I received an email from Blockbuster with the great one-day FREE Rental Code. This code is valid through the end of the day today (Monday, September 13th). Use the code START to receive your free rental. Also, below is a couple of other codes that will still work to get your FREE movies. I have tested all of them out online today, September 13th and removed all of the expired codes. Go Here to find a Blockbuster Express Kiosk near you! Also – these codes should work once per credit or debit card. If you have any new codes, let me know and I will update this list!
FREE Rental with Code START (valid through 11:59 pm EST 9/13/10) FREE Rental with Code GT17AFREE Blockbuster Kiosk Rental Codes
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I used the START code but was still charged. Did anyone else have this happen?