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by Liza
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by Liza
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Become a fan of Scotties Tissue on Facebook and you will be able to print one $1.00 off one Scotties Tissues coupon! (Make sure you answer “no” when asked if you use Scotties)
If you shop at Publix, this coupon will often get you FREE Scotties Tissue!!
Thanks Coupon Katarina!
by Liza
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Jennie at Bargain Blessings emailed me this awesome deal at Walgreens right now. I haven’t checked my stores to see if the pricing works for us east coasters (Jennie is in Colorado) but I wanted to post the deal so you can have your coupons ready assuming the pricing works at your local Walgreens store!
Buy (1) Vicks Plug-in Waterless Vaporizer $5
Buy (3) Vicks Plug-in Refills for a total of $15 ($5 each)
-(4) $1.50 off any Vicks Product MQ (2/21 PG)
-(2) FREE Puffs when you buy (2) Vicks Products (2/7 PG)
-$10 RR for buying $20 in Vicks Products
=$1 each + 2 Free Boxes of Puffs!
by Liza
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This is a great coupon if you are in need of office supplies! Go Here to print out a 15% in-store purchase coupon!
Make sure you read the following fine print: *Offer expires 3/23/10. Valid in Staples U.S. stores only. Limit one per customer, nontransferable. May not be combined with any other coupon. Coupon must be surrendered. No copies/facsimiles. No cash/credit back. Not valid on any desktop or laptop computers, netbooks, custom printing orders placed online, promotional products, Bose products, Apple products, gift cards, phone cards, postage stamps, prior purchases or Staples Industrial purchases. Coupon value does not include tax.
Thanks Give Me Neither!
by Liza
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Here is a fun freebie! Go Here for a free deluxe sample of HUSH Time-Out Treatment! HUSH is a leave-in treatment that not only fights frizz but repairs and revitalizes the hair.
Thanks Good Deal Mama!
by Liza
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I am super excited about all of the rebates available if you purchase The Princess and the Frog! I have to admit I haven’t watched it yet, but I rented the movie and I have it sitting on my counter for once I have a chance to sit down and vedge! There are currently THREE rebates available for The Princess and the Frog. And, since each dvd has 2 (two) proof of purchase tabs, you will be able to submit for two rebates. The rebates all allow for photocopies of The Princess and the Frog purchase but require original receipts for the additional products you have to buy. If you do any of the rebate deals, make sure you use coupons when you purchase the movie and additional products to really maximize your savings!!
The Princess and the Frog Coupons
$5 off The Princess and the Frog DVD here (IE) here (FF)
$10 off The Princess and the Frog Blu-ray/DVD combo pack (expires 3/21 ) here.
Rebate 1
Buy two boxes of Band-Aids and The Princess and The Frog on Blu-Ray or DVD and get a $5.00 rebate! Go Here to download the rebate. (expiration date 6/30/10)
Rebate 2
Buy two Success Rice products and The Princess and The Frog and get a $5.00 rebate! Go Here to download the rebate. (expiration 6/30/10)
Success Rice Coupons: $0.50/1 from 1/31/10 RP (Jan 31st Red Plum insert) or $1/2 coming out this weekend in the Red Plum insert.
Rebate 3
Buy any roll of FrogTape Multi-Surface painters tape (24mm, 36mm, or 48mm) and The Princess and The Frog on Blu-Ray or DVD and get a $5.00 rebate! Go Here to download the rebate. (expiration 5/31/10)
Thanks Couponing to Disney!
by Liza
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If you are new to visiting, welcome! I wanted to give you a few direct links on my website so you can learn some important tips right off the bat. Don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you might have and remember that I am currently booking Addicted to Saving 101 seminars as well as home parties! Email me for more info!
Publix Weekly Ad 3/18/10 – 3/24/10
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by Liza
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So many of you have asked that I give the link for the news piece that aired at 5:30 tonight.. I can’t find the actual video footage but you can go Here to read the article posted on ABC Action News’ website. If I come across the video footage, I will post it. And, thank you for all the kind comments to those of you who did see the piece. 🙂