**This contest is now over – thanks for everyone who entered!** I have awesome readers. You all bless me with emails full of encouraging words, excellent feedback and motivating success stories. This past weekend I received an email from a reader and he was offering to donate three of $5.00 Schick Hydro Razor coupons and three of his $1.00 Schick Hydro Shave Gel coupons. How generous is that? As I said, I have awesome readers! Well, today I received the coupons he mailed me and not only were there the coupons he promised, but he upped the ante – he mailed me 10 Schick Hydro Shave Gel coupons and 6 Schick Hydro Razor coupons! I am going to donate a few coupons you might enjoy as well! 🙂 Regardless of where you shop, these coupons will get you great deals! But, if you shop at Publix, these coupons will get you free shave gel and free razors (when you combine them with Green Advantage flyer coupons)!
So, since the Green Advantage Flyer sale goes through 5/21, I am going to have a quick giveaway.
There are up to three ways to enter – Leave a separate comment for each entry. I will select a winner using Random.org tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 18th at 8 pm EST.
1) Leave a comment on this post and tell me what your favorite store to shop at is.
2) Become a fan/”Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook (go HERE). After you become a fan OR if you are already a fan, leave a comment on this post letting me know.
3) Subscribe to receive a daily newsletter from Addicted to Saving (go HERE). After you subscribe OR if you are already a subscriber, leave a comment on this post letting me know.
**All entries must be in the form of comments on this post. Please do not email me, leave a comment on facebook, or leave a comment elsewhere because they will not count as entries.
Thank you Joshua for your generous spirit!
My favorite store has got to be Publix!
My favorite store is definitely CVS
Publix!!! Even when I have an issue with a coupon or sale item, they are always willing to work with me. Publix is really the first store I used when I started couponing.
My favorite store is Publix!
I am a facebook fan of yours!!!
Just gotta say it again….my favorite store is Publix:-)
LOVE LOVE LOVE Publix!!!! I am already one of your biggest fabs
Oh PUBLIX!!! I just love them.
Duh Publix rocks
I get your news letter already…LOVING IT!
PUBLIX!! It is my favorite store. They have great customer service, the store is clean and wel stocked. You can’t beat them.
FB fan already!!!
I am a fan.
and did I mention….PUBLIX?
Publix by far!! My usual store had a bit of a problem with the whole “couponing thing” at first but now they know me and are great!!
I subscribed:)
and just to restate for the record, my fav has gotta be Publix.
My favorite store has got to be Publix. I love me some BOGOs!
I’m a fan on FB!
I’m a subscriber!!!
I subscribe to newsletter
Love Publix…especially the BOGO’s!
Since we are military and aren’t near a Publix, we love doing most of our shopping at the Commissary and Target!!!
My fav store is Publix. I am a fan of your facebook page and just made sure I subscribed to your email! 🙂
Huge fan….love the daily updates! Love saving $
I’m a fan!
Publix!!!! My favorite!!
Can’t thank you enough Liza for all you have taught me!
I’m a facebook fan!!
I’m a subscriber too!!
We just got acquainted through our Caveliers and as I said, this is a wonderful gift you’re sharing with many many people in these days of a very shaky ecomony!!
Publix! I am also a fan of your page on Facebook and already subscribe to the newsletter!
Publix Publix Publix!!!
I am a huge fan of Publix but also love Winn Dixie for their BOGO’s. I shop both every week.
I am a fan on FB
I subscribe to your newsletter too.
Publix is my fav!!
Im a FB fan already!
I also get your newsletter already!
LOVE this site, thank you so much 🙂
I would have to say I get the best deals at CVS (no Publix here – darn!).
I’m a facebook fan!!
My favorite store to shop at (even though our relationship has been a bit rocky lately) is Publix. They are a clean store, they offer great deals, and they are willing to go the extra mile. and I even love them despite the fact that when I worked there for a month years ago, I was demoted to bagger because someone in the front office put my money under my register on my first day, and I didn’t know, and I was $100 short and I got written up even though they found the money. that is true love.
I have been a facebook fan since right after my daughter was born this past March. I even had it set up to send any updates you post to my cell phone (I don’t think it’s working quite right at the moment…), now that is ADDICTED-TO-SAVING! lol. I have also recruited several people to your site because I love it. I feel like a groupie. LOL
and of course I subscribe to your emails!
My favorite store is either Giant or CVS…
I am a facebook Fan =)
…and i get your emails!!
I love Publix!
I Love Publix!!! My absolute favorite.
I just signed up for your email alerts.. Thanks so much!
Publix, Publix, Publix is my favorite store to shop with my coupons!
I’m a fan!! CVS for me. And I love your daily emails
I am your FB fan!
I love Publix and now CVS…new to the whole couponing biz!
I’m subscribed to your emails! Thank you!
I love Publix and CVS. I spent about $7.50 and got back $8.00 in RR. Love it!!!!
I used to be a Walmart guy, but after following this blog I am Publix all the way!
I love me some Publix.
I could really use these coupons I
had these and misplaced them after my
store was sold out.
I love Publix, I am a fan, I have already subscribed to your emails which are sent via TEXT to my phone so I DON’T MISS A THING!!!!!!
It’s been 3 weeks & I’m not only hooked, I’m saving my family some big $$$$! My favorite store? Publix! Please enter me into the coupon give-away! I will USE those, thanks Joshua!
Target is my favorite store
i can’t ever decide if publix is my fave or cvs! 🙂
i “like” you 🙂
i signed up for the emails! (i didn’t even know this was an option till now – yay!)
publix is the best store. lots of ways to save and the staff is most awesome!!
I love publix. I am a FB fan.
I love Publix and your blog is so helpful!!
PUBLIX for sure!!
I am a FB fan
My favorite store is Publix hands down. They are the best!
I love Publix and I especially Love AddictedtoSavings.com I have shared it with all my friends!
I’m addicted to saving at Publix and Walgreen’s
I Love Publix! Can’t say it enough:-)
PUBLIX is my favorite!!!
I subscribe to the emails! I love Publix!
I am a fan on facebook, Publix is my favorite store.
I am new to coupons & I just LOVE your site, I’M addicted to Publix & Walgreens !!! Facebook Fan !! Thanks for all your posts. 🙂
I love Publix. Wal Greens is next on my list only because the CVS is a drive from me! Thanks for your great site!
And I get emails too!
Im a fan on fb and i get the newsletter…My fav store is Publix
I am a fan on FB. Publix is definately my fav store.
My favorite store is Publix 🙂 AND I’m a facebook fan!
My favorite store is Publix 🙂
My favorite store right now is CVS. But I do love Publix and Target. 🙂
I’m a facebook fan as well! I love your site!
I am already a fan on facebook 🙂
I would say my favorite store at the moment is Target. I love scoring great clearance deals combined with coupons making them even sweeter. I currently was able to find some cute merona shoes for work for under $4 with the new shoe coupon! Coupons make me happy 🙂 It’s the little things in life I tell ya.
Publix is my favorite store!
my favorite store is CVS. I’ve gotten the best deals there for sure.
I subscribe to emails–love your site!!
I love to shop at Target…I just always spend too much money. 😉
I am subscribed to your emails…but I don’t think I’ve gotten one yet..I’ll have to double check that.
I am already a facebook fan… perfect place for me to check when something new is posted to the site. 😀
Publix is definitely my favorite store!
I am already your Facebook fan!
I get your email everyday and LOVE IT!
I’m already a FB fan! I would love to get the shave gel coupons. Somehow I or my kids lost mine:(
My favorite store is Publix! Thank you addictedtosaving!!!
Can’t say it enough! Publix is my favorite store.
I’m definitely a facebook fan!!! 🙂
Already signed up for the newsletter
Publix of course
I’m a fan
I get the newsletter too!
i have already subscribed <3 and i would lovvve to get freebie coupons