If you receive Sweetbay’s weekly sales ad in the mail, check the ad you probably received today! On the cover is a $5.00 off of $30.00 coupon which is valid in Pinellas and Pasco Counties! The coupon is good from 5/5 thru 5/11.
**And – remember that if your Publix accepts Sweetbay as a competitor, you can use the $5/$30 at Publix! 🙂
I live in Pasco, but most of my zip code is in Hillsborough. Guess thats why my version of the ad didn’t have that coupon. Doh! I’m gonna have a hard time getting to $50 to use the Publix Q. Well, getting there cheaply anyways.
On another note, I noticed the 2 liters of 7up were $0.99 at Publix a couple days ago. So free if you have the $1 coupons.
I know what you mean Mark! This week’s ad is pretty slow! I have a $10/$50 coupon to use and I’m not sure I can get to $50 in groceries before coupons! 🙂 And, thanks for the head’s up on 7up! I have to update my post from earlier today. Seems the printable limit has been reached already!
I live in pasco county and my flyer did not have the coupon either…. hmmmmmmm
stinky..live in Hillsborough..Not fair!
Thanks for posting this! I generally don’t look at Sweet Bay because I usually never find any good sales and they are a little pricey to me without sales. Hopefully my Publix will accept this! Thanks again