One way to save on your grocery bill each month is to check out different methods of purchasing than just going to your local store. For instance, if you like Frosted Mini-Wheats, you can get a 4-Pack of Frosted Mini-Wheats Bite-Size Cereal, 18-Ounce boxes, for only $10.32 from Amazon – making these only $2.58/box without even using coupons and without leaving your home!
Even better, if you REALLY like these and know you’ll eat them, then sign up for Amazon’s Subscribe & Save program (which can be cancelled at any time) to have them regularly shipped to your home. Yes, you’ll be asked for your credit card and you will be charged automatically at the next shipment, but you can choose to have it shipped in 1-6 months intervals, whatever’s convenient for you. Plus, you’ll save an extra 15% on your order, meaning you’ll get these for $2.19/box! Shipping is always FREE with Subscribe & Save as well.
Just a thought for those who like to think outside the grocery store box.
Go HERE to see this deal.