Okay – I need to come clean.. So, I have been laid up the past couple of days not because I am sick but because I am actually recovering from surgery I had on Thursday. I did a really good job (I think ;)) of scheduling posts on Thursday and Friday to keep you guys busy but now that it is Saturday, I don’t have my drugstore posts up and my husband won’t let me work. SO – what I will do is give you a couple of my favorite deals for CVS and Walgreens and then I will give you a link to a website with all of the deals for you to check out.
Thanks for your patience. I realize I have not posted many deals since Thursday but starting Monday I will be back on my feet and back to posting like crazy for all of you 🙂
Thank you for all you do!
Liza u do alot for us. Take time to recover and we’ll see u soon.
Like everyone else who comes to this site, I love when you post great deals….but I think we can “miss out” on a few, you need to rest and get better! P.S. your husband is RIGHT!!!
Liza – We’ll pray for a speedy recovery for you. Thanks for everything you do!! You need not worry about the postings, as Susan had indicated, we do miss out on a few things….but gain so much : )
Not to worry, you’ve done such a great job that we all have HUGE stockpiles and can afford to miss a few deals! Hope you feel better soon, we’ve been praying for you!
Praying for your speedy recovery! Listen to the hubby and take it easy. We all miss your fabulous deals, but want you back in tip~top shape! Feel better 🙂
Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for all you do!
Praying you are feeling better. You work so hard for all of us, enjoy the break.
Take the time to rest and recover. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Listen you your hubby and take all the time you need. Thanks for all that you do.
Feel Better soon, listen to your husband and your body. Take all the time you need.
Feel better soon. Take your time recovering.
Take care of yourself first!! By the time your up an running maybe We’ll have some deals to post for you!! 🙂