Did you receive your ConAgra Food Coupon Booklet I posted about Here? I received mine today and below are the coupons included in it:
**All coupons expire 5/30/10
$1.00/2 Fleischmann’s Original Soft Spread 11.4 oz tubs or larger $1.00/1 Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers $1.00/2 Healthy CHoice All Natural Entrees $1.00/2 Healthy Choice Select Entrees $1.00/2 Healthy Choice Complete Meals $1.00/2 Healthy Choice Microwaveable Soup $1.00/1 Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers $1.00/1 Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop! Gourmet Poppling Corn $1.00/3 Ro*Tel $1.00/5 Hunt’s Tolmato Sauce $1.00/4 Hunt’s Diced Tomatoes $1.00/2 Peter Pan (28 oz or larger) $1.00/2 Kid Cuisine $1.00/1 Wesson Canola Oil $1.00/1 Egg Beaters (15 oz or larger) $1.00/4 Van Camp’s Pork & Beans (15 oz or larger) $1.00/2 Manwich (15.5 oz or larger)