Comments on: CVS Scenarios 10/21/12 – 10/27/12 Addicted to saving money! Mon, 22 Oct 2012 02:30:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Samantha Mon, 22 Oct 2012 02:30:10 +0000 Hi….I’m still very new to couponing and have always stayed clear of CVS because it just looked so confusing….I wanted to try it out but had a question or two 🙂

In regards to the multiple transactions, do the tellers ever get mad with you when you ask them to split into multiple transactions?

Also how do you start if you don’t have any ECB’s loaded on your card? Most of the scenarios I see all say to use the ECB’s from previous weeks…

Does it really benefit you to split them into multiple transactions or could I just buy all of it (spend the most upfront) but have more to save the next week when i could use all the ECB’s? or are there rules?

Sorry for the questions, I wanted to do the scenarios you had posted and also the schick hydro razor one and maybe the pantene one since that looks good also…so confused
