Another so/so week at CVS. I have posted every ECB deal in this week’s CVS ad but if you see any other deals or unadvertised ECB deals, please leave a comment on this post so that everyone can take advantage of the deals. You can email them to me but I may not have a chance to post each and every deal – so posting them here would be better.
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Display All Matchups” so that you don’t miss out on any of the deals below!
If you are new to shopping at CVS, read my Intro to CVS post HERE!
what happened to the senarios??
Just a heads up…I went to CVS this morning and the coupon machine gave me a coupon for a FREE Ritz Crackerfuls or Fig Newtons. I chose the Ritz crackers and they were totally free, so don’t forget to scan your cards 🙂
thanks Cynthia~ I got it also 🙂
can someone please explain how i print the tampon coupon? the link does not show a coupon, just a video.
thank u!
The optic white toothpaste coupon is $1.50 in the 9/11 SS, which males it only $1.
Ditto on the tampon coupon! 🙂
google and click on the Save 1.00 its a PDF. Hope this helps!