Today I am grateful for something complex and yet simple all in one. I’m thankful for all of the different means of travel we have access to. While waiting for my mom’s flight to arrive at the airport tonight, I realized I haven’t been to the airport since August when Asher and I traveled across the world together. I also realized just how easy it is to take for granted that we can literally travel anywhere in the world by boarding a plane. And we can easily travel throughout the U.S by jumping in our cars for a roadtrip. While I was in Ethiopia, I met with a a family friend who was telling me how he was unable to travel to one of the regions of Ethiopia because it was the rainy season and the unpaved roads were unsafe to drive on. It was going to be at least a few weeks before he would be able to travel to the region he needed to go to. When is the last time we haven’t been able to go somewhere here in the states because of weather conditions or unsafe roads? I’m thankful for it.
Day 4 of 30 Days of Gratitude
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