I posted about this rare $1.00 off any 2 COMBOS snacks 6.3oz or Larger coupon yesterday, and I still believe it’s available so you’ll definitely want to print and hang onto it to use at CVS starting next week!
Here’s the CVS deal available with this coupon (starts 9/8/13):
Buy two Combos bags, 6.3 oz, on sale 2 for $3.00
Minus one $1.00 off any 2 COMBOS snacks 6.3oz or Larger
Total Due: $1.00 each!
Go HERE to print this coupon while you can. As I said yesterday, this is a rare one.
Thanks Southern Savers for the CVS deal!
- Remember to check out all the CVS deals for the current sales cycle in the CVS WEEKLY MATCHUPS post!
The coupon you have the link for only works at walmart..so why mention the deal at CVS?