Comments on: Double Manufacturer Coupons up to $1.00 at Kmart Today (1/4) & Saturday (1/7) Addicted to saving money! Wed, 04 Jan 2012 21:23:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Wed, 04 Jan 2012 21:23:38 +0000 I decided to take advantage of this today and here is some of what I encountered…

1. If a coupon says “do not double” it applies here. Since in Florida this is the first time that I know of a store offering double coupons. I did not think to look for this and was disappointed when my coupon did not apply.

2. Both the cashier and the assistant manager were unaware as of 1:16 pm today that it was even double coupon day. I had to show the sales paper to them both.

3. Because one has to spend $25 to get double I wanted to verify my prices. I had an employee scan an item for me, but at the register it rang up differently. Changing my total.

4. I was also planning to take advantage of the spend $20 on Kelloggs and get a $5 reward card. My products were $20 pre coupons. Post coupons my total was less and the gift card did not issue. I called corporate K-mart to inquire about their policy and was told that they did not cover this issue. Corporate put me in touch with the local store where I spoke with a manager (at the store I spoke with the cashier and the service desk clerk to inquire about this). She did not offer a clear answer on their coupon policy, but did say that if I came back in she would give me a $5 gift card.
This was more hassle than I had planned for. Here is how it comes out though. I purchased 6 12 ct PopTarts , 2 Rice Krispies and I had a coupon to get M & M’s free when buying the cereal . All of this was purchased for $11.00 (after I go back to get the $5 gift card).

By: jennifer Wed, 04 Jan 2012 19:35:44 +0000 oh that’s awesome wish Florida would do that at all the stores I guess that’s why I see some of my friends go to Georgia with u hauls….nice! Thank you

By: Addicted to Saving Wed, 04 Jan 2012 17:15:22 +0000 In reply to jennifer.

Jennifer – great question! In Florida we do not have any stores that double coupons, so this is a rare treat for us! Basically it means that the store will double the value of a manufacturer’s coupon. If you have a coupon for $0.50/1 item, they will double it, making the value of the coupon $1.00 instead of $0.50.

Hope this helps!

By: jennifer Wed, 04 Jan 2012 16:45:18 +0000 what does it mean to double a coupon?
