In case you missed these two great coupons that I posted about on Wednesday, use the links below to print a great Sweetbay Supermarket and/or Save-A-Lot coupon!
Go HERE to print this HOT $10.00 off $50.00 coupon! This coupon is valid 8/1/12 – 8/11/12.
Go HERE to Save-A-Lot’s Facebook page and print a $5 off when you spend $25.00+ Save-A-Lot coupon.
My publix would only let me use this coupon if total for $50 AFTER coupons. 🙁 Bummer. I never spend that much in a single trip….
Red plum had a deal with publix for some great coupons on the best meals start at home website but I could not get the coupons to print, It said to hit the applet but nothing happened. Do you know anything about these coupons as there were some very high value ones. Thanks
We have a good friend that is a Publix manager that uses these BEFORE coupons. Give them the $ off and then give them the rest of your coupons. If they will not do that for you, leave groceries and go to another Publix.
My publix has no problem using them before my other coupons. The few times I have had issues with my coupons I just asked for the manager and it was straightened out. The cashiers hate being wrong! lol
Cashiers don’t care about being wrong– they just have no power. Managers will drill about how careful they have to be about coupons. Then the customer brings over a manager who okays it for the customer. If a cashier okay’d it on their own, they could lose their job. A $10 coupon draws attention when cashing out.