**Reposting this as a reminder! 🙂
I wanted to thank all of you for taking the time and spending the money on postage to send me your expired coupons. (If you are new to Addicted to Saving, I  send expired coupons to a military community in Vicenza, Italy that I’ve adopted. The military families overseas will then use the expired coupons at their commissary and PX or BX.) Every month I go to the mailbox I rent at my local UPS store. The box typically is jammed full of small envelopes. The owner always sees me coming and as I open my box and pull out the envelopes, he goes into the back and brings me huge boxes overflowing with envelopes and boxes full of coupons that didn’t fit into my mailbox. Your support and participation is absolutely amazing and I wanted to thank all of you for helping this wonderful cause.Â
I also wanted to share with you the letter I received from the The Army Community Service Team:
Dear Ms. Liza,
On behalf of the military community in Vicenza, Italy, please accept our sincere appreciation for your coupon submissions. We understand the time and commitment that you have invested in providing this service and we assure you that your efforts have not gone without gratitude or reward.
Every week, our dedicated Army Community Service volunteers sort the incoming coupons and tape them to the products carried by our commissary. We receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from our community members regarding this service, and we couldn’t do it without your help. Thanks to you and your kind efforts, our military families save countless dollars on their commissary purchases and basic living expenses.
Interest and support from caring people like you have enabled Army Community Service to better serve our Soldiers, active and retired, and their dependents. Thank you again for your time, consideration, and patriotism in providing these coupons to our military families.
I didn’t know until reading this letter that our coupons are actually taped onto the products in the commissary. How awesome is that? This letter is such an inspiration and it is so great to know that our coupons are being used and appreciated! So.. all this to say, start gathering your January expired coupons!
Below are the requirements if you are interested in with Addicted to Saving’s Couponing for the Troops:
1)Â Mail your expired coupons to: Addicted to Saving, PMB 105, 8348 Little Rd, New Port Richey, FL 34654
2) Send me all coupons that expired ON or AFTER January1st. (Commissaries will accept older expireds, but I’m only going to send one month old coupons since I will do this once a month)
3)Â Do not send me printable coupons and do not send store coupons (i.e. Target, Publix, Walgreens etc) because commissaries overseas will not accept them.
4) Please Please Please cut your coupons out and then separate your coupons into two categories Food & Nonfood.  If you mail all of your coupons to me in one envelope, use an elastic or paperclip to keep the two categories separated. Food is considered anything eaten by humans.. Food is also considered gum. Nonfoodis toiletries, dogfood or catfood (since it’s not consumed by humans), vitamins, medicine, etc.
That’s it! I will do the rest of the work! I need all of your coupons in my hand by February 14 th!
What a terrific ministry! Thank you and God Bless you
I heard about this from another blog, a while ago. And I love the idea. It just kills me when I have to throw out some great coupons.
I’m sad to hear that printable coupons are not accepted.
But I am seriously considering participating.
Awwwww shucks! I pulled expireds excpecially for you for this , this month to make sure they got to you in time. Forgot to seperate the food/non-food. I’ll get them fixed and readdressed before the Post gal gets here today! I’m Sooooo Glad they can use them and I have placed signs up around my neighborhood looking for donations of coupons. Including the expireds so I can send those to you as well.
Im so glad you posted this. I’ve been wanting to send my coupons that I don’t use to a military family for so long but just couldn’t find the time to figure out the way to go about doing it. I’m glad I can just send them to you now and you take care of the rest. Thanks so much! I’m so glad that I can help out others familties in need.
Can I send Dec expired coupons this time, as new to this and there are SO MANY good ones?
I live here in Vicenza and just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work the coupon program here helps our community to save thousands of dollars a month.
Wow – thank you! It is great to hear from you and I am so glad that our coupons are helping you save money!
Was reading the information above and just wanted to let you know that the commissaries have started accepting internet printed coupons again, but still no store coupons. (Target, Walmart..ect.) The PX also is accepting coupons up to 6 months past the date. Thank you again for all your help. The coupon program here would not be possible without you.