Starting Sunday, April 24th, Walgreens will have Nestle Candy on sale for $0.39! Included in this sale is Butterfinger Snackerz and as you know, there is a $1.00/2 Butterfinger Snackerz printable couponavailable! With this coupon, you can score FREE candy! Print this coupon now to insure that you have it next week! Go HERE to print. (I found this under zip 34655).
Buy 2 Butterfinger Snackerz on sale $0.39 each
Minus one $1/2 Butterfinger Snackerz printable coupon
Total Due: FREE
**Disclaimer – because the $1.00/2 coupon has a higher value then the cost of the two Snackerz candy, the register should beep when the cashier goes to use the coupon. Your cashier will need to manually adjust the value of the coupon down to $0.78. You will not get overage, but you will get 2 bags of candy free!
Thanks Couponing for 4