**No longer accepting entrants – thank you to everyone for entering**
I am so excited for this Black Friday Giveaway Extravaganza I am taking part in! I am teaming up with 13 other blogs and together, we are giving away over $4,200 worth of prizes!
Beyond being excited about this Extravaganza, I am so jealous of the winners of the prize(s) I am giving away! Ebates.com has sponsored my giveaway and three of you will win cash prizes! If you are unfamiliar with Ebates.com, when you shop through Ebates, you will earn up to 25% cash back at your favorite stores. Besides receiving cash back, you will also have access to coupon codes that will score you discounts, freebies and more. Right now they have an awesome Double Cash Back event going on. You can earn double cash back at a different store every day! Ebates sends out checks to all members who have a cash back credit of at least $5.01 quarterly. Also – when you sign up for an Ebates account, you will receive a $5.00 cash back bonus when you make your first purchase! To sign up for an Ebates account and join in on the fun, go HERE.
And now for the giveaway! Ebates is giving away CASH to three lucky Addicted to Saving readers!
- The first place winner will receive $300.00.
- The second place winner will receive $100.00
- The third place winner will receive $50.00!
I will use a program called “And the Winner Is” to randomly select all three winners!
To enter to win up to $300.00 in CASH, follow the steps below for up to four entries:
1) Leave a comment on this post telling me how you would spend $300 if you won it!
2) Subscribe to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter by entering your information HERE. You will have to click the “confirm you subscription” link you will receive in your email inbox. Leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber. (**If you do not subscribe to receive Addicted to Saving’s daily email, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
3) Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (go HERE). Leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (**If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
4) Like Addicted to Saving on Facebook and then “SHARE” this giveaway or any other post on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page with your friends by clicking “Share” (go HERE). Leave a fourth comment on this post stating you have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with your friends. (**If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
**Do NOT email me to enter this giveaway. Also – do NOT leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page. The only acceptable forms of entry are comments on this post.
**Giveaway ends Wednesday, November 23rd at or after midnight EST.
Ebates.com has provided the cash prizes for the three winners. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Also, be sure to enter for more awesome prizes with the other 13 participating bloggers! Click on each blog name to be directed to their unique giveaway. Keep track of which ones you’ve entered by printing off this Black Friday Giveaway Extravaganza Check List.
Check: Tesco Offers, Lidl Offers in Offers This Week.
I would use the $300.00 for Christmas presents:)
i’d spend it on x-mas gifts!
hmm with $300 I’d either put it toward our tv/couch purchase Christmas present to ourselves…or use it for groceries/gas/weekly store deals! Can’t go wrong either way! 🙂
liked and shared!
If I were to win $300 I would probably spend it towards an X-Box or a PS3. This would be our family’s Christmas present this year. Both my kids and my husband love video games. I have even been eyeing a few for myself if we were to get one. It would really make our Christmas a little sweeter.
I subscribed to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter. New subscriber:)
I already subscribe to your daily newsletter 🙂
I would put it towards Christmas gifts for my amazing family!
Liked and shared:)
The money would go directly to Christmas presents and food for the holidays.
I would spend it on Christmas presents for my 3 girls and on bday presents for 2 since their bday is in Jan
I would send gifts to my son and others serving in afghanistan
Subscribed to newsletter 🙂
I like you on Facebook and shared this giveaway post!
I would spend my $300 on Xmas presents for my children. Their computer is a very old and very slow so I’d like to get them a new one.
existing newsletter subscriber!
Twitter follower
I would use it to bring my son’s father here (ohio) from california so they could spend Christmas together. My son is 18 months old and hasn’t seen his father since May because he has been desperately searching for a job and doesn’t have any money to get back to Ohio to visit us.
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Already have “Liked” for almost a year 🙂 and shared 🙂
I would use $300 to either pay for part of my tuition for school, or use it for rent, gas, or groceries!
Liked and Shared 🙂
New Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
i would love to use the money to pay for my son’s birthday.. it’s the day after Christmas and it is so hard to come up with then..
If I won $300 I would spend it on Christmas gifts for my kids and hubby.
I would use the $300 to get my wedding rings sized. My husband and I have wanted to do this for about 3 years now and just haven’t had the money.
Already a subscriber!!!
If I won the $300 I would be able to buy my 4 children something for christmas!
I would buy my kids a lot more toys! And maybe a few extra baking supplies.
That $300 would definitely go towards Christmas presents! Would be such a blessing!
P.S. Thanks for all the time you put into this website!
New Email follower 🙂
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I don’t Tweet, but I am following you on Twitter. 🙂
Saving for a family trip to see my son who is coming home from Iraq on 12/20 and also to see my five month old grandson (my first grandchild…woohoo). He hasn’t seen him since he was born so I guess I should give them some bonding time first…lol! Good Luck everyone!!!
I am a current follower on Twitter.
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Thank you for ll your time and all you do on this site!!!
Already a follower on Facebook and I love your site!
Shared “Addicted to Saving” on Facebook with my friends! 🙂
I would spend some of it on Christmas presents and some of it on bills. That way I wouldn’t feel guilty for buying stuff when I have bills that need to be paid. 😉
follower on twitter!!
Facebook follower and shared this giveaway!
shared!!! I hope someone I know wins!!
I just signed up for the newsletter but I’ve beenn following you on facebook for the past year.
I am already an email subscriber.
i would use it to buy christmas gifts for the family.
$200.00 would be just enough to pay for the gas to get to my daughters for Christmas (and arrive with Christmas dinner)
$100.00 to go a charity, perhaps Toys for Tots!
I would use the $300 to make sure our power bill was paid. My fiance is out of work and we keep borrowing money to pay for bills and if I won this money that means I wouldn’t have to borrow any more.
As usual, shared yet another Addicted to Savings link with my friends on Facebook.
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If I won 300 dollars, I would use it to buy my kids Christmas present!
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With a $300 windfall, I would use it to either 1) Make Christmas extra-good for my loved ones and local charities (fun!), or 2) put it toward my property taxes (NOT fun).
I would pay off medical bills!
I have been following you on Twitter for a little less than a year.
New newsletter subscriber.
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I am an existing newsletter subscriber 🙂
liker on facebook & shared
I would use the $300 towards buying my kids Christmas presents. 🙂
I am a new twitter follower! (I didn’t know you were on twitter!)
I would use the $300 on X-mas gifts and the rest to our trip fund!! I would love to win!!!!
Following you on twitter too!!!! My first tweet….lol!
I am already a subscriber!!
I have shared Addicted to Saving posts on Facebook many times 🙂
Been on your website for what seems like forever, just now found the email subscriber about a week ago!
I would use to help me with Christmas gifts.
I have shared the post! I would love to win!!
existing email follower
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Subscribed to the newsletter!!!
I would use the money to buy christmas presents!
I have shared on facebook for others to join in on the winning. Thanks for the opportunity
I would spend the $300 on taking the kids to go see ICE over in Orlando!
Already a newsletter subscriber.
Newly following you on twitter
I follow addicted to saving on facebook and posted the link to my wall!!!!!
I would use the cash for a water filter for the whole house. We’ve been holding off on getting one waiting for lowes to give more than 2.5% cash back on ebates 🙂
Already a twitter follower.
i am a follower on twitter
Already liked on facebook and shared this on my wall
I shared the link to this contest on Facebook. I have been following you on there for a little less than a year. Thanks again Liza and E-bates.
You have been shared 😉
Thanks for all you do with helping us save lots of cash!
i signed up for your daily email 🙂
I am a follower for email. I love saving money being single mom with son in heart failure. Love all your help
I would use the money towards Christmas presents
Current e-mail subscriber
I would use the money to help make my sons Christmas aweome. he has been in heart failure and had to give up so much!
Follow on Twitter
If I won $300 I would be able to buy my son a swing set for Christmas!
I am following on email! Love saving! thanks for all you do
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I am a current e-mail subscriber
I am an existing Twitter follower (@neato_mosquito)
I am an existing Facebook follower and just shared this contest 🙂
I would use the $300 for Christmas presents! 🙂
I’d spend the money on new work clothes!
I would spend the money on Christmas gifts or use it toward our first Disney trip with the kids.
I would use the $300 to get my family to Indiana to visit family for Christmas!
i would use it for christmas presents for my 5 children!
Already an email subscriber!
new email subscriber
I would definitely use the money towards Christmas this year 🙂
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new twitter follower neenee_is_me
I am now a happy taffy tweeter follower!
This would definitely pay for part of Christmas!
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fb fan jeanine feldkamp and shared
I would spend the $300 to buy my mom a Christmas gift (she lives in Sweden and I don’t get to spend this X-Mas with her). I would also buy something for my husband for our 7 year wedding anniversary in December:)
I am a new follower on Twitter 🙂
I am an existing member and follow on Facebook.
I would spend the $300 on purchasing x-mas presents for my children.
I would use it for extra presents for the kids!!!
New subscriber to your daily email newsletter 🙂
I’m a new newsletter subscriber!
I shared Addicted to Savings on FB!!!
I would spend the money on christmas presents. I want this to be a great year for them!
Shared the link on FB to this amazing giveaway!!!
Coupon deals of course, stretch that 300 bucks as far as it can go, Woo Hoo!
I am a new subscriber!!
Alright, so if I won the $300 I will be able to buy a nice toy for my younger son which I didn’t buy him yet any thing :S perhaps a strider and kids desk 😀 and legos yessss
Shared on Facebook!
I would pay my mortgage
and I am a new subscriber..but a big fan of this blog already 😉
Posted on FB! Already a fan!
I am unemployed right now, so i would spend that on christmas gifts!
Im new subscriber too ..
i confirmed my subscription!!! YAY!
I would use the $300 for a pampering session and massage at the spa for me and my husband.
If I got the $300 I would probably use it to get stuff for my new adopted girls’s room.
I am an existing follower on Twiter.
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shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends!!!
I am a new subscriber to your emails.
I would spend some of it towards a missions program called Heifer.org. They provide live animals for third world countries so families can have fresh milk and eggs. Just think it would be a great Christmas present for them
I would use $300 for Christmas presents for my kids and luggage for our move overseas.
I would use the $300 to buy my kids Christmas presents.
following you on Twitter
I would use a small portion of it towards my kids 529 accounts ( I have 3 boys) and the rest would be used to help suply the local food pantry. Between coupons and sales that will go a long way to help my community.
already a fan on FB and shared it
New subscriber!!
I am a new email subscriber.
I would use the money towards new pots and pans not exciting but necessary
I just started following you on twitter under the name @mamajojo30.
i would but christmas gifts
New Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
I shared your post on FB and have “liked” you for about a year.
Christmas presents, for sure!
Christmas shopping of coarse:)
existing newsletter member
I shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends. 😀
I would use the money to put towards my wedding!
I already follow you on Twitter (@suyujo)
I would use the money for Christmas presents!
existing follower on Twitter!
i shared and liked your site
Would use the money to get things that my boyfriend needs for his house that I am moving in with. Need lots of things, new kitchen table and chairs, chairs, couch just to name a few…lol…
I would splurge on an iPad! 🙂
I’m a new subscriber to your daily e-mail newsletter!
I would love to win. The money would help us afford a vacation to visit family this holiday season.
I would spend it all on my husband hes been wanting a PS3 and wont buy it he puts us first all the time this would be awesome
New to email
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I receive daily news letters
If I won $300 dollars I would more than likely spend it on my family and friends during the holiday season! 🙂
I would buy Christmas gifts with it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would enjoy christmas shopping and use some for hand2hand ministries in our area
Christmas shopping of course! I’d get something nice for my hubby.
This would go a long way in buying gifts for Christmas!
Email subscriber
On a master bedroom makeover. We never spend money on ourselves.
I would use this for Christmas gifts.
Christmas gifts for my kids and wife
I would use the cash to help my daughter with her college tuition.
I am a new addicted to saving’s newsletter subscriber! 🙂
The money would definately be spent on Christmas presents for my family.
I am an existing twitter follower 🙂
I would use it to do some Christmas shopping
I subscribed for your emails!
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I would use the money to buy my son the camera he’s been wanting for about a year or so! 🙂
i follow on facebook
I would spend it on christmas gifts for my family.
I have shared addicted to saving on facebook, I love all the help you give and all you do!
I would put the $300 towards my wedding next year ????
I would use the money for a laptop for my daughter’s Christmas gift
I would use the money to see how many cheap items from store for donation boxes.
could defiantly use the money for Christmas shopping 🙂
I would spend the money on Christmas presents for my kids and grandchildren!!
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
I would use the $300 toward my husband’s dental work.
I’m an existing subscriber 🙂
shared you with my friends
As a stepmom to a wonderful, high energy and free spirited six year old, my goal for every Christmas is to make it the best. This year I am focusing on outdoor activities: trampoline, playground, bike, etc. For all the joy he gives me throughout the year, I love having the opportunity to spread the joy of Christmas to my favorite little boy. Long explanation but if I won the $300, I would spend every penny on Christmas gifts for the best gift in my life!T
I have shared the Addicted to Saving giveaway post on Facebook with your friends
If I won, I would use it for Christmas presents for my kids.
I shared this on facebook!
I am a new subscriber to your daily newsletter
I have been getting your daily email newsletter for a while now, not sure for how long.
Put it toward “trip to Indiana” Fund for Xmas to see Family!!! 🙂
I would spend $300 on stuff for my wedding!
My husband and I don’t usually buy each other Christmas gifts. I would buy him something special this year.
I am an existing twitter follower.
I am an existing newsletter subscriber. :o)
I already follow you on FB and I shared this post.
I would buy Christmas presents.
I’d use it to buy a christmas tree and some gifts for my little guy that he wouldn’t have otherwise. And probably some new footie pajamas for him 🙂
I shared this giveaway on my FB.
If I won $300, first thing I would do is fill my gas tank ALL the way up! 😀
Then I might splurge on a new outfit or 2 for my daughter!
If I won $300 I would buy my husband a new set of golf clubs.
I would spend it at Target, or a clothing store so I could splurge!
I am a new subscriber to your daily emails.. looking forward to checking em out 😛
Christmas gifts…
if i won $300 i would buy a new camera
I follow you on facebook & shared with my friends 🙂
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Wii bundle
I subscribed to your daily email 🙂
i am a new follower to twitter. joolz43344
I LIKE Addicted to Saving on facebook AND shared this giveaway 😀
Kitchen set
i like addicted to saving on fb
Our family would like an itouch, so I’d spend the money on that.
I would use $300 to either buy a bunk bed for my oldest son or an amp for my husband. Thanks!
I would put the $300 towards christmas presents!!
I am a new e-mail subscriber.
I would buy some new beds for my kids.
I liked you on FB and shared your giveaway post.
I am a new subscriber to addicted to savings! Luv it!
New Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I have shared the post about this giveaway on my facebook page.
I would use the $300 like pretty much everyone else to christmas shop!!
I subscribed to your email
If I won the $300 I would buy Christmas presents for my son and husband 🙂
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter follower.
I would spend it on christmas for my girls
Hello! If I was to become to lucky new possessor of some much needed cash I would use it to purchase a new stockpile of groceries for my husband, our two sons, and myself.
existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
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Shared 🙂
I’m Subscribed to your newsletter
I would use the $300 on Christmas for my children
I’m existing on Twitter
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I would use the $300 to pay a couple of past due bills.
I shared on Facebook 🙂
I am an existing twitter follower.
I would probably spend the money on myself! Momma needs some new clothes! lol
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I would use the $300 to help groceries and homeschooling projects!
I have previously liked Addicted to Savings FB page 🙂
new member 🙂
I would spend the $300 on Christmas gifts!
Liked and shared the Black Friday Giveaway on Facebook.
I am a new newsletter subscriber!
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower!
I’d buy Christmas presents for my two grandkids!
Already like you on Facebook!
I would buy Christmas presents for my loved ones and because I feel you should share your good fortune with others I would donate a meal to a needy family.
As much as I would love to use $300 for whatever I wanted, I’d probably use it for groceries and other necessaries.
I’m a new email subscriber.
I’m also a Twitter follower!
I’d put the money towards my Christmas budget!
If I won $300 I would spend it on a Christmas gift for the whole family.
I will spend the money on……..probably pay on my mortgage.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I also shared this post on FB!
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook awith my friends.
I was a subscriber before, for some reason I stopped getting the newsletter. I know I didn’t unsubscribe – not sure what happened. I’ve been meaning to get back on, now I am!!
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
I have liked you on Facebook previously!
I would use the $300.00 for Christmas gifts.
I would buy gifts for my family and then stock up my freezer.
I like Addicted to Saving on facebook and shared this post!
Id use it for Christmas gifts for friends and family!
I liked and shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook.
most of it I would buy things like boots & jeans for my boys but I’d save $100 just for me to splurge on a home decor item
I will use the $$ towards sub-for santa
New email subscriber
Facebook follower
$300 will be nice for some Christmas gift shopping.
$300 will help with the Christmas shopping. Thanks.
I would use the money to buy my husband a x-mas gift. we weren’t able to budget gifts for each other this year, but this would help 🙂 I would also pay a bill or two with some of it.
Be nice for Christmas shopping
I would use the 300.00 to give back to the person who was gracious enough to lend it to my family to fix our truck.
I would spend the money on christmas gifts for my fiance and my soon to be step daughter!
I am an existing facebook fan and I shared this post.
I subscribed to your emails!
I would spend the money on christmas presents. Specifically, a kindle fire and a keurig.
Like and shared you on facebook!
If I won cash, I’d put it in my little savings pot to move closer to my grandkids! 🙂
I like you on FB and shared this giveaway!
If I won $300 I would buy tires for my husband’s truck.
I would use the $300 to finish up my Christmas shopping!
I would use the $300 for Christmas & hope I could make a difference in someone elses season
I am an existing Twitter follower.
Christmas presents
i would use it for christmas gifts!
first off id liked to tell you that paul from ihtm sent me here:) and i enjoyed your site TONS! i would use any amount of money that i won from your site to finish paying off my credit card! would be aswesome to get rid of that final debt! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
new email subscriber
new twitter follower aes529
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i like you on fb and shared https://www.facebook.com/addictedtosaving#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=257744850939296&id=1355040978
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I am currently saving for a down payment to purchase my first home so I would put the $300 in that account.
I am a current email newsletter subscriber.
Christmas present
Already subscribed to your newsletter.
shared on facebook
Ebates rocks! I have been a member for over a year!!! If I win, I will buy a new printer for my coupons!!
I would love to use the $300.00 for Christmas presents.
I would definitely be using the $300 for Christmas.
I would use the money for a new wardrobe.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I would use it towards a recent dental bill over a $1,200.00.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook
I am an existing Addicted to Saving subscriber.
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter Follower.
I would spent the money on my newborn diapers!!!!! haha or toys!!!!
I would spend the $300 on gas to see family for the holidays. Road trip!
If I won, I’d definitely use this for Christmas gifts.
I love the newsletter!!!!
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.
I would use it to buy something nice for my AMAZING husband!
I’m an existing subscriber
Shared this giveaway on fb!
On a new dishwasher. Our dishwasher just died.
Email subscriber.
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New Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I would spend the 300 on Christmas!! It is much needed with having two mortgage payments currently!!
Following you on twitter…new follower 🙂
Following and shared on FB
I would save the money towards a car!
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I would spend $300 on my family for Christmas, and our recently bought first house!
I would use the money to have a Christmas for my family.
I’m a subscriber!
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If I won I would probably put the $300 towards a new fridge!
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.
I would put it towards the trip i have been planning for about a year as a christmas gift to NY to go see the NY Rangers Vs Tampa Bay Lightning at MSG 🙂
I would spend the $300 dollars on my childrens Christmas this year.
For CHristmas, of course!
I would use the money to buy Christmas presents
Christmas gifts!
exisitng email sub
existing facebook fan
wxisting twitter follower
Christmas presents for my children!
I would use the money for a family vacation!
I am a current addicted to savings subscriber.
I would use it for X-Mas gifts
Buy some gifts for my kids.
I’m an existing newsletter subscriber.
I’m an existing twitter follower.
If I won the $300.00 , I would buy Christmas presents for my kids and family and a Christmas dinner! With coupons and sales, it can go a long way!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber!
I would buy Christmas presents for our family.
I shared this awesome link on my Facebook!!! Love Addicted to Saving!….it saved my marriage! 🙂 (Only because I have a spending problem, lol)
I would use this to purchase something nice for my two children. Thanks for the chance of winning this giveaway 🙂
I subscribed (today) to your email newsletter. I just found your site, thanks to For The Mommas.
first I would tithe $30 ~ then, take my husband out to dinner~ then use the rest toward a plane ticket to visit my 4 grandchildren in MA 🙂
I am an existing ‘addicted to saving’ newsletter subscriber
I would put the $300 on my credit card. I m so wanna get out of debt. Every little bit helps. 🙂 Hope I win!
I m a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I’m an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I share your post all the time because your posts are quick and helpful and you always answer questions (i don’t know how you do it all). I’m a facebook fan about 9 month a twitter follower about 4 month and i use your website all the time love your publix show and tell and the mach ups are my favorite.
I would use any money won on great deals with coupons. I would stretch it as far it could possibly go to help my family of 6.
I am an existing FB follower
existing FB follower
I have shared addicted to savings on FB
I would use it for Christmas presents and diapers!
I am an existing email subscriber
I would use the money to help with Christmas!
I have shared addicted to saving on facebook
I shared your giveaway on facebook! Cynthia Louise
I am an existing Twitter follower. @presprizes
I am a new Twitter follower
I would buy my daughter and wife the UGG boots they want .
I would use $300 to finish up my Christmas shopping & pay off some more debt!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would use the $300 on my wedding!
I would use the cash for christmas presents for my daughter.
I am a “new” follower on Facebook, and I shared with friends 🙂
a.k.a. JAW Coupon
New subscriber to e-mail 🙂
I would give some to a non-profit, use a little for Christmas, and some for gas, groceries, and to fix or help save for a new oven 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity.
I would spend most of it on Christmas gifts for my kids and a new video game for myself.
I would put it towards an ipad for my daughter to help her communicate.
I would spend mine on or towards a new flat screen HDTV … there are some great sales coming up on Black Friday!!! My old guy is heavy and color is bad … had it for 10 years and I think it is time to replace it.
I would probably buy a Keurig put $100 toward my credit card, and the rest toward emergency savings. 🙂
I would spend most of it on Christmas gifts. This year’s been rough, but I just started couponing and I’m already seeing it help us so much.
The $300 would go a long way towards buying Christmas gifts for our large family!
I would buy a new set of pots and pans if I won $300 and retire my old warped ones! The rest would go towards a few gifts for the family.
I would use the money to buy Christmas presents for our children.
I am an exsiting fan on facebook 🙂
I receive your daily e-mails
I am already a subscriber to the daily email–no missed deals here!
existing follower on twitter 🙂
I would spend the money on an airfare to bring my granddaughter down for Christmas.
I’m an existing Twitter follower
If I won $300 I would spend some on Christmas gifts for my family 😉
I also subscribed to the Addicted to Savings emails.
existing email subscriber!
I would use the money for Christmas. With six kids it would help a lot.ion
still following you on face book 🙂
I would buy my son the nintendo 3ds he’s dying for!
existing follower on twitter
I like you on facebook….and off too!
If I wont $300 I would use it towards Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party for the family.
I am a subscriber to the emailed newsletter 🙂
$300 would go a long way for christmas this year! I would use it to pay for my family’s gifts.
date nite with hubby for christmas, and family gift, park tickets, stuff we can do together
We have lots of bills that need to be paid off so would use the $300 towards that or to help buy Christmas presents.
I already subscribe to your daily Emails.
Currently unemployed so the $300 would go towards Christmas gifts for my kids..
I have shared this Giveaway, and I had already “liked” you on Facebook
I’m a new subscriber to your blog. I would put the money towards a John Deere big wheel for my son!
exsisting news letter suscriber.
I would use the $ for Christmas (and birthday for 1) for my 3 boys and my hubby
I am now a email subscriber
I would use part of the money to buy Angel Tree gifts and part to buy Christmas gifts for my kids.
I would definitely spend the $300 on my family for Christmas. Buy then an entertainment package of some sort. Fun for everyone.
I am a new subscriber to the newsletter
I am a new follower on twitter.
I have shared this post with my facebook community
I would get my hubby the flat screen tv he has been wanting!
I would use it for Black Friday. My boys want the little motor bike from Kmart. On sale for $249.00 Black Friday.
Would spend on Xmas for my 3 guys!!!
I’m an existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber since March and recently reentered to make sure I receive my daily fix. But usually it’s the first thing I do in the morning.
I already subscribe and thanks for fixing the aol subscription problems!
Existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower, but I’m still trying to learn twitter. A little confusing to me.
I would use the $300 cash to help pay for my last semester of university!