There is a rare $1.00/3 Bush’s Baked Beans or Grillin’ Beans printable coupon available right now. Head HERE to print your coupon. Then head to Publix where Bush’s Baked Beans are currently BOGO. Follow one of the scenarios below to get a can of beans for as low as! Dollar General Ad is viewable right now.
Scenario one:
Buy six Bush’s Baked Beans or Grillin, 21 – 28 oz on sale BOGO $2.49 for two
Minus two $1.00/3 Bush’s Baked Beans or Grillin’ Beans; Includes Baked, 28 oz Only or Grillin’, 21 – 22 oz Only
Total Due: $5.47 or 91¢ each
Scenario two:
Buy four Bush’s Baked Beans or Grillin, 21 – 28 oz on sale BOGO $2.49 for two
Minus one $1.00/3 Bush’s Baked Beans or Grillin’ Beans; Includes Baked, 28 oz Only or Grillin’, 21 – 22 oz Only
Total Due: $3.98 or 99¢ each
Head HERE to see the current and upcoming Publix Ad & Coupon Matchups