**No longer accepting entries – thanks to all who entered**Have I told you I have the best readers ever? I have a generous reader who is a Senior Consultant with Pampered Chef. Nicole emailed me offering to give away two Pampered Chef items to two lucky Addicted to Saving readers! Are you all fans of Pampered Chef? I don’t know about you, but I LOVE anything related to cooking. I love shopping for new kitchen gadgets, practical kitchen necessities, new cookware, etc etc. It is the cook and baker (I love to do both) in me that loves to add new kitchen products to my kitchen to make cooking easier and better. Pampered Chef’s goal is to provide the every day cook with tools to make meals tastier, quicker and more fun. Nicole is offering one Addicted to Saving Reader a Kernel Cutter (pictured on the left) and a second Addicted to Saving Reader an Outdoor Serving Set (pictured on the right). I LOVE the practical gifts! Nicole lives in the Tampa Bay area and her contact information is on her website (go HERE to Nicole’s Pampered Chef website). As you browse through her website, feel free to contact her to schedule a Pampered Chef party or to place an order!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to three times. The first form of entry is mandatory. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page. That will not count as an entry. You can leave up to three separate comments on this post as you follow the instructions below.
1) **This is mandatory** Go to Nicole’s Pampered Chef website and take a look at all of Pampered Chef’s products. Then, leave your first comment on this post stating which Pampered Chef product you would most like to have.
2) “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook (go HERE). Leave a second comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Facebook Fan.
3) Subscribe to Addicted to Saving’s email newsletter by entering your information on the top right side of this webpage. You will have to click the “confirm you subscription” link you will receive in your email inbox. Leave a third comment on this post stating whether you are a new or existing Addicted to Saving newsletter subscriber.
**Giveaway ends Sunday night, August 8th at or after 10 pm EST
**All products, prize packs, information and additional prize pack to giveaway were provided to me from Nicole at Pampered Chef.