A huge thank you to everyone who entered the 7+ $5/30 Publix Store Coupons giveaway on AddictedtoSaving.com! I have to admit, this has been one of my favorite giveaways because so many of you got to win! I have emailed all the winners and will need to hear back by Friday (Sept. 30) no later than noon; if I do not hear back, I will pick another winner.
Congratulations everyone! Using And the Winner Is…plugin for WordPress, here are the following 20 winners:
1) Kristin wrote: I am an existing Facebook follower. Email: iheartcoupon****@hotmail.com
2) Betty wrote: Because of your wesite & couponing, I spend about $150 a month for 2 of us! THANK YOU LISA :o). Email: bettyb**77**@gmail.com
3) Debra wrote: I spend about 400 a month of groceries for my family of 4 and 2 dogs. Could use some coupons. Email: de***ent**@yahoo.com
4) Karla wrote: Our family of five spend no more than $400 per month. We eat lots of fruit and veggies and vegetarian recipes. Email: ne**au**[email protected]
5) Chris wrote: I am a BIG TIME Facebook Addicted To Saving follower! There is nothing better! Email: spor***reak**[email protected]
6) Kiley wrote: I’m already an Addicted to Saving fan on FB. Email: kilet***[email protected]
7) Danielle wrote: i also follow you on fb 🙂 Email: ltu**er**[email protected]
8) Vicki wrote: I am an existing fan of you on twitter although I don’t get on there very much. Email: th***[email protected]
9) Somer wrote: I used to spend anywhere from $180.00-$200.00 weekly for my family of 5 (recently added one more so we are now a family of 6) Since becoming a fan of your page and seeing all the great deals I have been missing out on for so long…..I have immersed myself into the world of saving…..and have sliced my monthly spending to less than $400.00. Thanks for all that you do! Email: Goo**rl**[email protected]
10) Dan wrote: Love your daily e-mails. They have saved our family a lot! We spend about $150 per week for a family of three. That includes drugs at Publix pharmacy. *** Many thanks *** Email: D**@usa.net
11) Amy wrote: I spend about $250 a month on groceries. That’s half of what I was spending this same time last year, thanks to couponing!!! Email: amy**[email protected]
12) Shannon wrote: a follower on twitter. Email: k**ann*[email protected]
13) Heather wrote: I’m an existing twitter follower:) Email: r**chard**[email protected]
14) Patricia wrote: I spend over $400.00 dollars a month on my groceries. Email: cal***[email protected]
15) Alycia wrote: I’m an existing A2S FB follower 🙂 Email: la***[email protected]
16) Alice wrote: We spend about $350 a month on a family of four. We get a lot of meats and produce which unfortunately don’t have many coupons attached. But The overage I get occasionally helps out. Email: alic****[email protected]
17) Kim wrote: I am new to Twitter! Email: **kimberly***[email protected]
18) Betty wrote: Since I have my daughter and grandkids leaving with me, I spend probably around $200.00 – $300.00 each month. If I was not couponing, then I would probably be spending around $500.00 – $600.00 easily!!! Email: Elizabeth****[email protected]
19) Hayley wrote: I am most def. a fan on FB! Email: *r*s*[email protected]
20) Nancy wrote: I am Addicted to Savings facebook fan , love all your post. Email: nancy**b*[email protected]