I am obsessed with paper straws, and I’ve been wanting to get some for my daughter’s upcoming birthday party, so I am SO excited about this deal – get 25 Blue and White Paper Straws for $2.69 with FREE shipping!
We’re having a Frozen party (of course!), so these straws are PERFECT! Planning a similar party? Use mason jars with decorative lids (these Daisy Mason Jar Lids are SUPER cute!), put one of these in and, voila – you have a super cute drink!
About the Blue and White Paper Straws:
- Brand New and High Quality Diameter:5.5mm Length:20cm
Go HERE to grab this deal while it’s available! Remember, Amazon prices can change at any time, so hurry if you want it!
- Check out other AMAZON DEALS while you’re on Addicted to Saving!
Liza, when did you get a daughter? =)
This post was written by one of Liza’s assistants. 🙂