Today, an article was published online about Addicted to Saving! Ashley Grant, the write contacted me about a month a go or so and wrote the piece below. I’ve pasted the article below or you can see the web version by going Here.
Saving Money Through Blogging About Coupons
Neighborhood: Tampa Bay
Tampa, FL 33625
United States of America
Liza Ford is Addicted to Saving
Nowadays everyone seems to be trying to save a dollar everywhere they can. In Tampa, residents are in luck because Liza Ford is there to try to help people save on groceries. She even gives tips on how to get some groceries completely free. She owns and runs the blog with the goal of empowering people by giving them the tools to save them money. I sat down with Ford to talk about savings and her site.
What do you do for a living?
I have been unemployed after getting laid off from a temporary position I held as a Social Worker in Pasco County’s Health Department. I am currently working on my website and starting next month I will be giving seminars on how to save at least 50 percent at grocery stores
Tell me a little about yourself.
I am very active. I am a runner – have completed two full marathons and more than seven half marathons within the past two years. I am married and have one cat and a dog. I love doing anything outside, reading, being involved with my church and spending time with my family. I also love to play the piano.
What is one thing you want people to know about you?
With time and effort, anyone can change their lives. I am very goal driven and this past summer decided to learn how to really save money at the grocery store. Being unemployed and getting no bites on my resume, I felt I couldn’t adequately contribute to our household financially. Once I started learning how to save money, I became empowered realizing that I was now buying more food for less money. Now, I can use food as a ministry and give it away to others in need.
My husband owns his own the insurance company Ford Insurance Group. He sells life, dental, medical, vision, disability and other insurance. I oversee the accounting.
Is there anything you would like to add?
My goal is to help people. Times are tough right now. People don’t realize that with a little time and effort, they can save more money and get more groceries than ever before. I want to enable people with the skills necessary to really save – and once they start saving, they will be addicted to saving!