I have bad news. Well, the news may not be bad for you, but it was bad for me. Log into your Medco account if you made a purchase last week when Medco had the great deals I posted about HERE. My order says “canceled”. So disappointing.
I am curious if you received the same message or if you got lucky! Either way, it’s deals like these that I am always hesitant to post b/c I never know if it will go through. I had success with Medco in the past so I assumed that this deal would go through as well.. Going forward, if I do post Medco deals, I will make sure to type a disclaimer letting you know the deal isn’t 100% certain until you receive a shipping confirmation that it is enroute.
I checked my order status and some of the items were shipped and some were cancelled. I called and they are going to reorder the items for me. They may ship at different times depending on what is in stock, but they are gonna give me two day shipping for the rest of the items.
how can they do that?
mine says “processing”. I’m crossing my fingers!!
Hmm! I have a feeling this will be the last time I place an order with Medco. I received 1 of the items that I probably needed the least (KY Jelly) haha! It angers me that I had to pay $.99 for an item that I really didn’t need but chose to purchase for free along with other toilet items that I did need to include toothpaste. I will be calling them to express my frustrations. GRR!
I received an email from Medco today stating that the special promotion they were offering was ‘while supplies last.’ Due to an overwhelming demand, they’ve cancelled the promotion and cancelled my order. =(
The cancelled my order. 🙁
cancelled. Doesnt seem right.
I called Medco and expressed my frustration and they said the same thing. I told them that I was upset that I had to pay $.99 for one item when I really needed the others. She told me that my other items were “out-of-stock” and would put another order in for the items that were cancelled at no extra charge. They won’t ship for 1-2 weeks but that is fine by me. Please call them if you really need the items. They were extremely friendly and apologized many times! Hope this helps.