Are you familiar with Recycle Bank? Recycle Bank is a program that encourages recycling by rewarding you with points as you recycle and do other earth friendly activities. Recycle Bank also has an awesome electronics recycling program and they have an Energy Plus program which helps you lower your energy use. I first signed up for Recycle Bank last fall and when I originally signed up, it was super easy to earn points. But lately, it has been harder and harder to earn points. Why are these points important? Because you can redeem the points towards coupons. (You know me and coupons ;)) I especially love it when they have $5.00 off of $30.00 Winn Dixie coupons! I am excited because just today, Recycle Bank emailed me a new code to release to my readers so that you will earn an easy 15 points! Whether you are a new or an existing member, if you enter the code addictedtosav15 (this code is valid until August 31st) you will earn an easy 15 points. But wait – it gets even better! You can enter my code five times to earn a total of 75 points! (A $5.00 off of $30.00 Winn Dixie coupon equals 50 points). Follow my instructions below to register or login. I will also give you a couple more steps to earn you even more points!
1) Go HERE to Login or Register at Recycle Bank. (If you are registering for the first time, you will earn 25 points just for signing up)
2) Once you are logged in, click on “Earn Points.” On the top right of the page you will see a box that says “Enter Points Code.”
**Type in the code addictedtosav15 and choose “Recycle Bank Insiders” as the Points Partner. (You should see that you earn 15 points) You can do this five times to earn a total of 75 points!
**Type in the code TakeSmallSteps and choose “Marcel” as the Points Partner. (You will earn 15 points from this)
3) To earn an additional 50 points, join the Ebay Green Team. You can do this by clicking the “Earn Points” category and when you scroll down, you should see the Ebay Green Team Icon.
I recommend you all sign up now if you are interested. You all always email me and ask me where I get my $5.00 off of $30.00 Winn Dixie coupons and this is how! 🙂