I love to browse through the flyers and coupon inserts on Sunday afternoon. It’s kind of like a little present when you see all the great potential deals. I ran across two great coupons from the P&G insert that might be useful with the current CVS and Walgreens ad. To see these current ads with match-ups go HERE and HERE.
Coupon #1- $2.00/1 Tampax Pearl or Compak Pearl (18 ct or larger)
CVS Deal- Buy one Tampax Pearl 18-20 ct on sale $2.97 Minus one $2.00/1 Tampax Pearl 6-6-10 PG Total Due- $0.97!Coupon #2- $2.00/1 any Pampers Wipes 60 ct or larger
Walgreens Deal Buy one Pampers Wipes 64 or 72 ct on sale $2.50 Minus one $2.00/1 any Pampers Wipes 6-6-10 PG Total Due- $0.50!Although I don’t know the price on the Pampers wipes at my local Target or Walmart, my guess is that you can also probably get these pretty cheap or even free at these stores with the use of this coupon, too!