Make sure you check your emails for a special CVS coupon! Carmen left a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page letting me know about a $4/$20 CVS coupon that was in her email. I checked and have this $5/$25!
This would be a great coupon to use with Huggies Diapers deal that starts this Sunday! (Check out my post HERE for that deal.) This coupon expires on Sunday, so make sure you head to CVS before then.
Check out all of the CVS COUPON MATCHUPS to see how you can put this coupon to good use!
Thanks Carmen for the heads up!
I got a $5 off $15!
I used to get them almost weekly and haven’t gotten one in at least three months maybe longer. I still shop there so not sure why. Very frustrating.
I am wondering the same! I used to get emails at least a couple of times a week and usually one coupon a week. I haven’t gotten anything for at least a few weeks! It’s frustrating to see that others are getting coupons, but I still love CVS!
The only email coupons I’ve been getting the last 4 or 5 months are for online use only and, of course, you can’t use manufacturers coupons online. I emailed CVS and asked why I never get in store coupons anymore and that I would never, ever shop online. They gave me a very polite brush off and continue to send online coupons!!! Also, I never get any good coupons from the instore coupon center anymore. Was a time when it would spit out 10 or so fabulous high dollar ones. Seems the longer you shop there, the less they give you.