Comments on: CVS Weekly Ad 11/14/10 – 11/20/10 Addicted to saving money! Mon, 22 Nov 2010 22:07:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: brianne Mon, 22 Nov 2010 22:07:10 +0000 Cynthia’s right! it’s still going on…

I scored BIG on makeup at CVS today. I had a loreal coupons: $5 off 2 face items, $2 off one face item… they had blush, eye shimmer powder and liquid powder for 75% off! I paid 3.78 and saved 38.56.

By: Cynthia Tue, 16 Nov 2010 22:54:54 +0000 Just wanted to let everyone know about a loreal makeup sale at CVS right now….don’t know if it’s in the ad or not. 75% off a lot of the makeup and matched with the loreal coupon in last weekends RP of $5/2 and also $2/1 you should make quite a score! I spent $7.11 with tax and saved $138.40!!
Make sure you get the stuff that’s on clearance for 75% because it’s not on ALL makeup. Scan the items at the front and it will show you the clearance price. I got a lot of things for under $1 with coupons 🙂

By: susan Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:00:25 +0000 FINALLY!!! I got 2 of the toothbrushes yesterday!!! last time i went to 7, yes 7 CVS stores and no one had them!! (I only had to go to 2 this time) 🙂

By: Meshelle Mon, 15 Nov 2010 04:37:25 +0000 In reply to Cindy.

Good idea, Cindy, about buying the toothbrushes online. I couldn’t find them anywhere either.

By: Sally Sun, 14 Nov 2010 23:20:56 +0000 I had a great shop at CVS today, I bought 1 oral B toothbrush, 1 Herbal Essence conditioner and 1 NYC Nail polish for $11.94 then got $19.00 in ECB…..great deal.
Besides the usual coupons,sale prices and ECB, I had a $5 off $25 coupon and spend $20 get an extra $4 ECB.
So I got $38.27 worth of products plus $19.00 ECB all for $11.94.

By: Jessica Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:17:07 +0000 I found the blistex coupon in my paper but my CVS didnt have the EBC deal on it 🙁 There was no sign at the store or deal in the sales ad.

By: Cynthia Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:53:45 +0000 Was VERY happy with my CVS trip this morning! I got 6 jars of Heinz Gravy, 2 Stove Top Stuffing, 2 Lindsey Black Olives (couldn’t have come at a better time with Thanksgiving in less then 2 weeks), and 8 Mentos Gum all for $1.28 with tax(I had $4 ECB that were about to expire).
Thanks Liza…you’re a gem 🙂

By: wilma Sun, 14 Nov 2010 07:15:43 +0000 hi! is the blistex coupon regional? Im in florida and I can’t seem to find it in the 11/14 ss. thanks

By: Cindy Sat, 13 Nov 2010 19:45:05 +0000 I wanted the Oral-B toothbrushes last time they were on sale and matched with a $10 off Q but NONE of the CVS’ around me ever had any. I had to call CVS customer service who was able to locate ONE and have it sent to my nearby store but that was it. I must have been to 6 or 7 diff cvs’ over the course of a month looking for them–i had rec’vd a rain check so could keep looking beyond the stores sale. Days before my man Q expired, one CVS asst mngr, rewrote my rain check so instead of paying $23 with $13 ECB, he wrote it for $13 with $13 ECB. I assumed he was willing to do this becuase he didnt have high hopes they’d EVER get them in. So, I ordered them online, paying full price–got free shipping since it exceeded $50 (ordered two). Then, took my internet-ordered Toothbrushes into the store to return and repurchase using my rain check. The main mngr was very grouchy about having to do it but honored the rain check. So, I got my Toothbrushes afterall! So, good luck finding them and if you can’t get a rain check, order online and take into the store before your manQ expires. Dont waste your time looking around town!!!!!
