I haven’t done a post on the mail I’ve received lately. I have had lots of fun items in my mail box during the past two weeks and two items were totally unexpected. The first was a $5.00 gift card to use at Walmart (the minimum amount I need to spend is $5.00). The gift card seems to have been sent to all the people in my neighborhood. I also received a $10.00 Kohls gift card to use and again the minimum amount that I need to spend is $10.00. Both of these gift cards were on advertisements which before my couponing days, I would have immediately thrown away without looking at closely. So, check your mail each day! You never know when local stores will send you high value coupons, gift cards, etc etc! And, keep me posted on any great items you receive in the mail!
Check Your Mail Carefully Each Day!
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This week I also received the $5 Walmart gift card long with a $25 Visa gift card from Kia just for taking a test drive one week (a corporate promotion) and a $20 Chili’s gift card from the local Kia dealer for taking the test drive (same vehicle and same dealer) the following week, numerous mfg coupons, Puffs to go, full pack of ‘5’ gum, and $11 in rebates. :~D