Below are the top deals for this week’s CVS Ad. **NOTE**These are only the best deals for this week’s ad. If you’d like to see the full CVS Weekly Ad with coupon matchups for the week of July 19th, then go HERE.
With Coupon from the CVS Coupon Center; Limit 1 bag per Customer; Excludes: Caliber, Batteries, Sale Items, Vitamins, Sun Care Products, Gift with Purchase offers, CVS Gift Cards, Clearance and All products containing pseudoephedrine, ephedrine and items limited by lawIncludes: CVS brand, Gold Emblem, Gold Emblem Abound, Beauty 360, Total Home, Pet Central, & Just The Basics brands; Select varieties
Excludes: Clearance
- $0.50/1 Schick Disposable Razor Pack; Excludes 2 ct and 10 + 2 ct
- $2.00/1 Schick Hydro Razor or Refill; Excludes Disposables
- $3.00/1 Schick Intuition Razor
- $3.00/1 Schick Intuition Razor (Zip Code 77477)
- $3.00/1 Schick Intuition Refill
- $3.00/1 Schick Hydro Silk Razor or Refill – 6-28-15 SS; Excludes Disposables (exp. 08/09/15)
- $3.00/1 Schick Men’s Disposable Razor Pack – 6-14-15 SS; Excludes 2 ct and 10 + 2 ct (exp. 07/26/15)
- $3.00/1 Schick Men’s Razor or Refill – 6-14-15 SS; Excludes Disposables (exp. 07/26/15)
- $4.00/1 Schick Disposable Razor Pack – 6-28-15 SS; Excludes 2 ct and 10+2 ct (exp. 07/25/15)
- $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste – 7-12-15 SS; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only (exp. 07/25/15)
- $1.00/2 Colgate Toothpaste – 7-12-15 SS; Includes 3 oz or Larger Only (exp. 07/25/15)
- $0.75/1 Colgate Toothpaste – MobiSave Rebate; Excludes Trial Size; Cannot be Combined With Manufacturer Coupon
Excludes: Twin pks and Aerosols
- $2.00/2 Dry Idea Antiperspirant Deodorant Product – 6-28-15 RP; Limit 4 Like Coupons In Same Day; Cannon Be Redeemed With Any Other Coupon (exp. 07/26/15)
Excludes: Twin pks and Aerosols
- $2.00/2 Right Guard Antiperspirant Deodorant Products – 6-28-15 RP; Excludes Sport, Limit 4 Like Coupons In Same Day, Cannot Be Redeemed With Any Other Coupon (exp. 07/26/15)
- $2.00/2 Right Guard Body Wash – 6-28-15 RP; Cannot be Combined With Any Other Coupon (exp. 07/26/15)
- Stacks With $1.00/1 Right Guard Body Wash – MobiSave Rebate
- $1.00/2 Glade Products; Excludes Solids, Aerosol, 8 oz and Plugins Scented Oil Warmer
- $2.00/3 Glade Products; Excludes Solids, Aerosol, 8 oz and Plugins Scented Oil Warmer
- $1.00/1 Glade Product – 6-14-15 SS; Excludes Solid Air Freshener and Room Spray, 8 oz (exp. 07/26/15)
- $1.00/2 Glade Products – 7-12-15 SS; Excludes Solid Air Freshener and Room Spray, 8 oz (exp. 08/16/15)
- $1.00/2 Glade Wax Melt Refills – 6-14-15 SS; Includes 6 ct Only (exp. 07/26/15)
- $1.00/2 Glade Wax Melt Refills – 7-12-15 SS; Includes 6 ct Only (exp. 08/16/15)
$4.99 – Prices may vary by store
- $2.00/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse – 6-28-15 SS; Includes 480 ml or Larger (exp. 07/25/15)