I am posting this awesome deal even though there are no Famous Dave’s anywhere near me. Why am I posting this deal? First, because it is a great deal – if you are one of the first 100,000 people who “like” Famous Dave’s on Facebook, you will receive a Buy One Get One Entree coupon valid up to $15.00! You can get a lot of food for that much! (Go HERE to “like” Famous Dave’s) You will receive your certificate on July 6th.
Here’s the second reason I am posting this deal.. Because I LOVE Famous Dave’s. When I was training for my first marathon, after my long runs on Saturdays, my husband and I would go and consume literally all of the food you see in the picture above. Looking back it kind of makes me proud but yet grossed out all at the same time! That said, their food is really good so I am hoping that some of you will be able to go, use your coupon, and make me proud! 🙂
Thanks Living Rich with Coupons!
Thanks for the tip, Liza!