It’s funny how I can be SO SO diligent each month to only buy groceries when they are on sale AND I have a coupon. I will forgo luxury items because I know that at some point in the near future, they will be on sale and I can stock up at that point. I have even given a look of horror when my husband convinced me to buy a $1.00 box of candy at Walgreens to use as a “filler item” (for couponing newbies, filler items are supposed to be as cheap as possible)… And yet, this time of year comes around and I immediately forgo said diligence by buying 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Samoa’s, Thin Mints and Tagalongs for those who are wondering 😉 No coupons. No sales. 3 boxes of FULLY PRICED, marvelous Girl Scout cookies. At least I only bought 3… last year I bought 8 so I am proud that I showed some sort of restraint this year. Haha. I will be adding these numbers to my monthly spending column. Total Spent: $10.50. Total Saved: BIG FAT 0%. Has anyone else hurt their monthly budget by splurging on Girl Scout Cookies this month??
Girl Scout Cookies and my food budget…
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