If you eat gluten-free, you might want to check out Domino’s new pizza! I received an email from Domino’s this afternoon and it looks like they now have a Gluten Free Crust! It looks very similar to their thin-crust pizza! The only caveat that I can see is they have an interesting disclaimer. Their disclaimer states, “Domino’s pizza made with a Gluten Free Crust is prepared in a common kitchen with the risk of gluten exposure. The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness supports the availability of Domino’s Gluten Free Crust, but CANNOT recommend the pizza for customers with celiac disease. Customers with gluten sensitivities should exercise judgment in consuming this pizza. ” For more info on their pizza, go HERE.
Would you eat this pizza after reading their disclaimer?
I think it would be fine as long as your reaction to gluten is not major. The Pizza will probably have a small amount of gluten on it but the majority should be gluten free.