Comments on: Extreme Couponing – Let’s Discuss – Why Do You Coupon Addicted to saving money! Sun, 29 Jan 2012 18:11:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susie Sun, 29 Jan 2012 18:11:15 +0000 I started couponing last summer after meeting a woman who did it & was kind enough to “show me the ropes”. She told me about your site and the coupon sites. I’m going through a divorce right now & went 9 months before I started receiving any temporary alimony. So my credit card bills are through the roof & something had to give. I decided if I could save something, anything, on my grocery purchases, it would be a start toward paying down my debt. It’s changed me from being a clueless shopper who never even looked at prices into one who knows a good/great/unbelievable price when she sees one! I’ve got to echo several other writers’ words: Why would you pay full price for something if someone is willing to give it to you for less?

By: Chandra Sat, 28 Jan 2012 16:15:48 +0000 I coupon out of need. We used to set aside $200 every three months to go to Sam’s for groceries. We were always eating the same thing and did not have money for any other food. Sometimes the food did not last until we were able to get back to Sams. One day I was watching the news and Terri from the coupon game was explaining how to use coupons to buy groceries. I decided that I could and would do the same. It has made such a difference in our lives. We now have a huge variety and abundance of groceries to feed our family of five!

By: Anna G. Sat, 28 Jan 2012 05:49:17 +0000 My family was fairly poor when I was kid, so my mom used coupons to buy the family food and other necessities. I also used the expired coupons as fake cash to play with. When I was a kid, I thought everyone used coupons. Anyways, fast foward 20+ years and I started couponing because I’m always short on cash as college student. I have a subscription to the newspaper because I work there, so it’s convient for me to use them as well. I’m not in the dire straights that my family was, but it’s always been a regular part of my life. It’s cool because the money I save, I put it towards vacations.

By: Kendra Sat, 28 Jan 2012 04:30:33 +0000 I started couponing when I simply thought…”If I buy 30 items and I have at least a $.50 off coupon for each I will save no less than $15 each week and that is a tank of gas each month!” 30 items is easy with a family of 6 and honestly I save way more than $15, but that simple thought is what got the wheels turning. Also, I hate Wal-Mart, it is so… yucky, so I just had to find a better way to “save” ( I say “save” because I think we all know by now that WM is not really a hug savings).

By: mary Sat, 28 Jan 2012 03:30:49 +0000 i started couponing because i got hurt at work and now im on disability and i dont walk that good .so i started looking for a hobby and them i came accross this site and and started and it makes me feel productive because i cant work anymore. its just me and my son and he has started looking for coupons on electronics,clothes. so now when we go to the store i have a coupon for just about everything we buy.and my son found a coupon on micro soft points for 20 dollars off and he was so excited.i called micro soft before i would let him use the coupon because i was afraid it was not good but it was.i just never thought about how much money i could save with coupons before.

By: Lauren Fri, 27 Jan 2012 22:34:18 +0000 I had a decent enough job that paid decent but I was having difficulties with my marriage and personal life and my job just compounded all of that with it’s stress. I quit my job, we sold our way to expensive house and my husband and I worked on our marriage. We bought a foreclosure home that needed to be fixed up but in the end we ended up with a house that was paid for. We were blessed in that aspect. However, we couldn’t afford our grocery bill (about $1000 to $1200 a month which included all cleaning supplies, pet supplies, toiletries and groceries, etc.) without me working. So, I went back to work and was lucky to make enough to pay just for that bill. My husband and I were dragging day in and day out just to go to work to barely pay our bills (even though our house was paid for, any extra money we had was going to a few last little projects.) My husband hated how stressed out I always was and I hated how he never got to relax. Plus, I felt like we weren’t giving our kids the best of ourselves because we were always so tired. I quit my job again so that I could stay home to run kids around and keep everything going in our household so my husband could come home and take a break. He especially loves the fact that I have a home cooked meal on the table for him when he walks in the door. Before it would have been, what drive thru do you want to go through or what can I microwave? I started couponing last May after taking a class at a local church and I’m hoping we’ll be able to start saving some money which is something we’ve never been able to do.

By: Gayle Fri, 27 Jan 2012 22:31:39 +0000 I started couponing to help my 2 sisters’s families who are struggling financially. Rather than giving cash (which gets a bit dicey with relatives), I figured if I could coupon to provide for my own little family (just 3 of us), I could give excess to my sisters (& my elderly parents) & donate enough (& write off the value of the items) to make the extra expense a wash. I started off slowly about a year ago, but now coupon every week. My sisters & parents really appreciate the “care packages”, the charities love getting toiletries, etc, we get the tax write-off & a small stockpile – it works great!

By: Addgurl Fri, 27 Jan 2012 21:48:40 +0000 I coupon because l love to shop and I love a good deal! “They” say that crossword puzzles and suduko help keep your brain sharp and slow down the progression of alzheimers, l say couponing does the same thing but is WAY more productive! There is research and math involved with each purchase. I think the “high” l get from scoring a great deal is healthier than drugs and easier on my pocketbook. It also makes me feel good when l can share my good deals with friends and family.

By: LaurelB Fri, 27 Jan 2012 19:57:03 +0000 I started couponing out of interest of will this really save me money. So I gave myself a deadline of 3 months to see. Well that was last April, and I am so interested in it and love the savings!!

By: Yasmin Fri, 27 Jan 2012 19:43:06 +0000 After a very long time of trying my husband and I were blessed with a beautiful healthy girl but and I dont know if I will ever have another so I didnt want to raise her away from my mom so my husband left a great job in another country and we came back here during the worst time ever, it took us 6 months for him to find a job and 2 years of living with my mom to get on our feet all with out couponing but we did live frugally, I was an extreme kohls couponer to save on out clothing needs but didnt know about couponing til we eventually saved enough and because times were so bad we were able to afford an incredible house that was renovated at an unbelievable price! 2000 sq ft. for 70kl!! We were excited but bills started flying in and I still wanted to stay home!! So I began searching couponing and i was lead to ADS!!!

Now I am able to stay home comfortably save some money and we were even able to buy sea world passes and enjoy some time with our daughter because of couponing. We still have a lot of finances to get under control but Im learning slowly! And I need to start a college fund for my daughter! Im just so grateful and even more grateful to have room for a stockpile to cause my poor mom had no room in her house!!

By: Jennifer Fri, 27 Jan 2012 19:39:23 +0000 I started because several co-workers were doing it. I was under a lot of stress at work and ended up with several medical issues due to it. After ending up in the hospital and being told that my stress was killing me, my husband insisted that I quit. Now I coupon to keep food on the table, so I can stay home and spend more time with my kids and taking care of my family.

By: fan Fri, 27 Jan 2012 19:29:04 +0000 A year and a half ago went in to labor while 25 weeks gestation. Our baby was born with multiple health issues and had several surgeries while he stayed in the NICU for more than 5 months. Couponing had become a neccesity for us to be able to pay medical bills. Its a way of living now and there is no going back. Why will you pay fuil price for spmething when you can get it for less?? Sometimes i am in the supermarket ready to check out and see the person ahead of me paying full price and mentally count for all the money would have saved couponing . Sometimes i live extra coupons on shelves for others too. I think couponing has being a blessing for my family and will never stop try to save money.

By: Toni W Fri, 27 Jan 2012 19:10:02 +0000 I got into couponing for the “need”. I was not working for health reasons & SO didn’t make much $ & we had 3 kids to support. I started to stretch our $ as far as it could go. Now, I am in school FT & he has a much better job, I can’t bring myself to pay full price for something when I know I can get it cheaper. I may not do it as much as I use to but I am getting back into it. I have 3 kids to put through college & a house payment now. It’s nice to be able to afford some extras with the $$ I save from couponing.
