If you go to El Monterey’s Facebook page (Go HERE) you will have the opportunity to print out a B1G1 El Monterey coupon AND request up to two $5.00/1 El Monterey coupons to be mailed to you. The B1G1 coupon is easy to get, the $5.00 takes some work.
Buy One Get One Free Printable: 1. To get this printable, click on the “Idea Challenge” tab at the top of the facebook page. 2. Enter the challenge 3. Click on “Prize Vault’ 4. Click on the B1G1 El Monterey prize. (You should have earned 10 pts just for clicking the idea challenge) You can then print the coupon immediately or have it emailed to your email.$5.00/1 El Monterey Mailed coupon (this should score you free food)
1. While in the challenge, you will now need to earn points. Click “Challenge Home” 2. Click the box that says “Rate Others Earn Points” 3. This is where it gets time consuming… Rate each person’s tip for saving money (give them 1 – 5 stars). THEN leave a comment at the bottom of the page. (My comments were as deeps as “Good Tip”, “Interesting” or “Hmmm”) Once you rate the tip and leave a comment you will earn 4 points. Once you earn 150 points, you can redeem your points towards a $5.00 coupon. **My tip is for you to do this while watching tv. This will take you a while but if you have the free time, you might want to do it. As I said earlier, the $5.00 coupon will get us free food. And, we can request the $5.00 coupon twice so if you earn 300 points you can request 2 coupons**While you are on facebook, become a Fan of Addicted to Saving and stay up-to-date on each and every deal!
Thanks Who Said Nothing in Life is Free!