There are some great coupons you might want to print out for the upcoming Publix ad which starts Wednesday or Thursday (depending on where you live).
First – If you haven’t found or looked for Publix’s Healthy Meals Healthy Kids store booklet, do it. These coupons expire 3/20/10 but a couple of them will work perfectly with the upcoming sale…
Now for the printable coupons (use a junk email account if you have to register for the coupons and also DON’T print the coupons if you don’t need or want the items!):
$1.00 off one Fast Fixin’ Chicken (when you click to print, your printer will automatically print 5 coupons.. I think you can print the 5 twice per computer) Use two $1/1 printables and two $1/1 store coupons from Healthy Meals Healthy Kids and you will get a bag for $0.99!!!! ***$0.99 a bag is an AWESOME deal. This is a stockpile price. If you would normally buy this for your kids (or husband in my case) stock up and buy as many bags as you can. If you don’t have the store coupon, this is still a great deal – you will get each bag for $1.99.
$2.00 off of 3 bags of Hershey Easter Candy buy 6 bags, use two coupons, will get you 6 bags for $1.43 each (not a great deal but they are regularly priced at $4.19 each)
$0.75 off one Wish Bone Salad dressing buy 2, use two coupons, spend $0.70 each!
$0.55 off one Mueller’s Whole Wheat Pasta buy 2, use 2 coupons, spend $0.15 each!
$1.00 off two Musselmen’s Apple Sauce buy 2, use 1 coupon, spend $0.67 each!
$1.00 off one Lance Cracker packs buy 2, use 2 coupons, spend $0.45 each!
$1.00 off one Sun Bee Honey **updated link – thanks Colleen** buy 1, use 1 coupon, spend $0.99 (not a stockpile price but a good deal if you need honey like I do!)
I couldn’t print the Sue Bee Honey coupon (said I had reached my limit the first time I went to print it), but I went to Sue Bee’s website and was able to get a $1/1 coupon….did anyone else have this happen??
We use honey in a marinate when grilling pork tenderloin…Bob will be busy at the grill this weekend!! 🙂
Colleen – I updated my link! Thank you so much..
do u till need me to get u flyers?