If you have been looking for a Costco Membership deal, this is an AWESOME one! Right now on Zulily, you can purchase a new Costco Gold Star Membership for $55.00. Along with your membership, you will receive $50.00 worth of coupon savings. Go HERE to login/register for Zulily and take advantage of this deal!
Included Coupons:
- a free rotisserie chicken
- a free pack of batteries
- a free case of Kirkland Signature™ water
- and more
Fine Print:
- Limit four membership activation certificates per zulily customer
- Coupons and three free items expire January 31, 2014
- Costco Membership Activation Certificate for membership does not expire
- Costco Membership Activation Certificates are redeemable at a Costco warehouse for membership as a Gold Star Member.
- Costco Wholesale Membership Activation Certificates are not redeemable for renewal of an existing Costco membership.
- Membership Activation Certificates are not redeemable or refundable for cash or merchandise nor are they a debit or credit card. Membership Activation Certificates must be redeemed at a Costco warehouse membership desk in the United States or Puerto Rico; they are not redeemable at Costco.com.