**UPDATE – I’ve revised the scenario below because you may actually get this for $1.98 at Walmart and Walgreens right now! It depends on if Red Baron’s Best pizza is included in the sale. I can not promise it is – leave a comment with your findings!
There is a new $1.00/1 Red Baron’s Best Pizza coupon you will want to print out! To print your coupon, go HERE and type in zip 84121. Hang onto this coupon until you find a sale (or – use it at Walmart right now).
Walgreens Scenario:
Buy two Red Baron’s Best Pizza on sale BOGO $5.99 for two **I’m not 100% sure “Best” pizza is included in the sale
Minus two $1.00/1 Red Baron’s Best Pizza coupon
Total Due: $3.99 or $1.99 each
**thanks Mandi S! 🙂
Walmart Scenario:
Buy one Red Baron’s Best Pizza on Rollback at $2.98 **I’m not 100% sure “Best” pizza is included in the sale
Minus one $1.00/1 Red Baron’s Best Pizza coupon
Total Due: $1.98
**Leave a comment if you know of any other sales we can use this on! 🙂
Thanks My Litter