**No longer accepting entrants – thank you to everyone for entering**
I am so excited for this Black Friday Giveaway Extravaganza I am taking part in! I am teaming up with 13 other blogs and together, we are giving away over $4,200 worth of prizes!
Beyond being excited about this Extravaganza, I am so jealous of the winners of the prize(s) I am giving away! Ebates.com has sponsored my giveaway and three of you will win cash prizes! If you are unfamiliar with Ebates.com, when you shop through Ebates, you will earn up to 25% cash back at your favorite stores. Besides receiving cash back, you will also have access to coupon codes that will score you discounts, freebies and more. Right now they have an awesome Double Cash Back event going on. You can earn double cash back at a different store every day! Ebates sends out checks to all members who have a cash back credit of at least $5.01 quarterly. Also – when you sign up for an Ebates account, you will receive a $5.00 cash back bonus when you make your first purchase! To sign up for an Ebates account and join in on the fun, go HERE.
And now for the giveaway! Ebates is giving away CASH to three lucky Addicted to Saving readers!
- The first place winner will receive $300.00.
- The second place winner will receive $100.00
- The third place winner will receive $50.00!
I will use a program called “And the Winner Is” to randomly select all three winners!
To enter to win up to $300.00 in CASH, follow the steps below for up to four entries:
1) Leave a comment on this post telling me how you would spend $300 if you won it!
2) Subscribe to Addicted to Saving’s daily email newsletter by entering your information HERE. You will have to click the “confirm you subscription” link you will receive in your email inbox. Leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber. (**If you do not subscribe to receive Addicted to Saving’s daily email, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
3) Follow Addicted to Saving on Twitter (go HERE). Leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving Twitter follower. (**If you are not on Twitter, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
4) Like Addicted to Saving on Facebook and then “SHARE” this giveaway or any other post on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page with your friends by clicking “Share” (go HERE). Leave a fourth comment on this post stating you have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with your friends. (**If you are not on Facebook, you are not eligible for this bonus entry.)
**Do NOT email me to enter this giveaway. Also – do NOT leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page. The only acceptable forms of entry are comments on this post.
**Giveaway ends Wednesday, November 23rd at or after midnight EST.
Ebates.com has provided the cash prizes for the three winners. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Also, be sure to enter for more awesome prizes with the other 13 participating bloggers! Click on each blog name to be directed to their unique giveaway. Keep track of which ones you’ve entered by printing off this Black Friday Giveaway Extravaganza Check List.
Check: Tesco Offers, Lidl Offers in Offers This Week.
I would spend the $300 on my two little boys!
I would spend it on my family for Christmas!!!!
Following you on Twitter!
I would use the $300 or whatever amount to pay for Christmas. 🙂
Hi, I would love to win the gift card. It would help out a lot with the holiday season quickly approaching.
Thank you
Santa is bringing a dog for our family for Christmas. So I will be using the money to buy dog supplies!! Happy Thanksgiving!
I would use cash to pay off bills — we are trying to buy our first house!
A new subscriber to the newsletter
I liked you FB, shared the post.
I could make $300 go a long way!!
I would spend $300 at Macys!!!!
I’m a new Addicted To Saving subscriber!!!
I would probably use the cash for groceries for both myself and the local Food Pantry. Times are tough for all of us
I would use the $300 to help pay for some of my car repairs
I would use $300 for my kids Christmas gifts since we just moved.
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I would spend the $300 on gifts for friends and family while trying to stick with my goal of shopping mostly with local small businesses and artisans in an effort to support the local economy.
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i would buy a new dishwasher. We just moved into a new house and found that the one installed doesn’t work properly!
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I would spend it on my family. I am currently looking for a job and it would come in handy.
I am a new newsletter subscriber.
new follower on twitter now.
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I would use the $300 for Christmas presents!!
I would use a portion to buy the materials to fix the heat in our truck so we aren’t freezing this winter! The rest I would use at Plato’s Closet for the kids Christmas!
I would spend the $300 to help my parents pay some of the bills & spend some in christmas gifts.
I am a new subscriber… I hope to learn a lot of ways to save $ I love coupons $
I am a follower on Twitter 🙂 -Bubblylicious-
I would spend it at the Apple store on an iPhone speaker
I would use the money for buying things for my new son!
I would give it to my elderly parents to buy groceries
To buy a wii for my kids.
I would use the money for Christmas presents! So excited to enter!
i would use this money to help get christmas presents for my 4 kids.. things are really hard this year…and i just want them to have the best christmas ever..
I would use the money to buy the really expensive bike toys my husband wants.
i am a new subscriber!!
i am now a fan on facebook!!!
I would spend the money on Christmas Gifts for a needy family in our area from the Angel Tree! I am nearly finished shopping for my kids, so I would buy for another family!
email subscriber!
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i would spend the $300.00 on my darling husband that works so hard for his family.
I would use it to buy Christmas gifts
i am a new subscriber..
I an existing Addicted to Saving email subscriber
I would spend the $300 on presents for Christmas!
I’m an existing Facebook fan for the past year!!!
I’m an existing facebook fan for the past year.
I would use it for new tires for my car! safety first 🙂
Ebates member [email protected]
I would spend it on curtains for my living room 🙂
I would use it for gifts for my 4 sons and my husband,
I am an existing email follower of you.
I am one of your facebook fans.
I follow you on twitter as mt4cb.
I would love to spend $300 on my 3 kids and a husband for Christmas! 😉
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber!
My job was just unexpectedly “eliminated” after 14 years of loyal service to the company, so I would spend every penny on groceries and other basic necessities, and of course I would try to stretch every last dollar I could using coupons! Thank you for this opportunity.
I am a new dedfiel hisAddicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I would stockpile a few groceries, buy me a much needed microwave and printer(to print coupons) and take my husband out for dinner….any left overs money I would use to hit the after christmas sales 🙂
I am a new Addicted to Saving Twitter follower.
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with all the friends I have on there (250)!
I have been subscribed to your email for a while now and love all your info!
I would use it to purchase an Xbox360 for my family.
I’m a new twitter follower @angelasbits
Liked/shared https://www.facebook.com/Angelasbits/posts/246476105413228
I would certainly use the money for Christmas presents. After years of going on only $100 to spend for a family of 6, $300 would be an amazing sight to wake to on Christmas morning 😀
I’m new to Saving newsletter subscriber and I;m already loving the savings!!!!
I would use the money to buy some groceries!
I would buy my dd some great xmas presents…
I subscribed to emails…
I liked and shared on FB…
i would use the money to buy gifts for famiy
I would spend the $300 on Christmas gifts!
I would use the $300 cash on a gift for my husband. He deserves it!
I’m a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber!
I am a NEW newsletter subscriber. Thanks 🙂 & Happy Holidays 🙂
I would spend the money buying Christmas presents for my 3 lil’ ones. Many Blessings 🙂
I would get something nice for my wife
Email subscriber
Follow on Twitter @eseberg
i would use the $300 to buy christmas presents
IM A NEW Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
Already liked you on FB, shared this post.
I would use the $300 to pay our auto insurance bill.
I would use the money to fix my broken AC unit!
I am an existing member of Addicted to Savings!! And I love it!!
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.
I’d use the money for Christmas presents for my family!
i would use the money for bills as my husband lost his job today
I’m a current email subscriber!
I’m a current Twitter follower…
I just shared it! 🙂
I’d buy Christmas gifts with the $300
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I would donate some to a local charity for kids with no Christmas and use the rest to help pay for Christmas presents for my family.
I may have to use it to pay off the gifts I already bought let alone the ones still on my lilst!!!!
My car just broke – easy enough to know what I’d spend it on! Merry Christmas to the mechanic!
I also shared on facebook – I’m on there under a different email btw – not the one I use for here. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use the $300 to buy the Barbie Dollhouse 3-Story Dream Townhouse for my daughters for Christmas. To see the look on their faces will be amazing!! Then I’d use the remaining money to put toward new tires for my car.
I have been subscribed to your newsletter for about a year now. I have the email sent to my work email address, that way I know I will not miss anything!!
i would use it on baby items it’ll help out alot since i have a baby on the way in late dec. crossing my fingers and good luck everyone
I am an existing Twitter follower!!
I “like” you on Facebook and shared the Toys R Us Door Buster Deals!!
I am an new subscribeer
I would definitely use the money to buy Christmas presents
I like Addicted to Saving on Facebook
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I don’t ever buy myself anything, but I want a snowblower…. thanks for the giveaway
I would spend it on my 5 y/o miracle. He has me and my husband to spoil him with love. He never asks for things and always thinks of others. He volunteers with me at various community events and is doing great in school. All he ever wants is his grandparents to be active, but it never happens and always lets him down. My grandparents were so important in my childhood that it bothers me to see him let down. He is truly a miracle and survived when his twin didn’t. Money would help a lot! Happy Thanksgiving!
Already receive and love Addicted to Savings Newsletter!
Share with friends about Addicted to Savings on facebook and when talking to them too! I am addicted to your site and newsletter! 🙂
I would use the money for bills
I follow you on twitter and I am a new follower <3
I like you on facebook and shared!!!
$300.00 I would be able to buy gifts for my grown children;-)
I would either put it on car repairs or a down payment on a new vehicle. Thank you
New email but not FB 😉
You are part of my day 😉 About a year now thanks for the updates 😉
I was recently laid off of work and I have 3 kids so I would use some of it to help buy their Christmas gifts, but also, my dad is having some health issues with his heart and is being evaluated for a possible heart transplant, but since he has already had a kidney & a pancrease transplant, we don’t think he would be elligible for one, so I would like to use the rest to send my mom & dad on a mini vacation some where that they could relax and have a nice time. They have been taking care of my grandmother (who suffers from dementia & alzhimers) ever since my grandfather passed away almost 8years ago. They really could use it and hopefully it would help refresh and revive my dad’s will to continue fighting so he can see his grandkids growup!
I would use it for groceries!
If I won $300 I would use it to pay for my college classes starting in January. I want to be a teacher. . . 🙂
I just signed up for emails!
I am a new existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
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I would buy a new kitchen aid mixer i always wanted one and my hand held one broke so perfect time to buy one! 🙂
I would use the money to replace our back door so that the cold winter draft is gone and the house is more energy effecient,
i’d really like blinds, so $300 would prob. go towards that…
i am a new subscriber!
i like u on fb & shared this giveaway on my wall…
I’d use the $300 to pay off the gifts I charged to my credit card.
i’m following u on twitter…
I’m a new email Subscriber!
I would spend the $300 on stuff for my wedding or put towards getting a house for me and the fiance!
I’m now following you on twitter ( @Raliya6 )
I subscribed and recieve your emails!! thanks so much!!
i am a new addicted to savings twitter foollower!
I would definitely spend the money on Christmas presents. 🙂
i really could use a new tv 🙂
I would see to it that my 12 year old niece had a nice christmas this year .She never asks for anything and i asked her why she said because aunt Chel i know i wouldnt get it anyway ,she is lucky if she gets $10.00 spent on her at christmas .I have had a hard time the past few years just getting my 12 year old daughter what she wanted,but this year things are much better for me so even if i dont win i am still gonna buy her at least one thing she wants BUT it would be such a blessing if i won!!!!!
i subscribe to your daily emails
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i shared the giveaway on facebook
I would spend it on my beautiful daughter.
I just shared a link to your page on FB
I would use the $300 to buy a double jogger stroller
I subscribe to your daily emails.
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I would spend it on Christmas!
I am a new Fb fan 🙂
New subscriber to you newsletter 🙂
I would use it to finish my Christmas shopping and buy Christmas for a needy family that I know!
[email protected]
So, I know I’m boring, but I’d spend the $300 on groceries and such, so that I could use the income I’d be saving from that to help pay down my credit card debt 🙂
SHared your black Friday post
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If I won the $300, I would use it to buy my hardworking parents a new computer since theirs just broke.
I would spend it on a new stove as mine just went out last night and we do not have any means to replace it 🙁
I am a new email subscriber!
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I would put the money in the bank.
I would use the money to help fix our exterra! Thanks for the chance to win!
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I would spend it on gifts for my mom, dad and fiance 🙂
I am following you on Twitter – am a new follower: Ilovesaving
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I have liked you on FB and shared this giveaway with my friends 🙂 Thanks
I would use the money to catch up on bills.
New subscriber to your daily email.
I am new follower of ATS on Twitter.
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I’d put my giftcart towards a new bass.
i subscribed via email
I would use it to buy christmas/bday pesents for my 3 kids. Work has been slow for my husband. Good luck to everyone!
I subscribed to your email
I’d use $300 cash to rush out and buy a couple of gifts for my mum and dad.
I would get a new coat which I desperately need.
I would use the money to purchase my son’s christmas gifts “from Santa” which includes a new bike, Udraw, imaginext dinosaurs, Wii games and DSi games.
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I would spend it on my family!
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I already liked you on FB but then shared this giveaway
I would spend the $300.00 on my 4 children for Christmas !
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I am a new email subscriber !
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I would use it for gas and groceries.
Most of it on Christmas presents. Some on groceries.
I would spend it on a new counter top.
new email subscriber
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I would use the $300 to buy christmas presents!!
I just signed up for emails!!
I would use some of the $300 for Christmas gifts for my boys and some would go to starting my stockpile I just can’t seem to get ahead.
I don’t have kids, and have already bought for nieces and nephews, so I would take this windfall and spay the stray cats I’ve been feeding on the block!
Old email subscriber. 🙂
New follower on Twitter (tinawoo21)
Shared the Facebook post re: the giveaway on my wall (Tina Woo)
I would buy presents
I just subscribed to your emails.
new follower on twitter. @poniabaum
shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.
I would use part to start a college fund for 1st granddaughter. Part for Zeal for a Deal savings for the local food bank, and 1/3rd for our groceries. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I subscribed to your newsletter.
Christmas for my 3 wonderful children!
I would love to win this prize I would use half of it for gifts for my family and the other for the elderly at a nursing home(since my grandparents are no longer with me)
I would spend it on a gift for hubby!
I am a new subscriber!
I have liked you Addicted to Savings on FB and shared with friends.
I would buy myself a new purse 🙂
I would love to win this and donate it to our local Christmas from the Heart program that helps put dinner on the table for those in need.
I would use the $300 to buy christmas presents. 🙂
I would spend the $300 on gift for my kids
I am a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
I shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends
I would spend it on buying christmas for my 3 year old grandson, my daughter, and my elderly parents.
I liked you on facebook.
I would take my family out for an awesome dinner!
I’d spend it on cothes and christmas presents for my dd….
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Not going to be much of a christmas I could realy use the 300.00 my wife has been off since sept the 28th because of emergency open heart surgery (no pay) very hard to make it one one persons pay when you need both th make the house run and pay all your bills.
I would spend $300 on making it a great Christmas for my family! I would use it to buy thrifty, but nice gifts and some cheap, but great food! And probably splurge a little too! =)
I would use my winnings for Christmas gifts for my 7 grandkids! Merry Christmas!!
If I won $300 I would use it to my by fiance’s grandmother a plane ticket to attend our wedding.
I am now following you on twitter!
… and I’m officially subscribed to your newsletter. Woot!
I would spend the money on Christmas gifts for my family.
I would use the $300 to help pay to send my husband home to Puerto Rico, to see his family and grandfather (who is not doing well health wise). He hasn’t been home to see them in 3 years.
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I could easily say this week what i would spend it on,,,,,A new tooth! Not my front tooth but close enough…Go ahead sing the song.
I am currently a suscriber to your newsletter.
I like you on facebook, and I shared Tuesdays daily recap.
I would use the $300 towards making Christmas extra special for my kids!!
liked you on fb and i would use it at walmart to buy stuff for my grandbabies
I would put it towards my kiddos school tuition.
amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com
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amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com
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I am a new follower on FB as Amy Brown Whitley and I shared this post:
amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com
I would spend it on something nice for my bf who always out does me on Christmas presents!
I follow you on Twitter
I would go to Lowes and buy items to improve my house.
if I win I would put the money towards our summer trip to VA
I would use the money for Christmas shopping!
I would probably use the money to pay bills after I’m tapped out from Christmas shopping!
i would most likely use the $300 on Christmas gifts for my family and friends….and maybe alittle something for myself.
Shoes and handbags!
i would love to help pay for college, and all the college dorm things!
i follow on twitter now 🙂 yay
I would use it little by little to build my stockpile back up.
I would use the money for a new computer!!
I would use the money on a NEW WARDROBE 🙂 Addicted to Saving is awesome!!!!
I am a NEW subscriber. Yayy!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a NEW addicted to savings twitter follower!!!!!!!!
I have shared Addicted to savings FB page on my wall for my friends to see! 🙂
If I won $300 I could do some very serious Cyber shopping for Christmas
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I would use the money to buy christmas gifts for my kids
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The money would go toward food and presents for the holidays.
I’m a new follower on Twitter.
Shared ATS on FB.
I’d use the money toward tires and gifts.
i would get a new diaper bag for myself! hancoci_s at msn dot com
think im a new subscriber! hancoci_s at msn dot com
new twitter follower
new FBfollower
Shared on Facebook.
I would spend the $300 on creative Christmas presents.
I subscribed and confirmed email subscription.
I am an existing follower on twitter joycorner
I liked and shared your toy coupon post on FB
If I win, I’m going to use it to buy Christmas presents for my kids! 🙂
If I win, I’m going to se it to buy Christmas presents for my kids! 🙂
I’d use it to send my niece to theater camp on her winter break.
I’m an email subscriber.
I would spend it on xmas gifts.
I’m a new subscriber
I follow via twitter ( LuckyDuckyToo)
I’m new to following on twitter.
I would use the cash to buy and ship Christmas gifts to my family!
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with friends.
I am a new email subscriber! Entry #2
I would use the money for Christmas presents!
I am a new email subscriber.
New Twitter follower
If I won the $300, I would buy my husband a gun safe (the one he wants is almost $600).
I am a new twitter follower @theimaginetree
Send a struggling college student $300.00!!!
I have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.
If I won the $300 I would help pay for my daughter’s Christmas ski trip (her first time!).
I would use it to buy my four girls Xmas gifts. I am a single mom working a full time job
but there is little left over for Xmas gifts for them. THey would be estatic!
new subscriber
i follow you on twitter
I would use the gift card to build up my stockpile, using coupons of course!
I am a new subscriber.
I shared Addicted to Saving with my friends on Facebook.
I would love to win $300 to pay for Christmas presents AND gas to go get them!
I shared your facebook page.
would love to win $300 and would spend it on new a new computer desk
subscribe to your newsletter
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Liked you on f/b and subscribed! IHTM!!!
I would love to win the $300.00 prize to use to attend my daughters wedding in Chicago.
I am already a subcriber and I visit your site everyday and love it!
I will buy my son a new television.
I am a new subscriber to your newsletter.
I like you and shared you on FB.
I would spend the money at Home Depot to do some updates on our home.
I would use it for Christmas shopping.! Thanks
I am a new member of this site.
I am a new Twitter follower of addicted to Saving.
I’d definitely use it to buy gifts for my kids, since for the first time I’m unemployed this Christmas season.
I shared Addicted to Saving with my FB friends.
I subscribed to your newsletter;)
I would use that money to Christmas shop;) Still have LOTS to do!
I would buy some new clothes for myself!!
I am a NEW newsletter subscriber!
I like you on FB and shared this link!
I have posted about addicted to saving on my Facebook page.
I would use the $300 to buy Christmas presents for my family.
I would use the money to buy the rest of our Christmas presents!
I like you on Facebook and shared the post!
A new hdtv is on our Christmas wish list, I think $300 would get us most of the way there
I like you on fb
I would spend the cash on christmas presents; probably new bikes for my 11 year old twins. their bikes were stolen.
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I’d buy groceries and gas.
I would get my son a xbox for christmas
already like on FB
and shared a post
I would use it to help buy a new car since ours recently broke down!
I shared on facebook!
Oh my goodness – I would use this to go Christmas shopping for my precious boy and girl. This is my first year to buy for two, so it has definitely hits where it hurts. I’m usually almost finished by now, but this year I haven’t even started. I would also be able to buy a gift for my sweet hubby and precious mom and dad who take care of my kids sooo much for me. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Following you on twitter as @champagnewisdom – yay!
I would spend it on Christmas gifts for my two kids.
I would luse the cash to pay some bills.
I liked you on facebook and shared a link,
I also follow you on twitter
I would buy me some clothes.
If I was the winner I would use the money to buy Christmas as I recently had back surgery and not sure how I am going to be able to purchase gifts for my family!!!
I would definitely use the money to buy a new vacuum. Our sucks! Really, it doesn’t. Just get clogged a lot and doesn’t do it’s job.
Subscribed to daily email…Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I would start and finish my Christmas shopping with $300!!!
How I’d spend the $300…it would sure help out with travel expenses to go see family for Christmas!
New follower on Twitter! 🙂
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I would spend it on a car.
I recieve your daily emails!
If I won I’d use it on new clothes for my kids.
and the winner is me, I would buy presents for myself.
I would buy a big dinner.
I would spend the $300 giftcard on winter clothes and jackets for my three children. They have all grown out of last years. Money is tight and winter is right around the corner!
I would spend it on Christmas gifts.
i would use the $$ 4 xmas presents, if i WON it sure would come in handy this year!!
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I would buy my parents something nice to thank them for everything and buy gifts for my famiy because i dont have that kind of money now that I am in College and dont work.
I Like Addicted to Saving on Facebook and shared today’s (11/23) Daily Recap Facebook post
I would use the $300 cash to buy my DH a laptop.
I am a new follower on Twitter
by the christmas gifts i don’t think i am goign to be able to afford this year
I now like you on Facebook and shared this giveaway on my page
I’m a new follower of Addicted To Saving on Twitter
email subscriber – e.ringwald at yahoo.com
twitter follower – eringwald
like you on fb – erin n r
I would spend $300 in cash to get my van’s heater fixed 🙂
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I’m following ATS and I did share the giveaway on Facebook.
New subscriber.
I would buy my husband his work boots and my kids toys
I would spend it on Christmas presents for friends and family for sure 🙂
i would buy something for my family for xmas in whatever i have left i would buy myself something
im a new Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber
i have shared Addicted to Saving on Facebook with my friends.