There should be 2 inserts in the newspaper this Sunday. One RP (Red Plum )insert and one SS (Smart Source) insert. Make sure you buy at least 2 newspapers so that you have at least two copies of each coupon. (You want even numbers of newspapers so if there is a B1G1 sale you have two coupons to use!) Below is a preview of the coupons we may see this weekend. Remember that specific coupons, inserts, and coupon values vary depending on the region/newspaper/city/etc!
Smart Source
A.1. Steak Sauce or Marinade, any variety Save $.55/1 (5/16)
Act bottle, 18oz+ Save $1.00/1 (5/31)
Ban product Save $.40/1 (6/5)
Ban Solid Save $1.00/1 (6/5)
Bic Flex4 Shaver 3pk, Comfort 3 Advance 4pk or Hybrid Advance Shaver Save $3.00/1 (5/30)
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