Earlier today I posted about the new $0.75/1 Breyers Blasts coupon. Well – now I have an even HOTTER $1.00/1 Breyers Blasts coupon! There is also a $1.00/1 Magnum Ice Cream 3pk coupon available. These coupons are on Unilever’s website. To print, you will need to login/register for a Unilever account. Go HERE to login.
**If you shop at Target or a store that accepts Target Store coupons, go HERE to print out a $1.50/2 Breyers Blasts Target Store coupon! If you buy 2 Breyers Blasts and use one $1.50/2 Target coupon and two $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons, you will score $3.50 off of two 48 oz cartons of ice cream. That is a great deal! 🙂
Thanks Billie and Publix Chick for leaving a comment about these coupons! 🙂