, 16 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Ruffles, 6.25 - 7.62 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk 16 oz - B2G2
          • Starkist Solid White Albacore Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Swanson Organic Broth or Stock, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Tostitos, 6.25 - 7.62 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Welch's Juice or Juice Beverage, 59 - 64 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Welch's Sparkling Juice Cocktail, 25.4 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Blue Diamond Almondbreeze Almondmilk Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00 - $4.00
            $1/1 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk Creamer, exp. 6/30/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [32-oz.]
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Cabot Natural Creamery Butter, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Sour Cream, 16 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Happy Egg Co. Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Kerrygold Butter, 7.5 - 8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Organic Valley Grassmilk, 64 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, Cinnamon Rolls, or Danish Rolls with Icing, 8 - 13.9 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury RPublix Bakery New York Style Crumb Cake, 15 oz - $3.99eady to Bake Cookies, 11 - 16.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            Final Price: $2.17 each wy
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 16 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 16 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Siggi's Iceland Style Skyr, 4 - 5.4 oz, or Whole Milk Drinkable Yogurt, 8 oz - $1.25 - $1.25
            $1/2 Siggi's Yogurt printable
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 2
          • Silk Almond, Soy, Cashew, or Coconut Milk, 64 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 Silk Almond Milk printable [1/2 gal., sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee, 32 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Iced Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Stouffer's Fit Kitchen, Urban Bistro, or Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 13.25 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entrees, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $5.00 - $5.00
            $1/1 Angel Soft Mega Bath Tissue printable [12+ roll or 6+ mega]
            $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue printable [4 double roll+]
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $1.50 OFF
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 12 large or 6 huge rolls - $13.49 - $13.49
            $1/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [4-ct.+; Includes huge rolls 2-ct.; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $12.49
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct, or Complete, 45 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
            $1.00 / 1 ONE Cascade ActionPacs Bag 20-37 ct (excludes Pure Essentials and trial/travel size)
            $0.50/1 Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, Rinse Aid or Dishwasher Cleaner, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $3.49
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega, 9 mega, or 18 dbl rolls - $5.00 OFF
            $1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [4-ct.+ Mega Rolls; Includes mega plus & super mega excludes single rolls; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Clorox Bleach, 55 - 64 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Bleach printable [55-oz.+]
            $1/2 Clorox Liquid Bleach Clorox Clean-Up, Clorox Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Clorox Bleach Gel or Clorox Bleach Foamer Products, exp. 5/7/19 (SS 04/07/19 R) [55-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product printable
            $1/2 Clorox Liquid Bleach Clorox Clean-Up, Clorox Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Clorox Bleach Gel or Clorox Bleach Foamer Products, exp. 5/7/19 (SS 04/07/19 R) [55-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Dawn Dish Soap, 16.2 - 19.4 oz, or Mr. Clean Multisurface Cleaner, 45 oz, or Magic Eraser or Sponges, 2 - 9 ct - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $0.75/1 Dawn Ultra, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [16.2-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $0.50/1 Mr. Clean Clean Product, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Dawn, 40 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
            $0.75/1 Dawn Ultra, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [16.2-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $4.24
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 44 - 90 ct - $4.00 - $4.00
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates printable
            Final Price: $3.25
          • Downy Fabric Conditioner, 129 oz - $1.50 OFF
            $2/1 Tide Simply Pods, or Downy Liquid, Bounce/Downy Sheets or Boosters, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [32-ct.+ Tide Simply Pods; 48+ load Downy liquid; 70-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz. boosters; Excludes downy libre, enjuage, gain fireworks; ETS]
          • Gain Detergent, 75 - 100 oz - $1.50 OFF
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $1.50 OFF
          • Gain Sheets, 240 ct - $1.50 OFF
          • Glad Trash Bags, select 50 - 90 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
          • GreenWise Bleach, 64 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
          • NaturalAire Air Cleaning Filter, ea - $3.40 - $3.50
          • Puffs Facial Tissue, 124 ct - $1.66 - $1.66
            $0.25/1 Puffs Facial Tissues, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [Includes multi-packs; Excludes puffs to go singles; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $1.41
          • Renuzit Gel Air Freshener, 7 oz - $0.83 - $0.83
            B3G1 Renuzit Adjustables Air Freshener Cones, exp. 5/4/19 (RMN 04/07/19) [Limit of one identical coupon per shopping trip]
            Final Price: $0.72 each wyb 4
          • Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids Containers, 1 - 2 ct - 40% OFF
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            SAVE 50¢ on ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles® Bath Cleaning Product
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, 1 ct - $3.50 - $3.50
            SAVE 50¢ on ONE (1) Scrubbing Bubbles® Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product (excludes twin packs)
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Seventh Generation Dish Liquid or Cleaner, 23 - 26 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Suavitel Fabric Conditioner, 44 - 50 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Suavitel Fabric Softener Sheets, 80 ct -. $2.50 - $2.50
          • Swiffer Sweeper Cloth Refills, 10 - 16 ct, or Dusters, 3 - 5 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $2/1 Swiffer Refill or Wetjet Solution, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $1.50 OFF
            $2/1 Tide Pods, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19 R) [9-ct.+]
          • Ziploc Containers, 2 - 4 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
            Stack With $1/2 Ziploc Brand Bags or Containers, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [2-ct. to 280-ct.]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Ziploc Storage or Freezer, 14 - 24 ct, or Sandwich or Snack Bags, 66 - 90 ct - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
            Stack With $1/2 Ziploc Brand Bags or Containers, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [2-ct. to 280-ct.]
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Advil Pain Reliever, 80 - 100 ct - $6.00 OFF wyb 2
            $3/1 Advil Film-Coated Product printable [80-ct.+]
            $3/1 Advil Film-Coated Product printable [80-ct.+]
            $2/1 Advil PM Product printable [20-ct.+]
            $1/1 Advil Product printable [ETS]
            $1/1 Advil Liqui-Gels Minis printable [20-ct.+]
            $3/1 Advil Film Coated Product printable [80-ct.+]
            $1/1 Advil PM Product printable [20-ct.+]
            $2/1 Advil Product printable [40-ct.+]
            $2/1 Advil PM Product printable [40-ct.+]
            $2/1 Advil Product or Advil PM, exp. 5/12/19 (RMN 04/28/19) [40-ct.+; 20-ct.+]
            Stack With $2/1 Advil PM, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [20-ct. to 120-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Align Probiotic Supplement, 21 - 42 ct - $3.00 OFF
            $2/1 Align Probiotic Supplement Product, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Stack With $3/1 Align Product, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [14-ct. to 60-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Alka-Seltzer, 10 - 90 ct - 20% OFF
            $1/1 Alka-Seltzer Product printable
            $2/1 Alka-Seltzer Plus PowerMax Gels Product printable
            $1/1 Alka-Seltzer Plus Product printable
            $2/1 Alka-Seltzer Plus 12 Hour Cough & Mucus DM Product printable
          • Always Discreet Underwear, 10 - 19 pk, or Pads, 28 - 66 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Underwear or Boutique Underwear, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $2/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Liner or Pad, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Always Infinity or Radiant Pads, 18 - 36 ct, or Ultra Thin or Maxi Pads, 27 - 46 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Ultra or Maxi Pads, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [11-ct.+; Excludes always liners and always discreet; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Burt's Bees Toothpaste, 4.7 oz - $1.00 OFF
          • Colgate Toothbrush, 1 - 4 ct - 25% OFF
          • Colgate Total Advanced Pro-Shield Mouthwash, 33.8 oz - $4.99
            $0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable
            Final Price: $4.24
          • Colgate Total or Optic White Toothpaste, 3.4 - 4.8 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            SAVE $4.00 On any TWO Colgate Total SF Advanced, Optic White® Advanced Whitening or Platinum, Enamel Health, Essentials, or Sensitive
            Final Price: $1.00
          • Crest 3D Rinse, 946 ml or 1 L - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [437-ml./16-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Crest 3D White Whitestrips, 4 - 20 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $5/1 Crest 3D White Whitestrips Kit, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Crest 3D White, Gum Detoxify, or Gum & Enamel Repair Toothpaste, 4.1 - 4.8 oz - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [3-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Stack With $0.25/1 Crest Gum & Enamel Repair Toothpaste (Ibotta Deposit) [Gum & Enamel Repair variety; 3.0-oz.+]
            Stack With $0.25/1 Crest Gum Detoxify Toothpaste (Ibotta Deposit) [Gum Detoxify variety; 3.0-oz.+]
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Depend Underwear, 12 - 19 ct, or Men Guards, 27 - 66 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Depend Products printable
            $2/2 Depend Product printable
            $2/1 Depend Guards and Shields for Men printable
            $2/1 Depend Products printable [8-ct.+]
            $2/1 Depend Products printable
            $2/1 Depend Products printable
            Stack With $2/1 Poise Pads, exp. 5/29/19 (Publix Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet) [27-66-ct.; Excludes 30-ct. ultra-thins or depend underwear 12-52-ct.; Valid 4/29-5/29]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Dial Hand Soap, 7.5 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Dietary Supplements, 42 - 250 ct - 25% OFF
          • Kind Bars, 4 pk - $3.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Lubriderm Lotion, 13.5 - 16 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
            $1/1 Lubriderm Product printable [13-oz.+]
            $2/1 Lubriderm Product, exp. 5/5/19 (SS 03/03/19 #2) [13-oz.+; Limit one coupon per purchase and per customer]
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Metamucil, 15 - 36.8 oz or 160 ct - $3.00 OFF
            $1/1 Metamucil Fiber Supplement Product printable [Excludes trial and travel sizes]
            $2/1 Metamucil Fiber Supplement Product, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Stack With $3/1 Metamucil Fiber Powders or Capsules, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Powders 30 to 180 dose; Capsules 160-ct.; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Miralax, 4.1 - 26.9 oz or 10 - 90 ct - 20% OFF
            $1/1 Miralax Product printable [14-dose+]
            $3/1 MiraLAX Product, exp. 5/4/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [20+ dose; Limit 4]
            $2/1 MiraLAX Product, exp. 5/4/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [Limit 4]
            Stack With $5/2 One A Day Trubiotics, Phillips' Fiber Gummies, Phillips' Colon Health, MiraLAX or Zegerid OTC, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Trubiotics 30-ct. to 60-ct.; Gummies 80-ct. to 90-ct.; Colon Health 30-ct. to 70-ct.; MiraLAX 8.3-oz. to 26.9-oz. or 10-ct. to 20-ct.; Zegerid OTC 14-ct. or 42-ct.]
          • Olay Body Wash or Foaming Body Wash, 10.3 - 30 oz, or Bar Soap, 6 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Olay Bar Body Wash, In-Shower Body Lotion or Hand and Body Lotion, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [4-ct.+,; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Old Spice Hydro or Fresher Body Wash, 16 oz - $1.00 OFF
          • Pantene or Head & Shoulders Hair Care, select - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $5/3 Pantene Product, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [Incl. gold series collection; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1.50/1 Pantene Styler or Treatment, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Pantene Product, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [Incl. gold series collection; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $3/2 Head & Shoulders Products or Clinical Solutions, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [315-ml./10.6-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Head & Shoulders Product or Clinical Solutions, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [315-ml./10.6-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Phillips' Products, 4.1 - 26.9 oz or 10 - 90 ct - 20% OFF
            $2/1 Phillips Colon Health Probiotic printable
            $1/1 Phillips Product printable
            Stack With $5/2 One A Day Trubiotics, Phillips' Fiber Gummies, Phillips' Colon Health, MiraLAX or Zegerid OTC, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Trubiotics 30-ct. to 60-ct.; Gummies 80-ct. to 90-ct.; Colon Health 30-ct. to 70-ct.; MiraLAX 8.3-oz. to 26.9-oz. or 10-ct. to 20-ct.; Zegerid OTC 14-ct. or 42-ct.]
          • Poise Pads, 27 - 66 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2/1 Poise Pads printable
            $2/1 Poise Pads printable
            $2/1 Poise Pads printable
            $2/1 Poise Pad or Liner Package printable
            $2/1 Poise Product Pads, Liners or Impressa, exp. 6/1/19 (SS 04/28/19) [Excludes 14-26-ct.]
            Stack With $2/1 Poise Pads, exp. 5/29/19 (Publix Get a Bundle of Savings, Do a Bundle of Good Booklet) [27-66-ct.; Excludes 30-ct. ultra-thins or depend underwear 12-52-ct.; Valid 4/29-5/29]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Rhinocort Allergy Spray, 120 sprays - $4.00 OFF
            $10/1 Zyrtec Adult or Rhinocort Adult Product, exp. 5/5/19 (RMN 04/28/19) [70-ct.]
            Stack With $4/1 Zyrtec, Zyrtec-D, Children's Zyrtec or Rhinocort, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Zyrtec 24-ct. to 70-ct.; Zyrtec-D 24-ct.; Children's Zyrtec 24-ct.; Rhinocort 60 or 120 Sprays; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Softsoap Hand Soap, 7.5 oz - $1.00
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $1.00 OFF
            $1/1 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure Tampons, exp. 5/25/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [16-ct.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Thermacare Heatwraps, 2 - 4 ct, or Cream, 2.5 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
            $3/1 ThermaCare Product printable
            $3/1 ThermaCare Product printable [2-ct.+]
            $1/1 ThermaCare Product printable
            $3/1 ThermaCare Product, exp. 5/12/19 (RMN 04/28/19)
            Stack With $5/2 ThermaCare or Cream, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [2-ct. to 4-ct.; Cream 2.5-oz.]
            Final Price: $0.49
          • Zegerid, 10 - 90 ct - 20% OFF
            $3/1 Zegerid OTC printable
            Stack With $5/2 One A Day Trubiotics, Phillips' Fiber Gummies, Phillips' Colon Health, MiraLAX or Zegerid OTC, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Trubiotics 30-ct. to 60-ct.; Gummies 80-ct. to 90-ct.; Colon Health 30-ct. to 70-ct.; MiraLAX 8.3-oz. to 26.9-oz. or 10-ct. to 20-ct.; Zegerid OTC 14-ct. or 42-ct.]
          • Zyrtec Allergy Relief, 24 - 70 ct - $4.00 OFF
            Save $6.00 when you buy ONE (1) Adult ZYRTEC® product, any variety (70ct). Excludes trial & travel sizes
            Save $1.00 when you buy ONE (1) Adult ZYRTEC® product, any variety (12-14ct). Excludes trial & travel sizes
            Save $4.00 when you buy ONE (1) Adult ZYRTEC® product, any variety (24-45ct). Excludes trial & travel sizes
            $10/1 Zyrtec Adult or Rhinocort Adult Product, exp. 5/5/19 (RMN 04/28/19) [70-ct.]
            Stack With $4/1 Zyrtec, Zyrtec-D, Children's Zyrtec or Rhinocort, exp. 5/3/19 (Publix Purple H&B Flyer) [Zyrtec 24-ct. to 70-ct.; Zyrtec-D 24-ct.; Children's Zyrtec 24-ct.; Rhinocort 60 or 120 Sprays; Limit one coupon per household per day]
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food Jar, 4 oz - B2G1
            $1/3 Earth's Best Organic Jars or Pouches printable [Jars or Pouches]
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
            $1/3 Earth's Best Organic Jars or Pouches printable [Jars or Pouches]
            Final Price: $0.66 each wyb 3
          • Enfamil Infant Formula, 32 oz or 6 pk 8 oz- $5.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pampers Cruisers, Swaddlers, or Baby Dry Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, 16 - 32 ct - $5.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $3 off Pampers Easy Ups Training Underwear or Splashers Swim Diapers, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [(2) bags or (1) box; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Pampers Wipes, 112 - 216 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
            $0.50/1 Pampers or Luvs Wipes, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [56-ct.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Pampers or Luvs Diapers, 52 - 112 ct - $7.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            $1/1 Luvs Diapers, exp. 5/11/19 (P&G 04/28/19) [ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Pediasure, 6 pk 8 oz- $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $2/1 PediaSure Product printable
          • Publix Diapers, 21 - 44 ct - $5.99 - $5.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 5/2/19 – 5/8/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 4/25/19 – 5/1/19 Mon, 22 Apr 2019 17:50:51 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 25th or Wednesday, April 24th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 4/25/19 – 5/1/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 25th or Wednesday, April 24th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - B1G1
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 6 pk 16.9 oz or 8 pk 12 oz - B1G1 - $5.15
          • A1 Steak Sauce, 10 oz - B1G1
          • All Detergent, 32 - 40 oz or 19 - 24 ct - B1G1 - $4.59 - $4.59
          • Arnold Country Bread, 24 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Arnold Select Rolls, 8 ct - B1G1 - $6.19 - $6.19
          • Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 8 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $5.69 - $5.69
          • Benihana Dinners or Entree Bowl, 10 - 26 oz - B1G1 - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Betty Crocker Cookie Mix, 14 - 17.9 oz - B1G1 - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Birds Eye Voila! Skillets Meals or Veggie Made, 21 oz - B1G1 - $6.81 - $6.81
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 8 pk - B1G1 - $7.19 - $7.19
          • Bombolo Biscotti Wedding Cookies, 16 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Capri Sun, 10 ct - B1G1 - $4.09 - $4.09
          • Cheetos or Fritos, 7 - 9.25 oz - B1G1 - $3.79 - $3.79
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 32 oz or 4 pk, or Gimmies Shakes, 6 pk - B1G1 - $5.81 - $5.81
            $1/2 Chobani Yogurt, exp. 4/27/19 (SS 03/31/19) [multi-packs; 32-oz.; Includes Tubes, Tubs and Savor Toppers; One coupon per person]
            Final Price: $1.90 each wyb 2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - B1G1 - $5.15 - $5.15
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - B1G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Products printable
            $1/1 Crunchmaster Product, exp. 6/23/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons in the same shopping trip]
            Final Price: $0.79
          • Crystal Light Drink Mix - B1G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
          • Dial Body Wash, 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.73 - $4.73
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 12 ct - B1G1
            $1/1 Eight O Clock Coffee printable
          • Febreze Home Collection Candle, 12 oz - B1G1 - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Finish Dishwasher Cleaner, 8.45 oz or 3 ct - B1G1 - $9.25 - $9.25
          • Finish Powerball, Max-in-1, or Quantum, 20 - 23 ct - B1G1 - $9.25 - $9.25
          • Flatout Foldit or Flavorit Artisan Bread, 8.5 - 9 oz - B1G1 - $3.29 - $3.29
          • Gia Russa Select Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - B1G1 - $6.15 - $6.15
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 7 - 10 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $3.49
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Drumsticks, or Bone-In Thighs, per lb - B1G1 - $7.89 - $7.89
          • GreenWise Greek Yogurt Dip, 8 oz - B1G1 - $3.00 - $3.00
          • GreenWise Sparkling Water, 12 pk - B1G1 - $4.59 - $4.59
          • Hebrew National Kosher Beef Franks or Knockwurst, 9.43 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans, 1 - 2 ct - B1G1 - $2.19 - $2.19
          • Hidden Valley Blasted Dipping Sauce, 12 oz - B1G1 - $4.09 - $4.09
          • Hope Hummus, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Hormel Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz - B1G1 - $2.79 - $2.79
          • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spread, 8 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $3.67 - $3.67
            $0.50/1 I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Product, exp. 5/29/19 (RMN 04/14/19) [Limit 2]
            Final Price: $1.33
          • Jimmy Dean Bacon, 16 oz - B1G1 - $9.19 - $9.19
            $1/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items, exp. 5/5/19 (RMN 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $4.09 each wyb 2
          • Kashi Frozen Waffles, 10.1 oz - B1G1 - $3.69 - $3.69
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Kellogg's Corn Pops Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats Cereal, 15 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Fruit Medley Cereal printable
            Final Price: $1.69
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran or Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal, 13.5 - 18.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
            $1/2 Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereals printable
            Final Price: $1.69
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 10 - 13.7 oz - B1G1 - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 4 - 6 pk or 22 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Lawry's 30 Minute Marinade, 12 oz - B1G1 - $3.35 - $3.35
            $2.00 / 1 when you spend $6.00 on any McCormick Grill Mates, Herbs & Spices or Lawry's products Final Price: $1.17 ach wyb 4
          • Lemi Shine Cleaning Products, 8.45 - 28 oz - B1G1 - $8.49 - $8.49
          • Lemi Shine Wipes, 70 ct - B1G1 - $8.48 - $8.49
          • Litehouse Dressing & Dip, Dressing & Spread, or Coleslaw Dressing, 13 oz - B1G1 - $4.19 - $4.19
          • Maika Plant Based Veggie Burgers, 10.58 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Marie Callender's Family Size Entrees, 25 - 31 oz - B1G1 - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Milo's Kitchen Home-Style Dog Treats, 15 - 18 oz - B1G1 - $15.39 - $15.39
          • Mio Water Enhancer - B1G1 - $3.59 - $3.59
          • Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, 7 - 15.25 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $3.89
          • Nutri-Grain Bars, 10.4 oz - B1G1 - $4.39 - $4.39
          • Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 4.75 - 7.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.89 - $3.89
          • Perfect Bar, 1.6 - 2.5 oz - B1G1 - $2.25 - $2.25
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudels, 6 ct - B1G1 - $2.69 - $2.69
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz - B1G1 - $4.35 - $4.35
          • Popsicle Ice Pops or Fudgsicle Fudge Bars, 9 - 34.65 oz - B1G1
          • Publix 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, 24 oz - B1G1 - $17.99 - $17.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Coffee Cake, 14 - 15 oz - B1G1 - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Publix Honey Dew Chunks, small package - B1G1 - $4.19 - $4.19
          • Publix Peanut Butter Pretzels, 11.99 - 17.28 oz - B1G1 - $6.19 - $6.19
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Cat Food, 3 lb - B1G1 - $7.19 - $7.19
            $2/1 Nutrish Super Premium Dry Food For Cats printable
            $2/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food, exp. 4/24/19 (SS 02/24/19) [3-lb.+ bag]
            Final Price: $1.59
          • Rachael Ray Nutrish Dog Food, 5.5 - 6 lb - B1G1 - $9.25 - $9.25
            $2/1 Nutrish Super Premium Dry Food For Dogs printable
            Final Price: $2.62
          • Rachael Ray Wet Dog Food, 8 oz - B1G1 - $2.15 - $2.15
            B3G1 Nutrish Super Premium Wet Food For Cats printable
            $3/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Wet Cat Food, exp. 4/24/19 (SS 02/24/19) [(1) Variety Pack (12) Individual Cups]
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 3
          • Red Lobster Biscuit Mix, 11.36 oz - B1G1 - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 75 sq ft - B1G1 - $6.81 - $6.81
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - B1G1 - $2.05 - $2.05
          • Scotties Facial Tissues, 54 - 110 ct - B1G1 - $1.55 - $1.55
          • SeaPak Shrimp & Seafood, 8 - 23 oz - B1G1 - $8.39 - $8.39
            $0.75/1 SeaPak Product printable [8-oz.+]
            $0.75/1 SeaPak Product, exp. 4/30/19 (SS 03/03/19 R) [8-oz.+]
            $0.50/1 SeaPak Product, exp. 4/30/19 (SS 03/03/19) [8-oz.+]
            Final Price: $3.44
          • Smartwater, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 31.7 - 64 oz or 70 - 80 ct - B1G1
          • Snuggle Scent Booster Beads, 9 oz - B1G1
          • Speed Stick Deodorant, 2.7 - 3 oz - B1G1 - $2.96 - $2.96
            $0.50/1 Speed Stick Antiperspirant/Deodorant printable
            Final Price: $0.98
          • Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce, 22 - 28 oz - B1G1 - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Taco Bell Taco Dinner Kit, 8.85 - 14.6 oz, Seasoning Mix, 1 oz, Refried Beans, 16 oz, or Sauce, 7.5 oz - B1G1 - $3.19 - $3.19
          • Taco Tea, 15 - 20 ct or 32 oz - B1G1 - $4.85 - $4.85
          • Tai Pei Egg Rolls, Spring Rolls, or Potstickers, 22.5 - 24.5 oz - B1G1
          • Tillamook Ice Cream, 1.75 qt - B1G1 - $6.65 - $6.65
          • Weight Watchers Ice Cream Bars, 10 - 21.6 oz - B1G1
          • 21/25 ct Extra Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Beyond Meat Sausage, 14 oz - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Boneless Chuck Roast, per lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Boneless NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.29 - $3.29
          • GreenWise 92% Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Fillets, per lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $6.99 - $6.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Chuck Roast, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - B2G1
          • GreenWise Lunch Meat, 5 - 7 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Ground Sirloin Burgers or Slider Burgers, per lb - $5.49 - $5.49
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $4.49 - $4.49
          • Hormel Always Tender Pork Tenderloin, 18.4 oz - $7.49 - $7.49
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • King Crab Clusters, per lb - $18.99 - $18.99
          • Lobster Fettuccine Cook-In-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99 - $12.99
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $3.66 - $3.66
          • Publix Center Cur Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $3.59 - $3.59
          • Publix Claw Crabmeat, 8 oz - $8.99 - $8.99
          • Publix Jumbo Lump Crab Meat, 8 oz - $22.99 - $22.99
          • Publix Lumb Crabmeat, 8 oz - $13.99 - $13.99
          • Publix Split Chicken Breast, Bone-In, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99 - $9.99
          • Strauss Grass Fed Ground Beef, 1 lb - $7.99 - $7.99
          • Thin-Sliced Boneless NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $9.29 - $9.29
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Blueberries, 11 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Broccoli, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Cauliflower, ea - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Crunch Pak Organic Apple Slices, 12 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Eggplant, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, 5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Fuji Apples, per lb - $1.69 - $1.69
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Orange Juice, 52 oz - $4.49 - $4.49
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Mango, ea - $1.25 - $1.25
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29 - $1.29
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Persian Limes, ea - $0.33 - $0.33
          • Plum Tomatoes, per lb - $0.99 - $0.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Orange Juice, gal - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Petite Red Potatoes, 3 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers, per lb - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Salad Cucumber, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Sweet Yellow, White, or Bi-Color Corn, ea - $0.40 - $0.40
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, 52 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, per lb - $1.49 - $1.49
          • Yellow or Zucchini Squash, per lb - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, 10 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Triple Play - $7.99 - $7.99
            Includes 1/3 lb of each - Ovengold Turkey, Maple Honey Ham, and White or Yellow American Cheese.
          • Boar's Head Whole Sub, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Garlic Spread, 8 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Crusty Baguette, 8.5 oz - $1.49 - $1.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Dessert Cakes, 9.2 - 10.6 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery French Bread, 12 oz - $1.99 - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery French Hamburger Buns, 8 ct - $3.49 - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Hoagie Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49 - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery New York Style Crumb Cake, 15 oz - $3.99 - $3.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 pc - $10.99 - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Italian Meat Variety Pack, 6 oz - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, per lb - $18.99 - $18.99
          • Publix Deli Potato Salad, 16 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal, ea - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Top Round Roast Beef, per lb - $8.99 - $8.99
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC Cola, 2 L - B2G2
          • Capri Sun Juice, select 10 ct - $2.23 - $2.33
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Del Monte Fruit Cups or Refreshers, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia, or Fruit Refreshers printable [2-pk.]
            $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks printable
            Stack With B1G1 Del Monte Fruit Refreshers, Fruit & Chia, or Fruit & Oats, exp. 4/26/19 (Publix Green Grocery Flyer) [2-pk.]
            Final Price: $0.25 each wyb 2
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49 - $6.49
          • Frito-Lay Snacks, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Gatorade, 32 oz, or Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • GreenWise Granola, 8 - 12 oz - $4.99 - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Salsa, 15.5 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Keebler Cookies, 6 - 15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1/2 Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies, exp. 5/12/19 (RMN 03/31/19 #2 R) [11.9-oz.+; ETS; Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip]
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 8 ct - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 8.25 - 14 oz - $2.33 - $2.33
            $1/2 Lance Home-pack Products printable [8.4-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.83 each wyb 2
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.7 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Lindsay Olives Box, 4.8 - 6.4 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 Lindsay Snack and Go! Olive Cups printable []
            $1/2 Lindsay Olives printable [Join club]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk - B2G1
          • Maxwell House Ground Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz or 12 ct - $6.99 - $6.99
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Beverage, 64 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, Bites, or Proteins, 4 - 5 ct - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies, 13 - 20 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Publix Coffee, 11.5 oz - $3.49 - $3.49
          • RXBar Protein Bar, 1.83 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • Sambazon Organic Acai Superfruit Packs, 14 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Vigo Basmati Rice, 2 lb - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
            $1/1 Half Gallon A2 Milk printable
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Bays English Muffins, 6 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Chobani Non-Dairy Yogurt, 5.3 or 7 oz - $1.50 - $1.50
            $1/5 Chobani Single-Serve Yogurt or Non-Dairy Product, exp. 4/27/19 (SS 03/31/19) [One coupon per person]
            Final Price: $1.30 each wyb 5
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00 - $1.00
          • Halo Top Ice Cream, 16 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.00 - $4.00
          • International Delight Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
            $1/1 International Delight Creamer printable [sign up]
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Kraft Expertly Paired Cheese Sticks, 7.5 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.66 - $1.66
            $1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products, exp. 7/6/19 (SS 04/14/19)
            Final Price: $1.33 each wyb 3
          • Polly-O Twist or String Cheese, 9 - 12 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Rana 5 Cheese or Spinach & Cheese Tortellini, 20 oz - $6.49 - $6.49
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta, exp. 5/5/19 (SS 02/24/19)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Rana Lasagna Sheets, 8.9 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta printable
            $1/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta, exp. 5/5/19 (SS 02/24/19)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Sargento Balanced Breaks or Sweet Balanced Breaks, 4.5 oz - $3.33 - $3.33
            $0.75/1 Sargento Sunrise Balanced Breaks Cheese Snack, exp. 6/14/19 (SS 04/14/19 R)
            Final Price: $2.58
          • Sweet Loren's Place & Bake Cookie Dough, 16 oz - $3.50 - $3.50
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Butter, 8 oz - $2.99 - $2.99
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99 - $4.99
          • Bubba Burgers, 32 oz - $10.99 - $10.99
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00 - $5.00
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entrees, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's or Healthy Choice Entrees, 9.5 - 18 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Publix Frozen Bread, 11.25 - 16 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Brawny Paper Towels, 6 rolls - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.55/1 Brawny Paper Towel printable [2, 3 or 6 roll]
            $0.75/1 Brawny, exp. 5/7/19 (RMN 04/07/19) [6+ roll]
            Final Price: $5.74
          • Brillo Sno Bol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Downy Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce OR Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Bounce or Downy Sheets, 70 ct or Larger Only; or In Wash Scent Boosters, 5.7 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuague, and Gain Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99 - $5.99
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $1/1 Gain Powder, Gain Liquid Detergent or Gain Flings, exp. 4/27/19 (RMN 04/14/19) [Includes Gain Botanicals; Excludes fireworks, 9-ct. and lower Flings andtrial; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Gain Scent Boosters, 20.1 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $1/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets or Gain Fireworks, exp. 4/27/19 (RMN 04/14/19) [48+ load fabric enhancer; 105-ct.+ sheets; 5.7-oz.+ Fireworks; Includes Gain Botanicals; ETS; Limit 1]
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Glade Aerosol, 8 oz - B2G1
          • Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills, 3 ct - $5.99 - $5.99
            $1.00/2 Glade Products; Excludes 8 oz Room Spray, Solids and PlugIns Scented Oil Warmer Only Products
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50 - $1.50
          • Publix Long Lasting Alkaline Batteries, select - $3.33 - $3.33
          • Quilted Northern Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega roll - $6.49 - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue printable
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 5/7/19 (RMN 04/07/19) [6 Double Roll or Larger]
            $1/2 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, exp. 5/7/19 (RMN 04/07/19 R) [6-pk.+ Double Rolls]
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Solo Plastic Cups, 30 - 50 ct - $2.50 - $2.50
          • Sprayway Glass Cleaner, 19 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Sprayway Product printable [15-oz.+]
            $0.75/1 Sprayway Product, exp. 6/29/19 (RMN 03/17/19 R) [15-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Sprayway Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish, 15 oz - $2.50 - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Sprayway Product printable [15-oz.+]
            $0.75/1 Sprayway Product, exp. 6/29/19 (RMN 03/17/19 R) [15-oz.+]
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Liquid/Powder, Simply, Simply PODS, and PODS, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99 - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Simply PODS, and Detergent, 10 oz; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Aleve Pain Reliever Medicine, 100 ct - $8.99 - $8.99
            $2/1 Aleve Product printable [80-ct.+]
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Always Maxi or Ultra Thin Pads, 20 - 44 ct - $5.49 - $5.49
            $0.50/2 Always Ultra or Maxi Pads, exp. 4/27/19 (P&G 03/31/19) [11-ct.+; Excludes radiant, infinity, pure and clean and discreet; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $5.24 each wyb 3
          • Aussie Hair Care, 6 - 14 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Bayer Aspirin, 200 ct - $8.99 - $8.99
            $1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product printable [24-ct.+]
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Claritin, 30 - 70 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $12.00/1 Claritin; Includes 70 ct Only; Must Sign Up for Blue Sky Living to Access Coupon
            $8.00 / 1 Non-Drowsy Claritin Liqui-Gels; Includes 60 ct Only
            $8.00 / 1 Non-Drowsy Claritin Tablets (70ct or larger); Includes 70 ct or Larger Only
            $3.00/1 Claritin Non-Drowsy Allergy Product; Includes 30 ct or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Exact Same Coupons Per Household Per Day
            $4/1 Claritin-D Non Drowsy, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [15-ct.+; Limit 4]
            $10/1 Claritin Non Drowsy, exp. 4/21/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [60-ct. liqui-gels; 70-ct.+ tablets; Limit 4]
            $4/1 Claritin Non Drowsy, exp. 5/12/19 (SS 04/14/19 #2) [30-ct.+; Limit 4]
          • Crest Pro-Health Rinse, 500 ml - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Crest Scope Mouthwash, 1 L - $4.00 - $4.00
          • Crest Toothpaste, 8.2 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Dial Bar Soap 2 - 3 pk - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Dial Complete Foaming Hand Wash, 7.5 oz - $2.00 - $2.00
          • Ensure Shakes - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $3/1 Ensure Multi-Pack printable
            $3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]
            $3/1 Ensure Multipack, exp. 5/26/19 (SS 03/31/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons in same shopping trip]
            $4/2 Ensure, exp. 4/28/19 (SS 03/03/19) [Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
          • Garnier SkinActive Products - 25% OFF
            $2/1 Garnier Skinactive Product, exp. 5/4/19 (RMN 04/07/19 R) [Excludes trial, travel size and masks; Limit of one identical coupon per shopping trip]
          • GreenWise Gummy Dietary Supplements, 50 - 90 ct - 25% OFF
          • Herbal Essences Hair Care, 6.8 - 10.1 oz - $3.00 - $3.00
          • Nature Made Vitamins, 30 - 400 ct - $6.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Pantene Pro-V Hair Care Products, 24 - 25.4 oz - $6.00 - $6.00
          • Rhinocort, 120 sprays - $3.00 OFF
          • Simple Skin Care Products - 20% OFF
          • Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons, 14 - 18 ct - $3.99 - $3.99
            $3/2 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure and Clean Tampons, exp. 4/27/19 (P&G 03/31/19) [16-ct.+; ETS; Limit of 2 identical coupons per household per day; No cash back]
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Zyrtec-D Allergy + Congestion Tablets, 24 ct - $18.99 - $18.99
            $4/1 Adult Zyrtec, exp. 4/27/19 (RMN 4/14/19 R) [24-ct. to 45-ct.; Limit 1 coupon per customer]
            Final Price: $14.99
          • Milk-Bone Dog or Puppy Biscuits, Snacks, or Treats, 5 lb or 24 lb - $3.50 - $3.50

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 4/25/19 – 5/1/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 4/11/19 – 4/20/19 Wed, 10 Apr 2019 15:23:27 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 11th or Wednesday, April 10th (depending on where you live). Because this is an Easter sales ad, the sale goes through April 20th. Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 4/11/19 – 4/20/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 11th or Wednesday, April 10th (depending on where you live). Because this is an Easter sales ad, the sale goes through April 20th. Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

            Buy One Get One Free Deals
          • Alexia Potatoes or Onion Rings, 13.5 - 32 oz - $3.87 - B1G1
          • Arm & Hammer In-Wash Freshness Booster, 24 ct, or Sheets, 144 - 200 ct - B1G1
            $0.7 off Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda Laundry Booster
          • Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent, 61.25 - 75 oz or 24 - 32 ct - $6.65 - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Arm & Hammer Detergent
            Final Price: $2.32
          • Arm & Hammer Toothpaste, 4.3 - 6.3 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Arm & Hammer Toothpaste or Whitening Booster Product
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 14 oz - $4.99 - B1G1
          • Athenos Crumbled Feta Cheese, 3.5 - 4 oz - B1G1
          • Banquet Brown 'N Serve Sausage Links or Patties, 6.4 oz - $2.19 - B1G1
          • Bare Apple, Coconut, or Banana Chips, 2.7 - 3.4 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Barilla Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $1.73 - B1G1
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, 4.5 - 8 oz - $2.99 - B1G1
          • Birds Eye Corn on the Cob, 12 ct - B1G1
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz - B1G1
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.89 - B1G1
          • Breyers Ice Cream, 1.5 qt - $5.35 - B1G1
          • Cabot Cheese Bar, 6 - 8 oz - $4.39 - B1G1
          • California Pizza Kitchen Pizza, 10.7 - 15.5 oz - $9.59 - B1G1
          • Campari Tomatoes, 16 oz - $5.19 - B1G1
          • Campbell's Chunky Soup, 15.25 - 18.8 oz - $2.52 - B1G1
          • Campbell's Condensed Soup, 10.5 - 11.5 oz - $1.79 - B1G1
          • Celentano Pasta or Eggplant, 12.5 - 24 oz - $3.89 - B1G1
            $1.50/1 Celentano Frozen Pasta, Meatball, or Entree Product - 1-27-19 RMN (exp. 04/30/19)
            $1.00/2 Celentano Pasta - 1-27-19 RMN (exp. 04/30/19)
            Final Price: $0.44
          • Chinet Classic White Plates or Platters, 24 - 72 ct - $6.62 - B1G1
          • Chinet Napkins, 40 - 90 ct - B1G1
          • Cole's Bread, 10.5 - 16 oz - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Cole's Products
          • Cool Whip Whipped Topping, 8 oz - $2.11 - B1G1
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 15.25 oz - $1.49 - B1G1
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables
            Final Price: $0.62 each wyb 4
          • Diamond or California Shelled Walnuts, 16 oz - $7.79 - B1G1
          • Dole Pineapple, 20 oz - $1.28 - B1G1
            $0.75/2 Dole Pineapple SS 04/07
            Final Price: $0.26 each wyb 2
          • Dove Chocolate Promises, 7.61 - 8.46 oz - $4.79 - B1G1
          • Duncan Hines Cake Mix or Frosting, 6.1 - 18 oz - $3.19 - B1G1
          • Easy Off Oven Cleaner, 14.5 oz - $4.59 - B1G1
          • Eat Smart Salad, 12 oz - $4.39 - B1G1
          • Edwards Pie, 25.5 - 37 oz - B1G1
          • Eternal Spring Water, 1.5 L - B1G1
          • Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwich, Ice Cream Sundae Bars, 4 - 9 ct, or Ice Cream Cones, 4 ct - $5.55 - B1G1
          • Fisher Chef's Naturals Baking Nuts, 10 oz - B1G1
          • French's Crispy Fried Onions, 6 oz - $3.28 - B1G1
            $2.00/2 French's French Fried Onions (NC Zip 27520); Includes 6 oz Only
            Final Price: $0.64 each wyb 2
          • French's Yellow Mustard, 14 oz - $1.64
            $0.50/1 French's Yellow Squeeze Mustard (NC Zip 27520)
            Final Price: $0.32
          • Frito Lay Party Size Snacks, 10.5 - 18 oz - $5.29 - B1G1
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cheerios Varieties Cereals - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Glad ClingWrap, 200 sq ft - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Glad Containers with Lids, 3 - 8 ct - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Glad Freezer Wrap, 150 sq ft - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Glad Press's Seal Wrap, 70 sq ft - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Glad Storage or Freezer Bags, 30 - 50 ct - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, 14 oz, or Bars, 9 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - $2.50 - B1G1
          • Hebrew National Kosher Beef Franks, 9.43 - 12 oz - $6.19 - B1G1
          • Hefty EZ Foil Pans With Lids, 1 - 4 ct - $3.99 - B1G1
          • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, 24 - 30 oz - $5.35 - B1G1
          • Hershey's Candy Bars, Reese's Cups or Eggs, or Kit Kat Crisp Wafers, 6 ct or 6 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
          • Hershey's Miniatures, Reese's, Health Bar, Hershey's Kisses or Gold, York Peppermint Patties, Rolo, Kit Kat, or Almond Joy, 7.3 - 10.8 oz - $4.19 - B1G1
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - $4.39 - B1G1
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - $4.19 - B1G1
          • Hunt's Tomatoes, Sauce, or Puree, 10 - 15.25 oz - $1.49 - B1G1
          • Jif Peanut Butter, 15 - 16 oz - $3.59 - B1G1
          • Johnsonville Sausage Links or Patties, 12 oz - B1G1
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.1 oz - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereal; Includes 10.5 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
          • Ken's Dressing, 16 oz - $3.59 - B1G1
            $1.50/1 Ken's Dressings - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/30/19) 
            $0.50/1 Ken's Dressing - 3-17-19 RMN; Limit 2 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/30/19)
            $0.75/1 Ken's Dressings - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only; Limit 2 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/30/19)
            $1.00/1 Ken's Dressings - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/30/19)
            $1.00/2 Kens Dressings - 3-17-19 RMN; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only; Limit 2 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/30/19)
            $1.50/2 Ken's Dressings - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only; Limit 2 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/30/19)
            Final Price: $0.29
          • Kraft Jet-Puffed Miniature Marshmallows, 10 oz - B1G1
          • Kraft or Velveeta Shells & Cheese Dinner, 5.5 - 14 oz - $3.87 - B1G1
          • Lindsay California Ripe Pitted Olives, 6 oz - $2.03 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Lindsay Olives
            Final Price: $0.51 each wyb 2
          • Morey's Fish Fillets, 10 oz - $9.99 - B1G1
          • Motrin Liquid Gels or PM Tablets, 80 ct, or Caplets, 100 ct - $13.29 - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Adult Motrin IB Product; Excludes Trial and Travel Sizes
            $1.00/1 Motrin IB or PM Product; Excludes Trial and Travel Size
            $1.00/1 Motrin PM Product; Excludes Trial Size; Limit 1 Coupon Per Person; No More Than 4 Coupons For The Same Product In The Same Transaction
            Final Price: $5.64
          • Mrs Smiths Pie, 25.5 - 27 oz - B1G1
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz - $3.09 - B1G1
          • Nabisco Oreo or Chips Ahoy! Thin Bites, 6 - 6.4 oz - B1G1
            $0.75/1 Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Thins Cookies - 3-3-19 SS; Includes 7 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Thins Cookies - 3-3-19 SS; Includes 7 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/13/19)
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Ritz Crackers - 4-7-19 SS; Includes 7 oz or Larger Only (exp. 05/18/19)
            Final Price: $1.62 each wyb 2
          • Nestlé Toll House Morsels, 10 - 12 oz - B1G1
          • New England Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 12 ct - $8.79 - B1G1
          • Nonni's Biscotti or THINaddictives, 4.04 - 6.88 oz - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Nonni's Biscotti - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 05/17/19)
            $1.00/2 Nonni's Thinaddictives - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 05/17/19)
            $1.00/2 Nonni's Biscotti - Checkout 51 Rebate; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate; Offers May Vary by Account; Limit 1
            $1.00/2 Nonni's THINaddictives - Checkout 51 Rebate; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate; Offers May Vary by Account; Limit 1
          • Ocean Spray Craisins, 5 - 6 oz - B1G1
          • Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail or Blend, 64 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 ct, or Minis, 10 - 12 ct, or Jar, 30 oz - $5.67 - B1G1
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $9.19 - B1G1
          • Pam Cooking Spray, 5 - 8 oz - $4.49 - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread or Buns, 16 - 24 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers, 5.5 - 8 oz - $2.41 - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Layer Cake or Puff Pastry Turnovers, 12.5 - 19.6 oz - $4.49 - B1G1
          • Pepsi Products, 8 pk 12 oz bottles - $5.15 - B1G1
          • Perdue Nuggets or Patties, 27 - 29 oz - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Perdue Fully Cooked Chicken (NC ZIp 27520)
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Products
            $1.50/1 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Product (Perdue, Simply Smart Organics, Harvestland and Harvestland organic Brands) - 3-17-19 RMN (exp. 04/28/19)
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $3.59 - B1G1
          • Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls or Cinnamon Rolls, 8 - 13.9 oz - $2.42 - B1G1
            $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            Final Price: $0.87 each wyb 3
          • Pillsbury Pie Crusts, 14.1 oz - B1G1
            $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Product
          • Planters Cashews, 8 - 10.3 oz - $7.33 - B1G1
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 1 L - B1G1
          • Polar Seltzer Water, 12 pk - B1G1
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 32 oz - $16.18 - B1G1
            $0.55/1 Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only
            Final Price: $7.54
          • Post Alpha-Bits Cereal, 12 - 14.75 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, 13 - 14.5 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Post Honey Crisp Cereal, 12 - 14.75 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Post Honeycomb Cereal, 12 - 14.75 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Post Pebbles Cereal, 11 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz - $4.19 - B1G1
          • Powerade, 32 oz - $1.33 - B1G1
          • President Fat Free Feta Cheese, 6 oz - $5.39 - B1G1
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb - $5.19 - B1G1
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal - $2.99 - B1G1
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz - $5.99 - B1G1
          • Pure Wesson Oil, 48 oz - B1G1
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/05/19)
            $1.00/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/05/19)
            Final Price: $1.14
          • Reddi-Wip Whipped Topping, 6 - 13 oz - B1G1
          • Rotel Tomatoes, 10 - 15.25 oz - $1.49 - B1G1
          • Rothbury Farms Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Sabra Guacamole, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Sabra Hummus, 10 oz - $4.39 - B1G1
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/26/19)
            $1.00/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/28/19)
            $0.60/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/26/19) 
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr, 24 oz - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Siggi's Yogurt Products; DND
          • Smithfield Boneless Ham Steak, 8 oz - $3.59 - B1G1
          • Smucker's Strawberry or Concord Grape Jam or Jelly, 32 oz - $3.89 - B1G1
          • Snickers, Twix, Mars Minis Mix, Milky Way, or 3 Musketeers, 8.4 - 9.7 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Mars Wrigley Confections Chocolate Items - 3-17-19 RMN; Includes 4.5 - 46.2 oz Only; DND (exp. 04/21/19)
            $1.00/2 Mars Wrigley Confections Chocolate Items - 3-31-19 RMN; Includes 4.5 - 46.2 oz Only; DND (exp. 04/21/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Starbucks Coffee Drinks, 4 pk - B1G1
          • Starburst Jelly Beans, 13 - 14 oz - $2.50 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Mars Wrigley Confections Starburst Jelly Bean Bags - 3-31-19 RMN; Includes 9 - 39 oz Only; DND (exp. 04/21/19)
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 2
          • Swanson Broth or Cooking Stock, 32 oz - $4.09 - B1G1
          • TGI Friday's Frozen Appetizers, 7.6 - 16 oz - $6.39 - B1G1
          • Thomas' English Muffins, 12 - 13 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Whole Fruit Bars, 16.5 - 18 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 51/60 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Bone-In Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Boneless Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $9.99
          • Brisket Flat Cut, per lb - $6.99
          • Empire Whole Turkey, per lb - $2.69
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $4.49
          • GreenWise Angus Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $8.99
          • GreenWise Angus Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $13.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Lamb Leg Roast, per lb - $7.79
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Roast, per lb - $4.69
          • GreenWise Fresh Turkey breast, per lb - $2.79
          • GreenWise Fresh Turkey, per lb - $1.69
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lbs or more
          • Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Sausage, 16 oz - $3.50
            $1.00/2 Jimmy Dean Fresh Sausage Products
            $0.75/1 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Item - 3-17-19 RMN; Limit 1 Identical Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/14/19)
            $0.75/1 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items - 4-7-19 RMN; Limit 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 05/05/19)
            $1.00/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items - 3-17-19 RMN (exp. 04/14/19)
            $1.00/2 Jimmy Dean Refrigerated Items - 4-7-19 RMN (exp. 05/05/19)
            Final Price: $2.75
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Publix Bone-In Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $1.79
          • Publix Boneless Pork Boston Butt Roast, per lb - $2.29
          • Publix Pork Loin Back Ribs, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Premium Boneless Smoked Spiral-Sliced Ham Half, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Premium Semi-Boneless Half or Whole Ham, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Half Ham, per lb - $2.69
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Ham Half, per lb - $2.49
          • Publix Turkey Breast, per lb - $2.99
          • Select Salmon Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Simply Potatoes Mashed or Simply Skinny Potatoes, 24 oz - $3.00
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Standing Rib Roast, per lb - $6.99
          • Thomas Farms Ground Lamb, 16 oz - $7.99
          • Whole Beef Tenderloin, per lb - $11.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.49
          • Bartlett Pears, 2 lb - $3.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.00
          • Collard, Turnip, or Kale Greens, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Eat Smart Broccoli Florets, 12 oz - $3.33
          • Eat Smart Cauliflower Florets, 10 oz - $3.33
          • Envy Apples, per lb - $1.69
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Green Cabbage, per lb - $0.49
          • Honey Mango, ea - $1.00
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49
          • Organic Blueberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Organic Packaged Herbs, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Peeled & Cored Pineapple - $2.99
          • Publix Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Simply 100% Orange, Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail, 52 oz - $3.00
          • Snack Sensations Apple and Cheese Party Tray, 33.5 - 40 oz - $9.99
          • South Georgia Pecan Co. Shelled Pecans, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sweet Potatoes, per lb - $0.69
          • Sweet corn, ea - $0.40
          • Yellow or Zucchini Squash, per lb - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Pecan Cinnamon Buns, 18 oz - $4.99
          • Boar's Head Farm House Power Bowl, 12 oz - $5.99
          • Boar's Head Sweet Slice Uncured Ham, per lb - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Turkey Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • King's Hawaiian Original Rolls, 24 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Apple Fritter Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Apple or Dutch Apple Pie, 32 - 34 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Baguette, 8 oz - $1.89
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Torte Cake, 60 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Cream Cheese Cinnamon Rolls, 18 oz - $4.59
          • Publix Bakery Decadent Dessert Cakes, 36 - 66 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookie, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 12 ct - $7.59
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Egg Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Handmade Tarts, 15 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Holiday Specialty Cake, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Plain Cinnamon Rolls, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Round Peanut Butter European Cream Tart, 12 oz - $11.99
          • Publix Deli 8-Piece Mixed Fried Chicken - $7.49
          • Publix Deli Coated Salami, Pre-Sliced, 4 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Imported Dutch Aged Gouda Cheese, per lb - $12.49
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Spinach Dip, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Stacy's Organic Pita Chips, 10.13 - 10.25 oz - B2G1
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Thins, or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC Cola, 12 pk or 12 oz - B2G1
          • Arizona Tea, 1 gal - $2.50
          • Bumble Bee Prime Fillet Gourmet Tuna, 4 pk - $5.99
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz cans - $5.93 - B2G2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Domino Premium Pure Cane Sugar, 4 lb - $1.99
            $0.75/2 Domino Sugar Products; Includes 2 lb or Larger
            $0.75/2 Domino Sugar Products; Includes 2 lbs or Larger Only
            Final Price: $1.61 each wyb 2
          • Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee+Milk Beverage, 13.7 oz - $2.00
          • Ferrero Chocolate Squirrel, 3.1 - 4 oz - $3.50
          • Fiber One Protein One Bars or Brownies, 4.1 - 7.1 oz - $2.50
          • Frito Lay Simply Snacks, 4.5 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00
          • Ghirardelli Chocolate Bunny, 3.1 - 4 oz - $3.50
          • Godiva Chocolate Bunny, 3.1 - 4 oz - $3.50
          • Gold Medal Flour, 5 lb - $1.99
          • GreenWise Almond or Cashew Butter, 16 oz - $7.99
          • Heinz HomeStyle Gravy, 12 oz - $1.50
          • Lindt Chocolate Gold Bunny, 3.1 - 4 oz - $3.50
          • Lindt Chocolate Little Chick, 3.1 - 4 oz - $3.50
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Thins, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99
          • Nabisco Premium Saltines or Soup & Oyster Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $1.99
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Triscuits, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Nature Valley Bars, Cups, or Bites, 5.3 - 8.9 oz - $2.50
            $1.00/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, or Bites; Includes 5 ct or Larger Only
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, or Almond Butter Granola Biters POuches - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 5 ct or Larger Only (exp. 05/11/19)
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Creamers, 24 ct - $2.00
          • Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, 32 pk - $3.99
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G2
          • Smartfood Popcorn, 4.5 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Starbucks Coffee, 9 - 12 oz or 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
          • Uncle Ben's Ready Rice, 8.5 - 8.8 oz, or Flavor Grains, 6 - 6.2 oz - $1.66
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Chobani Greek Regular, Flip, or Less Sugar Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz, or Drinks, 7 oz, or Gimmies, 7 oz - $1.00
            $1.00/5 Chobani Single Serve Yogurt and Non-Dairy Products - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            $1.00/5 Chobani Single Serve - Checkout 51 Rebate; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate; Offers May Vary by Account; Limit 1
            Final Price: $0.80 each wyb 5
          • Fairlife Ultra-Filtered Milk, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, 7.5 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese or Three Cheese Blend, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Kraft Singles, 12 oz - $3.00
          • Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Lean Cuisine Origins, 6 - 13.25 oz - $3.33
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Dinners, 20 - 32 oz - $5.99
          • Nellie's Free Range Large Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
            $1.50/1 Nellie's Free Range Eggs
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Cookies, 11 - 16.5 oz - $2.50
            $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 3
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Grade A Eggs, 12 ct - $0.99
          • Publix Parmesan or Italian Blend Cheese, 6 oz - $3.50
          • Sargento Cheese Slices, 6.84 - 8 oz - $2.50
            $1.25/2 Sargento Sliced Natural Cheese - 4-7-19 SS (exp. 06/02/19)
            Final Price: $1.87 each wyb 2
          • Silk Almond, Soy, Coconut, or Cashew Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
            $1.00/1 Silk Milk
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Sister Schubert's Yeast Dinner Rolls, 11 - 15 oz, or Clover Leaf Soft Dinner Rolls, 15.8 oz - $3.00
            $0.75/1 Sister Schubert's Homemade Rolls
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Stok Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $4.50
          • Stonyfield Organic Yogurt, 32 oz - $3.00
            $1.00/1 Stonyfield Organic Yogurt - 3-31-19 RMN; Includes (3) Single Serve; (1) Large Cup, 24 - 32 oz Only; or (1) Kids or Baby Multipack, 4 pk or Larger Only; DND
            $1.00/3 Stonyfield Yogurt - 8-19-18 SS; Includes (3) Pouch Singles, (1) 4 pk or Larger or (1) 24 - 32 oz Only (exp. 10/21/19)
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Stouffer's Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Stouffer's Fit Kitchen, 6 - 13.25 oz - $3.33
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 Rolls - $7.49
            $1.00/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 4 ct or Larger Only or 2 Huge Rolls Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $6.49
          • Cascade Action Pacs, 20 - 37 ct - $6.49
            $1.00/1 Cascade Action Pacs - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 30 ct or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Cascade Complete, 75 oz - $6.49
          • Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 6 mega or 12 dbl rolls - $7.49
            $1.00/1 Charmin Mega Roll - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 4 ct or Larger Only or Mega Plus and Super Mega; Excludes Singles; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $6.49
          • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, 70 - 75 ct - $4.00
            $1.00/2 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Products; Includes 35 ct or Higher Only
            $0.50/1 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes; Includes 32 ct or Larger Only
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wipes; Includes 33 ct or Larger Only
            Final Price: $3.50
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 62 - 77 oz - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce OR Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Bounce or Downy Sheets, 70 ct or Larger Only; or In Wash Scent Boosters, 5.7 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuague, and Gain Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Downy Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce OR Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Bounce or Downy Sheets, 70 ct or Larger Only; or In Wash Scent Boosters, 5.7 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuague, and Gain Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Dreft Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
          • Energizer Batteries, 2 - 24 ct - 25% OFF
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Gain Flings - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 32 ct or Higher Only; Excludes Liuqid Detergent and Fabric Enhancers; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Gain Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
          • Glad Drawstring Bags, 50 - 90 ct - $11.99
            $1.00/1 Glad Trash Odorshield and Drawstring; Includes 13 gal, 40 ct or Larger Only
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, 95 - 200 sq ft - $8.39
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $1.66
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.16
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Liquid/Powder, Simply, Simply PODS, and PODS, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Simply PODS, and Detergent, 10 oz; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $9.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 4/11/19 – 4/20/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 4/4/19 – 4/10/19 Mon, 01 Apr 2019 16:14:40 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 4th or Wednesday, April 3rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 4/4/19 – 4/10/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, April 4th or Wednesday, April 3rd (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 4C Bread Crumbs, 8 - 24 oz - $2.29 - B1G1
          • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, pt, or Pint Slices, 3 ct, or Cookie Dough Chunks, 8 oz - $5.95 - B1G1
          • Buitoni Filled Pasta, 9 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Campari Tomatoes, 16 oz - $5.19 - B1G1
          • Campbell's Well Yes! Soup, 16.1 - 16.6 oz, or Sipping Soup, 11 - 11.2 oz - $2.89 - B1G1
          • CapriSun 100% Real Apple Juice or Juice Blend, 10 pk - $4.09 - B1G1
            Excludes Organic
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers or Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $4.19 - B1G1
          • Chloe's Soft Serve Fruit Pops, 4 pk - $5.95 - B1G1
          • Chung's Gourmet Quality Egg Rolls, 4 ct - B1G1
          • Classico Pasta Sauce, 15 - 24 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 16.9 oz - B1G1
          • Colgate Max Toothpaste, 6 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste - 3-31-19 SS; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only; Excludes 2.8 oz and 2.8 oz Bonus; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39
          • College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz - $3.09 - B1G1
          • Dannon Greek Yogurt, 4 pk - $4.09 - B1G1
          • Dr. Praeger's Burgers or Tenders, 8 - 10 oz - $5.29 - B1G1
          • Eclipse, Orbit, Dentyne Ice, Trident, or Ice Breakers Gum, 40 - 60 ct - $3.69 - B1G1
          • Edy's Ice Cream, 1.5 qt - $6.45 - B1G1
          • Evian Natural Spring Water, 6 pk 1 L - $12.29 - B1G1
          • Fresh Express Salad Blend, 5 - 13 oz - $4.39 - B1G1
          • Friendship Cottage Cheese or Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.55 - B1G1
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - $5.75 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cheerios Varieties Cereals - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley cereal, or Nature Valley Granola Cereal - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/3 General Mills Big G or Nature Valley Cereal - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - $5.75 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Chex, Multi Grain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Total, Nature Valley cereal, or Nature Valley Granola Cereal - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/3 General Mills Big G or Nature Valley Cereal - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - $5.75 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds Cereal - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/3 General Mills Big G or Nature Valley Cereal - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - $5.75 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds Cereal - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/3 General Mills Big G or Nature Valley Cereal - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.37 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - $5.75 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds Cereal - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/3 General Mills Big G or Nature Valley Cereal - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.37
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - $5.75 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds Cereal - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/3 General Mills Big G or Nature Valley Cereal - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.37
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 18 - 20.9 oz - $5.75 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds Cereal - 3-31-19 SS (exp. 05/11/19)
            $1.00/3 General Mills Big G or Nature Valley Cereal - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.37
          • Godiva Instant Pudding, 3.6 - 4.51 oz - $4.25 - B1G1
          • Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard, 12 oz - $3.59 - B1G1
          • Hellmann's Ketchup, 20 oz - $3.59 - B1G1
          • Hidden Valley Dressing, 12 - 16 oz - $3.69 - B1G1
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $9.19 - B1G1
          • Hunt's Tomatoes, 28 - 29 oz - B1G1
          • Innovasian Cuisine Entree, 18 oz - $6.79 - B1G1
          • Jell-O Instant Pudding or Gelatin Dessert, 6 - 8 cup - $4.25 - B1G1
          • Jif Bar or Cluster, 6.5 oz - B1G1
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz - $3.38 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes or French Toast Frozen Items - 3-3-19 RMN; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/14/19)
            $1.00/3 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes, or French Toast Frozen Products - 3-3-19 RMN; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 2
          • Kraft Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip, 22 - 30 oz - $6.15 - B1G1
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Magnum Ice Cream Bars, 9.12 - 11.1 oz - $6.45 - B1G1
          • Magnum Ice Cream Tub, 14.8 oz - $6.45 - B1G1
          • Mentos Gum, 40 - 60 ct - $3.69 - B1G1
          • Mentos Gum, 40 - 60 ct - $3.69 - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Meow Mix Cat Food - 2-10-19 RMN; Includes 3.15 lb or Larger Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $4.14
          • Mission Flour Tortillas, 10 ct - $2.99 - B1G1
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - $3.19 - B1G1
          • Mott's Juice, 64 oz - $3.19 - B1G1
          • Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 18 - 24.6 oz - $6.39 - B1G1
          • Mrs. T's Pierogies, 16 oz - $2.95 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Mrs. T's Pierogies - 3-3-19 RMN (exp. 04/06/19)
            $1.00/3 Mrs. T's Pierogies Boxes - 3-3-19 RMN (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $0.97 each wyb 2
          • Mueller's Pasta or Lasagna, 8 - 16 oz - $2.34 - B1G1
            $0.55/1 Mueller Pasta - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 05/01/19)
            $0.55/2 Mueller Pasta - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 05/01/19)
            Final Price: $0.62
          • Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams, Original Grahams, Grahamfuls, or Go Bites, 7 - 14.4 oz - $4.49 - B1G1
          • Nabisco Nilla Wafers, 11 oz - B1G1
          • Nabisco Toasted Pita Snacks, Toasted Chips or Corn Chips, Popped Chips, or Crisp & Thins, 4.5 - 8.1 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $0.75/2 Nabisco Ritz Crisp and Thins Chips or Toasted Chips - 3-31-19 SS; Includes 7 oz or Larger Only (exp. 05/11/19)
            Final Price: $1.52 each wyb 2
          • Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough, 16 - 16.5 oz - B1G1
          • New York Garlic Bread Sticks, Bread, or Texas Toast, 7.3 - 13 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
          • New York Texas Toast Croutons, 5 oz - $1.99 - B1G1
          • Nivea Body Wash, 16.9 oz - $4.49 - B1G1
          • O-Cedar Scrub Scrunge Sponges, 4 ct - B1G1
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 12.5 oz - $4.09 - B1G1
          • Panera Soup, 16 oz - $4.99 - B1G1
          • Publix Bakery Donut Holes, 8.28 - 11 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
          • Publix Extra Strength Pain Relief or PM, 50 ct - $6.19 - B1G1
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 10 oz - $6.19 - B1G1
          • Pure Leaf Tea, 6 pk 16.9 oz - $6.65 - B1G1
          • Quaker Breakfast Flats or Squares, 7 - 10.5 oz - $3.59 - B1G1
          • SlimFast Advanced Nutrition Meal Shake or Energy Replacement Shake, 4 pk - $7.19 - B1G1
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Streit's Matzo Ball & Soup Mix, 4.5 oz - $2.59 - B1G1
          • SunMaid Natural California Raisins, 22.58 oz - $4.67 - B1G1
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - B1G1
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct - $4.49 - B1G1
          • TimberWick Candle, 9.25 oz - $9.99 - B1G1
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 90 ct - B1G1
          • Uncle Ben's Converted Enriched Rice, 5 lb - $7.75 - B1G1
          • Yehuda Matzos, 12.6 oz - $3.49 - B1G1
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $11.99
          • 20/40 ct Large Sea Scallops, per lb - $13.99
          • 21/30 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Aprons Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast Fillet, per lb - $6.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Bacon Wrapped Gulf Shrimp, ea - $1.50
          • Ball Park Beef Franks, 14 - 15 oz - $3.50
          • Beyond Meat The Beyond Burger, 8 oz - $4.99
            $1.00/1 Beyond Meat Product
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Bob Evans Side Dishes, 12 - 24 oz - $3.00
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks, per lb - $4.99
          • Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $11.99
          • Empire Whole Turkey, per lb - $2.69
          • GreenWise Angus New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $5.99
          • Jennie-O Ground Turkey, 48 oz - $8.99
          • Kiolbassa Smoked Sausage, 13 oz - $5.00
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.69
          • Lobster Fettuccine Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79
          • Publix Boneless Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Mild or Hot Italian Pork Sausage, 20 oz - $4.99
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Bartlett Pears, per lb - $1.69
          • Beets, bunch - $2.50
          • BellaFina Peppers, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.00
          • EverCrisp Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Florida's Natural Orange Juice, 89 oz - $4.99
          • Florida's Natural Orange or Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
            $1.00/2 Florida's Natural Orange Juice; Includes 52 oz or Larger Only
            $1.00/2 Florida Natural NFC Orange Juice - 2-10-19 SS; Includes 52 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/06/19)
            $1.00/2 Florida's Natural - 02-10-19 SS; Includes 52 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Giorgio Stuffed Mushrooms, 8.5 oz - $4.99
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Honeydew, ea - $3.99
          • IncredibleFresh Vegetables, 3 - 8 oz - $2.00
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Marie's Dressing or Vinaigrette, 11.5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.29
          • Organic Kiwi, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Organic Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Organic Seedless Cucumbers, ea - $2.50
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $0.99
          • Publix Fruit Salad, per lb - $3.49
          • Publix Red Potatoes, 5 lb - $2.99
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Russet Potatoes, per lb - $0.69
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Sweet Corn, 4 ct - $3.99
          • Sweet corn, ea - $0.40
          • Tropical Platain Chips, 3 oz - $1.00
          • Vidalia Sweet Onion Petals, 3.5 oz - $2.50
          • Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.99
          • Zucchini Squash, per lb - $1.99
          • Boar's Head All American BBQ Chicken Salad, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Chocolate Dessert Hummus, 8 oz - $4.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Roasted Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head White or Yellow American Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • Bread Dip Seasoning, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - $3.49
          • GreenWise Tea, 57 oz - $2.50
          • King's Hawaiian Rolls, 4.4 oz - $1.00
          • Landana Gouda Chunk Cheese, 5.3 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Carrot Torte Cake, 60 oz - $19.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Handmade Oblong Fruit Tart, 16 oz - $9.99
          • Publix Bakery Handmade Round Fruit Tart, 18 oz - $11.99
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Kaiser Rolls, 6 ct - $3.49
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29
          • Publix Bakery Salted Caramel Heath Bar Cake, 16 - 19 oz - $5.49
          • Publix Deli Aged Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Deli Chicken Breast or Turkey Club Salad, 8 oz - $3.50
          • Publix Deli Imported French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Italian Chicken Salad, ea - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Medium Antipasto Platter, 80 oz - $42.99
          • Publix Deli Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, per lb - $17.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal, ea - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Smokehouse Meal for Four - $24.50
          • Publix Deli Swiss Cheese, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Tavern Smoked Ham, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Homestyle Meatball Whole Sub, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Premium Spiral-Sliced Half Ham, per lb - $2.49
          • Stonefire Original Naan Dippers, 7.05 oz - $3.00
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - $5.15 - B2G1
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8.5 oz - $2.50
          • Coca-Cola Products, 2 L - $4.48 - B2G2
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk 0.5 L - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers; Includes 2 pk Only
            $1.00/2 Del Monte Fruit Cups; Includes 4 pk Only
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Donut Shop K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
            $1.25/1 Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Product
            Final Price: $5.24
          • Frito Lay Snacks, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $1.00
          • Gatorade, 6 pk 12 oz - $3.00
          • Gefen Clover Honey, 12 oz - $3.99
          • Gefen Noodles, 9 oz - $3.00
          • Green Mountain K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Bar or Squares, 4.4 - 6.15 oz - $2.50
          • Kedem Grape Juice, 22 oz - $2.50
          • Kellogg's Fruit Flavored Snacks, 10 ct - $2.00
          • Krispy Kreme K-Cups, 10 - 12 ct - $6.49
          • Lindt Chocolate, 3.5 - 4.4 oz - $2.50
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Manischewitz Cake or Brownie Mix 11 - 14 oz - $5.00
          • Manischewitz Potato Pancake Mix, 6 oz - $2.00
          • Maxwell House Coffee, 24.5 - 30.6 oz - $6.99
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies or Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - $3.50
          • Nabisco Variety Pack Snacks, 20 pk - $5.99
            $1.00/1 Nabisco Multipacks - 3-24-19 SS; Includes 7 oz or Larger Only (exp. 05/04/19)
            $0.75/1 Nabisco Multipacks - Checkout 51 Rebate; Includes 7 oz or Larger Only; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate; Offers May Vary by Account; Limit 5
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - $5.93 - B2G1
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Propel, 6 pk 16.9 oz - $3.00
          • Silver Spring Horseradish, 5 oz - $1.50
          • Streit's Macaroons, 10 oz - $3.50
          • Yehuda Gefilte Fish, 24 oz - $5.49
          • Yehuda Passover Matzos, 5 lb - $7.99
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk Creamer, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Breakstone's Kosher Butter, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Cracker Barrel or Kraft Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • Eggland's Best Eggs, 12 ct - $2.00
            $0.55/1 Eggland's Best Eggs - 1-6-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19)
            $0.35/1 Eggland's Best Eggs - 1-6-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19)
            $0.50/1 Eggland's Best Eggs - 1-6-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.45
          • GreenWise Organic Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Frozen Fruit, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Healthy Choice Entrees, 9.5 - 18 oz - $2.00
          • Healthy Choice Simply Steamers Entrees, 9 - 10 oz - $3.00
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 - 16 oz - $3.00
          • Marie Callender's Entrees, 9.5 - 18 oz - $2.00
          • Oui by Yoplait French Style Yogurt, 5 oz - $1.33
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.66
            $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products - 1-13-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.33 each wyb 3
          • Publix Chicken Nuggets, Tenders, or Breast Patties, 25 - 29 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Cream Cheese or Neutchatel, 8 oz - $1.50
          • Publix Sweet Cream Butter, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Espresso, 40 - 48 oz, or Cold Brew, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Talenti Gelato, Gelato Layers, or Sorbetto, 11.5 - 16 oz - $3.33
          • The Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheese, 4.5 oz - $2.50
          • Tyson Any'tizers Chicken, 22 - 28.05 oz - $6.99
          • YQ by Yoplait Ultra Filtered Yogurt, 5.3 oz - $1.33
          • All Laundry Detergent, 141 oz or 60 ct - $10.99
          • Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 12 mega or 6 dbl rolls - $5.50
            $1.00/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue; Includes 12 ct or Larger Only or Mega Rolls, 6 ct or Larger Only
            $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue; Includes 4 Double Roll or Larger Only
            Final Price: $4.50
          • Bounce Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce OR Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Bounce or Downy Sheets, 70 ct or Larger Only; or In Wash Scent Boosters, 5.7 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuague, and Gain Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 12 large or 6 huge rolls - $13.49
            $1.00/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 4 ct or Larger Only or 2 Huge Rolls Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $12.49
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.50
            $0.25/1 Bounty Napkins Product - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct, or Complete, 45 oz - $4.99
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 8 super mega or 12 mega or 24 dbl rolls - $13.49
            $1.00/1 Charmin Mega Roll - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 4 ct or Larger Only or Mega Plus and Super Mega; Excludes Singles; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $12.49
          • Clorox Plus Tilex Bathroom Cleaner, 32 oz - $3.50
            $1.00/2 Clorox, Pine-Sol, or Liquid-Plumr Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Trial Size and Pens; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per household Per day (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $3.00
          • DampRid Moisture Absorber, 2 - 3 pk or 10.5 - 42 oz - 25% OFF
          • Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, 40 oz - $4.99
          • Dixie Plates or Bowls, 20 - 36 ct - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Dixie Plates; Must Register To Access Coupon
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Downy Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce OR Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Bounce or Downy Sheets, 70 ct or Larger Only; or In Wash Scent Boosters, 5.7 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuague, and Gain Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Downy Softener, 51 oz - $4.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner, Bounce OR Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Bounce or Downy Sheets, 70 ct or Larger Only; or In Wash Scent Boosters, 5.7 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Downy Libre Enjuague, and Gain Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Febreze Air Fresheners, Oils, Aerosols, Car, or Spray 0.6 - 67.62 oz - $1.50 OFF wyb 2
            B1G1 Febreze One Product - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Febreze One Car Vent Clip; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            B1G1 Febreze Unstopables Product - 3-31-19 PG; Maximum Value $4; Excludes In-Wash Scent Booster; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
          • Gain Flings, 20 ct - $6.00
            $2.00/1 Gain Flings - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 32 ct or Higher Only; Excludes Liuqid Detergent and Fabric Enhancers; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Gain Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
          • Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, 2 - 3 ct - $3.00
          • Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Cleaner, 45 oz - $3.00
          • NaturalAire Air Cleaning Filter, 1 ct - $3.50
          • NaturalAire MicroParticle Air Filter, ea - $6.99
          • Persil Proclean Laundry Detergent, 100 oz or 38 ct - $10.99
            $2.00/1 Persil Laundry Detergent; Excludes Trial Size
            $2.00/1 Persil ProClean Laundry Detergent - 3-10-19 RMN; Excludes 6 ld or Smaller and Trial Size; Limit (1) Like Coupon (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Publix Tall Kitchen Bags, 100 ct - $9.99
          • Puffs Facial Tissues, 48 - 64 ct - $1.25
            $0.50/1 Puffs Facial Tissues - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Multipacks; Excludes Puffs To Go Singles; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $0.75
          • Spray 'n Wash Laundry Stain Remover, 16 - 22 oz - $2.50
          • Tide Laundry Detergent, 138 - 150 oz - $17.99
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Simply PODS, and Detergent, 10 oz; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $15.99
          • Tide Laundry Detergent, 46 - 50 oz - $6.00
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Simply PODS, and Detergent, 10 oz; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Tide Pods, 20 ct - $6.00
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Liquid/Powder, Simply, Simply PODS, and PODS, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Liquid/Powder, Simply, Simply PODS, and PODS, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $15.99
          • Viva Paper Towels, 6 dbl or 8 giant rolls - $10.49
            $1.00/1 Viva Paper Towels; Includes 6 pk or Larger
            $0.50/1 Viva Paper Towel 6-pack or larger
            $0.50/1 Viva Paper Towels - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 6 pk or Larger Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $9.49
          • Ziploc Freezer or Storage Bags, 10 - 48 ct - $4.50
            $1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Products
            Final Price: $4.00 each wyb 2
          • Always Infinity, Radiant, Ultra Thin, or Maxi Pads, 18 - 46 ct - $6.99
            $3.00/2 Always Radiant, Infinity or Pure and Clean Pads - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 11 ct or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            $0.50/1 Always Ultra or Maxi Pads - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 11 ct or Larger Only; Excludes Radiant, Infinity, Pure and Clean, and Discreet; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Boost Nutritional Drink, 4 - 12 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $1.50/1 BOOST Nutritional Drink or Drink Mix
            $1.50/1 Boost Drinks - 3-3-19 RMN; Inclues 4 - 6 pk Only (exp. 04/28/19)
            $3.00/1 Boost Drinks - 3-3-19 RMN; Includes 12 pk Only (exp. 04/28/19)
          • Colgate Total Advanced Pro-Shield Mouthwash, 33.8 oz - $4.99
            $0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse; Includes 200 mL or Larger Only
            Final Price: $4.24
          • Crest 3D White Rinse, 1 L - $1.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Crest Mouthwash - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 473 ml/ 16 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Other Always Products; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
          • Crest 3D White Toothpaste, 2 pk - $1.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only; Excludes 4.6 oz Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, and Kids; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
          • Crest Gum Detoxify or Gum & Enamel Toothpaste, 4.1 oz - $1.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only; Excludes 4.6 oz Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, and Kids; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
          • Crest Pro-Health or 3D White Toothpaste, 4.8 - 6.3 oz - $3.99
            $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only; Excludes 4.6 oz Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, and Kids; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Crest Scope Rinse, 1 L - $3.99
            $1.00/1 Crest Mouthwash - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 473 ml/ 16 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Other Always Products; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion or Cream, 8 - 14.5 oz - $6.99
            $1.00/1 Gold Bond Lotion or Cream; Excludes 1 oz
            $1.50/1 Gold Bond Lotion - 3-24-19 SS; Includes 13 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/27/19) 
            $1.00/1 Gold Bond Lotion or Cracked Skin - 3-24-19 SS; Includes 2 - 8.1 oz Only; Excludes Hand Cream (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • L'Oreal Ever Hair Care Products, 8.5 - 11.05 oz - $6.49
            $3.00/1 L'Oreal Ever Shampoo, Conditioner or Treatment - 3-31-19 RMN; Excludes 3 oz Trial Size, Sheet Masks, Value Packs and Kits; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day
            Final Price: $3.49
          • L'Oreal Paris Excellence Cream, Superior Preference, or Excellence Age Perfect Hair Color, ea - $7.99
            $5.00/2 L'Oreal Superior Preference or Excellence Haircolor Items - 3-17-19 RMN; Limit 1 Identical Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/1 L'Oreal Excellence or Excellence Age Perfect Haircolor - 3-17-19 RMN; Limit 1 Identical Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            $2.00/1 L'Oreal Superior Preference or Excellence Haircolor Item - 3-17-19 RMN; Limit 1 Identical Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Method Foaming Hand Wash Refill, 28 oz - $4.99
          • Method Hand Wash or Foaming Hand Wash, 10 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Nexium, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $3.00/1 Nexium 24 HR; Includes 28 or 42 ct Only; Limit 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $3.00/1 Nexium 24 Hr Product; Includes 28 or 42 ct Only
            $2.00/1 Nexium 24 Hr Product - 3-3-19 RMN
            $5.00/1 Nexium 24 Hr Product - 3-3-19 RMN; Includes 28 or 42 ct Only
          • Oral-B Glide Floss, 35 - 54.7 yd or 75 ct - $2.50
            $1.00/1 Oral-B Glide Manual floss, floss picks, Interdental brush or interdental picks - 3-31-19 PG'; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Pantene, Aussie, or Herbal Essences Hair Care, 3.2 - 30.4 oz - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1.00/1 Pantene Product - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            $2.00/1 Pantene Styler or Treatment - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            $3.00/2 Herbal Essences bio:renew Shampoo, Conditioned or Styling Products - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Masks, 100mL Shampoo and Conditioner, Color, or Body Wash; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            $3.00/3 Pantene Products - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
            B1G1 Pantene Rescue Shots, Mask, or Airspray FREE wyb (1) Pantene Shampoo - 3-31-19 PG; Includes Shampoo, 11 oz or Larger Only; Maximum Value $4.99; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/13/19)
          • Prilosec, 42 ct - $5.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Prilosec TC Product - 3-31-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
          • Tampax Radiant or Pearl Tampons, 28 - 36 ct - $6.99
            $3.00/2 Tampax Pearl, Radiant or Pure and Clean Tampons - 3-31-19 PG; Includes 16 ct or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 04/27/19)
            Final Price: $5.49 each wyb 2
          • Blue Buffalo Adult Dry Dog Food, 24 lb - $15.00 OFF
          • Fresh Step Cat Litter, 20 - 25 lb - $8.59
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 12 pk - $5.00
            $1.00/4 Meow Mix Simple Servings or Wet Cat Food Variety Pack or Wet Single Cups - 2-10-19 RMN; Inclues (4) Simple Servings, 2 pk Only; (1) Meow Mix Variety Pack; or (6) Wet Food Singles (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $4.00

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 4/4/19 – 4/10/19 appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 3/28/19 – 4/3/19 Fri, 29 Mar 2019 15:51:00 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 28th or Wednesday, March 27th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 3/28/19 – 4/3/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 28th or Wednesday, March 27th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Country Crock Spread or Butter Sticks, 15 - 16 oz - B1G1
          • A1 Sauce, 10 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
          • Annie's Granola or Crispy Bars, 3.9 - 5.34 oz - $4.59 - B1G1
          • Arla Cream Cheese Spread, 6.2 - 7 oz - $3.39 - B1G1
          • Bai Antioxidant Infusion, Cocofusion, or Supertea Beverage, 11.5 oz 18 oz - $2.05 - B1G1
          • Bear Naked Granola, 7.2 - 12 oz - $7.99 - B1G1
          • BelGioioso Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 8 oz - $4.93 - B1G1
          • Benihana Entree Bowl, 10 oz - $4.95 - B1G1
          • Betty Crocker Brownie or Cookie Mix, 14 - 19.1 oz - $2.59 - B1G1
          • Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks, 9 - 19.2 oz - $5.65 - B1G1
          • Bob Evans Breakfast Sandwiches, 14.6 - 18 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
          • BodyArmor SuperDrink, 16 oz - $1.55 - B1G1
          • Brillo Erase & Wipe Sponges with Estracell, 2 ct - B1G1
          • Brooklyn Burger Burgers, 32 oz - $13.89 - B1G1
          • Cabot Cheese Bars, 6 - 8 oz - $4.39 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Cabot Cheese Products
            Final Price: $1.69 each wyb 2
          • CapriSun Organic Juice Drink, 10 pk - $4.95 - B1G1
          • Cascadian Farm Organic Bars, 6.2 - 8.85 oz - $4.59
          • Cascadian Farm Organic Cereal or Granola, 8.75 - 16 oz - $4.59 - B1G1
          • Chameleon Cold Brew Concentrate Coffee, 32 oz - B1G1
          • Chatham Village Croutons, 5 oz - B1G1
          • Chex Mix, Bugles, or Gardetto's, 7.5 - 8.75 oz - $2.90 - B1G1
          • Coolhaus Ice Cream, 16 oz, or Ice Cream Sandwiches, 5.8 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
          • Crystal Light Drink Mix, 10 - 12 qt or 7 - 10 ct - $3.59 - B1G1
          • Entenmann's Donuts, 8 pk - $5.69 - B1G1
          • Eternal Spring Water, 6 pk - B1G1
          • Fiber One Bars, 8.2 - 14.1 oz - $7.49 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Fiber One Products - 2-10-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19) 
            $0.50/2 Fiber One Products - 2-10-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $3.24 each wyb 2
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 32 ct - $9.25 - B1G1
          • Finish Dishwasher Cleaner, 3 ct or 8.45 oz - $9.25 - B1G1
          • Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Aid, 16 oz - $9.25 - B1G1
          • Flatout Foldit Artisan Flatbread, 8.5 - 10 oz - $3.29 - B1G1
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 12 - 14 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 11.8 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Fiber One Cereal, 13.2 - 16.2 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Kix Cereal, 12 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 10.5 - 13.8 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Oatmeal Crisp with Almonds Cereal, 17 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Raisin Nut Bran Cereal, 17.1 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 11.5 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Toast Crunch Cereal, 11.1 - 12.4 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Total or Basic 4 Cereal, 16 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 10.7 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Wheaties Cereal, 15.6 oz - $5.15 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.07 each wyb 2
          • Gevalia Kaffe Coffee, 10 - 12 oz or 6 - 12 ct - $9.55 - B1G1
          • Gorton's Fish Sticks or Fillets, 18.2 - 24.5 oz - $7.49 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Gorton's Products
            Final Price: $3.24 each wyb 2
          • Green Giant Steamers Vegetables, 11 - 12 oz - $2.39 - B1G1
          • Greenwise Bakery Bagels, 4 ct - $2.25 - B1G1
          • Greenwise Greek Yogurt Dip, 8 oz - B1G1
          • Grown in Idaho Potatoes, 28 oz - B1G1
          • International Delight Single Serve Creamer, 24 ct - B1G1
          • Kellogg's Froot Loops or Apple Jacks Cereal, 14.7 oz - $5.65 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal; Includes 8.7 oz or Larger; Limit of 4 Like Coupons in Same Shopping Trip
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal - Checkout 51 Rebate; Includes 8.7 oz or Larger; Cannot Use This Offer with Any Other Print or In-app Offers May Vary by Account; Coupon or Rebate; Claim 1 Time
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 19.2 oz - $5.65 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes or Hi! Happy Inside Cereal - Ibotta Rebate; Includes 10 - 24.8 oz Only
            Final Price: $2.32 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Mini-Wheats Cereal, 24 oz - $5.65 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereals; Includes 15 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            Stacks With $1.00/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes or Hi! Happy Inside Cereal - Ibotta Rebate; Includes 10 - 24.8 oz Only
            Final Price: $1.82 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran or Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal, 23.5 - 24.8 oz - $5.65 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal; Includes 13.5 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $0.25/1 Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal
            Stacks With $1.00/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes or Hi! Happy Inside Cereal - Ibotta Rebate; Includes 10 - 24.8 oz Only
            Final Price: $1.82 each wyb 2
          • Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 11.1 - 16 lb - $14.99 - B1G1
          • Klondike Ice Cream, 11 - 27 oz - $5.65 - B1G1
          • Kraft or Bulls-Eye BBQ Sauce, 17.5 - 18 oz - $2.35 - B1G1
          • La Bandarita Large Flour Tortillas, 25 oz - $2.99 - B1G1
          • Land O Lakes Single Serve Creamers, 24 ct - B1G1
          • LavAzza Ground Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $9.25 - B1G1
          • Lay's Family Size Potato Chips, 9.5 - 10 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfecting Spray, 12.5 oz - $6.19 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Spray
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Spray or Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist - 3-10-19 SS (exp. 05/21/19)
            Final Price: $2.59
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 75 - 80 ct - $5.15 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes - 3-10-19 SS (exp. 05/21/19)
            Final Price: $2.07
          • Lysol Multi-Surface Cleaner, 40 oz - $3.19 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Lysol All Purpose Cleaner or Lysol Power Bathroom Cleaner - 3-10-19 SS (exp. 05/21/19)
            Final Price: $1.09
          • M&M's Chocolate Candies, 9.6 - 10.7 oz - $2.91 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Mars Wrigley Confectionary Easter products (3 OZ. - 46.2 OZ)
            Final Price: $2.41 each wyb 2
          • Mighty Spark Gourmet Ground Turkey, 16 oz - $7.99 - B1G1
          • Nabisco Oreo Thins Sandwich Cookies, 10.1 oz - $4.16 - B1G1
          • Nabisco Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - $9.25 - B1G1
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz - $9.25 - B1G1
          • Nabisco Single Serve Trays or Handi Snacks, 10 - 18 ct - $6.89 - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Nabisco Multipacks - 3-24-19 SS; Includes 7 oz or Larger Only (exp. 05/04/19)
            Final Price: $2.44
          • Nathan's Famous Skinless Beef Franks, 10 - 14 oz - $6.19 - B1G1
          • Nature Valley Bars or Squares, 12 - 17.8 oz - $7.49 - B1G1
            $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, Soft-Baked Filled Squares, Protein Bars, Granola Snack Mix, or Almond Butter Granola Biters POuches - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 5 ct or Larger Only (exp. 05/11/19)
            Final Price: $3.49 each wyb 2
          • Near East Rice Pilaf, 1.9 - 10 oz - $2.49 - B1G1
          • Newman's Own Dressing, 12 - 16 oz - $4.09 - B1G1
          • Northland 100% Juice, 64 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
          • Pedigree Dentastix Dog Snacks, 5.26 - 6.07 oz - $4.39 - B1G1
          • Pedigree Dog Food, 18 ct - B1G1
          • Pepperidge Farm Cookies, 5 - 7.25 oz - $3.89 - B1G1
          • Pepsi Products, 6 - 8 pk - $5.15 - B1G1
          • Perdue Frozen Chicken, 22 - 26 oz - $9.19 - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Perdue Fully Cooked Chicken (NC ZIp 27520)
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Products
            $1.50/1 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken Product (Perdue, Simply Smart Organics, Harvestland and Harvestland organic Brands) - 3-17-19 RMN (exp. 04/28/19)
            Final Price: $3.09
          • Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 40 oz - B1G1
          • Planters Peanuts, 12 - 12.5 oz - $3.47 - B1G1
          • Planters Peanuts, 16 oz - B1G1
          • Playtex Living Gloves, 1 pair - $2.99 - B1G1
          • Pop-Secret Premium Popcorn, 11.2 - 21 oz or 30 oz jar - $5.55 - B1G1
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz - $2.69 - B1G1
          • Publix Allergy Cream, 1 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
          • Publix Allergy Tablets, 24 ct - $3.99 - B1G1
          • Publix Bakery Butter Pound Cake, 12 oz - $4.59 - B1G1
          • Publix Coffee Filters, 200 ct - B1G1
          • Publix Peanut Butter Pretzels, 11.99 - 17.28 oz - B1G1
          • Publix Pineapple Chunks, per lb - $5.19 - B1G1
          • Publix Premium Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct - $8.19 - B1G1
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz or 22 - 29 oz - $6.15 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 Purex Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent
            Final Price: $2.57
          • Purina Friskies Cat Food, 3.15 lb - $5.25 - B1G1
          • Quaker Oats Oatmeal, 18 oz - $3.09 - B1G1
          • Quorn Meatless Chik'n Nuggets, Tenders, or Patties, 9.31 - 12 oz - $4.89 - B1G1
            $1.00/1 Quorn Product
            Final Price: $1.44
          • Ragu Pasta Sauce, 14 - 24 oz - $3.49 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Ragu Pasta Sauces - 3-3-19 RMN; Includes 24 oz Only; Limit (2) Like Coupons (exp. 03/31/19)
            $0.60/2 Ragu Pasta Sauces - 3-3-19 SS; Includes 24 oz Only; Limit of 2 IdetnicalsCoupons Allowed In Same Shopping Trip (exp. 03/31/19)
            $0.75/2 Ragu Pasta Sauces - 3-3-19 RMN; Includes 24 oz Only (exp. 03/31/19)
            Final Price: $1.24 each wyb 2
          • Red Baron Pizza, 14.87 - 23.45 oz - $5.79 - B1G1
          • Red's Burritos, 4.5 - 5 oz - $2.39 - B1G1
          • Reese's or Hershey's Popped Snack Mix, 8 - 8.5 oz - $3.79 - B1G1
          • Ronzoni Pasta, 10 - 16 oz - $3.49 - B1G1
          • Sargento Shredded Cheese, 5 - 8 oz - $4.29 - B1G1
            $1.00/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/28/19)
            $0.60/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/26/19)
            $1.00/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/26/19)
            Final Price: $1.64 each wyb 2
          • Second Nature Trail Mix, 10 - 14 oz - $5.85 - B1G1
          • Snackwell's Vanilla Creme Sandwich Cookies, 10 - 18 ct - $6.89 - B1G1
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser, 1 - 2 ct or 24 - 28.6 oz - $3.69 - B1G1
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Product; Includes 20 oz or Larger Only
            $0.75/1 Soft Scrub Toilet Care Product
            $2.00/2 Soft Scrub Products - 3-10-19 RMN; Includes 20 oz or Larger Only; Limit (1) Like Coupon (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $0.84 each wyb 2
          • Softsoap Body Wash, 15 - 18 oz - $3.99 - B1G1
            $0.50/1 On any Softsoap brand Body Wash (15.0 oz or larger)
            $0.75/1 Softsoap Body Wash; Includes 15 oz or Larger Only
            $0.75/1 Softsoap Body Wash - 3-24-19 SS; Includes 15 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/06/19)
            $0.75/2 Softsoap Body Wash - 3-24-19 SS; Includes 15 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.24
          • Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Breast or Thighs, per lb - $6.79 - B1G1
          • Suja Organic Fruit Juice Drink, 12 oz - $4.19 - B1G1
            $0.90/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 3
            Final Price: $1.19
          • Thomas' English Muffins or Bagels, 10.5 - 20 oz - $4.49 - B1G1
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 22.3 - 24.8 oz - B1G1
          • Tuttorosso Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, or Puree, 28 oz - $1.95 - B1G1
            $0.80/4 Tuttorosso Tomato Products - 02-10-19 SS; Includes 14.5 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/31/19)
            $0.80/4 Tuttorosso Tomato Products - 2-10-19 SS; Includes 14.5 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/31/19)
            Final Price: $0.88 each wyb 4
          • V8 100% Vegetable, V-Fusion, or V-Fusion + Energy, 4 - 6 pk - $4.95 - B1G1
          • Valley Fresh Chicken Breast, 10 oz - $3.48 - B1G1
          • Veetee Rice, 9.9 oz - $2.25 - B1G1
          • White House Apple Juice, 64 oz - $2.99 - B1G1
          • White House Apple Sauce, 6 pk - $2.99 - B1G1
          • Wonder Enriched Bread, 20 oz - B1G1
          • 10/15 ct Jumbo Sea Scallops, per lb - $16.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 51/60 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Aprons Chicken Breast Kabobs, per lb - $5.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Chicken Breast, per lb - $6.49
          • Aprons Top Sirloin Beef Kabobs, per lb - $7.99
          • Boneless Chuck Pot Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Chuck Steaks, per lb - $5.49
          • Cajon-Seasoned Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Catfish Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • Center-Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.29
          • Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Applewood Bacon, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Lunchmeat, 7 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Chicken Fillets, per lb - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Chicken Tenderloins, per lb - $7.19
          • GreenWise Smoked Chicken Sausage, 12 oz - $5.50
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Greenfield Lunch Kit, 2.9 oz - $2.50
          • Greenwise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $11.99
          • Ground Sirloin, per lb - $4.49
            3 lbs or more
          • Lobster Fettuccine Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99
          • Maverick Ranch Organic 85% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $6.49
          • Oscar Mayer Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - B2G1
          • Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meats, 7 - 9 oz - $5.19 - B2G1
          • Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $7.99
          • Publix Italian Turkey Sausage, 20 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops, per lb - $2.99
          • Rock Crab Claws, per lb - $8.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Simply Potatoes Mashed Potatoes, 24 oz - $3.00
          • Thin-Sliced Porterhouse or T-Bone Steaks, per lb - $8.29
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Baby Seedless Cucumbers, 16 oz - $3.00
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Crunch Pak Apple Slices, 12 - 14 oz - $2.50
          • Green Anjou Pears, per lb - $1.99
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organi Agave, 23.5 oz - $4.49
          • GreenWise Organic Carrot Chips, 16 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Salad, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz - $2.00
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Hothouse Cucumbers, ea - $1.67
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Minneola Tangelos, 3 lb - $3.99
          • Organic Granny Smith Apples, per lb - $2.49
          • Organic Herbs, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Organic Tomatoes On The Vine, per lb - $2.99
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Pink Lady Apples, per lb - $1.99
          • Prepared Strawberries, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Red or Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Salad Blends, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Whole White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or Black Plums, Per lb - $2.99
          • Russett Potatoes, 4 ct - $2.99
          • Simply 100% Orange, Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 14 - 16 oz - $7.99
          • Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.99
          • Yellow, White, or Bi-Color Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Zucchini, per lb - $1.99
          • Applegate Organic Lunch Meats, 6 oz - $5.99
            $1.00/1 Applegate Product; Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer
            $1.00/1 Applegate Sliced Deli Meat; Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, 16 oz - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Italian Whole Sub, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head Muenster Cheese, per lb - $7.99
          • Boar's Head Ovengold Roasted Turkey Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Dave's Killer Bread Organic Bread, 20.5 oz - $3.99
          • DeLallo Pitted Olives Jubilee, 8 oz - $4.00
          • La Pasta Organic Ravioli, 8 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Brioche Hamburger Buns, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Chicago Italian Bread, 16 oz - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Cream Cheese Cinnamon Rolls, 18 oz - $4.59
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Pecan Cinnamon Buns, 4 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Gourmet Plain Cinnamon Rolls, 16 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Cookies, 13 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Croissants, 13 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Mini Pina Colada Pie, 11 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Parmesan Pesto Garlic Baguette, 8 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Pina Colada Bar Cake, 16 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Turnovers, 2 ct - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Imported French Brie Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Panino Fingers, 5 - 6 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pulled Pork Meal, ea - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Sriracha Glazed Chicken, ea - $6.59
          • Publix Deli Sweet Ham, per lb - $6.99
          • Publix Hoop Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $7.49
          • Pulled Pork Sandwich, ea - $3.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Thins, or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 8 oz - $3.49 - B2G1
          • Bumble Bee Premium Tuna in Water, 4 pk - $4.99
          • Bumble Bee Seasoned or Tuna Salad Premium Tuna, 2.5 oz - $1.00
            $1.00/2 Bumble Bee Seasoned Tuna or Salad Pouches - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 2.5 oz Only (exp. 04/13/19)
            $0.75/2 Bumble Bee Seasoned Tuna or Tuna Salad Pouches - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 2.5 oz Only (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/3 Bumble Bee Seasoned Tuna or Tuna Salad Pouches - 3-17-19 SS; Includes 2.5 oz Only (exp. 04/19/19)
            Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - B2G1
          • Dole Fruit Cups, 4 pk - $2.33
            $0.50/1 Dole Fruit Bowls
            $0.50/2 Dole Fruit Bowls - 3-24-19 SS (exp. 05/31/19)
            $1.00/2 Dole Fruit Bowls - 3-24-19 SS (exp. 05/31/19)
            Final Price: $1.83
          • Folgers Ground Coffee, 23 - 31.1oz - $6.99
          • Frito Lay Snacks Variety Packs, 16 - 22 ct - $5.99
          • Gatorade Thirst Quenchers, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Almond Butter, 16 oz - $7.99
          • GreenWise Organic Broth, 32 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Chocolate Syrup, 15.8 oz - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Coffee, 10 oz or 12 ct - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Cold Brew Coffee, 32 oz - $6.49
          • GreenWise Organic Honey, 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Trail Mix, 8 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Trail Mix, 8 oz - $4.99
          • Keebler Toasteds Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Keebler Zesta Saltines, 8 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lay's Poppables Potato Snacks, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Mott's Apple Juice or Beverage, 6 - 8 pk - $2.33
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Publix Candies, 6 - 20 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Coffee, 11.5 oz - $3.49
          • Publix Croutons, 5 oz - $1.25
          • Publix Jasmine Rice, 20 lb - $17.99
          • Publix Soft Drinks, 12 pk - $2.50
          • Red Bull Energy Drink, 4 pk - B2G1
          • Wellington Water Crackers, 4.4 oz - $2.50
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk Creamer or Drninkable Yogurt, 25.4 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Almondmilk or Coconutmilk, 48 oz - $3.33
          • Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee, 48 oz - $3.33
          • GreenWise Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
          • GreenWise Organic Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Greek Yogurt, 24 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Half & Half, 16 oz - $1.99
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic or Lactose Free Milk, 64 oz - $3.33
          • Healthy Choice Power Bowls, 7.2 - 9.9 oz - $3.33
          • Kraft Expertly Paired Cheese Sticks, 7.5 oz - $3.00
          • Lifeway Kefir Cultured Milk Probiotic Smoothie, 1 qt - $2.50
          • Pete and Gerry's Liquid Egg Whites, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Pete and Gerry's Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
            $1.50/1 Pete and Gerry's Eggs; Must sign up
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Pillsbury Crescent, Cinnamon, or Danish Rolls, 8 - 13.9 oz - $2.00
            $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products - 1-13-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.66 each wyb 3
          • Polly-O Cheese, 9 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Publix American Singles, 12 oz - $2.50Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 6 - 8 oz - B2G1
          • Publix Cracker Cut Cheese, 10 oz - $4.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6 - 13 oz - $3.50
          • Siggi's Icelandic Skyr Yogurt, 4 - 8 oz - $1.25
            $1.00/2 Siggi's Yogurt Products; DND
            Final Price: $0.75 each wyb 2
          • Smart Ones Entrees, 4.4 - 10.5 oz - $1.66
          • Smartmade or Devour Entrees, 7.4 - 12.5 oz - $2.50
          • Wyman's Fruit, 48 oz - $9.99
          • Arm & Hammer Detergent, 122.5 - 150 oz or 40 ct - $6.00
            $1.00/1 Arm & Hammer Detergent
            Final Price: $5.00
          • Arm & Hammer Scent Booster, 37.8 oz - $6.00
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 2 huge rolls - $5.00
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 dbl or 8 giant rolls - $9.99
          • Clorox Bleach, 116 - 121 oz - $3.66
            $0.50/1 Clorox Bleach Product; Includes 55 oz or Larger Only
            $1.00/2 Clorox, Pine-Sol, or Liquid-Plumr Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Trial Size and Pens; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per household Per day (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $3.16
          • Clorox Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner + Bleach
            $0.50/1 Clorox Scentiva Multi-Surface Cleaner Product
            $1.00/2 Clorox, Pine-Sol, or Liquid-Plumr Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Trial Size and Pens; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per household Per day (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $1.66
            $1.00/2 Clorox Liquid Bleach, Clean Up, Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic Bleach Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Bleach Gel, or Bleach Foamer items - 2-3-19 SS; Includes Liquid 55 oz or Larger Only
            Final Price: $1.16 each wyb 2
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 62 - 77 oz - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Downy Unstopables, 20.1 oz - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Downy Unstopables, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Dreft In-Wash Scent Booster, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
          • Duracell Batteries, 6 - 16 ct - 25% OFF
          • Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 48 - 56 oz - $2.50
          • Gain Fireworks, 20.1 oz - $11.99
          • Gain Fireworks, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 40 ct - $5.99
          • Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Automatic Spray, 6.2 oz - $5.49 - B2G1
            $1.00/2 Glade Products; Excludes 8 oz Room Spray, Solids and PlugIns Scented Oil Warmer Only Products
            Final Price: $3.32 each wyb 3
          • GreenWise Paper Towels, 8 roll - $5.00
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50
          • Kleenex Tissues, 30 - 160 ct - $1.33
            $0.50/3 Kleenex Facial Tissue; Includes (3) Single Boxes or (1) Bundle Pack; Excludes Trial or Travel Size; DND
            $0.50/3 Kleenex Facial Tissue Boxes/Packs or Wet Wipes Packages - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 30 ct or Higher Tissues or Wet Wipes 20 ct or Higher Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.16 each wyb 3
          • Libman Tornado or Wonder Mop, 1 ct - $8.99
          • Method All Purpose Cleaner, 28 oz - $2.50
          • Method Dish Soap, 18 oz - $2.50
          • Mrs. Meyer's Dish Soap or Multi-Surface Cleaner, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Mrs. Meyer's Hand Soap, 10 - 12.5 oz - $3.33
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid - 3-24-19 SS; Includes 18 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Publix Disposable Latex Gloves, 100 ct - $6.99
          • Quilted Northern Bath Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue; Sign Up with Email Address to Access Coupon
            $0.50/1 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue - 3-17-19 RMN; Includes 6 Double Roll or Larger only (exp. 04/17/19)
            $0.50/2 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue - 3-17-19 RMN; Includes 6 Double Rolls or Larger Only
            $1.00/2 Quilted Northern Bath Tissue - 3-17-19 RMN; Includes Double Roll 6 pk or Larger Only (exp. 04/17/19)
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Renuzit Gel Air Freshener, 7 oz - $0.83
            B3G1 Renuzit Adjustables Air Freshener Cones - 3-10-19 RMN; Maximum Value $1.10; Limit (1) Like Coupon (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $0.62 each wyb 4
          • Scotch-Brite Sponges, 3 ct - $2.50
          • Scott Bathroom Tissue, 12 Rolls - $8.49
            $0.50/1 Scott Bath Tissue Rolls - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 4 pk or Larger Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Product
            $0.50/2 Pledge Furniture, Windex products or Scrubbing Bubbles products
            $1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $1.66
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.16
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, 1 ct - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product
            $0.50/2 Pledge Furniture, Windex products or Scrubbing Bubbles products
            $0.75/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Gel Product - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Shout Laundry Stain Remover, 8.7 - 22 oz - $2.50
            $1.50/2 Shout Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.75 each wyb 2
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 Roll - $5.00
            $1.00/1 Sparkle Paper Towels
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Swiffer Disposable Dusters, 3 - 5 ct, or Cloths Refills, 10 - 16 ct - $4.00
          • Tide Detergent, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)\
            $1.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide Pods, 42 ct - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder, Simply Varieties, Pods, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tornado, Wonder, or Nitty Gritty Mop Refills - $4.79
          • Windex Cleaner, 19.7 - 23 oz, or Wipes, 28 ct - $3.00
            $0.50/2 Pledge Furniture, Windex products or Scrubbing Bubbles products
            $1.50/2 Windex or Pledge Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Aleve Pain Relievers, 24 ct - $3.50
          • Always Maxi Pads or Ultra Thin, 20 - 44 ct - $5.49
          • Aspercreme, 2.5 - 3 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Icy Hot, Capzasin, Aspercreme, Flexall, Sportscreme or Arthritis Hot Product
          • Cortizone-10, 2 - 3.5 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Cortizone-10 Product - 1-27-19 SS; Includes 1 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/28/19)
          • Crest Pro-Health Advanced, 3D White, Complete, or Pro-Health Toothpaste, 3.5 - 4.6 oz - $3.00
            $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste - 3-17-19 RMN; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only; Excludes 4.6 oz Cavity Regular, Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, F&W Pep Gellen Kids; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit 2 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $2.00
          • Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash, 1 L - $5.00
          • Dove Bar Soap, 2 ct - $2.50
          • Ensure Shakes, 4 - 6 pk, or Powder, 14.1 oz, or Glucerna Shakes, 4 - 6 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
            $3.00/1 Ensure Multipack
            $3.00/2 Glucerna Products; Must Sign Up
            $4.00/2 Glucerna Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/28/19)
            $4.00/2 Ensure Multipacks - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/28/19)
          • GreenWise Whey Protein Powder, 1.51 - 1.9 lb or 12.9 - 15.8 oz - 20% OFF
          • Icy Hot Products, 1 - 24 ctor 2 - 3.7 oz - $2.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Icy Hot, Capzasin, Aspercreme, Flexall, Sportscreme or Arthritis Hot Product
          • Olay Regenerist Whip, Eyes, Regenerist, Luminous, or Total Effects, 2 - 4.5 oz - $4.00 OFF
            $1.00/1 Olay Total Effects Facial Moisturizer - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            $2.00/1 Olay Total Effects Facial Moisturizer - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
          • Oral-B Toothbrush, 2 - 4 ct, or Glide Floss, 2 pk - $2.00 OFF wyb 2
          • Publix Liquid Hand Soap Refill, 56 oz - $3.50
          • Schick Razor Products, 1 - 12 ct - $2.00 OFF
            $3.00/1 Schick Disposable Razor Pack or Skintimate Disposable Razor Pack - 3-10-19 SS; Excludes 1 ct and Slim Twin, 2 or 6 ct (exp. 03/30/19)
          • U by Kotex Click, Sleek, or Fitness Tampons, 31 - 36 ct, Security, 50 ct, or Pads, 26 - 45 ct - $4.99
            FREE U by Kotex Tampons, 15 - 18 ct, Pantiliners, 36 - 64 ct, or Pads, 13 - 24 ct, wyb 1
            $1.00/1 Package of U by KOTEX Liners (not valid on Liners 14-22 ct. or trial size/travel packs)
            $1.00/1 Package of U by KOTEX Pads (not valid on trial size/travel packs)
            $1.00/1 Package of U by KOTEX Tampons (not valid on trial size/travel packs)
            $1.00/1 U by Kotex Liners - 3-17-19 SS; Excludes 14 - 22 ct; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/1 U by Kotex Pads - 3-17-19 SS; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/1 U by Kotex Product - 3-17-19 SS; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.49 each wyb 2
          • Zone Perfect Nutrition Bars, 5 pk - $5.00 OFF wyb 3
          • 9Lives Cat Food, 4 pk - $1.33
          • Pedigree Dog Food, 30 - 33 lb - $20.99

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 3/28/19 – 4/3/19 appeared first on

          Today! FREE Cone Day at Dairy Queen Wed, 20 Mar 2019 14:07:14 +0000 **Head’s up – call your local Dairy Queen before going there. Two years ago, we arrived (with our two very excited kiddos) at our local Dairy Queen to realize they weren’t participating in free cone day.** Today is the day to get your free ice cream cone at Dairy Queen! Wednesday, March 20th is FREE […]

          The post Today! FREE Cone Day at Dairy Queen appeared first on


          **Head’s up – call your local Dairy Queen before going there. Two years ago, we arrived (with our two very excited kiddos) at our local Dairy Queen to realize they weren’t participating in free cone day.**

          Today is the day to get your free ice cream cone at Dairy Queen! Wednesday, March 20th is FREE Cone Day at Dairy Queen! Dairy Queen is giving us Free Small Vanilla Cones, limit one per person. This is valid at participating non-mall U.S locations. Limit one per person. Head HERE for more info. Donations are accepted for the Children’s Miracle Network.

          The post Today! FREE Cone Day at Dairy Queen appeared first on

          Publix Coupon Matchups 3/21/19 – 3/27/19 Tue, 19 Mar 2019 13:14:07 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 21st or Wednesday, March 20th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 3/21/19 – 3/27/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 21st or Wednesday, March 20th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          To access the printable list, simply click the items on the grocery list that you want to purchase. They will be automatically added to the printable list (seen on the bottom right of your screen).

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • 7Up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 8 pk - $5.15 on sale B1G1
          • Albanese Gummi Bears, 5 - 7.5 oz - $2.19 on sale B1G1
          • Armour Meatballs, 11 - 14 oz - $4.99 on sale B1G1
          • Arnold Whole Grains Bread, 24 oz - $4.29 on sale B1G1
          • Banquet Brown 'N Serve Sausage Links or Patties, 6.4 oz on sale B1G1
          • Barilla Pasta Sauce, 14.5 - 24 oz - $2.81 on sale B1G1
          • Barilla Protein Plus, Collezione, Gluten Free, or Organic Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $2.60 on sale B1G1
          • Blink Revitalens Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution, 10 oz - $8.99 on sale B1G1
            $3.00/1 Blink Revitalens Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution; Includes 10 oz or Larger Only
            $3.00/1 Blink RevitaLens Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution - 3-10-19 RMN; Includes 10 oz Only (exp. 04/15/19)
            $3.00/1 Blink Revitalens Multipurpose Disinfecting Solution or Complete Multipurpose Solution - 3-17-19 SS; Includes Blink 10 oz or Complete 12 oz or Larger Only; Limit 1 Identical Coupon Per Household Per Day
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Cesar Canine Cuisine Dog Food or Home Delights, 12 pk - $11.29 on sale B1G1
          • Cesar Dry Adult Dog Food, 5 lb - $8.49 on sale B1G1
          • Cheez-It Tray Packs, 10.4 - 19.08 oz - $6.69 on sale B1G1
          • Cherubs Tomatoes, 10.5 oz - $5.19 on sale B1G1
          • Chillycow Ice Cream Bars, Cones, or Sandwiches, 8 - 17.5 oz or 4 pk - $5.15 on sale B1G1
          • Chillycow Ice Cream, 16 oz - $5.15 on sale B1G1
          • Clorox Dishwashing Liquid, 226 oz - $3.39 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 Clorox, Pine-Sol, or Liquid-Plumr Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Trial Size and Pens; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per household Per day (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 2
          • Clorox Foaming Glass Cleaner, 23 oz - $3.39 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 Clorox, Pine-Sol, or Liquid-Plumr Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Trial Size and Pens; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per household Per day (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 2
          • Complete Multi-Purpose Solution, 12 oz - $8.99 on sale B1G1
            $3.00/1 Blink Revitalens Multipurpose Disinfecting Solution or Complete Multipurpose Solution - 3-17-19 SS; Includes Blink 10 oz or Complete 12 oz or Larger Only; Limit 1 Identical Coupon Per Household Per Day
            Final Price: $1.49
          • Crunchmaster Crackers, 3.54 - 4 oz - $3.59 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/1 Crunchmaster Product; Includes Bag or Box
            $1.00/1 Crunchmaster Products - Checkout 51 Rebate; Excludes Vegetable Cheese Crisps and Protein Brownie Thins; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon; Offers May Vary by Account; Limit 1
            Final Price: $0.79
          • Dasani Sparkling Water, 8 pk - $4.09 on sale B1G1
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Thins, 4.2 oz - $5.99 on sale B1G1
          • Famous Amos Tray Packs, 10.4 - 19.08 oz - $6.69 on sale B1G1
          • Finish Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 32 ct, Dishwasher Cleaner, 3 ct or 8.45 oz, or Jet-Dry Rinse Aid, 16 oz - $9.25 on sale B1G1
          • Flatout Bread, 10 - 11.2 oz on sale B1G1
          • Fresh Express Salad, 5 - 11 oz - $4.19 on sale B1G1
          • General Mills Cocoa Puffs Cereal, 10.7 - 12 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 10.7 - 12 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Cookie Crisp Cereal, 10.7 - 12 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Kix Cereal, 10.7 - 12 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal, 10.5 - 13.8 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/1 General Mills Cereals - 3-17-19 SS; Includes Maple Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, Chocolate Toast Crunch, Fiber One Strawberries & Vanilla Clusters, Fruity Lucky Charms, and Nature Valley Fruit & Nut Granola Pouch (exp. 04/27/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $0.89
          • General Mills Reese's Puffs Cereal, 11.5 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • General Mills Toast Crunch Cereal, 11.1 - 12.4 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/1 General Mills Cereals - 3-17-19 SS; Includes Maple Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, Chocolate Toast Crunch, Fiber One Strawberries & Vanilla Clusters, Fruity Lucky Charms, and Nature Valley Fruit & Nut Granola Pouch (exp. 04/27/19)
            $1.00/1 General Mills Chocolate Toast Crunch Cereal - 2-10-19 SS (exp. 03/23/19)
            $1.00/1 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Cereal - 2-10-19 SS (exp. 03/23/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $0.89
          • General Mills Trix Cereal, 10.7 - 12 oz - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Lucky Charms Varieties, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Varieties, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, or Blasted Shreds (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.39 each wyb 2
          • Glaceau SmartWater, 1 L on sale B1G1
          • Gorton's Fish Fillets, Sticks, Shrimp, Simply Bake, or Crab Cakes, 6 - 11.4 oz - $8.79 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/2 Gorton's Products
            Final Price: $3.89 each wyb 2
          • GreenWise Tea, 5.7 oz - $3.29 on sale B1G1
          • Hebrew National Kosher Beef Franks or Beef Knockwurst, 9.43 - 12 oz or 12 pk - $6.19 on sale B1G1
          • Heinz Mayonnaise or Mayochup, 16.5 - 30 oz - $5.65 on sale B1G1
          • Hunt's Tomatoes or Sauce, 10 - 15.25 oz on sale B1G1
          • Innovasian Cuisine Entree or Side Dish, 9 - 18 oz - $6.79 on sale B1G1
            $2.50/2 InnovAsian Frozen Entree, Side Dish, Appetizer or Meal - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 03/31/19) 
            $1.00/1 InnovAsian Frozen Entree, Side Dish, Appetizer or Meal - 2-24-19 SS; Includes 9 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/31/19)
            Final Price: $2.14 each wyb 2
          • Juicy Juice 100% Juice or Juice Blend, 64 oz or 8 pk - $4.09 on sale B1G1
          • Juicy Juice Organics, 48 oz - $4.09 on sale B1G1
          • Keebler Tray Pack Snacks, 10.4 - 19.08 oz - $6.69 on sale B1G1
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.1 oz - $4.69 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/3 Kellogg's Cereals
            $5.00/10 Kellogg's Cereals and/or Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries - SavingStar; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Any Flavor; Mix or Match; One time use only (exp. 03/30/19)
            Stacks With $1.00/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes or Hi! Happy Inside Cereal - Ibotta Rebate; Includes 10 - 24.8 oz Only
            Final Price: $1.67 each wyb 3
          • Luigi's Real Italian Ice, 6 ct - $4.59 on sale B1G1
          • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, 75 - 80 ct - $5.15 on sale B1G1
            $0.50/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes - 3-10-19 SS (exp. 05/21/19)
            Final Price: $2.07
          • Lysol Spray Cleaner, 22 - 32 oz on sale B1G1
            $0.50/1 Lysol All Purpose Cleaner or Lysol Power Bathroom Cleaner - 3-10-19 SS (exp. 05/21/19)
            $0.50/1 Lysol Kitchen Pro Antibacterial Cleaner or Lysol Kitchen Pro Antibacterial Wipes - 3-10-19 SS (exp. 05/21/19)
          • Mayfield Bars or Sandwiches, 6 ct - $6.15 on sale B1G1
          • Mayfield Big Chipper, 18 oz - $6.15 on sale B1G1
          • Mayfield Ice Cream, 1.5 qt - $6.15 on sale B1G1
          • Meow Mix Cat Food, 3 - 3.15 lb - $5.65 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/1 Meow Mix Cat Food - 2-10-19 RMN; Includes 3.15 lb or Larger Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.82
          • Meow Mix Treats, 2.25 - 3 oz on sale B1G1
            $0.55/1 Meow Mix Treat - 2-10-19 RMN; Includes 2.5 lb Bag or Larger Only (exp. 04/07/19)
          • Mezzetta Peppers, 16 oz - $3.09 on sale B1G1
          • Nabisco Family Size Crackers, 6.5 - 25.6 oz - $4.85 on sale B1G1
          • Old El Paso Taco Shells or Tortillas, 8 - 18 ct - $3.09 on sale B1G1
          • Olive Garden Seasoned Croutons, 5 oz - $1.79 on sale B1G1
          • Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 6 - 12 ct or 30 oz - $5.67 on sale B1G1
          • Palermo's Primo Thin Pizza, 14.2 - 16.55 oz - $6.78 on sale B1G1
            $1.00/1 Palermo Pizza
            Final Price: $2.39
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, Epic Tortilla Stacks, or Graham Snacks, 5.5 - 8 oz - $2.41 on sale B1G1
          • Pepsi Products, 6 - 8 pk btls - $5.15 on sale B1G1
          • Phillips Seafood Soup For One, 10 oz - $5.69 on sale B1G1
          • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel or Scrambles Pastries, 4 - 6 ct - $2.60 on sale B1G1
          • Publix Bakery Muffins, 4 ct - $3.49 on sale B1G1
          • Publix Deli Potato or Macaroni Salad, 14 - 16 oz - $3.39 on sale B1G1
          • Purex Crystals In-Wash Fragrance Boosters, 15.5 oz on sale B1G1
          • Purex Laundry Detergent, 65 - 75 oz - $6.15 on sale B1G1
            $0.50/1 Purex Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent
            Final Price: $2.57
          • Ritz Kitchen Towels or Dish Cloths, 1 - 2 ct - $4.99 on sale B1G1
          • Rotel Tomatoes or Sauce, 10 - 15.25 oz on sale B1G1
          • Sabra Guacamole, 4 pk on sale B1G1
          • Scripto Aim 'N Flame II Lighter, 1 ct - $3.49 on sale B1G1
          • Smithfield Bacon, 16 oz - $9.19 on sale B1G1
          • Smithfield Boneless Ham Steak, 8 oz - $3.59 on sale B1G1
          • Soft Scrub Cleanser, 1 - 2 ct or 24 - 28.6 oz - $3.69 on sale B1G1
            B1G1 Soft Scrub Cleanser - 2-10-19 RMN; Maximum value $4.50; Limit of 1 Identical Coupon Per Shopping Trip (exp. 03/24/19)
            $1.00/1 Soft Scrub Toilet Care Product - 2-10-19 RMN; Limit 1 Identical Coupon Per Shopping Trip (exp. 03/24/19)
            $2.00/2 Soft Scrub Products - 3-10-19 RMN; Includes 20 oz or Larger Only; Limit (1) Like Coupon (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $0.93 each wyb 2
          • Soft Scrub Disposable Gloves, 50 ct - $6.99 on sale B1G1
          • Springer Mountain Chicken Fillet Portions, 32 oz - $12.49 on sale B1G1
          • Suave Antiperspirant/Deodorant, 2.6 - 2.7 oz - $2.03 on sale B1G1
          • Suave Body Wash, 12.6 - 15 oz - $2.22 on sale B1G1
          • Swanson Broth or Cooking Sauce, 32 oz - $4.09 on sale B1G1
          • SweeTarts Gummies or Gummy Rope, 5 - 7.5 oz - $2.19 on sale B1G1
          • Sweet Baby Ray's Gourmet Sauces or Marinade, 14 - 18 oz - $5.65 on sale B1G1
          • Tostitos Dips or Dip-Etizers, 10 - 15.75 oz - $3.99 on sale B1G1
          • Trolli Sour Bite Crawlers, 5 - 7.5 oz - $2.19 on sale B1G1
          • Truvia Calorie-Free Sweetener, 40 ct - $3.79 on sale B1G1
            $2.00/1 Truvia Product
            $1.50/1 Truvia Stevia Sweetener; Excludes 30 ct Only
            $1.50/1 Truvia Stevia Sweetener - 1-6-19 SS (exp. 03/31/19)
            Final Price: FREE
          • Visine Eye Drops, 15 ml - $8.99 on sale B1G1
            $1.50/1 Visine Product; Includes 0.5 oz or Larger Only
            $1.00/1 Visine Products; Includes 0.5 oz or Larger Only
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Vitaminwater or Vitaminwater Zero, 20 oz - $1.75 on sale B1G1
          • Vlasic Pickles or Relish, 10 - 46 oz - $3.59 on sale B1G1
          • Wish-Bone Dressing, 15 oz - $3.09 on sale B1G1
          • Yoo-Hoo Chocolate Drink, 12 pk on sale B1G1
          • Zatarain's Rice Sides or Side Dish or Mix, 1.75 - 12 oz - $2.69 on sale B1G1
          • 16/20 ct Jumbo White Shrimp, per lb - $12.99
          • 31/35 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • 31/40 ct Peeled & Deveined Shrimp, per lb - $6.99
          • Aidell's Pulled Chicken, 12.5 oz - $6.99
          • Aprons Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99
          • Aprons Chicken Pomodoro Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Aprons Chipotle Pork Tenderloin with Mojo Salsa, per lb - $8.99
          • Aprons Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers, per lb - $5.99
          • Bob Evans Side Dishes, 12 - 24 oz - $3.00
          • Bottom Round Roast, per lb - $4.49
          • Cobia Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $7.99
          • Cod Fillets, per lb - $11.99
          • Eye Round Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Faroe Island Sea Scallops 40/80 ct, per lb - $12.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round Steaks, per lb - $5.49
          • GreenWise Boneless Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Thinly Sliced Boneless Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $5.49
          • Greenwise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $10.99
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
            3 lbs or more
          • Hormel Pepperoni, 5 - 6 oz - $3.50
          • Lobster Fettuccine Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99
          • Oscar Mayer Lunchables, 2.25 - 4.4 oz - B3G3
          • Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breasts, 24 oz - $7.99
            $1.00/1 Perdue Perfect Portions (NC Zip 27520)
            $1.00/1 Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breasts or Perdue Ground Chicken - 3-3-19 RMN (exp. 04/14/19)
            $1.00/1 Perdue Perfect Portions or Ground Chicken - 2-10-19 RMN (exp. 03/24/19)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Publix Boneless Whole Pork Tenderloin, per lb - $4.99
          • Publix Chicken Breast with Ribs, per lb - $1.99
            4 lbs or more
          • Publix Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - $1.49
          • Red Grouper Fillets, per lb - $21.99
          • Ribeye Steaks Bone-In, per lb - $8.99
          • Ribeye Steaks Boneless, per lb - $9.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Shrimp & Seafood Potato, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Snow Crab Clusters, per lb - $9.99
          • Strauss Ground Beef, 1 lb - $7.99
          • Tilapia Fillets, per lb - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $2.50
          • Cantaloupe, ea - $2.50
          • Celery Hearts, ea - $1.99
          • Gala Apples, per lb - $1.49
          • Green Beans, per lb - $1.99
          • Honey Mango, ea - $1.00
          • Honeydew, ea - $4.99
          • Mighties Kiwi, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Minneola Tangelos or Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49
          • Organic Herbs or Cilantro, 0.75 oz - $2.00
          • Organic Kale, Bunch - $1.66
          • Organic Kanzi or Kiku Apples, 2 lb - $3.99
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Pero Family Farms Sliced Peppers and Onions, 14 oz - $3.99
          • Publix Baby Cut Carrots, 1 lb - $1.50
          • Publix Orange Juice, 1 gal - $3.99
          • Publix Red or Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.49
          • Publix Sliced White Mushrooms, 8 oz - $1.79
          • Publix Whole or Sliced Baby Portabella Mushrooms, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.99
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or Black Plums, Per lb - $2.99
          • Red or White Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • SnapDragon Apples, 2 lb - $2.99
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Trop50 Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Tropicana Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Tropicana Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Yellow or Bi-Color Sweet Corn, ea - $0.40
          • Yellow or Zucchini Squash, per lb - $1.99
          • Applegate Cheese Slices, 6 oz - B2G1
          • Applegate Cheese Slices, 6 oz - B2G1
          • Boar's Head Maple Honey DoublBoar's Head Vermont Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $8.99e Play, 16 oz - $7.99
          • Boar's Head Vermont Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $8.99
          • Brooklyn Bred Traditional Pizza Crust, 15 oz - $3.99
          • Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread, 14 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Bakery Glazed Donuts, 6 ct - $3.29
          • Publix Bakery Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct - $2.79
          • Publix Bakery Italian Pizza Dough, 16 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Lemon Meringue Pie, 29 oz - $4.99
          • Publix Bakery Old Fashioned Iced Eclairs, 2 ct - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Rolled Italian Pizza Dough, 15 oz - $1.99
          • Publix Bakery Sourdough Round or Multigrain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Two Dozen Cookies, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Tender Whole Sub - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, 16 oz - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Lemon Pepper Oven Roasted Chicken - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Salami, per lb - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Chicken Smokehouse Meal for Four - $12.50
          • Publix Deli Smoked Pork Smokehouse Meal for Four - $20.50
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Smokehouse Meal for Four - $24.50
          • Cheetos, 5 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves Cracker Chips, or Snap'd, 7.5 - 12.4 oz - $3.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk cans - $5.93 - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk - $5.15 - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk btls - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers; Includes 2 pk Only
            $1.00/2 Del Monte Fruit Cups; Includes 4 pk Only
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Del Monte Vegetables, 11 - 16 oz - $1.00
            $0.50/4 Del Monte Canned Vegetables
            Buy 4, use one $0.50/4, makes them $0.75 each
          • Folgers Ground Coffee, 23 - 31.1 oz - $6.99
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $1.00
          • Hampton Farms Honey Cashews, 8 oz - $4.99
          • Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, 20.3 - 22 oz - $2.50
            $1.00/3 Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries
            Final Price: $2.17 each wyb 2
          • Lay's Poppables, 5 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 5 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Lay's or Ruffles Oven Baked Potato Crisps, 5 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Lipton Recipe Secrets Soup & Dip Mix, 1.8 - 2.6 oz - $1.00
            $1.00/2 Lipton Recipe Secrets Products - 3-17-19 RMN; Excludes Trial Size (exp. 03/31/19) 
            $0.60/2 Lipton Recipe Secrets - 3-17-19 RMN; Limit 2 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/31/19)
            Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2
          • Mama Francesca Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Mambo Tostones, 3.53 oz - $2.50
          • Nabisco Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, Bites, or Protein Biscuits, 7.04 - 8.81 oz - $2.99
          • Pepsi Products, 2 L - B2G1
          • Polaner All Fruit Spreadable Fruit, Preserves, Jam, or Marmalade, 10 - 15.25 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Nuts and Dried Fruit Snacks, 3.9 - 20.07 oz - 15% OFF
          • Rold Gold Pretzels, 5 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Starbucks Bag Coffee, 9 - 12 oz - $6.99
            $1.05/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $5.94
          • Starbucks Ground Coffee, 13.5 oz - $8.99
          • Starbucks K-Cups, 6 - 10 ct - $6.99
            $1.55/1 Ibotta Rebate; Limit 5
            Final Price: $5.44
          • Starkist Solid White Albacore Tuna, 4 pk - $4.99
          • SunChips, 5 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Tostitos, 5 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Wonderful Shelled Pistachios, 6 oz - $5.99
            $0.50/1 Wonderful Pistachios - 1-20-19 SS; Includes 4.5 - 8 oz Only (exp. 03/20/19)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water, 24 pk - $3.50
          • Amy's Burrito or Wrap, 5 - 6 oz - $2.00
          • Amy's Entrees, 8 - 10.3 oz - $3.66
          • Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for 2, 24 oz - $5.49
          • Breakstone's or Plugra Butter, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4.5 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
            $1.00/3 Chobani Single Serve and Non-Dairy Products - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 03/30/19)
            $1.00/5 Chobani Single Serve and Non-Dairy Products - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $0.66 each wyb 3
          • Cracker Barrel or Kraft Cheese Slices, 7 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Daisy Sour Cream, 14 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Fage Strained Greek Yogurt, 35.3 oz - $5.00
          • Fage Strained Greek Yogurt, 5.3 - 7 oz - $1.00
          • Fairlife Ultra-Filtered Milk, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Friendly's Ice Cream Sundae, 6 oz - $1.00
          • Hershey's Pudding, 4 pk - $2.00
          • Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin Snack or Pie Snacks, 4 ct - $2.00
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $3.00
          • Nestfresh Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $2.99
            $0.50/1 NestFresh Eggs
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer, 32 oz - $3.00
          • Philadelphia Cheese Cake, 2 pk - $2.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits, 16.3 - 17.3 oz - $1.66
            $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products - 1-13-19 SS (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $1.33 each wyb 3
          • Publix Frozen Bread, 11.25 - 16 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Shredded Cheese, 16 oz - $4.00
          • Rana Pasta or Sauce, 7 - 15 oz - $3.50
            $1.00/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Pasta - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/05/19)
            $1.00/1 Giovanni Rana Refrigerated Sauce - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/05/19)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6.5 oz - $2.50
          • Screamin' Sicilian Pizza, 20.8 - 25 oz - $6.99
            $1.00/1 Screamin Sicilian product; Must Sign Up
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Stouffer's Family Size Entree, 25 - 40 oz - $5.99
          • Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entree, 5.25 - 12.75 oz - $2.50
          • Sweet Loren's Place & Bake Cookie Dough, 12 - 16 oz - $3.50
          • Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, 7 oz - $3.00
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 Big Rolls - $7.49
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 8 giant or 6 dbl rolls - $9.99
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 20 - 37 ct or 75 oz - $6.49
          • Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega or 9 mega or 18 dbl rolls - $10.49
          • Charmin Flushable Wipes, 4 pk - $5.00
          • Clorox Bleach, 116 - 121 oz - $3.66
          • Clorox Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner + Bleach
            $0.75/1 Clorox Control Bleach Crystals Product
            $1.00/2 Clorox, Pine-Sol, or Liquid-Plumr Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Trial Size and Pens; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per household Per day (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $2.91
          • Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 oz - $1.66
            $1.00/2 Clorox Liquid Bleach, Clean Up, Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic Bleach Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Bleach Gel, or Bleach Foamer items - 2-3-19 SS; Includes Liquid 55 oz or Larger Only
            Final Price: $1.16 each wyb 2
          • Dawn Dish Soap, 24 - 28 oz - $3.79
          • Downy Beads, 20.1 oz - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 129 oz - $9.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Downy Fabric Softener, 62 - 77 oz - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Downy Scent Booster, 14.8 oz - $9.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Downy Unstopables, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Dreft Beads, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
          • Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaner, 48 or 56 oz - $2.50
          • Febreze Air Refresher, 8.8 oz, Small Spaces, 5.5 ml, or Wax Melts, 2.75 oz - $1.50 OFF wyb 2
          • Gain Fireworks, 20.1 oz - $11.99
            $1.00/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets, or Gain Fireworks - 3-10-19 RMN; Includes Fabric Enhancer, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 105 ct or Larger; or Fireworks, 5.7 oz or Larger Only ; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Gain Fireworks, 8.6 - 10 oz - $5.99
            $1.00/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets, or Gain Fireworks - 3-10-19 RMN; Includes Fabric Enhancer, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 105 ct or Larger; or Fireworks, 5.7 oz or Larger Only ; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Gain Flings, 20 ct - $5.99
            $1.00/1 Gain Powder, Gain Liquid Detergent or Gain Flings - 3-10-19 RMN; Excludes Fireworks and Flings, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Gain Flings, 42 ct - $11.99
            $1.00/1 Gain Powder, Gain Liquid Detergent or Gain Flings - 3-10-19 RMN; Excludes Fireworks and Flings, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $10.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $5.99
          • Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Automatic Spray, 6.2 oz - $5.49 - B2G1
            - $1.00/2 Glade Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Room Spray, 8 oz, Solidsa, and Scented Oil Warmer Products (exp. 03/20/19)
            B1G1 Glade Plugins Warmer FREE wyb (1) Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refill - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Warmer, Maximum Value $2; Includes Refills, 2 ct or Higher Only (exp. 03/20/19)
            Final Price: $3.32 each wyb 3
          • Hefty Plates, 28 - 50 ct, or Bowls, 30 ct - $2.00Lemi Shine Cleaner, 28 oz - $3.00
            $1.00/2 Hefty Foam Plates or Bowls; Limit 4 Like Coupons In Same Day
            Final Price: $1.50 each wyb 2
          • Lemi Shine Cleaner, 28 oz - $3.00
          • Mrs. Meyers Bar Soap, 5.3 oz - $3.33
          • Mrs. Meyers Dish Soap, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Mrs. Meyers Hand Soap, 10 - 12.5 oz - $3.33
          • Mrs. Meyers Multi-Surface Cleaner, 16 oz - $3.33
          • Oxi Clean Detergent, 60 oz or 27 ct - $5.00
            $2.00/1 OxiClean Laundry Detergent - 3-17-19 SS (exp. 04/17/19)
            Final Price: $3.00
          • Oxi Clean Stain Fighter, 45 oz - $5.00
          • Oxi Clean Stain Remover Refill, 56 oz - $5.00
          • Oxi Clean Stain Remover, 1.77 lb - $5.00
            $1.00/1 OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover or 2in1 Stain Fighter; Includes 3 lb or Larger Only; Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Puffs Facial Tissue, 3 - 4 pk - $4.79
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, 20 - 32 oz - $3.00
            $0.50/2 Pledge Furniture, Windex products or Scrubbing Bubbles products
            $1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaning Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, 1 ct - $3.00
            $0.50/2 Pledge Furniture, Windex products or Scrubbing Bubbles products
            $0.75/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Gel Product - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19) 
            $0.50/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Bowl Cleaner Product - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.25
          • Solo Plastic Cups, 30 - 50 ct - $2.50
          • Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 Rolls - $5.00
            $1.00/1 Sparkle Paper Towels
            Final Price: $4.00
          • Swiffer Disposable Dusters, 3 - 5 ct - $4.00
          • Swiffer Sweeper Cloth Refills, 10 - 16 ct - $4.00
          • Tide Detergent, 69 - 100 oz - $11.99
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            $1.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $9.99
          • Tide Pods, 20 ct - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder, Simply Varieties, Pods, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Tide, 46 - 50 oz - $5.99
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            $1.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Weiman Cleaners, 12 - 16 oz, or Wipes, 20 - 30 ct - $3.33
          • Windex Cleaner, 19.7 - 23 oz, or Wipes, 28 ct - $3.00
            $0.50/2 Pledge Furniture, Windex products or Scrubbing Bubbles products
            $1.50/2 Windex or Pledge Products - 3-3-19 SS; Limit of 2 Identical Coupons In Same Shopping Transaction (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $2.25 each wyb 2
          • Ziploc Slider Storage, Freezer, Sandwich, or Snack Bags, 10 - 40 ct - $2.19
            $1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Products
            Final Price: $1.69 each wyb 2
          • Milk Bone Dog Biscuits or Puppy Biscuits, Snacks, or Treats, 5 - 24 oz - $3.50

          The post Publix Coupon Matchups 3/21/19 – 3/27/19 appeared first on

          Publix Matchups 3/14/19 – 3/20/19 Mon, 11 Mar 2019 18:34:23 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 14th or Wednesday, March 13th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

          The post Publix Matchups 3/14/19 – 3/20/19 appeared first on


          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 14th or Wednesday, March 13th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • Air Wick Scented Oil Refills, 2 ct, or Freshmatic Refill, 6.17 oz BOGO $5.49 for two
            $2.00/1 Air WIck Freshmatic Ultra Automatic Spray Refill - 2-24-19 SS; Limit 2 (exp. 03/24/19)
            $1.25/1 AIr WIck Scented Oil Twin or Triple Refill - 2-24-19 SS; Limit 2 (exp. 03/24/19) 
            Final Price: $0.74
          • All Detergent, 32 - 50 oz, or Pacs, 22 - 24 ct BOGO $6.19 for two
            $1.00/1 all Product - 3-10-19 RMN; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit (1) Like Coupon
            Final Price: $2.09
          • Barber Chicken Stuffed Chicken Breasts, 8 - 10 oz BOGO $5.69 for two
          • Birds Eye Vegetables, 8 - 25.9 oz BOGO
          • Borden Cheese Singles, 12 oz BOGO $4.79 for two
          • CLR Bath & Kitchen Cleaner, Calcium and Rust Remover, Mold & Mildew Stain Remover, or Garbage Disposable Foaming Cleaner, 26 - 32 oz BOGO $5.85 for two
          • Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, 6.5 - 8 oz BOGO
          • Capri Sun Organic Juice Drink Blend, 10 pk BOGO $4.95 for two
          • Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Mix, Grooves, or Snap'D, 7.5 - 12.4 oz BOGO $4.19 for two
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk BOGO $5.15 for two
          • Cracker Barrel or Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, 9.4 - 14 oz BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Crave Premium Cat Food, 2.65 oz BOGO
          • Dawn Sponges, 1 - 3 ct BOGO
            $0.50/2 Dawn Sponge Pack - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/23/19)
          • Dove Invisible Solid Antiperspirant Deodorant, 2.6 oz BOGO $3.78 for two
          • Edwards Single Pie Slices, 5.2 - 6.7 oz BOGO $3.19 for two
          • Eight O'Clock Coffee, 22 - 24 oz BOGO $12.29 for two
            $1.00/1 Eight O'Clock Bagged Coffee; Includes 11 oz or Larger Only
            Final Price: $5.14
          • Essential Elements Candle, 14.75 oz BOGO $10.49 for two
          • Eternal Spring Water, 1.5 L BOGO
          • Flora Balsamic Vinegar, 16.9 oz BOGO
          • Gardein Meat-Free Entree or Skillet Meal, 8 - 20 oz BOGO $6.99 for two
          • Garden Fresh Gourmet Salsa, 12 - 16 oz BOGO $5.11 for two
          • General Mills Cheerios Cereal, 10.6 - 15.2 oz BOGO $4.29 for two
            $1.00/1 General Mills Maple Cheerios Cereal - 2-10-19 SS (exp. 03/23/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals - 3-3-19 SS (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.14
          • General Mills Chex Cereal, 12 - 12.8 oz BOGO $3.99 for two
            $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Fiber One, Chex, MultiGrain Cheerios, Wheaties, Basic 4, Raisin Nut Bran, Oatmeal Crisp, Nature Valley, Total, or Nature Valley Granola (exp. 04/13/19)
            Final Price: $1.49 each wyb 2
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 14.5 - 15.25 oz BOGO $1.55 for two
          • GreenWise Bakery English Muffins, 5 ct BOGO $2.25 for two
          • Harvest Snaps Snack Crisps, 3 - 3.3 oz BOGO $2.50 for two
          • Hershey's Nuggets Chocolate, 10 - 10.8 oz BOGO $4.29 for two
          • Hormel Premium Chicken Breast, 10 oz BOGO $2.79 for two
            $1.00/2 Hormel/Valley Fresh Premium Chicken Breast or Valley Product - 1-27-19 SS; Includes 10 oz Only (exp. 03/25/19)
            Final Price: $0.89 each wyb 2
          • Hot or Lean Pockets, 9 oz BOGO $2.49 for two
          • Jimmy Dean Bacon, 16 oz BOGO $9.29 for two
            $0.55/1 Jimmy Dean Item - 3-10-19 RMN (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $4.09
          • Kellogg's Mini-Wheats Cereal, 15 - 18 oz BOGO $4.39 for two
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereals; Includes 15 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $1.00/3 Kellogg's Cereals
            $3.00/5 Kellogg's Cereals; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $5.00/10 Kellogg's Cereals and/or Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries - SavingStar; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Any Flavor; Mix or Match; One time use only (exp. 03/30/19)
            Stacks With $1.00/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes or Hi! Happy Inside Cereal - Ibotta Rebate; Includes 10 - 24.8 oz Only
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Raisin Bran or Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal, 13.5 - 18.7 oz BOGO $4.39 for two
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal; Includes 13.5 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $1.00/3 Kellogg's Cereals
            $0.25/1 Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal
            $3.00/5 Kellogg's Cereals; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $5.00/10 Kellogg's Cereals and/or Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries - SavingStar; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Any Flavor; Mix or Match; One time use only (exp. 03/30/19)
            Stacks With $1.00/2 Kellogg's Special K, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes or Hi! Happy Inside Cereal - Ibotta Rebate; Includes 10 - 24.8 oz Only
            Final Price: $1.19 each wyb 2
          • Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese or Reserve Cheddar, 7 oz BOGO $6.45 for two
          • Krusteaz Belgian Waffle or Pancake Mix, 24 - 32 oz BOGO $3.45 for two
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 8.25 - 14 oz BOGO $3.19 for two
            $1.00/2 Lance Sandwich Crackers
            $1.00/2 Lance Crackers - 1-6-19 SS; Includes 10 - 35 oz Only; DND (exp. 03/31/19)
            Final Price: $1.09
          • Marie Callender's Family Size Entrees, 25 - 31 oz BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Marie Callender's Pie, 24.5 - 42 oz BOGO $7.99 for two
          • Marie Callender's Pot Pies, 4 pk BOGO $8.85 for two
          • Mid's Pasta Sauce, 32 oz BOGO $5.15 for two
          • Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup, 24 oz BOGO $3.45 for two
          • Mt. Olive Pickles, 24 - 32 oz BOGO $3.09 for two
          • Mueller's Pasta or Lasagna, 8 - 16 oz BOGO $5.15 for two
          • Nabisco Family Size Cookies, 13 - 20 oz BOGO $4.59 for two
            $1.00/2 Nabisco Oreo Cookies - 2-10-19 SS; Includes 10 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Toasted Pita, Toasted Chips, Corn Chips, Popped Chips, or Crisp & Thin, 4.5 - 8.1 oz BOGO $3.79 for two
          • Naked 100% Juice or Protein Smoothie, 15.2 oz BOGO $3.89 for two
          • Nature's Own Honey Wheat Bread, 20 oz BOGO $3.19 for two
          • Nestle Outshine Fruit Bars, 9.9 - 18 oz BOGO
          • No Nonsense Socks, 3 pair BOGO $5.69 for two
          • North Coast Organic Apple Sauce, 24 oz BOGO $3.39 for two
          • Nutri-Grain Bars, 5.25 - 10.4 oz BOGO
          • Ocean Spray 100% Juice Blend, 60 oz BOGO $4.18 for two
          • Ocean Spray Craisins, 8 - 12 oz BOGO
          • Odom's Tennessee Pride Biscuits, 16.3 - 19.5 oz BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Perdue Short Cuts Carved Chicken Breasts, BOGO per lb - $4.99 for two
            $1.50/3 Perdue Refrigerated Fully Cooked Chicken Products
            Final Price: $1.99 each wyb 3
          • Planters Nut-rition Mix, 5.5 oz BOGO $4.09 for two
          • Pompeian Imported Olive Oil, 16 oz BOGO $9.15 for two
            $0.55/1 Pompeian Robust, Smooth, or Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only
            Final Price: $4.02
          • Potato Inspirations Potatoes, 24 oz BOGO $4.19 for two
          • Publix Bakery Apple Coffee Cake, 14 - 15 oz BOGO $4.99 for two
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Chops, BOGO per lb - $5.29 for two
          • Publix Boneless Pork Loin Roast, BOGO per lb - $5.29 for two
          • Publix Deli Tea or Lemonade, gal BOGO $2.99 for two
          • Publix Premium Mussels, 16 oz BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 25 oz BOGO $13.29 for two
          • Realgood Pizza, Breakfast Pizza, or Enchilada, 4.5 - 9.5 oz BOGO $7.19 for two
          • Sea Cuisine Fish Fillets, 8.5 - 10 oz BOGO $7.99 for two
          • Special K Bars, Crisps, or Bites, 5.25 - 10.4 oz BOGO
          • Stevia in the Raw Zero Calorie Sweetener, 100 ct BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Superpretzel Soft Pretzels, 9 - 13.5 oz BOGO $5.59 for two
            $0.50/1 SuperPretzel Soft Pretzel Product
            Final Price: $5.09
          • The Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges or Dippers, 6 - 6.17 oz BOGO $3.69 for two
          • Thomas' Bagels, 4 - 6 ct BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Tombstone Pizza, 19.8 - 22.6 oz BOGO
          • V8 100% Vegetable, V-Fusion, or Veggie Blend Juice, 46 oz BOGO $3.99 for two
          • Wholly Guacamole, 8 oz BOGO
          • 21/25 ct Large White Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • 41/50 ct Medium Cooked Shrimp, per lb - $7.99
          • Aidell's Sausages, Meatballs, or Burgers, 12 oz - B2G1
          • Aprons Chicken with Pineapple Chutney Meal Kit, 23.5 oz - $12.99
          • Aprons Gourmet Burger, per lb - $4.99
          • Aprons Maple Mustard Pork Meal Kit, 26.5 oz - $13.99
          • Aprons Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Breasts, per lb - $7.99
          • Boneless NY Strip Steaks, per lb - $8.99
          • Bubba Burgers, 32 oz - $10.99
          • Dungeness Crab Clusters, per lb - $11.99
          • GreenWise Angus Chuck Roast, per lb - $5.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - $6.00
          • GreenWise Seasoned Meatballs, per lb - $5.99
          • Greenwise Bone-In Angus Ribeye Steaks, per lb - $11.99
          • Hormel Side Dishes, 19 - 20 oz - $3.00
          • Lean Ground Beef, per lb - $4.69
            3 lb or more
          • Lobster Fettuccine Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99
          • Maverick Ranch 96% Lean Ground Beef, 16 oz - $5.79
          • Murphy & David's or Grobbel's Corned Beef Brisket, per lb - $3.99
          • Perdue Whole Chicken, per lb - $1.29
          • Publix Chicken Cutlets, per lb - $3.99
          • Salmon Fillets, per lb - $9.99
          • Shrimp Scampi Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $7.99
          • Sirloin Tip Roast, per lb - $3.99
          • Vita Cold Smoked Salmon, 3 oz - $3.00
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Cilantro, ea - $0.99
          • Fresh Attitude Salad, ea - $2.00
          • Green Beans, Zucchini, or Yellow Squash, per lb - $1.99
          • Green Cabbage, per lb - $0.39
          • GreenWise Organic Baby Cut Carrots, 16 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Russet Potatoes, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $3.49
          • GreenWise Organic Yellow Onions, 3 lb - $3.49
          • Greenwise Organic Romaine Hearts, 3 ct - $2.99
          • Hass Avocados, ea - $1.00
          • Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $2.99
          • Iceberg Lettuce, ea - $0.99
          • Minneola Tangelos or Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Navel Oranges, per lb - $1.49
          • Organic Blueberries, 1 pt - $3.50
          • Organic Honeycrisp Apples, per lb - $3.99
          • Organic Mandarins, 2 lb - $4.99
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Perro Family Farms Mini Sweet Potatoes, 28 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Publix Orange Juice, 1 gal - $3.99
          • Publix Peeled and Cored Pineapple, ea - $2.99
          • Publix Whole White Mushrooms, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Yogurt Parfait, ea - $2.50
          • Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.00
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red 'n Tasty Tomatoes, per lb - $1.99
          • Red or Black Plums, Per lb - $2.99
          • Simply 100% Orange, Apple, Grapefruit, or Cranberry Cocktail Juice, 52 oz - $3.33
          • Simply Lemonade or Juice Drink, 52 oz - $2.50
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.50
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 16 oz - $7.99
            $1.00/1 Wonderful Pistachios - 1-20-19 SS; Includes 14 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/20/19)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Boar's Head Jerky Turkey and Gouda Whole Sub - $6.99
          • Boar's Head SmokeMaster Black Forest Ham, per lb - $9.99
          • Boar's Head Switzerland Swiss Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Greenwise Bakery Cookies, 16 ct - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Chocolate Chip Cookies, 16 oz - $8.99
          • Publix Bakery Decorated Cupcakes, 6 ct - $3.99
          • Publix Bakery Deli Style Rye Bread, 16 oz - $2.29
          • Publix Bakery Dinner Rolls, 12 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Mini Key Lime Pie, 12 oz - $3.14
          • Publix Bakery Small Apple Pie, 12 oz - $3.14
          • Publix Bakery Small Dutch Apple Pie, 12 oz - $3.14
          • Publix Bakery White Mountain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 ct - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Slab Ribs - $8.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Rib Meal - $6.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Slab Ribs - $17.99
          • Publix Deli Southern Cobb Salad - $5.99
          • Publix Deli Top Roundhouse Roast Beef, per lb - $7.99
          • Stacy's Pita Chips, Thins, or Bagel Chips, 6.75 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
            $1.50/1 1850 Brand Coffee; Excludes Iced Coffee
            Final Price: $4.99
          • Aquafina Pure Water, 24 pk 16.9 oz - B2G1
          • Arizona Tea, Gal - $2.50
          • Bob's Red Mill Almond Meal or Super Fine Almond Flour, 16 oz - $8.99
          • BodyArmor Super Drink, 16 oz - $1.00
          • Coca-Cola, 2 L - B2G2
          • Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, 11 - 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
          • Gatorade, 8 pk 20 oz - $5.00
          • GoGo Squeeze Applesauce on the Go or Blastz Fruits, 4 pk - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Instant Oatmeal, 7.9 - 11.5 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Quinoa, 12 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Steel Cut Oats, 24 oz - $2.50
          • Jif Peanut Butter, 28 oz - $3.00
          • LaCroix Flavored Sparkling Water, 12 pk - $5.35 - B2G1
          • Larabar The Original Fruit & Nut Food Bar, 1.6 - 1.8 oz - $1.00
          • Nabisco Wheat Thins, Good Thins, or Flavored Snack Crackers, 3.5 - 9.1 oz - $2.50
          • Nature Valley Bars, Bites, or Cups, 5.3 - 8.94 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 12 pk 12 oz - $5.93 - B2G1
          • Pepsi Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz - B2G1
          • Pukka Tea, 20 ct - $3.50
          • RiceSelect Quinoa, 22 oz - $5.99
          • Village Harvest Rice Side Dish, 8.5 oz - $2.50
          • A2 Milk, 59 oz - $3.50
            $0.75/1 A2 Milk
            Stacks With $1.25/1 a2 Milk - Ibotta Rebate; Includes 1/2 gal Only
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Baskin Robbins Ice Cream, 14 oz - $4.39 for two
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream Cups, 12 ct - $5.50
          • Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal - $5.50
          • Breakstone's Temp Tee Whipped Cream Cheese, 8 oz - $2.50
          • Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee, 32 oz - $5.99
          • Dove Ice Cream Bars, 8.67 - 10.5 oz - $4.39 for two
          • GreenWise Frozen Vegetables, 10 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Pizza, 11 - 12.4 oz - $5.00
          • Healthy Choice Entrees, 9.5 - 18 oz - $2.00
          • Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 7 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Liberte Organic While Milk Yogurt, 5.5 oz - $1.25
          • Marie Callender's Entrees, 9.5 - 18 oz - $2.00
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Appetizer, Rice, or Dumplings, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • P.F. Chang's Home Menu Appetizer, Rice, or Dumplings, 6 - 16 oz - $2.50
          • Perdue Organic Frozen Chicken, 22 - 29 oz - $6.99
            $1.00/1 Perdue Fully Cooked Chicken (NC ZIp 27520)
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Products
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Pillsbury Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls, 4 - 7.3 oz - $1.00
          • Pillsbury Grands! or Grands! Jr. Flaky Biscuits, 10.2 - 12 oz - $1.00
          • Publix Breaded Mozzarella Sticks, 24 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Chunk, Shredded, or Sliced Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Pizza Rolls, 44.5 oz - $5.00
          • Sargento String Cheese or Cheese Sticks, 9 - 12 oz - $3.50
            $1.00/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/19/19)
            $1.00/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/19/19)
            $0.50/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese - 1-6-19 SS (exp. 03/31/19)
            $0.75/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese - 1-6-19 SS (exp. 03/31/19)
            $0.75/1 Sargento String or Stick Cheese - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/19/19)
            $1.00/2 Sargento String or Stick Cheese - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 05/19/19)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Silk Almond, Soy, Coconut, or Cashew Milk, 64 oz - $2.50
            $1.00/1 Silk Milk
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Silk Soymilk or Almondmilk Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.50
          • So Delicious Yogurt Alternative, 5.3 oz - $1.50
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Butter, 8 oz - $3.00
          • Vital Farms Alfresco Eggs, 12 ct - $4.99
          • Yoplait Greek Yogurt, 4 - 5.3 oz - $1.00
          • Yoplait Yogurt, 4 - 6 oz - $0.50
            $0.50/5 Yoplait Yogurt Cups - SavingStar eCoupon (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $0.40 each wyb 5
          • Bounce Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Bounty Quilted Napkins, 160 - 200 ct - $2.69
          • Cascade Dishwasher Detergent, 14 - 25 ct or 45 oz - $4.99
          • Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Wipes, 168 ct - $6.49
            $0.50/1 Cottonelle Flushable Wipes - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 42 ct or Higher Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $5.99
          • Cottonelle Toilet Paper, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $6.49
            $0.55/1 Cottonelle Bath Tissue; Includes 12 ct or Larger; Must Log-in or Sign up; DND
            $0.50/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper Rolls - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 6 pk or Higher Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $5.94
          • Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid, 40 oz - $4.99
          • Downy Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Downy, 51 oz - $4.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Gain Detergent, 100 oz - $9.99
            $1.00/1 Gain Powder, Gain Liquid Detergent or Gain Flings - 3-10-19 RMN; Excludes Fireworks and Flings, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Flings, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
            $1.00/1 Gain Powder, Gain Liquid Detergent or Gain Flings - 3-10-19 RMN; Excludes Fireworks and Flings, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $8.99
          • Gain Sheets, 105 - 120 ct - $4.99
            $1.00/1 Gain Liquid Fabric Enhancer, Gain Dryer Sheets, or Gain Fireworks - 3-10-19 RMN; Includes Fabric Enhancer, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 105 ct or Larger; or Fireworks, 5.7 oz or Larger Only ; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 03/23/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Kleenex Tissues, 30 - 160 ct - $1.33
            $0.50/3 Kleenex Facial Tissue; Includes (3) Single Boxes or (1) Bundle Pack; Excludes Trial or Travel Size; DND
            $0.50/3 Kleenex Facial Tissue Boxes/Packs or Wet Wipes Packages - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 30 ct or Higher Tissues or Wet Wipes 20 ct or Higher Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.16 each wyb 3
          • Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 - 32 oz or 1 ct - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Lysol Toilet Bowl CLN Product - 3-10-19 SS (exp. 05/21/19)
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Pine-Sol Multipurpose Cleaner, 40 - 48 oz - $2.50
            $0.75/1 Pine Sol Multi-Purpose Product; Includes 40 oz or Larger Only
            $1.00/2 Clorox, Pine-Sol, or Liquid-Plumr Products - 3-3-19 SS; Excludes Trial Size and Pens; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per household Per day (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $1.75
          • Publix Paper Plates, Bowls, 24 - 55 ct, or Paper Cups, 60 ct - $2.00
          • Scott Bathroom Tissue, 12 roll - $8.49
            $0.50/1 Scott Bath Tissue Rolls - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 4 pk or Larger Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Snuggle Fabric Softener, 9 - 64 oz or 70 - 80 ct - $2.99
          • Tide Pods, 26 - 35 ct - $9.99
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder, Simply Varieties, Pods, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Viva Paper Towels, 6 Roll - $6.49
            $1.00/1 Viva Paper Towels; Includes 6 pk or Larger
            $0.50/1 Viva Paper Towels - 3-10-19 SS; Includes 6 pk or Larger Only (exp. 04/07/19)
            Final Price: $5.49
          • Ziploc Bags, 14 - 90 ct - $3.00
            $1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Products
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Ziploc Containers, 2 - 4 ct - $3.00
            $1.00/2 Ziploc Brand Products
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2

          The post Publix Matchups 3/14/19 – 3/20/19 appeared first on

          It’s Back! Publix Coupon Matchups! Wed, 06 Mar 2019 17:12:22 +0000 I owe you guys a huge apology and thank you. The apology is for taking so long to get the coding issues fixed in order to continue posting weekly Publix coupon matchups. Countless of you have emailed me, messaged me on Facebook and left comments on the blog asking where our matchups are and I […]

          The post It’s Back! Publix Coupon Matchups! appeared first on


          I owe you guys a huge apology and thank you. The apology is for taking so long to get the coding issues fixed in order to continue posting weekly Publix coupon matchups. Countless of you have emailed me, messaged me on Facebook and left comments on the blog asking where our matchups are and I thank you so much for your patience. My life is interesting right now. I’m in a stage of parenthood where I am unable to work the 60 hour weeks that I used to work on this blog. Honestly, most times I can’t even get 10 hours in. It is easy for me to get frustrated about this but I have to remind myself that this is just a short time of my life and someday I will miss having little kiddos who need me. Thank you for your patience. Leave a comment if you have any questions about the coupon matchups below. The format is slightly different but I think you will all be pleased. 

          Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Thursday, March 7th or Wednesday, March 6th (depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!

          Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

          1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item in order to get it 50% off.
          2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
          3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
          4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

          • GoodBelly Probiotics Drink, 32 oz, or Shots, 4 pk - BOGO $4.50 for two
          • Annie's Granola Bars or Crispy Bars, 3.9 - 5.34 oz - BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Arm & Hammer Toothpaste, 4.3 - 6.3 oz - BOGO $4.99 for two
            $0.50/1 Arm & Hammer Toothpaste or Whitening Booster Product
            Final Price: $1.99
          • Atkins Plus Protein & Fiber Shake, 4 pk - BOGO $7.49 for two
            $1.00/1 Atkins Bar, Shake, or Treat multipack - 1-6-19 SS (exp. 03/31/19)
            $1.00/1 Atkins Shakes - Checkout 51 Rebate; Excludes Atkins PLUS Protein & Fiber Shakes; Cannot Use this Offer with Any Other Print or In-Ap Coupon or Rebate; Offers May Vary by Account; Claim up to 2x
            Final Price: $2.74
          • Betty Crocker Hamburger or Tuna Helper Pasta, 5.5 - 6.9 oz - BOGO $1.59 for two
          • Blue Plate Mayonnaise, 30 oz - BOGO $3.99 for two
          • Boston Market Entree, 10 - 16 oz - BOGO $3.69 for two
          • Cascadian Farm Organic Bars, 6.2 - 8.85 oz - BOGO $4.49 for two
            $1/2 Cascadian Farm Products
            $1.00/2 Cascadian Farm Products
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Cascadian Farm Organic Cereal or Granola, 8.75 - 16 oz - BOGO $4.49 for two
            $1/2 Cascadian Farm Products
            $1.00/2 Cascadian Farm Products
            Final Price: $1.74 each wyb 2
          • Celentano Pasta or Eggplant Parmigiana, 12.5 - 24 oz - BOGO $3.89 for two
            $1.50/1 Celentano Frozen Pasta, Meatball, or Entree Product - 1-27-19 RMN (exp. 04/30/19) 
            $1.00/1 Celentano Frozen Pasta, Meatball, or Entree Product - 12-9-18 RMN; DND (exp. 03/09/19)
            $1.00/2 Celentano Pasta - 1-27-19 RMN (exp. 04/30/19)
            Final Price: $0.44
          • Chili's Entree, 10 - 16 oz - BOGO $3.69 for two
          • Chobani Greek Yogurt Multipack, 4 - 6 pk - BOGO $4.59 for two
            $1.00/2 Chobani Yogurt Multipacks, Tubes, Tubs, and Savor Toppers - 3-3-19 SS; Includes Tubs, 32 oz Only (exp. 03/30/19)
            $1.00/2 Chobani Multiserve, Multipack or Savor - Checkout 51 Rebate; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate; Offers May Vary by Account; Limit 5
            Final Price: $1.79 each wyb 2
          • Classico Pasta Sauce, Riserva, or Family Favorites, 15 - 24 oz - BOGO $4.99 for two
          • Core Power Milk Shake, 11.5 oz - BOGO $3.29 for two
          • Crisco Pure Vegetable or Canola Oil, 16 oz - BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Dasani Sparkling Water, 8 pk 12 oz on sale BOGO
          • Duncan Hines Cake or Brownie Mix, 15.25 - 21.41 oz BOGO $3.19 for two
          • Duncan Hines Perfect Size for One, 9.1 - 10.6 oz BOGO $3.19 for two
          • Earth's Best Organic Baby Food, 3.5 - 4.2 oz - BOGO $1.39 for two
            $1.00/3 Earth's Best Organic Jars or Pouches; Must Sign Up For Newsletter; Coupon is Emailed
            Final Price: $0.37 each wyb 3
          • Emerald Mixed Nuts, Cashews, Virginia Peanuts, or Pecans, 5 - 10 oz - BOGO $3.89 for two
          • GUM Soft-Picks or Flossers, 60 - 100 ct - BOGO $4.99 for two
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 4 pk - BOGO $4.89 for two
          • Green Giant Vegetables, 7 - 10 oz on sale BOGO
          • GreenWise Sparkling Water, 12 pk 12 oz - BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Greenwise Greek Yogurt Dip, 8 oz - BOGO $3.00 for two
          • Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, 14 oz, or Squares or Bars, 9 oz - BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Heinz BBQ Sauce, 18.6 - 21.4 oz -BOGO $2.59 for two
          • Honest Kids Organic Juice Drink, 8 pk - BOGO $3.79 for two
          • KeVita Master Brew Kombucha or Sparkling Probiotic Drink, 15.2 oz - BOGO $3.29 for two
          • Keebler Fudge Stripes, Vienna Fingers, Coconut Dreams, Fudge Sticks, Elfin Mix, or E.L. Fudge Cookies, 6.5 - 14.2 oz - BOGO $3.69 for two
          • Keebler Town House or Club Crackers, 8 - 13.8 oz BOGO
            $1.00/2 Keebler Crackers or Cheez-it Baked Crackers, - 1-27-19 RMN; Includes 7 - 16 oz Only (exp. 03/10/19)
          • Kellogg's Apple Jacks or Froot Loops Cereal, 10.1 - 10.5 oz - BOGO $4.39 for two
            $3.00/5 Kellogg's Cereals; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $1.00/2 Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal; Includes 8.7 oz or Larger; Limit of 4 Like Coupons in Same Shopping Trip
            $1.00/2 Kellogg's Cereals; Includes Krave, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops or Corn Flakes Only; Includes 10 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 2
          • Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal, 13.5 - 13.7 oz - BOGO $4.39 for two
            $3.00/5 Kellogg's Cereals; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal, 11.5 - 15.5 oz - BOGO $4.39 for two
            $3.00/5 Kellogg's Cereals; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            Final Price: $1.59 each wyb 5
          • Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 10.5 - 13.1 oz - BOGO $4.59 for two
            $3.00/5 Kellogg's Cereals; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            $0.50/1 Kellogg's Special K Cereal; Includes 10.5 oz or Larger Only; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            Final Price: $1.69 each wyb 2
          • Knorr One Skillet Meals, Selects, or Sides, 3.5 - 7 oz - BOGO $2.99 for two
          • Kozy Shack Pudding, 22 oz or 4 - 6 pk, or Caramel Flan, 4 pk - BOGO $3.38 for two
          • Kraft Dressing, 14 - 16 oz - BOGO $3.57 for two
          • Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, 6 - 8 oz - BOGO $4.19 for two
          • La Banderita Flour Tortillas, 16 oz - BOGO $2.65 for two
          • Lance Crackers or Cookies, 8.25 - 14 oz - BOGO $3.19 for two
            $1.00/2 Lance Sandwich Crackers
            $1.00/2 Lance Crackers - 1-6-19 SS; Includes 10 - 35 oz Only; DND (exp. 03/31/19)
            Final Price: $1.09 each wyb 2
          • Lawry's Seasoned Salt, 16 oz, or Garlic Salt, 11 oz - BOGO $4.29 for two
          • Lay's Family Size Potato Chips 9.5 - 10 oz - BOGO $4.29 for two
          • Lender's Pre-Sliced Bagels, 6 ct -BOGO $3.99 for two
          • Lysol All Purpose, Multi-Purpose, Kitchen Cleaner, or Trigger Spray, 22 - 32 oz - BOGO $3.89 for two
          • Lysol Disinfectant Spray, 15 - 19 oz - BOGO $8.19 for two
          • Magnum Ice Cream, 14.8 oz, or Bars, 3 ct - BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Mama Lucia Meatballs, 12 oz - BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce, 15 - 16 oz - BOGO $1.53 for two
          • Margaritaville Appetizers, 8 - 10 oz - BOGO $8.99 for two
            $1.00/1 Margaritaville Seafood Item
            Final Price: $3.49
          • Mott's Applesauce, 4 - 6 pk - BOGO $3.09 for two
          • Mott's Juice, 64 oz - BOGO $3.09 for two
          • Nabisco Ritz Crackers, 11.5 - 13.7 oz, or Ritz Bits, 8.8 oz - BOGO $3.55 for two
          • Nabisco Toasted Pita or Toasted Chips, Corn Chips, Popped Chips, or Crisp & Thins, 4.5 - 8.1 oz BOGO
          • Noosa Finest Yoghurt, 8 oz or 4 pk - BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Old El Paso Dinner Kit, 8.8 - 14 oz - BOGO $3.99 for two
          • Ore-Ida Potatoes, 20 - 32 oz - BOGO $3.38 for two
          • Pam Cooking Spray, 5 - 8 oz - BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Crackers, Bite Size Cookies, or On The Go!, 8 - 10 ct - BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Pepsi Products, 6 - 8 pk - BOGO $4.99 for two
          • Pringles Potato Crisps or Loud Corn or Grain and Vegetable Crisps, 4.5 to 5.96 oz, BOGO $1.45 for two
            $1.00/4 Pringles Full Size Cans - 1-27-19 RMN; Includes 146 Grams or Larger Only (exp. 03/10/19)
            Final Price: $0.64 each wyb 4
          • Perdue Nuggets and Patties, 27 - 29 oz - BOGO $6.49 for two
            $1.50/2 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Products
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Progresso Broth, 32 oz - BOGO $2.59 for two
          • Publix 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, 24 oz - BOGO $14.99 for two
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 13 ct - BOGO $4.99 for two
          • Publix Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, per lb - BOGO $4.99 for two
          • Publix Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, per lb - BOGO $2.19 for two
          • Publix Microwave Popcorn, 6 pk - BOGO $3.59 for two
          • Publix Naproxen Sodium Pain Relief, 100 ct - BOGO $6.99 for two
          • Publix Peanut Butter Pretzels, 11.99 - 17.28 oz - BOGO $5.99 for two
          • Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Select Starts, or Instant Grits, 9.3 - 15.1 oz BOGO
          • Quickie Sponges, 4 ct BOGO
          • Savannah Hushpuppies, 16 oz fBOGO
          • SeaPak Shrimp & Seafood Co. Seafood, 8 - 23 oz - BOGO $8.39 for two
            $0.75/1 SeaPak Product; Includes 8 oz or Larger Only
            $0.50/1 SeaPak Product - 3-3-19 SS; Includes 8 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/30/19)
            $0.75/1 SeaPak Product - 3-3-19 RMN; Includes 8 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/30/19)
            Final Price: $3.44
          • Seattle's Best Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - BOGO $7.99 for two
            $1.00/1 Seattle's Best Whole Bean Coffee, Ground Coffee, or K-Cup Pack
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Sir Kensington's Mayonnaise, Ketchup, or Mustard, 9 - 20 oz - BOGO $5.49 for two
          • Skittles Bite Size, Starbust Fruit Chews, or Lifesavers, 13 - 14 oz - BOGO $2.99 for two
          • Smart Balance Buttery Spread, Spreadable Butter, or Spray, 8 - 16 oz - BOGO $3.99 for two
          • Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick Deodorant, 2.3 - 2.6 oz - BOGO $2.89 for two
            $0.50/1 Speed Stick Lady Antiperspirant/Deodorant - 2-24-19 SS; Includes 2.3 oz or Larger Only; Excludes 0.5 - 1.7 oz; Limit 4 (exp. 03/16/19)
            $0.50/1 Speed Stick Men's Antiperspirant/Deodorant - 2-24-19 SS; Includes 2.7 oz or Larger Only; Excludes 0.5 - 1.8 oz; Limit 4 (exp. 03/16/19)
            $1.00/2 Speed Stick Lady Antiperspirant/Deodorant - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 03/09/19)
            $1.00/2 Speed Stick Men's Antiperspirant/Deodorant - 2-24-19 SS (exp. 03/09/19)
            Final Price: $0.94
          • Starbucks Frappuccino or Doubleshot Chilled Coffee Drink, 4 pk - BOGO $6.49 for two
          • Thomas' Products, 10.5 - 20 oz - BOGO $4.49 for two
          • Tillamook Cheddar Snack Portions, 7.5 oz - BOGO $4.99 for two
          • Totino's Pizza Rolls, 90 ct BOGO
          • Welch's Fruit Snacks or PB&J Bite Size, 4.5 - 9 oz - BOGO $2.79 for two
            $1.00/2 Welch Fruit Snacks, Rolls, or Fruit n Yogurt
            Final Price: $0.89
          • 41/50 ct Medium White Shrimp, per lb - $5.99
          • Aprons Chicken Breast Kabobs, per lb - $5.99
          • Aprons Chicken with Pineapple Chutney Meal Kit, 23.5 - 26.5 oz - $12.99
          • Beef Cubed Steak, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Chuck Pot Roast, per lb - $4.99
          • Boneless Chuck Steaks, per lb - $5.49
          • Boneless Top Sirloin Steak, per lb - $4.99
          • Center Cut Pork Loin Chops, per lb - $3.29
          • Dijon Salmon Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $10.99
          • GreenWise Angus Boneless New York Strip Steaks, per lb - $10.99
          • GreenWise Angus Ground Chuck Burgers, 16 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round London Broil, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Angus Top Round Steaks, per lb - $5.49
          • GreenWise Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs, per lb - $3.99
          • GreenWise Ground Chuck, per lb - $4.99
          • GreenWise Italian Chicken Sausage, 16 oz - $6.00
          • GreenWise Lunchmeat, 7 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Stuffed Burger, per lb - $5.99
          • Ground Chuck Burgers, per lb - $4.49
          • Ground Chuck, per lb - $3.49
          • Hillshire Farm Lunchmeat, 7 - 9 oz - $3.33
          • Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage or Polska Kielbasa, 12 - 14 oz - $3.33
          • Hormel Black Label Bacon, 12 - 16 oz - $4.99
          • Large Sea Scallops, per lb - $14.99
          • Lobster Fettuccine Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $12.99
          • Murphy & David's or Grobbel's Corned Beef Brisket, per lb - $3.99
          • Publix Pork Loin Rib Center Cut Chops, per lb - $2.99
          • Salmon Select Cuts, 5.25 oz - $5.99
          • Shrimp Scampi Cook-in-Bag Dinner, ea - $7.99
          • Simply Potatoes Mashed Potatoes, 24 oz - $2.50
          • Small Lobster Tails, 3 oz - $5.99
          • Top Round London Broil, per lb - $3.99
          • Top Sirloin Beef Kabobs, per lb - $7.99
          • Top Sirloin Fillets Regular or Steakhouse Cut, per lb - $5.99
          • Asparagus, per lb - $2.99
          • Baby Seedless Cucumbers, 16 oz - $1.66
          • Black Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.99
          • Blackberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Brussels Sprouts, ea - $2.99
          • Celery, ea - $0.99
          • Envy Apples, per lb - $1.29
          • Florida's Natural 100% Orange Juice or Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, 52 oz - $3.00
            $1.00/2 Florida's Natural Orange Juice; Includes 52 oz or Larger Only
            $1.00/2 Florida Natural NFC Orange Juice - 2-10-19 SS; Includes 52 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/06/19)
            $1.00/2 Florida's Natural - 02-10-19 SS; Includes 52 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/06/19)
            Final Price: $2.50 each wyb 2
          • Grape Tomatoes, ea - $2.00
          • Greenwise Organic Snacks, Nuts, Dried Fruits, Trail Mix, Harvest Mix, or Sunflower Seeds, 3.9 - 8.2 oz - 15% OFF
          • Hothouse Cucumbers, ea - $1.66
          • Mandarins, 3 lb - $4.99
          • Minneola Tangelos, 3 lb - $3.99
          • Organic Blueberries, pt - $3.50
          • Organic Strawberries, 16 oz - $3.50
          • Peaches or Nectarines, per lb - $2.99
          • Pero Family Farms Mini Sweet Peppers, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Pero Family Farms Zucchino Spirals, 14 oz - $3.99
          • Potato Inspirations Organic Potatoes, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Potato Inspirations Organic Potatoes, 24 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Red Watermelon Chunks, per lb - $2.99
          • Publix Red or Russet Potatoes, 5 lb - $3.99
          • Publix Salad Blend, 5 - 12 oz - $2.50
          • Red Raspberries, 6 oz - $3.33
          • Red Seedless Grapes, per lb - $2.49
          • Red or Black Plums, Per lb - $2.99
          • Rock Garden Organic Herbs, 0.75 oz - $1.99
          • Simply 100% Orange Juice or Lemonade, 11.5 oz - $1.00
          • Strawberries, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Sumo Citrus, per lb - $3.49
          • Wonderful Pistachios, 14 - 16 oz - $7.99
            $1.00/1 Wonderful Pistachios - 1-20-19 SS; Includes 14 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/20/19)
            $1.00/1 Wonderful Pistachios - 1-6-19 SS; Includes 16 oz or Larger onl (exp. 03/06/19)
            Final Price: $6.99
          • Boar's Head Bold Chef Salad, ea - $6.99
          • Boar's Head EverRoast Roasted Chicken Breast, per lb - $8.99
          • Boar's Head Sandwich, ea - $4.99
          • GreenWise Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies, 4 ct - $4.49
          • GreenWise Bakery Seed and Fruit Granola, 10.5 oz - $4.49
          • Greenwise Bakery Mini Blueberry Muffins, 11.8 oz - $4.49
          • Publix Bakery Angel Food Cake, 15 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Chocolate Molten Lava Cake, 7.2 oz - $3.79
          • Publix Bakery Cinnamon Fry Donuts, 4 ct - $2.59
          • Publix Bakery Italian Five Grain Bread, 16 oz - $2.99
          • Publix Bakery Key Lime Pie, 34 oz - $5.99
          • Publix Bakery Onion Rolls, 4 ct - $2.49
          • Publix Bakery Puff Pastry Bites, 15 ct - $4.29
          • Publix Deli Chicken Sandwich, ea - $3.49
          • Publix Deli Chicken Wings, 20 piece - $10.99
          • Publix Deli Hummus, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Deli Imported Aged Cheddar Cheese, per lb - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Chicken - $9.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Chicken Half - $4.99
          • Publix Deli Smoked Half Chicken Meal - $6.49
          • Publix Deli Tuscan-Style Turkey Breast, per lb - $6.99
          • Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 5 - 7.2 oz - $3.69 - B2G1
          • 1850 by Folgers Coffee, 12 oz or 10 ct - $6.49
            $1.50/1 1850 Brand Coffee; Excludes Iced Coffee
            Final Price: $4.99
          • 7up, A&W, Diet Rite, or RC, 12 pk 12 oz - $5.79 - B2G2
          • Butcher's Organic Bone Broth, 24 oz - $5.99
          • Campbell's Condensed Soups, 10.5 - 11.5 oz - $1.00
          • Coca-Cola Products, 12 pk 12 oz cans - $5.79 - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 6 pk 7.5 oz cans - $3.29 - B2G1
          • Coca-Cola Products, 8 pk 12 oz bottles - $5.49 - B2G1
          • Dasani Water, 24 pk 0.5 L - $5.99 - B2G1
          • Del Monte Fruit, 2 - 4 pk - $2.00
            $0.75/1 Del Monte Fruit & Oats, Fruit & Chia or Fruit Refreshers; Includes 2 pk Only
            $1.00/2 Del Monte Fruit Cups; Includes 4 pk Only
            Final Price: $1.25
          • Gatorade Organic, 16.9 oz - $1.00
          • Gatorade, 32 oz - $1.00
          • GreenWise Organic Crackers, 8 - 8.8 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Honey, 8 - 16 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Lemonade, 64 oz - $2.99
          • GreenWise Organic Macaroni & Cheese, 6 oz - $1.50
          • GreenWise Organic Salsa, 15.5 oz - $2.50
          • GreenWise Organic Tortilla Chips, 7.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Keebler, Cheez-It, Famous Amos, or Mother's Circus Animal Crackers, 10.4 - 19.08 oz - $3.99
          • Lay's Poppables Potato Snacks, 5 oz - $2.50
          • Lay's Potato Chips, 7.5 - 8 oz - $2.50
          • Lipton Tea, 12 pk 16.9 oz - $5.99 - B2G1
          • Monster Energy Drink, 4 pk - $8.49 - B2G1
          • Nabisco BelVita Breakfast Biscuits or Bites, 5 ct - $2.99
          • Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Oreo Thins, 7 - 15.35 oz - $2.99
            $1.00/2 Nabisco Oreo Cookies - 2-10-19 SS; Includes 10 oz or Larger Only (exp. 03/23/19)
            $1.00/2 Nabisco Oreo - Checkout 51 Rebate; Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate; Offers May Vary by Account; Limit 5
            Final Price: $2.49 each wyb 2
          • Nabisco Triscuit Crackers, 6.5 - 9 oz - $2.50
          • Pace Chunky Salsa, 15 - 24 oz - $2.50
          • Pepsi Products, 1 L - B2G1
          • Publix Beef or Turkey Jerky, 2.2 - 3.25 oz - $4.50
          • Publix Cranberry Juice Cocktail, 64 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Fruit & Grain Bars, 10.4 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Graham Crackers, 14.4 oz - $2.50
          • Publix Granola, 7.4 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Grated Cheese, 8 oz - $2.00
          • Publix Pasta, 12 - 16 oz - $1.00
          • Publix Premium Coffee, 12 oz or 12 ct - $4.99
          • Publix Soft Drinks, 12 pk 12 oz - $2.50
          • RoTel Tomatoes, 10 oz - $1.00
          • Smucker's Preserves, Jam, Jelly, Marmalade, or Natural Fruit Spread, 17.25 - 18 oz - $2.50
          • Snapple Tea or Juice Drink, 6 pk - B2G1
          • StarKist Chunk Light Tuna in Water, 4 pk - $2.50
          • Starkist Tuna, 2.6 - 3 oz - $1.00
          • Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9 - 14 oz - $3.00
          • Blue Diamond Almonds Almond Breeze Almondmilk Creamer, 32 oz - $4.00
          • Breakstone's Cottage Cheese, 16 oz - $2.00
          • Breakstone's Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.00
          • DiGiorno Pizza, 17.2 - 31.6 oz - $5.00
          • GreenWise Organic Cheese, 6 oz - $4.00
          • GreenWise Organic Ice Cream, 32 oz - $3.00
          • GreenWise Organic Ricotta Cheese, 15 oz - $4.99
          • GreenWise Organic Skillet Meal, 20 oz - $6.99
          • GreenWise Organic Sour Cream, 16 oz - $2.00
          • GreenWise Organic Whole Fruit, 10 oz - $3.00
          • Horizon Organic Milk, 64 oz - $4.00
          • Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, 10.7 - 12.3 oz - $2.50
            $1.00/2 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes or French Toast Frozen Items - 3-3-19 RMN; Includes 8.4 oz or Larger Only (exp. 04/14/19)
            $1.00/3 Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, Pancakes, or French Toast Frozen Products - 3-3-19 RMN; Limit of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip
            Final Price: $2.00 each wyb 2
          • Michael Angelo's Family Size Meals, 20 - 32 oz - $4.99
          • MorningStar Farms Entree, 5.25 - 12 oz - $3.33
          • Perfect Bar, 1.6 - 2.5 oz - $2.00
          • Pete and Gerry's Liquid Egg Whites, 16 oz - $3.99
          • Pete and Gerry's Organic Brown Eggs, 12 ct - $3.99
            $1.50/1 Pete and Gerry's Eggs; Must sign up
            Final Price: $2.49
          • Publix Cheese Slices, 16 oz - $5.00
          • Publix Mozzarella String Cheese, 24 oz - $6.79
          • Publix Mozzarella String Cheese, 24 oz - $6.79
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt, 1/2 gal - $3.00
          • Publix Premium Ice Cream, 32 oz - $2.50
          • Reddi-Wip Dairy Whipped Topping, 6.5 oz - $2.50
          • Sandra's Stuffed Chicken Breast, 10 oz - $3.99
            $1.00/1 Sandra's All Natural Chicken Entree; Includes 10 oz Only
            Final Price: $2.99
          • Screamin' Sicilian Pizza, 20.2 - 25 oz - $8.99
            $1.00/1 Screamin Sicilian product; Must Sign Up
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Starbucks Cold Brew, 32 oz - $4.50
          • Starbucks Iced Coffee or Espresso, 40 - 48 oz - $4.50
          • 3M Filtrete Micro Allergen Reduction Filter, ea - $9.99
          • 3M Filtrete Ultra Allergen Reduction Filters, ea - $12.99
          • Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 12 dbl or 6 mega rolls - $5.50
            $1.00/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue; Includes 12 ct or Larger Only or Mega Rolls, 6 ct or Larger Only
            $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue; Includes 4 Double Roll or Larger Only
            Final Price: $4.50
          • Bounce Sheets, 240 ct - $9.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Bounty Paper Towels, 6 Rolls - $7.49
            $0.25/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/09/19)
            Final Price: $7.24
          • Clorox Bleach, 55 - 64 oz - $2.00
            $0.50/1 Clorox Bleach Product; Includes 55 oz or Larger Only
            $1.00/2 Clorox Liquid Bleach, Clean Up, Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic Bleach Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Bleach Gel, or Bleach Foamer items - 2-3-19 SS; Includes Liquid 55 oz or Larger Only
            Final Price: $1.50
          • Downy Wrinkle Releaser, 33.8 oz - $5.99
            $1.00/1 Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus; Includes 16.9 or 33.8 oz Only
            $2.00/1 Downy Wrinkle Releaser; Includes 33.8 oz Only; Excludes Travel Size, 3 oz and 16.9 oz
            $2.00/1 Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus - 1-27-19 SS; Include 33.8 oz Only (exp. 12/31/19)
            $2.00/1 Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus - 8-12-18 SS; Includes 33.8 oz Only (exp. 12/31/19)
            Final Price: $3.99
          • Downy, 129 oz - $9.99
            $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce/Downy Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters - 2-24-19 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 48 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 70 ct or Larger ONly; or In Wash Boosters, 5.78 o or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $7.99
          • Energizer Batteries, 2 - 24 ct - 25% OFF
          • Gain Fabric Enhancer, 14.8 oz - $9.99
          • Gain Flings, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
          • Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags, 25 - 45 ct - $6.99
          • Hefty Slider Bags, 10 - 20 ct - $1.50
            $1.00/2 Hefty Slider Bags; Includes 12 ct or Larger Only; Limit 4 Like Coupons In Same Day
            Final Price: $1.00 each wyb 2
          • Kingsford or Matchlight Charcoal Briquets, 11.1 - 16 lb - $7.99
          • Palmolive Ultra Dish Liquid, 32.5 oz - $3.00
            $0.50/1 Palmolive Ultra Dish Detergent - 2-24-19 SS; Includes 18 oz or Larger Only; Limit 4 (exp. 03/09/19)
            $1.00/2 Palmolive Ultra Dish Detergent - 2-24-19 SS; Includes 18 oz or Larger Only; Limit 4 (exp. 03/09/19)
            Final Price: $2.50
          • Persil ProClean Detergent, 100 oz or 38 ct, or All Detergent, 141 oz or 67 ct - $8.00 OFF wyb 2
            $1.00/1 All Product - 2-3-19 RMN; Excludes Trial Size; Limit (1) Like Coupon (exp. 03/09/19)
            $2.00/1 All Liquid Detergent - 2-3-19 RMN; Includes 94 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Single Dose and Fabric Softener; Limit (1) Like Coupon (exp. 03/09/19)
          • Seventh Generation Dish Liquid, 23 - 26 oz - $3.00
          • Seventh Generation Multi-Surface or All Purpose Cleaner, 23 - 26 oz - $3.00
          • Snapware Food Storage Containers, ea - 30% OFF
          • Solo Clear Plastic Cups, 24 ct - $2.00
          • Solo Heavy Duty Paper Plates, 44 - 48 ct - $2.00
          • Tide Liquid, 138 - 150 oz - $17.99
            $2.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            $1.00/1 Tide Detergent or Antibacterial Spray - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes PODS, Rescue, Simply, Detergent, 10 oz or Stain Pen; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $15.99
          • Tide Pods, 54 - 72 ct - $17.99
            $2.00/1 Tide PODS - 2-24-19 PG; Excludes Tide Liquid/Powder, Simply Varieties, Pods, 9 ct or Below; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 03/30/19)
            Final Price: $15.99

          The post It’s Back! Publix Coupon Matchups! appeared first on

          Publix Sub Sale! ALL Whole Subs just $5.99 Wed, 06 Mar 2019 16:00:56 +0000 I’m so excited this deal is coming back again! Starting tomorrow, March 7th, we can get  Publix Whole Subs on sale for $5.99! This even includes Publix Chicken Tender Subs! Head HERE to see all of the different types of Subs at Publix. The sale ends THIS SUNDAY March 10th. *Tip – we actually did […]

          The post Publix Sub Sale! ALL Whole Subs just $5.99 appeared first on


          I’m so excited this deal is coming back again! Starting tomorrow, March 7th, we can get  Publix Whole Subs on sale for $5.99! This even includes Publix Chicken Tender Subs! Head HERE to see all of the different types of Subs at Publix. The sale ends THIS SUNDAY March 10th. *Tip – we actually did this for the first time yesterday – to avoid waiting in line, you can preorder your sub online and Publix will have the completed sub waiting for you at the deli!
          Check: Publix Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.

          P.S. Am I the only person who calls subs grinders? Can you tell I’m from New England? 🙂

          Head HERE to see this week’s Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups

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          Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal Mon, 04 Mar 2019 17:15:41 +0000 This post is sponsored by Crest. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own! Have you tried brushing your teeth with a charcoal paste yet? I’ve wanted to try it for a long time because I would love to have whiter teeth! Crest has released Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal making it […]

          The post Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Crest. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own!

          Have you tried brushing your teeth with a charcoal paste yet? I’ve wanted to try it for a long time because I would love to have whiter teeth! Crest has released Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal making it easier for all of us to have access to charcoal paste!

          Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal offers a new no mess approach for charcoal lovers everywhere. Adding a new formula to the Crest 3D White line, Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal gives us all a better way to brush with charcoal with less mess than you’ll find with traditional charcoal pastes and a more invigorating mint flavor that leaves a long lasting fresh feeling.

          I received a tube of Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal and was excited to try it out. When I applied it to my toothpaste, I immediately noticed that this toothpaste is striped with Charcoal and has a sparkly grey color because of the charcoal. In the past, I have been intimidated by it thinking that the toothpaste wouldn’t taste good, might make a huge mess and would be ineffective. This toothpaste defied all of my concerns. It has a fresh, minty flavor and after brushing, my teeth felt so clean.

          I have used this toothpaste for a few days now and I am already noticing my teeth are becoming whiter. I am a heavy coffee drinker, love acidic foods like marinara sauce and enjoy an occasional glass of wine. All of these things have wreaked havoc on my teeth through the years. With this toothpaste, I’m becoming encouraged thinking that there is an easy and affordable way to lighten the shade of my teeth!

          Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal is currently available on Amazon! Head HERE. It comes in a 3-pack and with the $2.00 savings you will get when you clip the coupon, the price is marked down to $20.09! *prices subject to change. If you haven’t tried this toothpaste yet, now is the time! Try this toothpaste out and let me know your thoughts!

          The post Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal appeared first on

          Stock Up on 5-packs of Crest Toothpaste at Sam’s Club Tue, 12 Feb 2019 18:36:20 +0000 This post is sponsored by Crest. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Valentine’s Day is a couple of days away. Our family doesn’t do too much for Valentine’s Day. Usually I will make a nice meal for myself and my hubby and will make a Valentine’s Day themed meal and desserts for […]

          The post Stock Up on 5-packs of Crest Toothpaste at Sam’s Club appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Crest. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

          Valentine’s Day is a couple of days away. Our family doesn’t do too much for Valentine’s Day. Usually I will make a nice meal for myself and my hubby and will make a Valentine’s Day themed meal and desserts for the kiddos. Even though I tell my husband not to go crazy, chances are that he will come home with flowers for me and if I’m extra lucky, he’ll bring me chocolate, fruit and wine. All of these fun  treats can do a number on your teeth if you don’t take good care of them.  Crest 3D White Radiant Mint Toothpaste is an extra strength toothpaste that will protect your teeth from all the chocolates and treats making your teeth bright and healthy this Valentine’s Day.

          I love Crest 3D White Radiant Mint Toothpaste so much that it is included in our 2019 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide!

          Head to Sam’s Club to get a 5 pack of Crest 3D White Radiant Mint Toothpaste! Right now this toothpaste is $2.00 off through February 24th using the coupon found online and in-store with the Sam’s Club Instant Savings Book. This makes the 5 pack $11.98 making each tube of toothpaste only $2.39! One of my least favorite things that happens when I run out of a necessity (like toothpaste)  is that more likely than not, I will have my husband run to the drugstore and pay full price on a tube of toothpaste. So deals like this are great because we get an awesome price on toothpaste AND stock up at the same time! Go HERE for more info.

          The instant $2 off savings has a limit of 3 so you can purchase up to 3 Crest or Oral-B items! Head HERE for more info.

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          $3.00 off one Tide Coupon! $1.94 at CVS! Mon, 04 Feb 2019 16:27:53 +0000 This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I am loving all of the high value Tide coupons available lately! Between February 3rd and February 9th we can print out a $3.00 off Tide PODS coupon AND a $3.00 off Tide Detergent coupon. These coupons can be used […]

          The post $3.00 off one Tide Coupon! $1.94 at CVS! appeared first on

          This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

          I am loving all of the high value Tide coupons available lately! Between February 3rd and February 9th we can print out a $3.00 off Tide PODS coupon AND a $3.00 off Tide Detergent coupon. These coupons can be used nationally across all retailers*! Go HERE to login to P&G’s Brandsaver website. You will need to login or create a Print at Home account to then access your two $3/1 coupons!

          The $3.00 off one Tide PODS coupon covers NEW Tide PODS® Ultra OXI Laundry Detergent! The new Tide PODS 2.0 have been upgraded with better stain and odor removal power. My husband and I work out a lot so removing odor is KEY for us! My kiddos are messy – their favorite thing to do outside is play in dirt. So upgraded stain removal makes this momma very happy!

          Right now we can get a bag of Tide PODS for $1.94 at CVS! That is a stock up price! (Sale ends 2/9/19). See the scenario below:

          Buy one Tide PODS 12-16 ct on sale $4.94
          Minus one $3.00 off Tide PODS coupon
          Total Due: $1.94!

          Tide has 4-in-1 technology – it is a detergent, stain remover, color protector and built-in pre-treater all in one! Tide is also the consumer’s #1 trusted laundry brand in a survey performed by Readers’ Digest!

          Head HERE to Print at Home to print out your $3.00 coupons and save big next time you go shopping!

          Coupon exclusions: Offers can not be stacked. $3 OFF ONE Tide PODS (excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, and Tide PODS 9 ct and below, and trial/travel size).  $3 OFF ONE Tide Detergent (excludes Tide PODS, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, Tide Detergent 10 oz and trial/travel size).

          The post $3.00 off one Tide Coupon! $1.94 at CVS! appeared first on

          2019 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide Fri, 01 Feb 2019 18:06:09 +0000 All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own. We are back again with our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide! Every year we fill our gift guide with […]

          The post 2019 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide appeared first on

          All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own.


          We are back again with our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide! Every year we fill our gift guide with our favorite gift ideas. Many of the gift ideas featured in our 2019 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide we have personally owned for years and years. Some gifts I have been given the opportunity to try out and review. All of the gifts are awesome!

          Calling all companies! Do you have a product that you think would be a perfect fit for our 2019 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide? Send me an email to and give me your details!

          Gift Ideas for Children & Teens

            Gift Ideas for Ladies & Men

              Valentine’s Day Entertaining Gift Ideas

                The post 2019 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide appeared first on

                Save $3.00 on Tide! CVS Scenario! Mon, 28 Jan 2019 18:46:16 +0000 This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Right now Tide is offering a $3.00 off Tide PODS coupon AND a $3.00 off Tide Detergent coupon*! These coupons are available through February 2nd. This is huge savings – especially is you use the coupon in conjunction with a sale! […]

                The post Save $3.00 on Tide! CVS Scenario! appeared first on

                This post is sponsored by Tide. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

                Right now Tide is offering a $3.00 off Tide PODS coupon AND a $3.00 off Tide Detergent coupon*! These coupons are available through February 2nd. This is huge savings – especially is you use the coupon in conjunction with a sale! Go HERE
                to print your coupons. You will need to login or create a Print at Home account to then access your coupons.

                Have you tried new Tide PODS® Ultra OXI Laundry Detergent yet? They have been upgraded with better stain and odor removal power! Having a husband who works out every morning, a 4 and 6 year old who love to play in the dirt and seem to gravitate towards messy art projects AND myself being a runner who has sweaty workout clothes daily, we have a lot of dirty laundry. Next time I’m shopping, I’m using my $3.00 off coupon to head to CVS and purchase new Tide PODS Ultra OXI. I can’t wait to put it to the test! See my CVS scenario below:

                Buy $30 in Participating Items, get $10 ECB. Mix or Match., Limit 1 (sale ends 2/2/19)
                Participating Items: Tide 37-50 oz, Bounce Sheets 120 ct, Downy 41-51 oz, $5.94
                Deal Idea:
                Buy 5 participating items (make sure you purchase one Tide Detergent 37-50 oz), on sale $5.94 each
                Minus one $3.00 off Tide Detergent coupon
                Total Due: $26.70
                Receive $10 Extra Care Bucks. When factoring in your ECBs, you will have spent $16.70 making each item only $3.34!

                Tide has 4-in-1 technology – it is a detergent, stain remover, color protector and built-in pre-treater all in one! Tide is also the consumer’s #1 trusted laundry brand in a survey performed by Readers’ Digest!

                Head HERE to Print at Home to print out your $3.00 coupons and save big next time you go shopping!

                *Coupon exclusions: The offers can not be stacked. $3 OFF ONE Tide PODS (excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, and Tide PODS 9 ct and below, and trial/travel size). $3 OFF ONE Tide Detergent (excludes Tide PODS, Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, Tide Detergent 10 oz and trial/travel size).

                The post Save $3.00 on Tide! CVS Scenario! appeared first on

                Enter to Win a 4 pack of Florida State Fair Tickets Fri, 11 Jan 2019 20:15:02 +0000 This post is sponsored by the Florida State Fair. All thoughts & opinions are my own. The giveaway tickets will be provided by the Florida State Fair. Have you entered yet? We have an awesome Florida State Fair giveaway! The Florida State Fair is just around the corner! We brought our children to the Florida […]

                The post Enter to Win a 4 pack of Florida State Fair Tickets appeared first on

                This post is sponsored by the Florida State Fair. All thoughts & opinions are my own. The giveaway tickets will be provided by the Florida State Fair.

                Have you entered yet? We have an awesome Florida State Fair giveaway! The Florida State Fair is just around the corner! We brought our children to the Florida State Fair for the first time last year. Our entire family had a blast! We enjoyed the shows, the rides, THE FOOD, everything. Ever since last February, our kiddos have been asking to return again next year! Check out some of the pictures we took on our Instagram page here! Browse the latest ALDI Ad.

                The Florida State Fair is coming to Tampa from February 7th through February 18th, 2019. Every year the Florida State Fair attracts more than 500,000 people over the course of its 12 day event.  The Florida State Fair boasts the largest Midway in North America with 110 different rides!  Some of the fair foods we will see this year are a Surf N Turf Sundae, Southern Catfish Sundae and Barbeque Pulled Pork Ribbon Fries! YUM.

                Head HERE to purchase 2019 Florida State Fair Tickets.

                We have an awesome giveaway for one lucky reader! Follow the steps below to Enter to win a Family 4 Pack of Tickets and Unlimited Ride Armbands!

                *Mandatory Entry* 1) Leave a comment on this blog post sharing if you have ever been to the FL State Fair!
                2) Leave a second comment on this blog post sharing what your favorite fair food is!
                3) Follow AddictedtoSaving on Instagram HERE. Leave a third comment sharing if you are an existing or new follower.
                4) Follow Addicted to Saving on Facebook HERE. Leave a fourth comment sharing if you are an existing or new follower.

                Giveaway ends at 8 pm EST 1/21/18. This giveaway is sponsored by the Florida State Fair. The tickets will be provided to you by our sponsor.

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                $2 off Crest Pro-Health Whitening Power Toothpaste 5-pk Tue, 18 Dec 2018 20:09:24 +0000 Every year we stuff our Christmas stockings with everything from fun toys, sweet treats and then practical things like a pair of socks, ear buds, gift cards, etc! One thing I love to include in our stockings is toothpaste. During the holidays, I tend to overindulge in sweet holiday treats so I always try to […]

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                Every year we stuff our Christmas stockings with everything from fun toys, sweet treats and then practical things like a pair of socks, ear buds, gift cards, etc! One thing I love to include in our stockings is toothpaste. During the holidays, I tend to overindulge in sweet holiday treats so I always try to brush my teeth more often to avoid cavities! I spend a lot of money on dental work due to the side effects of grinding my teeth so I try to keep my mouth very clean to avoid having any extra dental work done! Crest Pro-Health Whitening Power Toothpaste to the rescue!

                Right now we can save big on Crest Pro-Health Whitening Power Toothpaste at Sam’s Club! Using the coupon found in Sam’s Club Instant Savings Book, we will save $2.00 on a five pack of toothpaste! At my local Sam’s Club the savings make each tube of toothpaste only $2.40! Head HERE for more info and to purchase Crest Pro-Health Whitening Power at Sam’s Club! The $2.00 savings is valid through December 24, 2018.

                We love Crest Pro-Health toothpaste so much that we included it in this year’s 2018 Holiday Gift Guide as a Stocking Stuffer idea! You can never have too much toothpaste in your house so giving a tube to every family member is a practical reminder to take care of their teeth!

                Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste is the only toothpaste accepted by the American Dental Association to treat all seven attributes: Plaque, Gingivitis, Cavities, Sensitivity, Tartar, Whitening and Freshens Breath! Crest Pro-Health will help you advance to healthier gums and stronger teeth with benefits that help protect against areas that dentists check most. Head HERE for more info.

                The post $2 off Crest Pro-Health Whitening Power Toothpaste 5-pk appeared first on

                Echo Dots Kids Edition Under $34 Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:34:49 +0000 This awesome Echo Dots Kids deal is still available! If you are looking to get your child the new Echo Dots Kids Edition, right now they are priced at $69.99. However, we can get THREE Echo Dots Kids Editions for just $99.97 making each unit only $33.32! Head HERE to see the Echo Dots Kids […]

                The post Echo Dots Kids Edition Under $34 appeared first on


                This awesome Echo Dots Kids deal is still available! If you are looking to get your child the new Echo Dots Kids Edition, right now they are priced at $69.99. However, we can get THREE Echo Dots Kids Editions for just $99.97 making each unit only $33.32! Head HERE to see the Echo Dots Kids Edition. Add three to your cart and at checkout, your total price will drop to $99.97. **prices subject to change.

                Echo Dots Kids Edition Details:

                • Now Alexa is a kid-friendly DJ, comedian, and storyteller — and she’s always getting smarter. Just ask and Alexa will play music, answer questions, read stories, tell jokes, and more — all with younger ears in mind.
                • Up to $109 in savings on Echo Dot (Black), 1 year of Amazon FreeTime Unlimited, and a kid-friendly case, plus a 2-year worry-free guarantee—if they break it, return it and we’ll replace it for free
                • The included 1 year of FreeTime Unlimited gives your kids access to thousands of hours of fun and educational content, including ad-free radio stations and playlists, Audible books, and a growing list of premium kids skills. After one year, your subscription will automatically renew every month starting at just $2.99/month plus applicable tax. You may cancel any time by visiting the Amazon Parent Dashboard or contacting Customer Service.
                • 1 year of FreeTime Unlimited gives you access to over 1000 Audible books for kids, like Beauty & the Beast and Peter Pan, thousands of songs, and kid-favorite games and skills from Disney, National Geographic, Nickelodeon, and more
                • Easy-to-use parental controls in the online Amazon Parent Dashboard let you set daily time limits, review activity, or pause Alexa on the device
                • Kids can control lights, plugs, switches, and more with compatible connected devices
                • Automatically filter explicit songs from Amazon Music or Spotify
                • Call kids to dinner or tell them it’s bedtime from compatible Echo devices in the house. Plus, add approved friends and family for calling and messaging outside the house.

                The post Echo Dots Kids Edition Under $34 appeared first on

                Echo Dot Speakers under $17 Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:18:45 +0000 Still going on! This is an awesome deal on Echo Dot (2nd Generation) – Smart speakers with Alexa! Right now they are marked down to $19.99 from $39.99. You can get an even better deal if you purchase three Echo Dots! At checkout, the total will drop to $49.97 making each Echo Dot only $16.67! […]

                The post Echo Dot Speakers under $17 appeared first on


                Still going on! This is an awesome deal on Echo Dot (2nd Generation) – Smart speakers with Alexa! Right now they are marked down to $19.99 from $39.99. You can get an even better deal if you purchase three Echo Dots! At checkout, the total will drop to $49.97 making each Echo Dot only $16.67! Head HERE. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post Echo Dot Speakers under $17 appeared first on

                K’NEX Kid Zoomin’ Rides Building Set 65 pc, under $16 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 23:53:21 +0000 Awesome K’NEX deal! This K’NEX Kid Zoomin’ Rides 65 piece Building Set is marked down to $15.51 from $34.99. Head HERE. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post K’NEX Kid Zoomin’ Rides Building Set 65 pc, under $16 appeared first on


                Awesome K’NEX deal! This K’NEX Kid Zoomin’ Rides 65 piece Building Set is marked down to $15.51 from $34.99. Head HERE. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post K’NEX Kid Zoomin’ Rides Building Set 65 pc, under $16 appeared first on

                LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar under $23 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 23:16:03 +0000 Awesome deal on LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendars! They are regularly priced at $39.99 and right now are marked down to $22.84! Head HERE to view these calendars. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar under $23 appeared first on


                Awesome deal on LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendars! They are regularly priced at $39.99 and right now are marked down to $22.84! Head HERE to view these calendars. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar under $23 appeared first on

                Little Tikes First Slide under $20 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 21:08:58 +0000 My daughter received this slide for Christmas two years ago! The Little Tikes First Slide is marked down to $19.98 from $34.99! Head HERE to view this slide. *prices are subject to change.

                The post Little Tikes First Slide under $20 appeared first on


                My daughter received this slide for Christmas two years ago! The Little Tikes First Slide is marked down to $19.98 from $34.99! Head HERE to view this slide. *prices are subject to change.

                The post Little Tikes First Slide under $20 appeared first on

                Today Only: Sharpie, Paper Mate and Prismacolor Deals Mon, 26 Nov 2018 20:14:12 +0000 Today Amazon has a Cyber Monday Deal on Sharpie, Paper Mate and Prismacolor pens and markers! Prices start at just $4.78. Head HERE to see all of the pens sand markers marked down. The best deals will sell out! **prices are subject to change.

                The post Today Only: Sharpie, Paper Mate and Prismacolor Deals appeared first on


                Today Amazon has a Cyber Monday Deal on Sharpie, Paper Mate and Prismacolor pens and markers! Prices start at just $4.78. Head HERE to see all of the pens sand markers marked down. The best deals will sell out! **prices are subject to change.

                The post Today Only: Sharpie, Paper Mate and Prismacolor Deals appeared first on

                Keurig K-Cafe Single Serve Coffee, Latte & Cappuccino Maker, $119.99 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 19:25:36 +0000   The Keurig K-Cafe Single Serve Coffee Maker, Latte and Cappuccino Maker is marked down to $114.99 for Cyber Monday! This is an even better deal than the deal they had on Prime Day over the summer! It even includes a 24 count of Espresso Roast K-Cup Pods! Head HERE to view this Keurig K-Cafe.

                The post Keurig K-Cafe Single Serve Coffee, Latte & Cappuccino Maker, $119.99 appeared first on


                The Keurig K-Cafe Single Serve Coffee Maker, Latte and Cappuccino Maker is marked down to $114.99 for Cyber Monday! This is an even better deal than the deal they had on Prime Day over the summer! It even includes a 24 count of Espresso Roast K-Cup Pods! Head HERE to view this Keurig K-Cafe.

                The post Keurig K-Cafe Single Serve Coffee, Latte & Cappuccino Maker, $119.99 appeared first on

                Ninja Nutri Blender with FreshVac Technology with Auto-iQ, under $60 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 18:55:46 +0000 If you are looking for a Ninja Nutri Blender, don’t miss this! This Nutri Ninja Blender with FreshVac Technology, 1100-Watt Auto-iQ Base, 2 Manual Speeds, and (2) Single-Serve FreshVac Cups with Lids (BL580) is marked down to $59.99 from $129! **This deal is available today (11/26) only and may expire before the day is over. Head […]

                The post Ninja Nutri Blender with FreshVac Technology with Auto-iQ, under $60 appeared first on


                If you are looking for a Ninja Nutri Blender, don’t miss this! This Nutri Ninja Blender with FreshVac Technology, 1100-Watt Auto-iQ Base, 2 Manual Speeds, and (2) Single-Serve FreshVac Cups with Lids (BL580) is marked down to $59.99 from $129! **This deal is available today (11/26) only and may expire before the day is over. Head HERE to view this blender.

                Blender Details:

                • FreshVac Technology – the easy-to-use, one-touch, FreshVac Pump is designed to preserve vitamins, flavors, and colors by removing oxygen before blending.
                • Enjoy long-lasting drinks, smoothies, and shakes with less foam and separation as compared to traditional blending mode.
                • The Next Generation of Nutrient & Vitamin Extraction* – Unlock the full potential of your fruits and veggies. *Extract a drink containing vitamins and nutrients from fruits and vegetables
                • Auto-iQ Technology – Features intelligent programs that combine unique timed pulsing, blending, and pausing patterns that do the work for you.
                • The digital countdown timer displays how much time is remaining on the selected Auto-iQ blender program or counts up to track blending time when using the two manual speeds.
                • 1100 Watts of Power.
                • Includes (2) 24 oz. Single-Serve FreshVac Cups with Spout Lids for on-the-go convenience.

                The post Ninja Nutri Blender with FreshVac Technology with Auto-iQ, under $60 appeared first on

                Fitbit Alta HR under $80 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 16:27:15 +0000 This is an awesome Fitbit deal! This Fitbit Alta HR is marked down to $79.95 from $149.95. Choose from Black or Blue/Gray. Head HERE. **Prices are subject to change. Fitbit Alta HR Details: Get the power of continuous heart rate in Fitbit’s slimmest design yet-all day, during workouts and beyond With heart rate, you can […]

                The post Fitbit Alta HR under $80 appeared first on


                This is an awesome Fitbit deal! This Fitbit Alta HR is marked down to $79.95 from $149.95. Choose from Black or Blue/Gray. Head HERE. **Prices are subject to change.

                Fitbit Alta HR Details:

                • Get the power of continuous heart rate in Fitbit’s slimmest design yet-all day, during workouts and beyond
                • With heart rate, you can better measure calorie burn, and use zones (fat burn, cardio, and peak) to find the right workout intensity for your goals
                • With sleep stages powered by PurePulse heart rate, automatically track your time spent in light, deep and rem sleep (coming soon) and take steps toward a better night’s rest
                • Receive call, text and calendar notifications on display, so you never miss the messages that matter

                The post Fitbit Alta HR under $80 appeared first on

                Insignia Smart LED TV Fire TV Edition under $100 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 16:08:36 +0000 Get an awesome price on a smart TV! This Insignia NS-24DF310NA19 24-inch 720p HD Smart LED TV- Fire TV Edition is marked down to $99.99 from $150! Head HERE to view this TV! **Prices are subject to change.

                The post Insignia Smart LED TV Fire TV Edition under $100 appeared first on


                Get an awesome price on a smart TV! This Insignia NS-24DF310NA19 24-inch 720p HD Smart LED TV- Fire TV Edition is marked down to $99.99 from $150! Head HERE to view this TV! **Prices are subject to change.

                The post Insignia Smart LED TV Fire TV Edition under $100 appeared first on

                Save up to 50% on Hasbro Games, NERF, Play-Doh, and more Mon, 26 Nov 2018 14:09:59 +0000 Toy deals! Amazon has dropped the price up to 50% on select Hasbro Games, NERF toys, Play-Doh kits, dolls and more! Head HERE to view all of the deals. **Prices subject to change.

                The post Save up to 50% on Hasbro Games, NERF, Play-Doh, and more appeared first on


                Toy deals! Amazon has dropped the price up to 50% on select Hasbro Games, NERF toys, Play-Doh kits, dolls and more! Head HERE to view all of the deals. **Prices subject to change.

                The post Save up to 50% on Hasbro Games, NERF, Play-Doh, and more appeared first on

                Save up to 80% on over 350 Kindle titles! Some e-Books under $2! Mon, 26 Nov 2018 13:21:45 +0000 Today is a great day to add to your e-Book stash! We can save up to 80% on over 350 Kindle Best Sellers! Books start at just $1.99! Head HERE to view all of the books marked down for Cyber Monday. **Prices are subject to change. The new Publix Ad.

                The post Save up to 80% on over 350 Kindle titles! Some e-Books under $2! appeared first on


                Today is a great day to add to your e-Book stash! We can save up to 80% on over 350 Kindle Best Sellers! Books start at just $1.99! Head HERE to view all of the books marked down for Cyber Monday. **Prices are subject to change. The new Publix Ad.

                The post Save up to 80% on over 350 Kindle titles! Some e-Books under $2! appeared first on

                LEGO Kits up to 44% off Mon, 26 Nov 2018 13:06:15 +0000 Amazon has a Cyber Monday sale on LEGO Kits! LEGO Kits are up to 44% off! Head HERE to view all of the kits marked down. Prices start at $13.93. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post LEGO Kits up to 44% off appeared first on


                Amazon has a Cyber Monday sale on LEGO Kits! LEGO Kits are up to 44% off! Head HERE to view all of the kits marked down. Prices start at $13.93. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post LEGO Kits up to 44% off appeared first on

                Instant Pot Smart WiFi 6 Qt Electric Pressure Cooker under $90 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 12:55:21 +0000 I have an awesome Instant Pot Cyber Monday deal! This Instant Pot Smart WiFi 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker is marked down to $89.99 from $149.99! Head HERE to view this Instant Pot! **Prices subject to change. Instant Pot Smart WiFi Details: Smart Wi-Fi multi-use programmable pressure cooker is a revolutionary kitchen appliance with Wi-Fi […]

                The post Instant Pot Smart WiFi 6 Qt Electric Pressure Cooker under $90 appeared first on


                I have an awesome Instant Pot Cyber Monday deal! This Instant Pot Smart WiFi 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker is marked down to $89.99 from $149.99! Head HERE to view this Instant Pot! **Prices subject to change.

                Instant Pot Smart WiFi Details:

                • Smart Wi-Fi multi-use programmable pressure cooker is a revolutionary kitchen appliance with Wi-Fi connectivity, easy to use interfaces to control and monitor cooking progress through graphics.
                • Healthy, stainless steel (18/8) inner cooking pot made from food grade 304, no chemical coating, 3-ply bottom.
                • Built with the latest 3rd generation technology, the microprocessor monitors pressure, temperature, keeps time, and adjusts heating intensity and duration to achieve your desired results every time
                • UL and ulc certified with 10 safety mechanisms to provide you with added Assurance, designed to eliminate many common errors
                • Accessories include, stainless steel steam rack with handles, rice paddle, Soup Spoon, measuring cup, condensation collector and recipe booklet
                • 2.4 ghz Wifi

                The post Instant Pot Smart WiFi 6 Qt Electric Pressure Cooker under $90 appeared first on

                STEM Toys up to 70% off Mon, 26 Nov 2018 00:12:29 +0000 This is an awesome STEM Toys sale! Amazon has STEM and STEAM toys as high as 70% off! Head HERE to see all of the toys that are marked down. There are toys for all ages. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post STEM Toys up to 70% off appeared first on


                This is an awesome STEM Toys sale! Amazon has STEM and STEAM toys as high as 70% off! Head HERE to see all of the toys that are marked down. There are toys for all ages. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post STEM Toys up to 70% off appeared first on

                Ends Tonight! $5 off $20 Books on Amazon Mon, 26 Nov 2018 00:00:13 +0000   **This coupon code  expires at 11:59 p.m. (PT) November 25, 2018. This awesome book coupon code is back again this Black Friday week! I posted this last night and it is still working now. Right now we can save $5 off $20 worth of print books on Amazon. Head HERE. Add $20 worth of […]

                The post Ends Tonight! $5 off $20 Books on Amazon appeared first on



                **This coupon code  expires at 11:59 p.m. (PT) November 25, 2018.

                This awesome book coupon code is back again this Black Friday week! I posted this last night and it is still working now. Right now we can save $5 off $20 worth of print books on Amazon. Head HERE. Add $20 worth of books to your cart and at checkout, paste coupon code NOVBOOK18 to save $5! **prices subject to change.

                The post Ends Tonight! $5 off $20 Books on Amazon appeared first on

                Stock Up on Berenstain Bears Books! Under $2.60 a book! Sun, 25 Nov 2018 22:36:17 +0000 WOW! If your child likes Berenstain Bears books, we can get an awesome deal on 6 books! Right now on Amazon, when we spend $20 on print books, we can save $5.00 at checkout using coupon code NOVBOOK18 You can really purchase whatever books you like, but I created an awesome scenario below where we […]

                The post Stock Up on Berenstain Bears Books! Under $2.60 a book! appeared first on


                WOW! If your child likes Berenstain Bears books, we can get an awesome deal on 6 books! Right now on Amazon, when we spend $20 on print books, we can save $5.00 at checkout using coupon code NOVBOOK18 You can really purchase whatever books you like, but I created an awesome scenario below where we can purchase 6 Berenstain Bears books for just $15.07 after using the coupon code! This makes each book only $2.51!! Head HERE to see all of the Berenstain Bears books!  **prices are subject to change.

                Scenario Idea – Add the books below to your cart.

                The Berenstain Bears School Time Blessings, $3.50
                The Berenstain Bears Mother’s Day Blessings, $3.59
                The Berenstain Bears and the Forgiving Tree, $3.50
                The Berenstain Bears Blessed are the Peacemakers, $3.50
                The Berenstain Bears and the Gift of Courage, $3.50
                The Berenstain Bears and the Biggest Brag, $2.48

                Total: $20.07
                Paste coupon code NOVBOOK18
                Total Due: $15.07 or $2.51 per book


                Make sure you don’t miss ANY deals on toys, games, electronics and more! Join Addicted to Saving’s Holiday Deals Facebook group and if you shop primarily on Amazon, don’t miss our Addicted to Amazing (Amazon) Deals Facebook Group where we only post Amazon deals!

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                LEGO Classic Creative Box, under $10! Sat, 24 Nov 2018 18:50:12 +0000 This is an awesome LEGO deal! This LEGO Classic Creative Supplement Box is marked down 50% off to $9.99. It is regularly priced at $19.99. Head HERE to view this box. This box includes 303 pieces with a range of LEGO bricks in 20 different colors and a brick separator. **Prices subject to change.

                The post LEGO Classic Creative Box, under $10! appeared first on


                This is an awesome LEGO deal! This LEGO Classic Creative Supplement Box is marked down 50% off to $9.99. It is regularly priced at $19.99. Head HERE to view this box. This box includes 303 pieces with a range of LEGO bricks in 20 different colors and a brick separator. **Prices subject to change.

                The post LEGO Classic Creative Box, under $10! appeared first on

                Learning Resources & Educational Insights Deals Sat, 24 Nov 2018 13:46:52 +0000 Amazon has deals on Learning Resources and Educational Insights today! Lots of their toys are marked down. We love these toys because our kiddos love to play with them AND they unknowingly learn a ton while playing! We also include some of these toys every year in our Holiday Gift Guides! Head HERE to see […]

                The post Learning Resources & Educational Insights Deals appeared first on


                Amazon has deals on Learning Resources and Educational Insights today! Lots of their toys are marked down. We love these toys because our kiddos love to play with them AND they unknowingly learn a ton while playing! We also include some of these toys every year in our HERE to see all of the toys on sale today. Prices start at $5.59. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post Learning Resources & Educational Insights Deals appeared first on

                Black Friday! Instant Pot Programmable DUO80 8 Qt Under $70!! Fri, 23 Nov 2018 23:57:16 +0000 Here you go guys! If you have been waiting for a deal on the Instant Pot DUO80 8 Qt, today is the day to purchase it! It is marked down to $69.99 and is regularly priced at $139.95! This Instant Pot has the Multi- Use Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt […]

                The post Black Friday! Instant Pot Programmable DUO80 8 Qt Under $70!! appeared first on


                Here you go guys! If you have been waiting for a deal on the Instant Pot DUO80 8 Qt, today is the day to purchase it! It is marked down to $69.99 and is regularly priced at $139.95! This Instant Pot has the Multi- Use Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt Maker and Warmer functions! **Prices are subject to change. Head HERE to view this Instant Pot!

                The post Black Friday! Instant Pot Programmable DUO80 8 Qt Under $70!! appeared first on

                Fisher-Price Imaginext DC Super Friends R/C Transforming Batbot over 50% off! Fri, 23 Nov 2018 23:51:56 +0000 This looks like a fun toy! This Fisher-Price Imaginext DC Super Friends, R/C Transforming Batbot is marked down 51% to $34.54! It is regularly priced at $69.99! Head HERE to view this Remote Control Batbot! **prices are subject to change. Head HERE to see all of the deals on Barbie, Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels and more!

                The post Fisher-Price Imaginext DC Super Friends R/C Transforming Batbot over 50% off! appeared first on


                This looks like a fun toy! This Fisher-Price Imaginext DC Super Friends, R/C Transforming Batbot is marked down 51% to $34.54! It is regularly priced at $69.99! Head HERE to view this Remote Control Batbot! **prices are subject to change.

                Head HERE to see all of the deals on Barbie, Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels and more!

                The post Fisher-Price Imaginext DC Super Friends R/C Transforming Batbot over 50% off! appeared first on

                Barbie Pop-Up Camper Vehicle, under $63 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 22:25:55 +0000 Awesome price on this Barbie Pop-Up Camper Vehicle! It is regularly priced at $99.99 and today is marked down to $62.58! *prices subject to change. Head HERE to see this pop-up camper.

                The post Barbie Pop-Up Camper Vehicle, under $63 appeared first on


                Awesome price on this Barbie Pop-Up Camper Vehicle! It is regularly priced at $99.99 and today is marked down to $62.58! *prices subject to change. Head HERE to see this pop-up camper.

                The post Barbie Pop-Up Camper Vehicle, under $63 appeared first on

                KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage with Furniture, Under $60 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 21:48:29 +0000 Doll house deal alert! This KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage with Furniture is marked down to $61.00 on Amazon! Head HERE. Or, if you purchase it on Walmart, it is marked down to $59.99. Head HERE. This cottage comes with 17 pieces of furniture and can fit 4 inch mini dolls. **prices are subject to change. KidKraft […]

                The post KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage with Furniture, Under $60 appeared first on


                Doll house deal alert! This KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage with Furniture is marked down to $61.00 on Amazon! Head HERE. Or, if you purchase it on Walmart, it is marked down to $59.99. Head HERE. This cottage comes with 17 pieces of furniture and can fit 4 inch mini dolls. **prices are subject to change.

                KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage Details:

                • Two molded plastic staircases
                • Three levels of open space
                • 17 pieces of furniture
                • Windows that open and close
                • Large enough that multiple children can play at once
                • Accommodates 4-inch mini dolls

                Make sure you don’t miss ANY deals on toys, games, electronics and more! Join Addicted to Saving’s Holiday Deals Facebook group and if you shop primarily on Amazon, don’t miss our Addicted to Amazing (Amazon) Deals Facebook Group where we only post Amazon deals!

                The post KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage with Furniture, Under $60 appeared first on

                The Greatest Showman under $6.00 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 21:37:22 +0000 This is my children’s favorite movie! My daughter asks to listen to this soundtrack daily – fortunately for me, I love the music just as much as her! Right now Amazon has The Greatest Showman DVD marked down to $5.99! If you prefer Blu-ray, it is $7.99 and Prime Video is $9.99! Head HERE to […]

                The post The Greatest Showman under $6.00 appeared first on


                This is my children’s favorite movie! My daughter asks to listen to this soundtrack daily – fortunately for me, I love the music just as much as her! Right now Amazon has The Greatest Showman DVD marked down to $5.99! If you prefer Blu-ray, it is $7.99 and Prime Video is $9.99! Head HERE to see this deal. **prices are subject to change.

                The post The Greatest Showman under $6.00 appeared first on

                Sharpie Electro Pop 24 ct Permanent Markers, around $9 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 15:41:37 +0000 This Sharpie Electro Pop Permanent Markers, Ultra Fine Point, Assorted Colors, 24 Count is marked down to $9.00! It is regularly priced at $14.99. **Prices are subject to change. Head HERE.

                The post Sharpie Electro Pop 24 ct Permanent Markers, around $9 appeared first on


                This Sharpie Electro Pop Permanent Markers, Ultra Fine Point, Assorted Colors, 24 Count is marked down to $9.00! It is regularly priced at $14.99. **Prices are subject to change. Head HERE.

                The post Sharpie Electro Pop 24 ct Permanent Markers, around $9 appeared first on

                ASUS Chromebook 11.6″ under $120 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 15:23:05 +0000 Awesome Black Friday ASUS Chromebook deal! This ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02 11.6″ Ruggedized and Water Resistant Design with 180 Degree is marked down to $119.00 from $229.00! Head HERE to view this Chromebook. *prices are subject to change.

                The post ASUS Chromebook 11.6″ under $120 appeared first on


                Awesome Black Friday ASUS Chromebook deal! This ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02 11.6″ Ruggedized and Water Resistant Design with 180 Degree is marked down to $119.00 from $229.00! Head HERE to view this Chromebook. *prices are subject to change.

                The post ASUS Chromebook 11.6″ under $120 appeared first on

                Lightning Deal: 92 Piece Magnetic Toy Set under $20 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 14:09:30 +0000 My kiddos love magnetic toys! Right now Amazon has this IMDEN Magnetic Blocks, Magnetic Building Set on sale as a Lightning Deal. It will either sell or expire. It is marked down to $19.74 from $27.99. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

                The post Lightning Deal: 92 Piece Magnetic Toy Set under $20 appeared first on


                My kiddos love magnetic toys! Right now Amazon has this IMDEN Magnetic Blocks, Magnetic Building Set on sale as a Lightning Deal. It will either sell or expire. It is marked down to $19.74 from $27.99. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

                The post Lightning Deal: 92 Piece Magnetic Toy Set under $20 appeared first on

                Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker, under $70 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 13:25:46 +0000 The Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker Nano is marked down to $69.99 from $149.99! Head HERE. *prices are subject to change. If you prefer the Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker | WI-FI + Bluetooth, it is marked down to $99.99 from $199.99. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

                The post Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker, under $70 appeared first on


                The Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker Nano is marked down to $69.99 from $149.99! Head HERE. *prices are subject to change. If you prefer the Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker | WI-FI + Bluetooth, it is marked down to $99.99 from $199.99. Head HERE. *prices are subject to change.

                The post Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker, under $70 appeared first on

                Roomba! Roomba 677 Vacuum, $142 (reg price $469) Fri, 23 Nov 2018 13:03:05 +0000 Yay! If you are waiting for a Roomba deal, here you go! Kohl’s has the Roomba 677 Vacuum marked down to $249.99. When you use the 15% off coupon code, the total will drop to $212.49! Right now we will receive $15 Kohl’s Cash for every $50 spent. When factoring in the Kohl’s Cash and […]

                The post Roomba! Roomba 677 Vacuum, $142 (reg price $469) appeared first on


                Yay! If you are waiting for a Roomba deal, here you go! Kohl’s has the Roomba 677 Vacuum marked down to $249.99. When you use the 15% off coupon code, the total will drop to $212.49! Right now we will receive $15 Kohl’s Cash for every $50 spent. When factoring in the Kohl’s Cash and Yes2You Rewards you will earn, the Roomba will cost only $142.49! Head HERE.

                Buy one Roomba 677 Vacuum on sale $249.99 (reg $469.99)
                Paste coupon code CHEERFUL or JOY to save 15%
                Total Due: $212.49
                Receive $60 Kohl’s Cash and $10 in Yes2You Rewards, makes it $142.49!

                The post Roomba! Roomba 677 Vacuum, $142 (reg price $469) appeared first on

                Exploding Kittens Card Game, Under $14 Fri, 23 Nov 2018 12:43:36 +0000 I’ve never played this game but my husband said it’s a ton of fun! For Black Friday Exploding Kittens Card Game is marked down to $13.99! Regular price  is $20. **Prices are subject to change. Head HERE. If you prefer Cards Against Humanity, You’ve Got Crabs, Bears Vs Babies, etc, head HERE because these games are marked […]

                The post Exploding Kittens Card Game, Under $14 appeared first on


                I’ve never played this game but my husband said it’s a ton of fun! For Black Friday Exploding Kittens Card Game is marked down to $13.99! Regular price  is $20. **Prices are subject to change. Head HERE. If you prefer Cards Against Humanity, You’ve Got Crabs, Bears Vs Babies, etc, head HERE because these games are marked down too!

                The post Exploding Kittens Card Game, Under $14 appeared first on

                Barbie, Hot Wheels, Fisher-Price up to 78% off Fri, 23 Nov 2018 12:35:57 +0000 Don’t miss this toy sale! Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher-Price toys are up to 78% off! Prices are subject to change and availability. Head HERE to see all of the toys that are marked down for Black Friday!

                The post Barbie, Hot Wheels, Fisher-Price up to 78% off appeared first on


                Don’t miss this toy sale! Barbie, Hot Wheels and Fisher-Price toys are up to 78% off! Prices are subject to change and availability. Head HERE to see all of the toys that are marked down for Black Friday!

                The post Barbie, Hot Wheels, Fisher-Price up to 78% off appeared first on

                Games up to 80% off: Catan, Ticket to Ride, Spot It and more Fri, 23 Nov 2018 12:18:28 +0000 Buy games for Christmas! Popular games like Ticket To Ride, Catan, Spot It and more are marked down as much as 80%! Catan is $25.99 and Catan Junior is $19.39. and Ticket to Ride starts at $24.99 and Ticket to Ride: First Journey is $17.99. Head HERE to see all of the games. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post Games up to 80% off: Catan, Ticket to Ride, Spot It and more appeared first on


                Buy games for Christmas! Popular games like Ticket To Ride, Catan, Spot It and more are marked down as much as 80%! Catan is $25.99 and Catan Junior is $19.39. and Ticket to Ride starts at $24.99 and Ticket to Ride: First Journey is $17.99. Head HERE to see all of the games. **Prices are subject to change.

                The post Games up to 80% off: Catan, Ticket to Ride, Spot It and more appeared first on

                Today Only: Shark ION ROBOT R85 Vacuum, Under $200! Fri, 23 Nov 2018 11:47:40 +0000 We included the Shark ION Robot Vacuum in our 2017 Holiday Gift Guide! We love our Shark Robot Vacuum! Amazon has an awesome Black Friday deal on it! The SHARK ION Robot Vacuum R85 WiFi-Connected with Powerful Suction, XL Dust Bin, Self-Cleaning Brushroll and Voice Control with Alexa or Google Assistant is marked down to […]

                The post Today Only: Shark ION ROBOT R85 Vacuum, Under $200! appeared first on


                We included the Shark ION Robot Vacuum in our 2017 Holiday Gift Guide! We love our Shark Robot Vacuum! Amazon has an awesome Black Friday deal on it! The SHARK ION Robot Vacuum R85 WiFi-Connected with Powerful Suction, XL Dust Bin, Self-Cleaning Brushroll and Voice Control with Alexa or Google Assistant is marked down to $199.99 from $399.99!! **Prices are subject to change. Head HERE.

                Shark ION Robot R85 Details:

                • Shark has built upon a high-performing robot vacuum to deliver powerful suction, XL capacity, and advanced sensor technology for an incredible solution to everyday cleaning.
                • Designed for pet hair. Provides powerful floor and carpet cleaning with an XL dust bin and 3X more suction in Max Mode than the Shark ION Robot R75.
                • Schedule cleaning or start your robot vacuum from anywhere with the Shark ION Robot app, or voice control with Alexa or Google Assistant.
                • Smart Sensor Navigation 2.0: advanced sensitivity helps navigate the robotic vacuum around obstacles and objects to complete the cleaning job.
                • Self-cleaning brush roll combines with dual edge and corner brushes to capture hair, dust, dander, and allergens to prevent everyday buildup.
                • XL dust bin allows for minimal interruption while cleaning.
                • Includes: (1) Shark ION Robot (2) side brushes, (1) filter, (1) lithium-ion battery, (1) charging dock, (1) 8-foot BotBoundary strip

                The post Today Only: Shark ION ROBOT R85 Vacuum, Under $200! appeared first on

                Oral-B 7000 Black Friday Deal at Walmart Fri, 23 Nov 2018 11:06:13 +0000 This post is sponsored by Oral-B. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. If you know me, you know I love my Oral-B Electric Toothbrush. A few Christmases ago, I asked for one and I’ve been using it multiple times a day ever since! Today, we can get an awesome deal on the […]

                The post Oral-B 7000 Black Friday Deal at Walmart appeared first on

                This post is sponsored by Oral-B. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

                If you know me, you know I love my Oral-B Electric Toothbrush. A few Christmases ago, I asked for one and I’ve been using it multiple times a day ever since! Today, we can get an awesome deal on the Oral-B 7000 Black at Walmart! The Oral-B 7000 Black is regularly priced at $179.99. Today it is marked down to $79.99! HUGE savings! Head HERE to see this toothbrush.

                Oral-B 7000 Details:

                • Six High-Performance Brushing Modes: Daily Clean, Deep Clean, Whitening, Massage, Sensitive and Tongue Cleaning
                • Sophisticated pressure-sensor technology alerts you if you’re brushing too hard and automatically decelerates the pulsation and oscillation speeds of the brush head!

                Head HERE to see this Oral-B 7000 Black toothbrush.

                The post Oral-B 7000 Black Friday Deal at Walmart appeared first on

                Barbie Pink Passport 3 Story Townhouse Under $50 Thu, 22 Nov 2018 23:56:24 +0000 AWESOME Black Friday price on this Barbie Pink Passport 3 Story Townhouse! It is regularly priced at $99.99 and right now is marked down to $49.99. Prices are subject to change. Head HERE to view this 3 story townhouse! Head HERE to see all of Amazon’s Black Friday deals. Barbie Pink Passport 3 Story Townhouse […]

                The post Barbie Pink Passport 3 Story Townhouse Under $50 appeared first on


                AWESOME Black Friday price on this Barbie Pink Passport 3 Story Townhouse! It is regularly priced at $99.99 and right now is marked down to $49.99. Prices are subject to change. Head HERE to view this 3 story townhouse!

                Head HERE to see all of Amazon’s Black Friday deals.

                Barbie Pink Passport 3 Story Townhouse Details:

                • Three deluxe stories of play space make this Barbie Townhouse home to all kinds of storytelling fun!
                • Four rooms and a rooftop lounge, all with realistic details, make Barbie doll’s newest home ultra-deluxe
                • Travel between floors on the sleek child-activated elevator — when Barbie doll (sold separately) reaches the second floor, the rooftop opens up for a truly fun surprise complete with a colorful pop-up umbrella!
                • The kitchen and living room occupy the first floor; the bathroom and bedroom are on the second; there’s even a closet upstairs for Barbie doll to hang her fashions!
                • A contemporary swinging chair in the living room opens up so Barbie doll can swing on the inside or the outside of the house

                The post Barbie Pink Passport 3 Story Townhouse Under $50 appeared first on

                Vitamix Blender $190 Thu, 22 Nov 2018 13:46:53 +0000 We LOVE our Vitamix. We use it at least five times a week to make smoothies. This Vitamix E310 Explorian Blender, Professional-Grade, 64 oz. Low-Profile Container is marked down to $188.99 from $269.95! It is certified refurbished. If you prefer a deal on a brand-new, non-used blender, the Vitamix 5200 Blender, Professional-Grade, 64 oz. Container […]

                The post Vitamix Blender $190 appeared first on


                We LOVE our Vitamix. We use it at least five times a week to make smoothies. This Vitamix E310 Explorian Blender, Professional-Grade, 64 oz. Low-Profile Container is marked down to $188.99 from $269.95! It is certified refurbished. If you prefer a deal on a brand-new, non-used blender, the Vitamix 5200 Blender, Professional-Grade, 64 oz. Container is marked down to $279.95 from $436.00! Head HERE to see the Vitamix Mixers marked down for Black Friday! **prices subject to change.

                The post Vitamix Blender $190 appeared first on

                Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/23/18 – 11/28/18 Wed, 21 Nov 2018 14:20:30 +0000 Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Friday, November 23rd depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will […]

                The post Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/23/18 – 11/28/18 appeared first on


                Below are this week’s Publix coupon matchups for the ad beginning on Friday, November 23rd depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos! Shown below are the top deals for this week’s Publix Ad.  If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HEREDon’t forget I post Publix deals daily!

                Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

                1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item.
                2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
                3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
                4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

                 If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HERE.

                B1G1 sale price is the purchase price of ONE item

                Community Coffee, 12 oz or Pods, 12 ct – $3.75


                • $2.00/1 Community Coffee Bag or Single Serve Box – 10-7-18 RMN (exp. 12/31/18)
                Final Price: $1.75

                Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry food for Cats, 3 lb – $3.19


                Final Price: $0.19
                Baby Food & Care

                Luvs Diapers, 52 – 112 ct – $6 OFF wyb 2


                • $3.00/1 Pampers or Luvs Diapers (Publix Coupon) – Purple Advantage Flyer (Valid from 11/17/18); Includes 52 – 112 ct Only (exp. 11/30/18)

                Pampers Diapers, 52 – 112 ct – $6 OFF wyb 2


                • $3.00/1 Pampers or Luvs Diapers (Publix Coupon) – Purple Advantage Flyer (Valid from 11/17/18); Includes 52 – 112 ct Only (exp. 11/30/18)
                Cookies, Snacks & Candy

                Quaker Popped Rice Crisps, 3 – 3.52 oz – $1.00


                • $1.00/2 Quaker Products – 11-4-18 RMN (exp. 12/16/18)
                Final Price: $0.50

                Chobani Greek Yogurt, 5.3 oz – $1.00


                • $1.00/5 Chobani Yogurt Singles – 11-11-18 SS (exp. 12/16/18)
                • $1.00/5 Chobani Yogurts – 10-28-18 SS (exp. 11/25/18)
                • Stacks With $3.00/10 Chobani Greek, Flip or Hint Yogurts (Publix Coupon) – Green Advantage Flyer (Valid from 11/10/18); Includes 5.3 oz Only (exp. 11/23/18)
                Final Price: $0.50
                Buy 10; Use (2) $1/5 Coupons; Combine with $3/10 Publix Coupon
                Home Supplies

                Snuggle Fabric Softener, 31 – 64 ozo r 70 – 80 ct – $2.99


                • $2.00/2 All or Snuggle brand Laundry Product – 10-28-18 RMN; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/25/18)
                • Stacks With $1.00/1 Snuggle Laundry Products (Publix Coupon) – Purple Advantage Flyer (Valid from 11/17/18); Includes Snuggle Softener, 31.7 – 64 oz Only; Scent Boosters, 20 ld or 14 oz Only; or Sheets, 70 – 80 ct Only (exp. 11/30/18)
                Final Price: $0.99
                Buy 2; Use $2/2 Coupon; Combine with $1/1 Publix Coupon

                Sparkle Paper Towels, 8 Rolls – $7.49


                • $1.50/1 Sparkle Paper Towels – 11-4-18 RMN; Includes 6 ct or Larger Only (exp. 12/04/18)
                • Stacks With $2.00/2 Angel Soft, Quilted Northern, Sparkle, or Brawny (Publix Coupon) – Purple Advantage Flyer (Valid from 11/17/18); Includes Angel Soft, 12 Mega or 24 Double Roll Only; Quilted Northern, 9 Mega or 18 Double Roll Only; Sparkle Paper Towels, 8 Double Roll Only; or Brawny Paper Towels, 6 XL Roll Only (exp. 11/30/18)
                Final Price: $4.99
                Buy 2; Use (2) $1.50/1 Coupons; Combine with $2/2 Publix Coupon
                Personal Care

                Colgate Total Advanced or Optic White Toothpaste, 4 – 6 oz – $3.00


                • $0.75/1 Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only
                • $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste – 11-18-18 SS; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only (exp. 12/01/18)
                • $1.00/2 Colgate Toothpaste – 11-18-18 SS; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only (exp. 12/01/18)
                • Stacks With $5.00/4 Colgate Products (Publix Coupon) – Purple Advantage Flyer (Valid from 11/17/18); Includes Toothpaste, 3 oz or Larger Only; 360 Toothbrush; or Mouthwash, 16 – 16.9 oz or 400 mL – 1 L Only; Excludes Travel Size (exp. 11/30/18)
                Final Price: $1.00
                Buy 4; Use (4) $.50/1 Coupons; Combine with $5/4 Publix Coupon
                Click here to see the complete list

                The post Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/23/18 – 11/28/18 appeared first on

                Art & Craft Kits up to 77% off! Wed, 21 Nov 2018 14:06:16 +0000 Arts and craft kits make awesome Christmas presents! Today only, Art & Craft kits are up to 77% off! Prices are subject to change. Head HERE to see all of the kits that are marked down!

                The post Art & Craft Kits up to 77% off! appeared first on


                Arts and craft kits make awesome Christmas presents! Today only, Art & Craft kits are up to 77% off! Prices are subject to change. Head HERE to see all of the kits that are marked down!

                The post Art & Craft Kits up to 77% off! appeared first on

                Gourmia Handheld & Immersion Blender, $10.99 Tue, 20 Nov 2018 19:21:53 +0000 If you are in need of an immersion blender, don’t miss this! This Gourmia GBJ190 Handheld & Immersion Blender is priced at $10.99. Head HERE to view this blender. **Prices are subject to change. Description:  Shakes, soups, sauces, and more! this handy handheld blender comes with both an immersion attachment as well as a compatible […]

                The post Gourmia Handheld & Immersion Blender, $10.99 appeared first on


                If you are in need of an immersion blender, don’t miss this! This Gourmia GBJ190 Handheld & Immersion Blender is priced at $10.99. Head HERE to view this blender. **Prices are subject to change.


                Shakes, soups, sauces, and more! this handy handheld blender comes with both an immersion attachment as well as a compatible sports bottle with a lid and adapter. Chuck in fruit, protein powder, and milk for a quick post-workout bottle blend, or reach into deep pots for a perfect puree. It’s equipped with a numbered dial, so you can choose between 6 speeds, and a Turbo setting for extra fast, strong blending. This Gourmia GBJ190 is designed with a stainless steel rod and blade, driven by 300 watts of pure blending power. And features a soft touch handle for a comfortable and sturdy grip. Gourmia’s mission is to make everyday cooking easy, healthy, and delicious. Our products deliver a higher standard of innovation, performance, and value. Our founders are experts in the modern world of small appliances and are passionate about providing our customers with dependable, efficient tools that will make life in the kitchen fun and easy.

                The post Gourmia Handheld & Immersion Blender, $10.99 appeared first on

                ALEX Toys up to 81% off Tue, 20 Nov 2018 14:25:56 +0000 We love ALEX toys! These kits are so fun for kiddos to do and they learn a ton while doing them! Today ALEX brands are marked down up to 81%. Prices start at $5.18! Prices are subject change. Head HERE to see all of the toys marked dow.

                The post ALEX Toys up to 81% off appeared first on


                We love ALEX toys! These kits are so fun for kiddos to do and they learn a ton while doing them! Today ALEX brands are marked down up to 81%. Prices start at $5.18! Prices are subject change. Head HERE to see all of the toys marked dow.

                The post ALEX Toys up to 81% off appeared first on

                Black Friday Deal is Here! Get 3 Appliances for $1.69 Each!! Mon, 19 Nov 2018 20:59:54 +0000 It’s here! One of my favorite Kohl’s deals every Thanksgiving week is this appliance deal! These appliances are marked down to $21.99. When you use the 15% off coupon code and submit for the $12.99 mail-in-rebate, each appliance will only cost $6.69! To get the best deal, purchase 3 appliances! Head HERE to see all […]

                The post Black Friday Deal is Here! Get 3 Appliances for $1.69 Each!! appeared first on


                It’s here! One of my favorite Kohl’s deals every Thanksgiving week is this appliance deal! These appliances are marked down to $21.99. When you use the 15% off coupon code and submit for the $12.99 mail-in-rebate, each appliance will only cost $6.69! To get the best deal, purchase 3 appliances! Head HERE to see all of the appliances you can choose from. Below are two scenarios!

                Scenario One:

                Buy one appliance, on sale $21.99 (reg price $24.99 – $39.99)
                Paste coupon code CHEERFUL or JOY to save 15%
                Total Due: $18.69
                Submit for $12 Mail in Rebate, makes it $6.69
                **note that shipping is free with orders of $50+. To avoid shipping costs, select in-store pickup.

                BEST DEAL! Scenario Two:

                Buy three appliances, on sale $21.99 (reg price $24.99 – $39.99)
                Paste coupon code CHEERFUL or JOY to save 15%
                Total Due: $56.07
                Receive $15 in Kohl’s Cash, submit for three $12.00 Mail-in-Rebates, makes them $5.07 or $1.69 each

                The post Black Friday Deal is Here! Get 3 Appliances for $1.69 Each!! appeared first on

                Publix Thanksgiving Matchups 11/15/18 – 11/21/18 Tue, 13 Nov 2018 17:45:53 +0000 Every year this is my favorite week to shop at Publix! Below are Publix Thanksgiving Matchups beginning on Thursday, November 15th or Wednesday, November 14th depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons […]

                The post Publix Thanksgiving Matchups 11/15/18 – 11/21/18 appeared first on


                Every year this is my favorite week to shop at Publix! Below are Publix Thanksgiving Matchups beginning on Thursday, November 15th or Wednesday, November 14th depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos! Shown below are the top deals for this week’s Publix Ad.  If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HEREDon’t forget I post Publix deals daily!

                Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

                1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item.
                2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
                3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
                4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

                 If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HERE.

                B1G1 sale price is the purchase price of ONE item
                Condiments, Spice & Baking
                Meat, Poultry & Fish
                Click here to see the complete list

                The post Publix Thanksgiving Matchups 11/15/18 – 11/21/18 appeared first on

                CVS Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/11/18 – 11/17/18 Mon, 12 Nov 2018 22:12:19 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s CVS Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full CVS Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 11th, then go HERE. CVS ExtraBucks Get $1 ECB wyb 1 participating Sure or Brut; Limit 1 . […]

                The post CVS Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/11/18 – 11/17/18 appeared first on

                Below are the top deals for this week’s CVS Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full CVS Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 11th, then go HERE.
                CVS ExtraBucks
                Get $1 ECB wyb 1 participating Sure or Brut; Limit 1

                Brut Deodorant – $2.50

                Excludes: Aerosols

                • $1.50/1 Brut Classic Fragrance or Antiperspirant/Deodorant – 11-11-18 SS; Includes Classic Fragrance, 3.5, 5, or 7 oz Only or Antiperspirant/Deodorant, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 4, 6, or 10 oz Only; Excludes Revolution (exp. 12/09/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $1.00
                Final Price: Free
                Buy 1; Use $1.50/1 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings

                Sure Deodorant – $2.50

                Excludes: Aerosols

                • $1.50/1 Sure Product – 11-11-18 SS; Includes 2.6, 2.7, or 6 oz Only (exp. 12/09/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $1.00
                Final Price: Free
                Buy 1; Use $1.50/1 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Get $5 ECB wyb $20 in participating Scott; Limit 1

                Scott Bath Tissue, 9 – 18 roll – $6.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $5.99
                Final Price: $4.32
                Buy 3; Use (3) $1.00/1 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Get $6 ECB wyb 1 participating Macbeth Collection Kit; Limit 1

                Macbeth Collection Glamergency Kits – $9.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.99
                Final Price: $3.99
                Buy 1; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Get $7 ECB wyb $10 in participating Milani; Limit 1

                Milani Cosmetics – Prices vary


                Get $7 ECB wyb $10 in participating Physicians Formula; Limit 1

                Physicians Formula Cosmetics – Prices vary

                Excludes: Trial and travel sizes

                Get $7 ECB wyb $20 in participating Dial, Right Guard, Dry Idea, Renuzit, Persil, Gliss, Schwarzkopf; Limit 1

                Persil Power Caps, 16 ct – $4.99


                • $2.00/1 Persil ProClean – 10-21-18 RMN; Excludes 6 loads or Less (exp. 11/18/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.99
                Final Price: $1.24
                Buy 4; Use (4) $2.00/1 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings

                Persil, 40 oz – $4.99


                • $2.00/1 Persil ProClean – 10-21-18 RMN; Excludes 6 loads or Less (exp. 11/18/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.99
                Final Price: $1.24
                Buy 4; Use (4) $2.00/1 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Cookies, Snacks & Candy

                Tic Tac Gum, 56 ct – $0.88


                Final Price: $0.38
                Buy 1; Use $0.50/1 coupon

                Tic Tac Singles, 1 oz – $0.88


                Final Price: $0.38

                The post CVS Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/11/18 – 11/17/18 appeared first on

                Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/11/18 – 11/17/18 Sun, 11 Nov 2018 20:37:52 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 11th, then go HERE. Target Gift Card Rewards Buy 2 participating Infant or Toddler Formula Products; Get $10 […]

                The post Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/11/18 – 11/17/18 appeared first on

                Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 11th, then go HERE.
                Target Gift Card Rewards
                Buy 2 participating Infant or Toddler Formula Products; Get $10 Target Gift Card

                Similac Pro-Advance HMO Non-GMO Infant Formula, 30.8 oz – $36.99

                Includes: Select varieties

                Out-of-Pocket Price: $33.99
                Final Price: $28.99
                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Similac Pro-Sensitive HMO Non-GMO Infant Formula, 29.8 oz – $36.99

                Includes: Select varieties

                Out-of-Pocket Price: $33.99
                Final Price: $28.99
                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card
                Buy 3 participating Charmin, Viva, Cottonelle, Bounty, Glad, Downy, Bounce, Gain or Tide Products; Get $10 Target Gift Card

                Bounce Dryer Sheets, 240 ct – $9.19


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.02
                Final Price: $5.69
                Buy 3; Includes Gift Card & Checkout 51 Savings

                Bounty Paper Towels Giant Rolls, 12 pk – $15.49


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $15.49
                Final Price: $12.16
                Buy 3; Includes Gift Card

                Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 12 Mega Rolls – $14.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $14.99
                Final Price: $11.66
                Buy 3; Includes Gift Card

                Cottonelle Bath Tissue, 18 Mega Rolls – $16.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $16.44
                Final Price: $13.11
                Buy 3; Use (3) $0.55/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Downy Ultra Liquid Fabric Softener, 129 oz – $9.99


                • $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Dreft Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters – 10-28-18 PG; Includes Conditioner, 72 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 120 ct or Larger Only; Scent Boosters, 10 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Libre Enjuague and Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.32
                Final Price: $5.99
                Buy 3; Use (1) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster, 14.8 oz – $9.99


                • $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Dreft Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters – 10-28-18 PG; Includes Conditioner, 72 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 120 ct or Larger Only; Scent Boosters, 10 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Libre Enjuague and Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.32
                Final Price: $5.99
                Buy 3; Use (1) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Gain Flings, 72 ct – $17.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $16.99
                Final Price: $13.65
                Buy 3; Use (1) $3.00/3 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Glad Trash Bags, 34 ct 30 gal – $11.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $11.99
                Final Price: $8.66
                Buy 3; Includes Gift Card

                Glad Trash Bags, 38 – 106 ct 13 gal – $11.99

                Includes: Select varieties

                Out-of-Pocket Price: $11.99
                Final Price: $8.66
                Buy 3; Includes Gift Card

                Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, 138 – 150 oz – $17.99


                • $3.00/2 Tide Regular Detergent – 10-28-18 PG; Includes 92 oz Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $16.99
                Final Price: $13.65
                Buy 3; Use (1) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Tide PODS Laundry Detergent, 54 or 72 ct – $17.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $16.99
                Final Price: $13.65
                Buy 3; Use (1) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Viva Paper Towels, 8 Giant Rolls – $10.49


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.99
                Final Price: $6.66
                Buy 3; Use (3) $0.50/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

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                Rite Aid Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/11/18 – 11/17/18 Sun, 11 Nov 2018 20:30:56 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Rite Aid Weekly Ad.  Keep in mind these are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Rite Aid Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 11th, then go HERE. Plenti Points Buy $10 in participating Baby […]

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                Below are the top deals for this week’s Rite Aid Weekly Ad.  Keep in mind these are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Rite Aid Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 11th, then go HERE.
                Plenti Points
                Buy $10 in participating Baby Products, Get $3 Bonus Cash; Limit 2

                Johnson’s Baby Products – B1G1 50% OFF

                Excludes: Trial Size

                Buy 2 participating Gillette Razor or Cartridges, Get $5 Bonus Cash; Limit 2

                Gillette or Venus Razors or Cartridges – Prices vary


                • $2.00/1 Gillette Razor – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Gillette 3, Gillette 5, and Disposables; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                • $2.00/1 Venus Razor – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Disposables; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                Breakfast & Cereal

                General Mills Cereal – $1.97

                Includes: Select varieties; Pictured: Honey Nut Cheerios

                Final Price: $1.47

                Quaker Cereal – $1.97

                Includes: Select varieties

                • $1.00/2 Quaker Old Fashioned, Quick or Instant Oats, or Oatmeal Square Cereal – 10-14-18 RMN (exp. 11/25/18)
                Final Price: $1.47

                Special K Cereal – $1.97

                Includes: Select varieties; Pictured: Red Berries

                Final Price: $1.47
                Cookies, Snacks & Candy
                Boxed Chocolate and Candies Sale!

                Original Gourmet Butter Cookies, 12 oz – B1G1


                Nutritional Bar Snacks Mix & Match

                Lenny & Larry’s Snacks – $1.50

                2/$3 (or $1.79 each)

                Final Price: $1.00
                Personal Care

                Brut Deodorant – $1.99


                • $1.50/1 Brut Classic Fragrance or Antiperspirant/Deodorant – 11-11-18 SS; Includes Classic Fragrance, 3.5, 5, or 7 oz Only or Antiperspirant/Deodorant, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 4, 6, or 10 oz Only; Excludes Revolution (exp. 12/09/18)
                Final Price: $0.49

                Sure Anti-perspirant/Deodorant – $1.99


                • $1.50/1 Sure Product – 11-11-18 SS; Includes 2.6, 2.7, or 6 oz Only (exp. 12/09/18)
                Final Price: $0.49

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                Today Only: Magformers Sets up to 51% off! Fri, 09 Nov 2018 19:30:34 +0000 If you are getting your child Magformers Sets for Christmas, don’t miss today’s Amazon Deal of the Day! We love Magformers – in fact, we’ve included a few sets in our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide! Today sets are up to 51% off! Head HERE to see all of the sets marked down. This is available […]

                The post Today Only: Magformers Sets up to 51% off! appeared first on


                If you are getting your child Magformers Sets for Christmas, don’t miss today’s Amazon Deal of the Day! We love Magformers – in fact, we’ve included a few sets in our HERE to see all of the sets marked down. This is available today, 11/9/18 only.

                Make sure you don’t miss ANY deals on toys, games, electronics and more! Join Addicted to Saving’s Holiday Deals Facebook group and if you shop primarily on Amazon, don’t miss our Addicted to Amazing (Amazon) Deals Facebook Group where we only post Amazon deals!

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                2018 Walmart Black Friday Ad Thu, 08 Nov 2018 20:20:16 +0000 Walmart’s Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the 2018 Walmart Black Friday Ad in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not […]

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                Walmart’s Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the 2018 Walmart Black Friday Ad in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

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                Free $20 Gift Card When You Join Sam’s Club! $100 Gift Card Giveaway Thu, 08 Nov 2018 19:40:49 +0000 I didn’t become a mom in the traditional sense of becoming pregnant and giving birth. We adopted our kiddos and my “pregnancy” stage consisted of filling out loads of paperwork, getting loads of paperwork notarized, overnighting the paperwork all over the country and then waiting and waiting. While my children were not newborns when we […]

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                I didn’t become a mom in the traditional sense of becoming pregnant and giving birth. We adopted our kiddos and my “pregnancy” stage consisted of filling out loads of paperwork, getting loads of paperwork notarized, overnighting the paperwork all over the country and then waiting and waiting. While my children were not newborns when we brought them home (my son was 10 months old and my daughter was 18 months) both had a sleep schedule of a newborn for the first few months home. Like any new mom, it took me a long time to get used to the exhaustion, waking up countless times each night and meanwhile staying on top of all of my work and household responsibilities.

                For me, the one thing that helped me out bigtime was being stocked with groceries, diapers and wipes. Being a frugal shopper, having a stockpile isn’t difficult for me to acquire. Before we brought our children home, we already had their bedroom closets filled with diapers and wipes. The last thing we wanted to do was go to the store, bleary eyed, in the middle of the night because of running out of diapers.
                Shopping at Sam’s Club is an easy way to stock up on diapers, wipes, baby food and even formula. Did you know that Sam’s Club has a subscription service? Simply select the items you want to subscribe to and then choose when you want Sam’s Club to ship the items to your home. With this service, you don’t have to worry about running out of necessities like diapers!

                If you don’t have a Sam’s Club membership, now is the time to join! When you sign up for a new Sam’s Club membership, you will receive a $20 gift card as well as $25 in new member Instant Savings! Head HERE to sign up for a membership! One of my favorite Sam’s Club benefits is that we can skip the checkout lines with Scan & Go! You can order ahead of time with Club Pickup or shop on the go with the Sam’s Club app! This saves lots of time!

                Giveaway Time!! Enter to win one of 25 $100 Sam’s Plus Gift of Membership Gift Cards! Giveaway ends on Friday, November 9th at 11:59 PM EST.

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                Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/8/18 – 11/14/18 Wed, 07 Nov 2018 19:57:29 +0000 Below are the coupon matchups for the upcoming Publix ad beginning on Thursday, November 8th or Wednesday, November 7th depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

                The post Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/8/18 – 11/14/18 appeared first on


                Below are the coupon matchups for the upcoming Publix ad beginning on Thursday, November 8th or Wednesday, November 7th depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos! Shown below are the top deals for this week’s Publix Ad.  If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HEREDon’t forget I post Publix deals daily!

                Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

                1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item.
                2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
                3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
                4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

                 If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HERE.

                B1G1 sale price is the purchase price of ONE item

                Celentano Pasta, 12 – 24 oz – $1.70


                • $1.00/1 Celentano Pasta or Entree Product – 9-30-18 RMN (exp. 01/01/19)
                Final Price: $0.70

                Chinet Napkins, 90 ct – $1.15


                Final Price: $0.15

                College Inn Broth or Stock, 32 oz – $1.75


                • $0,50/1 College Inn Broth or Stock – 11-4-18 RMN; Includes 32 oz or Larger (exp. 12/04/18)
                • Stacks With $1.00/2 College Inn Stock or Broth (Publix Coupon) – Green Advantage Flyer (Valid from 10/27/18); Includes 32 oz Only; Excludes Organic (exp. 11/09/18)
                Final Price: $0.75
                Buy 2; Use (2) $0.50/1 Coupons; Use $1/2 Publix Coupon

                Muir Glen Canned Tomatoes, 6 – 28 oz – $0.75


                Final Price: $0.25

                Progresso Soup, 14 – 19 oz – $1.49

                Includes: Organic

                Final Price: $0.99

                Ragu Pasta Sauce, 16 – 24 oz – $0.75


                Final Price: $0.25
                Condiments, Spice & Baking

                McCormick Gourmet Spices, 0.12 – 3.62 oz – 50% OFF



                Chobani Greek Yogurt, 5.3 oz – $1.00


                • $1.00/5 Chobani Yogurts – 10-28-18 SS (exp. 11/25/18)
                • Stacks With $3.00/10 Chobani Greek Flip or Hint Yogurts (Publix Coupon) – Green Advantage Flyer (Valid from 10/27/18); Includes 5.3 oz Only (exp. 11/09/18)
                Final Price: $0.50
                Buy 10; Use (2) $1/5 Coupons; Combine with $3/10 Publix Coupon
                Home Supplies

                Puffs Tissue, 56 ct – $1.00


                • $0.50/1 Puffs Facial Tissues – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes To Go; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                Final Price: $0.50

                Tide Pods, 12 – 16 ct – $5.00


                Final Price: $2.00
                Personal Care

                Pond’s Skin Care Product – 20% OFF


                Simple Face Care Products – 20% OFF


                Click here to see the complete list

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                2018 JCPenney Black Friday Ad Sat, 03 Nov 2018 14:15:05 +0000 The JCPenney Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not a member […]

                The post 2018 JCPenney Black Friday Ad appeared first on


                The JCPenney Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

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                2018 Target Black Friday Ad Sat, 03 Nov 2018 13:55:43 +0000 Target’s 2018 Target Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not a […]

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                Target’s 2018 Target Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

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                2018 Kohl’s Black Friday Ad Sat, 03 Nov 2018 13:45:38 +0000 The 2018 Kohl’s Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not a […]

                The post 2018 Kohl’s Black Friday Ad appeared first on


                The 2018 Kohl’s Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

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                CVS Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/4/18 – 11/10/18 Sat, 03 Nov 2018 13:37:15 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s CVS Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.  If you’d like to see the full CVS Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 4th, then go HERE. CVS ExtraBucks Get $1 ECB wyb 1 participating Colgate Mouthwash; Limit 2 . Colgate […]

                The post CVS Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/4/18 – 11/10/18 appeared first on

                Below are the top deals for this week’s CVS Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.  If you’d like to see the full CVS Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 4th, then go HERE.
                CVS ExtraBucks
                Get $1 ECB wyb 1 participating Colgate Mouthwash; Limit 2

                Colgate Optic White Mouthwash, 16 oz – $3.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $1.99
                Final Price: $0.99
                Buy 1; Use $2.00/1 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings

                Colgate Total Mouthwash, 500ml – $3.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $1.99
                Final Price: $0.99
                Buy 1; Use $2.00/1 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Get $10 ECB wyb 4 participating Boost; Limit 1

                Boost High Protein – $7.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $5.99
                Final Price: $2.50
                Buy 4; Use (4) $2.00/1 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings

                Boost Original, 6 pk – $6.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $4.99
                Final Price: $1.50
                Buy 4; Use (4) $2.00/1 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Get $10 Holiday Cash Card wyb $30 in participating Items; Limit 1

                Pantene Stylers – $5.00

                3/$15 9or $6.19 each)Includes: Select varieties

                • $1.00/1 Pantene Product – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                • $2.50/1 Pantene Styler or Treatment – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                • $5.00/3 Pantene Products – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.50
                Final Price: $0.83
                Buy 6; Use (6) $2.50/1 coupons; Includes CVS Cash Card savings

                Tide Pods, 12 – 16 ct – $4.94


                Final Price: $1.94
                Buy 1; Use $3.00/1 coupon; Combine with other participating products for additional savings
                Get $2 ECB wyb 1 participating Colgate Toothpaste; Limit 2

                Colgate Total Toothpaste, 4 – 6 oz – $3.49


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $1.49
                Final Price: Free
                Buy 1; Use $2.00/1 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Get $2 ECB wyb 2 participating TRESemme, Suave; Limit 1

                TRESemme Hairspray, 7.7 oz – $4.00

                2/$8 (or $4.79 each)

                • $2.00/1 TRESemme Micro-Mist Hair Spray Product – 10-21-18 RMN; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/04/18)
                • $2.00/1 TRESemme Styling Products – 11-4-18 RMN; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Maximum of 2 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip (exp. 11/18/18)
                • Stacks With 1% Tresemme – Fetch Rewards Rebate; Points may vary by value
                • Stacks With $2.00/2 TRESemme Premium Hair Care (CVS Coupon) – CVS In Store Printable Kiosk Coupon (Valid from 11/4/18); Limit 1 (exp. 11/10/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $1.00
                Final Price: Free
                Buy 2; Use (2) $2.00/1 coupons and $2.00/2 CVS coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings

                TRESemme Shampoo or Conditioner, 28 oz – $4.00

                2/$8 (or $4.79 each)

                Out-of-Pocket Price: $0.50
                Final Price: Free
                Buy 2; Use $5.00/2 coupon and $2.00/2 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Get $3 ECB wyb 1 participating LA Girl; Limit 1

                L.A. Girl Nail Gift Sets – $4.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $4.99
                Final Price: $1.99
                Buy 1; Includes ExtraCare savings
                Home Supplies
                Dawn, Pledge, Lysol, Cascade, Swiffer, Febreze; Mix & Match

                Febreze – B1G1 50% OFF

                Includes: Select varieties; Excludes: Trial and travel sizes

                • B1G1 Febreze Product – 10-28-18 PG; Maximum Value $3; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                Buy 2; Use B1G1 coupon; Play half price for 1 and get 1 FREE

                The post CVS Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/4/18 – 11/10/18 appeared first on

                Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/4/18 – 11/10/18 Sat, 03 Nov 2018 13:34:36 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 4th, then go HERE. Pharmacy . Renu Advanced Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution, 12 oz bottle – $7.99   […]

                The post Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/4/18 – 11/10/18 appeared first on

                Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 4th, then go HERE.

                Renu Advanced Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution, 12 oz bottle – $7.99


                Final Price: $2.99
                Buy 1; Use (1) $5.00/1 Coupon
                Target Gift Card Rewards
                Buy 2 participating Bounce, Downy, Tide, Gain, Swiffer, Puffs, Bounty or Charmin Products; Get $5 Target Gift Card

                Bounce Dryer Sheets, 240 ct – $9.19


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.19
                Final Price: $5.44
                Buy 2; Use (2) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Checkout 51 Savings; Gift Card

                Bounty Paper Towels, 12 Mega Rolls – $16.99


                • $0.25/1 Bounty Paper Towels – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Napkins; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $16.74
                Final Price: $14.24
                Buy 2; Use (2) $0.25/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Bounty Paper Towels, 8 pk Huge Rolls – $16.99


                • $0.25/1 Bounty Paper Towels – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Napkins; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $16.74
                Final Price: $14.24
                Buy 2; Use (2) $0.25/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 12 Super Mega Rolls – $18.19


                • $0.25/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Single Rolls; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $17.94
                Final Price: $15.44
                Buy 2; Use (2) $0.25/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Downy Ultra Liquid Fabric Softener, 129 oz – $9.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.99
                Final Price: $6.49
                Buy 2; Use (1) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Gain Flings!, 42 ct – $11.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.49
                Final Price: $6.99
                Buy 2; Use (1) $2.00/1 (1) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card; Must Buy Tide Pods or Liquid

                Puffs Facial Tissue, 10 pk 64 ct – $9.99

                Includes: Select varieties

                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.49
                Final Price: $6.99
                Buy 2; Use (2) $0.50/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Puffs Facial Tissue, 6 or 8 pk – $8.49

                Includes: Select varieties

                Out-of-Pocket Price: $7.99
                Final Price: $5.49
                Buy 2; Use (2) $0.50/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, 92 – 100 oz – $11.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.99
                Final Price: $6.49
                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Must Buy Tide PODS; Includes Gift Card

                Tide Pods, 32 or 42 ct – $11.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.99
                Final Price: $6.49
                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Must Buy Tide Liquid; Includes Gift Card
                Buy 2 participating Diaper or Training Pants Products; Get $10 Target Gift Card

                Huggies Diapers – $24.99

                Includes: Select varieties

                Out-of-Pocket Price: $22.99
                Final Price: $17.99
                Buy 2; Use (2) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Pampers Diapers – $24.99

                Includes: Select varieties

                • $4.00/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups – 10-28-18 PG; Includes (1) Box or (2) Bags; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $20.99
                Final Price: $15.99
                Buy 2; Use (2) $4.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card
                Buy 2 participating Dog Chow, Purina ONE, Beneful, Tidy Cats or Cat Chow Products; Get $5 Target Gift Card

                Purina Beneful Dog Food, 15.5 lb – $13.99


                • Stacks With $5 Target Gift Card Purina Pet Food, Treats, or Litter Purchase of $25 or More (Target Coupon) – 11-4-18 SS (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $13.99
                Final Price: $8.99
                Buy 2; Use (1) $5.00/25 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Purina Cat Chow Cat Food, 13 – 16 lb bag – $12.79


                • Stacks With $5 Target Gift Card Purina Pet Food, Treats, or Litter Purchase of $25 or More (Target Coupon) – 11-4-18 SS (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $12.79
                Final Price: $7.79
                Buy 2; Includes Gift Card

                Purina Dog Chow, 42+4 lb – $22.99


                Out-of-Pocket Price: $18.99
                Final Price: $13.99
                Buy 2; Use (2) $4.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                Purina ONE Dry Cat Food, 7 lb – $13.69


                • Stacks With $5 Target Gift Card Purina Pet Food, Treats, or Litter Purchase of $25 or More (Target Coupon) – 11-4-18 SS (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $13.69
                Final Price: $8.69
                Buy 2; Includes Gift Card

                Purina ONE True Instinct Dog Food, 12.5 or 15 lb bag – $22.99


                • Stacks With $5 Target Gift Card Purina Pet Food, Treats, or Litter Purchase of $25 or More (Target Coupon) – 11-4-18 SS (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $22.99
                Final Price: $17.99
                Buy 2; Includes Gift Card

                Purina Tidy Cats Scoop Litter, 35 lb – $13.69


                • Stacks With $5 Target Gift Card Purina Pet Food, Treats, or Litter Purchase of $25 or More (Target Coupon) – 11-4-18 SS (exp. 11/24/18)
                Out-of-Pocket Price: $13.69
                Final Price: $8.69
                Buy 2; Includes Gift Card
                Buy 5 participating Kellogg’s Special K Cereal Products; Get $5 Target Gift Card

                The post Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/4/18 – 11/10/18 appeared first on

                Rite Aid Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/4/18 – 11/10/18 Sat, 03 Nov 2018 13:32:52 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Rite Aid Weekly Ad.  Keep in mind these are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Rite Aid Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 4th, then go HERE. Plenti Points Buy $12 in participating Products, […]

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                Below are the top deals for this week’s Rite Aid Weekly Ad.  Keep in mind these are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Rite Aid Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of November 4th, then go HERE.
                Plenti Points
                Buy $12 in participating Products, Get $3 wellness + Bonus Cash, Limit 4

                Dove or Degree Spray Deodorant, 3.8 oz – $6.00

                2/$12 (or $6.99 each)Includes: Select varieties

                • $3.00/2 Dove Men+Care, Degree, or AXE Dry Spray Products – 11-4-18 RMN; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Maximum of 2 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip (exp. 11/17/18)
                Final Price: $3.00
                Buy 2; Use $3.00/2 Coupon: Includes Bonus Savings
                Buy 4 participating Products, Get $10 wellness + Bonus Cash, Limit 2

                Kraft American Cheese Singles, 12 oz – B1G1 50% OFF

                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 8 oz – B1G1 50% OFF

                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                Packaged Meats

                Oscar Mayer Bacon, 8 oz – B1G1 50% OFF

                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                Oscar Mayer Lunchmeat, 6 – 12 oz – B1G1 50% OFF

                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                Personal Care

                Garnier Olia Hair Color – $8.00

                2/$16 (or $8.29 each)Includes: Select varieties

                • $2.00/1 Garnier Olia Hair Color Product – 11-4-18 RMN (exp. 12/01/18)
                • $5.00/2 Garnier Olia Hair Color Product – 11-4-18 RMN (exp. 12/01/18)
                Final Price: $5.50
                Buy 2; Use $5.00/2 Coupon

                Revlon Cosmetics – B1G1 75% OFF

                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                • $1.00/1 Revlon Lip Liner – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)
                • $2.00/1 Revlon Eye Shadow, Mascara, Eye Shadow Primer, or Brow Product – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)
                • $2.00/1 Revlon Eyeliner – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)
                • $2.00/1 Revlon Lip Color – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)
                • $3.00/1 Revlon Foundation – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)

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                Stock Up on Mrs. Meyer’s Products (just $1.95 each with free shipping) Fri, 02 Nov 2018 18:02:18 +0000 If you like Mrs. Meyer’s products or if you haven’t tried them yet, do not miss this! Grove Co is a company that has organic and natural products. Using Grove, I love to stock up on Mrs Meyer’s products. I love their dish soap – my favorite is their Peppermint Dish Soap! Right now, when […]

                The post Stock Up on Mrs. Meyer’s Products (just $1.95 each with free shipping) appeared first on


                If you like Mrs. Meyer’s products or if you haven’t tried them yet, do not miss this! Grove Co is a company that has organic and natural products. Using Grove, I love to stock up on Mrs Meyer’s products. I love their dish soap – my favorite is their Peppermint Dish Soap! Right now, when you sign up for a free Grove Collaborative account, you will get Free Mrs. Meyer’s Dish Soap, Free Mrs. Meyer’s Hand Soap, Free Mrs. Meyer’s Multi-Surface Cleaner, Free Walnut Scrubber 2 pack, Free Glass Spray bottle and a free Grove cleaning caddy with FREE shipping. Tons of freebies! The catch is this is for new customers only AND you have to place a minimum order of $20 in order to get all of these freebies. Below I’ve created an awesome scenario that will stock your house with 9 Mrs. Meyer’s products in addition to the free red cleaning caddy, scrubber sponges and glass spray bottle! Of course, you don’t have to follow my scenario and can instead shop for other things besides these soaps!

                Add to Cart:

                3 Mrs. Meyer’s Dish Soap, $7.78 (one bottle is free)
                3 Mrs. Meyer’s Multi-Surface Cleaners, $7.78 (one bottle is free)
                3 Mrs. Meyer’s Hand Soap, $7.78 (one bottle is free)
                Grove Collaborative – Walnut Scrubber Sponge, Set of 2, free
                Grove Collaborative – Cleaning Caddy, free
                Grove Collaborative – Glass Spray Bottle with a Silicone Sleeve, free (not pictured above)
                Total Due: $23.34 with free shipping. Makes each item only $1.95!

                If you are an existing customer, you will get free Grove Walnut Scrubber Sponges with an order of $20+! All new customers will get a 60-day VIP trial when signing up and you will get free shipping, 2 more free gifts, and price matching over the course of your trial!

                One more extra bonus: if you spend $39 or more on your first order, Grove will also gift you a Grove Co Stonewhere Tray!

                Grove offers a wide selection of natural household cleaning and personal care products. They have cleaners, hair and skin care, laundry products, baby products and more! They also offer a super flexible (and optional) monthly shipment schedule so that you never run out of these products that you use everyday! If you would like to cancel autoshipments, *make sure you have already placed your initial order first*, head HERE and select “Pause Shipments” Don’t feel like you have to follow the scenario I created above. If you prefer purchasing different brands and products, go for it! You will still get an amazing deal!

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                2018 Holiday Gift Guide Thu, 01 Nov 2018 19:59:23 +0000 All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own. We are back again with our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide. Every year we fill our gift guide with […]

                The post 2018 Holiday Gift Guide appeared first on

                All of the products in this post we have tried, reviewed or already owned. Some of these products I was given in order to conduct my review. As always, all thoughts & opinions are 100% my own.

                Make sure you don’t miss ANY deals on toys, games, electronics and more! Join Addicted to Saving’s Holiday Deals Facebook group and if you shop primarily on Amazon, don’t miss our Addicted to Amazing (Amazon) Deals Facebook Group where we only post Amazon deals!

                We are back again with our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide. Every year we fill our gift guide with our favorite gift ideas. Many of these gifts we have personally owned for years and years. Some gifts I have been given the opportunity to try out and review. All of the gifts are awesome. Bookmark this page and keep checking back because I will be updating this 2018 Holiday Gift Guide daily through the month of November and December!

                Calling all companies! Do you have a product that you think would be a perfect fit for my 2018 Holiday Gift Guide? Send me an email to and give me your details! Check: Publix Ad, Meijer Ad in WeeklyAds2.

                ~~Gift Ideas for Babies & Toddlers~~

                  ~~Gift Ideas for Children & Teens~~

                    ~~Gift Ideas for Ladies~~

                      ~~Gift Ideas for Men~~

                        ~~Holiday Entertaining Gift Ideas~~

                          ~~Book Gift Ideas~~

                            ~~Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas~~

                              ~~Pet Gift Ideas~~

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                                Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/1/18 – 11/7/18 Sun, 28 Oct 2018 20:50:33 +0000 Below are the coupon matchups for the upcoming Publix ad beginning on Thursday, November 1st or Wednesday, October 31st depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

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                                Below are the coupon matchups for the upcoming Publix ad beginning on Thursday, November 1st or Wednesday, October 31st depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos! Shown below are the top deals for this week’s Publix Ad.  If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HEREDon’t forget I post Publix deals daily!

                                Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

                                1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item.
                                2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
                                3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
                                4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

                                 If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HERE.

                                B1G1 sale price is the purchase price of ONE item
                                Home Supplies
                                Personal Care
                                Click here to see the complete list

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                                2018 Kohl’s Toy Book Sat, 27 Oct 2018 17:31:38 +0000 The 2018 Kohl’s Toy Book is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not a member already, […]

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                                The 2018 Kohl’s Toy Book is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

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                                2018 Neiman Marcus Christmas Book Sat, 27 Oct 2018 17:22:17 +0000 The 2018 Neiman Marcus Christmas Book is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! View the grocery sale of Kroger […]

                                The post 2018 Neiman Marcus Christmas Book appeared first on


                                The 2018 Neiman Marcus Christmas Book is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! View the grocery sale of Kroger Ad.

                                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

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                                2018 True Value Black Friday Ad Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:54:15 +0000 The 2018 True Value Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not […]

                                The post 2018 True Value Black Friday Ad appeared first on


                                The 2018 True Value Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

                                The post 2018 True Value Black Friday Ad appeared first on

                                2018 Rite Aid Black Friday Ad Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:46:57 +0000 The 2018 Rite Aid Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not a member […]

                                The post 2018 Rite Aid Black Friday Ad appeared first on


                                The 2018 Rite Aid Black Friday Ad is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

                                The post 2018 Rite Aid Black Friday Ad appeared first on

                                2018 Walmart Toy List Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:39:58 +0000 The 2018 Walmart Toy List is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not a member already, […]

                                The post 2018 Walmart Toy List appeared first on


                                The 2018 Walmart Toy List is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

                                The post 2018 Walmart Toy List appeared first on

                                2018 LEGO Holiday Catalog Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:34:34 +0000 The 2018 LEGO Holiday Catalog is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more! If you are not a member already, […]

                                The post 2018 LEGO Holiday Catalog appeared first on


                                The 2018 LEGO Holiday Catalog is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

                                The post 2018 LEGO Holiday Catalog appeared first on

                                2018 Target Toy Book Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:29:17 +0000 It’s that time of the year again! The 2018 Target Toy Book is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much […]

                                The post 2018 Target Toy Book appeared first on


                                It’s that time of the year again! The 2018 Target Toy Book is here! Scroll through the pages below to see the toy book in its entirety! If you shop at other stores, head HERE to see all of our holiday ad scans including Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Dollar Tree and so much more!

                                If you are not a member already, make sure you join our Facebook groups Holiday Deals with Addicted to Saving and Addicted to Amazing AMAZON Deals.

                                Thanks All THings Target.

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                                CVS Pharmacy Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/28/18 – 11/3/18 Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:22:55 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s CVS Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.  If you’d like to see the full CVS Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE. CVS ExtraBucks Get $4 ECB wyb 2 particiaptnig Clairol Hair Color; Limit 1 . […]

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                                Below are the top deals for this week’s CVS Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.  If you’d like to see the full CVS Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE.
                                CVS ExtraBucks
                                Get $4 ECB wyb 2 particiaptnig Clairol Hair Color; Limit 1

                                Clairol Natural Instincts Hair Color – $7.00

                                2/$14 (or $7.49 each).

                                • $3.00/1 Clairol Age Defy, Vidal Sassoon, or Natural Instincts Crema Keratina Hair Color – 10-28-18 SS; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $4.00
                                Final Price: $2.00
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings

                                Clairol Nice ‘n Easy Hair Color – $7.00

                                2/$14 (or $7.49 each)

                                • $2.00/1 Clairol Hair Color – 10-28-18 SS; Excludes Color Crave, Temporary Root Touch Up, Age Defy, Balsam, and Textures & Tones; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                • $5.00/2 Clairol Hair Color – 10-28-18 SS; Excludes Color Crave, Temporary Root Touch Up, Age Defy, Balsam, and Textures & Tones; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $4.50
                                Final Price: $2.50
                                Buy 2; Use $5.00/2 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings

                                Nice N’ Easy Root Touch Up, 1 ct – $7.00

                                2/$14 (or $7.49 each)

                                • $2.00/1 Clairol Hair Color – 10-28-18 SS; Excludes Color Crave, Temporary Root Touch Up, Age Defy, Balsam, and Textures & Tones; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                • $5.00/2 Clairol Hair Color – 10-28-18 SS; Excludes Color Crave, Temporary Root Touch Up, Age Defy, Balsam, and Textures & Tones; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $4.50
                                Final Price: $2.50
                                Buy 2; Use $5.00/2 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings
                                Get $5 ECB wyb $20 in participating Charmin, Tide, Bounty, Puffs, Pampers, Crest and More; Limit 1

                                Febreze – $3.00

                                2/$6 (or $3.79 each)Includes: Select varieties

                                • B1G1 Febreze Product – 10-28-18 PG; Maximum Value $3; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                                Final Price: $1.50
                                Buy 2; Use B1G1 coupon; Combine with other participating products for additional savings

                                Pampers Diapers, Jumbo pk – $10.00

                                Excludes: Pure diapers

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.00
                                Final Price: $5.50
                                Buy 2; Use $4.00/2 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings

                                Pampers Easy Ups, 19 – 26 ct – $10.00

                                Excludes: Pure diapers

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.00
                                Final Price: $5.50
                                Buy 2; Use $4.00/2 coupon; Includes ExtraCare savings

                                Puffs, 48 ct – $0.99


                                • $0.50/1 Puffs Facial Tissues – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes To Go; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Final Price: $0.49
                                Buy 1; Use $0.50/1 coupon; Combine with other participating products for additional savings

                                Tide Pods, 12 – 16 ct – $4.94


                                • $3.00/1 Tide Regular PODS – 10-28-18 PG; Includes 10 ct or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                                Final Price: $1.94
                                Buy 1; Use $3.00/1 coupon; Combine with other participating products for additional savings
                                Get $5 ECB wyb 3 participating Fructis; Limit 1

                                Fructis Leave-in – $3.50

                                2/$7 (or $3.99 each)Includes: Select varieties

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.00
                                Final Price: $0.75
                                Buy 4; Use (2) $3.00/2 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings

                                Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner – $3.50

                                2/$7 (or $3.99 each)Includes: Select varieties

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.00
                                Final Price: $0.75
                                Buy 4; Use (2) $3.00/2 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings

                                Fructis Treatment Cup – $3.50

                                2/$7 (or $3.99 each)Includes: Select varieties

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.00
                                Final Price: $0.75
                                Buy 4; Use (2) $3.00/2 coupons; Includes ExtraCare savings
                                Get $8 ECB wyb $12 in participating Physicians Formula; Limit 1

                                Physicians Formula Cosmetics – Prices vary

                                Excludes: Trial and travel sizes

                                Breakfast & Cereal

                                Kind Bars, 4 – 5 ct – $3.50

                                3/$7 (or $3.79 each)Includes: Select varieties

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $3.50
                                Final Price: $1.50
                                Buy 3; Includes Ibotta savings

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                                Walgreens Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/28/18 – 11/3/18 Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:21:55 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Walgreens Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Walgreens Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE. Spend $50 on participating beauty products, get 5000 points (= $5.00); See store for […]

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                                Below are the top deals for this week’s Walgreens Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Walgreens Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE.

                                Spend $50 on participating beauty products, get 5000 points (= $5.00); See store for details
                                Walgreens Register Rewards
                                Spend $30 on participating products, get $10 RR; Mix & Match

                                Pampers Diapers, Jumbo Pack, 18 – 32 ct – $9.00

                                2/$18 (or $12.99 ea); Pampers Mix & Match

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $7.00
                                Final Price: $4.50
                                Buy 4; Use (2) $4.00/1 coupons; Includes $10 Register Rewards

                                Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants, 18 – 32 ct – $9.00

                                2/$18 (or $12.99 ea); Pampers Mix & Match

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $7.00
                                Final Price: $4.50
                                Buy 4; Use (2) $4.00/1 coupons; Includes $10 Register Rewards

                                Tide Pods, 12 – 16 ct – $4.99


                                • $3.00/1 Tide Regular PODS – 10-28-18 PG; Includes 10 ct or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                                Final Price: $1.99
                                Condiments, Spice & Baking

                                Lindsay Olives, 5 – 6 oz – $0.99


                                Final Price: $0.49
                                Buy 2; Use $1.00/2 coupon
                                Home Supplies

                                Puffs Facial Tissue, 48 sheets – $0.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                • $0.50/1 Puffs Facial Tissues – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes To Go; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Final Price: $0.49

                                Alka-Seltzer PowerMax. 24 ct – $6.99


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.99
                                Final Price: Free
                                Buy 1; Use $4.00/1 coupon; Includes Mail in Rebate

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                                Winn-Dixie Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/24/18 – 10/30/18 Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:20:45 +0000 Below is the link to this week’s Winn Dixie Weekly Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Winn Dixie Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 24th, then go HERE. B1G1 . Frank’s Red Hot Sauce, 12 oz – $3.39 – B1G1 […]

                                The post Winn-Dixie Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/24/18 – 10/30/18 appeared first on

                                winn dixie logo
                                Below is the link to this week’s Winn Dixie Weekly Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Winn Dixie Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 24th, then go HERE.

                                Coca-Cola, 2 L – $1.99 – B2G2 FREE


                                Final Price: $0.99
                                Buy 4; Includes B2G2 FREE Savings
                                Grains, Pasta & Sides

                                Boxed Dinners – B2G1 FREE

                                Includes: All Varieties

                                Home Supplies

                                Essential Home Bleach, 128 oz – $1.00


                                Meat, Poultry & Fish

                                Chicken, Breasts, Boneless, Skinless, per lb – $1.59

                                Value Pack

                                Salad Mix & Match

                                Wholly Guacamole, 8 oz – $3.99 – B1G1 FREE


                                Final Price: $1.62
                                Buy 2; Use $0.75/1 Coupon; Includes B1G1 Savings

                                The post Winn-Dixie Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/24/18 – 10/30/18 appeared first on

                                Rite Aid Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/28/18 – 11/3/18 Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:19:48 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Rite Aid Weekly Ad.  Keep in mind these are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Rite Aid Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE. Plenti Points Buy $30 in participating Products, […]

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                                Below are the top deals for this week’s Rite Aid Weekly Ad.  Keep in mind these are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Rite Aid Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE.
                                Plenti Points
                                Buy $30 in participating Products, Get $10 wellness + Bonus Cash, Limit 2

                                Pampers Diapers & Training Pants, 18 – 35 ct – $10.00

                                2/$20 (or $10.99 each)Includes: Select varieties

                                • $4.00/1 Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups – 10-28-18 PG; Includes (1) Box or (2) Bags; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Final Price: $6.00
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $4.00/1 Coupons
                                Natural & Organic

                                Enjoy Life Cookies – $3.50

                                2/$7 (or $3.99 each)Includes: Select varieties

                                Final Price: $1.50
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $2.00/1 Coupons
                                Personal Care

                                Almay Eye & Lip Cosmetics – $6.99

                                Includes: Daylogic, Freeman & Burt’s Bees

                                • $2.00/1 Almay Eyeshadow Product – 10-14-18 SS; Excludes Value Packs (exp. 11/11/18)
                                • $2.00/1 Almay Lip Product – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)
                                • $2.00/1 Almay Mascara, Eyeliner, or Brow Product – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)
                                Final Price: $4.99
                                Buy 1; Use $2.00/1 Coupon

                                AmLactin Products – B1G1 50% OFF

                                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                                • $3.00/1 AmLactin Product – 10-14-18 SS; Excludes Trial Sizes and Foot Repair Cream (exp. 11/25/18)

                                Cetaphil Products – B1G1 50% OFF

                                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                                Fixodent Oral Care Products – B1G1 50% OFF

                                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                                • $2.50/1 Fixodent Adhesive Twin or Triple Pack – 10-28-18 PG; Includes 1.4 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)

                                Revlon Face, Lip & Eye Cosmetics – B1G1 50% OFF

                                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                                • $3.00/1 Revlon Face Powder, Highlighter, Blush, Primer, or Concealer – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)

                                Biotrue, 10 oz – $8.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                • $2.00/1 BioTrue Multi-purpose Solution – 9-30-18 SS; Includes 10 oz Only (exp. 10/28/18)
                                • $5.00/1 BioTrue Multi-purpose Solution – 9-30-18 SS; Includes 10 oz twin pack (exp. 10/28/18)
                                Final Price: $3.99
                                Buy 1; Use $5.00/1 Coupon

                                Renu Advanced, 12 oz – $8.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                Final Price: $3.99
                                Buy 1; Use $5.00/1 Coupon

                                Soothe Eye care – $8.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                Final Price: $5.99
                                Buy 1; Use $3.00/1 Coupon

                                TruBiotics Products – B1G1 50% OFF

                                Equal or lower priced item freeIncludes: Select varieties

                                • $4.00/1 Trubiotics Product – 10-14-18 SS (exp. 11/11/18)

                                The post Rite Aid Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/28/18 – 11/3/18 appeared first on

                                Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/28/18 – 11/3/18 Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:19:08 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE. Breakfast & Cereal . Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Cereal, 16.9 – 24.8 oz – $3.50 […]

                                The post Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/28/18 – 11/3/18 appeared first on

                                Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 28th, then go HERE.
                                Target Gift Card Rewards
                                Buy 2 participating Pet Care Products; Get $5 Target Gift Card

                                Blue Buffalo Healthy Gourmet Variety Cat Food, 12 ct 3 oz – $11.59


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $11.59
                                Final Price: $9.09
                                Buy 2; Includes Gift Card

                                Purina ONE Smart Blend Dry Dog Food, 16.5 lb – $21.99


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $18.99
                                Final Price: $16.49
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Purina ONE True Instinct Dry Cat Food, 6.3 lb – $14.49


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $14.49
                                Final Price: $11.99
                                Buy 2; Includes Gift Card

                                Purina Tidy Cats Scoop Litter, 35 lb – $13.69


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $13.69
                                Final Price: $11.19
                                Buy 2; Includes Gift Card

                                Rachel Ray Nutrish Cat Food, 6 lb – $11.59


                                • $1.50/1 Rachael Ray Nutrish Dry Cat Food – 9-30-18 SS; Includes 3 lb or Larger Only (exp. 11/25/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $10.09
                                Final Price: $7.59
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $1.50/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card
                                Buy 3 participating Tide, Gain, Downy, Charmin, Bounty, Kleenex, Glad or Cascade Products; Get $10 Target Gift Card

                                Charmin Bath Tissue, 12 Mega Plus Rolls – $13.99


                                • $0.25/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Single Rolls; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $13.82
                                Final Price: $10.49
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $0.25/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Charmin Bath Tissue, 6 super mega rolls – $9.99


                                • $0.25/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Single Rolls; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.82
                                Final Price: $6.49
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $0.25/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Charmin Bath Tissue, 8 Mega Plus Rolls – $9.99


                                • $0.25/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product – 10-28-18 PG; Excludes Single Rolls; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.82
                                Final Price: $6.49
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $0.25/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Downy Ultra Liquid Fabric Softener, 129 oz – $9.99


                                • $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Dreft Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters – 10-28-18 PG; Includes Conditioner, 72 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 120 ct or Larger Only; Scent Boosters, 10 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Libre Enjuague and Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.66
                                Final Price: $5.32
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster, 14.8 oz – $9.99


                                • $2.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce or Dreft Sheets, or In Wash Scent Boosters – 10-28-18 PG; Includes Conditioner, 72 ld or Larger Only; Sheets, 120 ct or Larger Only; Scent Boosters, 10 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Libre Enjuague and Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $8.66
                                Final Price: $5.32
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Gain Flings!, 42 ct – $11.99


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $10.66
                                Final Price: $7.32
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, 92 – 100 oz – $11.99


                                • $3.00/2 Tide Regular Detergent – 10-28-18 PG; Includes 92 oz Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $10.99
                                Final Price: $7.66
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $3.00/2 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Tide PODS Laundry Detergent, 32 or 42 ct – $11.99


                                • $3.00/1 Tide Regular PODS – 10-28-18 PG; Includes 10 ct or Larger Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/24/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $9.99
                                Final Price: $6.66
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                The post Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/28/18 – 11/3/18 appeared first on

                                How We Prepare for Halloween Tue, 23 Oct 2018 16:09:20 +0000 This post is sponsored by Crest. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own. I can’t believe Halloween season is here already! When I became a parent, people told me that time would go by faster than ever before and they were right! I love this time of the year because the hot Florida […]

                                The post How We Prepare for Halloween appeared first on

                                This post is sponsored by Crest. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.

                                prepare for Halloween with Crest

                                I can’t believe Halloween season is here already! When I became a parent, people told me that time would go by faster than ever before and they were right! I love this time of the year because the hot Florida temps are finally starting to cool. My kiddos love this time of the year because they both have birthdays in October and because they love dressing up for Halloween! This time of the year is so busy for us but I always prepare for Halloween with Crest toothpaste!

                                We are a family that tries to eat healthy most of the time but we do usually have some sort of sweet treat for dessert each night. One of the things we keep out of our diets is artificial food dyes (especially red food dye) and artificial flavorings. (We loosely follow the Feingold Diet if you want to google it to learn more info.) Because most of the candy that’s given out while trick or treating has red food coloring, we don’t let our kiddos eat much of it. We also want to make sure our kids to have fun (and not resent us) during Halloween. Our tradition is to let our kiddos pick one or two pieces of candy to eat on Halloween night. Then, the next day, they give us their candy and in exchange, we bring them to the store and they get to pick out a toy.

                                Our tradition helps us in two ways: it helps us avoid getting food coloring and artificial flavorings in our bodies AND it helps keep our teeth cleaner! Crest conducted a Halloween survey and their findings are SO interesting! Did you know that most people (73%) purposefully buy more Halloween candy than they needed for trick-or-treaters so they can eat the extra? (I’m guilty of this!) Also, 44% of parents admitted to eating more Halloween candy than their children! It looks like us parents need to do a better job of watching our sugar intake and make sure we are just as diligent as our children about keeping our teeth clean after eating candy!

                                Crest brought together a group of school-aged children as a focus group to test out new healthy alternatives for Halloween season. The results of the focus group showed that Halloween wouldn’t be the same without Halloween candy! Watch Crest’s fun video below or head HERE!

                                To prepare for Halloween, make sure you have your toothbrushes and Crest Toothpaste ready to go! And remember to have your children brush their teeth after they eat candy to remove all of the sugar off their teeth! (And if you are one of the 44% of parents who eat more candy than your children make sure you brush your teeth too! 😉 )

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                                Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/25/18 – 10/31/18 Tue, 23 Oct 2018 16:04:04 +0000 Below are the coupon matchups for the upcoming Publix ad beginning on Thursday, October 25th or Wednesday, October 24th depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional […]

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                                Below are the coupon matchups for the upcoming Publix ad beginning on Thursday, October 25th or Wednesday, October 24th depending on where you live). Remember that printable coupons often disappear quickly so if you do not see it, that means it has reached its limit. Also – some coupons in Sunday newspaper inserts are regional so not everyone will have the same coupon. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos! Shown below are the top deals for this week’s Publix Ad.  If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HEREDon’t forget I post Publix deals daily!

                                Matchup Notes for Publix Shoppers:

                                1) The matchups below show the price PER item on BOGO sales. When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. So for the scenarios below, if you live in the land of true BOGOs, you will need to buy two items. If you live in an area where BOGOs are actually 50% off sales, you will just need to purchase one item.
                                2) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
                                3) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays.
                                4) Some coupons are regional and some coupons are no longer available to print online. Feel free to leave a comment if you find a coupon that is no longer available.

                                 If you’d like to see the full Publix Weekly Ad with coupon matchups, then go HERE.

                                B1G1 sale price is the purchase price of ONE item

                                Avocado, Hass, ea – $0.75


                                Final Price: $0.50

                                Bare Banana, Apple or Coconut Chips – $1.67


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $1.67
                                Final Price: $0.67

                                Bertolli Pasta Sauce, 15 – 24 oz – $1.33


                                • $1.00/2 Bertolli Sauces – 9-30-18 SS (exp. 10/28/18)
                                • $1.50/2 Bertolli Sauces – 9-30-18 SS (exp. 10/28/18)
                                Final Price: $0.58

                                Bic Disposable Razors, 2 – 4 ct – $2 OFF


                                Celentano Pasta, 12 – 24 oz – $1.69


                                • $1.00/1 Celentano Pasta or Entree Product – 9-30-18 RMN (exp. 01/01/19)
                                Final Price: $0.69

                                Chobani Greek Yogurt, 4 pk – $2.25


                                • $1.00/1 Chobani Greek Yogurt – 9-16-18 SS; Includes (1) 4 pk Only; (1) Tub, 32 oz Only; or (1) Savor Topper Only (exp. 10/31/18)
                                • $1.00/2 Chobani Greek Yogurt – 9-30-18 SS; Include (2) 4 packs Only; (2) 32 oz Tubs Only; or (2) Savor Toppers Only (exp. 10/28/18)
                                Final Price: $1.25

                                Hidden Valley Simply Dinners, 3 oz – $1.69


                                Final Price: $0.69

                                Kleenex Tissues, 30 – 160 ct – $0.89


                                Final Price: $0.64

                                Nature Valley Granola Bars, 7.1 – 8.9 oz – $1.79


                                • $1.00/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Nature Valley Biscuits, or Soft Baked Filled Squares; Includes 5 ct or Larger; Excludes Nature Valley Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, or Granola Bites
                                • $0.50/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Cups, Biscuits, Layered Bars, Soft Baked Filled Squares or Granola Bites Pouch – 9-9-18 SS; Includes 5 ct or Larger Only (exp. 11/03/18)
                                • $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, layered Granola Bars, Filled Squares or Bites Pouches – 9-30-18 SS (exp. 11/24/18)
                                • $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Cups, Biscuits, Layered Bars, Soft Baked Filled Squares or Granola Bites Pouch – 9-9-18 SS; Includes 5 ct or Larger Only (exp. 11/03/18)
                                • $1.00/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Biscuits, Granola Cups, layered Granola Bars, Filled Squares or Bites Pouches – 9-30-18 SS (exp. 11/24/18)
                                • $1.00/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, Cups, Biscuits, Layered Bars, Soft Baked Filled Squares or Granola Bites Pouch – 9-9-18 SS; Includes 5 ct or Larger Only (exp. 11/03/18)
                                • $1.00/2 Nature Valley Granola Cups, Layered Granola Bars, or Granola Bites Pouch – 10-21-18 SS; Includes 5 ct or Larger Only (exp. 12/15/18)
                                Final Price: $1.29

                                Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies, 11 – 16 oz – $1.75


                                Final Price: $1.42

                                Pillsbury Rolls or Dough, 8 – 13 oz – $1.25


                                • $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
                                • $0.50/1 Pillsbury Refrigerated Sweet Hawaiian Flaky Grands! Biscuits or Sweet Hawaiian Crescents – 9-9-18 SS (exp. 12/01/18)
                                • $1.00/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Sweet Hawaiian Flaky Grands! Biscuits or Sweet Hawaiian Crescents – 9-9-18 SS (exp. 12/01/18)
                                • $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products – 10-21-18 SS (exp. 01/12/19)
                                • $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products – 9-16-18 SS (exp. 12/08/18)
                                • $1.00/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products – 9-30-18 SS (exp. 12/22/18)
                                Final Price: $0.75

                                Pork, Top Loin, Chops, Boneless, per lb – $2.65


                                Click here to see the complete list

                                The post Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/25/18 – 10/31/18 appeared first on

                                Sharpie Sale Today Only! (Prices start at $7.99!) Mon, 22 Oct 2018 18:10:10 +0000 Whenever I post Sharpie deals, they are a huge hit with all of you! Today we can save big on Sharpie sets. Most of these sets are marked down over 50%! Prices start at just $7.99. Head HERE to view all of the Sharpie Markers on sale today only!

                                The post Sharpie Sale Today Only! (Prices start at $7.99!) appeared first on


                                Whenever I post Sharpie deals, they are a huge hit with all of you! Today we can save big on Sharpie sets. Most of these sets are marked down over 50%! Prices start at just $7.99. Head HERE to view all of the Sharpie Markers on sale today only!

                                The post Sharpie Sale Today Only! (Prices start at $7.99!) appeared first on

                                Instant Pot Ultra 8 Qt 10-in-1 Programmable Pressure Cooker Mon, 22 Oct 2018 17:48:52 +0000 Instant Pot deal!! Today only on we can get the Instant Pot Ultra 8 Qt 10-in-1 Multi- Use Programmable Pressure Cooker for $119.95! It is regularly priced at $179.95! This Instant Pot has a Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Yogurt Maker, Cake Maker, Egg Cooker, Sauté, Steamer, Warmer, and Sterilizer! Head HERE to […]

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                                Instant Pot deal!! Today only on we can get the Instant Pot Ultra 8 Qt 10-in-1 Multi- Use Programmable Pressure Cooker for $119.95! It is regularly priced at $179.95! This Instant Pot has a Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Yogurt Maker, Cake Maker, Egg Cooker, Sauté, Steamer, Warmer, and Sterilizer! Head HERE to view this deal! Deal ends tonight. *prices subject to change.

                                • For large families, 6+ people. Item dimensions is 14.88 x 13.90 x 10.39 in inches
                                • Instant Pot Ultra electric pressure cooker is the next generation in kitchen Appliances. A central dial with a simple turn and press provides added precision in program selection and adjustment
                                • New features: altitude adjustment, cooking indicator, and a steam release reset button. The Ultra button provides custom programming. The new features include sterilize, cake and egg programs
                                • Replaces 10 common kitchen Appliances – pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice/porridge cooker, yogurt maker, cake maker, egg cooker, sauté/searing, steamer, warmer, and sterilizer
                                • Developed with the latest 3rd generation technology with an embedded microprocessor. The microprocessor monitors the pressure and temperature, keeps time, and adjusts heating intensity and duration. Power supply: 120V – 60Hz, Power Supply Cord length: 35 inches
                                • UL certified with 11 safety features to provide peace of mind. New steam release reset button for safer handling. All components in contact with food are food grade 304 (18/8) stainless steel

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                                Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/21/18 – 10/27/18 Sat, 20 Oct 2018 18:52:51 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 21st, then go HERE. Home Supplies Buy 3 participating Glade Products; Get $1.97 OFF Instantly . Glade Candle, […]

                                The post Target Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/21/18 – 10/27/18 appeared first on

                                Below are the top deals for this week’s Target Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad.If you’d like to see the full Target Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 21st, then go HERE.
                                Home Supplies
                                Buy 3 participating Glade Products; Get $1.97 OFF Instantly

                                Glade Candle, 3.4 oz – $2.99


                                Final Price: $1.83
                                Buy 3; Use (1) $0.50/1 Coupon; (1) $1.00/2 Coupon; Includes Instant Savings

                                Glade Car Refill – $2.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                • $1.50/1 Glade Plugins Car Product – 9-30-18 SS (exp. 11/10/18)
                                Final Price: $1.33
                                Buy 3; Use (2) $1.50/1 Coupon; Includes Instant Savings
                                Target Gift Card Rewards
                                Buy $25 or More participating Laundry Detergent or Household Paper Products; Get $5 Target Gift Card

                                All brand Liquid Laundey Detergent, 141 oz – $9.99


                                • $1.00/1 All brand Laundry Product – 9-23-18 RMN; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 10/27/18)
                                Final Price: $8.99
                                Buy 1; Use (1) $1.00/1 Coupon; Must Spend $25 to Receive $5 Gift Card

                                Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue, 48 Double Rolls – $19.99


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $19.99
                                Final Price: $16.49
                                Buy 2; Includes Checkout 51 Savings and Gift Card

                                Downy Ultra Liquid Fabric Softener, 129 oz – $9.99


                                • $1.00/1 Downy Fabric Conditioner, Bounce Dryer Sheets, Downy Dryer Sheets or In Wash Scent Boosters – 9-30-18 PG; Includes Fabric Conditioner, 72 ld or Larger Only; Dryer Sheets, 120 ct or Larger Only; or In Wash Scent Boosters, 10 oz or Larger Only; Excludes Libre Enjuague and Fireworks; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 10/27/18)
                                Final Price: $8.99
                                Buy 1; Use (1) $1.00/1 Coupon; Must Spend $25 to Receive $5 Gift Card

                                Gain Flings!, 42 ct – $11.99


                                Final Price: $9.99
                                Buy 1; Use (1) $2.00/1 Coupon; Must Spend $25 to Receive $5 Gift Card

                                Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, 120 oz – $11.99


                                Final Price: $9.99
                                Buy 1; Use (1) $2.00/1 Coupon; Must Spend $25 to Receive $5 Gift Card

                                Scott 1000 Sheets Bathroom Tissue, 24 Rolls – $15.59


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $15.59
                                Final Price: $12.09
                                Buy 2; Includes Checkout 51 Savings and Gift Card

                                Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, 100 oz – $11.99


                                Final Price: $9.99
                                Buy 1; Use (1) $2.00/1 Coupon; Must Spend $25 to Receive $5 Gift Card

                                Tide PODS Laundry Detergent, 32 – 42 oz – $11.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                • $2.00/1 Tide PODS – 9-30-18 PG; Excludes Simply and 9 ct or Less; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 10/27/18)
                                Final Price: $9.99
                                Buy 1; Use (1) $1.00/1 Coupon; Must Spend $25 to Receive $5 Gift Card
                                Buy 2 participating Diaper or Training Pants Products; Get $10 Target Gift Card

                                Huggies Diapers, Super pk – $24.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $22.99
                                Final Price: $17.99
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $2.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Pampers Swaddlers Diapers, Super pk – $24.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $21.99
                                Final Price: $16.99
                                Buy 2; Use (1) $3.00/1 Coupon (1) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Similac Pro-Advance HMO Infant Formula, 30.8 oz – $36.99

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $33.99
                                Final Price: $28.99
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

                                Similac Pro-Total Comfort Infant Formula, 29.8 oz – $36.99


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $33.99
                                Final Price: $28.99
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $3.00/1 Coupon; Includes Gift Card

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                                Walgreens Ad & Coupon Matchups 10/21/18 – 10/27/18 Sat, 20 Oct 2018 18:47:26 +0000 Below are the top deals for this week’s Walgreens Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Walgreens Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 21st, then go HERE. Spend $50 on participating beauty products, get 5000 points (= $5.00); See store for […]

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                                Below are the top deals for this week’s Walgreens Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full Walgreens Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of October 21st, then go HERE.

                                Spend $50 on participating beauty products, get 5000 points (= $5.00); See store for details
                                Walgreens Register Rewards
                                Buy any participating Mentos Gum, get $.99 RR

                                Mentos Velcro Pack Gum, 12 pieces – $0.99


                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $0.99
                                Final Price: Free
                                Buy 1; Includes $0.99 Register Rewards
                                Home Supplies

                                Air Wick Freshmatic Starter Kit – $4.99


                                • $3.00/1 Air Wick Freshmatic Starter Kit – 9-30-18 SS (exp. 10/28/18)
                                Final Price: $1.99

                                Gain Flings!, 16 ct – $4.99


                                Final Price: $2.99

                                Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50 oz – $4.99


                                Final Price: $2.99

                                Tide Pods, 12 – 16 ct – $4.99


                                • $2.00/1 Tide PODS – 9-30-18 PG; Excludes Simply and 9 ct or Less; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 10/27/18)
                                Final Price: $2.99
                                Personal Care

                                Always Discreet Pads, 14 – 20 ct – $5.99


                                • $2.00/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Liner or Pads – 9-30-18 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 10/27/18)
                                Final Price: $3.99

                                Always Discreet Pantiliners, 30 – 48 ct – $5.99


                                • $2.00/1 Always Discreet Incontinence Liner or Pads – 9-30-18 PG; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 1 Like Coupon Per Household Per Day (exp. 10/27/18)
                                Final Price: $3.99

                                Garnier Whole Blends Shampoo or Conditioner, 12.5 oz – $3.50

                                2/$7 (or $3.99 ea)

                                • $2.00/1 Garnier Whole Blends Shampoo, Conditioner, or Treatment – 10-21-18 RMN; Excludes 3 oz Travel Size and 0.68 oz Care Cream Masks (exp. 11/03/18)
                                Final Price: $1.50
                                Buy 2; Use (2) $2.00/1 coupons
                                Spend $30 on participating products, get $15 Visa Reward Card; Mix & Match

                                Zyrtec Allergy Relief, 24 – 30 ct – $19.99


                                • $4.00/1 Adult Zyrtec Product
                                • $4.00/1 Zyrtec or Adult Rhinocort Product – 10-7-18 SS; Includes 24 – 45 ct Only; Excludes Trial and Travel Size (exp. 11/04/18)
                                Out-of-Pocket Price: $15.99
                                Final Price: $8.50
                                Buy 2; Use (2) 4.00/1 coupons; Includes $15 Visa Reward Card

                                Aleve Pain Reliever, 40 – 120 ct – $6.49

                                Includes: Select varieties

                                Final Price: $2.49

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