**If you have received any coupons thus far from Addicted to Saving’s daily Emailing for Coupons post, please leave a comment with how many coupons you received and what their value is! Thanks!
If you are new to Addicted to Saving’s daily post Emailing for Coupons, go HERE for more info and for a letter template. Don’t forget to let me know once you receive coupons in your mailbox from the companies we email!
**To see the entire list companies we have emailed along with the coupons we have received from our endeavors, go HERE.
Today we will email Aunt Jemima
I received coupons from Welch’s today (3x$0.50/1) as well as Tribe Hummus (2x Free Product, 2x $0.55/1, 1x $0.35/1). Very exciting!!!
I received the Welches coupons today too!
Wow, I was surprised how many companies will mail you coupons simply for emailing them about their product!
I’m new in this e mailing for coupons so I started by writing to Aunt Jamima and I got an e mail back that sorry we don’t mail or e mail coupons and stuff. It was weird because I did not even ask for a coupon I just commented on their product. Well I guess I’m not good at this or maybe it needs a few try.
Thanks :Agnes
Weird. I’ll try too and see what happens
I got the Kashi right away.