If you are 45 or older, you’re in luck! Enter to win AARP The Magazine’s $1800 Movies for Grownups® Sweepstakes for a chance to win a $1500 VISA gift card, a $100 Regal Cinemas gift card, and 10 DVDs of award-winning movies.
Go HERE to enter, or HERE to see a list of the official rules (sadly I didn’t read the rules first, and was declined due to my age). :/
Make sure you share this with your 45+ friends! See, there is an advantage to aging. 😉
Sadly, since I just turned 45, I’m old enough. Hard to believe I qualify for a giveaway from AARP! Thought I still had a few years before they were on my radar screen. :0)
On the stax deal , if you are buying 4 bags of chips why would you not get 4 of the free Stax chips?