All day yesterday, I read about this coupon on blogs. However, this morning I received an email directly from Right at Home letting me know about this great coupon. If you are interested in a B1G1 Glade 2 oz soy based candle, go Here.
You can match this coupon off with the $1.00 off coupon from 10/04 SS (Smart Source)
Deal Idea: Print two B1G1 coupons, use 2 $1.00 off coupons, Use SC Johnson $5.00 Mail in Rebate (go Here)
At Publix (other stores have similar pricing), Glade 2 oz candles are $3.19 each
Buy 4 Glade Candles: $12.76 Minus 2 B1G1 coupons: ( 6.38) Minus 2 $1 off coupons: ( 2.00) Total OOP (out of pocket): $4.38 ($1.10 per candle) Send in Mail in rebate and receive $5.00 back! Profit of 62 cents!
I went to Target yesterday and bought these candles…they were regularly priced at 3.19, but on sale for 2.69. i filled out my rebate form and have it ready to go out with the mail on Monday. thanks so much for posting about this!! the candles will make great filler items for Christmas presents!!
That’s awesome! Also – the rebate is wonderful because you can use it up to 3 times per household! 🙂 I will keep you posted if I see more online Glade coupons!