I’ve been having problems with the company that sends out Addicted to Saving’s daily emails. I personally haven’t received an email from myself (;)) for at least 5 – 7 days now. I wanted to know if you all are receiving the daily email? As a reminder, this email is sent out after 4 pm EST each day. Each day’s email has the previous 24 hours worth of posts that I have made.
Can you leave a comment on this post and let me know if you are receiving the email every day and what type of email account you have (i.e. Hotmail, Yahoo, Roadrunner, etc etc). I’m wondering if the problems are related to certain types of accounts..
Thanks for your help!
No emails here! thx!
I’m still getting them, and haven’t missed a single one yet. I use Yahoo.
I receive them late afternoon around 4-6pm Liza. but I have gotten them every day.
Nope, Nary a one! ;-(
I’m still getting them, and haven’t missed a single one yet. I use aol. I get them at 4 pm. I usually go to addictingtosavings.com everymorning before I start my school work so I dont miss any good deals. Thanks for everything you do. 🙂
I am still getting mine and use AOL. Thanks for the great site 🙂
I’m fine on AOL, too.
I just signed up today and I did just receive my email. I will post here if I don’t get it tomorrow.
sorry I forgot to tell you…I have a yahoo account
I am still getting them at gmail
I am getting them. I use Yahoo
I get them but sometimes they might be a day late – not like before always same time.
I getting them thru gmail. Thanks so much for all of your time and work.
I use gmail and i get them everyday in the afternoon
No problems here! I receive them about 4:00 p.m. every day. Thanks so much!
i get the emails but the last one i received was posted 4/18 so it is behind. i use hotmail
I have my email with live (Hotmail) and I missed a couple, but then when the third one came, so did the missing two. Weird…
I have Yahoo and have received them daily.
I am still getting them.
No problems here, come everyday with gmail.
I’m still getting them everyday. at my aol email
I am still getting your emails
I am still getting them at my aol e-mail
I’m getting them everyday around 4pm @ my Roadrunner account.
I have a live.com acct and it’s sporadic and usually late at night. Which I think is kinda strange since I live in tampabay
I get them everyday. I use yahoo. Sometimes I get them late so I make a habit in the morning to try and check addictedtosaving.com
I have been getting them every day. I have Roadrunner.
I get your daily email sometimes at midnight, lol. Rarely though.
I glance at it to make sure I havent missed anything…but come to think of it, I haven’t gotten one in a few days either!!!
Getting them everyday. Road Runner.
Hi Liza!
I use hotmail and I’ve been getting my emails with no problem. Thanks for all you do!
Happy Easter to you and yours 🙂
Haven’t seen an email this week…using yahoo.
I use AOL and I’ve received your emails daily. No problems. Good luck getting it straightened out.
Happy Easter!
I get them everyday. I use aol.
Get them everyday on AOL and haven’t missed a one.
I have been receiving this email everyday and I use roadrunner. It is my favorite email!!! I look forward to it everyday!!! Thanks for all your posts.
Last week I didn’t receive e-mails on Friday Saturday, or Sunday. I thought it was strange because I usually receive them everyday around 4:15 pm.
I have hotmail, and I’ve been getting old ones recently. Today I received the summary from 4/18, yesterday I received 4/16, the day before I received the one for 4/13. =/
Yes I am
Getting them fine as usual. I use Yahoo.
getting one everyday….right around 4
Receiving and enjoying them … keep it up.
Receiving them daily on aol–THANKS (-:
I get them with yahoo (sbcglobal.net but goes through yahoo). Thanks!
I’m getting them. gmail account
I’m getting them but they are showing up at weird times and the email from 4/21 just arrived to my inbox @ 3:04AM EST on 4/23 (just a few mins ago) right along with the email from 4/22. So yes getting them but really really late.
Oooops forgot to mention thats MSN (Hotmail) and also Happy Easter & God Bless 🙂