Hey guys! This month, I am really going to focus on writing lots of “how-to” posts that will help you save money. And, my goal is to help you whether you are a beginner or whether you are an experienced couponer. I want to make sure that I touch on any and all topics that are of interest to you and I want to make sure that I attempt to answer common questions. So, please leave a comment on this post with questions you might have or topics you would like me to cover. This series will begin next week.
Also -if you noticed, when Addicted to Saving had its facelift, I removed my old “how to” posts. Those posts are still great, but they need to be updated. Many of you have asked where the posts are. Below are the links to my old posts in case you feel you need them between now and when the updated posts are unveiled:
I would like you to share on the best deals for paper towels, toilet paper, facial tissue, freezer bags, etc. Where do you find the best deals on these items? Do you only buy certain brands or do you buy the cheapest you can find? I do not see them in your Publix Show and Tell’s, so you must be buying them elsewhere. Do you include them in your totals for the month?
Whenever I’m shopping online for a specific item, find it at the lowest price, have it in my cart and am ready to check out… there it is: the box for a promotional/coupon code. I’d love to learn which sites that round up those codes are legitimate and which aren’t. Many ask you to click a link before the code is revealed and I never know who to trust. I’d love a how-to on figuring out where to go to find codes for discounts and free shipping!
Just let me say I love your site! What I haven’t seen on a blog that would really be helpful to me is when a new printable is available to also let us know what other similar coupons we might already have for that product. For instance if that coupon was also in a SS or sometimes the SS has a better coupon than the printable. I would love to check to see if I already have the coupon before printing it and using my ink.
Also I love the All You magazine and it would be great to know what page a coupon is on in that magazine. Sometimes I flip through it and don’t see it and end up spending more time than I would like to.
Thank you!
I started couponing in June and I have been able to save 50 % to 60% on most of my food trips. I have seen on several blogs when the community displays their shopping trips and savings are in the 80 to 90% range.Is it really possible to experience savings of this magnitude, and still be buying products that you will use, and not hoard? i do pretty well in the drug stores, and save a lot of money( in fact Walmart paid me to shop at their store once. My concern is the grocery stores (Publix and Kroger) is 50 to 60% normal or is there more to learn to get into the 80- to 90% range??
I started couponing in August after going to your seminar. I’m loving it and enjoy the challenge and saving money, however, I’m only at about 50% at the grocery stores. What is the average length of time that it takes to build a stock pile? I read your story that it took you about 5 months. I’m a little discouraged that my savings is not about 50% yet.
I am in the same boat as you Judy and would love to learn how to save more.
I would also like to know how to get my savings down from 40-50% to 70-90%, and should I continue to receive 4 papers or should 2 be enough. But thanks for all you do now, it helps alot. God Bless You
I think if every now and then you make a topic about how to stay current with coupons, whats a good amount of time to spend couponing, sometimes I get lost and spend more time then I should on the computer! Maybe tips on things to do to keep organized with stockpiles and with clippings…
I would like to see how to get ALL the home mailings. I’m always reading that you received a “FREE” coupon via the mail but how exactly did you get all those “FREE” ones. I have signed up with several Mfg companies but don’t receive that many coupons. I know that you have the blog for emailing a specific Mfg but is what are the main ones for example Target home mailing….
Another idea, how much time should you really allow per week to get your coupons and shopping list ready? I know that I try to spend at least 1 hours per day, because that is all the my schedule will allow, but really what is a fair amount of time to spend?