Grab a nice deal on 7-Up, Sunkist, or Squirt 2-liters at Publix thru tomorrow (or Wednesday, depending on your sales cycle) by grab this BOGO 7UP®, Squirt®, Sunkist® 2 L (Regular, Diet or TEN, any flavor) coupon from the new Get the Savings! Flyer “Family Celebrations” (I posted the full list of coupons HERE). It’s BOGO at Publix which means you can do the following deal thru 9/9 or 9/10:
Buy two 7-Up, Sunkist or Squirt 2 Liters, BOGO $2.09 for two
Minus one BOGO 7UP®, Squirt®, Sunkist® 2 L (Regular, Diet or TEN, any flavor)
Total Due: FREE!
The coupon at the bottom right hand corner of the page – they’re all in Spanish but they print in English. 🙂
Go HERE to print your coupon.
Thanks i heart publix!
- Check out other Publix Deals while you’re on Addicted to Saving.
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