**No longer accepting entrants – thank you to everyone for entering**
I am so excited for this Black Friday Giveaway Extravaganza I am taking part in! I am teaming up with 13 other blogs and together, we are giving away over $4,200 worth of prizes!
Beyond being excited about this Extravaganza, I am so jealous of the winners of the prize(s) I am giving away! Ebates.com has sponsored my giveaway and three of you will win cash prizes! If you are unfamiliar with Ebates.com, when you shop through Ebates, you will earn up to 25% cash back at your favorite stores. Besides receiving cash back, you will also have access to coupon codes that will score you discounts, freebies and more. Right now they have an awesome Double Cash Back event going on. You can earn double cash back at a different store every day! Ebates sends out checks to all members who have a cash back credit of at least $5.01 quarterly. Also – when you sign up for an Ebates account, you will receive a $5.00 cash back bonus when you make your first purchase! To sign up for an Ebates account and join in on the fun, go HERE.
And now for the giveaway! Ebates is giving away CASH to three lucky Addicted to Saving readers!
- The first place winner will receive $300.00.
- The second place winner will receive $100.00
- The third place winner will receive $50.00!
I will use a program called “And the Winner Is” to randomly select all three winners!
To enter to win up to $300.00 in CASH, follow the steps below for up to four entries:
1) Leave a comment on this post telling me how you would spend $300 if you won it!
2) Subscribe to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter by entering your information HERE. You will have to click the “confirm you subscription” link you will receive in your email inbox. Leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber. (**If you do not subscribe to receive Addicted to Saving’s daily email, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
3) Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (go HERE). Leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (**If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
4) Like Addicted to Saving on Facebook and then “SHARE” this giveaway or any other post on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page with your friends by clicking “Share” (go HERE). Leave a fourth comment on this post stating you have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with your friends. (**If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
**Do NOT email me to enter this giveaway. Also – do NOT leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page. The only acceptable forms of entry are comments on this post.
**Giveaway ends Wednesday, November 23rd at or after midnight EST.
Ebates.com has provided the cash prizes for the three winners. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Also, be sure to enter for more awesome prizes with the other 13 participating bloggers! Click on each blog name to be directed to their unique giveaway. Keep track of which ones you’ve entered by printing off this Black Friday Giveaway Extravaganza Check List.
Check: Tesco Offers, Lidl Offers in Offers This Week.
I’d love a shopping spree on amazon.com!!
I am a subscriber-supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com
I would use the money toward a much needed vacation with my husband.
follow you on twitter-@countrynest411
If I won $300 I’d probably get a little more extravagant on the gifts this year and add to our lighting display.
I’m following you on Twitter.
I would put the money towards a generator in case power goes out I wont lose the freezer full of food I worked so hard clipping coupons to get lol! Liked and shared on FB.
I would start a drugstore good deals fund with the money!
If I won $300 I would use some for Christmas for the kids, and hopefully be able to help a friend in need some!:)
I would use that money to buy my little guy his first bike so he can ride with his big brother, and also buy a fancier house for our dog Hank 🙂
I would spend the $300 cash on perfect Christmas gifts for my family and boyfriend. I would also love to take my mom on a little shopping spree. She deserves it for everything she does for me. Thank for for hosting such a wonderful giveaway! 🙂
My email is sweetscorpio1189 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
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I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber – thanks!
i would use the $300 to go towards a new camera i want.
i like addicted to saving on twitter
i shared this giveaway on facebook
I would use the $300.00 on groceries & bills. Not exciting but that’s what I need. Thanks!
Have a new baby on the way n this would help a lot getting baby stuff n also a gift for the first time big sister
Subscribed to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter
Liked Addicted to Saving on Facebook and then “SHARED” the giveaway with my friends. Thanks!
I was just laid off from my job, so the $300 would go toward food, gas, and prescriptions.
I would use any money won for Christmas gifts for my 3 beautiful children!
Subscribed to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter .
Liked Addicted to Saving on Facebook and then “SHARED” this giveaway
I would buy more gifts for my family on Ebates.com.
It would go towards medical bills
I am a Twitter follower
I am also a fb fan
I’m a subscriber.
I would use it to help replace my blinky television. Fingers crossed.
I follow @addicted2saving on Twitter.
This would really help me to pay my dads home taxes coming up soon.
I am a current subscriber to your emails
I just signed up to follow you on twitter.
I shared this giveaway on facebook…thanks so much for the chance to win a great prize.
I would use the $300 to buy my husband a wonderful welcome home gift, as he will be returning from Iraq soon! After 8 months I think he deserves something nice!
I like Addicted to Saving on FB!!
Signed up for your newsletter
Would spend it at Target on gear for mhy little ones
I would spend the extra $300 on my boys for Christmas.
i would get a tablet
If I won $300, I would be able to get Christmas gifts for my friends and family without killing my budget.
i would use it for christmas presents
If I won, I would spend it on chapter books for my 2nd grade classroom library. Our school does not have a library and the students are getting tired of the books in our library. If I won, I could buy books that would interest my students back into reading, like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Cam Jensen, Magic Tree House, and Henry and Mudge.
I am a new email subscriber!!
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I am a new Twitter follower!
Tweet Tweet!!
I have shared the link about this Giveaway on Facebook!
Thank you! Keeping my fingers crossed!
I would use the $300 cash to buy my husband a gun safe. He’s been wanting one for a long time and I would love to give it to him for Christmas.
I have been a follower for a while now, but I just subscribed via email today.
I made a twitter account just so I could enter these giveaways!
I just shared the Black Friday Giveaway on my facebook page.
I would use the 300 dollars to buy presents for my family. I would love to help them out. Also I would spend some of it on the animals at our local shelter as they’re trying to find homes for the winter!!
existing newsletter subscriber!
shared with my facebook friends!
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Shared on facebook
new subscriber to emails.
I would use the card for grocery shopping
i would use the money on christmas presents for my three boys. thank you, holly
If I win, I’m sure I will spend it on my 2year old for Christmas. She gave me an extensive Christmas list so any coupons/gift cards/ or money I can win will help out greatly.
I would throw my daughter an amazing birthday party! It’s in December, so we usually can’t go all out due to all the Christmas expenses.
I would spend it on Christmas presents! 🙂
I follow @addicted2saving on Twitter as @calidreamin87.
I like Addicted to Saving on Facebook(Deanna Cali) & I shared “Fisher-Price TRIO Toy Sale as low as 60% off” from your FB page:
Well, it would probably come in too late to shop for Christmas, but I need some work clothes
fairly recent email subscriber
fairly recent follower on Twitter vlbsweeps
Like on Favebook Vickie Bartlett
shared post https://www.facebook.com/vlbsweeps/posts/221590237912950
I would purchase a Kindle for myself because I love to read (especially Stephen King and Victoria Williams-Fisher’s Books), I would buy some things to make my ill husbands life easier for him, and I would purchase some items to aid me in my massive couponing a rebate endeavors. I would definately have to purchase items to give to my local charities and need pantries which I love to give to.
I would spend $300 on christmas shopping for my family.
I am an existing newsletter subscriber.
Existing twitterer
Shared on FB
I would use the money for Christmas gifts.
I would use the money to add to our stockpile! It would really help to know that if we get snowed in this winter, we are all set!
I am a new subscriber.
I would love a new TV.
I am a new subscriber to your newsletter.
I would spend some of the $300 on Christmas gifts and the rest I would donate to a couple of pet shelters/rescues I am a fan of and to the cancer center where my boyfriend was treated at.
Liked and shared on FB!
I would use a portion of the money for Christmas and then put the rest in savings.
I would use the money for Christmas presents.
I would spend the $300 on Christmas gifts for my five kids. We are on one income and it would help alot.
I Subscribe to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter.
I Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter. Existing follower
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if I won I would be able to shop a little for myself, as a mommy everything goes to the kidds, honestly I don’t know what I would do with anything extra, maybe just hold on to it until there’s a really good deal, lol
I would use it to buy gifts and food
New subscriber
I’m a new addicted to savings subscriber but have been reading this site for months
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(Tamara Bennington)
I’m a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower
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I would use some of it for school, perhaps
I am a new subscriber to your newspaper. If I win $300, I will use it to help my son with his upcoming wedding.
If I wont he money would go towards paying for christmas
I would pay on my mortgage to catch back up if I won 1st. If other win, I would buy my son some presents.
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wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am a new follower on twitter as @wildnmild4u
I like you on facebook as Jen Rote
shared your extravaganza post
I would use this to help pay for Christmas. Thank You!
I would buy a eReader
I would use the money to put in my daughter’s college fund!
I’d use the cash to score all the deals at RIte Aid all year long 🙂
I subscribed by email
anything for my 1 month old daughter!
If I won the $300, I’d split it three ways to spend, save and share. The $100 I spend would go towards my holiday shopping budget. And the $100 to share would go towards gifts for a family I’m adopting for Christmas. The $100 to save would go right in my bank account. 🙂
Current daily email subscriber 🙂
existing FB fan 🙂
Spend it on the family
Been follow you almost a year.
YUP I’m a twit. @buttons_widgets
sorry filling to many things today
They are all nice, but amazon is my #1.
hehe sorry wrong blog on that last comment
I would use the cash to fly my father-in-law here for Christmas.
I am an existing subscriber
I shares your happy Sunday Post!
I would give some to my church and some for Christmas presents for my loved ones!
I am a new subscriber to your newsletter! Love your website!
I am now following you on Twitter! New subscriber
If I win the $300 I would use to to go visit my out of state family for Christmas. Thanks for the great giveaways!
I’d use the $300 and purchase a Nook for myself!
I already subscribe to your emails
Already like Addicted to Saving on Facebook, and just shared info about the Sweetbay coupon this weekend!
I would use the money to buy mom mom a TV that I can’t afford to buy her for Christmas
I am an email subscriber.
I am an old follower on twitter @lindabr1001
a few Christmas and Birthday gifts and then help make food bags for community service : )
I like and shared on FB.
I would spend the money on Christmas presents for my 3 girls
I subscribe to your blog via e-mail
I just subscribed to your email Cant wait to start getting it
If I won I would use it to but something for my son for Christmas …a new phone maybe.
I am a new subscriber — and i confirmed.
I a an exieting twitter follower @rusthawk.
Sheesh …I cannot spell today! I am an existing twitter follower!
I am a current FB follower and I shared one of your posts on my wall: https://www.facebook.com/ajax/sharer/?s=99&appid=2309869772&p%5B0%5D=100001156831237&p%5B1%5D=312121215464618
New baby on the way…I am sure I will find many ways to spend this!
I would use the money towards bills & christmas gifts.
holliister at gmail dot com
I’m a new subscriber to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter.
holliister at gmail dot com
I would use this extra money for xmas presents!!
I’m a new follower of Addicted to Saving on Twitter (@collifornia)
holliister at gmail dot com
I would use the $300 to not only be able to purchase gift items for my family but also have the money to use towards purchasing gifts for local charities such as Angel Tree, etc.
I Like Addicted to Saving on Facebook & shared.
holliister at gmail dot com
I am also a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber as of 11/16
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.
I would use $300 cash for my holiday shopping this year!
I just followed you on twitter!
If I was lucky enough to win the $300 I would spend it on my 3-year-old son’s 12 V Dodge Charger police car he so badly wants for Christmas!
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
I am a NEW Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber!!!!
If I am the lucky winner. I would use the money to buy all the things I would need to make a great Christmas dinner… and spend the remaining on my 5 daughts so they would have a Christmas to remember.
If I won, I would do some christmas shopping.
I’m now following you on twitter
I’m a new email subscriber.
I’m a new twitter follower @karli1238
I’m a new fan on facebook & shared the giveaway.
I would use the cash to make our Christmas a little easier financially. Thanks
I am a current facebook follower and I shared the giveaway on facebook Thank You for the chance
I would spend $300.00 Cash on a Fun Night out on Oahu!!! We Need it!!
I am a new Email subscriber
I am an old twitter follower
I shared this giveaway on my facebook page
Liked you on facebook and shared the link and signed up for newsletter, Thanks
I would finish buying Christmas presents!
I subscribed to your Daily Newsletter
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I liked Addicted To Savings on Facebook and subscribed to the newsletter. I would spend the money if I was fortunate enough to win it on my family.
I would spend it on my baby girls, It would go a long way for extra christmas money. Money is soo tight this year.
I am a new subscriber to your e-mail and soo excited about it
I liked you on facebook and shared your link
follow you on Twitter (@galyettina)
I would purchase Christmas Gifts for my family.
If I won $300, I would go Christmas shopping.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
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I am new to the addicted to savings site.
I Like Addicted to Saving on Facebook and then “SHARED” this giveaway.
Shared addicted to saving with my friends on facebook.
i would use the money to buy my family christmas gifts!
i follow addicted to savings on twitter @Lyndzloo83
i subscribe to your email
I would buy my husband a new laptop! Thanks for the giveaway
I am an existing newsletter subscriber : )
I “like” you on facebook and “shared” you with my facebook friends : )
I would like to buy a new camera for my parents as a Christmas gift
I followed Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter via cistran29
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I would use the cash to pay for my Christmas gifts!
Added myself to the email list
I would put 300.00 towards a cruise!
followed on twiter
Followed on twitter
I would pay bills!
I would probably use the $300 to cover the money I’ve already spent on my Visa for Christmas! =)
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i would buy myself so much needed work clothes
I now “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook and I shared this giveaway with my friends on Facebook! =)
i shared your facebook with others
If I won, I’d spend it on my son for Christmas and his birthday in January!
Following on Facebook.
forgot to also mention i shared. pls delete this entry. i’ve added a new 1. TY!
Following on Twitter.
If I received on of the prizes, I would use it towards christmas on my 2year-old, we need new shoes and more warm-weather clothing! buurrr
sammiemauk at yahoo.com
I am a new subscriber!
sammiemauk at yahoo.com
I am following you :o)
I have liked your FB page!
sammiemauk at yahoo.com
Liked, shared, and following on Facebook.
Pay off medical bills!
I would use $300 to do something fun with my family.
Existing Addicted to Saving Newsletter Subscriber. I signed-up and confirmed over 6 months ago with another email address other than the 1 I just entered here.
i’ll likely use the cash at old navy, they always have the best deals for my HUGE family =)
[email protected]
If I had 300.00 extra bucks I would get our son an ipad for his speech.
i get ur emails
[email protected]
I am new to Addicted to Saving newsletter 🙂
i follow u on twitter
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i like ur fb page and i shared
[email protected]
I would spend it on a Kindle Fire for myself for Christmas!
Subscribed to your emails and activated it.
I have been following and using your links on FB for a few months now.
I would use the $300 to go home for Christmas. We have had more than a few unexpected expenses lately and going home to Louisiana for Christmas is not looking good. My kids are disappointed but handling it well(I am proud of them). It cost about $250-300 RT from where we are now to there.
Thanks! Lori
I am existing to Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I would use it for Christmas gifts!
I just shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with your friends.
I would use the $300 for Christmas for my three teenage boys.
I am already a subscriber to your daily newsletter.
I would spend this money on Christmas presents for my kids.
If I won $300.00 I would use it to pay bills and buy my mom a Christmas present.
I am an email subscriber.
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
i wont lie……i would use it for gas and groceries 🙂
having 4 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats, …………..(and a partridge in a pear tree :))
it takes alot from day to day 🙂 it is all worth it…..and i wouldnt change it for the world!!!! 🙂
its just a little hard 🙂
i love my famly 🙂
i subscribe 🙂
I have shared Addicted to Saving on my facebook for my friends.
i like you on facebook 🙂
not sure if i lready told you that 🙂
I would love to use this to pay down some of my bills.
I am a new subscriber via e-mail.
I am a new twitter follower. janke5
I would purchase the best HD camcorder possible so I can capture as many memories of my kids while they are young.
I would buy Christmas presents!
I subscribe via email
I like you on facebook.
I would spend my $300 on Christmas presents for my best friends family who is having a very hard time with money right now.
I follow you on Twitter.
I like Addicted to Savings on Facebook and I shared about this giveaway!!!!
I would use the $300 to purchase food for the holidays and the pantry
Right now we have little money for Christmas so that is what I would use it for.
existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
Like Addicted to Saving on Facebook and then “SHARE” this giveaway
I have presents for everyone else, so i would like to get us a few things we need that Santa will probably forget: A hand mixer, annodized cookware, and some flatware!
If I were to win $300 I would probably spend it towards making this the best Christmas for my wife and 2 girls. Would buy my wife a spa day for all the hard work she does thru the whole year cause she truly deserves it and would take my girls shopping for clothes to get them thru the winter. We’ve been so behind on bills and trying to catch up has made us put the little things on hold. This would help so much. I just want to make it a great holiday =)
Happy Holidays and Good Luck to everyone!
I am a FB subscriber!
I will spend it on my family!
I would use the money to catch up on bills and Christmas presents and some clothing
I am a new Subscriber to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter
I follow you on twitter under name lightlovebeing
I liked you on fb and shared the giveaway
I would use the extra money for my daughter’s birthday party & presents because her birthday is only 20 days after Christmas which makes money very tight!
I subscribed to your email
I would pay some bills
I liked you on facebook and I shared a link
I would plan to use the money to spend a weekend away with just my husband. We don’t ever go anywhere without the kids and this would give us a little break to be alone.
If i won I would spend it buying my boys Christmas gifts, and maybe get a pedicure, I have never had one and well, I think that says it all lol
tiff715@hotmail dot com
I would spend it on the family we adopted for the holiday season 🙂
I would use it towards a new bedroom set.
I would spend it on Christmas gifts for family and help other families out as well!
I subscribe to your newsletter
I am a current Face Book follower.
I would use the $300 to buy Christmas gifts for my family. For my wife a bracelet that I’ve picked out on Zales.com (waiting for Black Friday Sale) and for my 2yo son, a Craftsman electric powered truck that I placed on layaway through Kmart.com.
I plan on getting cash back by going through shopathome.com….Never stop saving!
I would use it towards a new Macbook Pro. My old Mac is on it’s last leg and I’;m saving for a new one.
I already follow you on FB.
I would use it to help us adopt a baby!
If I won the $300 I would put it towards my upcoming dental work-seems I will need to have a molar with crown pulled and have an implant/with crown put in its place.
I have liked you on facebook for a long time now. I shared the giveaway with my facebook friends 😉
I would use the cash to buy for my elementary classroom
Would use the money on Christmas for my granddaughter 🙂
I would use it on Christmas presents!
I would use the $300 on christmas presents!
I subscribed to the newsletter!
I liked your facebook page!
Id buy xmas gifts
Subscribed to email
I will be buying Christmas presents for my 4 kids and family!
I would use the $300 to buy gifts for others but I might buy myself a little something too!!!
I just subscribed to your email updates. I am new to your site, and I was reffered from I Heart The Mart’s site!
I followed you on Twitter and I am new to your site! I also tweeted the giveaway while I was there!
I “liked” your FB page and shared to my friends your giveaway!
I would use the $300 to see my parents for christmas! I haven’t seen them for the holidays in 6 years~ so fun!
I would use the $300 on Amazon for Christmas presents. They have some great deals right now!
i would the gift card if i won to buy things that i really want and have use for…clothes
this is how Christmas would happen at our house
I would use the money for Christmas and birthday presents for my kids
I would use it for Christmas shopping.
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I would buy christmas presents for my children, neices, and nephews!
I like you on FB too!
I would spend it on family and women’s church group.
I would splurge on myself if I won the $300.00
New email subscriber
New twitter follower
Shared the link on FB with my friends
Definitely Christmas presents. 🙂
I subscribed to the daily newsletter.
I would spend it on Christmas for my youngest son how now is living in FL this will be his first Christmas away from home. I would LIKE to get him a tree and ornaments.
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heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com
Follow addicted2saving on twitter @Gerisandoval
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and shared
I would spend the giftcards on Christmas of course.
I would use the $300 to cover baggage, gas, parking, and other misc. costs of flying to Canada for Christmas!
I followed you on Twitter!
Signed up for the enewsletter.
Shared a post on FB.
I would spend the money on Christmas gifts for my family.
I like Addicted to Saving s on FB
With 4 kids santa would love the 300.00 to spend on gifts. It would go a long way.
I recieve your emails
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I would give some to my elderly mom for christmas to help her pay bilss and give my son the christmas presents he really wants that are not in our budget this year ..
I would love to buy christmas gifts for my children
thank you .
I am a fan of yours on Facebook.
I am now a fan of yours on FB
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I am subscribed to receive your emails. Thank you.
I will use the $300 to buy gift cards at my church for the stores where I will buy Christmas gifts for a family that MY family adopted for Christmas. That way the church gets a percentage of the gift card sales and we help a needy family. WIN-WIN!
$300 would be enough to cover my christmas shopping and dinner. Money has been tight this year, so it would help me start the year fresh 🙂
I would use the $300 towards a new dishwasher.
I like on Facebook and shared a post.
if i won i could buy chistmas for my family and add to my stock pile
I subscribe to your email.
The $300 cash would really help out with Christmas gifts!
I subscribed to your daily email!!!
I “like” Addicted to saving on facebook and shared a link of yours!!
I would use it to buy Christmas presents for my kids.
I just signed up to receive your newsletter.
I’m a new follower on Twitter.
I liked you and shared your giveaway post on facebook.
I would use the money to buy Christmas gifts.
I would use the money to help buy Christmas gifts for my family.
i would use it to help out with my christmas shopping
existing twitter follower @lkim496
I’m a new subscriber!
I would pay for Christmas with the $300.
Oh My! Well, with 6 kiddos, the spending part is so easy that the $300 won’t even make it to my hands LOL ;o)
I would use it for Christmas gifts:)
Subscribed to the Addicted to Saving Newsletter
“Follow”ing Addicted to Saving on Twitter!
“Like”ed Addicted to Saving on Facebook, although I thought I already did, wups =o)
I would buy myself an E Reader and spend the rest on Christmas!
I subscribed to Addicted to Savings newsletter.
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I shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.
If I won the prize I would use it to catch up on bills. Boring and practical, but relieves stress 🙂
I would use it to buy a Kindle.
I would use the $300 to put toward a trip that my hubby and I are planning to take to Phoenix in January. He’s running in his second marathon and it would be great to get out of the Wisconsin snow for a few days 🙂 Thanks so much for the giveaway!
lambeaugal at charter.net
I would spend $300 on stuff for our new house. It needs lot’s!
I’m a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
lambeaugal at charter.net
I’m a new Twitter follower (@lambeaugal)
lambeaugal at charter.net
Existing email subscriber, thanks!
I like your blog on Facebook (as Mimi Hayden) and shared your post on Target’s Black Friday deals on my wall.
lambeaugal at charter.net
Existing Twitter Follower, thanks!
I would use it to buy x-mas gifts . you have to be in it to win it!
I would take my hubby to see his family he hasn’t seen in 10 years
on christmas gifts
I would spend $300 on Christmas for my kids. Money is really tight right now with my husband in law school and having 4 kids to shop for!
I’d spend it on actually getting some nice Christmas presents.
New e-mail newsletter subscriber!
I’ve shared today’s Extravaganza reminder with my Facebook friends!
If I won the $300, I would use it to buy my mom something nice for Christmas. She is elderly and lives with me and this Christmas due to medical bills will be lean on the gifts. She would love to have some clothes that fit.. pants, tops, sweaters. She lost so much weight while she was sick that nothing fits. $300 would go a long way toward making a happy Christmas for her.
I would use this money for Christmas presents. Or maybe catch up on some bills. Priorities 😛
I would use the $300 for Christmas
Existing follower. I would use it towards Christmas.
I am a new subscriber to your daily newsletter
I would use the 300 towards book for school 🙂 And maybe a little something extra!
I am an exsisting Twitter follower! thanks!
I would use the money to surprise my daughter for Christmas
I would use 300.00 for Christmas presents….. Would love to win this one :0))
I liked this link and shared on my facebook page
I am existing newsletter subscriber :0)
Existing Addicted to Saving email subscriber.
I would use the $300 to adopt another cat that needs a home.
Thanks for your help and the giveaway. I would use the 300 to help my wife continue to be a stay at home mom. She loves it and our kids are well cared for and in a very stable environment because of it.
I would buy Christmas presents for the family:)
I like you on fb! Sharing the link now:)
WOW $300 would help with Christmas this year and make it very special.
I would be able to buy my girls Christmas presents with the money 🙂
I am new to your newsletter! Thanks
I would use the money for christmas gifts .
Today I subscribed to Addicted to Saving.
I’m a college student, and I’d use the $300 on books for next semester!
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If I won the Black Friday Giveaway I would buy bookshelves.
I would use the cash for Christmas gifts for my two little monkeys! =)
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I would buy a new TV
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every year we “adopt” children off an angel tree. This would give us more to spend to “adopt” more kids to provide for a happy holiday for them.
i would use the cash to redecorate my bonus roo
i am an email subscriber.
I would spend the three hundred dollars on CHristmas gifts for my girls.
I would buy my husband a new computer.
I would spend it on my son for Christmas
I subscribe via email and i am a new member
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I would put it towards Christmas gifts for my kids
I am an existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower @Just_Coupons
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I would spend that $300 to give my family a better Christmas.
New subscriber here, look forward to finding some new deals and tips on saving!!
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If I won $300 right now I would put it back for our vacation fund for the summer
My job just recently cut my hours, so I would use this money to help with christmas shopping, and to take care of some bills. I would like to surprise my parent’s too, since things have been really tough on them. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
I would buy my hard working hubby something really nice 🙂
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shariwrigh at aol dot com
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Black Friday Giveaway Extravaganza Reminder
I would like a Kindle
If I won the gift card I would probably spend it at JCPenny!!!
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I would use the $300 to buy a lot of little gifts for my grandchildren. Living on a fixed income and the economy the way it it, I’s afraid it’s going to be a tight Christmas from Grandma this year!
I would use the $300 prize to help with our Christmas Vacation! We are trying to scrape together just enough in lieu of presents this year. 😀
I would buy my husband a Christmas gift. As of right now, we are not buying for each other so that we can be sure to get all of the kids and grans a gift!!
I would spend the $300.00 wisely so I can shop for Christmas gifts for the family.
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#1) I would use it for Cmas and to continue building my new stockpile. My goal is to have a “wall of toilet paper” and enough shampoo/body wash for a year. 🙂
Definitely would use it for Christmas shopping for my family.
#2) Subscribed to your email updates! 🙂
I would use the money to catch up on my student loans. I never understood how over worked and underpaid teachers were until I became one!
I would use the $300 to buy my husband the Playstation 3 he’s wanted
I would buy myself a Tablet!
I have 4 boys and this would be great for christmas gifts!
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if I won the $300 I would spend it on christmas, also buy some stuff for the house, or buy stuff we need for the baby we are expecting in Feb.
I would put it toward a new mattress. Mine is shot!