If you shop at Winn Dixie, pay attention to the catalinas that print out after your receipt. Don’t know what a catalina is? It is basically a coupon that you can use on your next transaction. These coupons can range from $5.00 off of $30.00 to specific coupons to put towards specific items. My reader Randy emailed me about the $5.00 off when you buy 4 Totinos Pizza Rolls catalina he received. Since his Publix accepts Winn Dixie as a competitor, he was able to use the $5.00 off catalina at Publix. AND, since Totinos Pizza Rolls are B1G1, he got an excellent deal!
So, pay attention to the catalinas you receive. If you receive a $10.00 off of $50.00 catalina and your Publix accepts Winn Dixie coupons, then know that you have the option of using your coupon at Winn Dixie OR Publix! 🙂 Don’t throw the catalinas away. They are like gold (for me at least)!!