Hi Everyone! I have a question which I need feedback on. Would you all like me to start a Coupon Trading Thread? That way you can trade coupons amongst yourselves?? I have traded coupons numerous times in the past and have found it to be an awesome way to gather coupons that I need while at the same time helping others by giving others the coupons they need… For example, if I use a lot of Yakisobi coupons and you don’t, but you use a lot of IAMS dog food coupons, you can mail me your Yakisobi coupons and I will mail you my Iams… Please let me know your thoughts! If there is enough demand, I will start a thread. And, if not, then I will hold off for a few months or so. =)
Need Feedback from Addicted to Saving Readers Regarding Coupon Trading
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