Are you watching this tonight? Most of you probably know about this new TLC series, but if you don’t, tonight TLC will start a new series called Extreme Couponing. I have received many emails from you all telling me I should apply to go on Extreme Couponing. But here’s the thing – I don’t consider myself extreme. Here’s why… if you watched the original episode of Extreme Couponing earlier this year, you probably saw that the “extreme couponers” were just that. Extreme. Seriously – how many candy bars do you need – even if they are free – the lady on the show got 150 candy bars for free. Do you really need or want 150 candy bars in your house? Don’t get me wrong, I love my candy but unless it’s Halloween and I’m giving the candy away to the trick or treaters I would never want that much candy in the house. Or how much of a stockpile do you really need? If your stockpile is valued at over $50,000 and you are still adding to it, when is the point when you decide that you have enough?
I have a stockpile. My stockpile seems to grow each week as I buy more items at the stores. That said, each week I’m also pruning my stockpile as I give items away. And, like I tell everyone in my Addicted to Saving 101 class, stockpiling can very easily transition into hoarding. And from what I have seen, Extreme Couponing may showcase and glamorize more of the hoarding aspect of couponingthan a saving aspect. And, I wonder how manufacturers view the growing trend of extreme couponing. Manufacturers supply us with coupons so that we will purchase their items. But I wonder if their intent is for us to use 100 of their coupons to score 100 items free? I wonder if Extreme Couponing may negatively affect all of us?
Couponing is a way of life for me. I am used to going to the store and saving at least 80 – 90% each week. I am also used to having a stocked freezer with boneless chicken breasts, lean ground beef, ground turkey and frozen fruits and veggies (many of which are organic). I also know when enough is enough. I currently have 12 boxes of brown rice. They don’t expire for the next 6 months so I am not worried about them going bad. (Brown rice is a staple in our house.) That said, unless the rice is free, I won’t buy any more of it until my stockpile has dwindled. And, if it is free, I will then give away some of my stockpile. There would be absolutely no reason for me to have a stockpile valued at over $50,000 because there is no way I could use all of the items whether they have expiration dates or not.
So, while I will probably DVR tonight’s Extreme Couponing episode, you won’t see applying to be on the show because I am not “extreme”. I am a regular person who has learned how to save big bucks every week as I have drastically stretched the value of each and every dollar that I spend. I coupon out of a necessity both to spend less money and to have a frugal mindset.
If you watch tonight’s episode, please let me know your thoughts. Do you want to be an extreme couponer? What do you think of the couponers highlighted on tonight’s episode? I know many of you have strong feelings either way so I would love to hear all of them!
If you are new to Addicted to Saving, go HERE to read “Intro to Coupons”.
Well said, Liza!! While the extreme couponing seems like an “allure” for some, it teeters dangerously on other serious issues. I will probably just catch a clip on YouTube. You have a great perspective on this, and I wish the extreme couponers would realize that there are SO many out there who are in need…
The show is has already caused some places to stop taking the printed coupons this show will end up changing coupon forever some secret should be left of TV. It is hoarding technically
Uh, what? What stores?
I know most stores won’t take the printed-at-home coupons if they don’t scan (b/c they may be fake), but Ive never heard that they wont take them b/c of the show before.
I am concerned myself that the extreme will have a negative affect on us that are responsible couponers. I also find it interesting that TLC has the show on the same night that their Hoarders show is on. I didn’t see much difference in the people on both shows…they are all addicted to shopping and had stuff everywhere in every room of their homes. I agree, buy what you and your family can use and if the deal is that good, you are fully stocked, and you can’t pass it up then pass it on to others…maybe family, friends or the needy.
Agreed to some extent.
However, I’ve heard several people ask about ‘what if the manufactors pull coupons because of a few extreme couponers?’ and have to put my two-cents in.
Coupons is a way to market but it’s WAAAY better than just having an ad on the billboard or TV. They (manufactors) know that once we try their high-quality item for free or near to, we’ll come back to it with or without coupons.
Keep in mind that not everyone coupons; there are those who scoff or are just too lazy to do it. Sucks for them, but not for us.
I don’t foresee coupons being minimized/pulled any time soon.
PLUS!!!! Since the show is so “extreme”, people who haven’t couponed will probably think, “Omg, that’s weird” and not start up…as a majority. :3
Nonetheless, I LOVE watching the shows…give sme chills.
Kroger here in Houston , Tx. Maybe not because of the show, but they complain they are losing money because of couponers!!!! They have revamped all thier Q policies as well as gotten rid of dbl/trpl Qs!!!!
Yep. A friend that is a higher up at Kroger in Houston, Tx was told that it was specifically because of that show that they will no longer be doubling or tripling coupons.
Totally agree! I think the show’s “extreme couponers” may have other issues such as an addiction to hoarding. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean that the addiction is not there. No one needs that many deodorants. If anything I think the show will only show that, the underlying adddiction. Everything should be in moderation. Unfortunatelly these couponers don’t know the meaning of that.
I think you all have great points!
I do have concern regarding what will happen with coupons as a result of this show. I have been
“serious” couponing (couponing for stockpiling instead of just clipping coupons here and there) for over three years now and I have already noticed a change in my community. More people are using coupons both in the correct manner and unfortunatley some don’t obey the rules. Now, stores are starting to change policies. Every action has a reaction! I’m afraid to see what this will bring!
My biggest issue is the waste that this “extreme couponing” creates! If these people really need to fill a desire, or better yet, an addiction to coupon then they should be doing it for a cause. They could donate items to a food bank or a group home instead of letting items parish in a storage area.
Thanks for Listening! … Now, off to Publix I go!! 🙂
Couldn’t agree with you more Liza!
I agree with everyone’s comments here. I am taping it but have seen parts of it online and can’t believe that people are “hoarding” massive amounts of items that they will never use in a life time instead of giving them away to the homeless. It’s absolutely excessive. I can see getting enough to last your family for 6 months to a year but no more than that. Remember the Bible story about the man who stores up all of the grain?
Well said. I am all about saving money but I feel like some folks take it beyond the extreme. Personally, I get things when they are free or super cheap and use them for either myself or gift baskets. I do this b/c I am unemployed and it’s the only way I can get things I need and still give gifts to those I care about. It’s frustrating to think that some people are keeping a stockpile of things beyond their families needs should a crisis (unemployment/etc.) occur. I have a pet but I am always looking to donate my free or almost-free food/goodies! I hope viewers (and store owners and co. manufacturers) don’t think all couponers are like those on the show. I guess we just all have to keep one thing in mind…when it comes to T.V., the networks want the most extreme and outrageous outliers within a given category; Otherwise, no one would want to watch it. God Bless the couponers that don’t hoard beyond their family’s needs!
Very well said. My husband and I just had a conversation about this. We are in a hotel and watching this show. We are out of town on business and we have used coupons at the stores to make the most of this trip. I have learned that if I have a stoke pile at home then I need to give back to the community and my church. As well as teaching friends and family how to save money.
I think one has to ask themselves do I really need this? Do I use it and if not is there someone I am giving it to. I just bought 16 bags of cat treat but I don’t have a cat; however, I gave them ALL to a friend who does. My concern is about someone who gives up their entire life with their family to coupon. Just like a job…you don’t want it to totally consume your life. Also if your stockpile is SO big it has to be insured…how much are you really saving? The show is interesting to watch but typical of TLC they are putting couponers in a negative light.
These people are hoarders… I started couponing this past Thanksgiving and I have a nice stockpile. I limit myself to two shelving units (one to be purchased) and am in the market for a freezer. Thats it. Anything else i make gift baskets for people I know, donate to homeless shelter or womens shelter, and also animal shelters. I hope this show doesn’t change the way coupons are handled in the stores. The extremers are the exceptions…not the norm..and I hope the manufacturers recognize this.
I do foresee the manufacturers putting limits on their coupons..
OK…I have enjoyed watching the show but unfortunately what is happening in these shows is not true for everyone. For example, these people are located in different states that double coupons, where to my knowledge, no stores in Florida doubles. Also, like many people have already said, do you really need 62 bottles of mustard? I am Mom to a family of 6, and I could never go through 62 bottles mustard, I don’t care if they are free or not. Plus, I don’t think people who Extreme honestly think of other people in their community because if they did, they won’t empty a shelf of product just so they could have it for free.(just my opinion)
I couldn’t agree with you more!! 🙂
I need to vent on an off topic! I went to the Publix on 19 real quick on the way somewhere so I just picked up the last 2 Air Wicks, 4 bogo deals of gum and tanning oil. Looking back I think the cashier rang it up wrong because it was gonna go into the negative. She called over a manager who told her to reduce it to not register the overage. I said well then I will just by something else- no sense in waisting my $2 in overage. Then she said I could purchase all of the gum but it would have to be 1 transaction at a time because it says “one per customer”. I said well that is not “1/customer so I will just by 2 deals since we are only 2 people like the coupons states! I was very happy doing that as I only want what is fair anyways! She voided the transaction and rang it up again with just the 4 gum and other items. She stated I was only charged for the tax on everything and the tanning oil. Her closing statement to me was “thanks for the confustion”! I laughed at first thinking she was kidding but then I realized she never smiled. The girl bagging tried to over componsate with her friendliness and manners as I was leaving to make up for the rude lady. Can you believe she would say such a thing?!
When I got into the car I was wondering how the price changed so much betweeen the 2 transactions so I checked the receipt. To my surprize she changed the amount on my manufactured coupons from $4 to $2.99! I don’t know about you guys but this seems like fraud to me being that the manufacture is going to pay them four dollars plus handling! By this time I think smoke must of been coming out of my ears!!! I told my daughter I’m sorry, I know it is just $2 but she is not getting away with this!!!
I marched back in and ran right into a manager waiting to assist someone. I explained the situation, told him what she said to me and asked him if he heard what I said (which conviently he did not)! I explained very assertively that this was not exceptable! The managers new less about couponing then I do! I explained to them I’ve been told before that now Publix is giving cash back if it goes into the negative. He told me that “All Publix’s follow the same rules”. Hmmm? Not what I’ve been taught! In the end the refunded my $2 (which did not bring me into the negative but helped me to pay less on the tanning oil).
I’m so bitter still especially about her rude remark!
I feel like either go back through her lane again just to cause her some more confusion lol or calling to complain to another manager tomorrow. How rude of her and these managers and employees need to get some training!!!
I will say Publix is my favorite store and I usually do very well at other locations.
I’ve never heard of Publix giving cash back if your total goes into the negative. And in my opinion, the new Wal-Mart policy has made people feel like they are entitled to cash back everywhere. Overage is a wonderful thing, but I don’t expect it, and I’m always grateful to just get something for free.
Your best way to get a result is to contact corporate and give them the managers name, cashiers name and any other details that you can from your receipt. Bad behavior and poor customer service will not be tolerated, I have stopped shopping at one of my publix’s because it seems as though the entire Deli dept has a bad attitude and the customer svc girls are all super rude.
I’ve got one word for you….. CORPORATE!
It always ruins a good shopping trip when cashiers and/or management is rude or even uneducated on coupon policies. I had an incident at the Publix between Zhills & Wesley Chapel a few weeks ago. After I had made surre that all of my coupons matched the items I bought and that I followed the coupon policy, there was some confusion when the cashier had to ask a manager for “numbers”. In the past they just type in the code and go on their way but this manager proceeded to unpack all of the bags and match each coupon to the item. He asked me why I was trying to use a Publix store coupon and manufacturers coupons on the vitamins I bought because that would make them free. I told him that I thought the policy was that one manufacturer coupon and one store coupon could be used. He looked at the cashier and said “People are always trying to get somthing for nothing” and walked away. Until then I had never felt criminalized or uncomfortable using my coupons. I have no ill feelings toward Publix, just that manager and how he handeled it. I will NOT be going back to that Publix!
Although I think a lot of the people featured on the show come off looking crazy, I really think people need to calm down. This is a television show, not reality. It is for entertainment. There is a reason they are not showing any coupons or actually trying to teach people how to coupon. That isn’t their purpose. I hope that this show prompts more people to visit blogs like Liza’s and learn how to coupon in a positive way. They are looking for these couponers to come up with the craziest shopping trips they can to build up the ratings. And while it does seems as though some of them have problems, it certainly isn’t the norm. Most couponers are like Liza.
I’ve also heard on different blogs that many of the ‘crazies’ did not feel accurately represented and that a lot was left out. A lot of donations are going on here. Tiffany in particular, I feel I have to defend. She produces a blog I follow: Although seeing her stockpile was a little shocking, I did think she came off the most down to earth. She does her blog, raises her 7 kids, works a job, gives free couponing classes and donates a ton of products and time.
I am concerned that manufacturers may stop sending us high value coupons. Yet, the show tonight I saw two different stories. The first was a 24 year old. Im 26 and as far as I could tell she didnt have any kids or family and her stockpile was extremely large for two people. I felt like she was hoarding a bit. The second woman from idaho had a large family and didn’t work and who’s husband is a contractor and in this economy that means any day he could be out of work for a long time. My husband who works in construction lost his job recently. Luckily we don’t have kids. But if I had a large family and knew the precariousness of my husbands job. Id have a stockpile that would last us at least four months and hers I felt was justified.
As far as the grocery stores go…the checkout lady who had worked at that store for ten years had never seen anything like it. (And I bet that lady had used coupons at that store before just not to that extreme of a shopping trip). I also read about the idaho lady that she got permission from the corporate offices and she had never done 18 transactions like that. Its reality tv they try to take a cool concept and add as much drama to it as possible. Couponing for many is a hobby they pick up and put down. I think the ratio of lifestyle couponers is much less than we think it is. It gives me comfort bc I worry too about the manufactures limiting coupons even more with rules. As long as the large majority of americans aren’t using them regularly…I think we’ll be fine.
While I enjoyed watching the show, the last lady with the contractor husband was the one I was most impressed with. SHe was able to feed her family on $6 and some change for a full month (90 meals. That was VERY impressive to me!
Given the initial show that aired a couple months ago, I was pleasantly surprised that the series was more ‘matter of fact’ than trying to make it out to look like fancy hoarding and a sick obsession. I will continue to watch the series. I thought it was pretty good and I loved the comment from the one family of “when the apocolypse hits, we’ll be good for over two years.” 🙂
I don’t have a stockpile. I have way more pasta than I need but I’ll be making a donation to the local food bank shortly. That said, I want one! But only enough to last 6 months or so.
I think someone should write to Publix corporate and let them know about this attitude we get from some of the cashiers when we present coupons. As far as I understand, the company gets reimbursed all the coupon money from the manufacturers, so there is no reason any cashier should be saying the company is losing money over it, or acting rude about it. Also it is Publix that puts out the BOGO deals, so they are perfectly aware of what they are doing – a cashier should not act rude and irritated when people are taking advantage of the deals her own company is putting out.
I think it is a little different for those of us who live in Florida. They do not double coupons here so you are not going to be as extreme. Chances of walking into Publix and getting $1500.00 in groceries for $6.00 not likley. But if they did double here I can see how it would get a little out of hand and see where they may change their policies. And come on I can understand why. I can not see where the stores will stop taking coupons but may consider stop doubling (in the states that do)
I just have to say that the cashiers standing around watching to see how well some of these people did was def. NOT reality. That is the hardest part to me. Some of them make you feel like you are trying to rip off the store, when in fact they are getting reimbursed plus 8 cents. I try to line everything up so that I won’t have to hear the huffs and puffs of the cashiers. I mean yes-do your job but don’t treat your customers like they are criminals. These extreme Qponers (and there are a few everywhere) really mess it up for the rest of us. We should all think of others and not clear the shelves. What’s the old saying? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? We are living in times of hardship and could make this world a much better place if we all took on the attitude of giving when we have more than we need. The further out of debt we get…the more the govt will falter because they are not sqeezing us to apply for loans and use credit cards. Let’s take back America one coupon at a time!
I live in Florida also, the land of no doubles or triples. I like to see TLC come down here and turn $1800 worth of grocerries to $100 w/o any of the double or triples.
It seems to me they only pick states with all these fancy promotions. I like the show and I will watch it all season b/c it is entertaining but really, 62 bottle of mustard? I guess it has to be extreme to catch attention.
I did enjoy the last lady with 18 transactions, she was the best to me on the show and I did like Paul from I heart the mart at Kroger. I think they did pretty good w/ 7 kids.
I have mixed feelings about the show. It is just so “glorified” that it doesn’t really seem real. I wish that the people were like all of us. Who go to spend 2-300 bucks and get it for cheap. I also want to make people who are complaining about how big someones stockpile is think about something else.. With that said.. I want to pose a question to you guys. I know there will be negative comments and that’s fine, I am just looking for opinions. My family is 13 people. My hubby, me, 8 kids and 3 grandkids. How much would YOU expect to spend every week to feed them all and do you think that my stockpile should be the same size as someone who has a family of 4 or 6 people???
Christina S.
Of course not! When you are providing for your family, and especially one that large, it would be expected for your stockpile to be larger. That is an obvious answer. I think the concern is people who buy 3 years worth of stuff in one day when it wont probably even be used in 3 years. That is just greedy. You would be crazy not to coupon with a family that size. 🙂
You are SO not kidding. LOL I barely have room for all the people in my house much less several YEARS worth of toilet paper. I would like to learn that one though. Toilet paper goes really fast in my house and I would buy a months worth all at once if I could figure out how to get the deals on it. I’ve got the groceries down to an art but for some reason I don’t seem to find the deals on cleaning supplies and toiletries. Any Tips??
I thought the show was entertaining. I was impressed with the totals, of course, but sort of appalled at all those bottles of mustard. I don’t care if they’re 39 cents or whatever… I sort of feel like that lady has lost touch a little. What would you ever do with that much mustard? And if you paid 39 cents a bottle, you are sort of wasting your money. Unless you eat mustard at every meal, why not buy 10 bottles, be happy you got a deal and have mustard for a few years?
I agree about the couple with no kids ….how many chips do you eat before they expire!! come on now..and even the lady with 7 children her closet was filled with cereal!!! i have 8 tubes of toothpaste and that seems extreme to me …this sunday my church is asking for toiletries for the tsuname survivors thats where my stock will be going..
Dont get me wrong…my office is filled with paper towels, detergent, toilet paper and i love looking at it i remember a time i used to run out of toilet paper…no more ….
just my two cents..minus .1 coupon lol
Thanks Liza for your balanced view and honesty on couponing. As a mother of 2 small children in the 1970’s, couponing was necessary to feed the family. Double coupons were common in the day and with a family of 4 budgeted on $60 a week I often spent less than $10 after coupons. It wasn’t a popular concept then with family or friends and I find still isn’t today with people viewing this practice from a status conscious mind set or just being too busy. As a grandmother now, you’ve brought me back to using the coupon methodology, working on refreshing my techniques to teach my grown children raising their families how this can work. Recognizing I was taken with the fancy marketing tactics I’d grown accustom to through the years. I see how very careless I’d become in my grocery shopping habits. Your wonderful web site has brought me back to basics in time to pass this on to a new generation. 4-7-2011
I could not believe those stockpiles! Seriously, you need to donate and give some stuff away before it expires. You’re not saving money if you’re throwing away expired items or paying an insurance policy to have it insured.
I just moved from AZ to FL. I use to shop at Safeway & Fry’s where they “double” coupons and sometimes have all coupons worth $1.00 made for some $0.19 Bounty paper towels single rolls a great stock up price. My best friend use to come over and buy from my stockpile, which helped us out at the time and she was paying “half price” for the items instead of full price at the store.
I’m slowly learning how to shop Publix, especially since my local Publix accepts coupons. I am slowing building up a new stockpile to hold us for 6 months at the most. If I get more than that I have 2 sisters nearby that will gladly take items home with them. LOL.
I’m glad I stumbled across your blog which has now become one of my top 3 favorites. 🙂
Christie, you are so lucky to have moved to a region that has a Publix! They are the best grocery store ever! I had to move to Mass and the stores up here are ok, but pale in comparison to the wonders of publix!
I am a mental health therapist so I had a very interesting time watching Extreme Couponing! I agree with everyone’s comments about it just being about balance. I am married but we do not have kids so I would never need the stockpiles that those people have!
I am still fairly new to couponing but wanted to know with watching all the talk about stockpiling do you all (with your balanced lives) really buy cheese and other dairy products in large quantities like that? I feel like it would expire before I could eat it which makes me wonder if people freeze (and if so how you know how long you can keep it frozen for to eat), or eat after the expiration dates. For example I know some people say you can drink milk for 3 days after it expires but I can’t bring myself to do it! Thanks for your input!
Most of those people are greedy hoarders! I was infuriated when I finished watching the hour long episode (ask my husband- I must have ranted and raved about it for an hour!).
Those people are obviously not mentally well and need a trained therapist to help them.
Is TLC the same channel that has Hoarders? Isn’t the goal of Hoarders for the person hoarding to come to terms with their problem and to start working it through? Why is this network promoting and glorifying this form of hoarding?